The mini Jamie is a great everyday and errands bag but like you mention the bag does flip over on its own sometimes. It’s never done that when I’m wearing it thank goodness but I would be so annoyed if it did that while I was carrying it
I think it flips more when I wear it on one shoulder vs across my body. You are so lucky you don’t have that problem I’ve lost too many credit cards from it 😂😂😂
Cute collection!
Thank you!! 😊
The mini Jamie is a great everyday and errands bag but like you mention the bag does flip over on its own sometimes. It’s never done that when I’m wearing it thank goodness but I would be so annoyed if it did that while I was carrying it
I think it flips more when I wear it on one shoulder vs across my body. You are so lucky you don’t have that problem I’ve lost too many credit cards from it 😂😂😂