IF YOU ARE BORED COME CHECK ME OUT LIVE ON :D - www.twitch.tv/totalwarks 7. Army Composition ( Although the composition is good, it is mostly geared towards early/mid game, it can still work during late, but by then you should have a big enough economy to replace the following; Light Cavalry > Yari Cavalry, Yari Ashigarus > Naginata samurai/Katana Samurai, Bow Ashigarus > Bow Warrior Monks ) 10. Foreign Trade (There are actually 6 NOT 5 Trade Routes) 11. Realm Divide ( Very Important but I forgotten to mention !, it is where the game will split into half and everyone will declare war on you regardless of status/relationship once you reach a very powerful stage so be prepared ! )
They increase your tax rate: the higher the proficiency in overseeing towns they have, the higher tax rate you get As a side benefit, they also make towns a little happier, and decrease the chance of enemy agents to mess with your town Agents in general are pretty great, and they passively get experience while waiting in towns or armies
When the battle is over and the enemy is fleeing, make your general's unit chase and kill as MANY of the fleeing units as possible. This gives them a lot of EXP safely. Break the enemy, and once the option to "run them down" appears take that option and just control your general to kill all the running soldiers.
@@canthurtcr8t503 I always have but I bet a lot of folks just click end battle. I like the thought of killing all enemies that oppose me! How dare they oppose me!
What I'm actually doing is to finish the combat when they ask me if I want to keep fighting, then, in the campaign map their broken unit will run away, you can go after then and win the automatic battle. It also gives a lot of EXP (like sometimes leveling up a unit to 0 to rank 2 or 3), but I don't know if it gave the same amount of EXP than killing everyone in the same battle.
1. You don't want to totally depend on ashigaru units. Bow ashigaru units are significantly out ranged by bow samurai and warrior monk units, and thus lose always. And raw recruit bow samurai and warrior monks stats are roughly on the same level as experienced bow ashigaru units. I usually phase bow ashigaru units out pretty much immediately once i get bow samurai or jump straight to bow warrior monks. Yari ashigaru are amazing, or yarimazing, as the unit sometimes yells. In yari wall they can win almost all other melee units in the game but as you said, they get totally non-consensually buttsexed by archers and flanking cavalry/infantry. And later in the game they tend to lose to more experienced samurai's. Also during late game AI tends to bring a lot of archers in their armies, so you'll avoid a lot of unnecessary casualties if you bring at least few samurai units to tank opponents arrows. And during mid and late game your economy should be able to withstand full samurai and warrior monk armies. Oda clan is a exception to this, because you can just go full Stalingrad with your cheaper ashigaru units and drown your enemies in waves of yari ashigaru. Plus they are a little better than normal ashigaru. Still it would be wise to bring few naginata samurai to tank enemy arrows before your ashigaru tide reaches enemy lines 2. I gringed a little when I saw that you had demolished sword school from Satsuma. You denied really really really huge early game advantage from yourself, when you can't recruit those shimazu katana samurai, especially when satsuma holds a blacksmith building. One or two of those with that +2 armour from armoury in your armies make gives you a huge advantage during early game, especially on higher difficulties. You should always if possible center your recruitment into cities that gives your units an advantage. Melee units from cities with blacksmith, archers from cities with fletchers, cavalry from cities with horse breeders, and so on. You get drill. You should build markets and sake den generally only into those cities you don't recruit from. Upgrading your castle brings huge buffs to public order, so you don't really need sake den in those cities. All in all however a solid video. Don't take me for some elitist who says that this game should be played in a certain way. These were just my observations from last 6-7 years i have played this game, and which have saved me from a lot of heartburn playing this game. You do you, and having fun is the main thing
well yes obviously, I did it as a mere demonstration in an easy difficulty campaign for the castle town buildings you should go for in general and yes I agree bow ashigarus are not very good and i usually skip them and go straight for bow warrior monks which i failed to mention past early game
The thing about bow units is you don't technically need superior bow units to be successful. Yes, Bow Ashigaru aren't that impressive (but then neither are Bow Samurai, gotta go up to Bow Warrior Monks for a real upgrade). But all you really need is some throw-away bow units to keep the enemy missile troops honest. This is particularly evident when playing as the Ikko-ikki (whose bow ashigaru are trash, significantly worse than normal bow ashi) or Hattori (standard stats but the unit is more expensive both to recruit and maintain, unlike their other kisho units which are only expensive to maintain). You just grab enough bow units to survive while keeping enemy archers engaged, beef up your melee line and use cav to wipe enemy archers. In defensive sieges you don't even try to archer duel on the walls, you just pull back your men and force the enemy to climb. In offensive sieges... well those are a bad idea unless you have significant missile or numerical superiority. Just wait the enemy out instead. Don't get me wrong bow warrior monks are amazing units, but you don't actually NEED them at any point in your campaign, they're just a nice upgrade to have.
@@EmersionX he is strong, but not compared to any dedicated cavalry unit in the game. Going down the right side of general tree is generally worthless, since you could just give that unit slot to a full strength cav unit that doesn't need leveling up to get upgraded. That said, I still do it for fun/roleplay once I have enough generals.
The big strategy key for the vanilla campaign is that you need to pace yourself carefully when your clan status starts nearing legendary, the full bar. If you go legendary unprepared, just casually slip into Realm Divide, you will probably lose. So before taking the last provinces that will trigger the event, spend time making absolutely sure you have maxed income and armies set up to fight _all other clans_ who will suddenly be allied against you. Even vassals are likely to turn, so don't rely on them. Declaring war on a vassal will decrease your global diplomatic score, which doesn't matter when literally everyone is locked into destroying you anyway. When you take Kyoto, you probably want to loot it for a huge payday. When you are nearing your win objective you can start hitting the loot button more, and just leave chaos in your wake. But don't start doing it too early or the rebels and decreased honor will create a big problem. I like to have one army just run rampant looting the enemies mostly undefended provinces, while others focus on holding the win condition.
yes you make some good points I forgotten to mention realm divide, it was probably something I should have definitely put in, to replace one of the things in the video.
First time I won, it was with the Oda. I had no idea realm divide existed, and so I ended up capturing Kyoto, unaware that everybody was slowing getting more angry towards me. Had I not won the turn I did - literally four turns after capturing Kyoto, as I became shogun - I would’ve basically lost the turn afterwards. That’s a mistake I’m never making again.
I got a tip for you. Just set up your imcome and army for realm divide like you did. But as an addition to evade the realm divide by the ashikaga clan, you must take kyoto as the last province before the realm divide triggering. By declaring war by attacking the castle(this will prevent the ashikaga to put you in a realm divide because they still have to react atleast one turn first) and kill any of the ashikaga forces left in kyoto so they will be destroyed before they can put you in a realm divide. Still the other will go againts you. But atleast it was in more slower pace rather than Everyone including your vassal goimg agints you with a realm divide. Because your minus point in diplomacy were more like because territorial expansion rather than realm divide first. Atleast you got realm divide after you become shogun.
11: Be careful when you upgrade a castle. Unlike other buildings it can not downgrade. Since it consume lots of food you should be very careful before upgrade it.
The annoying thing about the Stealth Chain Buildings is that every character that ends their turn inside a town with that building has a chance to pick up the "Eye for the Ladies" trait, which reduces their movement range. It never goes away and it is very hard to go an entire campaign without at least one general picking it up.
It's been a while since I looked into this but iirc that only occurs with the upgraded Stealth Chain buildings, right? If so you don't actually have to upgrade the stealth chain past the first level, it's not economically efficient, is rarely needed for the public order bonus. Ofc if you really want to upgrade them, you could just upgrade them in rear provinces that aren't garrisoned by a general. Even if I'm wrong and sake den gives this debuff as well, there's a trick that we frequently used in older TW games (Rome TW, Medieval 2 etc) to negate this. Simply use up more than half of your movement. Take your general for a stroll (in a safe direction), making sure to use just more than half of your movement points before parking back in the castle. Doing this will prevent generals from picking up any traits from resting in towns.
As such i allways place my generals outside towns, mostly in ambush position. If public order is needed just swap them in. Also having ninjas in an army increses movement range aswell as decreeses Agent action´s. To pick economic centers one should allways look at the ground and resources present, generally furtile to very furtile+ Gold or silver allow for easy income and profit, another thing is a trick for trade the horses resource leads to very easy trade with other clans, they will likely pay tons of money, especially so the Takeda.
@@billtussenius4365 Oh I always forget to mention the Warhorse trade thing, it is the only resource that really matters when setting up trade deals. AI clans give it an absurd amount of weight in trade deals. 4 out of 5 times the clan that is refusing to trade with you is doing so because you don't have warhorses (the 5th one already has warhorses and just doesn't like you).
Big tip in General Skill tree, Rather than going left make sure you get "Stand and fight" its game breaking especially with yari ashigaru, it gives them amazing morale and +3 meele attack which makes them better than most units in game inside the yari wall formation
Gihan M. Thx for letting me know I wasn’t sure if the stand and fight ability did anything besides making the general very vulnerable so I never bothered, ill have to give it a shot now
@@TotalWarKS If the units are pretty much all engaged then you won't have to worry about being the general exposed as it greatly benefits the unit stats as mentioned before and yes going for "poet" trait comes in handy when you're playing as for example otomo because your daimyo has very low honour points which kinda sucks either way you can go for Infantry leader then invest in honour and research rate points since in late game, most ashigaru units are pretty much useless(I'm referring to the traits that come after level 5 general and infantry leader) and I even strongly advise against recriuting bow ashigaru because to be honest or not to be rude they are trash and bow samurai are much better option and bow warrior monks are exceptionally good if you've the patience as they require extra time to be able to recruited and if you recruit them from a province that gives accuracy buff building i.e Fletchers then bow units are much more deadly but bow ashigaru are still bad.
@@rev0126 I disagree with you, bow ashigaru are far more superior to bow samurai in terms of cost, number of men and recruitment time. the bonuses that bow samurai have cant compete with that, so I usually stick to bow ashigaru until bow warrior monks.
@@heshamkassem5747 No, they aren't. Bow ashigaru, even experienced, usually lose 1v1 against bow samurai, and the match up is even worst against warrior monks. Meanwhile, yari ashigaru can stand their ground against samurai units, outright winning vs yari samurai while yari wall. If you get infantry leader and stand and fight, your experienced yari ashigaru will even beat fresh katana samurai 1v1, although with heavy losses.
You are definitely right, I was thinking perhaps I have forgotten something in the making of this, cant believe I actually left out realm divide, thx for letting me know !
@@TotalWarKS Yeah, makes the late game a lot duller yet more stressful. Would prefer a series of malus so that at least your closer allies would remain, or at least it'd be better if clans would peace out after being annihilated
@@giorgiannicartamancini3917 But it makes the late game actually worth playing. When I reach endgame in WH2 there's no point in playing anymore because no one can challenge me.
