VICE News Tonight went to Denmark to ask how this soft-touch approach could get Europe’s top-drinking teens to change their ways. WATCH NEXT: How Scotland Is Trying To Solve Its Alcoholism Problem -
Kudos for the Video clip! Sorry for the intrusion, I am interested in your opinion. Have you thought about - Saankramer Life Card System (should be on google have a look)? It is an awesome one off guide for learning how to stop drinking without the normal expense. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my m8 after many years got great success with it.
Just because the U.S for example has the drinking age at 21 doesn’t mean teenagers don’t heavily drink still, it’s just hidden and seen as shameful, while in these countries they are actually doing it in a place where people can make sure it stays safe, don’t see the problem tbh, if anything the U.S should relax
Andrew if your child doesn’t know not to drink and drive than your child is just stupid 👀 can’t punish the majority for the minority, I’m just saying. Also yes, I would love better public transport, but until we have as good as it is in Denmark where you don’t NEED a car to get across the city safely, than we can talk.
Funny you should mention road accidents. Despite the over-inflated drinking age and even the laws against crossing the road when and how you want, the chances of dying in a crash are still considerably higher in the US than Europe. It doesn't really make sense to call America the "land of the free", when you're willing to trade that freedom for very mediocre results.
@@A-rk3dn No because when people drink at a younger age they have more experience with handling alchohol so they know what they are and are not capable of doing, ie drink driving If you decrease the driving age and have a high drinking age, kids think they have experience driving so they think alcohol wont affect them because they dont know how alcohol affects them due to not having experience.
@@A-rk3dn You can drive when you're 17 in Denmark if you have a parent with you. There's some more rules to it, and it's a pretty new thing. Just fyi.
@@adonaiyah2196 I can perfectly understand PR, but im having difficulty understanding cockney. tbh, PR sounds just like american english with little bit a twist. cockney sounds completely different.
I see no drinking problem here. If anything, this is a solution. See, these kids even though they're only teens and drunk af, aren't afraid to call their parents if they are unable to drive from a party because they will not be shamed for it or possibly arrested if caught by U.S authorities. They're even bilingual !! This proves that if the drinking age is lowered to 16, American society wouldn't shame it's "underage" drinkers and medical staff should be readily available at parties too !! This would prevent alcohol poisoning deaths and would encourage a healthy drinking life !! These kids seem totally fine to me.
It's normal here in Denmark for parents to pick up their kids after parties. When I was a teenager and phoned home to get picked up, my dad always answered by saying: "Dad's taxi service". Once another girl got the wrong number. First he thought it was me but the adress she mentioned was all wrong. She then told him that she wondered why he didn't answer with "Cinderella's carriage ride" as her dad used to.
Look how well behaved they are and friendly. Just generally having a good time. If that was in London there would be stabbings and riots. They may be young but are wiser than the broadcaster makes out
Denmark kids might start drinking early, but overall Denmark does not really have a "drinking problem" with it's adults more than most other developed countries. And something can be said about a culture were at 16 your parents are your go-to for a sober driver without any problems. Growing up in America we of course drank and partied at the same age but none of us would ever want to call our parents for a ride. We would rather risk driving than call them. We would hide our drinking as much as we could and it would sometimes end disastrously. Over all Denmark really has it's shit together, especially with it's kids. I mean how many multi-lingual 16 year old Americans do you know?
Those 15 and 16 year olds are still developing their brains and bodies. Adding a chemical depressant to the developing nervous system on a regular basis will have consequences to some percentage of Danes. At least in USA you need to find an illegal way to obtain booze, which means more risk for you so more deterrent effect. I'm split on which system is better because entire population of Denmark can fit inside a single mediuim sized US city of 5 million, hardly a sample size equivalent to 300 million people in US.
@@offchance789 With that logic you shouldnt be drinking before you are 25 in most cases your brain and body as well are fully developed at that age. Im not defending drinking at a young age but that are a poor arguement.
Night I think the added danger to health makes it the responsibility of the older people to protect the youth. But, I drank when I was in high school and quickly out grew it.. however I have seen alcohol quickly destroy the lives of young adults when I lived in Guam and the drinking age was 18. It’s pretty sad.
We drink like crazy for 3 years during high school (it's only 3 years in Denmark). Then we drink less frequently in our 20's, and in general not a lot Danes have drinking problems later in life. We see it as a sort of drinking "education". I know it sounds awful, but in reality we get to know our limits, how to say no, what we like to drink etc. All with our parents ready to pick us up and help out. Not like it seems in America where teens hide their drinking from their parents.
Your right! Getting totally drunk and learning your limits is part of growing up. And also see how fucked up the day after is. So get drunk and learn something!
@@dachiller6028 yeah im 23 in america and i don't drink often because last time I got too drunk and when I woke up I couldnt stop throwing up and sweating,haha thought i was going to die of dehydration
We drank all the time as teenagers in the 90's. All we thought about was how to get beers, and how to lure girls to out parties. This is just more organized.
what has happened to vice? they used to documentaries about the use of dangerous drugs in Uganda and whatnot but now they are during ill representative videoes about Danish kids having fun and experimenting with alcohol in a safe and legal environment. what a shame.
