"I'm SCEPTICAL About The Majority Of ADHD Cases" | Rise In Kids Eligible For Disability Benefit

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 172

  • @musicbruv
    @musicbruv 2 месяца назад +22

    Spending all their free time gaming on-line is very unhealthy for a developing mind and body.

  • @JohnnyFootwrinkle
    @JohnnyFootwrinkle 2 месяца назад +4

    I'm neurodivergent, as a kid i used to get told I was stupid, a thicko, a moron, a dickhead, a derbrain, was constantly told there was nothing wrong with me at the same time as being told how stupid i was, I was repeatedly physically assaulted because of my problems by my stepdad and my brother, got bullied at school, struggled with my studies and was told it's all me, i have to try harder , i have to pull my socks up, constantly being undermined, ignored, spoken to with utter contempt by my own family simply because I'm neurodivergent. I had speech therapy as a toddler but yeah there's nothing wrong with me. My family have known the whole time and when i ask why my my maternal caregiver never got me any help or support I'm told 'well you just don't do you?'. the problem isn't people trying to scam the benefits, the problem is actually the ignorance of the wider society towards these issues. Seriously you all think because you can't see something it means there's no health problem. Being 'dicipined' for my behaviour instead of being givent support has had more of a negative effect on me and caused more problems. The level of ignorance is disgusting, the problem is people are selfish and don't want to support those who are less fortunate, it must be nice to be able to function properly and be able to sneer down your noses at us.

  • @PoopyShaw-rf7nc
    @PoopyShaw-rf7nc 2 месяца назад +11

    If you don't, or have never had adhd you don't know what you're talking about i wasn't diagnosed until i was 45 it ruins my life every day, i wouldn't wish it on anybody

  • @mumoffour6860
    @mumoffour6860 2 месяца назад +8

    Back in the 60-70s my father and his whole family struggled with a bad temper (aggression) poor self control and addiction- there was a name for that because it destroyed their lives. It had a name, it’s had a name since 1902. When my son was diagnosed with ADHD, and in hindsight we discovered the generational problem in our family. It has a medical solution. Exercise and diet did NOTHING. Please… stop disparaging neurodivergence. It’s hard enough to deal with as it is.
    Remember… once upon a time, left handed people were disparaged as such!

  • @Melynnest
    @Melynnest 2 месяца назад +4

    I’m waiting for an ADHD assessment. I’m 54 and work full time always have done. I don’t want to claim anything I just want to get my emotions and behaviour on an even keel.

  • @Camille_Anderson
    @Camille_Anderson 2 месяца назад +6

    Where are your qualifications? Are either of you working in the field of neuro diversion or developmental disorders? As someone with an. Hons degree in psychology, & a Masters in Behavioural Science, it is an incredibly ignorant & uneducated conversation. These conditions, if you knew & worked with people who have both comorbidity ADHD & autism, are lifelong & debilitating. As someone with family history and having both conditions myself, it presents itself with many daily impairments and whilst i have an education, that is because i am in the category of high functioning & was always an academic person, I have family and worked with those whose daily lives are so impaired and disfunctional they are rendered disabled. These conditions are developmental and lifelong. I won't waste time trying to educate these people because id never attribute malice that which can be attributed to stupidity. Neither of these two are competent or morally equipped to talk about this. Why would anyone consider this to be realistic when neither have a clue? What next? Nuclear Physics?

  • @silvermoonuk
    @silvermoonuk 2 месяца назад +8

    I'm autistic myself. My sister has adhd. But even we admit that autism/adhd and other mental health disorders are being overdiagnosised these days in adults and children, sadly. Autism and adhd are geniune neurological developmental disabilities. Proper autism/adhd is bloody horrible to live with. I am 40 years old. But I have to see pyschiatrists, be doped up on strong medications, have carers that see me every week and I'm housebound most of the time. But I'm seeing ppl who are just diagnosising themselves for the sake of it because they think it is a cool thing to have a mental health diagnosis. Plus, some ppl play on it to get disability benefits or special treatment from society. The trouble is that people like myself are not being taken seriously because the few that sadly play on things. Again, adhd and autism are real. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. But even some adults are over diagnosing themselves as well.

  • @DilbertWhitehead
    @DilbertWhitehead 2 месяца назад +33

    The truth is finally coming out how this has been and is being used as a ticket to benefits and better social housing. It's worn like a badge and detracts from the real patients who actually need the help and funding

    • @bowjana8128
      @bowjana8128 2 месяца назад +7


    • @Zodiac_Mack
      @Zodiac_Mack 2 месяца назад +1

      There is also the darker side, which entails big pharma benefiting from government payouts along with doctors being given extra to diagnose children with said disorders, prescription benefits, it's a revolving door for pharma, Governments and shareholders alike,

  • @elegantrebel
    @elegantrebel 2 месяца назад +23

    associating ADHD or autism with bad behaviour in this way is offensive to people who are neurodivergent.
    Not all people on the spectrum are disruptive or failing students. ... Many of them are model pupils and top of their class and grow up to work places like NASA.
    People shouldnt perpetuate these type of discriminatory stereotypes.

