Professor Pardal you are absolutely an engineering artist, creating from scrap metal and junk geniousley simple and well working gadget with very basic tools. This is the highest expression of human creativity and civilization. I think you are far ahead of time and that the future is in small decentralized local empowered communities and not big cities. Locally empowered creative engineering will become more and more important for survival of future of whole planet. Many blessings for you and your whole family from Tasmania.🙏💫✨🌳🌾☀️
Nicely done. Just a few additional steps left: 1. Redirect the steam output to a condenser & add it back into your boiler to recycle it 2. Load test your system to determine the maximum power that it can generate 3. Determine the fuel consumption at that maximum output level 4. Calculate the efficiency of your power generation system. 5. Upload that info here for everyone to see. Thanks for sharing!
Жалко огорчать: велосипед изобрели! У паровоза, поршни- ДВОЙНОГО действия! Овализация деталей поршневой группы- минимальна, и была такой, пока- делали паровозы! 90 лет существует схема ПОВЫШЕНИЯ мощности поршневого двигателя в 59% на единицу объёма с ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВАМИ паровоза и двигателя внутреннего сгорания! Для ПОДНЯТИЯ мощности этого двигателя на 27%, 1 цилиндр- ЛИШНИЙ! Дочтаточно- заменить шатуны ШТОКАМИ, сила трения, между поршнем и цилиндром- снизится, РЕСУРС деталей поршневой группы- ВОЗРАСТЁТ в 5-7 РАЗ! НЕ НАДЁЖНЫЙ, МАЛОЭФФЕКТИВНЫЙ одноступенчатый турбонаддув, ЗАБРАКОВАННЫЙ в 194...году в ВВС СССР- перестанет радовать владельцев: ЕСТЬ ДВУСТУПЕНЧАТЫЙ наддув: испытан- одновременно, НЕ имеет- повышающей ВРЕДНОЕ для ДВС, давление выпуска- ГАЗОВОЙ турбины! И подобный наддув- устарел: давление наддува- реально УВЕЛИЧИТЬ, при этом- СОКРАТИВ расход топлива!...
@stasstas8872 I'm not so sure about that. an off the grid family home or small workshop. One important thing here is that it could run on wood waste or other scraps. I have heard of external combustion steam engines running on dried animal droppings.
Oi meu nome é Vinicius esse motor a vapor radial ficou muito bom mesmo você é muito inteligente mesmo eu gostei de ver o seu talento construindo motores a vapor show de bola mesmo
Wonderful example of design 'on-the-hoof. ' Excellent performance in every aspect. Just need to insulate those cooling fins on the cylinders. Although made from scrap parts it looks likely to work happily for many years. Well done Sir !
No it will not work for long, guess what happens to lubricate in bearings after taking that heat from welding. And replace them is not easy. Just for demonstration purpose is ok.
@@СергейВолченков-к6э Что мы можем сделать, когда оказываемся перед правительством, которое убивает своих оппонентов, затыкает рот прессе, отправляет секретных агентов в Великобританию травить беженцев? правительство, которое «вернуло» Крым в 14 году, несмотря на российские подписи, и которое солгало нам в 2021 году, незадолго до Рождества. Вы действительно верите, что эта война нас рассмешит? огромные потрясения во Франции и во всей Западной Европе? попытки сорвать выборы на деньги, одолженные клану Лепен? в то время как более 20 лет назад мы мечтали об отношениях с богатой и мирной Россией, ассоциированной с ЕС.
Все врут, говорят одно, а делают другое. Не знаю ни одного человека, который не врёт, даже я иногда. Мы зло и так и будем жить пока каждый не изменится.
VC é o Cara professor , muito conhecimento e inteligente, parabéns pelos vídeos, fico admirado pelas construções , ...realizadas , olhando até parece fácil mas não é . parabéns mesmo
Muito louco professor pardal ficou da hora demais, se quiser pôr para carregar uma bateria no motorzinho de overboard dá para usar um controlador retificador de tensão da CBX Twister, ligando os três fio amarelo direto nos três fios do motor do overboard ele carrega a bateria rapidão
O cara é fera demais. Não é pra qualquer um fazer um desses. Eu lembro que o Iberê do Manual do mundo tentou fazer um e teve até ajuda dos engenheiros da Petrobrás e mesmo assim não funcionou
@@professorpardalbrasil Eu tenho um fascínio por esses motores e fico pesquisando. O último carro a vapor a caldeira era pequena de uns 20 litros e chegava a 700 graus em 30 segundos, queimando querosene. A água em circuito fechado fazendo condensação. O carro andava em velocidade normal das estradas, com até 100Kmh. Não tinha marcha, mas o vapor tem um fenômeno interessante que ele nunca para. Apenas reduz a velocidade e continua com mais força. Funciona como um câmbio CVT natural e o carro também subia ladeiras de forma natural. O carro também já se parecia com um carro moderno a gasolina. Pesquise aí: 1925 Doble E-20 Steam Car - Jay Leno's Garage. É top demais
Unbelievably impressive engineering and fabricating! I also love that the video has nice quiet music and no talking, product placements, or nonsensical filler. Just straight building. Love it!