What's wrong with the youth, not long ago I was at this age and it never occurred to me to go out into a field and drink myself stupid, I always preffered the quick and easy pharmaceutical nose candy
It's not really a problem as it's controlled most of the time and parents are aware of it. Overall we are very transparent in our drinking culture, and since we learn to drink at a young age, we also know how to behave when we're older and drunk
@@MrOpticBlade Denmark has none. In fact we don't have an age limit for buying alcohol, BUT there is an age limit for the store being allowed to sell it to you. When I was a child i was even allowed to taste beer, and both my sisters have tasted this soda kinda thing with alcohol in it we have here. I think we might just be pretty relaxed about it xD
Most people here in Danmark start drinking at the age of 13-15, but it’s mostly done in “safe” environments so house parties were sometimes the parents are home and the teenagers parents will drop them of and pick them up again when the party ends. We drink at our high school parties where there are teachers around, so it’s first when you hit 18 and are legal to go clubbing, that you are more on your own. We might start earlier than some other countries, but overall the drinking culture in Denmark is not irresponsible. You have to be 16 to buy alcohol under 20% and 18 to buy the hard liquor and overall it’s a personal choice if you want to drink or not.
Why is it a problem?? It contributes to a more social and relaxed society, you encourage people to mingle. In comparison stricter countries like Japan have population growth problems?
As a young teen my family always preferred my friends and I to drink under their roof. Better than a park somewhere hiding away from authority figures. The 1 rule was dont get us in trouble.
Don't come here and try to ruin our culture, just because it isn't the same as yours or seen as wrong in your political perspective. Let the teens be teens.
Damn that looks lit! We are having same problem than you guys even though here in Finland it's illegal to be drunk while you're underage. Love from Finland!
I am a Danish teen, senior year high school student. I live nearby the park where all the "First day of school drinking" takes place, and I've never wanted to participate in it, due to how I'm not into the "typical Danish alcohol culture". With that being said, I enjoy going out on a Friday with some friends and get a couple of beers or ciders. It's more for the purpose of "hygge", rather than a desire to get drunk. The reason why it's so easy to access alcohol in Denmark is that we can literally just enter the supermarket, and buy whatever we need. Unlike in Sweden, where they have "Systembolaget", which is the only place they can purchase alcohol. This is also why Swedes come to Copenhagen to drink since they can access it with few restrictions. A lot can be improved with alcohol, not only for the teens but also for the grown-ups.
We know it isn't good, it's just so much fun. But honestly when you start drinking at an early age you get sick of it quicker too. True what that one guy said, you learn to behave earlier
Exactly, I started at like 16/17 and now at 19 I know where my limit is and can handle myself way better when drunk. In the beginning it would hit me like a brick.
4:16 - I have actually been at Askov High School when The National Academy of Digital Interactive Entertainment rented some rooms there in connection with a three-day course. Every night we actually drank in the same room where they filmed that educational Virtual Reality game about alcohol drinking. ;)
I grew up in a super similar environment in the Netherlands started drinking when I was 15. Was crazy drinking 16-19 and then I was over it. I’m really grateful I got it out of my system young.
We don't really have a drinking "problem". Those teens you see are kinda young and this is a huge event to them, so ofc they are excited and a bit too much, but it's not like people drink that heavily later in life.
It’s not a Drinking Problem, they aren’t struggling to stop drinking. They do it to have a good time and enjoy youth. Older people in Denmark did the same when they were young. It’s not neccessarily a drinking problem. It’s just what young people do in Denmark.
I think the high level of drinking for teenagers actually contribute to ppl settling down here in Denmark, and as a result become more relaxed and satisfied as adults. We had our wild ride, our experimentations, and such. And then we grew out of it. What is that, if not progressive and natural?
Nah they aren’t drunk, they’re just copenhageners, we others never understand Copenhageners because we don’t know if they’re drunk or just Copenhagener (because of their dialect)
This is really interesting, I’ve never been to Denmark but I lived in Sweden. I enjoy the Swedish approach to alcohol with Systembolaget, the state run monopoly on alcohol purchases above a certain percentage.
Not trying to put down Denmark but no drinking age and 16 to buy are all the kids not alcoholics ....? Here in USA its 21 and if you buy someone under age alcohol your going to jail no questions asked ...if I was 12 all I gotta do is come up with a 16 year old friend and money and I can legally get drunk in Denmark...unbelievable...
It's similar in germany. Where i'm from the first time we organize a party and get drunk is usually at age 14 after "Konfirmation" (some church shit that 90% just do for the money presents). There is really no problem with that imo. Like the one guy sais, we drink a lot at a time, but we don't do it often.
