Ray doesn't really have anything to be protected *_from._* Who's going to hurt him? Kinda crazy how Evangelicals (the most powerful and well-protected ideological group in the U.S.) like to tell themselves that they're in constant danger. Makes them feel important, but it couldn't be less justified. At least, you can't justify it unless you're going to claim that _everyone_ with an opinion is in danger.
@somexp12 it's because historically, Christians are persecuted for believing in Christ and God's Word. They are attacked by people who refuse the truth, the demon possessed and sometimes even the demons themselves.
Doctor's have no right to mutilate anyone's genitalia irrespective of age. This absurd ideology is extremely diabolical, and those who practice it are either willingly or, unknowingly disciples of Satan.
I am a young man who went through confusion growing up through puberty. I would actually pray that God would change my physical body, that's how confused I was. If I had lived in a household that did not love me, they would have told me what I wanted to hear, and I would likely be living as a young woman today. God said no. There was no mistake, by the grace of God I am who I am today, I have a wife and God willing we will be blessed with children. That would be impossible if I had grown up in a "progressive" household. There is a spirit of confusion on America today, it attacks our youth, and the vulnerable. Pray for each other
Wonderful testimony although I would like to bring a precision that Elon Musk obviously loves his son, but he gave all of his beliefs in the ‘so called’ professionals who were also brainwashed. That is the reason why we should always and in everything consult the Spirit of God, Jesus, God himself for all decision. Lord help me doing just that in everything . Bless you all.❤
“It” has a name: Satan. Satan is the author of confusion, evil, murder, discord, malice, slander, homosexuality, “mental disorders”, etc. Satan is pure evil and hates all that is of God Almighty. Jesus Christ has overcome him and conquered the grave! Believe in the finished work of Christ Jesus on the cross where He paid for all the sins of mankind, once and for all. By faith in Him we all can have eternal Salvation by the remission of our sins through Christ Jesus!
If you lived in a household that did not love you, you would've kept that gender dysphoria to yourself because they would've weaponized it against you. If it were a progressive household, the most that would be likely to happen is puberty blockers to give you some years to think it over. More extreme procedures in minors are actually quite rare, especially in kids under, say, 16-18.
Thank you so much for sharing your encouraging testimony! I do pray that the Lord will fulfill His perfect will for you and your wife, & that if He desires to, will bless you with children at the right time. May you be blessed of the LORD, Maker of Heaven and Earth!
Please help, I'm afraid to go to hell. But this stuff about your bible super frightening... Exodus 21:20-21 ""If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property. Deuteronomy 22:28-29; God’s punishment for the raping of a virgin is to pay her father 50 shekels of silver and marry her for life. The rapist was seen as ruining someone else’s property, not ruining a young girl’s life. Forcing a girl to marry her rapist and have her father accept some money as compensation is disgusting. 2 Samuel 7:11; God, through Nathan, says he is going to punish David’s affair with Bathsheba by making all of David’s wives prostitutes. God making David’s wives prostitutes, despite what His own law said, is not moral. Leviticus 26:29; God describes how he will punish people by making them eat the flesh of their own sons and daughters. Any God threatening to force people into cannibalism on their family is not moral. Joshua 6:20-21; God helps the Israelites destroy Jericho, killing “men, women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys”. C’mon. Ruthlessly murdering all the women and children in a city is not moral. Deuteronomy 2:32-35; God has the Israelites kill everyone in Heshbon, including children. Later in chapter 3:3-7, God commands they do the same to the city of Bashan. Killing children ain’t moral, dude. 1 Numbers 31:7-18; God decides to not kill everyone this time. This time, He commands the Israelites to kill all the Midianites except the virgins, whom they will take as spoils of war. Killing everyone besides virgins and using them as sex slaves isn’t moral. Genesis 7:21-23; God drowns the entire population of the earth (except for Noah and his family): men, women, and children, both born and unborn, because they were “evil”. I don’t know how unborn children could be evil, but whatever. Killing the entire population of earth, including innocent babies, is not moral. Judges 11:30-39; Jephthah burns his daughter alive as a sacrificial offering for God’s favor in killing the Ammonites. Jephthah is crazy for burning his daughter alive and God is crazy for allowing it. Child sacrifice is not moral. Deuteronomy 21:18-21; God demands we kill disobedient teenagers. Stoning disobedient children to death is not moral. Exodus 21:20-21, Colossians 3:22-24, Ephesians 6:5, 1 Peter 2:18; God legitimizes slavery by saying it’s okay to own slaves and to beat them. Slaves are told to obey their masters just as they would obey Jesus, even if their masters are harsh. God blatantly supports slavery. Supporting slavery is not moral. Proverbs 23:13-14 says to beat your child with a rod, but according to Exodus 21:15 and Exodus 21:17, he who even does so much as hit or even curse one of his parents must be put to death. Thank you for your time.