Boa!!! Se posso lhe dar uma dica: monte uma serpentina para captar todos os vapores de saída e monte um ventoinha na parte traseira para resfriar essa serpentina e no final dela terá boa parte da água devolta.
Dizer o que? Vendo esse trabalho e o mesmo que pegar uma tela em branco aguardando as cores do arco-íris...quantos benefícios esse trabalho pode trazer para as pessoas? Maravilhoso, parabéns senhor!
Un Genio, excelente trabajo así debe ser la fuerza que ejerce, importante para usar en diversos trabajo. Desde Ecuador Manta a pesar que soy Cubano. Felicitaciones amigo, éxito en todos sus emprendimientos. Dios le bendiga muchísimo. MARANATHA CRISTO VIENE YA, AMÉN.
Bravo mi ricorda quando a 15 anni costruii il mi primo prototipo utilizzando un motore di una vespa 200, che soddisfazione, grazie dell'emozione che mi hai fatto venire in mente.
Um misto de alegria e tristeza ao ver vídeo como esse, que amo assisti-los. Mas alegria óbvia de ver um brasileiro, meu irmão de pátria desenvolver algo tão fantástico e tão útil em inúmeras situações como as dos constantes "apagões" energéticos que vivemos no Brasil. Além disso, pode tornar muitas famílias rurais independentes da energia elétrica tradicionalmente distribuída pelas empresas que arrancam nosso "couro" todos os meses. Mas a tristeza se dá em ver os governantes do país darem às costas para um povo tão inteligente e capaz. E não importa se o governo é de esquerda, direita, de cima ou de baixo, o comportamento é sempre o mesmo. O povo é relegado à falta de educação e o suporte necessário à vida. Trabalhamos 4 meses do ano, apenas para pagar impostos e o retorno é ínfimo. Imagino se tivéssemos um governo que investisse em educação, formação técnica e o suporte necessário que precisamos. Parabéns Professor Pardal! Mestre! A mixture of joy and sadness when I see a video like this, which I love to watch. But I am obviously happy to see a Brazilian, my brother from the same country, develop something so fantastic and so useful in countless situations such as the constant power outages we experience in Brazil. In addition, it can make many rural families independent of the electricity traditionally distributed by the companies that rip us off every month. But the sadness comes from seeing the country's leaders turn their backs on such an intelligent and capable people. And it doesn't matter if the government is left-wing, right-wing, from above or below, the behavior is always the same. The people are relegated to a lack of education and the support necessary for life. We work 4 months of the year, just to pay taxes and the return is minimal. I wonder if we had a government that invested in education, technical training and the necessary support we need. Congratulations Professor Pardal! Master!
Parabéns 🇧🇷 professor. Sou seu fã. Pensa bem, nesse Brasil ão, onde, muitas vezes a luz some por 3,4, vários dias! A família tem um burjao de água e serpentina acoplado no fogão a lenha! Melhora bem a qualidade de vida dessas pessoas! Parabéns 😊
great work. next enhancement is redirecting the steam to the tank, so, you do not need to update the water too often. then you need an endless supply of fuel. perhaps disel fuel will do. then you can compare the peice of fuel and watt/h that you generate to price of network electricity. then you see it might be even economical to reduce your network cost, or even cut it. either way, building this was a fun activity.
Отличная идея! Исполнение супер! К паровому котлу надо добавить водомерную трубку высокого давления, и водяной насос высокого давления, для подачи воды в котёл. Получится паровая машина непрерывного действия. 😊
Pardal, estava sentindo falta dos seus vídeos magníficos. Pensei, será que ele está virando um tico-tico??? Parabéns, o Brasil precisa de pessoas como voce...!!!!
Depois falham que nao tem brasileiros que queran pensar ....e que nao permitem que a gente pense .....porque nao e conveniente para os grandes investidores donos do mundo ......parabeims sempre arrasando como de costume nao pensei que fose tao elaborado incrivel ......continua ...que DEUS te proteja amem ...
