  • Опубликовано: 8 янв 2025

Комментарии • 81

  • @jeanjacques8515
    @jeanjacques8515 Месяц назад +51

    0:11:18 今日見たすごく変な夢の話
    0:14:52 さっそくガチャ
    0:19:22 STAGE 5 - ファンタジー島 使用キャラクター:ふーたん(不知火フレア)
    0:22:35 やられたところをふーたんに見られていたIRyS😦
    0:25:34 「ソーセージって何?」→ショップで「サポート」解放
    0:28:59 STAGE 5 - ファンタジー島 使用キャラクター:ふーたん(不知火フレア)
    0:32:56 STAGE 4 - Gelora Bung Yagoo 使用キャラクター:ふーたん(不知火フレア)
    0:36:37 ふーたんの必殺技を見たIRyS「アンダーテールじゃん」
    0:41:30 「ホープソーダにスーパーコラボあるの?・・・BLと? なんで?」
    0:50:24 STAGE 4 - Gelora Bung Yagoo 使用キャラクター:ふーたん(不知火フレア)
    0:58:23 YAGOOを見て「お、カネカネカネカネ」
    1:04:48 STAGE 3 - ハロウィン・キャッスル 使用キャラクター:ふーたん(不知火フレア)
    1:07:30 「とりあえずBL」
    1:10:01 いつかシンガポールへ行ってみたいIRyS
    1:15:11 Bless you
    1:15:36 「スーパーアイテムだとスーパーコラボできないの?え?できる?誰よ嘘つき!」
    1:33:24 "Oh God"
    1:34:54 真・インフィニティ・BL・ワークス「なにそれ?」
    1:43:19 ステージクリア 「こんぬいー!」
    1:43:37 ホロハウスにて「奴隷・・・じゃない、作業員って何だっけ?」
    1:48:20 釣り雑談
    1:53:25 健康診断はこわいからなるべく受けたくない
    2:10:18 「かわいい女の子?見てみたい」→『苦難のタワー』
    2:15:56 チュキアの鍛冶屋
    2:22:30 「わけわかめ」
    2:24:58 兎田カジノ
    2:26:25 スロットで遊んでみる
    2:33:13 「(スロットが)やめられん!」
    2:37:47 「5000枚になったらやめると言ったけど」→15000枚
    2:41:39 「ヤバい、誰か止めて」
    2:43:22 ハイ&ローで遊んでみる
    2:44:39 レースで遊んでみる
    2:48:02 闘技場で遊んでみる
    2:50:12 数学クイズ→「ヤダヤダ」
    2:51:06 ブラックジャックで遊んでみる
    2:53:06 「数学クイズ?やりたくなーい、こえ~よ~」→数学クイズ:ぐら
    2:54:56 数学クイズ:ノーマル
    2:57:59 「やっぱりダメだったか?やめなさい!人を見下すの良くないぞ!」
    2:58:28 ルーレットで遊んでみる
    2:59:05 ジャンケンで遊んでみる
    3:04:47 ジャンケンでベーを破産させようとするIRyS
    3:27:25 レート高めのブラックジャックでボロ負けするIRyS
    3:37:29 数学クイズ:ノーマル
    3:41:10 結局スロットへ戻るIRyS
    3:46:21 「そろそろ(777)出ない?」→1分後に出る
    3:49:23 掛け金1万枚のブラックジャック
    3:52:34 ハイ&ローで風向きが悪くなってきたIRyS「まぁまぁまぁ」
    3:55:15 掛け金1万枚のブラックジャック その2
    3:56:01 「たった1万枚さ・・・こんなのかすり傷さ・・・」
    3:58:00 「okokok」→台パン
    4:05:20 「もう怖いよ~」→カジノから逃げ出すIRyS
    4:26:00 「カジノから足を洗ったんすよ、英語だと手を洗うらしいよ」
    4:30:09 「そろそろ普通のゲームやるべきだよなー」
    4:32:17 STAGE 4 - Gelora Bung Yagoo 使用キャラクター:船長(宝鐘マリン)
    4:34:28 「Lust(ムラムラ)」
    4:35:50 モザイクになる船長を見てしまったIRyS
    4:46:42 ライトニングウィンナー
    4:47:12 STAGE 4 - Gelora Bung Yagoo 使用キャラクター:船長(宝鐘マリン)
    4:52:32 「Money! (YAGOO)」
    5:07:01 STAGE 4 - Gelora Bung Yagoo 使用キャラクター:ぺこら先輩(兎田ぺこら)
    5:23:03 ゲームが画面外になって操作ができなくなったIRyS
    5:23:13 STAGE 4 - Gelora Bung Yagoo 使用キャラクター:ぺこら先輩(兎田ぺこら)
    5:26:30 さかさまスタンプで違和感が凄い画面
    5:31:44 ゲームが画面外になって操作ができなくなったIRyS その2
    5:32:13 キーボードからXbox4 (PS4) のコントローラーに変えて再戦
    6:03:47 伝説のソーセージ
    6:04:50 ステージクリア
    6:05:19 スパチャ読みでもスロットがやめられないIRyS
    6:16:17 「君たちはIRySが食べろって言ったら土でも食べてくれるよね?」
    6:24:28 HoloCureの作者さんからのスパチャ「何故ギャンブルは良くないのかというCMとしてこの動画を使うべき」
    6:25:34 日本では丸亀製麺へ行ったことがないIRyS
    6:31:12 最後に掛け金1万枚のブラックジャック

    • @qua414
      @qua414 Месяц назад +1

      Thank you for the time stamps

    • @BLUE_Edition
      @BLUE_Edition Месяц назад +1

      Thank you so much!!