Overall good video, however, being a Total War veteran with 1000's of hours with shogun 2, and many other total war games in the series; I can honestly say that I heartily disagree with several of your points. Although the overall advice in general is sound, certain key elements that you included in your tutorial is very easily counted, and can seriously cause a player to be handicapped mid to late game, and be utterly useless against a decent human opponent who has at least a basic concept of military strategy. .. Building construction. As another veteran comrade of the franchise already pointed out, only build stealth chain in towns that are not recruiting other units.. (there is an exception to this which i will explain shortly. ) The key strategy here is to use town specialties to bolster melee/defensive capabilities of your units. Having a master armory in Kaga for example will give a total of +5 with both building upgrades, which if you also build a yari dojo there, can give you naginata samurai with 15 armour! I use them to tank archers or to target generals, they are virtually immune to arrows and wipe cav units almost instantly. Put a monk building there as well, you can recuit warrior monks with a huge boost to armour as well, that offsets their only handicap, and makes them not as vulnerable and can stand against archers, and counter EVERY other unit! Put a weaponsmith in Satsuma and you can get an insane boost to melee for all your units.. i had warrior nuns with a 32 attack, and warrior monks with a 27 attack! Here is where you also can put a stealth building ( putting a ninja building in Satsuma or Kaga would net very high melee or armour bonuses!). You also would be wise to put the yari version of the encampment chain in kai for the insane charge bonus. And if Kai happens to be your stronghold, and future generals you recruit here will have crazy charge bonuses, and if you choose the two cav attack bonus skills that are available on the right side of the skill tree, you would have a general that would mow down any unit like grass!) Army composition: Yari ashirgu are only good early game. Their yari wall formations ( even with lots of experience) get cut to pieces by other units - especially warrior monks, that have attack/defense upgrades. Not only that, yari ashiguru have shit moral, and rout easily (again with monks warcry or monk archer whistling arrows) , they run like bitches when more than half their numbers remain. Of course every army composition will have its counter, that's why it is good to build your armies according to defending a castle, or attacking a castle.. that should be very different compositions. .. for attacking, you want to send units that will counter theirs, ( use agents to discover what their stacks are composed of.) I have a "general purpose " army which i use for practically any situation it consists of (8 warrior monks, 4 naganata samurai, 4 bow warrior monks, 1 kiso ninja, 1 warrior nun, 1 yari OR katana cav and my general. . I usually have 2 or 3 'mirror armies ' of this composition which usually only varies buy removing the ninja and nun specialty units, and adding 2 more yari or katana cav. I usually don't have more than 4 cavalry units total, in any army because they are counted by almost any other unit in the game, and the ai loves building lots and lots of yari inf.... which brings me to my next point. .. Tech trees: I highly disagree with your method of going the left side for general's, and your research priority. .. like I said earlier, if you mix general skills with army composition, building types, and retainer attributes , you can create super units, like if your general has the +15 retainer, put him with an army that has heavy archers like 6 archer units in a stack, and recruit your monk archers in a town that has fletchers and hunting lodge...( i had monk archers with 127 accuracy and a monk hero with 132!) The same goes for generals who you put ALL of their skills in boosting cav attack and charge.. Then recruit those respective units depending on how your encampment arch types and town bonuses are set up. You can have yari cav with max bonuses to charge, and katana cav units with max bonuses to attack or armour. . Then import however much of this type into one stack, in my "general purpose " stack, each unit is specialized in one area. Usually my monks have full bonuses to attack or armour, nag samurai with full armour, warrior nuns full attack, monk archers with both archer buildings and general that has archer retainer...oh, and GET STAND AND FIGHT...it boosts your units melee attack and accuracy of nearby units DRASTICALLY! You can get +15 to your attack and accuracy... using this on my archers i can easily boost their accuracy to over 150.. and my warrior monks to over 40 attack! This simple concept of combining unit type, double specialty buildings, general retainer and skill sets, and stand and fight will create extremely overpowered units which will absolutely annihilate yari ashirgu and any other unit... therefore i highly recommend staying away from yari ash because it's very simple to build units to easily destroy them! Have one to guard your general if you don't like playing your general aggressively (like I do!) But later on you will discover that matching your generals with the right upgrades and unit types, will quickly push the advantage in your favor, even if you are heavily outnumbered... And for the record, this is not an exploit... it's maximizing each unit's ability to kill efficiently, using stacked bonuses combined units, buildings, agents, generals, and retainers... Only put metsukes in your richest towns, and if you have a good trade income and (capture all 6 of the trade nodes and protect them heavily with a stack of offensive ships, ) you don't need to invest in the long waiting farm upgrades to research, and instead research techs that will improve your units in combat... the last thing I'll say that you haven't even mentioned is build a harbour as fast as you can and build a bob kaboya .... then build one every turn for four turns.... as each one spawns, send it to occupy a trade node...then camp there until you build a trading dock...by the time you have the ability to produce these, you should already own 3 or 4 of the 6 nodes... which once occupied by at least one trade ship, will allow you to trade with almost any clan, even if they are hostile towards you, and your general has crap loyalty!... Sorry for the dreadfully long reply, just giving my two cents... But if my reply gets 100 likes, I'll reveal a trading secret that you will not find anywhere else on the internet, and I'm sure the developers didn't intend for you to know! It will get you rich...i had 950,000 gold by turn 70!!🤫
Bruh make a RUclips page. As a players who’s been playing this for 8+ years with 1000s of hours this is some of the best advice out there and I too know/use many of these. However I don’t know your secret trading trick! Hmu on steam LongLiveFives
This is soo accurate every RUclips video on total war is garbage advice or non understandable to new players(me), and this advice helped me get my first long campaign victory
Couple more points. When signing trade agreements, always try to demand the AI to pay you for it, especially if you have valuable resources like horses, sometimes they will pay 5000+ for it. Another thing is to make sure you have a strong navy before going into realm devide, secure your waters and place them to intercept naval invasions. Nothing is worse when an enemy lands beside your capital while your armies are halfway across the map.
Also always ask for military access to lands as a bonus which I find the AI always seems to agree with trade agreements but less with demand payment. There can always be a need to access other clans land without being in war with them. I found the Izu province of the Hojo to be a rebel province and sent a army to take it by sea. It's the province with one of the three gold mines in the game plus a upgraded castle so there was incentive for me to only take just that one province and advance west to take the school province but since I'm being picky with the number of provinces before hitting 20 to stop RD, asking the Oda for military access allowed me to connect my provinces from the West to garrison troops in land rather than by sea. Probably not optimal since it is isolated from my lands in the West but it was very fun to fight off sieges.
i recently just learned that if you took a castle without destroying anything (gate, the wall too maybe?) the castle stays intact and you can immediately recruit unit after the battle phase is over, really useful for blitzkrieg tactic/naval reinforcement. though that means doing a bit of work and skipping the autoresolve feature on less defended castle, but i think its worth it.
If the garrison is really small you can kill them all with archers. Otherwise the best way to do offensive sieges is just wait the enemy out. They will usually attack you in the field in a turn or two, if you kill off the entire enemy army (or at least enough that no unit can reform) you'll take the castle immediately upon winning. If you're lucky you may catch the enemy army standing just outside their castle. Attack the castle directly and you may get the opportunity to annihilate the enemy army with little effort as they run to get back inside the castle. Then it's an easy mop up job for your archers to kill the few remaining garrison units.
@@Naraku-no-Hana-WE It always depend on the sizes of the castle, in some case the defending archers concentrates on a section of wall and you are entirely safe to to kill the other guys.
@@fsdds1488 I know, and you can (or at least could, not sure if still works haven't done it in forever) cheese the archers, locking them into a drawing bow animation. However, actually killing the enemy archers embedded into the wall without sending your troops into the castle is another matter entirely, it's difficult and sometimes impossible to kill them all with your archers.
@@Naraku-no-Hana-WE Well I does not mean to exploit any glitches, I usually gather all archers available in the region to do the job, as the AI is overly inert you can do anything, another way is to lure them into the gates and kill them with yari wall, but that is always my last resort.
Bonus stacks: Some towns have the infrastructures to that allow you to recruit units with superior stats (armor, attacks, accuracy and charge bonus), you should combine that with the encampment building to further specialize your troop, turn that town into your recruiting spot and build units with massively improve stats (Naginata samurai with *even* better armor, super deadly katana samurai, sniper bow monks and one-charge-kill-all cavalries and best of all: yari ashigaru with samurai-tier armor) With one town that has the armorsmith building I can mass-produce high survivability yari ashigaru that can survive even katana samurai, station them into towns for even easier Heroic victory.
Unless you pull what I just watched the AI do in my current Hattori campaign and recruit all Yari samurai at the start. Oda didn't even get to fight the Imagawa, Saito "the Viper of Mino" Dosan wiped them out in one of the biggest sengoku jidai upsets since Okehazama.
@@rpk321 It's kinda hard to play Oda properly when you're, you know, playing as the Hattori and not the Oda. But you are correct the AI played the Oda very wrong.
@@Naraku-no-Hana-WE AI sucks at playing 'em Where are the Ashigaru Horde? You pay even less for troops and buildings than the players and somehow the players are better at pumping out conscripts like its the Patriotic War.
For siege defense....what I've found to be quite effective is a strategy that takes a little micro managing. Have your archers and only your archers man the wall, and station a melee unit behind each. If they're yari, put them in wall formation. Keep shooting the enemy until they are climbing the wall. As soon as the first one makes it over, IMMEDIATELY have your archer unit retreat through the melee unit behind it and take up position behind them. If your melee unit is katana based, have them charge. If they're yari, hold position. This will absolutely DECIMATE units as they make it over the wall, plus it provides your archers excellent cover and they can bleed the enemy significantly until they make it up the wall without taking many casualties in return. Then use your melee unit to block the enemy and have your archers focus fire on the enemy that have made it inside, and it's almost impossible for a unit to climb the wall in enough strength to actually do much besides die.
Yeah everyone forgets about the Ainu trade node, but to be fair it's the least valuable of the 6. Still nice if you start in the far north/east of the map.
Good vid, some solid tips here and I'm glad some folks are still making these for new TW players. Shogun 2 may seem overwhelming initially but in reality it's not as complex as it appears, especially compared to some of the titles that followed Shogun 2. But to add a little bit here, all the best tips that are specific to Shogun 2 will relate in some way to managing your economy. The higher the difficulty you play on the more this will prove true. Make sure you recruit the maximum number of metsuke (1 per market you build, to a max of 5), place them in the richest provinces you own and focus those provinces on economic buildings (markets, sake dens, and any other province specialty buildings that add wealth or increase the tax rate). Avoid upgrading markets (other than in those five metsuke territories) or castles (anywhere) unless you need them. Both market upgrades and castles consume food surplus, food surplus contributes to economic growth across all your provinces. If you're thinking of upgrading your castle so you can add a market or sake den, chances are you're actually doing more damage (in the long term) to your economy than good. Unrelated but worth mentioning here that upgraded castles aren't necessarily better at defending your frontier territories. Although they provide more garrison units and more arrow towers, they also increase in size and may become more tricky to defend, depending on the size and types of units you're using. Strongholds (tier 2) are often sufficient. Generally speaking you should only upgrade castles beyond Stronghold level if it's a good province for unit recruitment. Use your armies as efficiently as possible particularly in the early game. Try not to recruit many samurai units or navies, use ashigaru (and light cav, they are extremely efficient units as well) as much as possible. For navies bow kobaya with fire arrows are highly efficient, though unless you're near the western trade nodes you should avoid spending much on navies in early game. Even with ashigaru armies you still want to be efficient, don't recruit too many and avoid engaging on too many fronts so you can keep your armies to a small number. The best economic tip for the mid-late game is simply do not rely on trade income. In most situations you will lose ALL trade income shortly after your Imperial fame maxes out. Be certain your economy can support all your armies and navies WITHOUT any trade income, or you may be approaching an economic death spiral.
Dude I've never seen someone with such an exceptionally well done tips and tricks video before. I've been playing Total War titles for 15 years and all 10 tips you provided were the absolute most important things to know about shogun 2.
I've done like 5 full campaigns on the game and I still learned something here today... For me recruiting the warrior bow monks is a good tactic too... they're just OP... just got to know what to research/build to get them.
yeah they take a bit to research and building to get them, but once you have those units they shred anything that comes their way ( as long as it is not against other archers )
I disagree about the use of points for your generals. In my opinion, you should ALWAYS use your 2 points in Strategist once you reach level 2. Once you reach level 3, use only one point in Strategist and keep the last one. Finally, when you reach level 4, you can put all three points you now have in "Stand and Fight !" which definitely improves your army fighting skills by ALOT :)
I personally do the same except... I don't use "Stand and Fight". Instead, I put three points into ambushes. It allows you to destroy enemy armies and then their alies separately, which gives you HUGE advantage by splitting one bad battle into 2 or even 3 good ones. More XP for general, less casualties, cool feeling of outsmarting the enemy.