Absolutely brilliant! I developed a steam turbine power plant system for an Island Power Group some years ago. We first tried experimenting with a Tesla Turbine,and found it would spin up to very high rpm`s,but would not support a load put on it. We instead used a Parson`s Type Turbine. Since it was designed for powering Third World villages we developed a "moonshine" still and used sorghum ethanol as fuel,because the Islander`s grew Sorghum. The exhaust smelled like baking fruit pies! It was very quiet,just a pleasant hum,unlike the bloody gas or diesel generators that are noisy,even though they are muffled. We had a steam condenser to recirculate the water to steam, then steam to water cycle. We also used a programmable logic array to control steam and rpm`s geared down to 3600 rpm`s for the genset. These were small enough to through in the back of a small pickup and produced 100 KW. We need this guy for consultation!
Можно даже станок с вращением шпинделя токарный сделать. Удивительное изобретение, трудоёмкое, но интересное. Можно и электричество вырабатывать. Крутотень.машину можно создать на паровой тяге..
А еще можно на колеса электромобиля генераторы поставить, и использовать это электричество для вращения мотора. Вечный двигатель! Бесплатное электричество!
Excelente máquina para mover algún molino producir energía con el dinamo que le perfecta máquina qué has hecho y gracias por compartir tu video bendiciones para ti y todos tus seguidores
I will say that it is very impressive considering how you just slapped it all together. I was expecting a lot more vibration, but that thing is Rock Solid. It's great that it can run at such a low speed. You could easily incorporate that into a kitchen. You can only imagine what you could do putting a big old flywheel on it
Tem que fazer uma caldeira flash steam e voar de paraglider a vapor duvido que o pardal não almejou tal feito!
5 месяцев назад+1
100 SACI O NAW !!! Fico imaginando a força transferida para o eixo central! Deve tocar tranquilamente uma serra circular por exemplo. Parece até aqueles motores de aeroplanos antigos😅 Muito bom 👍 Parabéns 👏
PROFESSOR! If you want to make a much higher efficacy steam engine you must use suction! A sealed heat exchanger in a sealed exhaust chamber This cools the steam just enough to turn back into a liquid This already hot water is then pumped back into the boiler This is also the way to greatly reduce water consumption I know this was done on at least one of the very last steam cars Jay Leno has a car that works this way I cant find info on this type of steam engine but it had to have been used in power plants also If your going to make steam engines why not find out just how efficient they can be? Gas/diesel engines are NOT very efficient You might be able to make a steam engine that beats them both in efficiency! NOW THAT'S A VIDEO THAT WILL GET MILLIONS OF VIEWS
condensors only purpose on reciprocating engines is the recycling of the water. to have a vacuum on the exhaust of a piston based steam engine REDUCES efficiency. a turbine is an utterly different beast that performs the most work from steam when its below atmospheric pressure... but in a piston engine this vacuum produces no useful force, as its now the ATMOSPHERE acting on the other side of the piston. then theres the little point about clearance volumes, recompressing that volume so steam isnt wasted in simply filling it again on every cycle... if theres a vacuum in the cylinder it not only has nothing to recompress, but also requires MORE steam than it otherwise would. the simplest way to increase the efficiency here is to just rip the fins off the cylinders and either wrap them in insulation, or as is traditionally done... jackets filled with live steam from the boiler. and nothing will ever solve the issue that the heat required to boil water is lost in the condensor and cannot be recovered. the only useful energy is the heat applied to the steam AFTER it has boiled, not the heat used to BOIL the water... which amounts to 80% of the fuel being wasted, no matter what you do.. all standard steam engineering principles, that if you opened a book upon steam engineering would become apparent, sadly, such books are hard to find and most have ended up being thrown away rather than treasured as valuable sources of hard-earned knowledge.
It makes me laugh every time, whatever master piece people create on RUclips there is always some keyboard warrior that knows better! Why don't don't you make a steam engine and show us all how it really should be done instead of questioning and being patronising towards other people's awesome creations!!
@@davidshelton876 some of these keyboard warriors are too busy actually WORKING and building teh machines that drive your comfortable lifestyle to bother worrying about "views" and "ad revenue". if you dont want to educate yourself, but revel in ignorance, so be it. i suggested opening books on steam engineering, and learning some of the basics. then you yourself may find such content and "creations" to be anything BUT awesome. sure, i give credit for making one run, but... so what? people have been building steam engines for 300 or more years. without the benefit of accumulated knowledge, or even electric lightbulbs or power driven machine tools. they had a NEED. obviously self education is distasteful to you? or, having any form of knowledge on subjects that have been well documented for at least two centuries of human development?
Now that is neat as all get out! Well done sir, very well done! This is why i still watch RUclips. I watch a lot of crap and then something like this comes along!!! Thank you for sharing!!!
I remember when my dad and I built a steam engine with a little briggs and stratton motor. It was so cool to see it run after all the hard work we put into converting it. The radial design is awesome work.
This is extremely impressive given the equipment available. I could probably have made one of these when I was working...using a lathe, mill, power hacksaw, dial gauges, micrometer, vernier caliper, aluminium casting facility for the big end assemblies, heat treatment oven, and handing parts over to a welder for assembly. Oh, and here I would need to get a test certificate for the boiler.
