Pantheon Rise of the Fallen Early Access in December Thoughts

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024
  • Pantheon Rise of the Fallen is moving into Early Access in December of this year : I want to talk about how I feel about this announcement and the details of it. As you probably know, I've been playing through the seasons in this upcoming MMO, and I was playing in pre-alpha prior to that : I've been enthusiastic about this upcoming MMORPG and I've stressed the importance of why I think Pantheon Rise of the Fallen is a big deal for anyone who enjoyed classic pre-World of Warcraft MMOs such as EverQuest or Final Fantasy XI or Dark Age of Camelot - the list goes on. I've championed this MMO through the thick and the thin and we've had plenty of thick controversies and plenty of thin times with little to no updates : I've been one of the few who has continued making content on Pantheon Rise of the Fallen and pushed for their vision and been a down-right good ole' chap about everything that's happened over the many years of development.
    One might think I'd be absolutely ecstatic about Pantheon Rise of the Fallen entering a stage where more people around the world can jump in and experience what it has to offer and what makes it special : and the truth is : I am happy about that portion of it : I think for old school MMO fans, Pantheon is still one of the best options we have. Of course, I have to side-conversate that there are now more upcoming options such as the wonderful Monsters & Memories who have shown a much more professional indy approach to MMO development so far in my opinion, but, but, but Pantheon has been moving through these seasons with updates and new content with each season and I've played through them, sometimes with more excitement than others and I REALLY DO enjoy everything they've released so far and I can log into Pantheon and have a great time : My issues aren't at all with the content, or the world design, heck, it's not even the graphic style. My issue is a trust factor with promises made and promises broken over the years, it's something I think almost every Pantheon fan suffers with if you've been along the road long enough.
    So, in December 2024 : Pantheon is supposed to release into Early Access : with 6 sprawling zones which include : Thronefast (which is already complete and playable), Avendyr's Pass (which is playable now), Halnir's Cave (Which just became playable recently), Silent Plains, Eastern Plains and Wild's End. With the pace of development so far and only three of those six available, it means that 3 whole zones will be completed in the next few months and available to test on a grand scale with a ton of new faces giving Pantheon a chance. It's a bit hard for me to swallow that and believe it : Their team size has shrunk and based on past releases and the pace of development, it feels overwhelmingly impossible.
    But that's not all my friends, even though we can only play as one race now with still limited animations : the human race, for Early Access we are being promised : the Ogres, Elves, Dark Myr, Dwarves and Halflings : somehow rigged and animated at least on par with the humans? I think? In a few months time.. somehow.
    But wait, that's still not all, we're also going to get classes, which we can level to around level 40, while at this time most of these classes tap out at level 20 : so I mean yes, this all sounds exciting and grab a time-machine and throw the Nathan Napalm in it and dial it back 4 years ago and I would have been preaching to the skies about how exciting and awesome this is and would have actually believed in it with 100% certainty and approval.
    Take a raggidy Nathan you see before you today and I'm skeptical : Here's the deal : I hope it works out, I hope they can really pull this off, if they do, I'll be nerding out and pumping out videos and showing it off and I'll really celebrate it, because it would be a monumental occassion : A time that Pantheon released something to the public in a time-frame that is true and accurate.
    The reality is : that I expect the zones won't be very fleshed out, be a little bare-bones, the classes will have some major issues and the races will not all actually be working or be running around in T-Poses around the world of Terminus. And listen, that's OKAY when your developing the game in a pre-alpha environment. Or even in a "Pre-Release Season" environment, but when Visionary Realms starts tossing out words like, "Early Access" and starts inviting people in who, no matter WHAT IS SAID, no matter the communication will treat this like a game that is finished but just hasn't fully launched : they will expect it to be an MMO that is fully functional, they will expect something that feels somewhat polished and fully playable to some certain extent at the very least : and then the dogs are unleashed on this project which has already taken more bites, scratches, rips and tears than a 10 cent lady of the night, it's just not going to be good for anybody.
    #pantheon #mmorpg #mmo

Комментарии • 212

  • @jasonsmith3522
    @jasonsmith3522 24 дня назад +22

    The fact that Joppa and the gang have been keeping this project going after Brad's passing is a tribute to their passion. I hope they can squeak through and get to a state where they can get an annual income stream. Until then I will continue to watch instead of contribute because I've been burned too many times. I hate saying that but I feel a lot of us feel the same way. One of us just needs to win the lottery.

    • @TastyPotty
      @TastyPotty 24 дня назад +10

      Win the lottery = buy Vanguard rights/code.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +10

      Buying Vanguard and getting it back on with an official server is my dream

    • @trustyWeedGuy
      @trustyWeedGuy 22 дня назад +1

      ​​@@TheNathanNAPALM mine too Q_Q

  • @antondovydaitis2261
    @antondovydaitis2261 24 дня назад +14

    Glad to see you back!
    EDIT: I'll admit it's been more than a little satisfying to tell my fellow Ashes backers that now they know what "Pantheon Patient" means.

