Rise of the Man of Sin | Pastor Ivor Myers

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 35

  • @powerofthelamb
    @powerofthelamb  4 года назад +13

    Get my sermon notes: powerofthelamb.lpages.co/rise-of-the-man-of-sin-notes
    Thumbs up if you like the download.

    • @divergentone777
      @divergentone777 4 года назад

      Thank you this is great ! I'll share your clip and notes with my Pastor... and pray he feels inspired to share it!
      If not I'll share it at prelim during next quarter's study. It would be better to share it at the main service as more people attend, so please help me pray for this. Much love and blessings

    • @powerofthelamb
      @powerofthelamb  4 года назад +1

      @@divergentone777 we're praying!

    • @divergentone777
      @divergentone777 4 года назад

      @@powerofthelamb Thank you ! Much appreciated 🙏❤

    • @samuelr8174
      @samuelr8174 4 года назад

      You are mighty in the word Pastor, I love your parallels in the bible, you have a good grasp of the bible, very competent.

  • @divergentone777
    @divergentone777 4 года назад +11

    AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Thank you we all need this message! Praise God that I have only been saved 3 yrs ago and have not lost my first love, but I was almost discouraged out of the church because of the many who have. God said to me "Stop looking at them, you are not here for them... you are here for ME!" I praise God that I heard Him and I didn't leave. I do struggle with the "old man" but recognise him instantly. I have been praying for sometime that we would all come to understand the importance of dying daily and allowing God to work within us and through us. When we can love as God loves and Lift up Christ, we will see the Power of Pentecost revived and thousands converted in a day. I pray that your message goes out to every believer so we may genuinely call ourselves "Christians" and have Jesus' passion for saving the lost.

  • @nichalosrobertson1832
    @nichalosrobertson1832 4 года назад +5

    Powerful, May everyone that sees this sermon be blessed.

  • @forerunness
    @forerunness 4 года назад +5

    Amen. Powerful and uncomfortable. Thank you for this message Pr Myers.

  • @mrume1122
    @mrume1122 2 года назад

    I would always go back to the place where the thing that God wanted me to remember took place. It helps tremendously. It may not happen right away, but when the first works comes back, ask God to help you keep it.

  • @radioactiveapple9
    @radioactiveapple9 4 года назад +4

    When I first accepted Christ into my heart, came out of the Cath church, thru a Rev. Seminar. I was on fire for the Lord. I invited everyone and their mother to church and they came too. My pastor told my church family "ah, she'll get over it"
    Unfortunately, he was right I did get over it. Sadly.

    • @kirkjohnson2924
      @kirkjohnson2924 4 года назад +1

      I have had the same thing but don't worry God will finish the good work he began :)

  • @mariesavannah2369
    @mariesavannah2369 4 года назад +2

    That is a shocking Truth we have always learn to look at the men of sin as the pope not us may the lord remind us that deep truth in our daily life so we dont perish with the man of sin

  • @beverleyorr1315
    @beverleyorr1315 4 года назад +1

    Powerful message. Amen

  • @kkcrucial99
    @kkcrucial99 4 года назад +3

    I feel like this sermon was made specifically for me, thank you for sharing this inspired message

  • @bigjokerhere111
    @bigjokerhere111 4 года назад +4

    Happy Sabbath everyone!
    God bless you, your family, and your ministry, Pastor Myers.

  • @judyschenk237
    @judyschenk237 4 года назад +1

    Wow, this interpretation of the man of sin makes sense to me. I like what you said about being powerful is when we love like God, in deed and truth.

  • @rexcavalier
    @rexcavalier 3 года назад

    "About the Day of the Lord and our being gathered to him, brothers, to execute the justifiable judgment of God," Apostle Paul said in his letters for his spiritual brothers, "don't let any spirit, prophecy, or letter that is like came from us saying "The Day of the Lord is already reigning!" Don't let anyone deceives you by any means for the Lord's Day will not come unless these two things occur first:
    "One, the people will reach the peak of their rebellion against the Truth that is being preached by the saints and....
    "Two, the man of sin or the son of perdition is revealed first.
    "Don't you remember that I used to tell you these things? And you know what is the hindrance right now so that he will be only exposed in the appointed time."
    What will this wicked power is going to do?
    "He will oppose and exalt himself above all the holy ones, so that he sets himself up in God's heavenly temple proclaiming himself as the Eternal God or the Holy Father, the head of the church and the dispenser of truth."
    (Why is it that God will let the people to be ruled by this wicked ruler and also why will he let his saints to be captivated and oppressed?)
    Because of the people's rebellion, God will punish them and at the same time, to test the faithfulness of his saints even in times of tribulation so that they can rightfully join Christ in judging the world on his Day.
    Apostle Paul continued, "This secret power of lawlessness is already at work during these times but someone is hindering its exposé and he will remain secret until the one who is keeping him from being revealed is taken out of the way."
    Satan, the Dark Power is hiding this power of wickedness, his tool for deception, so that he can effectively deceive the world and can lead the people to follow his evil teachings, and to facilitate his reign over them and over the saints. But after his appointed day ends, the Lord will come down, seize him, bound him, and will throw him in prison. If that happened already...
    "Then the wicked one will be exposed whom the Lord will slain by the word of truth and destroy by the brightness of his Day."
    And that Day will be a thousand bright years, the end times of the world to face God's judgments, mercy, and salvation.
    But before that Day, Apostle Paul explained the Day of the Wicked One. He will perform counterfeit miracles using the power of Satan to deceive those who are perishing. They perish because they rejected the truth that should have saved them, but instead, they chose and delighted in wickedness. This is why God will send this powerful spirit of delusion over them so that they will continue to believe the lie and be condemned.