  • @fireblaze1580
    @fireblaze1580 Месяц назад +85

    *TIMESTAMPS* (Start 7:13 / End: 6:33:08)
    4:00:43 *Kay Yu’s SC:* “They Boutta use this stream as the PSA Commercial on why gambling is bad
    -> 6:24:30 _(Reading Kay Yu’s Superchat)_
    3:04:38 Spotting Bae….
    3:04:48 "I heard rumours how you lost to NPCRyS.."
    3:04:59 *Game 1:* VS Bae (Win!)
    3:05:17 *Game 2:* VS Bae (Win!) “She Gonna be Dirt Poor!"
    3:05:38 *Game 3:* VS Bae (L0SE..)
    3:05:59 *Game 4:* VS Bae (Win!)
    3:06:19 *Game 5:* VS Bae (Win!)
    3:06:33 *DevilRyS:* “AHAHAHA!!! And there she goes.. EZ!”
    2:25:02 - Entrance
    2:26:24 - SLOTS *(#1)*
    2:43:33 - BETTING *(#1)*
    2:44:40 -RACES
    2:48:03 - FIGHT PIT
    2:50:09 - MATH QUIZ?
    2:51:40 - BLACKJACK *(#1)*
    2:53:13 - MATH: GURA LEVEL
    2:54:59 - MATH: NORMAL
    2:58:04 - ROULETTE
    3:06:58 - BETTING *(#2)*
    3:08:49 - SLOTS *(#2)*
    3:17:50 - BETTING *(#3)*
    3:26:12 - BETTING *(#4)*
    3:27:21 - BLACKJACK *(#2)*
    3:36:21 - BETTING *(#5)*
    3:37:27 - MATH: NORMAL
    3:40:54 - BETTING *(#6)*
    3:40:16 - SLOTS *(#3)*
    3:49:24 - BLACKJACK *(#3)*
    3:50:13 - BETTING *(#7)*
    3:55:19 - BLACKJACK *(#4)*
    3:56:04 - BETTING *(#8)*
    6:05:32 - SLOTS *(#4)*
    20:39-20:51 *GAME 1:* FLARE (Stage 5)
    20:59-22:30 *GAME 2:* FLARE (Stage 5)
    22:39-26:13 *GAME 3:* FLARE (Stage 5)
    29:33-31:56 *GAME 4:* FLARE (Stage 5)
    32:08-32:56 *GAME 5:* FLARE (Stage 5)
    33:20-50:00 *GAME 6:* FLARE (Stage 4)
    50:31-1:04:22 *GAME 7:* FLARE (Stage 3)
    1:04:54-1:43:15 *GAME 8:* FLARE (Stage 4)
    4:32:49-4:47:02 *GAME 9:* MARINE (Stage 4)
    4:47:12-5:04:43 *GAME 10:* MARINE (Stage 4)
    5:07:03-5:23:04*GAME 11:* PEKORA (Stage 4)
    5:23:31-5:32:07 *GAME 12:* PEKORA (Stage 4)
    *[AddictedRyS can’t stop Gambling..]*
    2:30:19 “I feel like I'm Making out So much money!”
    2:30:36 “I did not Know Slots were This much fun!”
    2:30:59 “This is the american Dream… on Alcohol”
    2:32:02 *AddictedRyS:* “I’ll stop When I get 5,000! I swear! I’ll stop!”
    2:32:27 *(5,000+)* I'll stop "after this fever time is over.."
    2:32:50 *AddictedRyS:* Oh is fever time over?
    2:33:47 Her fingers hurt…
    2:34:17 *IRySoAddicted:* “I could Go on forever! WHy does the Fever TIme NOT End!!”
    2:34:55 “Does the Bonus pool rest if I stop? *I CAN’T STOP THEN!”*
    2:37:44 *(15,000+)* OH God, I said Id’ stop at 5,000 Look at me now!
    2:38:18 How does the Casino make money if it's this favored for the player?
    2:39:40 *(20,000+)* What Am I gonna do About Myself.. I am Turning into.. SOMETHING I DON'T WANT TO BECOME.
    2:40:56 SweatRyS
    2:43:07 *FINALLY STOPPING..* (For Now)
    3:09:54 "After the next Fever TIme I’ll stop”
    3:16:08 *(40,000)* “Let me just play a bit of this.. “
    3:18:14 Breaking even again: “Ok Ok..”
    3:20:14 *(45,000)* I just need 50!
    3:20:51 This is Still Faster than Slots! Personally!
    3:21:28 *LOSING:* “Still faster than slots!”
    3:22:51 *WIN!* “All Daijoubu..”
    3:23:54 “I Just have TO WIn 4 Times. 5 times I mean! Or 6 times..”
    3:24:46 *REACHING 50,000*
    3:28:50 Things Begin to Go Wrong… _"MMHMMMM…"_
    3:29:21 *(

