22:30 If you hold shift while deleting it'll skip the confirmation dialog. 50:35 Why sluices at the top? Wouldn't floodgates be better? With sluices you'll end up flooding upstream (like happens at 52:00), or you'll lose an entire tile of water (if the sluice is left open). Dams would be fixed at 0.65, but floodgates will allow you to tune it exactly.
22:30 If you hold shift while deleting it'll skip the confirmation dialog.
50:35 Why sluices at the top? Wouldn't floodgates be better? With sluices you'll end up flooding upstream (like happens at 52:00), or you'll lose an entire tile of water (if the sluice is left open). Dams would be fixed at 0.65, but floodgates will allow you to tune it exactly.
49:50 you placed the wall of sluices exactly in the same spot instead of moving them up.
Set the sluice heights proper.
No comments on 15 min?
Do you mean at 34:45 --> 35:20?
No commentary around 35 minutes either
34:45 --> 35:20