DISCLAIMER: I do not support minor teens drinking, this is illegal I am aware of that. But, I wanted to share my opinion and share a little light on some of the topics approached in the video which forgets a lot of things. I can see your point of view, with a lot of it being true that we may be drinking a little too much, but a lot of the claims in this video are not exactly well researched. In Denmark we do not have a specific limit drinking age that is true, but as of 2013 you need to be 18 years old to buy alcohol containing above 16,5% of alcohol, while you can buy all alcohol with less than 16,5% of alcohol at the age of 16. As the teens, just like me, at the end of the video mentioned - we begin our experience with alcohol at an early age (usually around 15-16), the age where we start High School. Through our early introduction to alcohol, we usually quickly learn from experience our limits and also the different mistakes - thereby not repeating them as often as e.g. adults encountering alcohol late in life as with the U.S. By having this early introduction with alcoholic beverages, I would say that we actually experience a quite healthy relationship with alcohol here in Denmark - compared to problems that can occur other places. Further, as we try bad moments with alcohol as teenagers, we learn that it is okay to call our parents because they are supportive, and the Danish youth in general knows that their parents are willing to help them if anything happens. This can be fx our parents driving their car in the middle of the night to come and get us, buy us the alcohol we need once in a while instead of having us buying maybe e.g. counterfeit or bad alcohol (cheap / bad quality). The youth here also has a habit of helping each other out, like if somebody gets really drunk usually a friend will try to get them home safely if they know they are really bad and aren’t going to be sobering up fast. In regards to regulations, we have rules on businesses (restaurants/cafés/kiosks/shops/etc.) that they can pay up to DKK 20K if they sell alcohol to a minor*. There have been multiple campaigns from larger supermarkets e.g. Netto in Denmark funded from different organisations and also I believe from the government to actually promote a more healthy approach to drinking, and consider the age limit implemented. Also P.S. > Maybe one thing to remember about the Danes in general - back in the middle age both children and adults would drink beer instead of water because the Danish water from the wells were causing serious health problems. So drinking beer is basically part of our culture - quite literally a lot of Danish traditions are based around that beverage, not only traditions created by the youth (e.g. the Dyrehaven tradition seen in the video which I agree has in the recent years gotten a little out of hand due to the amounts of teens…). *
It is not illegal for 'minor teens' to drink. That is the whole point of the 'legal to buy, illegal to sell' - you drink if you're 7 or younger, doesn't matter. It's the store's responsibility to not sell, by this measure you avoid unnecessarily criminalizing youth. Besides that, great points.
0:52 the dude in the blue jacket tho, was really annoyed and lowkey mad at the people at the back who just showed up and for taking his opportunity to be interviewed 😂🤣
Dane here. I think mostly stores should be better about asking for ID and parents might wanna be stricter. Mostly coming from a selfish perspective, though, since I don't want general restrictions that make it more difficult and annoying for us adults, such as with Sweden's state-owned liqour-shops, where you can't buy anything above like 3% alcohol in normal stores. That said, I also think there's some advantage to learning from your mistakes with alcohol early, as long as you don't end up going too far overboard. Having medics nearby in a case like this is a good idea.
We really don't have a drinking problem, it's just part of our youth culture. It might be hard for foreigners to understand, but most Danes really don't see it as a bad thing. Having supportive parents that you can be honest with about alcohol and partying is great. Having to hide everything from your parents (like a lot of teens in the US do) can lead to much worse things than getting drunk and having fun with your friends in a safe environment... Danish parents educate their teenage kids about alcohol/partying and make sure they stay safe, e.g. parents pick their kids up after parties, make sure their kids are home before X am, make their kids promise they won't do any hard drugs etc. After the highschool/early college years most young people stop drinking as much.
"VR Could Help Cure Denmark's Teen Drinking Problem" 1. We don't have a drinking problem, we just like having fun:) 2. VR will not change anything, come on...
5:03 I'm always so surprised with adults of her type, they have SO good intentions, yet the lack the ability to see just how much out of touch. Young people ain't gonna play that game outside this group, and think "wauw, that really opened my eyes" it's gonna be more of "well that was cringe asf" responds. It's been 10 years since I turned 16, I drank way to much back then, and even went on holidays with friends from college to get hammered in places like Spain. It would trouble me if the general culture of drinking, meant that the alcohol came at the cost of education, but the drinking is for absolutely the majority of these teens and young-adults, taking place either doing holidays or weekends, and it's gonna slow down quite significant even before they reach the age of 23.
Go to any other country in Europe and you see the exact same scene. Not sure why Denmark has specifically been highlighted. Provide a safe and informed environment for the youth to "learn by doing" and you help prevent major substance-abuse problems in the future. The US could learn from this.
there are no laws about drinking alchohol in Denmark. you just cant buy it till you are 16. so basically a 2 year old is allowed to drink vodka, the baby is just not allowed to buy the alchohol itself. it´s fucking awesome
"Problem" . What the heck. We don't have any problems with our teens drinking too much and no i'm not a teen anymore, unfortunately. They are just having fun, but I guess that's a problem now a days.
I live in Denmark, but i dont drink and most of my friends accept it and dont try to persuade me (at first they did try to but im very keen on my decision, them drinking doesn't affect me)
Im 22 and I don't even drink. Why when it tastes like shit, makes you feel like shit, and costs a shitload of money if you want the good stuff. I'll just stick with juice.
Canadian here. We started drinking hard liquor in my town at 13-15 years old. Everyone is successful and good life. Nothing wrong with social teen drinking for fun. Relax
i honestly dont see the problem. of course the drinking age is higher in america, but that will just get teens to do more illegal stuff to get alcohol and keep it from their parents. us danish kids (mostly) drinks responsibly and are just having fun.