Dear TotalWarkS thank you very much for your video 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Total War: SHOGUN 2 (2020). I am returning to video games and I am 62 yrs old a strategy board gamer and love to play war games. Your comments have really help me a lot returning to PC video gaming and playing Total War Shogun 2. Thanks again, James
Markets give you extra cash and metsuke, but they use food - if you build too many castles and markets, you'll get famine and rebellions. A ninja's sabotage army feature can effectively split enemy forces by preventing multiple enemy armies from supporting each other. Take down the factions of different religions first, or you will spend the rest of the game converting the population back to shinto.
A basic market is fine. It's Rice Exchanges and up that cause food problems. A couple can work out well, but yeah, avoid Rice Exchanges for the most part.
I always think it's really interesting when someone says their first total war game was something past empire or napoleon. I grew up playing nothing but grand strategy games and RTS games and when I started playing the newer total war games I found them so intimidating and a lot to take in despite as much history as I had with other total war games in the past. I always wonder what it's like for someone jumping into these games with 0 background in total war games
7. Army Composition It is definetly true that bow ashigaru are quite bad and it screws your army if you have too many of them. But in the late game I like to have at least one army with around 12 bow monks with upgraded accuracy, one general and the rest naginata samurai as a tanky frontline unit. The bow monks will absolutely demolish any melee units trying to get to your frontline of naginata samurai while they tank the arrows because of their high armor stat. Firerocket units are also very fun to play because they have even more range and deal massive damage. It is always very funny to see your army absolutely massacre the enemy army before they even reach your troops.
Yeah, that's right. The army composition is very useful and deadly even in Legendary difficulty. I prefer 10 Naginata Samurai, 9 Bow Monks and Stand and Fight general. Basically them eat up armies 2-3 times their size.
watching this video is like watching toddlers learn to walk very wholesome XD Edit: you didnt tell em ybout the highground, it is proportionate so if you put an ashigaru yari wall up on it they beat even their supposed counters like katana samurai easily
In terms of damage-per-second, they’re good against Ashigaru, monks, and other units with low armour but less effective against samurai and heroes in general. Matchlocks are more effective against samurai in that context.
Dude great video! 19 Bow warrior monks can rip most armies to shreds, in campaign i go for 10 bow monks, 4 yari ashigaru, 2 yari cavalry and 3 naginata warrior monks
Very nice army. But I prefer 10 Naginata Samurai, 9 Bow Warrior Monks and 1 General. I love how the monks destroy the enemy while the nagsams hold the line against infantry and cav alike.
Yari Ashigaru make a great frontline, but some infantry dedicated for a flank charge is good as well. Some samurai or warrior monks should maneuver for a side or rear charge after the front lines are engaged fighting each other. Cav is fine but infantry can just stay in the fight after the charge, rather than needing micro to not die to stick wielding peasants.
Oh and you can also spam the move command to make high damage melee units push themselves through and surround enemies. Like have a katana unit behind your yari, and once the yari are fighting, rush the katanas straight through. This is not a flank or a charge, but a safer way to put your slayers exactly where you want them. Enveloping the enemy will still hit their morale hard.
You play legendary, give war access for cash when you see ai army close to your border you deny access. If they declare war they will lose honor. So ussually ai retreats for 10 turns. You can bait again. Also having all the time high tax will create rebels that are great for general farm experience. As they are weak in castle sieges also easy hero victories for clan honor and increased Happiness. Invest into farms, check land fertility, aim to build farms on 3x farm provinces first. Don't invest into mines outside castle they are expensive to repair. Leave them burning forever or repair if cheap damage, or don't allow rebellions in province. You could also put an army close to mine, or bait with 1 single cheap disposable unit. Usually they tend to avoid larger forces, or go chasing weak 1 unit armies. It doesn't apply if it wants to besiege castle in first place...
ahhh, you bring up a very good point I actually have not tested it with matchlock units but I would assume that it may have help blocking incoming bullets
For any shinto-buddhism faction, max the strategist perk first as the general reaches level 3, save the extra one point, and pour all skill points into the stand and fight perk when the general reaches level 4. The research modifier on left hand side is way too insignificant and does not contribute much in the beginning, as most technology you can research only takes a few turns and the small modifier does not have any impact on your research time. The stand and fight skill gives massive bonus to any troops around your general and greatly increases your general's circle of influence and is super useful. Only exception being Christian or ikko ikki clans, who might need the conversion perk on the left.
Number four is making me want to install this again. I played a lot of Shogun 2 in college, but I never considered myself particularly good at it-- I never dared to try it on advanced difficulties.
Never leave yari Ashigaru in a spear wall when idle, it drains their fatigue making them even weaker and more likely to break Also they can move whilst in spear wall, but very slowly. Hope that helps :)
Actually in the general tree, the skills in the middle are very useful,,the charge bonus,the ashigaru commander,and one that has the ability of "stand and fight" is awesome
9. You can get daymio honor by creating vassals and general loyalty by adopting generals in your family and through the research tree. What you should instead focus on is getting the stand and fight ability on all your generals because it's a massive boost to your army if used right. Afterwards I usually go for the "Instills fear" skill, but really it's up to you and it depends on your economy if you'd rather go for lower upkeep. IMO faster research is just overrated because usually the AI matches your tech tree.
I like getting honorable and zealous, because they open up the two most broken general abilities campaign-wise - Inspiring (decreases the maintenance cost of the armies under this man's command) and Living Treasure (gives MASSIVE boost to happiness in the province the general is present in). Those two, combined with either treasure ministry (reduces maintenance cost again and increases clan-wide tax rate) or development ministry (decreases happiness penalty in the castles conquered by the general) allow you to create unstoppable blitzkrieg armies. Two armies paired with high-tier expensive units in one and ashigarus in the other that conquer and instantly start to get benefits from provinces sound like I'm having a fever but I've done that.
I knew & assumed of this day one playing except group maneuvers/attack as in 5 & 6 which are really the same point took weeks to stumble across. I do find it interesting how 4cav 10melee infantry & 5 range is your pick being neither a defensive nor aggressive army a jack of all. Personally I prefer 5cav, 12 melee infantry & only 2 range normally bow monks if any as I prefer an aggressive style. Cavalry takes more micro but has far more uses then archers. Light cav is nice but get Yari cavalry as soon as possible. If not using cavalry I like to go pure infantry with warrior monks & supporting ninja with only 1-2 cav in the rear for defending & nothing else. If date I abandon all Cav & archers using support infantry monks & flank naginata samurai to defend the flanks. Date is pure aggressive assault basically the opposite of Oda or Chosokabe that are pure defence though both are strong I find such tactics boring & predictable! Shogun 2 punishes defensive players & ranged unit on harder difficulty settings such as very hard or legendary as the upkeep & ranged effectiveness is significantly reduced. Funnily Siege units & ninja improve on higher difficulty but not by much. Honzo shadows are worth it & so are Fire rockets in limited use as against cavalry or siege they are king. My 1st play & win was Hojo but bomb throwers are meh though have specialised uses but hojo mortars & mangonels are garbage trash units with the only redeeming quality is it forces the enemy to engage due to the high range & peppering irritation but a European cannon & especially the Fire rockets do this better. Cannons at a bridge battle are nice but still a meme subpar unit which it really shouldn't be as in real life cannons even early changed the face of warfare.
With Chosokabe you can use a lot of archers. My favorite army composition is 10 Naginata Samurai, 9 Bow Warrior Monks and 1 General. They basically beat any other army 2-3 times their size.
@@shingeovanny508 Not one for the Daikyu Samurai? I kind of agree as the less ammo, accuracy & fire rate for armour & supposed armour piecing arrows are a bit meh. If playing Chosokabe against any player mind & not an AI drop 1 unit for a (fire rocket) or something with a lot of range. Since you play a very defensive immobile army you need something to force the engagement so the aggressor doesn't pick when & were let alone how the engagement occurs. I would recommend 1 or 2 warrior monk in place of naginata samurai as war cry stacks with whistling arrows. 9 Naginata as a single fire rocket can fulfil the role of 3 units against cavalry. Yu can then put an extra 'Bow monk' or a few warrior monks which both synergize. Sounds goofy but a single ninja throwing into your naginata when in melee as 14 armour from a blacksmith can soak up the damage unlike the enemy most all other units. Stacking morality penalties from whistling arrows, war cry, fire rockets & throwing bombs can make most units route instantly. Your objective a defensive ranged army should be to avoid melee as much as possible which ''moral penalties'' shortens how long you naginata are in melee. Yari Ashigaru are superior as a unit but I personally find them boringly easy hence I avoid playing the Oda clan.
biggest tip: corruption (decreases your tax rate) gets bigger with the amount of settlements you take, therefore it is important to skill all your metsuke into max "overseeing towns" = higher taxrates and put them into your 5 wealthiest towns, whilst 1 food means every town wealth gets +1 making a huge food supply better in the long run, however if you wanna steamroll it is better to upgrade your 5 wealthy towns building bigger castles is only worth it in recruitment centers (build them where your units get boni), a typical S2 campaign is 99% defending against an army that you sieged out learn to defend well (cavalry outside the wall, and other tactics) and you can beat up to 1:10 odds, therefor if you are really good at the game try setting taxes to max, build up every castle, let the food shortage feed you battles against rebels, take kyoto on turn 0, use only samurai units or mabey just 1 unit of each type per army etc. lots of fun stuff once you're good enough to give the AI wedgies
I had this happen in FoTS but I don't know if the same applies to the Vanilla campaign, but, when winning a battle using an army with no general, there's a high chance next turn that a new general will spawn among in said army.
A single squad of shimazu katana samurai trained at the blacksmith can kill 300+ ashigaru on field. When you stand on the wall they can kill about 600. I don't see their stat block showing this compared to other samurai, but katana samurai are gods and demons on melee combat. While a single yari samurai squad can vaporize technically any number of cavarly. They murder generals, murder katana cavarly, murder great guards. No horsey can escape their spears. I too like highly ashigaru focused armies, but the superiority of the samurai is clear in the game, at least one core army of 70%+ samurai is needed for very hard battles. If you do Date, you can recruit full no-dachi samurai armies and just make everyone try to run. (They cannot they just die.) You also should not build market everywhere because the income generated by them would be minimal, you need at least one specialized unit training city with armorer and temples are sadly overlooked many times, while they are actually very good stuff. Metsuke and other agents are superimportant especially when the realm divides. To be fair I did not now about the group attack function and looks like good stuff.
General's level also affects his ministry bonuses. For example, starting general will give you +1% clan-wide tax rate increase and - 2% upkeep cost for units under his command while level 5 general gives you +5% bonus and - 10% upkeep cost. That can save you thousands of koku if you assign your first general to that spot on turn 2 (you can't change it on turn 1).
Something extra to add about the 10th point: you don't need a trade ship to secure the trade node, a viable strategy especially as Shimazu and otomo is to create 4/5 kobayas and send them to nodes. After that you upgrade your shipyard and then build trade ships and send them to nodes. You won't get any income when you don't have trade ships there, but neutral nations won't be able to claim the node. That way as Shimazu and Otomo you can control most of the Japan's trade nodes, and slowly build up on them.
Another reason to secure foreign trade routes: They not only bring in significant income on their own, they also make other clans both more willing to trade with you (especially if they don't have access to that resource,) and they increase the money you get from trade agreements.
I thought you are gonna talk about fertility of each province and that you should focus on developing farms firstly in areas with high fertility bonus.
