Bourgain-Delbaen ℒ_∞-spaces and the scalar-plus-compact property - R. Haydon & S. Argyros - ICM2018

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2018
  • Analysis and Operator Algebras
    Invited Lecture 8.16
    Bourgain-Delbaen ℒ_∞-spaces, the scalar-plus-compact property and related problems
    Richard Haydon & Spiros Argyros
    Abstract: We outline a general method of constructing ℒ_∞-spaces, based on the ideas of Bourgain and Delbaen, showing how the solution to the Scalar-plus-Compact Problem, the embedding theorem of Freeman, Odell and Schlumprecht and other recent developments fit into this framework.
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