There have been many studies showing how it stunts brain growth before mid 20s, and how the drinking age actually helps deter kids from drinking in their teenage years. statistically, many teens actually don't need to drink because they haven't drunk before legal age. they just learn to live life without substances since they are illegal before 21.
I mean this entire thing is a yes and no situation when talking about it as a problem. I mean the teenagers have their freedom and are happy (even if they're pretty annoying, like I just want to get some sleep do you drunkasses really need to wake me up at 4am with a super bass boosted Logan paul song on modified super speakers like come on?) but at the same time with this many teenagers drinking that much alcohol it can be a danger both to them and the people around them. Last winter there was a pretty big headline about 2 teenagers who had died in the snow outside their campus. They drank too much and simply collapsed in the snow, and never woke back up. And a large majority of car accidents here are of course of boys aged 18-24 driving while drunk, speeding and wearing no seatbelts. Not to mention the Alcohol affects the brain making it more likely for you to end up in a fight. So yeah it is a small problem when looking at it on an individual scale but with this many teens drinking it's a lot bigger. At least most of the guys interviewed are smart enough to know when to stop. We need more to be like them tbh.
VICE News Tonight went to Denmark to ask how this soft-touch approach could get Europe’s top-drinking teens to change their ways.
WATCH NEXT: How Scotland Is Trying To Solve Its Alcoholism Problem -
just stay at home.
Danish teens don't have a drinking problem.... We drink, we get drunk, we fall asleep, we get hangovers...... Definately not a problem.....
Kudos for the Video clip! Sorry for the intrusion, I am interested in your opinion. Have you thought about - Saankramer Life Card System (should be on google have a look)? It is an awesome one off guide for learning how to stop drinking without the normal expense. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my m8 after many years got great success with it.
Just because the U.S for example has the drinking age at 21 doesn’t mean teenagers don’t heavily drink still, it’s just hidden and seen as shameful, while in these countries they are actually doing it in a place where people can make sure it stays safe, don’t see the problem tbh, if anything the U.S should relax
Andrew if your child doesn’t know not to drink and drive than your child is just stupid 👀 can’t punish the majority for the minority, I’m just saying. Also yes, I would love better public transport, but until we have as good as it is in Denmark where you don’t NEED a car to get across the city safely, than we can talk.
Funny you should mention road accidents. Despite the over-inflated drinking age and even the laws against crossing the road when and how you want, the chances of dying in a crash are still considerably higher in the US than Europe.
It doesn't really make sense to call America the "land of the free", when you're willing to trade that freedom for very mediocre results.
@@A-rk3dn No because when people drink at a younger age they have more experience with handling alchohol so they know what they are and are not capable of doing, ie drink driving If you decrease the driving age and have a high drinking age, kids think they have experience driving so they think alcohol wont affect them because they dont know how alcohol affects them due to not having experience.
@@A-rk3dn You can drive when you're 17 in Denmark if you have a parent with you. There's some more rules to it, and it's a pretty new thing. Just fyi.
Honudes Gai I’ve literally never met anyone who had their first drink after 14
I like how they add subtitles to all the Danes speaking perfect English, yet I can’t understand a word from the Brit.
Yeah, but he did try to use bike as a verb
Was about to comment the same thing... quite odd.
You cant understand English from an English person?
@@roeldee5256 That's not unusual necessarily. I've heard plenty of Americans use bike as a verb and it never strikes me as strange
@@adonaiyah2196 I can perfectly understand PR, but im having difficulty understanding cockney. tbh, PR sounds just like american english with little bit a twist. cockney sounds completely different.
I see no drinking problem here. If anything, this is a solution. See, these kids even though they're only teens and drunk af, aren't afraid to call their parents if they are unable to drive from a party because they will not be shamed for it or possibly arrested if caught by U.S authorities. They're even bilingual !! This proves that if the drinking age is lowered to 16, American society wouldn't shame it's "underage" drinkers and medical staff should be readily available at parties too !! This would prevent alcohol poisoning deaths and would encourage a healthy drinking life !! These kids seem totally fine to me.
It's normal here in Denmark for parents to pick up their kids after parties. When I was a teenager and phoned home to get picked up, my dad always answered by saying: "Dad's taxi service". Once another girl got the wrong number. First he thought it was me but the adress she mentioned was all wrong. She then told him that she wondered why he didn't answer with "Cinderella's carriage ride" as her dad used to.
What I got from this video? I wish I would have been a teen in Denmark, looks like a fun and even safe party.
it is
living in denmark is amazing
I should add that i live in Denmark now, quite a place!
it sure is, the drinking rate is on the fall aswell.
If you think drinking is fun you have to review your hobbies or get some.
Look how well behaved they are and friendly. Just generally having a good time. If that was in London there would be stabbings and riots. They may be young but are wiser than the broadcaster makes out
? He didn't his opinion about it lol
Ted Thomas ? opinion his what?
Well it's in Northen Sjælland
Denmark kids might start drinking early, but overall Denmark does not really have a "drinking problem" with it's adults more than most other developed countries. And something can be said about a culture were at 16 your parents are your go-to for a sober driver without any problems. Growing up in America we of course drank and partied at the same age but none of us would ever want to call our parents for a ride. We would rather risk driving than call them. We would hide our drinking as much as we could and it would sometimes end disastrously.