Very late comment, but here's something. Don't just focus on having a land army. Having a Navy will be very important during the last half of the game when you start getting into wars with clans on the other side of Japan. Not to mention that during the campaign Naval invasions and Naval Blockades will prove to be a headache when your land army is somewhere else. Random ememy navies will pop out of the fog of war and blockade a port or land an army. By all means you don't have to fight every naval battle, auto resolve it if you have to, but just remember to repair your ships. If you are lucky, you will be able to capture the Black Ship, which by the way you should use for trade rather than fighting. Sure it can survive a fight against literally everything, but lots of enemy navies will just set the ship on fire and damage it. Leading you to sacrifice a huge sum to repair it.
Dismount is mentionable. Katana Samurai Cavalry ridden into an area that provides stealth and then dismounted is an effective way to cripple pursuing Yari units; Yari Samurai or Light Cavalry can be dismounted to destroy large amounts of pursuing cavalry, too. I've won many PvP battles with just Light Cavalry, Katana Samurai Cavalry and careful dismounts.
On the battlefield, General’s bodyguard units are far more effective as a sort of mobile morale booster. Even without using “Inspire” or “Rally,” just having your general nearby seems to increase the effectiveness of your troops as well as demoralizing nearby enemies. I would recommend Warrior, Die-Hard Fighter, and Master Swordsman from the right side of the skill tree as they improve your general’s chance or survival in case they are forced into melee.
No, oda economy is suck of you have gigantic ashigaru army and in realm divide Otomo/shimazu economy is better because there a lot of trade node near them, so you cn still earn money even though in real divide
Also oda daimyo have suck trait(-20 diplomatic relation) so thats hard to get an trade partner after realm divide(once i have -562 relation playing with oda)
I've been playing TW games for decades, and I still learned a couple new things. Good job. And yes, Ashigaru (used correctly) are the unsung heroes of Shogun. It took me a loooooong time to trust them-- after their terrible performance in Shogun 1 so many years ago.
There are actually 6 foreign trade nodes; the last one is in the far north-east corner of the map, barely visible on the minimap. Offers iron as a resource.
#12 Don't improve castles unless you intend to create a recruiting center or use it as a defensive front line. Or rice exchanges unless the game will end fairly soon. Unlike Warhammer games, your overall food surplus adds to each province's wealth every turn. So 10 surplus food, over 10 provinces, is 100 province wealth per turn and will quickly overcome the benefits of castles & rice exchanges. #13 to make gunpowder units work you need to skip mostly worthless ashigaru matchlocks (not the imported version, though), and to make Fire by Rank work you need to issue attack orders when the target is outside their range. For some reason they take forever to fire if left standing with Fire by Rank on.
#1 I would've definitely picked another province than Setsuma, because with the blacksmith you want your starting province to be the one that recruits the units. + since it's your starting province there isn't any reason you would want to increase people happiness unless in specific circumstances. Like the Hojo's starting 2 provinces, your capital Izu has a gold mine and Sagami has a blacksmith, so you want to make units there. In general, put a market and/or sake den in average/money making provinces, not unit provinces. #7 I wonder how your late game stacks might look like in this campaign. As the Shimazu, tho, you have a complete lack of katana samuraïs. Yes, they're Samuraïs and so the upkeep cost is much bigger, but in the case of the Shimazu the upkeep isn't as big and the unit is better than in other clans. They are the bread and butter a Shimazu army. While your yari ashigarus hold the line in yari wall, the katana can come in and destroy other melee infantry. And you would eventually want to replace light cav for yari cav once the enemy units become too strong for light cav. Same for your bows, you want to eventually replace them with bow warrior monks, unless you turn Christian, in which case you'll have to stick with bow samuraï, or maybe some gunpowder. Bow warrior monks are smaller in unit size and no armor, so skirmish tactics might not work as much. Make Naginata Samuraïs to tank enemy bows while your warrior monks pick them apart.
bouteille d'eau 1 its for the income, samurais are not good to have early on, they take 2 turns to recruit and twice the upkeep, twice the recruitment cost, by the time you recruit enough the game is over, much better to have two ahsigaurs than a samurai
@@gerardmasip7177 Yes, but the most viable way to cav in this game is as anti-cav cav, then doing shock tactics against archers. Because the AI will 100% do yari cav later in the game, it's better to answer with our own yari cav, because the effect of the yari against horses make a big hit on the morale, rather than relying on the katana cav's advantage later in the duel when they can't give a shock on their own in initial contact. Besides, the clan trait only buffs the katana samurai, not the katana cav. Be aware that what is being discussed here mostly partains to solo games, there's nothing wrong with using katana cav online.
Agree with number #7. Naginata Samurai with Bow Monks is a very useful and deadly army composition, even in Legendary difficulty. Basically them eat up armies 2-3 times their size.
one thing you should have added. Capture not destroy the western ship when able. that ship has cannons, made that my flag ship every game. i did zerg tactic and just swarmed with a ton of large ships. Also, I always used my monks to incite unrest in enemy area. sometimes it works.
A few additions to your points: 1) You do not want Sake Den's and/or Markets in EVERY town - only the ones you don't use for unit production/training. 7) While I can agree with that point for early game, Ashigaru units fall off significantly the longer the game goes and you definitily do want to go full samurai / warrior monk armies (except for Yari Samurai because they suck^^). 9) I think it has a far greater impact on the performance of your army to save up points after Strategist to immediately max out Infantry Leader when it becomes available to get the "Stand & Fight" ability. If honour and loyality ever become a problem (which they usually shouldn't in the first place) you can still go into the left side of the tree later on.
Long Yari ashigaru are probably best unit, only one unit can charge to them and win. I think you should also try some mp. Avatar conquest is really fun.
tip nº 120: you will think that after 10 years of playing this game you ve learned everything about this game, yet someone in a necro post in steam discussions told you a cool strategy using some units differently, then thinking yourself about the years wasted using wrong a unit. Sigh, this happened to me with the kisho ninja, was so funny to see charging ninjas vs cavalry and destroying them.
I've been playing oda wrong this whole time. I now see that instead of a few armies of higher tier units I need many armies of yari ashigaru and just drown them in my soldiers.
Other clan only willing to make peace if their main army is destroyed or there are another enemy clan army in their teritory, if you want to trade with another clan male sure u have trading post (2nd upgrade harbour) also precious resource (war horse,steel etc)
I'm currently making a mod that: 1) Makes Hero units half the size of their sanurai and 1.5x expensive to recruit for balance. 2) Doubling unit health for longer combat, and lowering infantry speed.
Hojo are a good faction for beginners. Wealthy, defensible and able to form alliances with nearby clans. Bow cavalry are excellent when attacking, as they can weaken flanks and draw out units
@0:26 Building market requires food beyond tier 1. Meaning you can't upgrade the castle. I'd rather go for the temple instead for more public order and research speed.
Isn't the Ambush stance also in Medieval2 by doing the same thing ? It's not just something that was added in later games although in newer titles you can do it basically anywhere with varying % of success.
Old, but a little tip: loose formation decreases a bit the effectiveness of your archers. Unless you move much closer to the enemy, your back line won't shoot! Loose formation is best used when you do not have skirmish superiority. If you do have more skirmishers, stay in close formation and shoot straight at the enemy while their back line in loose formation can't shoot you back!
in terms of armies i use 10 ash 2 katana sam 6 bow and 1 cav. then late game i put multiple armies near eachother but only 1 or 2 tend to have archers. it works most of the time
I think the archers are much better and feel 10 times more nicer than for example Attila or other newer titles. Also I don't know what they are doing with the newer titles but somehow the Arrows look much more satisfying in this game. One of the reasons why I come back to play as Chosokabe ^^
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7. Army Composition ( Although the composition is good, it is mostly geared towards early/mid game, it can still work during late, but by then you should have a big enough economy to replace the following; Light Cavalry > Yari Cavalry, Yari Ashigarus > Naginata samurai/Katana Samurai, Bow Ashigarus > Bow Warrior Monks )
10. Foreign Trade (There are actually 6 NOT 5 Trade Routes)
11. Realm Divide ( Very Important but I forgotten to mention !, it is where the game will split into half and everyone will declare war on you regardless of status/relationship once you reach a very powerful stage so be prepared ! )
what do you mean by "split in half?"
Cordis The Bard usually if you are powerful enough for realm divide you would have conquered either western or eastern of japan.
@@TotalWarKS gotcha, thanks!
@@TotalWarKS lol i use takeda had lot of alies when i reach realm devide my clan spread accros jappan and had multiple front fucktup
Hendra Gunawan yeah that really screwed me up in my first campaign, made me really piss off and end up quitting xD
11. Putting Metsuke in your richest towns will make you literally thousands of extra koku per turn
And yes, Yari Ashigaru are Yarimazing
wait I actually never put him in a town, thx for letting me know, what does he actually do inside the city ?
They increase your tax rate: the higher the proficiency in overseeing towns they have, the higher tax rate you get
As a side benefit, they also make towns a little happier, and decrease the chance of enemy agents to mess with your town
Agents in general are pretty great, and they passively get experience while waiting in towns or armies
@@lansquenete9536 How much do they increase tax rate by?
@@thepizzafoogle5481 Around 5% per proficiency point
I have seen plenty of ridiculous rates, 65%~70% even
@@lansquenete9536 You mean proficiency in overseeing towns?
When the battle is over and the enemy is fleeing, make your general's unit chase and kill as MANY of the fleeing units as possible. This gives them a lot of EXP safely. Break the enemy, and once the option to "run them down" appears take that option and just control your general to kill all the running soldiers.
Thx for the tip
a good tip that I didnt put in, maybe i could have turned it into 11 things i wish i knew :D
Wait... Some people don't massacre running enemies?
@@canthurtcr8t503 I always have but I bet a lot of folks just click end battle. I like the thought of killing all enemies that oppose me! How dare they oppose me!
What I'm actually doing is to finish the combat when they ask me if I want to keep fighting, then, in the campaign map their broken unit will run away, you can go after then and win the automatic battle.
It also gives a lot of EXP (like sometimes leveling up a unit to 0 to rank 2 or 3), but I don't know if it gave the same amount of EXP than killing everyone in the same battle.
1. choose Oda
2. yari walls yari walls everywhere
3. ...
4. profit
SpaceTalon haha true
Don't tell me the 3rd one is getting rekt by Archers.
@@togerthetigerking951 the trick is to have more ashigaru than they have arrows
@@SpaceTalon thats painful to watch, a generation just die like that
@@lotrlmao1648 if it makes you feel better think about the dropping upkeep :3
1. You don't want to totally depend on ashigaru units. Bow ashigaru units are significantly out ranged by bow samurai and warrior monk units, and thus lose always. And raw recruit bow samurai and warrior monks stats are roughly on the same level as experienced bow ashigaru units. I usually phase bow ashigaru units out pretty much immediately once i get bow samurai or jump straight to bow warrior monks.
Yari ashigaru are amazing, or yarimazing, as the unit sometimes yells. In yari wall they can win almost all other melee units in the game but as you said, they get totally non-consensually buttsexed by archers and flanking cavalry/infantry. And later in the game they tend to lose to more experienced samurai's. Also during late game AI tends to bring a lot of archers in their armies, so you'll avoid a lot of unnecessary casualties if you bring at least few samurai units to tank opponents arrows. And during mid and late game your economy should be able to withstand full samurai and warrior monk armies. Oda clan is a exception to this, because you can just go full Stalingrad with your cheaper ashigaru units and drown your enemies in waves of yari ashigaru. Plus they are a little better than normal ashigaru. Still it would be wise to bring few naginata samurai to tank enemy arrows before your ashigaru tide reaches enemy lines
2. I gringed a little when I saw that you had demolished sword school from Satsuma. You denied really really really huge early game advantage from yourself, when you can't recruit those shimazu katana samurai, especially when satsuma holds a blacksmith building. One or two of those with that +2 armour from armoury in your armies make gives you a huge advantage during early game, especially on higher difficulties.
