Omg it’s a Peyton video!!!! Somehow I missed the last SIX uploads you’ve posted!! I thought it had been like 6 months since you posted but omg I’m so excited to see the others that I missed. Happy Birthday Peyton and congrats on your new apartment!
i actually just read where the crawdads sing and my copy was from a used bookstore so i also didn’t support the author lol. i think it’s worth checking out if you have it? but yeah the author is kinda whack but the plot of the book is kinda fitting for her lmao. i have some issues with the book but i found the main characters story and relationship to others and to books/nature to be more compelling then the actual plot
Omg it’s a Peyton video!!!! Somehow I missed the last SIX uploads you’ve posted!! I thought it had been like 6 months since you posted but omg I’m so excited to see the others that I missed. Happy Birthday Peyton and congrats on your new apartment!
The charm offensive is so cute 🫣
Best book ever
love & other words is one of my fav books of all timeeeee
Awesome Haul! Happy Birthday!
Thank you so much!!
@@PeytonReads. Of course!
why did my jaw drop when u mentioned love and other words LMAO i loveee that book
I have the vanishing half tbr too. I’ve been in a slump though
The book store you were talking about I think it was called the book worm it is Myrtle Beach
It was! Have you been there? I loved it
@@PeytonReadsya I have been there I love it to think we might go back this year
Welcome to booktube 📚🧋
also twisted games is also one of my fav books ever LMAO
A talent for murder is book 3 in a trilogy
Omg thanks for telling me 😂 guess I have to get those ones now too lol
Your welcome 😂
i actually just read where the crawdads sing and my copy was from a used bookstore so i also didn’t support the author lol. i think it’s worth checking out if you have it? but yeah the author is kinda whack but the plot of the book is kinda fitting for her lmao. i have some issues with the book but i found the main characters story and relationship to others and to books/nature to be more compelling then the actual plot
Ohh I had the Swan Thieves for so long and never read it and ended up donating it. I feel sad about it now
Oh my gosh….i loved the Erotic Stories of Punjabi Women….it was a surprise story…loved it. The audiobook was A+!
Oh my gosh….i loved the Erotic Stories of Punjabi Women….it was a surprise story…loved it. The audiobook was A+!