Over all Denmark really has it's shit together, especially with it's kids. I mean how many multi-lingual 16 year old Americans do you know?
A lot are also tri-lingual as we learn German as well as English at school so I have friends who are quiet adept at German
Those 15 and 16 year olds are still developing their brains and bodies. Adding a chemical depressant to the developing nervous system on a regular basis will have consequences to some percentage of Danes.
At least in USA you need to find an illegal way to obtain booze, which means more risk for you so more deterrent effect. I'm split on which system is better because entire population of Denmark can fit inside a single mediuim sized US city of 5 million, hardly a sample size equivalent to 300 million people in US.
@@offchance789 With that logic you shouldnt be drinking before you are 25 in most cases your brain and body as well are fully developed at that age. Im not defending drinking at a young age but that are a poor arguement.
Night I think the added danger to health makes it the responsibility of the older people to protect the youth. But, I drank when I was in high school and quickly out grew it.. however I have seen alcohol quickly destroy the lives of young adults when I lived in Guam and the drinking age was 18. It’s pretty sad.
Andrew p
We drink like crazy for 3 years during high school (it's only 3 years in Denmark). Then we drink less frequently in our 20's, and in general not a lot Danes have drinking problems later in life. We see it as a sort of drinking "education". I know it sounds awful, but in reality we get to know our limits, how to say no, what we like to drink etc. All with our parents ready to pick us up and help out. Not like it seems in America where teens hide their drinking from their parents.
we do drink heavily in our 20's too though.
Your right! Getting totally drunk and learning your limits is part of growing up. And also see how fucked up the day after is. So get drunk and learn something!
@@dachiller6028 yeah im 23 in america and i don't drink often because last time I got too drunk and when I woke up I couldnt stop throwing up and sweating,haha thought i was going to die of dehydration
Destroy all of your brain cells while your learning sounds like a great idea to me :)
@@WytseDijkstra kappa
Danish youth does not have an alcohol problem, but we do have a problem if you take it away from us
hold kæft. Alchohol er skidt og bør forbyddes.
@@hamzalihi8630 ok Mohammedaner
Rolig mester, tag et shot og slap af med os andre, livet er dejligt.
@@thecenterleftlibertarian53 Ej, det kun hvis du ikke kan styre dig ro på ingen grund til alt det negativitet
@@hamzalihi8630 Islam er skidt og bør forbyddes
We drank all the time as teenagers in the 90's. All we thought about was how to get beers, and how to lure girls to out parties. This is just more organized.
krillin876 lol that was always the game in Denmark they do it for u
what has happened to vice? they used to documentaries about the use of dangerous drugs in Uganda and whatnot but now they are during ill representative videoes about Danish kids having fun and experimenting with alcohol in a safe and legal environment. what a shame.
There is a lot of risk in drinking when the brain is evolving. This video did not bring up why the Danish youngsters should not drink though
The documentaries on dangerous drugs in Uganda were also ill represented and over dramatic
Well Denmark sounds like fun.
it is :)
If you're an alcoholic and don't care about your liver
it is
You don't become an alcoholic by partying one in while.
trust me it is, we start drinking so much we can't remember what happened, when we are 13-14 years old
Almost every Dane seems to be fluent in English. Also, I find it surprising that a Brit didn't want to get shitfaced with them.
Basically all Danish people speak fluent English.
English are taught to children from when they're 9 year old, and German is taught when they're 11.
English is a mandetory class from third grade.
@@Tr4sh_can34 its actually from first grade. it was 3rd grade once tho.
@@augustadetlefsen6916 1st grade damn I feel old now. I was in 3rd grade when I first had english.
This VR crap won't help one person! I'm not kidding, not a single person will it help. This is coming from a Dane .
It will help the people who developed it. They will earn a lot of money they can spend on beer.
What's wrong with the youth, not long ago I was at this age and it never occurred to me to go out into a field and drink myself stupid, I always preffered the quick and easy pharmaceutical nose candy
Did you just say cocaine is healthier than alchohol?
@@Silva50505 it's a joke.
What? huh? You sure? Cause some of these comments are all for all kinds of other drugs
I got your joke btw.
It's not really a problem as it's controlled most of the time and parents are aware of it. Overall we are very transparent in our drinking culture, and since we learn to drink at a young age, we also know how to behave when we're older and drunk
People do realise that most Danes begin drinking before the age of 16
Carl Rudbeck Finns start at 13-14 and the legal drinking age is 18 here
@@MrOpticBlade Denmark has none. In fact we don't have an age limit for buying alcohol, BUT there is an age limit for the store being allowed to sell it to you. When I was a child i was even allowed to taste beer, and both my sisters have tasted this soda kinda thing with alcohol in it we have here. I think we might just be pretty relaxed about it xD
Most people here in Danmark start drinking at the age of 13-15, but it’s mostly done in “safe” environments so house parties were sometimes the parents are home and the teenagers parents will drop them of and pick them up again when the party ends. We drink at our high school parties where there are teachers around, so it’s first when you hit 18 and are legal to go clubbing, that you are more on your own. We might start earlier than some other countries, but overall the drinking culture in Denmark is not irresponsible. You have to be 16 to buy alcohol under 20% and 18 to buy the hard liquor and overall it’s a personal choice if you want to drink or not.
from Denmark, never heard about this VR, and dont know anyone who has - and who tf has even vr glasses
Jeg har. Men har aldrih hørt om det spil.