  • @AKSpitta01
    @AKSpitta01 24 дня назад +5

    Welcome back Nathan good to see you back brother ! One day when we can both play together I’ll see you in terminus . Fingers crossed , they pull this off !

  • @Jp808
    @Jp808 24 дня назад +8

    "that's just the wrong day bro"

  • @Cagematic
    @Cagematic 24 дня назад +13

    When you said words mean things sometimes, that hit deep, and they do lol

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +5

      Yeah they really do, glad you enjoyed

    • @Cagematic
      @Cagematic 24 дня назад +4

      @TheNathanNAPALM your one of my favorite creators man, glad to have you back brother!!!

  • @neyos245
    @neyos245 24 дня назад +4

    I couldn't have expressed my concerns any better. Thanks for putting this together Nathan. I also hope that we are wonderfully surprised with their amount of content on Early Access, but I have my concerns. Good to see you back!

  • @StaticGroupLive
    @StaticGroupLive 24 дня назад +24

    This video is 100% spot on ... killing it Nathan

  • @BlameMaxSand
    @BlameMaxSand 24 дня назад +38

    damn, if even Nathan is a bit hesitant that's not a great sign.

    • @sweetfry
      @sweetfry 15 дней назад +1

      For real lol

  • @NathansKidneyStoneEliteMob
    @NathansKidneyStoneEliteMob 24 дня назад +13

    Urine Trouble, Nathan.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +6

      LOL the name! Love it! Please show up to the livestream tonight with that name

    • @NathansKidneyStoneEliteMob
      @NathansKidneyStoneEliteMob 24 дня назад +7

      ​@@TheNathanNAPALM Oh, I'll be there. It would take months of pain and surgical intervention to pry us apart.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +6

      @NathansKidneyStoneEliteMob hahaha well said

    • @ZukanTheDestroyer
      @ZukanTheDestroyer 24 дня назад +1

      Damn top tier trolling. A+

    • @NathansLeftKidney
      @NathansLeftKidney 23 дня назад +1

      Come on man... Leave me alone, won't ya?

  • @michaelcoffey1991
    @michaelcoffey1991 24 дня назад +9

    @Nathan I want to be legit honest I have lost 99% of my faith in this game ever even being 50% of what it COULD of been.... I thank you for always having integrity and calling it as you see it as this was the game that helped me find this amazing channel. Let's hope with fans like you playing it they listen to you and fix it

    • @sweetfry
      @sweetfry 15 дней назад +2

      Same here dude. Same here.

  • @dominicjherr
    @dominicjherr 24 дня назад +6

    As an Ashes backer, I can commiserate. My very first MMO was old school EQ. Because of that, I've been following Pantheon's progress, and hoping it would succeed, despite the various setbacks over the years. Having dealt with a lot of the issues you stated about Pantheon, with Ashes, I can understand your anxiety concerning Early Access, and how it will be received by the general (uninformed) public. Only thing we can do is grit our teeth, and brace for the potential storm, lol. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst 😅

  • @CosmicCleric
    @CosmicCleric 18 дней назад +2

    Appreciate you speaking to truth! Don't let anyone discourage you from calling it as you see it, going forward.

  • @saint-jiub
    @saint-jiub 24 дня назад +11

    Great vid Nathan, I'm in agreement with you that it seems like a lot of promises to deliver on in a short amount of time. I've been a supporter and never jumped on the hate train during the GFX drama. I intentionally keep myself from playing too much of the PA to avoid fatigue and keep a little mystery once it comes out. I hope VR delivers!

  • @StaticGroupLive
    @StaticGroupLive 24 дня назад +25

    "words mean things" .... I keep saying this over and over again

  • @marshallcierovola376
    @marshallcierovola376 24 дня назад +8

    If this game comes out in the current state it will be DoA, just like you're saying. I sure hope the team at Pantheon gets that. It will never bounce back from a failed launch.

  • @adamkinne6467
    @adamkinne6467 24 дня назад +10

    Been playing pantheon as champion access with my brother and a couple other friends. I will say it is the exact type of mmo i want. Gameplay style is great. Classes feel unique but incredibly useful. Grouping is amazing.
    That said EA wont make December. This season was already supposed to have ogres and necros. Those have been delayed. There is no way they make December.
    Then the really bad news is that it does feel like a last ditch effort for funding. Hoping people buy it for early access. This scares me because it might mean if people dont jump in there wont be enough money to finish the game.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +5

      It concerns me for this reason too, so much potential here

    • @adamkinne6467
      @adamkinne6467 24 дня назад

      @@TheNathanNAPALM do you get the same concerns with MaM? I really haven't looked into it a ton. Do the classes in that feel as good as pantheon?