    • @fireblaze1580
      @fireblaze1580 Месяц назад +13

      7:10-7:38 HiRyS!
      7:49 GoXLR Settings
      8:37 Today We are Playing Holocure!
      9:03 IRyS’ Humidifier
      10:10 “My Room is Pretty SoundProof”
      10:43 MoldRyS - > 10:57 *“The Spongebob that is i there is..”*
      *[IRyS Dreamed a MOVIE…]*
      11:16 *IRyS:* “I dreamt I was a *twin Boy* and I had a very *yandere sister* but they were out to kill me. I would steal a police car but I’m very bad at driving…
      14:45 And *My Dad betrayed My Mom* and I'm like I’m never gonna talk you anymore dad! *My Dad is a Police officer* that is hiding top secrets …
      12:29 *I had 5 Siblings* and we are All try and Run away From my dad but my dad keeps capturing us and chaining us to something . One of the sibling steals my dad’s police officer key that has access to a top secret van that has top secret country info
      13:14 Another car chase “Inside the van there was this bell that had a package that had explaining tube bell has the ability to control any tax paying worker .. This is only *20%* of what I remember!
      13:50 I *crashed into church* and Almost killed a priest.. They screamed and ran away..
      14:20 Then I have a showdown with the *twin sister* that’s cr@zy about me”
      14:46 “I dreamt A Whole Movie”
      15:02 *GACHA*
      15:24 IRyS saw
      16:32 Drawing 10 To get everyone!
      16:49 Drawing Another 10
      18:32 Getting all of ID
      19:06 Kaelas outfit that “looks likes she’s going to Hogwarts”
      *GAME 1: FLARE (Stage 5)*
      20:39 Start!
      20:51*GAME OVER* 026s / Coins 0 / Score 3504
      *GAME 2: FLARE (Stage 5)*
      20:59 Start! / IS it my turn to send To Fuutan Her character is hard to use?
      22:30 *GAME OVER* (Time: 040s /Coins 0 / Score: 7563)
      *GAME 3: FLARE (Stage 5)*
      22:39 Start!
      23:44 *Flare In Chat:* :(
      22:39-26:1326:13 *GAME OVER*
      26:24 SHOP
      28:17 THere's a Dodge?
      *GAME 4: FLARE (Stage 5)*
      29:00 “I love All These Sprites! They're So Cute!”
      29:33 *Start!*
      31:33 SLow Stamp “AHH!! Potato PC!
      31:56 *GAME OVER* (Time: 1m11s / Coins: 0 / Score: 21331)
      *GAME 5: FLARE (Stage 5)*
      32:02 Start!
      32:56 *GAME OVER* (Time: 53s / Coins: 30 / Score: 11893
      *GAME 6: FLARE (Stage 4)*
      33:13 Start!
      36:36 *Flare Special:* / Undertale
      39:00 Colab List
      44:14 Taste The Rainbow
      44:25 RGP Stamp
      44:28 Sorry, U want to Zatsu but there’s too many new things in this game”
      48:49 RGP Stamp L 2: THats: How Rainbow Harder”
      50:00 *GAME OVER* (Time: 9m / Cons / Score )
      *GAME 7: FLARE (Stage 3)*
      50:31 Start!
      59:11 It’s been a year since she last Played
      59:26 What’s Going to be Version 1.0?
      1:01:05 MAybe 1.0 WIll have an ending
      1:01:25 “Why am I only 6 minutes in? I’ve been Playing for an Hour! I know I died a few times but…”
      1:02:00 IRyS heard about the Casino
      1:03:50 I think I dled around here last time, Right?
      1:04:22 *GAME OVER* ( Time: 9m22s) / “ I got distracted by the YAgoo!”
      *GAME 8: FLARE (Stage 4)*
      1:04:54 *Start!* / “I Played stage 3 Off stream and it was easy”
      1:08:26 *BLRyS:* I Didn't Know it was BL when I was Watching it.. I was Too Young
      1:09:13 *YabaIRyS:* I have a Wall of BL protecting my Mental State
      *[Places IRyS wants to Travel!]*
      1:09:58 Recently I’ve been Watching A Bunch of Traveling RUclipsrs .. > 01:10:27 It just makes me Want to Go to *Singapore!*
      01:10:43 I’ve never Really Gone Traveling.. The Only places I’ve been to are Japan, hawaii, New York, Boston once
      1:11:32 *Malaysia* Looks Like Japan?
      1:12:09 The A Jujutsu Kaisen COllab Truck
      1:15:02 Super Hope Soda
      1:15:11 Double SneezeRyS~
      1:15:38 ONE Guy’d
      1:16:36 ‘When you're backseating isn't Correct Tsk tsk..”
      1:19:33 *COLLAB:* BL + Axe
      1:20:20 Greed Stamp
      1:20:16 *BOSS:* Buff Shubangelion
      1:22:10 Weaken Stamp / F L O W E R
      1:26:32 PANIK
      1:26:06 Asacoco
      1:27:18 PANIK
      1:28:58 Sausage Doesn’t do Anything! It just WHACKS them!
      1:29:52 *COLLAB:*
      1:31:40 Sausage Only collabs with Asacoco? Are are you serious?
      1:32:17 At Least The Sausage Whacks
      1:33:22 *PANIK:* “OH god”
      1:34:54 GOlden Hammer
      1:35:08 SUPER COLLAB: True Infinite BL Works
      1:35:46 *PANIK:*
      1:36:51 Pacifitst Stamp
      1:40:34 Wondering how the STream Looks With All The Chaos ON screen
      1:40:59 “I cannot Doot.. “
      1:42:10 *BOSS: SPIDERCHAMA*
      1:42:26 Asking if it was *Mumei* That designed that Haachama
      1:43:15 *STAGE CLEARED!*
      (Time: 21m12s / Coins: 11993 + 1276 + 5954 / Score: 573310)
      Continued Below