You should always if possible center your recruitment into cities that gives your units an advantage. Melee units from cities with blacksmith, archers from cities with fletchers, cavalry from cities with horse breeders, and so on. You get drill. You should build markets and sake den generally only into those cities you don't recruit from. Upgrading your castle brings huge buffs to public order, so you don't really need sake den in those cities.
All in all however a solid video. Don't take me for some elitist who says that this game should be played in a certain way. These were just my observations from last 6-7 years i have played this game, and which have saved me from a lot of heartburn playing this game. You do you, and having fun is the main thing
well yes obviously, I did it as a mere demonstration in an easy difficulty campaign for the castle town buildings you should go for in general
and yes I agree bow ashigarus are not very good and i usually skip them and go straight for bow warrior monks which i failed to mention past early game
Well i can conquer the shogun with 6 stacked combine archer ashigaru and yari and win
The thing about bow units is you don't technically need superior bow units to be successful. Yes, Bow Ashigaru aren't that impressive (but then neither are Bow Samurai, gotta go up to Bow Warrior Monks for a real upgrade). But all you really need is some throw-away bow units to keep the enemy missile troops honest. This is particularly evident when playing as the Ikko-ikki (whose bow ashigaru are trash, significantly worse than normal bow ashi) or Hattori (standard stats but the unit is more expensive both to recruit and maintain, unlike their other kisho units which are only expensive to maintain). You just grab enough bow units to survive while keeping enemy archers engaged, beef up your melee line and use cav to wipe enemy archers. In defensive sieges you don't even try to archer duel on the walls, you just pull back your men and force the enemy to climb. In offensive sieges... well those are a bad idea unless you have significant missile or numerical superiority. Just wait the enemy out instead. Don't get me wrong bow warrior monks are amazing units, but you don't actually NEED them at any point in your campaign, they're just a nice upgrade to have.
And, general unit is actually strong in melee. My general some times sruvive without his bodyguards and kills alone 100 ashigaru.
@@EmersionX he is strong, but not compared to any dedicated cavalry unit in the game. Going down the right side of general tree is generally worthless, since you could just give that unit slot to a full strength cav unit that doesn't need leveling up to get upgraded. That said, I still do it for fun/roleplay once I have enough generals.
The big strategy key for the vanilla campaign is that you need to pace yourself carefully when your clan status starts nearing legendary, the full bar. If you go legendary unprepared, just casually slip into Realm Divide, you will probably lose. So before taking the last provinces that will trigger the event, spend time making absolutely sure you have maxed income and armies set up to fight _all other clans_ who will suddenly be allied against you. Even vassals are likely to turn, so don't rely on them. Declaring war on a vassal will decrease your global diplomatic score, which doesn't matter when literally everyone is locked into destroying you anyway.
When you take Kyoto, you probably want to loot it for a huge payday. When you are nearing your win objective you can start hitting the loot button more, and just leave chaos in your wake. But don't start doing it too early or the rebels and decreased honor will create a big problem. I like to have one army just run rampant looting the enemies mostly undefended provinces, while others focus on holding the win condition.
yes you make some good points I forgotten to mention realm divide, it was probably something I should have definitely put in, to replace one of the things in the video.
First time I won, it was with the Oda. I had no idea realm divide existed, and so I ended up capturing Kyoto, unaware that everybody was slowing getting more angry towards me. Had I not won the turn I did - literally four turns after capturing Kyoto, as I became shogun - I would’ve basically lost the turn afterwards.
That’s a mistake I’m never making again.
I used to have a mod to disable realm divide as I have watched my little kingdom crumble as allies and enemies alike reign arrows upon my samurai
I got a tip for you. Just set up your imcome and army for realm divide like you did. But as an addition to evade the realm divide by the ashikaga clan, you must take kyoto as the last province before the realm divide triggering. By declaring war by attacking the castle(this will prevent the ashikaga to put you in a realm divide because they still have to react atleast one turn first) and kill any of the ashikaga forces left in kyoto so they will be destroyed before they can put you in a realm divide. Still the other will go againts you. But atleast it was in more slower pace rather than Everyone including your vassal goimg agints you with a realm divide. Because your minus point in diplomacy were more like because territorial expansion rather than realm divide first. Atleast you got realm divide after you become shogun.
Imagine using infantry.........This comment was made by Takeda gang
Gang gang homie, repping since '11
my yari ashigaru said hello!
Takeda for life💯
Imagine using cavalry. This comment was made by Oda long yari ashigaru gang
Imagine using bow
This post was made by Otomo gang
11: Be careful when you upgrade a castle. Unlike other buildings it can not downgrade. Since it consume lots of food you should be very careful before upgrade it.
thx :D
Lost 2 settlements to riots due to, you guessed it, food shortage ! Upgrading castle was poison all along
I thought this was like an 8 year old video lol
Edit: damn thanks for the likes
Doomguy hahaah
@@TotalWarKS really appreciated though since i literally just got this game. Thanks
Same here.
Wth since when did i get all the likes lol
The annoying thing about the Stealth Chain Buildings is that every character that ends their turn inside a town with that building has a chance to pick up the "Eye for the Ladies" trait, which reduces their movement range. It never goes away and it is very hard to go an entire campaign without at least one general picking it up.
All of my generals have an eye for the ladies : )
Wow i didn't know this before, i thought it was just acquired randomly
It's been a while since I looked into this but iirc that only occurs with the upgraded Stealth Chain buildings, right? If so you don't actually have to upgrade the stealth chain past the first level, it's not economically efficient, is rarely needed for the public order bonus. Ofc if you really want to upgrade them, you could just upgrade them in rear provinces that aren't garrisoned by a general.
Even if I'm wrong and sake den gives this debuff as well, there's a trick that we frequently used in older TW games (Rome TW, Medieval 2 etc) to negate this. Simply use up more than half of your movement. Take your general for a stroll (in a safe direction), making sure to use just more than half of your movement points before parking back in the castle. Doing this will prevent generals from picking up any traits from resting in towns.
As such i allways place my generals outside towns, mostly in ambush position. If public order is needed just swap them in.
Also having ninjas in an army increses movement range aswell as decreeses Agent action´s.
To pick economic centers one should allways look at the ground and resources present, generally furtile to very furtile+ Gold or silver allow for easy income and profit, another thing is a trick for trade the horses resource leads to very easy trade with other clans, they will likely pay tons of money, especially so the Takeda.
@@billtussenius4365 Oh I always forget to mention the Warhorse trade thing, it is the only resource that really matters when setting up trade deals. AI clans give it an absurd amount of weight in trade deals. 4 out of 5 times the clan that is refusing to trade with you is doing so because you don't have warhorses (the 5th one already has warhorses and just doesn't like you).
Big tip in General Skill tree, Rather than going left make sure you get "Stand and fight" its game breaking especially with yari ashigaru, it gives them amazing morale and +3 meele attack which makes them better than most units in game inside the yari wall formation
Gihan M. Thx for letting me know I wasn’t sure if the stand and fight ability did anything besides making the general very vulnerable so I never bothered, ill have to give it a shot now
@@TotalWarKS No problem :D
@@TotalWarKS If the units are pretty much all engaged then you won't have to worry about being the general exposed as it greatly benefits the unit stats as mentioned before and yes going for "poet" trait comes in handy when you're playing as for example otomo because your daimyo has very low honour points which kinda sucks either way you can go for Infantry leader then invest in honour and research rate points since in late game, most ashigaru units are pretty much useless(I'm referring to the traits that come after level 5 general and infantry leader) and I even strongly advise against recriuting bow ashigaru because to be honest or not to be rude they are trash and bow samurai are much better option and bow warrior monks are exceptionally good if you've the patience as they require extra time to be able to recruited and if you recruit them from a province that gives accuracy buff building i.e Fletchers then bow units are much more deadly but bow ashigaru are still bad.
@@rev0126 I disagree with you, bow ashigaru are far more superior to bow samurai in terms of cost, number of men and recruitment time. the bonuses that bow samurai have cant compete with that, so I usually stick to bow ashigaru until bow warrior monks.
@@heshamkassem5747 No, they aren't. Bow ashigaru, even experienced, usually lose 1v1 against bow samurai, and the match up is even worst against warrior monks. Meanwhile, yari ashigaru can stand their ground against samurai units, outright winning vs yari samurai while yari wall. If you get infantry leader and stand and fight, your experienced yari ashigaru will even beat fresh katana samurai 1v1, although with heavy losses.
With Shogun 2 specifically, realm divide is one of the unique and important features you left out.
You are definitely right, I was thinking perhaps I have forgotten something in the making of this, cant believe I actually left out realm divide, thx for letting me know !
I kinda hate it tbh
@@giorgiannicartamancini3917 I hate it too, ruins my role play
@@TotalWarKS Yeah, makes the late game a lot duller yet more stressful. Would prefer a series of malus so that at least your closer allies would remain, or at least it'd be better if clans would peace out after being annihilated
@@giorgiannicartamancini3917 But it makes the late game actually worth playing. When I reach endgame in WH2 there's no point in playing anymore because no one can challenge me.
Overall good video, however, being a Total War veteran with 1000's of hours with shogun 2, and many other total war games in the series; I can honestly say that I heartily disagree with several of your points. Although the overall advice in general is sound, certain key elements that you included in your tutorial is very easily counted, and can seriously cause a player to be handicapped mid to late game, and be utterly useless against a decent human opponent who has at least a basic concept of military strategy. ..
Building construction. As another veteran comrade of the franchise already pointed out, only build stealth chain in towns that are not recruiting other units.. (there is an exception to this which i will explain shortly. )
The key strategy here is to use town specialties to bolster melee/defensive capabilities of your units. Having a master armory in Kaga for example will give a total of +5 with both building upgrades, which if you also build a yari dojo there, can give you naginata samurai with 15 armour! I use them to tank archers or to target generals, they are virtually immune to arrows and wipe cav units almost instantly. Put a monk building there as well, you can recuit warrior monks with a huge boost to armour as well, that offsets their only handicap, and makes them not as vulnerable and can stand against archers, and counter EVERY other unit!
Put a weaponsmith in Satsuma and you can get an insane boost to melee for all your units.. i had warrior nuns with a 32 attack, and warrior monks with a 27 attack! Here is where you also can put a stealth building ( putting a ninja building in Satsuma or Kaga would net very high melee or armour bonuses!). You also would be wise to put the yari version of the encampment chain in kai for the insane charge bonus. And if Kai happens to be your stronghold, and future generals you recruit here will have crazy charge bonuses, and if you choose the two cav attack bonus skills that are available on the right side of the skill tree, you would have a general that would mow down any unit like grass!)
Army composition:
Yari ashirgu are only good early game. Their yari wall formations ( even with lots of experience) get cut to pieces by other units - especially warrior monks, that have attack/defense upgrades. Not only that, yari ashiguru have shit moral, and rout easily (again with monks warcry or monk archer whistling arrows) , they run like bitches when more than half their numbers remain.
Of course every army composition will have its counter, that's why it is good to build your armies according to defending a castle, or attacking a castle.. that should be very different compositions. .. for attacking, you want to send units that will counter theirs, ( use agents to discover what their stacks are composed of.) I have a "general purpose " army which i use for practically any situation it consists of (8 warrior monks, 4 naganata samurai, 4 bow warrior monks, 1 kiso ninja, 1 warrior nun, 1 yari OR katana cav and my general. . I usually have 2 or 3 'mirror armies ' of this composition which usually only varies buy removing the ninja and nun specialty units, and adding 2 more yari or katana cav. I usually don't have more than 4 cavalry units total, in any army because they are counted by almost any other unit in the game, and the ai loves building lots and lots of yari inf.... which brings me to my next point. ..