    • @Wayzor_
      @Wayzor_ 2 дня назад

      They should heir Mark Jacobs to scam some money for them.

  • @potsandjacks
    @potsandjacks 24 дня назад +10

    Good points.
    I think they’ve been working on these things for at least 6 or more months. 1 of the zones was made years ago. And all the races share the same animation rig, so adding variations for each race is rather easy.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +6

      I really hope so, I’d love a big win for Pantheon come December

    • @dupre7416
      @dupre7416 24 дня назад

      In MMO development, nothing is "rather easy".

  • @AllegrettoTurbo
    @AllegrettoTurbo 24 дня назад +5

    I expect it to go as bad or worse than Pax Dei's early access. They of course have much more rescources than VR and the level of quality is higher but they both have a very long way to go still. People were/are pissed about Pax Dei's early access decision. Nevermind how Embers Adrift basically instantly died when they tried this (I know you play it but it's very low population). It's a rough road ahead most likely from what I can see.

  • @adrean83
    @adrean83 24 дня назад +17

    I see new Nathan Pantheon content. I click.

  • @dupre7416
    @dupre7416 24 дня назад +8

    I've been waiting from your take on the situation. Some of VR's promises seem impossible for such a small (and shrinking?!?) team. Pantheon may hold the title for the "earliest of all early accesses". But, I see this game having about as much luck as Embers Adrift. Ember's is a perfectly fine game that launched with most of the MMO features people expect. And even with all that it seems to be barely limping along.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +3

      Yeah it’s situations like Embers that has me super sensitive about how Pantheon “launches”

    • @aaronmiller4871
      @aaronmiller4871 24 дня назад +2

      Embers is good but it’s rough with such a low pop unless you have a static group

  • @StaticGroupLive
    @StaticGroupLive 24 дня назад +15

    Better late than never. Glad to see you back sir!

  • @bobmalibaliyahmarley1551
    @bobmalibaliyahmarley1551 22 дня назад +2

    If this game actually releases, it's going to be massively popular. There exists a vaccum in gaming today, MMORPG games like this no longer exist, but there are ALOT of people out there who WANTS to play a game like this. Old School MMORPG formula was successful for a reason, and people out there crave for it.

  • @civrev
    @civrev 24 дня назад +5

    Early access is a bad choice of words because that actually means something on steam. Something like testing trial would be a better choice.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +2

      Yeah and I think the Steam definition is what most people think

  • @packatk7431
    @packatk7431 24 дня назад +6

    As soon as EA was announced I went thru a range of reactions. First, I felt like the money I spent to gain VIP access was wasted when I could have just waited and joined at EA. Second, I felt like you this is too much too quick and the track record for VR isn't so hot when it comes to pushing something out. Third, I felt like this is just another money grab.
    I don't like the non-answer answers to my questions in Discord from the community manager when I raised an issue with Housing and with EA taking away from VIP pledgers. We are suppose to be testers first not game players and it really feels like they are purposefully avoiding the tester badge to the people that here doing the work not just "playing" the game. I bring up issues and get told that's not being looked at at this time...well then give me direction what am I suppose to look at? Halnir? Mad Run? Hanggore? Great, give me a tool to be the appropriate level to test that for you... Oh no we can't do that we want you to get their organically? So what am I suppose to be testing? I'm starting to believe I'm not here as a tester like I wanted to be, I'm here for the money I can provide to VR at the time of certain promotions and then I'm just another bot on the screen adding numbers to their parses.
    I'm hopeful that what they promise will be implemented. I don't believe a word they say tho... I believe what I can see and do.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +2

      Really well said, and to be honest, I hadn’t really even considered the point of view of testers vs players, I do think they are approaching this in a manner a released mmo might: pump out content as fast as possible to keep the players, this is wildly different than the old days of testing a game in alpha or beta and you have good points as usual packatk

    • @packatk7431
      @packatk7431 24 дня назад +3

      @@TheNathanNAPALM I would be happy to agree with your point regarding pumping out content as fast as possible if they were actually pumping out content. Until Mad Run tho there was not a lot to do... even after Mad Run to be honest. Only if they can deliver on the content they are claiming to be able to provide at EA will there be a sliver of a chance of EA succeeding.
      On top of that, progression feels wonky to me at times, like there are gaps in appropriate level content within an area. Again I bring this up and get told, we're not looking at that at this time... DUDE you're going into EARLY ACCESS... these new players aren't going to understand gaps in progression because they are coming into the game as GAME PLAYERS not TESTERS.
      Its frustrating to me cause the game really has progressed A LOT in the right direction the past year. I really worry this is going to take the game in the wrong direction.