    • @fireblaze1580
      @fireblaze1580 Месяц назад +11

      1:43:53 *HOLO HOUSE*
      1:44:20 “I forgot how the *Sl@ve System-* I mean the _FAN_ system works!”
      1:45:06 THank You!
      1:48:16 I forgot how this works”
      1:48:56 GOld Rod One day…
      1:49:44 Selling her Turtles
      1:51:06 She Doesn't have enough even if she sells Everything
      1:52:15 IRyS has lesson Later
      1:52:51 *Chatting:* IRyS is finally over the Coughing Stage She was in
      1:53:22 *“I also Have to Start Signing up for health Checks next year”*
      1:54:13 *LORE:* “IRyS is Female”
      1:54:56 *RIP fishing Streak*
      1:57:30 Goku is Afraid of Needles?
      2:00:18 “They want you to stay healthy so you pay more Taxes!”
      2:02:38 FIshing Sharks from the pond
      2:03:40 The outfit is very Accurate
      2:03:57 IRyS is impressed WIth Pixel Art
      2:04:34 *The dilemma of heterochromia:* “Every single Time i Turn my head I flip my eyes”
      2:05:17 *RIP Fishing Streak*
      2:06:18 Harvesting her Crops
      2:06:59 “Pufferfish is great!”
      2:07:22 Turtle soup? That is heresy!
      2:07:45 Feeding Her sl@ves
      *[Wanting to go to the casino but… Cute Girl?]*
      2:09:54 “Ok Lets go to the Casino…”
      2:10:12 Cute GIRL??
      2:10:18 “Before we go to the casino I want check out who the cute girl is..”
      2:10:53 Start
      2:11:24 “I’m not a jump king master” / Calli Must have been Excited to Discover This
      2:11:51 Huh?
      21:2:10 Falling…
      2:13:11 Kuso!!!
      2:13:20 OF Course she Can clear this! This Is her passion!” I don't know what’s going on in her head for this to be her favorite type of game…”
      2:14:48 Goodbye…
      2:14:58 I wonder Who is at the Top…
      2:15:13 OH! It's kaela minigame!
      2:15:53 Talking to *CKIA*
      2:16:09 *ExcitedRyS:* “IT’S THE CHILD!”
      2:17:04 Haiyaaaaaaa
      2:18:12 “What Am I doing? I need to go to the CASINO! The:es just too many things going on..”
      2:19:10 WHat’s the Sword for?
      2:19:42 Forging Armour
      2:21:10 QUick
      2:21:28 Prsims
      2:22:25 I don’t get this..”
      2:22:54 IRyS is getting it!
      2:23:50 Upgrading Tools
      Continued Below

    • @fireblaze1580
      @fireblaze1580 Месяц назад +9

      2:24:52 *CASINO*
      2:25:02 “Peko-mama!“
      2:25:23 MONKEY!
      2:25:47 Talking to Peko-mama
      *[SLOTS]* (1)
      2:26:24 Start!
      2:27:24 *KickRyS*
      2:27:55 Bonus
      2:28:20 “YEAHH!!”
      2:28:31 “ just Have to *Kick* it!
      2:28:52 Bonus!
      2:30:05 Bonus!
      2:20:19 “I feel like I'm Making out So much money!”
      2:30:39 “I did not Know Slots were This much fun!”
      2:30:59 “This is the american Dream~” “on Alcohol”
      2:32:02 *AddictedRyS:* “I’ll stop When I get 5,000! I swear! I’ll stop!”
      2:32:27 *(5,000+)* I'll stop when fever time is over..
      2:32:54 *AddictedRyS:* Oh is fever time over?
      2:33:47 Her fingers hurt…
      2:34:17 *IRySoAddicted:* “I could Go on forever! WHy does the Fever TIme NOT End!!”
      2:34:55 “Does the Bonus pool rest if Istop? I CAN’T STOP THEN!”
      2:35:38 I’m St*ck in Gamle HEaven
      2:36:23 Bonus (930)
      2:37:02 Get me Out of here!
      2:37:44 *(15,000+)* OH God, I said Id’ stop at 5,000 Look at me now!
      2:38:18 How does the Casino make money if it's this favored for the player?
      2:39:40 *(20,000+)* What Am I gonna do About Myself.. I am Turning into.. SOMETHING I DON'T WANT TO BECOME.
      2:40:56 SweatRyS
      2:43:07 *FINALLY STOPPING..*
      *[BETTING]* (1)
      2:43:33 Start
      2:44:07 OMG! This Is easy money!
      2:44:16 Round *5*
      2:44:26 Cashing out
      2:44:40 Casino Employee / “Workers”
      2:45:49 *Beginners Cup*
      2:46:09 Race 1: L0SE
      2:46:27 “You S*CK!”
      2:46:44 Training
      2:46:56 Race 2: WIN!
      2:47:10 WIN!
      2:47:25 The Scary MJ win!
      2:47:39 Race 3: WIN!
      *[FIGHT PIT]*
      2:48:03 Casino Employee
      2:49:20 Match 1:
      2:50:00 L0SE…
      *[MATH QUIZ?]*
      2:50:09 Casino Employee
      2:50:52 C0wardRyS walks away…
      *[BLACKJACK]* (1)
      2:51:40 Start!
      2:51:28 What Does Bribe do?
      *[MATH: GURA LEVEL]*
      2:53:18 Q1
      2:53:03 Q2
      2:53:57 Q3
      2:53:50 Q4
      2:53:56 Q6
      2:54:01 Q7
      2:54:16 Q8
      2:54:39 Q9
      2:54:42 Q10
      *[MATH: NORMAL]*
      2:54:59 Q1
      2:55:22 Q2
      2:55:32 Q3
      2:55:37 Q4
      2:55:45 Q5
      2:55:55 Q6
      2:56:06 Q7
      2:56:18 Q8
      2:56:30 Q9
      2:56:13 Q10
      2:56:26 Q11
      2:56:32 Q12
      2:56:39 Q13
      2:56:45 Q14
      2:57:32 Q15
      2:57:25 That Is not Worth using my BRain for
      2:58:04 Casino Employee
      2:58:37 SPIN!
      2:58:56 “This reminds me of RUST”
      2:59:05 *VS* Ollie! (Win!)
      2:59:25 *VS* Pekora! (Win!)
      2:59:49 *VS* Mumei (Win!)
      3:00:28 *VS* Miko I Feel like she’d be Easy to win against (L0ses)
      3:00:54 *VS* Watame (Win!)
      3:01:19 *VS* Calli (Win!)
      3:01:41 *VS* Kiara L0se)
      3:01:55 *VS* Kiara (Win!)
      3:02:22 *VS* Kronii (Win!)
      3:03:00 *VS* Flare (Win!)
      3:03:24 *VS* Luna (L0se)
      3:03:34 *VS* Luna (L0se)
      3:03:47 *VS* Luna (L0se)
      3:03:59 *VS* Luna (WIn!)
      3:04:08 *VS* Luna (Win!)
      3:04:30 *VS *AMEEE (Win!)
      3:04:55 *VS* Bae (Win!)
      3:05:13 *VS* Bae (Win!) “She's GOnna be Dirt Poor!
      3:05:34 *VS* Bae (L0se)
      3:05:55 *VS* Bae (Win!)
      3:06:15 *VS* Bae (Win!)
      3:06:33 “AHAHAHA!!! And there she goes.. EZ!”
      *[BETTING]* (2)
      3:06:58 Start
      *[SLOTS]* (2)
      3:08:49 “But My 777 Is Waiting for me!!”
      3:09:54 “After the next Fever TIme I’ll stop”
      3:10:18 *Spacebar SLamRyS ASMR~*
      3:12:10 *Fever Time* comes and Goes / accidentally Tabbing out
      3:14:10 Warhammer
      3:14:40 *YabaiRyS:* “ Come on! You Know You Want to Fever on me!”
      3:15:39 *40,000+*
      3:16:00 Stopping
      *[BETTING]* (3)
      3:16:08 *(40,000)* “Let me just play a bit of this.. “
      3:16:20 L0SING..
      3:17:22 L0SING..
      3:17:36 L0SING..
      3:17:55 WIN!
      3:18:05 WIN!
      3:18:35 WIN! “Ok Ok..”
      3:18:58 Super S*XY A-chan by the way!
      3:19:38 L0SING..
      3:19:48 L0SING..
      3:19:51 “HAH??”
      3:20:01 WIN!
      3:20:14 *(45,000)* I just need 50!
      3:20:51 This is Still Faster than Slots! Personally!
      3:21:28 *LOSING:* “Still faster than slots!”
      3:22:51 *WIN!* “All DaAijoubu..”
      3:23:29 L0SING…
      3:23:41 L0SING…
      3:23:54 “I Just have TO WIn 4 Times. 5 times I mean! Or 6 times..”
      3:23:21 *REACHING 50,000*
      3:24:58 Start!
      *[BETTING]* (4)
      3:26:12 Hello Again?
      *[BLACKJACK]* (2)
      3:27:21 Blackjack allows 10K bets….
      3:28:02 *(