Tech trees:
I highly disagree with your method of going the left side for general's, and your research priority. .. like I said earlier, if you mix general skills with army composition, building types, and retainer attributes , you can create super units, like if your general has the +15 retainer, put him with an army that has heavy archers like 6 archer units in a stack, and recruit your monk archers in a town that has fletchers and hunting lodge...( i had monk archers with 127 accuracy and a monk hero with 132!) The same goes for generals who you put ALL of their skills in boosting cav attack and charge.. Then recruit those respective units depending on how your encampment arch types and town bonuses are set up. You can have yari cav with max bonuses to charge, and katana cav units with max bonuses to attack or armour. . Then import however much of this type into one stack, in my "general purpose " stack, each unit is specialized in one area. Usually my monks have full bonuses to attack or armour, nag samurai with full armour, warrior nuns full attack, monk archers with both archer buildings and general that has archer retainer...oh, and GET STAND AND FIGHT...it boosts your units melee attack and accuracy of nearby units DRASTICALLY! You can get +15 to your attack and accuracy... using this on my archers i can easily boost their accuracy to over 150.. and my warrior monks to over 40 attack!
This simple concept of combining unit type, double specialty buildings, general retainer and skill sets, and stand and fight will create extremely overpowered units which will absolutely annihilate yari ashirgu and any other unit... therefore i highly recommend staying away from yari ash because it's very simple to build units to easily destroy them! Have one to guard your general if you don't like playing your general aggressively (like I do!) But later on you will discover that matching your generals with the right upgrades and unit types, will quickly push the advantage in your favor, even if you are heavily outnumbered...
And for the record, this is not an exploit... it's maximizing each unit's ability to kill efficiently, using stacked bonuses combined units, buildings, agents, generals, and retainers...
Only put metsukes in your richest towns, and if you have a good trade income and (capture all 6 of the trade nodes and protect them heavily with a stack of offensive ships, ) you don't need to invest in the long waiting farm upgrades to research, and instead research techs that will improve your units in combat... the last thing I'll say that you haven't even mentioned is build a harbour as fast as you can and build a bob kaboya .... then build one every turn for four turns.... as each one spawns, send it to occupy a trade node...then camp there until you build a trading dock...by the time you have the ability to produce these, you should already own 3 or 4 of the 6 nodes... which once occupied by at least one trade ship, will allow you to trade with almost any clan, even if they are hostile towards you, and your general has crap loyalty!...
Sorry for the dreadfully long reply, just giving my two cents...
But if my reply gets 100 likes, I'll reveal a trading secret that you will not find anywhere else on the internet, and I'm sure the developers didn't intend for you to know! It will get you rich...i had 950,000 gold by turn 70!!🤫
thx for ur points bruv :D
still waiting for ur secret mate
Bruh make a RUclips page. As a players who’s been playing this for 8+ years with 1000s of hours this is some of the best advice out there and I too know/use many of these. However I don’t know your secret trading trick! Hmu on steam LongLiveFives
This is soo accurate every RUclips video on total war is garbage advice or non understandable to new players(me), and this advice helped me get my first long campaign victory
Tell us good sir
Couple more points. When signing trade agreements, always try to demand the AI to pay you for it, especially if you have valuable resources like horses, sometimes they will pay 5000+ for it. Another thing is to make sure you have a strong navy before going into realm devide, secure your waters and place them to intercept naval invasions. Nothing is worse when an enemy lands beside your capital while your armies are halfway across the map.
nice tip :D
Also always ask for military access to lands as a bonus which I find the AI always seems to agree with trade agreements but less with demand payment. There can always be a need to access other clans land without being in war with them. I found the Izu province of the Hojo to be a rebel province and sent a army to take it by sea. It's the province with one of the three gold mines in the game plus a upgraded castle so there was incentive for me to only take just that one province and advance west to take the school province but since I'm being picky with the number of provinces before hitting 20 to stop RD, asking the Oda for military access allowed me to connect my provinces from the West to garrison troops in land rather than by sea.
Probably not optimal since it is isolated from my lands in the West but it was very fun to fight off sieges.
i recently just learned that if you took a castle without destroying anything (gate, the wall too maybe?) the castle stays intact and you can immediately recruit unit after the battle phase is over, really useful for blitzkrieg tactic/naval reinforcement.
though that means doing a bit of work and skipping the autoresolve feature on less defended castle, but i think its worth it.
Nyooom didn’t actually know that, I always thought the wall will get damaged. I matter wat, thx for letting me know
If the garrison is really small you can kill them all with archers. Otherwise the best way to do offensive sieges is just wait the enemy out. They will usually attack you in the field in a turn or two, if you kill off the entire enemy army (or at least enough that no unit can reform) you'll take the castle immediately upon winning.
If you're lucky you may catch the enemy army standing just outside their castle. Attack the castle directly and you may get the opportunity to annihilate the enemy army with little effort as they run to get back inside the castle. Then it's an easy mop up job for your archers to kill the few remaining garrison units.
@@Naraku-no-Hana-WE It always depend on the sizes of the castle, in some case the defending archers concentrates on a section of wall and you are entirely safe to to kill the other guys.
@@fsdds1488 I know, and you can (or at least could, not sure if still works haven't done it in forever) cheese the archers, locking them into a drawing bow animation.
However, actually killing the enemy archers embedded into the wall without sending your troops into the castle is another matter entirely, it's difficult and sometimes impossible to kill them all with your archers.
@@Naraku-no-Hana-WE Well I does not mean to exploit any glitches, I usually gather all archers available in the region to do the job, as the AI is overly inert you can do anything, another way is to lure them into the gates and kill them with yari wall, but that is always my last resort.
Bonus stacks: Some towns have the infrastructures to that allow you to recruit units with superior stats (armor, attacks, accuracy and charge bonus), you should combine that with the encampment building to further specialize your troop, turn that town into your recruiting spot and build units with massively improve stats (Naginata samurai with *even* better armor, super deadly katana samurai, sniper bow monks and one-charge-kill-all cavalries and best of all: yari ashigaru with samurai-tier armor) With one town that has the armorsmith building I can mass-produce high survivability yari ashigaru that can survive even katana samurai, station them into towns for even easier Heroic victory.
Naginata Samurai are stronger with max attack buff.
Also, if you wanna win the game automatically, play Oda. The enemies, even on legendary difficulty, might as well surrender.
Unless you pull what I just watched the AI do in my current Hattori campaign and recruit all Yari samurai at the start. Oda didn't even get to fight the Imagawa, Saito "the Viper of Mino" Dosan wiped them out in one of the biggest sengoku jidai upsets since Okehazama.
@@Naraku-no-Hana-WE You played Oda wrong then.
@@rpk321 It's kinda hard to play Oda properly when you're, you know, playing as the Hattori and not the Oda. But you are correct the AI played the Oda very wrong.
@@Naraku-no-Hana-WE AI sucks at playing 'em
Where are the Ashigaru Horde? You pay even less for troops and buildings than the players and somehow the players are better at pumping out conscripts like its the Patriotic War.
For siege defense....what I've found to be quite effective is a strategy that takes a little micro managing. Have your archers and only your archers man the wall, and station a melee unit behind each. If they're yari, put them in wall formation. Keep shooting the enemy until they are climbing the wall. As soon as the first one makes it over, IMMEDIATELY have your archer unit retreat through the melee unit behind it and take up position behind them. If your melee unit is katana based, have them charge. If they're yari, hold position. This will absolutely DECIMATE units as they make it over the wall, plus it provides your archers excellent cover and they can bleed the enemy significantly until they make it up the wall without taking many casualties in return. Then use your melee unit to block the enemy and have your archers focus fire on the enemy that have made it inside, and it's almost impossible for a unit to climb the wall in enough strength to actually do much besides die.
There are 6 trade routes not 5, the one that youre missing is in the corner near the date clan
thx for letting me know, i knew i was forgetting something
I was going to point that out, took me a while to find that route too when I was playing
Yeah everyone forgets about the Ainu trade node, but to be fair it's the least valuable of the 6. Still nice if you start in the far north/east of the map.
Good vid, some solid tips here and I'm glad some folks are still making these for new TW players. Shogun 2 may seem overwhelming initially but in reality it's not as complex as it appears, especially compared to some of the titles that followed Shogun 2.
But to add a little bit here, all the best tips that are specific to Shogun 2 will relate in some way to managing your economy. The higher the difficulty you play on the more this will prove true. Make sure you recruit the maximum number of metsuke (1 per market you build, to a max of 5), place them in the richest provinces you own and focus those provinces on economic buildings (markets, sake dens, and any other province specialty buildings that add wealth or increase the tax rate).
Avoid upgrading markets (other than in those five metsuke territories) or castles (anywhere) unless you need them. Both market upgrades and castles consume food surplus, food surplus contributes to economic growth across all your provinces. If you're thinking of upgrading your castle so you can add a market or sake den, chances are you're actually doing more damage (in the long term) to your economy than good. Unrelated but worth mentioning here that upgraded castles aren't necessarily better at defending your frontier territories. Although they provide more garrison units and more arrow towers, they also increase in size and may become more tricky to defend, depending on the size and types of units you're using. Strongholds (tier 2) are often sufficient. Generally speaking you should only upgrade castles beyond Stronghold level if it's a good province for unit recruitment.
Use your armies as efficiently as possible particularly in the early game. Try not to recruit many samurai units or navies, use ashigaru (and light cav, they are extremely efficient units as well) as much as possible. For navies bow kobaya with fire arrows are highly efficient, though unless you're near the western trade nodes you should avoid spending much on navies in early game. Even with ashigaru armies you still want to be efficient, don't recruit too many and avoid engaging on too many fronts so you can keep your armies to a small number.
The best economic tip for the mid-late game is simply do not rely on trade income. In most situations you will lose ALL trade income shortly after your Imperial fame maxes out. Be certain your economy can support all your armies and navies WITHOUT any trade income, or you may be approaching an economic death spiral.
One most important thing i learned from Shogun 2?
Never ran away from the battlefield! Its such a shamfurrr disspraaay
the only way is to commit seppuku
Dude I've never seen someone with such an exceptionally well done tips and tricks video before. I've been playing Total War titles for 15 years and all 10 tips you provided were the absolute most important things to know about shogun 2.
Thank you for the kind comment, I tried my best !
I've done like 5 full campaigns on the game and I still learned something here today...
For me recruiting the warrior bow monks is a good tactic too... they're just OP... just got to know what to research/build to get them.
yeah they take a bit to research and building to get them, but once you have those units they shred anything that comes their way ( as long as it is not against other archers )
I disagree about the use of points for your generals. In my opinion, you should ALWAYS use your 2 points in Strategist once you reach level 2. Once you reach level 3, use only one point in Strategist and keep the last one. Finally, when you reach level 4, you can put all three points you now have in "Stand and Fight !" which definitely improves your army fighting skills by ALOT :)
thx for the tip :D
I personally do the same except...
I don't use "Stand and Fight". Instead, I put three points into ambushes. It allows you to destroy enemy armies and then their alies separately, which gives you HUGE advantage by splitting one bad battle into 2 or even 3 good ones. More XP for general, less casualties, cool feeling of outsmarting the enemy.
When you said this was your first total war game, I felt like a veteran
Dear TotalWarkS thank you very much for your video 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Total War: SHOGUN 2 (2020). I am returning to video games and I am 62 yrs old a strategy board gamer and love to play war games. Your comments have really help me a lot returning to PC video gaming and playing Total War Shogun 2. Thanks again, James
wow ! im glad to be of help James ! Hope you are having a good time playing shogun 2 !
Markets give you extra cash and metsuke, but they use food - if you build too many castles and markets, you'll get famine and rebellions.
A ninja's sabotage army feature can effectively split enemy forces by preventing multiple enemy armies from supporting each other.
Take down the factions of different religions first, or you will spend the rest of the game converting the population back to shinto.