@@ComanderComander flex alligevel
Det er heller ik udgivet endnu 😉
7 minutes and 35 seconds and they don't mention what the problem actually is.
Skål for helvede!
Why is it a problem?? It contributes to a more social and relaxed society, you encourage people to mingle. In comparison stricter countries like Japan have population growth problems?
Skååål ! everyone !
Where is bjorn?
Let's be real this isn't going to do anything
VR is in no way influential especially at this age group
As a young teen my family always preferred my friends and I to drink under their roof. Better than a park somewhere hiding away from authority figures. The 1 rule was dont get us in trouble.
Don't come here and try to ruin our culture, just because it isn't the same as yours or seen as wrong in your political perspective. Let the teens be teens.
Damn that looks lit!
We are having same problem than you guys even though here in Finland it's illegal to be drunk while you're underage.
Love from Finland!
drunk teenagers are so cringy lol
We in it
They think they're cool lol
Drunk people are cringy
Have you seen drunk adults? People are so annoying when they are drunk, especially everyone from the group Homo Sapiens
"its extremely easy to buy alcohol"
Oh boi Denmark here i come
Rusty Tales ohhh yea. Most places don't even ask for ID if you look "old-ish"
You are sure welcome, wanna go for a beer ;) xD
I am a Danish teen, senior year high school student. I live nearby the park where all the "First day of school drinking" takes place, and I've never wanted to participate in it, due to how I'm not into the "typical Danish alcohol culture". With that being said, I enjoy going out on a Friday with some friends and get a couple of beers or ciders. It's more for the purpose of "hygge", rather than a desire to get drunk.
The reason why it's so easy to access alcohol in Denmark is that we can literally just enter the supermarket, and buy whatever we need. Unlike in Sweden, where they have "Systembolaget", which is the only place they can purchase alcohol. This is also why Swedes come to Copenhagen to drink since they can access it with few restrictions.
A lot can be improved with alcohol, not only for the teens but also for the grown-ups.
We know it isn't good, it's just so much fun. But honestly when you start drinking at an early age you get sick of it quicker too. True what that one guy said, you learn to behave earlier
Exactly, I started at like 16/17 and now at 19 I know where my limit is and can handle myself way better when drunk. In the beginning it would hit me like a brick.
As a dane i dont think its a problem. Its a life style
lol i love my country, i dont see a problem at all
4:16 - I have actually been at Askov High School when The National Academy of Digital Interactive Entertainment rented some rooms there in connection with a three-day course. Every night we actually drank in the same room where they filmed that educational Virtual Reality game about alcohol drinking. ;)
Going to Denmark is the Holy Grail when turning 16 in Sweden 🇸🇪❤️🇩🇰
Stay away Surströmning eating savage. We shall reconquer Skåne soon.
hehe in germany we can legally drink at the age of 14 :)
Captain Haddock We sure will.
@@Jan-cs4kw as said in the video, we can legally drink at the age of born, but can first buy alcohol at the age of 16
@@bobrupgames It's not illegal for a 15 year old to buy it, it's only illegal for the store to sell it to them
Americans should fix their own problems before fixing others.
feels weird spotting yourself behind the reporter at 7:17... lol
Handsome lad.
I grew up in a super similar environment in the Netherlands started drinking when I was 15. Was crazy drinking 16-19 and then I was over it. I’m really grateful I got it out of my system young.
We don't really have a drinking "problem". Those teens you see are kinda young and this is a huge event to them, so ofc they are excited and a bit too much, but it's not like people drink that heavily later in life.
haha chill guy saying "I drink so much that I vomit in the toilet, that is my role"
It’s not a Drinking Problem, they aren’t struggling to stop drinking. They do it to have a good time and enjoy youth. Older people in Denmark did the same when they were young. It’s not neccessarily a drinking problem. It’s just what young people do in Denmark.
I think the high level of drinking for teenagers actually contribute to ppl settling down here in Denmark, and as a result become more relaxed and satisfied as adults. We had our wild ride, our experimentations, and such. And then we grew out of it.
What is that, if not progressive and natural?
im from denmark. there really is very few disadvanges to how the youth drink. the upside shadow the downside
we dont have a drinking problem we just have fun :D
You have a fortnite profile picture you have a problem.
rainy weather ,depression,...
Nah they aren’t drunk, they’re just copenhageners, we others never understand Copenhageners because we don’t know if they’re drunk or just Copenhagener (because of their dialect)
*Dude! We can go to Europe and get drunk at 16 years old!*
*But America no, they only GUNS!!!*
This is really interesting, I’ve never been to Denmark but I lived in Sweden. I enjoy the Swedish approach to alcohol with Systembolaget, the state run monopoly on alcohol purchases above a certain percentage.
Danish teens seem to be more wild party people but in a safe manner than American teenager.