    • @fireblaze1580
      @fireblaze1580 Месяц назад +8

      *GAME 9: MARINE (Stage 4)*
      4:32:49 Start! / What is he Throwing? Balls?
      4:34:19 U really want to play the beach map but i:m too scared…
      4:34:27 *Reading the LUST Skill:* “Marine reachers Her _CLIMAX”_
      4:35:02 *Skill:* Dangerous Marine Smell
      4:35:27 *YabaIRyS:* I love how her Armpits are up (SNIFF)
      4:35:50 Marine Reachers Her *CLIMAX.*
      4:37:51 MOSAIC
      4:47:02 *GAME OVER* “I just Got Lightning Wiener too..”
      *GAME 10: MARINE (Stage 4)*
      4:47:12 Start!
      4:53:00 *YabaiRyS:* IT's okay.. I:ll Just get my LUST UP..”
      4:57:40 *YabaiRyS:* Get your LUST up Senchou! I know you want to!
      5:02:47 *MID BOSS:*
      5:04:43 *GAME OVER*
      5:05:13 Buying More Upgrades
      *GAME 11: PEKORA (Stage 4)*
      5:07:03 Start!
      5:07:50 Skill” Pyromaniac
      5:10:25 Pekora Special “Even THisis G@Mbling?
      5:10:43 “After that Casino run.. Have mixed feeling.s.”
      5:23:04 *GAME OVER* “Why The FUDGE did my keryb0ard Tab out?”
      *GAME 12: PEKORA (Stage 4)*
      5:23:31 Start!
      5:24:52 I:ve been playing for 5 hours!?
      5:31:53 IRyS tabs out again…
      5:32:07 *GAME OVER*
      *GAME 13: PEKORA (Stage 4)*
      5:32:40 Start! (With controller)
      3:53:42 IRyS is USing her XBox 4 Controller
      5:33:55 i feel Like Xbox is such a Niche Gaming system”
      5:34:28 The best Gaming system is the PC
      5:37:55 IRyS wants To Buy An Herman Miller Chair
      5:56:09 Perfect Timing to End stream?
      6:02:56 *BLRyS:* I will never find out what the BL sausage C0llab is supposed to look like!”
      6:04:53 *STAGE COMPLETE!*
      (Time: 21m24s / Coins: 16356 + 6510)
      Continued Below