Professor Pardal you are absolutely an engineering artist, creating from scrap metal and junk geniousley simple and well working gadget with very basic tools.
This is the highest expression of human creativity and civilization.
I think you are far ahead of time and that the future is in small decentralized local empowered communities and not big cities.
Locally empowered creative engineering will become more and more important for survival of future of whole planet.
Many blessings for you and your whole family from Tasmania.🙏💫✨🌳🌾☀️
Travail impressionnant, bravo !
Duże miasta (Bruksela) robią wszystko aby zniszczyć lokalsów nie tylko w Europie.
Nicely done. Just a few additional steps left:
1. Redirect the steam output to a condenser & add it back into your boiler to recycle it
2. Load test your system to determine the maximum power that it can generate
3. Determine the fuel consumption at that maximum output level
4. Calculate the efficiency of your power generation system.
5. Upload that info here for everyone to see.
Thanks for sharing!
Жалко огорчать: велосипед изобрели! У паровоза, поршни- ДВОЙНОГО действия! Овализация деталей поршневой группы- минимальна, и была такой, пока- делали паровозы! 90 лет существует схема ПОВЫШЕНИЯ мощности поршневого двигателя в 59% на единицу объёма с ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВАМИ паровоза и двигателя внутреннего сгорания! Для ПОДНЯТИЯ мощности этого двигателя на 27%, 1 цилиндр- ЛИШНИЙ! Дочтаточно- заменить шатуны ШТОКАМИ, сила трения, между поршнем и цилиндром- снизится, РЕСУРС деталей поршневой группы- ВОЗРАСТЁТ в 5-7 РАЗ! НЕ НАДЁЖНЫЙ, МАЛОЭФФЕКТИВНЫЙ одноступенчатый турбонаддув, ЗАБРАКОВАННЫЙ в 194...году в ВВС СССР- перестанет радовать владельцев: ЕСТЬ ДВУСТУПЕНЧАТЫЙ наддув: испытан- одновременно, НЕ имеет- повышающей ВРЕДНОЕ для ДВС, давление выпуска- ГАЗОВОЙ турбины! И подобный наддув- устарел: давление наддува- реально УВЕЛИЧИТЬ, при этом- СОКРАТИВ расход топлива!...
Sería interesante ver un diseño tuyo @@Лигр-м3ы
@@Лигр-м3ы This guy is a GENIOUS PERIOD...!!! Keep drinking Russian cheap vodka and shut up..!! Viva Brazil!!!!
@stasstas8872 I'm not so sure about that. an off the grid family home or small workshop. One important thing here is that it could run on wood waste or other scraps. I have heard of external combustion steam engines running on dried animal droppings.
@stasstas8872 Хотелось- понять!...
Oi meu nome é Vinicius esse motor a vapor radial ficou muito bom mesmo você é muito inteligente mesmo eu gostei de ver o seu talento construindo motores a vapor show de bola mesmo
Paluch w górę za wiedzę umiejętności i chęci . 👍Dobra robota . Pozdrawiam z Polski .
Skvělá práce z domácí výroby. Brzy budeme potřebovat.
Wonderful example of design 'on-the-hoof. ' Excellent performance in every aspect. Just need to insulate those cooling fins on the cylinders. Although made from scrap parts it looks likely to work happily for many years. Well done Sir !
No it will not work for long, guess what happens to lubricate in bearings after taking that heat from welding. And replace them is not easy. Just for demonstration purpose is ok.
Coño me quito el sombrero 🤠.
Exelente Cómo todo lo que haces hermano.
Браво,это супер, восхищаюсь вашим произведением. Одного не хватает, это замеров мощности. Спасибо Вам. Привет из России
спасибо, В П.? Украинцы смогут черпать вдохновение из этого примера этой зимой благодаря спецоперации.
@@patrikcalloch7953 спасибо Зели нужно сказать, он на выборах говорил про мир, а сделал всё ради войны.
@@СергейВолченков-к6э Что мы можем сделать, когда оказываемся перед правительством, которое убивает своих оппонентов, затыкает рот прессе, отправляет секретных агентов в Великобританию травить беженцев?
правительство, которое «вернуло» Крым в 14 году, несмотря на российские подписи, и которое солгало нам в 2021 году, незадолго до Рождества.
Вы действительно верите, что эта война нас рассмешит? огромные потрясения во Франции и во всей Западной Европе? попытки сорвать выборы на деньги, одолженные клану Лепен?
в то время как более 20 лет назад мы мечтали об отношениях с богатой и мирной Россией, ассоциированной с ЕС.