I never understood why markets take away food instead of providing it...
@@Perceval777 Bcs you sell food as well in a market, i guess that's the logic behind it and ofc the balancing.
A basic market is fine. It's Rice Exchanges and up that cause food problems. A couple can work out well, but yeah, avoid Rice Exchanges for the most part.
04:43 you clearly haven't played as chosokabe. Shogun 2 has the best visuals and mechanics of bow and arrow in my opinion.
I always think it's really interesting when someone says their first total war game was something past empire or napoleon. I grew up playing nothing but grand strategy games and RTS games and when I started playing the newer total war games I found them so intimidating and a lot to take in despite as much history as I had with other total war games in the past. I always wonder what it's like for someone jumping into these games with 0 background in total war games
Never know about Group Attack till now. Thank you very much. That make command the frontline units more easier.
7. Army Composition
It is definetly true that bow ashigaru are quite bad and it screws your army if you have too many of them. But in the late game I like to have at least one army with around 12 bow monks with upgraded accuracy, one general and the rest naginata samurai as a tanky frontline unit. The bow monks will absolutely demolish any melee units trying to get to your frontline of naginata samurai while they tank the arrows because of their high armor stat. Firerocket units are also very fun to play because they have even more range and deal massive damage. It is always very funny to see your army absolutely massacre the enemy army before they even reach your troops.
Yeah, that's right. The army composition is very useful and deadly even in Legendary difficulty. I prefer 10 Naginata Samurai, 9 Bow Monks and Stand and Fight general. Basically them eat up armies 2-3 times their size.
watching this video is like watching toddlers learn to walk
very wholesome XD
Edit: you didnt tell em ybout the highground, it is proportionate so if you put an ashigaru yari wall up on it they beat even their supposed counters like katana samurai easily
Thanks so much, just got the game on a steam discount. Very helpful video.
4:45 That surprised me, my impression was that the archers in this game are way better than in Medieval 2 and Rome 1.
In terms of damage-per-second, they’re good against Ashigaru, monks, and other units with low armour but less effective against samurai and heroes in general. Matchlocks are more effective against samurai in that context.
I never knew there was a group attack imagine how much i suffered when i made a 40 unit vs 40 unit battle
i'm imagining you clicking on every unit to attack every time for 40 times in a row now lmao
@@TotalWarKS Its so intense, i had to sacrifice my hand just to watch an epic battle
@@someone1949 do you have the battle reply? I wanna see it
just found a total war series after playing banner lord for a year i like this wayyyy better lol
Dude great video! 19 Bow warrior monks can rip most armies to shreds, in campaign i go for 10 bow monks, 4 yari ashigaru, 2 yari cavalry and 3 naginata warrior monks
Very nice army. But I prefer 10 Naginata Samurai, 9 Bow Warrior Monks and 1 General. I love how the monks destroy the enemy while the nagsams hold the line against infantry and cav alike.
How to win in Shogun 2:
Step 1: Bow Warrior Monks
Step 2: Naginata Samurai
not wrong tbh 🤷♀️
Easily taken care of with katana samurai + yari cav
Rip your ecomomy
Best army composition ever!
Naginata Samurai with max armor and Bow Warriors Monks with max accuracy would eat up armies 2-3 times their size.
Great content and production. I was surprised you only have 1.5k subs. You deserve alot more! Keep it up :)
Yari Ashigaru make a great frontline, but some infantry dedicated for a flank charge is good as well. Some samurai or warrior monks should maneuver for a side or rear charge after the front lines are engaged fighting each other. Cav is fine but infantry can just stay in the fight after the charge, rather than needing micro to not die to stick wielding peasants.
Oh and you can also spam the move command to make high damage melee units push themselves through and surround enemies. Like have a katana unit behind your yari, and once the yari are fighting, rush the katanas straight through. This is not a flank or a charge, but a safer way to put your slayers exactly where you want them. Enveloping the enemy will still hit their morale hard.
These are also some good tips, thx for sharing !
You play legendary, give war access for cash when you see ai army close to your border you deny access. If they declare war they will lose honor. So ussually ai retreats for 10 turns. You can bait again.
Also having all the time high tax will create rebels that are great for general farm experience. As they are weak in castle sieges also easy hero victories for clan honor and increased
Invest into farms, check land fertility, aim to build farms on 3x farm provinces first. Don't invest into mines outside castle they are expensive to repair. Leave them burning forever or repair if cheap damage, or don't allow rebellions in province. You could also put an army close to mine, or bait with 1 single cheap disposable unit. Usually they tend to avoid larger forces, or go chasing weak 1 unit armies. It doesn't apply if it wants to besiege castle in first place...
This isn't campaign but In multiplayer I wish I knew how much terrain could help you counter matchlock units. Those damn matchlock units.
ahhh, you bring up a very good point I actually have not tested it with matchlock units but I would assume that it may have help blocking incoming bullets
3:24 Omg Yes! Finally, thank you I didnt know how to do it and it was a bit annoying in huge battles.
Damn. This is something i dont know. Thanks for the tips.
For any shinto-buddhism faction, max the strategist perk first as the general reaches level 3, save the extra one point, and pour all skill points into the stand and fight perk when the general reaches level 4. The research modifier on left hand side is way too insignificant and does not contribute much in the beginning, as most technology you can research only takes a few turns and the small modifier does not have any impact on your research time. The stand and fight skill gives massive bonus to any troops around your general and greatly increases your general's circle of influence and is super useful. Only exception being Christian or ikko ikki clans, who might need the conversion perk on the left.
Number four is making me want to install this again. I played a lot of Shogun 2 in college, but I never considered myself particularly good at it-- I never dared to try it on advanced difficulties.
I go entirely on right side of skill tree for some of my generals for role play reasons heheh.... :x
haha i actually do the same sometimes, i want the strongest general ever, portrayed in those samurai movies
Never leave yari Ashigaru in a spear wall when idle, it drains their fatigue making them even weaker and more likely to break Also they can move whilst in spear wall, but very slowly. Hope that helps :)
Actually in the general tree, the skills in the middle are very useful,,the charge bonus,the ashigaru commander,and one that has the ability of "stand and fight" is awesome
9. You can get daymio honor by creating vassals and general loyalty by adopting generals in your family and through the research tree. What you should instead focus on is getting the stand and fight ability on all your generals because it's a massive boost to your army if used right. Afterwards I usually go for the "Instills fear" skill, but really it's up to you and it depends on your economy if you'd rather go for lower upkeep. IMO faster research is just overrated because usually the AI matches your tech tree.
Asmodeity someone mentioned it once as well in the comments, I need to give this a shot for sure thx for letting me know
Also, make sure to use your daymio so he levels up - generals become disloyal if they get more experienced than him.
@@marcusc9931 Nice touch. Also as your second most important army be sure to have your heir. Because your daymio might die of old age.
I like getting honorable and zealous, because they open up the two most broken general abilities campaign-wise - Inspiring (decreases the maintenance cost of the armies under this man's command) and Living Treasure (gives MASSIVE boost to happiness in the province the general is present in). Those two, combined with either treasure ministry (reduces maintenance cost again and increases clan-wide tax rate) or development ministry (decreases happiness penalty in the castles conquered by the general) allow you to create unstoppable blitzkrieg armies. Two armies paired with high-tier expensive units in one and ashigarus in the other that conquer and instantly start to get benefits from provinces sound like I'm having a fever but I've done that.
4:15 i wish i knew that years ago. allowing for easier flanking moves and not having to babysit the frontal charge
yeah it saves a lot of hassle
I knew & assumed of this day one playing except group maneuvers/attack as in 5 & 6 which are really the same point took weeks to stumble across.
I do find it interesting how 4cav 10melee infantry & 5 range is your pick being neither a defensive nor aggressive army a jack of all.
Personally I prefer 5cav, 12 melee infantry & only 2 range normally bow monks if any as I prefer an aggressive style.
Cavalry takes more micro but has far more uses then archers.
Light cav is nice but get Yari cavalry as soon as possible.
If not using cavalry I like to go pure infantry with warrior monks & supporting ninja with only 1-2 cav in the rear for defending & nothing else.
If date I abandon all Cav & archers using support infantry monks & flank naginata samurai to defend the flanks.
Date is pure aggressive assault basically the opposite of Oda or Chosokabe that are pure defence though both are strong I find such tactics boring & predictable!
Shogun 2 punishes defensive players & ranged unit on harder difficulty settings such as very hard or legendary as the upkeep & ranged effectiveness is significantly reduced.
Funnily Siege units & ninja improve on higher difficulty but not by much.
Honzo shadows are worth it & so are Fire rockets in limited use as against cavalry or siege they are king.
My 1st play & win was Hojo but bomb throwers are meh though have specialised uses but hojo mortars & mangonels are garbage trash units with the only redeeming quality is it forces the enemy to engage due to the high range & peppering irritation but a European cannon & especially the Fire rockets do this better.
Cannons at a bridge battle are nice but still a meme subpar unit which it really shouldn't be as in real life cannons even early changed the face of warfare.
With Chosokabe you can use a lot of archers. My favorite army composition is 10 Naginata Samurai, 9 Bow Warrior Monks and 1 General. They basically beat any other army 2-3 times their size.
@@shingeovanny508 Not one for the Daikyu Samurai?
I kind of agree as the less ammo, accuracy & fire rate for armour & supposed armour piecing arrows are a bit meh.
If playing Chosokabe against any player mind & not an AI drop 1 unit for a (fire rocket) or something with a lot of range.
Since you play a very defensive immobile army you need something to force the engagement so the aggressor doesn't pick when & were let alone how the engagement occurs.
I would recommend 1 or 2 warrior monk in place of naginata samurai as war cry stacks with whistling arrows.
9 Naginata as a single fire rocket can fulfil the role of 3 units against cavalry.
Yu can then put an extra 'Bow monk' or a few warrior monks which both synergize.
Sounds goofy but a single ninja throwing into your naginata when in melee as 14 armour from a blacksmith can soak up the damage unlike the enemy most all other units.
Stacking morality penalties from whistling arrows, war cry, fire rockets & throwing bombs can make most units route instantly.
Your objective a defensive ranged army should be to avoid melee as much as possible which ''moral penalties'' shortens how long you naginata are in melee.
Yari Ashigaru are superior as a unit but I personally find them boringly easy hence I avoid playing the Oda clan.
Shogun 2 would be tough one to start on IMO. It's pretty fast paced in both battles and strategic map.
biggest tip: corruption (decreases your tax rate) gets bigger with the amount of settlements you take, therefore it is important to skill all your metsuke into max "overseeing towns" = higher taxrates and put them into your 5 wealthiest towns, whilst 1 food means every town wealth gets +1 making a huge food supply better in the long run, however if you wanna steamroll it is better to upgrade your 5 wealthy towns
building bigger castles is only worth it in recruitment centers (build them where your units get boni), a typical S2 campaign is 99% defending against an army that you sieged out
learn to defend well (cavalry outside the wall, and other tactics) and you can beat up to 1:10 odds, therefor if you are really good at the game try setting taxes to max, build up every castle, let the food shortage feed you battles against rebels, take kyoto on turn 0, use only samurai units or mabey just 1 unit of each type per army etc.
lots of fun stuff once you're good enough to give the AI wedgies
I actually dont know much about corruption, as it is not as obvious as it is in 3k, gotta spam some metsuke now thx :D
I had this happen in FoTS but I don't know if the same applies to the Vanilla campaign, but, when winning a battle using an army with no general, there's a high chance next turn that a new general will spawn among in said army.
A single squad of shimazu katana samurai trained at the blacksmith can kill 300+ ashigaru on field. When you stand on the wall they can kill about 600. I don't see their stat block showing this compared to other samurai, but katana samurai are gods and demons on melee combat.