  • @byproducts8483
    @byproducts8483 24 дня назад +1

    These are exactly me feelings on the issue. Thank you, Nathan.

  • @MrCoddleshire
    @MrCoddleshire 24 дня назад +5

    What I've been more or less echoing since the announcement of Early Access, hopefully VR hearing these words from one of their biggest fans/supporters will make them give it a hard long think.
    Ultimately Pantheon's Release is akin to a lady's prom night, we want it to be beautiful with the prettiest dress and their hair and makeup all done up well, but if they show up to prom in a baggy t-shirt with no pants people will gossip and be unhappy.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +1

      haha I love the prom analogy and it's true!

  • @Bradyhero
    @Bradyhero 23 дня назад +1

    I'm so glad you're back!

  • @justletmeplaythedamngame
    @justletmeplaythedamngame 24 дня назад +12

    God is good and each day that passes brings us one step closer to the launch of Pantheon.

  • @ziplox2356
    @ziplox2356 24 дня назад +5

    Great video and breakdown of the current state and expectation of what is to come. I love the game and the team but boy the marketing and presentation to the public is just sub par. Glad you are back Nathan!

  • @SamM-d2o
    @SamM-d2o 24 дня назад +5

    Hey Nathan, awesome content as always! I agree with what you are saying, this is a game that I and many others have been waiting a very long time for. Reputation of the game has been pushed into the dirt and they were finally getting some of it back. I do believe this may push it right back down. I can not image VR putting all this content in with such little time unless they have most of it started prior to announcement of EA.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +3

      Fingers crossed that they did start this content long ago and the fruits of their labor is about to show, but skeptical like you

    • @SamM-d2o
      @SamM-d2o 24 дня назад +2

      @@TheNathanNAPALMI hope so as well.
      Have not seen you in Embers in a while- do you still play?

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +1

      I haven’t played in awhile, I picked up a corporate job and it takes up most of my time, with EQ2’s origin server it’s taken up my Embers time but I’ll be back soon

  • @bigsmk8424
    @bigsmk8424 24 дня назад +1

    I hope EA is the answer Pantheon needs. I'm in it till the end I just hope "the end" is not a failed game that never releases. Glad to see you back Nathan.

  • @Sunglare1
    @Sunglare1 24 дня назад +3

    Do you think this is why Ben Dean left?
    Also it could be that they now have all the tools that need and finally a direction and plan to stick to that they can just whup stuff together now and drop it in the game in no time l. This was something they mentioned a couple years ago how develop will greatly accelerate was they have everything in place.
    Could also be the few people there now are working many hours a week. 60-80 maybe.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +2

      I hope they have reached that point I really do, I have no idea why Ben left, but it does make me sad, I like him, I hope he does well

  • @KaiserDragonTV
    @KaiserDragonTV 24 дня назад +1

    I 100% agree with you man in every way.... a early acess in this ERA could kill a game or make it look at boundless / vs ARK survival..

  • @CestPasFaux-kt9zq
    @CestPasFaux-kt9zq 23 дня назад +1

    If they respect the roadmap for EA
    Gonna be a huge success.
    That is the best MMORPG i’ve played for 12 years at least. It already has more content than NW after 3 years.
    Look at Ashes of creation. 9 years dev , 100millions $ for what ? Just a shiny game and nothing else.
    Pantheon is my savior for MMORPG. I was giving up for the genre. Thank you pantheon for this hope
    I agree EA is scary cause we know how it is, usually. But the content is already there to keep you up for at least 1 thousand hour. And if you look at the road map.. it is terrific
    I cannot wait for EA

  • @demris15
    @demris15 24 дня назад

    I am glad to see them moving instead of getting themselves stuck.

  • @ChurroDude
    @ChurroDude 18 дней назад +2

    This perfectly encapsulates everything I feel. Calling it an early access is a mistake but we shall see. YOLO I guess.

  • @rww830872
    @rww830872 24 дня назад +2

    you mentioned 10 cent ladies of the night, links?

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад

      I found some in Atlanta one time, they said there was a sale 50% off bringing it down to only a nickel. True story

  • @7DragonEyes7
    @7DragonEyes7 24 дня назад +1

    They might have a secret build that they don't show and will only release for Early Access, but I don't expect a miracle. I'll see for the right price and the right content, I'll be happy to pay if it's just to have a nice 2 weeks experience, then wait for the release.

  • @n3rdstrength
    @n3rdstrength 24 дня назад +2

    I mean it's clear they haven't shown us everything in what we've been able to play so far.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад

      I hope not, and I believe obviously that they got some work done on the new zones, but we’re essentially looking at more than double the content we got now releasing in a few months. I REALLY hope they got this, I’m just concerned because I care about this project deeply

  • @manofrohan
    @manofrohan 24 дня назад +2

    It's not early. It's just the wrong day...Golden

  • @joshuaanderson1369
    @joshuaanderson1369 23 дня назад

    It's definitely do or die time. This has got more gravity than most people realize.
    Side note. Thanks for not leaving us abandoned like some content creators. I think everybody feels at least a little burnt at this point.