Все врут, говорят одно, а делают другое. Не знаю ни одного человека, который не врёт, даже я иногда. Мы зло и так и будем жить пока каждый не изменится.
@@Komm22 тут я с вами не по спорю, поскольку война это всегда зло
Saubere Arbeit Professor Pardal.
Viele Grüße aus Deutschland👋
Que espetáculo, tem muitas mentes desperdiçadas mundo afora, parabéns ao criador deste motor caseiro, você é uma inspiração...
Show de bola amigo parabéns pelo teu belíssimo trabalho,
Forte abraço.
Excelente!!! Muchas gracias por compartir este maravilloso experimento!!! Abrazo desde Uruguay!!!
When I watched this, I saw my late father at work. He once built a Stirling engine out of scrap metal. Quite ingenious.
GENIAL, Con personas asi el mundo no va a retroceder nunca. Muy buen trabajo!!!
Que projeto incrível cara!!!
E é até bonito e prazeroso de se ver funcionando com este movimento e o som que ele faz.
exelente trabalho de um genio gostei toma meu like ai Professor Pardal BRASIL.
Eine wunderschöne Geschichte vom Aufbau und am Ende gibt es Energie für das Heim. Toll gemacht.
спасибо, В П.? Украинцы смогут черпать вдохновение из этого примера этой зимой благодаря спецоперации.
VC é o Cara professor , muito conhecimento e inteligente, parabéns pelos vídeos, fico admirado pelas construções , ...realizadas , olhando até parece fácil mas não é . parabéns mesmo
Muito louco professor pardal ficou da hora demais, se quiser pôr para carregar uma bateria no motorzinho de overboard dá para usar um controlador retificador de tensão da CBX Twister, ligando os três fio amarelo direto nos três fios do motor do overboard ele carrega a bateria rapidão
Vou fazer isso Leandro , obrigado!
O cara é fera demais. Não é pra qualquer um fazer um desses. Eu lembro que o Iberê do Manual do mundo tentou fazer um e teve até ajuda dos engenheiros da Petrobrás e mesmo assim não funcionou
@@professorpardalbrasil Eu tenho um fascínio por esses motores e fico pesquisando. O último carro a vapor a caldeira era pequena de uns 20 litros e chegava a 700 graus em 30 segundos, queimando querosene. A água em circuito fechado fazendo condensação. O carro andava em velocidade normal das estradas, com até 100Kmh. Não tinha marcha, mas o vapor tem um fenômeno interessante que ele nunca para. Apenas reduz a velocidade e continua com mais força. Funciona como um câmbio CVT natural e o carro também subia ladeiras de forma natural. O carro também já se parecia com um carro moderno a gasolina. Pesquise aí: 1925 Doble E-20 Steam Car - Jay Leno's Garage. É top demais
@@professorpardalbrasilсильно большая конструкция для выработки всего 30 ватт
У меня двигатель 100 грамм выдает 550-600 ватт мощности.
Unbelievably impressive engineering and fabricating! I also love that the video has nice quiet music and no talking, product placements, or nonsensical filler. Just straight building. Love it!
Boa!!! Se posso lhe dar uma dica: monte uma serpentina para captar todos os vapores de saída e monte um ventoinha na parte traseira para resfriar essa serpentina e no final dela terá boa parte da água devolta.
Absolutamente FANTASTICO! Para quem ama ELETRICA E MECANICA como eu isso é um filme. parabens
Dizer o que? Vendo esse trabalho e o mesmo que pegar uma tela em branco aguardando as cores do arco-íris...quantos benefícios esse trabalho pode trazer para as pessoas? Maravilhoso, parabéns senhor!
An absolute beauty, Professor!!! Kudos for your simplicity and execution of the project❤❤
Parabéns, muito legal como você demonstra como fabricar algo tão interessante com simplicidade!!!!!
Un Genio, excelente trabajo así debe ser la fuerza que ejerce, importante para usar en diversos trabajo.
Desde Ecuador Manta a pesar que soy Cubano.
Felicitaciones amigo, éxito en todos sus emprendimientos.
Dios le bendiga muchísimo.
Bravo mi ricorda quando a 15 anni costruii il mi primo prototipo utilizzando un motore di una vespa 200, che soddisfazione, grazie dell'emozione che mi hai fatto venire in mente.
Parabéns, uma criatividade Bárbara e um domínio construtivo.