    • @fireblaze1580
      @fireblaze1580 Месяц назад +9

      *[SLOTS 5]*
      6:05:32 *GambleRyS:* OK I know what tTo do..:
      6:08:40 “There’s a decent chance i dream I’m a dude, and I have my own Full on Harem and Stuff”
      6:09:42 I’m not Reading DOujin with F*tich tags!
      6:09:56 *JACKPOT!*
      6:10:38 IRYS talks more About her Dream’s meaning
      6:12:03 IRyS is at 50,000!
      6:14:55 Malaysia heat is the Future of Japan “We’re all gonna Turn nocturnal”
      6:15:40 “I am already nocturnal true, But ’:m talking the general Public”
      6:16:20 A True Irystocrat will eat whatever IRyS tells you to eat…
      6:18:39 We’ve lost IRYS to Gambling…
      6:20:04 Why are Irysotcrats Bloom in game? / “You WIsh You were my pets”
      6:22:03 2B and 9s Almost had a “merge” Scene? / 6:22:26 “OMG.. WHY did that Not- I mean..”
      6:23:11 IRyS is reminded how Much she loves 9s
      6:23:42 I tend to think the people who don’t like 9s are just Salty 2B is taken
      6:24:02 *JACKPOT!*
      6:24:30 Reading Kay Yu’s Superchat
      6:27:22 DadRyS’ Love for King Crab
      6:30:02 *IRyS l0ses interest in anything Past Kissing when it comes to romance:* “but at the same Time I want to see it” especially when it comes to 2B and 9s
      6:31:01 IRyS knows Her Cr@ze is unhealthy
      6:31:43 ByeRyS!
      6:31:59 Moment of my life ending~
      6:33:08 *Secret Ending*

  • @Yi_Xuan_Tan
    @Yi_Xuan_Tan Месяц назад +11

    Ayyy been waiting for this stream for a bit Your dreams are so wild tho, did you enjoy having a yandere sister? It's always very interesting and fun to hear you talk about your dreams, but I do hope your sleep quality wasn't affected I like that you and Flare each cleared a stage using each other's character early on, and both complained about the other person's character being hard to use Good luck for your lessons again, and don't lose all your money at the casino off-stream okay?

  • @Nirvashe0027
    @Nirvashe0027 Месяц назад +6

    Ahh... Holocure... The casino/farming sim game... Wait, what do you mean it's like Vampire Survivors??
    Kidding aside, thanks for the fun stream IRyS! I really can't believe that this game is FREE. 3 updates in and it has so much content that everyone will be able to find something to do (I'm down for a Mario Kart mini game in the future!). Also otsu in your escapades in the Usada Casino! RNG was a fickle mistress today and you may have not gotten the monke, but you did beat Bae again in janken! I guess that's a victory, right?
    Good luck with lessons and see you on the next stream!

  • @Garahel
    @Garahel Месяц назад +8

    4:35:30 Sniffa sniffa, sasuga my kamioshiRyS
    I knew the gambling would hook you but I had no idea it would be that intense, if you stream this again i'm definitely expecting to see you filthy rich or with 0 coins from offline play.
    That was one intense dream story, also wild that you also dream of genderswaps that much I've never had one of those myself Btw remembering them is a very good thing it means you have a proper REM cycle, when you can't remember your dreams it's usually an indication of sleep issues or stress. GanbaRyS with dance lessons, and goodjob staying hydrated! :D

  • @duy6822
    @duy6822 Месяц назад +4

    thanks for the stream IRyS. I haven't even looked at the new update, been busy with my re-run of the DMC series thanks to you . I really should check it out soon
    Too bad we didn't get to play much of the new stage but at least you tried out a lot of new features and characters. Also a lot of comfy chatting too so it was really nice
    Hope you have a great meal and good luck with dance lesson

  • @hopesoaprope4940
    @hopesoaprope4940 Месяц назад +7

    I don't know what is is about having a casino in video games, but it's usually one of my favorite parts in the game.
    The Dragon Quest 11 slots are so fun to play especially when Metal Mode (a.k.a. Fever Time) is happening. I've spent many hours in PSO2 just playing blackjack in the casino letting the timed event missions just pass by.
    Holocure's casino certainly does not disappoint.

  • @Majadi7
    @Majadi7 Месяц назад +1

    That was more stressful than I thought, It was fun yes, but between making the right builds, and gambling strategies this game this game is just so vast . Still, I thoroughly enjoyed watching you play it, listening to you talk about your dreams, where you want to travel, and just other stuff really made it feel really cozy too :D. Hope you're able to attain the 100k next time, and good luck on your lessons, keep up the great work, all your practice definitely paid off for the live, so I'm looking forward to your next performances

  • @miguelespinoza33
    @miguelespinoza33 Месяц назад +11

    IRyS was not at the casino for half the stream! But if she had found it at the start? I didn't try it before so I wasn't thinking you'd get so hooked to the new minigames! Hooked to gambling... maybe I should've expected it lol! Thank you for the stream!! It was fun seeing you try the new stuff in Holocure and chatting a lot while at it!! Very comfy! And I'm trying the update now and of course still maining IRyS, my oshi! Good luck with lessons!! Hope you rest well after! Take care

  • @carlosyee4988
    @carlosyee4988 Месяц назад +3

    This... this is what gambling does to a nephilim. I expected we would stay at the casino for a while, and surprisingly it was only near 2 and a half hours, but it got so intense that the time went by fast. The fever of winning to then lose most of that, it was amazing watching the descending to madness. Great game and gameplay. And congrats on beating everyone in janken, specially Bae lol
    Nice zatsus too! Cinema dreams, healthcare and traveling wishes. I hope you can archive the last two, health checks are nerve wracking and uncomfortable but you surely went through worse before, so I trust you can do it stay healthy and keep that mental up with a nice travel (imagine the food!). Be careful with the temperature changes. Gracias por el stream

    • @carlosyee4988
      @carlosyee4988 Месяц назад

      4:14:55 4:29:10 verbal abusing the sla- fans 4:35:27 the sniff
      5:32:55 xbox4... 5:33:20
      Finished vod while playing holocure with my maxed IRyS, 106k coins at +23 minutes let's gooo

  • @JMHenry
    @JMHenry Месяц назад +9

    HoloCure is the best casino gambling, harvest mooning, fishing simulator I've ever seen Enjoy the eats, IRyS! If you're doing ramen, trow an egg and some add ons in there. Get fancy with it! XD

  • @Ignyouz
    @Ignyouz Месяц назад +4

    Thanks for the -Holocure- casino stream! I knew you would like the casino . and it was pretty nice to chill at the Holohouse for a while. Enjoy your meal and good luck with your lessons. Take care!