    • @Camille_Anderson
      @Camille_Anderson 2 месяца назад +2

      Thank you! It's like contagious ignorance in the comments.

    • @tobyjackman3212
      @tobyjackman3212 2 месяца назад +1

      @@elegantrebel well said

    • @Cornz38
      @Cornz38 2 месяца назад +1

      "neurodivergent"... Give it a rest...

    • @tobyjackman3212
      @tobyjackman3212 2 месяца назад

      Ignorance is bliss

  • @flam_buoy
    @flam_buoy 2 месяца назад +4

    I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and autism as an adult. I see a huge difference in my mood and cognitive abilities when I supplement Omega 3 and I stay away from my phone for most of the time. And I have to exercise every day, otherwise my brain is a mush. I had to eliminate gluten from my diet as well, because I noticed I have a certain sensitivity to it. When I see kids and teenagers glued to their phones all day I can’t help but think that the screen usage would turn someone healthy into a zombie. Not to mention crappy food. Whenever I see a mother with a kid with a tablet in one hand and sugary drink I expect the kid to behave in certain way and I am rarely wrong. There are many things that can help.

  • @jomoon9391
    @jomoon9391 2 месяца назад +16

    I am a 48 year old women, completely let down by the medical system. Diagnosed ADHD/Autism....my life has been so difficult to not understand neuro diversity. I was high functioning nurse until I was completely burnt out. I have been a risk of exploitation, over sharing ect. I was the lost generation of girls who where seen as "difficult" isolated....the diagnosis has changed my life, but no support for the PTSD being misdiagnosed and misunderstood most of my life. Now 48 I feel like an alien in the world.

    • @LawrenceNewman-f1z
      @LawrenceNewman-f1z 2 месяца назад

      Chin up, dearie.

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад +4

      I'm now 68 got diagnosed with ADHD at 57 it's destroyed my whole life I was labelled rebellious anti authorian defiant they even put me away approved school

    • @Melynnest
      @Melynnest 2 месяца назад +4

      Totally agree and these people banging on about why we want to an assessment in our 40s and 50s I’ll say this. I’ve always struggled with life and people. I’ve always wondered why I’m different to my family and friends. I struggle to function and suffer severe depression and ocd. I didn’t grow up using phones or PlayStations!!

    • @alexbryant6044
      @alexbryant6044 2 месяца назад +1

      This is the only real comment I've seen so far in this thread. ❤
      I'm so sorry life has been so tough for you. X

    • @alexbryant6044
      @alexbryant6044 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@LawrenceNewman-f1z, that's quite a moronic thing to say.

  • @Gone2war-q3i
    @Gone2war-q3i 2 месяца назад +12

    My daughter is 13, has adhd. She still cant tell the time or tie her shoes. She just cannot intake information. She's in a specialist senior send school. They aren't sure she will be able to live independently. As shes getting older the anxiety etc is setting in. She gets bullied and now she doesnt like going out. Not enough help, still waiting for cahms she's started to self harm.

  • @Inthemiddlestage
    @Inthemiddlestage 2 месяца назад +3

    A rubbish interview, speaking over each other, with ‘waffle’. No understanding of the diagnostic process/criteria. Just the usual ‘they are naughty’, ‘they need to play outside’ etc. this is dangerous, unkind and should be reported and investigated.

    • @emiliefreakinbrown1812
      @emiliefreakinbrown1812 2 месяца назад

      @Inthemiddlestage totally agree. It's disgusting. And the comments really prove why most parents with additional needs children are embarrassed from fear of judgment. These are the kind of people that advocate for "be kind" but only on their terms.

  • @Kward1
    @Kward1 2 месяца назад +4

    I work in pharmacy, this is on the rise and the medication is very dangerous, is it over active children or under active parents, it should be seriously tested first

  • @mariewalmsley6143
    @mariewalmsley6143 2 месяца назад +12

    The lockdowns did serious damage to young developing kids.your reaping what you sown.

  • @emiliefreakinbrown1812
    @emiliefreakinbrown1812 2 месяца назад +1

    These kids (including my own) have to go through assessments done by behavioural specialists. This is just absolutely disgusting propaganda.

  • @rushdown24
    @rushdown24 2 месяца назад +10

    Most people just bs to get it

  • @hayleylongster4698
    @hayleylongster4698 2 месяца назад +19

    Bingo. I'm also skeptical about autism diagnoses, especially in adults. How can you survive 40 years on Earth, get a degree, a good job, etc. Etc. And then all of a sudden be 'autistic'? Do you really have psychological/behavioural issues, or are you just human? Do you just have bad days and quirks?
    Seriously I know 2 highly functional, totally normal adults who have recently been diagnosed as autistic because they went to the doctor's with some mental health complaints. It's quackery.