Parabéns professor Pardal Deus te abençoe sempre ❤
Um misto de alegria e tristeza ao ver vídeo como esse, que amo assisti-los. Mas alegria óbvia de ver um brasileiro, meu irmão de pátria desenvolver algo tão fantástico e tão útil em inúmeras situações como as dos constantes "apagões" energéticos que vivemos no Brasil. Além disso, pode tornar muitas famílias rurais independentes da energia elétrica tradicionalmente distribuída pelas empresas que arrancam nosso "couro" todos os meses. Mas a tristeza se dá em ver os governantes do país darem às costas para um povo tão inteligente e capaz. E não importa se o governo é de esquerda, direita, de cima ou de baixo, o comportamento é sempre o mesmo. O povo é relegado à falta de educação e o suporte necessário à vida. Trabalhamos 4 meses do ano, apenas para pagar impostos e o retorno é ínfimo. Imagino se tivéssemos um governo que investisse em educação, formação técnica e o suporte necessário que precisamos. Parabéns Professor Pardal! Mestre!
A mixture of joy and sadness when I see a video like this, which I love to watch. But I am obviously happy to see a Brazilian, my brother from the same country, develop something so fantastic and so useful in countless situations such as the constant power outages we experience in Brazil. In addition, it can make many rural families independent of the electricity traditionally distributed by the companies that rip us off every month. But the sadness comes from seeing the country's leaders turn their backs on such an intelligent and capable people. And it doesn't matter if the government is left-wing, right-wing, from above or below, the behavior is always the same. The people are relegated to a lack of education and the support necessary for life. We work 4 months of the year, just to pay taxes and the return is minimal. I wonder if we had a government that invested in education, technical training and the necessary support we need. Congratulations Professor Pardal! Master!
Parabens pela sua inteligencia professor pardal que Deus o abençoe🙏🙏
بأبسط الأدوات تصنع آلات مبتكرة. هذه هي العبقرية. تحياتي من المغرب🇲🇦👍
1 gear & 6 piston
Khub sundor r khub valo you discover valuable things for electricity verry help ful msaine thanks for creativeity
Parabéns pelo conhecimento e aplicação das maquinas movidas à vapor
Parabéns 🇧🇷 professor.
Sou seu fã.
Pensa bem, nesse Brasil ão, onde, muitas vezes a luz some por 3,4, vários dias!
A família tem um burjao de água e serpentina acoplado no fogão a lenha!
Melhora bem a qualidade de vida dessas pessoas!
Parabéns 😊
This video made me smile. Very Impressive engineering skills. Genius. Well done professor!
Que vídeo inteligente que invento clássico e útil ao mestre todo admiração e respeito 👏👏👏👍
great work. next enhancement is redirecting the steam to the tank, so, you do not need to update the water too often. then you need an endless supply of fuel. perhaps disel fuel will do. then you can compare the peice of fuel and watt/h that you generate to price of network electricity. then you see it might be even economical to reduce your network cost, or even cut it. either way, building this was a fun activity.
Wow. Your knowledge of how a steam chest valve works and design is spot on! Excellent!
انا احب هاد القانة. الهديفة انا تشراح لنا الاشياء القديمة لمهندسين الااقدمي وتعد احياء الصناعة القديمة
Parabéns, ficou muito legal. Um forte abraço
Отличная идея! Исполнение супер! К паровому котлу надо добавить водомерную трубку высокого давления, и водяной насос высокого давления, для подачи воды в котёл. Получится паровая машина непрерывного действия. 😊
А якби неандертальцю який бекає на козлячесвинособачому діалекті добавати щей мізків, то може б і людина вийшла.....🤔
Самолет на дровах летать будет👍😂😂😂
Дров больше сожжёшь чем электричемтва получишь😢😢😢
В условиях бп норм,топлива виде овна и палок много
Еще бронзовые втулки в шатунные шейки
Você é um ótimo gênio das invenções, mais tops da internet. Gosto muito.
Pardal, estava sentindo falta dos seus vídeos magníficos. Pensei, será que ele está virando um tico-tico??? Parabéns, o Brasil precisa de pessoas como voce...!!!!
Muito top! Parabéns meu amigo! 👏👏👏
Depois falham que nao tem brasileiros que queran pensar ....e que nao permitem que a gente pense .....porque nao e conveniente para os grandes investidores donos do mundo ......parabeims sempre arrasando como de costume nao pensei que fose tao elaborado incrivel ......continua ...que DEUS te proteja amem ...
Excellent engineering Well balanced, hardly no shaking.
Deus, abençoe jovem por sua capacidade.
Glória a Deus por uma inteligência assim. O cara fez isto tudo sem um torno e uma fresa. Imagina se tivesse como ficaria. Parabéns.
Absolutely brilliant! I developed a steam turbine power plant system for an Island Power Group some years ago.
We first tried experimenting with a Tesla Turbine,and found it would spin up to very high rpm`s,but would not support a load put on it.
We instead used a Parson`s Type Turbine.
Since it was designed for powering Third World villages we developed a "moonshine" still and used sorghum ethanol as fuel,because the Islander`s grew Sorghum.