That's 'Natteravnene' not Red Cross
No way it's higher than the UK, you see 13 year olds out side the co-op drinking
Do you haha? Not where I live
Denmark is worse on alcohol, I think UK is worse on drugs
Problem? I think you got that wrong.
Not trying to put down Denmark but no drinking age and 16 to buy are all the kids not alcoholics ....? Here in USA its 21 and if you buy someone under age alcohol your going to jail no questions asked ...if I was 12 all I gotta do is come up with a 16 year old friend and money and I can legally get drunk in Denmark...unbelievable...
It's similar in germany. Where i'm from the first time we organize a party and get drunk is usually at age 14 after "Konfirmation" (some church shit that 90% just do for the money presents). There is really no problem with that imo. Like the one guy sais, we drink a lot at a time, but we don't do it often.
Thats just Denmark init? We also only do it for the money :)
Omg Denmark doesn’t have a drinking problem l. This is EUROPE we ain’t pussies we drink since 15 years old, we know how to have our little fun.
DISCLAIMER: I do not support minor teens drinking, this is illegal I am aware of that. But, I wanted to share my opinion and share a little light on some of the topics approached in the video which forgets a lot of things.
I can see your point of view, with a lot of it being true that we may be drinking a little too much, but a lot of the claims in this video are not exactly well researched. In Denmark we do not have a specific limit drinking age that is true, but as of 2013 you need to be 18 years old to buy alcohol containing above 16,5% of alcohol, while you can buy all alcohol with less than 16,5% of alcohol at the age of 16.
As the teens, just like me, at the end of the video mentioned - we begin our experience with alcohol at an early age (usually around 15-16), the age where we start High School. Through our early introduction to alcohol, we usually quickly learn from experience our limits and also the different mistakes - thereby not repeating them as often as e.g. adults encountering alcohol late in life as with the U.S. By having this early introduction with alcoholic beverages, I would say that we actually experience a quite healthy relationship with alcohol here in Denmark - compared to problems that can occur other places.
Further, as we try bad moments with alcohol as teenagers, we learn that it is okay to call our parents because they are supportive, and the Danish youth in general knows that their parents are willing to help them if anything happens. This can be fx our parents driving their car in the middle of the night to come and get us, buy us the alcohol we need once in a while instead of having us buying maybe e.g. counterfeit or bad alcohol (cheap / bad quality). The youth here also has a habit of helping each other out, like if somebody gets really drunk usually a friend will try to get them home safely if they know they are really bad and aren’t going to be sobering up fast.
In regards to regulations, we have rules on businesses (restaurants/cafés/kiosks/shops/etc.) that they can pay up to DKK 20K if they sell alcohol to a minor*. There have been multiple campaigns from larger supermarkets e.g. Netto in Denmark funded from different organisations and also I believe from the government to actually promote a more healthy approach to drinking, and consider the age limit implemented.
Also P.S. > Maybe one thing to remember about the Danes in general - back in the middle age both children and adults would drink beer instead of water because the Danish water from the wells were causing serious health problems. So drinking beer is basically part of our culture - quite literally a lot of Danish traditions are based around that beverage, not only traditions created by the youth (e.g. the Dyrehaven tradition seen in the video which I agree has in the recent years gotten a little out of hand due to the amounts of teens…).
It is not illegal for 'minor teens' to drink. That is the whole point of the 'legal to buy, illegal to sell' - you drink if you're 7 or younger, doesn't matter. It's the store's responsibility to not sell, by this measure you avoid unnecessarily criminalizing youth. Besides that, great points.
0:48 ”legal” hahahaha 😂 it reminded me of a weed smoker
0:52 the dude in the blue jacket tho, was really annoyed and lowkey mad at the people at the back who just showed up and for taking his opportunity to be interviewed 😂🤣
Dane here. I think mostly stores should be better about asking for ID and parents might wanna be stricter. Mostly coming from a selfish perspective, though, since I don't want general restrictions that make it more difficult and annoying for us adults, such as with Sweden's state-owned liqour-shops, where you can't buy anything above like 3% alcohol in normal stores.
That said, I also think there's some advantage to learning from your mistakes with alcohol early, as long as you don't end up going too far overboard. Having medics nearby in a case like this is a good idea.
we dont have a drinking problem we are having fun
0:49 LMAO
That shit was funny im 15 so its illegal the reporter get out of here no one wants to see you here
Funny if you're a teenager. As a 40 year old, I pitied that poor child.
Arron Jenkins its not illegal to drink as 15 year old in Denmark. Only to buy it.
Nah these younger kids are out of control.
Poor guy... Who wouldn't wanna be amongst drunk teens lol
Will You guve us VODKA?
VR partys is great, now you don`t have to go to a real party to drink, with out drinking alone.
Denmark is more from like 20 years more than other country s 🇩🇰
Stop considering it a problem it is not
The fact that i that i was there and didn’t notice this just says it all😂 but young danish people is just living the life they were presented to💁🏼♀️
We really don't have a drinking problem, it's just part of our youth culture. It might be hard for foreigners to understand, but most Danes really don't see it as a bad thing. Having supportive parents that you can be honest with about alcohol and partying is great. Having to hide everything from your parents (like a lot of teens in the US do) can lead to much worse things than getting drunk and having fun with your friends in a safe environment... Danish parents educate their teenage kids about alcohol/partying and make sure they stay safe, e.g. parents pick their kids up after parties, make sure their kids are home before X am, make their kids promise they won't do any hard drugs etc. After the highschool/early college years most young people stop drinking as much.
i did not expect to find my old boarding school in this videp
"VR Could Help Cure Denmark's Teen Drinking Problem"
1. We don't have a drinking problem, we just like having fun:)
2. VR will not change anything, come on...
I guess you are 15?