    • @Para-rt9uk
      @Para-rt9uk 2 месяца назад

      Yup. Everyone, specially all the youngsters, all carry the autism card in their back pocket nowadays.

    • @Oo_Shade_oO
      @Oo_Shade_oO 2 месяца назад +8

      While I think a lot of people do fake it, those of us that suffered with it never knew until we were much older. Autism was seen as something where a person rocks back and forth and won't talk, back in the day. ADD was supposed to be a kid on too much sugar zooming all over the place. Others on the spectrum were just considered to be strange. Many were suffering and just thought we were "weird", as if that somehow explained things. So most of us were "masking" just to get by, and not easily. Many turned to drinking, drugs and fake personalities. It's real, but I also think the fakers are making it more difficult for people who do suffer.

    • @hayleylongster4698
      @hayleylongster4698 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Oo_Shade_oOyes, but, define 'on the spectrum'. I would say most people on earth have several behavioural qualities that would put them somewhere on that 'spectrum' -- doesn't mean they're autistic. The 'spectrum' is too broad imo. It now includes lots of perfectly normal human behviours.

    • @Cornz38
      @Cornz38 2 месяца назад +1

      I describe myself as "being wired up differently to other people". I am CLEARLY "different" in the way i think and do things. I've managed 56 years....I work, have a house and am mentally sorted....

    • @Para-rt9uk
      @Para-rt9uk 2 месяца назад

      @@Cornz38 We are all 'wired up differently'. Do you think Einstein was an example of a perfect human being? Or top Chess Grandmasters over the years that could play 20+people blindfold? No, they're all a little odd and crazy. We just have to get on and deal with it. All the best my man.

  • @LuciferMorningstar-tx6ce
    @LuciferMorningstar-tx6ce 2 месяца назад +22

    the doctors told my parents i had ADHD, i got a smack...it cured my ADHD 😂😂

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад +8

      I have it to wasn't diagnosed till I was 57.. brought up in a era where little was known I was continuously caned at school eventually expelled put away deemed to be out of control from 15 till 18 and the physical mental sexual abuse we went through in them places ..people like you piss me right off

    • @jeanbicknell7887
      @jeanbicknell7887 2 месяца назад

      My son and grandson both have ADHD, a smack always made their behaviour far worse.

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e Месяц назад

      @@jeanbicknell7887 don't mean smack like you think it's ment

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e Месяц назад

      @@LuciferMorningstar-tx6ce didn't mine ended up in approved school then sent on to borstal

  • @geraldinebyrne8560
    @geraldinebyrne8560 2 месяца назад +19

    Kids given a label like ADHD are given a free pass for their behaviour now and in the future

    • @rjpender70
      @rjpender70 2 месяца назад +1

      Utter twaddle.

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад

      @@geraldinebyrne8560 and it's not done by a GP either

  • @flynnbob58phillips2
    @flynnbob58phillips2 2 месяца назад +11

    Oooooo … I bet the lefty’s won’t like the truth

  • @angelaswales-y2w
    @angelaswales-y2w 2 месяца назад +7


  • @bowjana8128
    @bowjana8128 2 месяца назад +9

    It's the new way of getting more benefits

    • @DilbertWhitehead
      @DilbertWhitehead 2 месяца назад

      Everyone knows it but the gullible lefties with the cheque books are still so easily fooled

    • @DilbertWhitehead
      @DilbertWhitehead 2 месяца назад +2

      It's the new (but paid) version of convincing your well-meaning teacher you have a stomach ache so you can get sent home

    • @kevinduggan201
      @kevinduggan201 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@DilbertWhitehead, yeh, but you would not be convincing your teacher. You would have to convince a neuropsychologist and / or a clinical psychologist who specialises in Autism and they are not like your GP, they won't do a quick check up and give you a sick note, they put you through a series of neuropsychological tests many of which have an autonomic physiplological response element, so you could theoretically "fake the q and a" section but could bit fake things like galvanic skin conductivity, pupil dilation rates ect. It's nkt easy to get an Autism diagnosis......I should know I'm a neuropsychologist.......and I can't belive I'm responding to the comments section on talk shite about this, I know it won't make any difference to people, now I know what the loon who sits in my local park shouting at the ducks must go through

    • @DilbertWhitehead
      @DilbertWhitehead 2 месяца назад

      @kevinduggan201 you clearly are more the (naive) man in the park than the neuropsychologist you make out. To get DLA in the UK, it is not diagnosis specific. And PIP only requires completing a form and having a face to face meeting. By your logic, there wouldn't be a 40% rise. Let me guess, you attribute it to Covid too? I work in an area where I see how many children now coincidentally have these conditions which gives them more money and better housing. I've seen it with my own eyes and it is a growing issue, perpetuated by well-meaning but very naive 'professionals'