The exhaust smelled like baking fruit pies!
It was very quiet,just a pleasant hum,unlike the bloody gas or diesel generators that are noisy,even though they are muffled.
We had a steam condenser to recirculate the water to steam, then steam to water cycle.
We also used a programmable logic array to control steam and rpm`s geared down to 3600 rpm`s for the genset.
These were small enough to through in the back of a small pickup and produced 100 KW.
We need this guy for consultation!
Fantástico muito bom
Parabéns amigo 🤝
Esse professor pardal e fera 👍 like
Muito bom mesmo
Aí pra roça que não ten energia e muito bom
@@cleidistonebezerradesouza verdade
O melhor do Brasil o fera da criação ou sistema melhorado das máquinas gosto muito de ver seus vídeos, parabéns professor
ficou chique no ultimo parabens amigo show
Parabéns! Genial! Implemente uma função prática em sua casa usando esse motor e seu trabalho ficará ainda mais incrível.
Isso é uma ideia brilhante ! Meus parabéns 🎈 desde Cambuí mg. Gilberto .
Можно даже станок с вращением шпинделя токарный сделать. Удивительное изобретение, трудоёмкое, но интересное. Можно и электричество вырабатывать. Крутотень.машину можно создать на паровой тяге..
Какой на фиг станок, если он колесо легко рукой останавливает. Мощность этой конструкции от силы 100 Вт, КПД максимум 5%.
А еще можно на колеса электромобиля генераторы поставить, и использовать это электричество для вращения мотора. Вечный двигатель! Бесплатное электричество!
Для выработки электричества лучше стирлинг сделать, этот дает мало мощности, требует воды и проработает не долго.
Excelente máquina para mover algún molino producir energía con el dinamo que le perfecta máquina qué has hecho y gracias por compartir tu video bendiciones para ti y todos tus seguidores
I will say that it is very impressive considering how you just slapped it all together.
I was expecting a lot more vibration, but that thing is Rock Solid.
It's great that it can run at such a low speed.
You could easily incorporate that into a kitchen.
You can only imagine what you could do putting a big old flywheel on it
And cook your food simultaneously.
I think accurate measuring instruments ( angles, lengths positions) were used but not shown in the video.
@@IrishSchallerAm sure of this too. He wants to make it look easy when it's actually top notch engineering
Machinist here! Very nice. Rough, but still you got it all pretty smooth without major machine tools. Nice job on measuring!
@@frosthoe mais um inscrito
Здравствуйте, всё гениальное просто, только обязательно нужна система смазки,иначи движок рано или поздно заклинит.Класс!
Enquanto muitos estão se matando por causa de políticuzinhos de estimação eu estou apreciando a mentalidade brilhante do professor Pardal .
Pal no teu colo. Poha!
Bolsonaro 2026
Faz o L 🙌🏼
Top demais, transformar esse motor em uma ferramenta ou veículo pode ser tema de um projeto para o canal, que tem potencial de se tornar grande.
Tem que fazer uma caldeira flash steam e voar de paraglider a vapor
duvido que o pardal não almejou tal feito!
100 SACI O NAW !!!
Fico imaginando a força transferida para o eixo central!
Deve tocar tranquilamente uma serra circular por exemplo.
Parece até aqueles motores de aeroplanos antigos😅
Muito bom 👍
Parabéns 👏
Have you considered storing heat in a sand battery to use to heat up the water to make steam instead of having to burn wood?
essa idéia é boa, como funciona? gostaria de conhecer, quanto mais renovável melhor!
Parabéns, meu camarada. Além de um projeto fantástico, gravação e edição muito bem elaborada e bem feita.
PROFESSOR! If you want to make a much higher efficacy steam engine you must use suction! A sealed heat exchanger in a sealed exhaust chamber This cools the steam just enough to turn back into a liquid This already hot water is then pumped back into the boiler This is also the way to greatly reduce water consumption I know this was done on at least one of the very last steam cars Jay Leno has a car that works this way I cant find info on this type of steam engine but it had to have been used in power plants also If your going to make steam engines why not find out just how efficient they can be? Gas/diesel engines are NOT very efficient You might be able to make a steam engine that beats them both in efficiency! NOW THAT'S A VIDEO THAT WILL GET MILLIONS OF VIEWS
condensors only purpose on reciprocating engines is the recycling of the water.
to have a vacuum on the exhaust of a piston based steam engine REDUCES efficiency.
a turbine is an utterly different beast that performs the most work from steam when its below atmospheric pressure... but in a piston engine this vacuum produces no useful force, as its now the ATMOSPHERE acting on the other side of the piston.
then theres the little point about clearance volumes, recompressing that volume so steam isnt wasted in simply filling it again on every cycle... if theres a vacuum in the cylinder it not only has nothing to recompress, but also requires MORE steam than it otherwise would.
the simplest way to increase the efficiency here is to just rip the fins off the cylinders and either wrap them in insulation, or as is traditionally done... jackets filled with live steam from the boiler.
and nothing will ever solve the issue that the heat required to boil water is lost in the condensor and cannot be recovered. the only useful energy is the heat applied to the steam AFTER it has boiled, not the heat used to BOIL the water... which amounts to 80% of the fuel being wasted, no matter what you do..
all standard steam engineering principles, that if you opened a book upon steam engineering would become apparent, sadly, such books are hard to find and most have ended up being thrown away rather than treasured as valuable sources of hard-earned knowledge.