  • @trumangarrick9646
    @trumangarrick9646 20 дней назад

    Remember all the talk years ago about growing mounts, classes and races and living worlds all those things a few years ago?

  • @badwolfgaming78
    @badwolfgaming78 24 дня назад +1

    I stepped up and paid for access a few months ago, but haven't been playing much. I do hope EA brings people in, and they deliver on what they promise. I MUST give it a chance. My wife is tired of me talking about this game..haha

  • @pipz420
    @pipz420 24 дня назад +1

    I do think they need to go early access to get people engaged because it is a game that benefits from engagement. But I do agree with you on content and making sure there is plenty to do up to cap and for endgame. Also the grouping needs to be smooth and organic for new players. A level sync to play with friends of different levels is almost a must to me. No new player will be excited to play if you tell them they need to look for a party for hours.

  • @gdubsterz1238
    @gdubsterz1238 24 дня назад

    Been a pre-alpha tester for 6 years. I don't even log in anymore. So over this game. I'm all in on Monsters and Memories. As you said..professional...realistic time-frames...honest. Unless stuff is being hidden from the testing population this whole thing just feels like a gym thats closing in a few months but is still taking memberships.

  • @JodiMcClure
    @JodiMcClure 20 дней назад +1

    If it's any consolation, it really has been fun to play. Even with all the maddening and sometimes inexplicable changes and bugs it's still pretty addictive. In a weird EQish way, it's become part of the charm?

  • @VorpalMace
    @VorpalMace 24 дня назад +2

    I share your worries. I have more hope in the M&M team.

  • @Dan_Slee
    @Dan_Slee 24 дня назад +1

    Yep, well said Nathan. At this point I'm going to give it a shot when Early Access happens in December, but my faith in the VR team is severely lacking. If they had done their jobs and acted professionally they would have had a real Pre-alpha, Alpha, Beta, and Early access starting years ago. I haven't even been motivated to check out the recent seasons, even though I have access to them. I really hope things turn around and this "early access" launch goes smoothly, but as you stated there are too many reasons to feel confident it will.

  • @benonai
    @benonai 24 дня назад +4

    Nate, good to see you bruh. BUT this is an emotional video. I implore you, i challenge you, to do this video again taking each thing VR is promising on its own merits using what we know. Wanna see that hyped Nate again. And i think EA is nebulous enough to not mean anything in particular, since so many games have used it in so many different ways. You definitely cant say EA always means this...

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +2

      Yeah, I have thought about them individually and we just have never seen this massive dump of content ever before in the history of its dev cycle, however, I REALLY hope they show up and show out, I’ll rocket ship blast to the moon with hype if they pull this off, I hope I’m making a video about it in December congratulating them and flipping out with hype!

    • @benonai
      @benonai 24 дня назад +3

      @TheNathanNAPALM I'm hoping they keep to their word and release each thing as it comes available. Right now the tracker is showing incremental rollout on classes, races, and zones. But u r right on Eastern Plains at least. The ONLY reason that is part of release is cuz you can't get to wilds end easily without it. And it has the same biome as avp so should be easy.

  • @Letulive77
    @Letulive77 24 дня назад +4

    I hope you are wrong too but I share your concerns about the permanent damage that could potentially be done to the game's reputation, especially if there is a sub fee for early access which has been hinted at. I freaking loved Vanguard and if Pantheon suffers a similar fate I might just have to quit playing MMOs altogether (ok that's not gonna happen lol but I will be very sad).

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +4

      Yeah it would be a serious blow for Brad’s final MMO to suffer a fate like vanguard (which I also love)

  • @VitrSavany
    @VitrSavany 24 дня назад +3

    Hi. In your opinion, is Phanteon or embers Adrift better?

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад

      I LOVE Embers Adrift, but Pantheon is more fun imo

    • @benonai
      @benonai 24 дня назад +1

      By a huge factor here...