    • @DilbertWhitehead
      @DilbertWhitehead 2 месяца назад

      @kevinduggan201 ...and a 'neuropsychologist' that calls people 'loons' 😂 pull the other one. That's hardly a politically correct term to call people in your industry is it! Lies

  • @DJ-if7nn
    @DJ-if7nn 2 месяца назад +12

    ADHD is not some made up condition either. It can make your life highly unmanageable

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад +5

      Agreed but you can guarantee you won't get no sensible answers on this channel..everyone's a scammer a thief etc

    • @BuzzRain
      @BuzzRain 2 месяца назад

      Strange how the young guys 16 who signed up to fight in WW1 (and lied about their age) didn't experience ADHD as kids.

    • @Oo_Shade_oO
      @Oo_Shade_oO 2 месяца назад +1

      @@BuzzRain Many did, they were just abused or considered to be weird.

    • @Camille_Anderson
      @Camille_Anderson 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@BuzzRainwhat do you know about those soldiers medical conditions?

  • @Para-rt9uk
    @Para-rt9uk 2 месяца назад +17

    'My childs got ADHD' Yawn.

    • @DilbertWhitehead
      @DilbertWhitehead 2 месяца назад +3

      ...and autism, non verbal, sensory behavioural etc etc. Perhaps if the parents were parenting them better and not having them so young then it wouldn't be this prevalent 🤔

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад +4

      And what a wonderful parent you must be..yawn

    • @rjpender70
      @rjpender70 2 месяца назад +1

      How dare you. ! You have no clue.

    • @DilbertWhitehead
      @DilbertWhitehead 2 месяца назад

      @@rjpender70 neither do you if you seriously think people aren't playing the system with this

    • @Para-rt9uk
      @Para-rt9uk 2 месяца назад

      @@DilbertWhitehead Good retort.

  • @gaynor7947
    @gaynor7947 2 месяца назад +2

    It's definitely the internet that stops the kids from playing outside and learning. There all gaming in the bedroom. Causes massive anxiety, they will not leave their bedroom.
    Big problem we have.
    Parents need to be strict and limit your childs time on the gaming or the Internet.
    Honestly, if you do. Your child will be a confident and respected child/adult in society. If not, your child will be labelled
    Love these 2 ❤😂

  • @jt5792
    @jt5792 2 месяца назад +1

    Ignorance on display here and the peddling of it only spurs on the poor treatment of people already struggling. Learn first, empathise, then speak! For every 1 person possibly wrongly diagnosed there are many mamy more living lives of quiet desperatiin, on the NHS 7 YEAR WAITING LIST, just hoping that a diagnosis might make sense of their lives and very real struggles.

  • @Wee_Langside
    @Wee_Langside 2 месяца назад

    How many experts are going to say "there's nothing wrong with child, but going out and playing football would help them no end"

  • @scarlettohara843
    @scarlettohara843 2 месяца назад

    This is the most common sense yet deep insight about kids today. I love how the Brits are just so wonderfully down to earth! 😅

  • @debbielondon1809
    @debbielondon1809 2 месяца назад

    If we treated our pet dogs like we do our kids - we'd be thrown in jail!
    I went to a very ordinary school in the 60s (with some very deprived kids from the local children's home) and I don't remember a SINGLE kid that couldn't sit still or was very disruptive in the classroom! There was the odd fight in the playground, broken up by good old-fashioned dinner ladies.
    Kids had much more time to themselves and were constantly active: they walked to school, they played football and skipping etc like total maniacs, then went out on their bikes after school (no homework until 11 y.o.).

  • @mrbenn1489
    @mrbenn1489 2 месяца назад +1

    It's all cobblers.

  • @johnkeane1419
    @johnkeane1419 2 месяца назад +2

    This is a by-product of broader and fairer diagnosis. The average middle-class age of autism diagnosis is 14, the average working class age of diagnosis is 52.

  • @hollythebordercollie2257
    @hollythebordercollie2257 2 месяца назад +5

    Certain health products being forced on kids may be causing it too, also junk food/too much computers/no exercise and chaotic home life

  • @beaucrawley1191
    @beaucrawley1191 2 месяца назад +9

    They would not have this ‘label’ but still have the symptoms!!!! Having the ‘label’ gives you tools and the ability to live your life the best way you can!! If I had got my diagnosis sooner then I would of had a much easier life with regulated adhd!!! IGNORANCE

    • @sutty85
      @sutty85 2 месяца назад

      I think they are sort of on point. I have adhd but I have to work things out myself as I grew up in the 80s and 90s. Yes, I should have more support at school but being out side playing independently helped massively. Kids are not doing that anymore. Also I don't think there was ever a chicken nuggets in site when growing up in ny house. No microwave food and definitely less sugar

  • @Cornz38
    @Cornz38 2 месяца назад +1

    In the 70's and 80's it was much more accurately called BHLB. Badly Behaved Little Bar-stewards.