It makes me laugh every time, whatever master piece people create on RUclips there is always some keyboard warrior that knows better! Why don't don't you make a steam engine and show us all how it really should be done instead of questioning and being patronising towards other people's awesome creations!!
@@davidshelton876 some of these keyboard warriors are too busy actually WORKING and building teh machines that drive your comfortable lifestyle to bother worrying about "views" and "ad revenue".
if you dont want to educate yourself, but revel in ignorance, so be it.
i suggested opening books on steam engineering, and learning some of the basics. then you yourself may find such content and "creations" to be anything
BUT awesome.
sure, i give credit for making one run, but... so what? people have been building steam engines for 300 or more years. without the benefit of accumulated knowledge, or even electric lightbulbs or power driven machine tools. they had a NEED.
obviously self education is distasteful to you?
or, having any form of knowledge on subjects that have been well documented for at least two centuries of human development?
¡¡Genial!! Las aplicaciones son ilimitadas, gracias por compartir. Él Creador te bendiga.
Decirte bravo Señor 👍 me gusta tu maquina
Parabéns, depois que vi que é um canal brasileiro fiquei mais impressionado.
Parabéns top de mais. Faz uma adaptação para reutilizar esse vapor que perde e transformar em água de nova.
Now that is neat as all get out! Well done sir, very well done! This is why i still watch RUclips. I watch a lot of crap and then something like this comes along!!! Thank you for sharing!!!
E o danado ficou na lenta perfeito meu muito obrigado por trazer esse vídeo top demais
Esse aí tem talento parabéns Deus abençoe.
Félicitations, je peux dire que c'est votre meilleur projet.
Gostei do que vi e vou continuar a ver outros vídeos para compreender o sistema ❤❤🙏
ficou top demais, quem me dera eu com um motor desse na minha chácara, seria um sonho realizado, parabéns vc é um gênio ❤
I remember when my dad and I built a steam engine with a little briggs and stratton motor. It was so cool to see it run after all the hard work we put into converting it. The radial design is awesome work.
Muito bom, já dá pra iluminaria no meio do mato, acredito com a redução certa da pra implementos elétricos varios, parabéns
Fornecendo energia enel melhor que a enel no Brasil kkkkk Projeto show de bola, parabéns
This is really some technical work, well done, also what a beautiful choice about the radial engine.
Simply brilliant work, sir! Amazing ideal to make a steam radial engine, like the old aircraft engines, but steam instead of gas!! Cheers!!😁👍🔧🛠️
This skillful atlantian has come back again in this lifetime. I'll meet him again in my next incarnation. Fantastic job👍❤️
Great work! Shows someone doesn't need a foundry or machine shop to make a great steam engine.
Professor Pardal é a tradução de uma ideia somada a sustentabilidade. Parabéns por nos proporcionar a criação do zero de suas invenções.
Muito bom parabéns, espero atualizações do seu projeto, ja sou inscrito
Genialidade é privilégio de poucos. Parabéns!!!!
Que genial e o som do motor é bonito de se ver
Muito interessante e inteligente... Parabéns 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Top!! Top!!! Parabéns 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
This is extremely impressive given the equipment available. I could probably have made one of these when I was working...using a lathe, mill, power hacksaw, dial gauges, micrometer, vernier caliper, aluminium casting facility for the big end assemblies, heat treatment oven, and handing parts over to a welder for assembly. Oh, and here I would need to get a test certificate for the boiler.
Eres un genio Pardal, saludos desde Chile🇨🇱👍
Um cara desses não fica sem energia nunca, parabéns
Zdravím z Česka. Bravo! To je pro tecjnika přímo porno! Palec nahoru 😉
Mechanical art in action, the valves, timing and counterweight to perfection, smooth operation and at very slow speed. Impressive
Que vídeo foda Professor👏🏼❤ Criatividade Infinita 👏🏼
Parabéns pelo trabalho 👏👏👏👏
Professor esse projeto merece ser montado sobre rodas por favor 🙏🏼 nós merecemos
one of the coolest builds I’ve ever seen. Bravo!