    • @VitrSavany
      @VitrSavany 24 дня назад +1

      @@TheNathanNAPALM Hi. THX :)

  • @-The-Stranger-
    @-The-Stranger- 19 дней назад +1

    I'm with you; having said that. I played both Pantheon and Monsters & Memories very recently. I gotta say, MnM just feels like it's in a better and more finished, polished, and professional state. Pantheon really has just had a rough go of things, I hate it for them, but as much as I hate to say it. I think they bit off more than they can chew. They should've done what MnM did, but at the start of their project. When things didn't go their way after the KS and Brad reaching out to investors, they should've closed up shop. Not given up, and maybe tailored their expectations as to what they could make. Instead of keeping all this big huge awesome stuff in, maybe save it for expansions and future content. Just did something smaller like MnM is doing and with a more reasonable graphical approach.
    Both games being done in Unity and both games look great, but MnM definitely figured out what they could do and executed in a far better way than Pantheon did. Which is why they're 1 year from soft launch and 2+ from full blown launch, and Pantheon is a giant "Question Mark". The project has just been mismanaged and that has lead to a lot of goodwill being lost. It's not their fault, a lot of bad luck including Brad's death, but those are the facts. One last fact, I'll be at both game launches with bells on, however MnM looks to be the more realistically playable, funded, developed, and polished of the 2 products. Thems' the breaks.

    • @CestPasFaux-kt9zq
      @CestPasFaux-kt9zq 19 дней назад +1

      Played both
      But MnM is too much everquest
      Just a pur copy - paste.They just changed biome.
      And i think there is more deep gameplay in pantheon. Traps etc..

    • @-The-Stranger-
      @-The-Stranger- 18 дней назад +1

      @@CestPasFaux-kt9zq You might be right, but the game isn't finished. Let's see what happens when MnM is finished and Pantheon is in EA. That'll be a better indication, but you might be right.

    • @CestPasFaux-kt9zq
      @CestPasFaux-kt9zq 18 дней назад +1

      @@-The-Stranger- yeah but pantheon is in better shape I think. Not finished but you have already more content than NW after 3 years
      You can easily spend 1 thousand hour on it. And more with the new zone now
      Long time i did not spend so much time on a MMorpg.. and not even finished
      If they respect the road map for EA ,gonna be terrific

  • @lifetotheminimal1211
    @lifetotheminimal1211 24 дня назад +2

    Great video, thanks for the honest take!

  • @AngelTerri
    @AngelTerri 23 дня назад

    What you say is so true, words matter. The meaning of the words matter too. I hope something good comes out with the Early Access in December 2024.

  • @Forevergames-vn6gd
    @Forevergames-vn6gd 24 дня назад +3

    Ok I will admit it I was working my brain to death and had not noticed you had left. What happened ma man? I can firmly say at this point bankers might be just as bad as lawyers. I spend 95% of my time trying to work or rework investor decks, financials and trying to get anyone to give me coverage to help. I do love your honest look because its how I came to making my game. I know the problems they face and many other ventures out there but gamers like to speculate. I feel the pain for my mentor even if he isnt here to see it, I feel every word in your rant to ma bones. Get this PENANCE my title NEEDS Pantheon to go well because it keeps the fire bubbling for a high quality launch for me. I am a mensa man and chess player hands down the best thing for me is to ride into a release with a hot popping community looking for a new drink. I need all of the old on display for maximum 80/20 impact. Yes Nathan I am unlike any CEO you have known before. My discord is always open to you.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +4

      I was gone during mid June and July for my surgery regarding kidney and the stones. I think if Pantheon completely fumbles out of control it will hurt a lot of projects. I do think they will win in the end but it’s painful to watch sometimes

  • @reasonableperson4429
    @reasonableperson4429 24 дня назад +1

    Early Access seems like such a stretch for the current state of the game. The only thing that makes sense to me to push this far this fast is if they have a pot of cash sitting for them if they get to Early Access. I still follow the game but my fervor for it has definitely died down. I can only test the same content for so long before I get burnt out. Still hoping for the best though and agree with you.

  • @Morraak
    @Morraak 20 дней назад

    Completely agree with all of this. I'm rooting for VR, but Early Access isn't the right word choice for this. When I think of Early Access, all of the systems of a game are in, you're just given "Early Access" to the game to give feedback for them to tweak on things and scale up content, not testing whole systems from the ground-up. I also dont believe character wipes should be included in an Early Access phase but that's just me personally.

  • @soulreaper6980
    @soulreaper6980 23 дня назад

    Any chance Sparrow, or Bountycode will come back to Pantheon or possible to your stream? Enjoyed those old EQ1 videos a lot I thought you guys had great chemistry during your streams.

  • @realkorgo
    @realkorgo 24 дня назад +1

    I'm also curious when they built all that content that we are suupposed to get with the EA. Didn't they say something along the lines of they want to present all the stuff they built for testing regularly, and now this big drop that comes out of nowhere?!
    I am also wondering where they want to get further money from when everyone can play all the time and there's no need for VIP anymore for most.

  • @j.b.8852
    @j.b.8852 24 дня назад +1

    This is way too early, I agree with you. Everything you said made sense. I would try out a beta no problem but we are not there yet.

  • @shanecallaghan1284
    @shanecallaghan1284 23 дня назад

    I asked joppa this question on twitch what exactly does Early Access mean? He said it wasn’t not alpha or beta. It was just that they felt the game was playable enough to get more people into the game. Even a way to promote the game, but I also was assuming this mean beta/alpha.