  • @aymenbakouche9842
    @aymenbakouche9842 2 месяца назад

    Rather than spending money on benefit, give them they help they need in order for them to succeed in their education and work later. My daughter waited nearly two years to be diagnosed. The only option they gave her medication .no therapy sessions, no other help . Failed her education can not secure a good job . When you exclude a child at year 8 from school, knowing he has problems. What do you expect .

  • @ryanb4235
    @ryanb4235 2 месяца назад +1

    I've had ADHD since I was a kid. At no point did I (and will never consider) to go on disability because of it.

  • @DJ-if7nn
    @DJ-if7nn 2 месяца назад +7

    I think there are a massive number of adults who have gone undiagnosed

  • @Dave5843-d9m
    @Dave5843-d9m 2 месяца назад

    My 11y/o son is a normal pre teen boy. He’s as bouncy as they get. He has to be managed but Rugby, running, scooter and doing boy stuff are all he needs.

  • @edenshorthousesthouse1925
    @edenshorthousesthouse1925 2 месяца назад +1

    Shops should be able to write off whatever the kids take which with one item wouldn't be much would it, or shops should be able to pick one item for each kid in which the class can share amongst the classroom.

  • @edenshorthousesthouse1925
    @edenshorthousesthouse1925 2 месяца назад +1

    If a class could just get one item each not including the teacher, you'd quickly see them sharing bits like a loaf of bread and butter Packs of bags of crisps stuff like that it's not unreasonable is it? Should it be illegal to charge kids at school going to the shop to get 1 item of food I.e. a Loaf of bread or what they choose it's just an example obviously more than one item then yeah charge them for it just Schools should be able to go to a shop at a certain time in classes to get one item on school days it definitely would get kids going to school it would reduce the adhd diagnosis and we would have more geniuses look this needs to happen because clearly there's kids going to school hungry and having no food at lunchtime which should be illegal as well, here's how's about this instead of searching for comments look I'll even lie this idea wouldn't benefit any child report me you actually better if you don't I ...

  • @RuneRelic
    @RuneRelic 2 месяца назад +1

    Brainworms dont exists until someone manufacturers the brainworm.

  • @JulieHeptonstall
    @JulieHeptonstall 2 месяца назад +1

    Some are genuine cases, the rest is the rubbish food they are fed give them REAL food

  • @lukewhiting3025
    @lukewhiting3025 2 месяца назад +1

    What a pile of crap
    ADHD was a big thing when I was growing up cause there was no such thing as autism!
    Now I would say nearly every member of the 21 century will have ADHD due to phones and everything being on tap! My phone died the other day and I still checked it 😂

  • @tobyjackman3212
    @tobyjackman3212 2 месяца назад +9

    Two ladies who clearly think that Autistic exclusively means a nonverbal kid rocking in the corner

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад +2

      @@tobyjackman3212 ignorance all they know about are things like hate divide blame starmer etc very repetitive

  • @aysharafaq6675
    @aysharafaq6675 2 месяца назад +1

    These two are ridiculous!! Basically they are saying get children playing when there young vs screen time . They have simply given a link with screen time as the cause and playing outside as a cure . Do they even know how ASD /ADHD IS DIAGNOSED ?? . Iam a GP more than half the people who attend looking for diagnosis don’t have these connditions and they never get labelled . You can’t get these benefits unless they get an official diagnosis from paediatrics or psychiatry if your team would actually bother to ask these specialists they will be able to give you a figure of how many patients they see who dot get these diagnosis and before doing these type of show it would be helpful if your team could actually do some basic research . It looks like these two have not really seen how people with genuine ADHD AND ASD Can suffer and not cope with basic tasks neurotypical people take for granted!!

  • @lestersmyth692
    @lestersmyth692 2 месяца назад

    Most families with young children living on our estate have either ADHD or autism or both? really…….

  • @jacquelineedwards4140
    @jacquelineedwards4140 2 месяца назад +1

    There are also some parents cannot accept that their children are "little sods". They have to blame their children's behaviour on ADHD. After all there was nothing wrong with their other children.