While a single yari samurai squad can vaporize technically any number of cavarly. They murder generals, murder katana cavarly, murder great guards. No horsey can escape their spears.
I too like highly ashigaru focused armies, but the superiority of the samurai is clear in the game, at least one core army of 70%+ samurai is needed for very hard battles.
If you do Date, you can recruit full no-dachi samurai armies and just make everyone try to run. (They cannot they just die.)
You also should not build market everywhere because the income generated by them would be minimal, you need at least one specialized unit training city with armorer and temples are sadly overlooked many times, while they are actually very good stuff.
Metsuke and other agents are superimportant especially when the realm divides.
To be fair I did not now about the group attack function and looks like good stuff.
Thanks for letting me know, I'll know to improve for my next video/campaign
General's level also affects his ministry bonuses.
For example, starting general will give you +1% clan-wide tax rate increase and - 2% upkeep cost for units under his command while level 5 general gives you +5% bonus and - 10% upkeep cost. That can save you thousands of koku if you assign your first general to that spot on turn 2 (you can't change it on turn 1).
thats a great tip
11. MONKS are a good way to incite revolts on weaker settlements without drawing agro from the owner.
Thank you for the information! just started playing myself and enjoying it immensely.
Something extra to add about the 10th point: you don't need a trade ship to secure the trade node, a viable strategy especially as Shimazu and otomo is to create 4/5 kobayas and send them to nodes. After that you upgrade your shipyard and then build trade ships and send them to nodes. You won't get any income when you don't have trade ships there, but neutral nations won't be able to claim the node. That way as Shimazu and Otomo you can control most of the Japan's trade nodes, and slowly build up on them.
Another reason to secure foreign trade routes: They not only bring in significant income on their own, they also make other clans both more willing to trade with you (especially if they don't have access to that resource,) and they increase the money you get from trade agreements.
I thought you are gonna talk about fertility of each province and that you should focus on developing farms firstly in areas with high fertility bonus.
oooh lmao i didnt even know that
The group attack tip really helped me out. I have been playing Shogun 2 wrong for 10 years lmao
Very late comment, but here's something.
Don't just focus on having a land army. Having a Navy will be very important during the last half of the game when you start getting into wars with clans on the other side of Japan. Not to mention that during the campaign Naval invasions and Naval Blockades will prove to be a headache when your land army is somewhere else. Random ememy navies will pop out of the fog of war and blockade a port or land an army. By all means you don't have to fight every naval battle, auto resolve it if you have to, but just remember to repair your ships. If you are lucky, you will be able to capture the Black Ship, which by the way you should use for trade rather than fighting. Sure it can survive a fight against literally everything, but lots of enemy navies will just set the ship on fire and damage it. Leading you to sacrifice a huge sum to repair it.
LOL bow units in shogun 2 are the most OP
Thx for feedback, I personally dont use bow units that often, so it might have slightly developed into a bias viewpoint
Dismount is mentionable. Katana Samurai Cavalry ridden into an area that provides stealth and then dismounted is an effective way to cripple pursuing Yari units; Yari Samurai or Light Cavalry can be dismounted to destroy large amounts of pursuing cavalry, too. I've won many PvP battles with just Light Cavalry, Katana Samurai Cavalry and careful dismounts.
On the battlefield, General’s bodyguard units are far more effective as a sort of mobile morale booster. Even without using “Inspire” or “Rally,” just having your general nearby seems to increase the effectiveness of your troops as well as demoralizing nearby enemies. I would recommend Warrior, Die-Hard Fighter, and Master Swordsman from the right side of the skill tree as they improve your general’s chance or survival in case they are forced into melee.
11. Oda is objectively superior. Especially of your army is full of Ashigaru.
No, oda economy is suck of you have gigantic ashigaru army and in realm divide
Otomo/shimazu economy is better because there a lot of trade node near them, so you cn still earn money even though in real divide
Also oda daimyo have suck trait(-20 diplomatic relation) so thats hard to get an trade partner after realm divide(once i have -562 relation playing with oda)
Welcome to the total war community. Glad this game is your first entry. Probably the most polished title they've made.
I don't know what I'm doing here, I've only ever played Rome and Medieval 2
LePhantomChick N 😂😂
play Shogun 2 as well. All the historical titles suck after that though im afraid.
Shogun 2 is probably the height of the gameplay, you don’t have to play anything after that
I've been playing TW games for decades, and I still learned a couple new things. Good job. And yes, Ashigaru (used correctly) are the unsung heroes of Shogun. It took me a loooooong time to trust them-- after their terrible performance in Shogun 1 so many years ago.
There are actually 6 foreign trade nodes; the last one is in the far north-east corner of the map, barely visible on the minimap. Offers iron as a resource.
This was a very helpful video! Thank you very much!
7:13, Fun fact: There's actually 6 trade routes.The sixth is at the top of the map all the way to the right.
#12 Don't improve castles unless you intend to create a recruiting center or use it as a defensive front line. Or rice exchanges unless the game will end fairly soon. Unlike Warhammer games, your overall food surplus adds to each province's wealth every turn. So 10 surplus food, over 10 provinces, is 100 province wealth per turn and will quickly overcome the benefits of castles & rice exchanges.
#13 to make gunpowder units work you need to skip mostly worthless ashigaru matchlocks (not the imported version, though), and to make Fire by Rank work you need to issue attack orders when the target is outside their range. For some reason they take forever to fire if left standing with Fire by Rank on.
thx for the extra tips :D
#1 I would've definitely picked another province than Setsuma, because with the blacksmith you want your starting province to be the one that recruits the units. + since it's your starting province there isn't any reason you would want to increase people happiness unless in specific circumstances. Like the Hojo's starting 2 provinces, your capital Izu has a gold mine and Sagami has a blacksmith, so you want to make units there. In general, put a market and/or sake den in average/money making provinces, not unit provinces.
#7 I wonder how your late game stacks might look like in this campaign. As the Shimazu, tho, you have a complete lack of katana samuraïs. Yes, they're Samuraïs and so the upkeep cost is much bigger, but in the case of the Shimazu the upkeep isn't as big and the unit is better than in other clans. They are the bread and butter a Shimazu army. While your yari ashigarus hold the line in yari wall, the katana can come in and destroy other melee infantry. And you would eventually want to replace light cav for yari cav once the enemy units become too strong for light cav. Same for your bows, you want to eventually replace them with bow warrior monks, unless you turn Christian, in which case you'll have to stick with bow samuraï, or maybe some gunpowder. Bow warrior monks are smaller in unit size and no armor, so skirmish tactics might not work as much. Make Naginata Samuraïs to tank enemy bows while your warrior monks pick them apart.
bouteille d'eau 1 its for the income, samurais are not good to have early on, they take 2 turns to recruit and twice the upkeep, twice the recruitment cost, by the time you recruit enough the game is over, much better to have two ahsigaurs than a samurai
Why replacing light cav by yari cav instead of katana cav? Katana cav is better in melee right?
@@gerardmasip7177 Yes, but the most viable way to cav in this game is as anti-cav cav, then doing shock tactics against archers. Because the AI will 100% do yari cav later in the game, it's better to answer with our own yari cav, because the effect of the yari against horses make a big hit on the morale, rather than relying on the katana cav's advantage later in the duel when they can't give a shock on their own in initial contact. Besides, the clan trait only buffs the katana samurai, not the katana cav.
Be aware that what is being discussed here mostly partains to solo games, there's nothing wrong with using katana cav online.
Agree with number #7. Naginata Samurai with Bow Monks is a very useful and deadly army composition, even in Legendary difficulty. Basically them eat up armies 2-3 times their size.
one thing you should have added. Capture not destroy the western ship when able. that ship has cannons, made that my flag ship every game. i did zerg tactic and just swarmed with a ton of large ships.
Also, I always used my monks to incite unrest in enemy area. sometimes it works.
7:13 there is actually another trade post way in the north
yep figured that out later
A few additions to your points:
1) You do not want Sake Den's and/or Markets in EVERY town - only the ones you don't use for unit production/training.
7) While I can agree with that point for early game, Ashigaru units fall off significantly the longer the game goes and you definitily do want to go full samurai / warrior monk armies (except for Yari Samurai because they suck^^).
9) I think it has a far greater impact on the performance of your army to save up points after Strategist to immediately max out Infantry Leader when it becomes available to get the "Stand & Fight" ability. If honour and loyality ever become a problem (which they usually shouldn't in the first place) you can still go into the left side of the tree later on.
Awesome tips. Thanks, long time total war vet just getting into this game tho.
enjoy playing!
Long Yari ashigaru are probably best unit, only one unit can charge to them and win. I think you should also try some mp. Avatar conquest is really fun.
i heard about it but never seen any long yari ashiguar myself personally and yes I have tried out avatar conquest, its not bad
@@TotalWarKS the long yari ashigaru are a part of an dlc package so you have to buy them extra before you can play them
@@Garindo or you can use a mod for free:)
tip nº 120: you will think that after 10 years of playing this game you ve learned everything about this game, yet someone in a necro post in steam discussions told you a cool strategy using some units differently, then thinking yourself about the years wasted using wrong a unit.
Sigh, this happened to me with the kisho ninja, was so funny to see charging ninjas vs cavalry and destroying them.
1. Yari ashigaru
2. Oda yari ashigaru
3. Oda long yari ashigaru
4. Yari wall
I've been playing oda wrong this whole time. I now see that instead of a few armies of higher tier units I need many armies of yari ashigaru and just drown them in my soldiers.
Great video, really helpful...any tips on deplomacy ? I can't get any one to make peace or trade. Thanks
Other clan only willing to make peace if their main army is destroyed or there are another enemy clan army in their teritory, if you want to trade with another clan male sure u have trading post (2nd upgrade harbour) also precious resource (war horse,steel etc)
thank you so much im new in total war
1:08 how can i get the picture of the general ? and the other fortresses types?
thanks for the video
What is the name of very ending epic warcry music? 8:05
I cant remember, it is some NCR battle music
I'm currently making a mod that:
1) Makes Hero units half the size of their sanurai and 1.5x expensive to recruit for balance.
2) Doubling unit health for longer combat, and lowering infantry speed.
the moment u realise the AI is playing like the tips in the video
Now I understand why the AI always stomped me
Hojo are a good faction for beginners. Wealthy, defensible and able to form alliances with nearby clans. Bow cavalry are excellent when attacking, as they can weaken flanks and draw out units
@0:26 Building market requires food beyond tier 1. Meaning you can't upgrade the castle. I'd rather go for the temple instead for more public order and research speed.
Isn't the Ambush stance also in Medieval2 by doing the same thing ? It's not just something that was added in later games although in newer titles you can do it basically anywhere with varying % of success.
Thanks for a cool video. What is the music playing at the end? Soundhound wasn't able to catch it.
Old, but a little tip: loose formation decreases a bit the effectiveness of your archers. Unless you move much closer to the enemy, your back line won't shoot! Loose formation is best used when you do not have skirmish superiority. If you do have more skirmishers, stay in close formation and shoot straight at the enemy while their back line in loose formation can't shoot you back!
There are six trade posts, last one is north Date faction province at the end of the map.
I really disagree with you statement about sake dens. They sre indeed useful, but aren't essential to have in every town, especially early on.
fair point :D
Yeah, market is better i think
#11 Agent SPAM, Agent SPAM, and more Agent SPAM.... the most OP af park of TWS2. (and stack one of each type in each town and army)
Just download crack
in terms of armies i use 10 ash 2 katana sam 6 bow and 1 cav. then late game i put multiple armies near eachother but only 1 or 2 tend to have archers. it works most of the time
I think the archers are much better and feel 10 times more nicer than for example Attila or other newer titles.
Also I don't know what they are doing with the newer titles but somehow the Arrows look much more satisfying in this game.
One of the reasons why I come back to play as Chosokabe ^^