  • @NobleKanna
    @NobleKanna Месяц назад +7

    That was a really quick 6 hour stream.. Time went by so fast but I enjoyed the fun while it lasted! 👏👏👏

  • @SaucyCharmander
    @SaucyCharmander Месяц назад +4

    Well, if there’s one thing that can be said for certain, it’s that irys definitely doesn’t have a gambling addiction. Nope, no way

  • @anhisfine
    @anhisfine Месяц назад +2

    I think we spent more time at the casino than in the main game this stream

  • @SubNil04
    @SubNil04 Месяц назад +9

    Its really funny to see IRyS good chemicals in her brain go brrrrr in real time when she made that 200 chips to 25k+
    Can't believe you took all of Bae's money that she actually disappeared. Poor rat, Kay is gonna tease her hard. Thank you for a comfy stream! goodluck with the lessons

  • @yuu_kyaruchan
    @yuu_kyaruchan Месяц назад +5

    Thank you so much for the stream We got to see a lot of gamble as expected with the holocure update There are still a lot more contents to be discovered with the stages and characters, but you might want to get some more coins for upgrades and G rank before trying stage 5 and stage 4 hard~
    Eat well and good luck with the lessons later IRyS~ Take care and see you

  • @Tyldar
    @Tyldar Месяц назад +3

    thank you for the stream, glad you enjoyed the new stuff. And honestly no worries if you don't play the actual game we can chill all the same with the minigames (Plus made me want to play Stardew Valley again )

  • @MetalShadowX
    @MetalShadowX Месяц назад +2

    Those 6 1/2 hours just flew by, thanks for entertaining us and good job with the Pekora win

  • @igloo_igloo
    @igloo_igloo Месяц назад +2

    Thanks for the very fun stream! I'm glad you got to play this update cause it's really packed with lots of new stuff. It was hilarious watching you play the games at the casino. The slots really are the way to getting all the chips XD

  • @KMeads_IRyStocrat
    @KMeads_IRyStocrat Месяц назад +3

    Great Gamba stream! Taking money from a certain someone as an NPC and now for real is fantastic

  • @qua414
    @qua414 Месяц назад

    I think you've spent more time in the casino than playing holocureAnyway, thank you for the stream! I really enjoyed it because I was looking forward to seeing you explore the new features added to Holocure. and It's still challenging due to the lack of upgrades, but someday, I hope to see you take on the Yagoo (Night) stage! Otsu

  • @ErikBalthazar
    @ErikBalthazar Месяц назад +2

    Holocure has evolved so much! The cassino is so fun!
    Thanks for the stream, IRyS! Rest well

  • @Anthi7
    @Anthi7 Месяц назад +1

    Congrats on clearing stage 4! I think to clear stage 5 you need to lv up fandom of character(until gachikoi)! It was fun and good luck with your lesson!

  • @Asmodeus696
    @Asmodeus696 Месяц назад

    Unhinged Dream Comparison - 6:11:34
    Promise Tiara Explained - 6:12:28
    Yes, IRyS, the PROMISE TIARA - 6:13:16
    Bae Convinced IRyS to Drink WATER - 6:17:23

  • @Wrixne
    @Wrixne Месяц назад +1

    The good news? We won big in the casino. The extra good news? We still have plenty of content to see (the new stages and other characters)! Let's not forget the Cute Girl Ahead.
    ReHealth: most recommendations at certain ages are based on optimal risk reduction and cost. It helps people for sure. That said, the better decision is the informed one. Do your homework/consult you know who on what's *actually* helpful.
    Good luck with lessons!

  • @KyuuAA
    @KyuuAA Месяц назад

    The entire gambling run was a demonstration of the emotional roller behind gambling, as described by Kay's super chat. I went to bed by super chat reading, only to check the progress now. Looks like slots is the sure fire way to make chips.
    Personally, I would rather multi-day grind the math quiz. Odds of losing there virtually non-existent, but it is slow.
    Good luck to all, who challenge the Usada Casino.

  • @CZero_K
    @CZero_K Месяц назад +2

    Casino and gambling with positive expected value of a slot machine? Guys, I think we have lost IRyS

  • @Christoko
    @Christoko Месяц назад +2

    Holocure!!! I’m vod gang this time but I never miss a holocure stream.

  • @jRitz08
    @jRitz08 Месяц назад +2

    That was fun! very chill stream to! good stream to watch while I do office work cause of how calming it was. Especially during the moment IRyS was losing it all at Blackjack

  • @SamWrit3-R
    @SamWrit3-R Месяц назад +2

    Thanks for the fun stream, as usual it was entertaining and full of wonderful moments/memories. I will never forget how you got so invested into the gambling part LOL
    I wish you a good meal and lessons. I’m really grateful for your hard work and of course for being more conscious about health in general. Keep being healthy dear nephilim, I really like you more for that! And consider the health check ups every year, it's scary I know, but it's better to know the state of your own body in general, even just from a blood test :)
    By the way the story of your dream was really fun, sometime I dream something similar. I’m usually a big onee-chan figure xD where she needs to look after family and friend in time of war and I wake always at the part where it’s just game over!
    Take care and stay safe, especially during the seasonal changes, it’s easier to get sick >_>

  • @Kotelski
    @Kotelski Месяц назад +1

    I would love to see the graph(like the one they show you at the end of Mario party game) of all the loses and wins in Usada Casino. Good luck with lessons! Otsu!