  • @roberthain8404
    @roberthain8404 2 месяца назад

    I appreciate the talk about this big issue, it would b nice to hear the opinions of your guest, instead of you doing all the talking, over her, by the way, and that’s important when your interested in this issue , and you want to listen to your guests point of view, listening is the best skill one can have, I’m sure she could have shed more light on the subject without you speaking over her, not wanting to offend you, but it was frustrating , but I love the show I have watched you before, but, this for me was very frustrating, sorry, ❤

  • @imbonkers3629
    @imbonkers3629 2 месяца назад +7

    Years ago we ate fresh food like stew barely any sweets 🍫 now sugar is in everything kids eat , cut out sugar and reap the benefits 😏

    • @MoviesNGames007uk
      @MoviesNGames007uk 2 месяца назад

      There's not much salt and sugar in our foods now because of the sugar tax.
      American tourists always complain about our bread not having any sugar in it haha

    • @imbonkers3629
      @imbonkers3629 2 месяца назад +1

      @@MoviesNGames007ukfull of sugar unlike the old days , America is on a different level they mite as well eat a bag of sugar

    • @azillliasmith2734
      @azillliasmith2734 2 месяца назад +1

      Good point ❤❤

    • @LawrenceNewman-f1z
      @LawrenceNewman-f1z 2 месяца назад

      Sugar per se isn't bad for you. Fruit has sucrose, ie table sugar, in it. Our brain runs on glucose which is one of the components of sucrose. The anti sugar bandwagon has no scientific merit.

  • @KaiStewart-n7b
    @KaiStewart-n7b 2 месяца назад

    Did the creator of ADHD not claim on his death bed that it was a fictious disease to sell more drugs?

  • @Fnafan-y9n
    @Fnafan-y9n 2 месяца назад

    What’s the book called??

  • @anthonylloyd8000
    @anthonylloyd8000 2 месяца назад +2

    Or something like a nanny..

  • @edenshorthousesthouse1925
    @edenshorthousesthouse1925 2 месяца назад

    The kid won't eat that much what is a pack lunch they aren't going to be walking out the shop with a chicken obviously just they should be able to get 1 thing each at least classes would work together which actually makes life easier in the long run

  • @rjpender70
    @rjpender70 2 месяца назад +1

    Question. Are either of you Doctors? Paediatricians? Discussing perfume and what you did is totally irrelevant. To be diagnosed with autism is a long process. My 8 year old son was diagnosed a few years ago. But before hand he'd seen a speech therapist. We had to talk to specialists. He had someone who came to his school and studying him. They diagnosed him with autism. We were told he was mentally 2 and half years behind other kid's his age. He's now in specialist school,and is doing well. You haven't got a clue... shame on you both.

  • @cindyfaulkner5725
    @cindyfaulkner5725 2 месяца назад

    Children need to be able to run and play outside, when my son was about 6 yo he would play out in the streets with his friends the parents took in turns to keep a discreet eye on them they charged in and out each others gardens having fun doing kids stuff.
    Then the parents took it in turns to take the lot of them over to the park.
    When he was a bit older we moved to where we live now, my house was always full of kids, I did activities with them some times or they played out in the garden, the other parents knew where they were, so knew they were safe. As he got a bit older he and his friends would go off down to our local park, where they had space qnd freedom to run about and entertain themselves.
    I took them out to things like Stafford Castle, the air museum, and other places of interest.
    Once he got to about 14 him and his mates would go out on their bikes and ride across the Chase they had a time that they had to be home and a rule they stuck together.
    Once they reached 18 yo my house was still full of the lot of them, many times I would get home to find anywhere from 5 to 15 of them in my house, they were always polite and always willing to give me a hand, it cost me a few Sunday dinners but they were good kids.
    My Son has just turned 29 yo now, those friends still come qnd visit me now or stop on the street for a chat and a hug, they have friended me of Facebook so I know how they are doing, they all have jobs, girlfriends, some have kids of their own.
    They were loud and excitable, never still for 5 minutes, none have been diagnosed with ADHD, because they were just normal kids with vast amounts of energy, which they used up running around, making noise, doing stupid things, just like my friends and I when were when we were young.
    I think half the problem is that parents are to afraid to let their children play out, they don't want them in the house being loud and boisterous, so they allow them to play on their games consoles all day, sit them in front of the tv and allow them to spend to much time on social media without supervision and then wonder why they become naughty and uncontrollable, kids should run and play until they are exhauster, they need to let off steam.

  • @northernlass24
    @northernlass24 2 месяца назад +9

    You are discriminating against disabled kids.. This condition is a disability you are born with it. You can think what you like but this is a low point for your channel. Walk in my shoes and you will see what a child with this condition is like. My child has ASD ADHD dyslexia . I am a single mother of two disabled children .. Have you two got kids? Show some compassion.

  • @edenshorthousesthouse1925
    @edenshorthousesthouse1925 2 месяца назад +2

    This is why charging kids for food should be illegal

  • @maggielucas8685
    @maggielucas8685 2 месяца назад

    ADHD. There are genuine cases. But as l understand it now there so many cases if children and parents not connecting emotionally so that the child's brain develops, or doesn't develop as it should. Many ,many children were not born with ADHD their brains become simliar because if this disconnection to their parents.