  • @SilverKnight16
    @SilverKnight16 24 дня назад +1

    If they release EA for Pantheon, it will be in a worse/more unfinished state than FFXIV 1.0, which in and of itself was...not great. This is 100% going to backfire on them, and it makes me sad. I don't think the game is for me, but I really want a successful old-school style MMO out there, to prove its viability. Words do, indeed, mean something.

  • @zephasysgaming
    @zephasysgaming 22 дня назад

    We'll see what happens! I'm definitely hopping into the EA but this game is ultimately on thin ice with so many people.

  • @justcd89
    @justcd89 17 дней назад +1

    Planning failure, so much wasted energy from when they started! I'm exhausted from expecting game devs to make what they sell us. I'm glad to see you're doing good, nathan!

  • @torvaldrunarson4219
    @torvaldrunarson4219 24 дня назад

    For all old school AND pvp MMO fans, I recommend Warhammer Online : Return of Reckoning. It is simply amazing

  • @Alexander-ix2jp
    @Alexander-ix2jp 9 дней назад +1

    Sup mate, I'm trying to find Jappa's reaction to your vid but can't seem to find it. Where can I find it?

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  9 дней назад +1

      It’s on his Joppavash twitch channel, I plan to react to it and post this weekend if you want to wait for that

    • @Alexander-ix2jp
      @Alexander-ix2jp 9 дней назад

      @@TheNathanNAPALM thx mate, was looking all over RUclips haha! Sure, I can wait. Btw, I think it's good that you're speaking your mind out. You have every right to do so.

    • @Alexander-ix2jp
      @Alexander-ix2jp 7 дней назад

      @@TheNathanNAPALM my body is ready baby

  • @Josh-om1lo
    @Josh-om1lo 22 дня назад

    As someone who as also played since the beginning, I don’t think they will hit their targets. I hope they can square away the content that matches for 40 targets which would give some breathing room to fix/improve animations, additional races, etc., we shall see and luckily the core community has stuck with the team through the highs and lows.

  • @treysar3044
    @treysar3044 24 дня назад +1

    this isn't on Brad this time though he has been dead a couple years and they have changed the game drastically already from brads original vision. Now hats off to Joppa and the others for trying to get out and continue development of this game is a feather in their cap but brad can only receive credit. If they mess it up its no longer on Brad McQuaid.

  • @blackrw42
    @blackrw42 22 дня назад

    They seem to be using the industry meaning of Early Access While I can appreciate the distrust ... it seems like a lot of world to build by December, their use of the term Early Access seems to match the meaning as they describe it. Certainly better than pre-alpha, beta, or seasons for modern game development.

  • @jstock2317
    @jstock2317 24 дня назад +1

    im excited to play open access, but it's been a while!
    beta should come before EA

  • @rileysmith3490
    @rileysmith3490 24 дня назад +1

    I was so hyped for this game, but that was years ago. I have no confidence in the game amounting to anything. Certainly not putting out a dime to beta their " Early Access".

  • @luckybomber
    @luckybomber 24 дня назад +1

    I. Guessing it will get delayed for a few months if not a few years but heres to hoping it all works out

  • @teamvjmckblah1436
    @teamvjmckblah1436 24 дня назад +1

    I think they have bled off so many people (like me) that this is an act of pure desperation. I'm not sure they can make this happen and look good in the end.

  • @slydog75
    @slydog75 24 дня назад +1

    Wow they've even lost Nathan's trust and rightfully so

  • @stevensmagiccastle
    @stevensmagiccastle 24 дня назад +3

    Jeez....I'm just gonna hold out for Pantheon: Rise of the Baldwins.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +2

      You can play as ANY of the Baldwin brothers!!

  • @Yezi__ftw
    @Yezi__ftw 24 дня назад +1

    I agree totallynathan 100%. If these new zones are not flushed iut almost completely like we havenow at this time, and not have as much content as we have now with these 2 zones then it will be a disaster. Early access has a BIG MEANING and i am afraid that MOST think ea means something totally different then what VR is labeling it too be, and thatis scary but true. Ea or the term ea is the wrong term to use....Your video says it all.. this game is fun, but it ould be a self inflicted knife to the throat slash with their use of words. I hope i am wrong.

  • @bobbyzig3879
    @bobbyzig3879 17 дней назад +1

    Pantheon was a nice idea but the devs killed this.

  • @NathansLeftKidney
    @NathansLeftKidney 23 дня назад +1

    If you are fed up with all the Pantheon BS. I would recommend Pee 99...