  • @oveRayster
    @oveRayster Месяц назад

    You know, "17y" might still be fine not to worry about "female health," just like what other people say. I understand you are scared of some of the tests because I also heard they are pretty painful. However, early health checks can show you how healthy you are (throw the result to ppl's faces who say you are not healthy! lol) or what you should do to avoid getting worse. I don't want to see you getting sick, even if it's just a slight cough...
    I don't know what I can do to help you not be afraid, and I can't do anything to ease that pain, but my support will always be with you.💪

  • @niyo_the_hoshiyomi
    @niyo_the_hoshiyomi Месяц назад

    TBH, everytime I hear IRyS said "Sushi", "Fish". My brain automatically redirect to....
    -------------------"SUSHI!! FED!! TO YOU!! TROUGH!! A HOLE!! IN THE WALL!!"-------------------

  • @KDSleazy
    @KDSleazy Месяц назад

    Thanks for the stream IRyS!
    It takes real courage to admit you've been gambling for too long and ignored the main game
    Reminds me of NunRyS from the Hololive CouncilRyS RPG. A perpetual motion gambling machine

  • @DougBrighTan_o7
    @DougBrighTan_o7 Месяц назад +2

    That was fun and amazing stuff , most hilarious part will be grinding the coins and you definitely won Baelz on rock paper scissors which was peak xD

  • @CatsBackLeg
    @CatsBackLeg Месяц назад +2

    Ceramic key micro dust particles borne from button mashing slot mini game madness, and also thanks for the stream!

  • @goosezero9101
    @goosezero9101 Месяц назад +3

    Remember kids, dont gamble irresponsibly.

  • @kalen.
    @kalen. Месяц назад +1

    Thanks for spending time with us! Holocure is so fun ☺️ Your gambling addiction is very concerning, but I trust that you only do that in games. Right? ….right?
    Good luck with your lesson tonight!

  • @hantakorys
    @hantakorys Месяц назад +28

    This is another game I could listen to IRyS yap while playing literally forever. Someone please keep her away from the slots though lmao

  • @kevinakao554
    @kevinakao554 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you for the stream irys gambling is truly the main game

  • @litshark0307
    @litshark0307 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you for the stream today!

  • @jabah
    @jabah Месяц назад +1

    Ahhh my favourite gambling gam- I mean, reverse bullet heck game
    Thanks for the stream and good luck with rehearsal
    PS: 99.9% of gamblers quit before they win big. Be the 0.1%

  • @arwinartwell
    @arwinartwell Месяц назад +1

    Thanks for the stream! It was interesting to hear about your weird dream lol

  • @cyril_c
    @cyril_c Месяц назад +1

    Thanks for the gambling stream!

  • @deancaracho9542
    @deancaracho9542 Месяц назад

    Looks like this is the first time you've met Ckia. Kaela's little sister. Howevere, you need to collect all the resourceses and upgrate some tools: the Axe and Pickaxe. Collect the Lumbers and Minerals. And also, you need to get this very important item: Prisms.

  • @khoonkitlim5963
    @khoonkitlim5963 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you for the fun HoloCure stream, IRyS!

  • @killercart
    @killercart Месяц назад

    Good work on the casino and the gambling and so on. Thanks for the stream, IRyS.

  • @ichalw4973
    @ichalw4973 Месяц назад

    Watching the vod and surprised(but well not really) at how long Iwys stayed at the Casino 😂😂

  • @pinkgolddaisy3926
    @pinkgolddaisy3926 Месяц назад +1

    Still getting my computer set up but once i do i am going to start gambling and never stop 😂❤

  • @Chuckles_The_Goat_Clown
    @Chuckles_The_Goat_Clown Месяц назад

    BL and Hope soda? That's carbonated love!

  • @hellwing621
    @hellwing621 Месяц назад +1

    Im so closed from having my life taken by my oshi
    Btw the doujin with fetish tag is just a joke

  • @Ahhthur
    @Ahhthur Месяц назад

    Can't wait for the Xbox 4, thanks IRyS

  • @GrumbleDogg
    @GrumbleDogg Месяц назад

    6:07:46 She didn't get it

  • @Average_Sapling
    @Average_Sapling Месяц назад +1

    Dont take IRyS to Vegas she will nave to much fun on the slots. Thx for the stream please play more of Holocure its one of my favorite games right now

  • @MiIIe_crepes86
    @MiIIe_crepes86 Месяц назад +5

    楽しく観させて頂きました(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠

  • @mokomokobuton
    @mokomokobuton Месяц назад

    Thank you for the stream!

  • @hdh1280
    @hdh1280 Месяц назад

    喉の調子と咳が長続きしなくて治ってよかったね! how was your lesson? Wasn't it hard because you didn't have enough dinner? and that lots of coin will help for upgrade especially g.rank! after upgrade im sure 5 stage or 4stage hard gonna feel easy

  • @fredpen5839
    @fredpen5839 Месяц назад +3

    What happened today

  • @fredpen5839
    @fredpen5839 12 дней назад

    Cya irys

  • @Yabogumiイ
    @Yabogumiイ Месяц назад +12

    It's been hilarious watching IRyS get so hooked on the casino mini-games.

  • @huntermurillo9246
    @huntermurillo9246 Месяц назад

    I like you you're nice

  • @5210702
    @5210702 Месяц назад


  • @fredpen5839
    @fredpen5839 20 дней назад

    I love you

  • @Erionn.
    @Erionn. Месяц назад +2

    Thanks for the stream IRyS!