  • @riakendall8610
    @riakendall8610 2 месяца назад

    A bit of petal pilfering was the least of my feral childhood, and that of my children.

  • @JohnHancock-vu4nd
    @JohnHancock-vu4nd 2 месяца назад

    Look inside the kids pack lunchbox and ill show you why so many kids can't sit on their ass and pay attention in class.

  • @rjpender70
    @rjpender70 2 месяца назад


  • @AlistairEdward-ey7rz
    @AlistairEdward-ey7rz 2 месяца назад +1

    Alex was so looking forward to the party later at Nigels house with scrummy ice cream, cakes and lashings of ginger beer.

    • @DilbertWhitehead
      @DilbertWhitehead 2 месяца назад +1

      @@AlistairEdward-ey7rz and with Royal Brittania being played on repeat on the gramophone - bliss 😃

  • @kevinduggan201
    @kevinduggan201 2 месяца назад

    I did wonder why they had these two talking heads discussing this, why did they not have a member of the BPS (British Psychologically Society) on here to offer some objective answers. Then I realized that most members of the BPS or any medical profession wouldnt be seen dead on this show if they wanted to continually be taken seriously.......joke of a show

  • @Melynnest
    @Melynnest 2 месяца назад

    I do believe a lot of parents these days are bone idle though and don’t interact with their kids and want to shove them off on gaming.

  • @stuart1214u
    @stuart1214u 2 месяца назад +5

    I had ADHD as a kid!!……..It was slapped out of me at a very young age………I recommend a wooden spoon…….Or just a good old fashioned “BAFFI”!!

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад +2

      If you knew anything you would know it goes on through adult life as well .

    • @johnkeane1419
      @johnkeane1419 2 месяца назад


  • @edenshorthousesthouse1925
    @edenshorthousesthouse1925 2 месяца назад +1

    Kids wouldn't have adhd if schools were a place to get food a chef for a class room in this perspective it would be easier to Make sure everyone has something it's a reflex because they haven't eaten anything it's triggered to aide hunting efforts we evolved this way stop punishing them with medication when they are just hungry

  • @SteveJones-gz4vd
    @SteveJones-gz4vd 2 месяца назад

    Naughty child syndrome, but hey give your kid fizzy drinks and take to doctor, then you get care money, a free disability car and badge , park anywhere and live a life of luxary on benefits

  • @TheRawdigha
    @TheRawdigha 2 месяца назад +1

    I have 4 children. Non are on 'the spectrum' I also work in a all through school (0-16) the money which is allocated to children in the SEN is astronomical! There has been an influx of 'diagnosed' children. I whole hearted believe over 50% of children I have observed are in my opinion are not adhd etc......

  • @cg1788
    @cg1788 2 месяца назад

    ADHA = more benefits

  • @gratmatassa5432
    @gratmatassa5432 2 месяца назад

    8 hr footy games & jumpers for goalposts them were days

  • @brianconnelly-s5e
    @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад +1

    I actually quite resent oakshott talking about this subject pity she dont talk about things like child poverty..

    • @LawrenceNewman-f1z
      @LawrenceNewman-f1z 2 месяца назад

      @@brianconnelly-s5e you resent it because you've been caught pretending to have ADHD, a fictitious condition.

  • @Camille_Anderson
    @Camille_Anderson 2 месяца назад

    Isobel, you sat laughing at a nurse in Question Time as she sobbed about her struggles & then you & Mike Graham sat on this channel and said " nurses and teachers don't need more money because big bags of pasta and porridge are cheap" whilst continuing to mock them for " being too greedy & wanting nice things?" Somehow, your millionaire lifestyle excluded you from validity over anyone's income or how hard they have to work, under extreme pressure & target driven environments that involve saving lives. You should be ashamed of your ignorance and dishonesty.

  • @howardg7162
    @howardg7162 2 месяца назад +1

    And some drugs like Ritalin

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад

      What about them it's a known fact stimulant medication is the first line of treatment with ADHD or are you saying there all drug seekers now..

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад

      And dexamfetamine and Adderall .desoxyn

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад

      Then drugs are the difference between success and failure for them kids

  • @BornAgain87
    @BornAgain87 2 месяца назад

    Ends times.

