Well the outside of the log cabin looks very nice. I wish you would have added photos of the inside. That would have been much nicer. The layout in the inside makes a big difference
Let me guess: the owners don't want anyone seeing the inside. Sell sight unseen or private showing only? Guess they think the lake is going to see it. Well this is Nov. 2021 so what's the update. I'll also guess there's wood paneling, big chunky wooden stair railings and the requisite deer antler chandelier?
How in the world do you do this nice drone video touting this property with NO video of the inside? Bizarre.
Well the outside of the log cabin looks very nice. I wish you would have added photos of the inside. That would have been much nicer. The layout in the inside makes a big difference
I would enjoy a tour of the houses?
No pictures of the layout of the inside and furnature that is included in the price.
Not an “estate” by any stretch, but a nice medium sized log home by a lake with walk out stone basement, nicely isolated by Miles of woodlands.
Just gorgeous
What a waste of video. Not a single interior shot, not one?
How is the fishing? What species of fish? Any boating restrictions?
No interior pics???
Too much time from drone video. Awesome property, how about the house - how can u b so negligent
Very nice piece of property! What’s the asking price? And is lake totally private? Didn’t quite make it out in the video. It’s a little blurry!
Cual es el presio
Let me guess: the owners don't want anyone seeing the inside. Sell sight unseen or private showing only? Guess they think the lake is going to see it. Well this is Nov. 2021 so what's the update. I'll also guess there's wood paneling, big chunky wooden stair railings and the requisite deer antler chandelier?
Is it still for sale
Ask price is $5.6 million
terrible landscaping. lot location, position of the house. only thing I like is 442 acres
Huge dislike!!!!! No interior view...like previous comment said VERY bizarre and unappealing
Price please