  • @mayeerahbrits9160
    @mayeerahbrits9160 Год назад

    Stunning presentation. May, from South Africa

  • @doo3380
    @doo3380 4 года назад +2

    Great Pastor, this man of sin is inside me....not outside; the pope

  • @leemary4833
    @leemary4833 4 года назад +1

    Love this! No wonder! When born again...all I could think of was “souls, souls...” don’t want any souls lost...zealously bringing Godly people to churches. But traumatic panic when churches attack me and my visitors for over 20 years. Spirit led me “out” of church. Told another pastor “souls...souls” after listening to his screaming at me, they all thought “I was crazy! Lost conversion IN church!

    • @leemary4833
      @leemary4833 4 года назад

      @@theway5563 Ellen White was saying “whole churches” will be lost!

    • @leemary4833
      @leemary4833 4 года назад

      @@theway5563 For church to try to “force” marriage on a new Christian to violent men who wouldn’t stop showing their “fists” or banging the table between my bible at pot luck is “not” Christian (sitting in my seat when I went up to get food). Those are aggressive moves. Anger does not work in the Lord. Both the pastor and this man said they both “were close to death-almost died” (both went into hospitals right after this last incident-at same timing). Then the Spirit lead me out. Violence is “not” God’s way. Hopefully you’ll study/read “all” your bible. Your belief is that all SDAs are righteous; this is not biblical. Being in church does not save a person. Churches are losing people; suggest examine why when Apostle Paul’s days they multiplied by the 1000’s.

    • @leemary4833
      @leemary4833 4 года назад

      @@theway5563was only too strong in His mission, bringing “many” to churches which they got very envious/jealous and some got baptized. They didn’t want blacks/Philippines or Japanese (due to what happened in WW2. Many black SDAs which I was connected to in spirit tried to tell me reason they’re moving away. Was silently taking abuses in churches, unable to speak up, stayed loving and kind to all, and at the end, the Spirit took over....and the churches here lost many people after I left.

    • @leemary4833
      @leemary4833 4 года назад

      @@theway5563 Last time I went to Camp Meeting spoke/sat behind a black SDA man that I was close in spirit. He told me “they” don’t understand. (White people I knew in churches surrounded us at a short distance). He was so wise in scripture, was so connected to Him. Told him I love Whitney Phipps (singing there then) but many white SDAs can’t stand him. His songs got me through the storm in churches because I couldn’t get anyone for 30 years in 3 churches to teach me how to read the Bible. Thankful a SDA theologian helped on FB about 4-5 years ago, after leaving church. This last camp meeting, leaders including Dan Jackson tried to voice out at me, one said to go into deep city where people look like me are. They are all aware of the “many” I was bringing in, in fervent amounts of people (mostly whites, 1 Philippine though one lady chase us outside and barked at her “did you just get off the boat”! My friend’s lips quivered. Got payback from her mom who screamed at me for 3 days at the top of her lungs. God knows my wounds/scars of witnessing.) I was bringing into “churches” through the “Spirit” since I’m just His empty vessel! My black Sunday friend (only brought one because after they told me they didn’t want certain groups, knew something was wrong) also felt/saw the racism IN church. Brought some Spanish folks in.

    • @leemary4833
      @leemary4833 4 года назад

      @@theway5563 2 Tim 3:12 and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus “will” suffer persecution. (Doesn’t say “May or maybe.” “Narrow is the way.”)

  • @vettaj9752
    @vettaj9752 4 года назад +1

    Pastor, I am paying attention to where you are heading.

  • @Gladi80r
    @Gladi80r 4 года назад +2

    Yes we must die daily. More of Jesus less of me

  • @natashahersh3083
    @natashahersh3083 4 года назад

    Amazing Word! God bless you!
    God is Love!!

  • @joanarrington2482
    @joanarrington2482 4 года назад

    Grace, mercy and peace

  • @fenikamuvirimi8965
    @fenikamuvirimi8965 4 года назад +1

    Amen powerful

  • @jmerrick1000
    @jmerrick1000 4 года назад


  • @sstandingontherock9018
    @sstandingontherock9018 4 года назад +1

    13:53 why does the word magic appears on the screen.....after the phrase "first love" why does the word magic have to appear everywhere....lol.....GOD bless you. Evil is lurking everywhere....wow

  • @princejohnson3468
    @princejohnson3468 4 года назад

    Someone, please tell me more about the vision spoken of from 52:40 to 53:30 ish.
    Which holy place did Satan went to?
    Is that an Ellen White vision?
    Tell me more, please!

  • @nichalosrobertson1832
    @nichalosrobertson1832 4 года назад +8

    Powerful, May everyone that sees this sermon be blessed.