@@snafuR Can I ask you why you would assume i'm 15? :)
I dont think since the dawn of time has underage drinking ever been a problem.
What a life...
But where is the problem?
Much better teens getting drunk than going on a school shooting spree
Because these are the only two options for teens.
“16 so legal legal please don’t stop me”
And now everybody in other countries, think Denamrk is a country where your lifes goal is to drink, drink and drink
Its not a problem
It is not a problem, it is a gift. I am proud to drink a bottle of vodka every week
5:03 I'm always so surprised with adults of her type, they have SO good intentions, yet the lack the ability to see just how much out of touch.
Young people ain't gonna play that game outside this group, and think "wauw, that really opened my eyes" it's gonna be more of "well that was cringe asf" responds.
It's been 10 years since I turned 16, I drank way to much back then, and even went on holidays with friends from college to get hammered in places like Spain.
It would trouble me if the general culture of drinking, meant that the alcohol came at the cost of education, but the drinking is for absolutely the majority of these teens and young-adults, taking place either doing holidays or weekends, and it's gonna slow down quite significant even before they reach the age of 23.
When do they do the events?
Which events?
first day of the semester. but people will look at you if ur 30 and think wtf
Go to any other country in Europe and you see the exact same scene. Not sure why Denmark has specifically been highlighted. Provide a safe and informed environment for the youth to "learn by doing" and you help prevent major substance-abuse problems in the future. The US could learn from this.
My future wife lives in Denmark. My goodness I know where I'm moving to
A Dane here hahahaha
afroooooo introduce me into some girls mate.
bruh they literally cut me out of the begining my whole class is walking in the front
there's no way vr is gonna do shit... ad campaigns don't do anything here.
there are no laws about drinking alchohol in Denmark. you just cant buy it till you are 16. so basically a 2 year old is allowed to drink vodka, the baby is just not allowed to buy the alchohol itself.
it´s fucking awesome
What a great event for highschoolers. Keep the tradition!
Put subtitles on the brit too. I can't understand what he's saying.
"Problem" . What the heck. We don't have any problems with our teens drinking too much and no i'm not a teen anymore, unfortunately. They are just having fun, but I guess that's a problem now a days.
Learning from real life is how you learn. It's REAL learning.
I live in Denmark, but i dont drink and most of my friends accept it and dont try to persuade me (at first they did try to but im very keen on my decision, them drinking doesn't affect me)
Im 22 and I don't even drink. Why when it tastes like shit, makes you feel like shit, and costs a shitload of money if you want the good stuff. I'll just stick with juice.
as a swede, this is so funny because we joke that the danish people drink alot
We joke that Swedes go to Denmark to get drunk because your drinking laws suck. That's just statistics though, I think. hahah..
@@HDdk100 haha true. I live in lund and when i was younger we went over to danmark to buy booze 😅
4:18 Daaaauummm that blond girl with the glasses to the left. I bet ya, she's making some good VR storyline right there for ya'll.
Canadian here. We started drinking hard liquor in my town at 13-15 years old. Everyone is successful and good life. Nothing wrong with social teen drinking for fun. Relax
I’m a danish teen and this video speaks about alcohol as an epidemic but it isn’t and I don’t even drink
Only thing I was thinking was to party here n get drunk 😵 lol
American Sniper I am not Arab lol😂😂
"I'm straight edge, and that means I'm better than you" CM Punk
i honestly dont see the problem. of course the drinking age is higher in america, but that will just get teens to do more illegal stuff to get alcohol and keep it from their parents. us danish kids (mostly) drinks responsibly and are just having fun.
There have been many studies showing how it stunts brain growth before mid 20s, and how the drinking age actually helps deter kids from drinking in their teenage years. statistically, many teens actually don't need to drink because they haven't drunk before legal age. they just learn to live life without substances since they are illegal before 21.
This is just normal day for Slavs.
I mean this entire thing is a yes and no situation when talking about it as a problem. I mean the teenagers have their freedom and are happy (even if they're pretty annoying, like I just want to get some sleep do you drunkasses really need to wake me up at 4am with a super bass boosted Logan paul song on modified super speakers like come on?) but at the same time with this many teenagers drinking that much alcohol it can be a danger both to them and the people around them. Last winter there was a pretty big headline about 2 teenagers who had died in the snow outside their campus. They drank too much and simply collapsed in the snow, and never woke back up. And a large majority of car accidents here are of course of boys aged 18-24 driving while drunk, speeding and wearing no seatbelts. Not to mention the Alcohol affects the brain making it more likely for you to end up in a fight. So yeah it is a small problem when looking at it on an individual scale but with this many teens drinking it's a lot bigger. At least most of the guys interviewed are smart enough to know when to stop. We need more to be like them tbh.