  • @Trendle222
    @Trendle222 24 дня назад +1

    havent they been working on this game since 2010?? i mean i remember being all excited about it when i first heard about it years ago, 2015 or so, but they had been working on it well before then? i could be wrong but thats what it seems like

  • @MrGlentc
    @MrGlentc 24 дня назад +1

    My only issue with the game is the lack of a world or local map.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +1

      We should get a map system in place before launch!

  • @Wayzor_
    @Wayzor_ 2 дня назад

    The clock is ticking for interest in golden-age-MMORPG style games.

  • @TacticalSystem
    @TacticalSystem 24 дня назад +2

    I hope Asmongold doesn't play it on his stream. They are going to tear it apart for the lols. His RUclips edit of the stream will influence millions. I hope VR knows whats at risk.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад +2

      That’s exactly the kind of thing I’m concerned about

  • @GladerDev
    @GladerDev 17 дней назад

    Man, Ashes and Pantheon this year releasing a build?? This is rough for me, I was hoping to release my small lil indie MMORPG in Early Access too this year. Tough year for that haha.

  • @fencingfireferret1188
    @fencingfireferret1188 24 дня назад

    After Embers Adrift completely died on the vine, I have zero faith the success of oldschool MMO designs anymore

  • @danield-h1j
    @danield-h1j 3 дня назад

    PSA- new trailer coming tomorrow

  • @Chris509JF
    @Chris509JF 24 дня назад +1

    They skipped alpha and beta and went straight to early access? wtf? 😅

  • @Ehlk
    @Ehlk 23 дня назад

    they should have run seasons rest of year and announced EA in Dec for like, July 2025.
    Would have been different if they hired on a team of like 5 to help out get all the work done as a hail mary.
    Expectations are low but i'm excited to try out the ogre

    • @Ehlk
      @Ehlk 23 дня назад

      and they should have called it open alpha

  • @NathansLeftKidney
    @NathansLeftKidney 23 дня назад +2

    HELP ME...

  • @boblatouche2273
    @boblatouche2273 24 дня назад

    disney dreamlight valley came out in early access and it was super fun. my wife spent hundreds of hours in that game. they can do it I am sure.. release something that can give hundreds of hours of fun, we shoudl also look at no man sky example.

  • @Mr.Mister1974
    @Mr.Mister1974 9 дней назад +1

    Yeah what December 2030 is more likely.

  • @Voodooray007
    @Voodooray007 24 дня назад +2

    Early Access? So it will be on Steam?

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад

      No not on steam

    • @Voodooray007
      @Voodooray007 24 дня назад +1

      @@TheNathanNAPALM 😒

    • @einsteinpi
      @einsteinpi 24 дня назад +1

      @@TheNathanNAPALM Have they announced that for sure? Thought it was still possible.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад

      Yeah it’s not off the table actually they said

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад

      So that was my mistake, they did say they are considering a Steam early access apparently

  • @sweetfry
    @sweetfry 15 дней назад +1

    I have no doubt Asmongold is going to play this, and that douchey Ahses of Creation guy, and they're gonna shit talk it so hard

  • @Shockernor
    @Shockernor 23 дня назад +2

    Meh, i am now looking forward to M&M and EverCraft instead.

  • @jordank5551
    @jordank5551 9 дней назад

    This is camelot unchained scenario but with a dev team thats sincere instead of marc jacobs ruining my soul.

    @THE_REAL_MISFIT 24 дня назад +1

    There never was much hope. Just a fools hope.

  • @randomly-genrated
    @randomly-genrated 24 дня назад

    I think I'll be playing DAOC Blackthorn server which should be in beta if not release by then.

  • @AlbertoMartinez765
    @AlbertoMartinez765 24 дня назад +1

    Early Access..they Need Money ..that is all.. this stuff is expensive and if they don't get some money coming in its all shutting down its that simple. Ashes of Creation Selling the keys again and setting new packages after many many Delays..WHY THEY NEED MONEY..Dev of an MMO is a Massive money pit. I look forward to playing with everyone in DEC!

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад

      Yeah you aren't wrong, and servers being up all the time isn't cheap either

  • @leedunning1825
    @leedunning1825 24 дня назад

    They should have consulted with folks like you before making such a huge announcement. Maybe even given you a peek behind the curtain to get your feedback.

  • @hom-sha-bom
    @hom-sha-bom 9 дней назад +1

    I just can't fw pantheon any more. I'm a vip pledge, spent $1000 but after so many years of no progress, and even massive regression in some cases, I just lost interest entirely. I can't even be bothered to update it any more.

  • @daoneapox1479
    @daoneapox1479 24 дня назад +2

    Dang you guys sure hold on till the wheels fall off huh? Painfully sad how easy it is to feed and get money from these older nostalgic EQ players.

    • @TheNathanNAPALM
      @TheNathanNAPALM  24 дня назад

      The ones that are hanging on play the game right now and we like it, the point of the video is that it’s not in a state to call it early access