  • @edenshorthousesthouse1925
    @edenshorthousesthouse1925 2 месяца назад +1

    How many sandwiches would you get out of a loaf of bread? Let Kid's make their own food at school, with something provided obviously watch here's the lie so arrest me, if we don't do this and carry on as we are we will improve, the future must be better than now obviously don't let them cook just make their own food. With stuff not paid for

  • @Mr_Black_R
    @Mr_Black_R 2 месяца назад +3

    Yes and I’m sure the doctor asked all those questions before diagnosing. How dare you are either if you doctors

    • @flynnbob58phillips2
      @flynnbob58phillips2 2 месяца назад +2

      You second sentence makes no sense .. ADHD probably 😂

    • @imbonkers3629
      @imbonkers3629 2 месяца назад +2

      I’m not a gynaecologist but I know a fanny when I see one 😅

    • @hayleylongster4698
      @hayleylongster4698 2 месяца назад +3

      Doctors get plenty of things wrong.
      They are human, and they do as they are told. (I.e. their training dictates their practice. And training is often wrong. -- ever heard of bloodletting? Or electro-shock therapy? Or lobotomies?)

    • @LawrenceNewman-f1z
      @LawrenceNewman-f1z 2 месяца назад

      Doctors just like police follow orders , therefore they are politically biased. You are myopic.

    • @Camille_Anderson
      @Camille_Anderson 2 месяца назад

      As someone with an Hons Degree in Psychology and a Masters in Behavioural Science, I agree . GPs don't diagnose . It's after a mental health team assess various tests. The next stage is a multifaceted approach which often takes many more tests and evaluation. This is not an easy diagnosis in some cases & takes time. However, these two have zero education or experience. I have both conditions and have worked with many people who have it too. I also help train youngsters who have it in my Karate club. It's rewarding & brilliant to see them thrive, despite the serious disadvantages it presents. I tend to ignore people who consider themselves knowledgeable on these disabilities & in such a specialist field. I occasionally agree with Alex on politics, but not Isobel. She sat laughing at a nurse on Question time and then her & Mike Graham called nurses & teachers greedy and didn't need more money. Her crooked husband would know all about what people "deserve".

  • @scroggins100
    @scroggins100 2 месяца назад

    I was speaking to a former Teaching Midwife the other day about this. Her take was, and she had no scientific evidence of this, that the explosion in "learning difficulties" began around the time they started Ultra sound scans! Make of that what you will.

  • @jamesscott766
    @jamesscott766 2 месяца назад

    Lazy parenting

  • @PhilipHurrell
    @PhilipHurrell 2 месяца назад

    The government should just come out and say everyone now has ADHD so its normal, so no special treatments or benefits. That wipes the slate clean until the next fad for claiming benefits and ailments for just bad manners.

  • @IreneLee-tc2qt
    @IreneLee-tc2qt 2 месяца назад

    Parents tell a doctor a pack of lies about behaviour when they are well behaved at school. It's down to the parent getting money, money. Parents now seem to side step the school. Each lunchtime a queue out side the headteachers office was unbelievable as she dished out ritalin.

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад

      That's a lie for a start teachers do not handle controlled medication there are give extended release meds so they last all day stop telling lies and discrimination against something you obviously know nothing about

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад +1

      And drs don't prescribe it GPS are not qualified to diagnose or prescribe it so get your facts right

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад +1

      It takes a paediatrician or a neurologist senior consultant psychiatrist ..even ordainairy psyciatrists are deemed not qualified enough to diagnose it

    • @brianconnelly-s5e
      @brianconnelly-s5e 2 месяца назад +1

      You are the one who tells packs of lies

  • @neilfinnigan9825
    @neilfinnigan9825 2 месяца назад

    Mum's staying at home tax man paying lol 😂

  •  2 месяца назад +1

    People that claim they have PTSD is also an issue, some people get in a car wreck and then claim they have PTSD.

  • @Aimee-LouiseMcCullough
    @Aimee-LouiseMcCullough 2 месяца назад

    ADHD is just a cop out for a badly behaved child.
    In my day, nothing a good smack wouldn't sort out. ADHD didn't exist
    It's basically a label for "I can't be bothered to be a parent"
    I know kids with ADHD & none of the issues the media kids come off with are on their list of symptoms, they are polite, well mannered kids

  • @debfu9308
    @debfu9308 2 месяца назад

    At last some sense

  • @kevinlampen2364
    @kevinlampen2364 2 месяца назад

    My opinion...adhd is an excuse.. and this is because the government made laws that banned perents from being perents ie being strict is now child abuse..because in the past some perents did actually abuse ..being human isn't a mental condition.. going through life not knowing and trying to learn and making mistakes is human ...

    • @Oo_Shade_oO
      @Oo_Shade_oO 2 месяца назад +3

      You are lucky you don't suffer with it. While i agree there are fakers, don't put down everyone, it is not easy to live with these conditions if you really have them.

    • @Camille_Anderson
      @Camille_Anderson 2 месяца назад

      I agree.There's zero knowledge by the presenters or comments. To make ignorant claims about developmental disorders with zero experience of neuro divergent conditions is complete nonsense from these 2.

  • @красный_террор
    @красный_террор 2 месяца назад