@ I fear you are misquoting and or misunderstanding-- you need a good study bible and a good spiritual advisor to explain what is metaphorical and what is not-- especially helps to understand the historical culture-- and what consequences existed in those days. I know God lives you. Ask Him to send you help to understand...♥️
We the People have spoken as of November 7th. God heard the cries of the righteous and had mercy on America. May we take heed to stand for His righteousness and pray for this in-coming administration, without ceasing! Jesus Christ is Lord over all!
Thank you. I was a tomboy and mistakenly thought I was the wrong gender. I looked boyish from my teens until my late 20s and in my mid-thirties, I became secure in my female gender. Now at 67, I have had over 30 years as a daughter of the Most High God, and enjoying that. What a sad commentary I would have if I had the $$$ for a gender alteration. It would be a nightmare! I hope this madness is stopped!
Means nothing to be a Tom boy I was a bit to it’s 100 normal trust me I played with cars with my younger brother best days of my life .. but in the mean time I loved paper dolls and fashion … this mess up must stop from these mad doctors they should be jailed …
I was a Tom Boy too because i wanted to be just like my older brother. So thankful i was born when Tom boys were girls and no one tried to tell me i was in the wrong body. I love being a Mother and Grandmother and woman
Doesn't matter what you look like as "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". So how good do you think you look to your loving father in Heaven???? He looks at you the same way as the rest of us. 🙂
Same I had was called Matt and and still weirdly act like one. I’m a mother and I’m so sore for not fighting to protect that It’s evil and I’m sorry for all that we’re harmed I think God gave hope back in the za
In Daniel 7, three kings are destroyed by the little horn/Antichrist before he reigns for 42 months. In Revelation 13-14, "Babylon" falls and then the Antichrist rules, enforcing the Mark of the Beast for 42 months. Mystery, Babylon the Great is that great city which ruled over the kings of the earth when John received the vision. That city was Rome. The Roman Catholic Church, an unknown mystery at that time, is the harlot which sits on the beast Roman empire. Did you know all of the US's "elected" Presidents have been descended from Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne via King John of England's bloodline? Why do the US, UK and AU all seem to be going through the same things as far as "progressive Liberalism" (read: Atheistic, Liberal Marxist ideologies)? What do those three have in common historically? Any reversal will be short lived as these nations turn to Fascism, becoming the new Axis power under the guidance of the Vatican who is trying to create the kingdom of heaven on earth by force, ala the "Seven Mountains Mandate/Dominion Theology:" We are going to see the falling away of the Church soon as a direct tie in to the fight against immoral behavior promoted by Liberals. Because iniquity abounds, the love of many has waxed cold and they now want these people permanently removed. The way the RCC will try to accomplish their goals is to enforce the Babylonian Talmud "Seven laws of Noah" which to many may appear righteous, but they are a deception. Three of the Seven Laws of Noah require death by decap-tation when broken, and they are against: Blasphemy, Idolatry and Sexual Immorality (Bestiality, Incest, Homosexuality). They also require anyone who worships a man as God to receive the same penalty. The Vatican will deny the Deity of Christ, denying the Lord who bought them, causing the Way of Truth to be spoken of as evil. Many will be offended (fall away) to try to save their own necks or the life of a loved one. Others will betray one another, turning friends, neighbors and relatives in for entitlements and benefits promised to true Patriots and God fearers.
He didn’t protect them from Passover, the two bears in second kings, or the flood, so…..maybe his plans are not comprehendible to you. Who is in control? Whose sins are your responsibility?
This is a mental health issue, along with what I call the blunder years, not knowing who you are as a young person, and potentially ruining young people for the rest of their lives. We are living in a perverse and wicked time.
@@scottandtammyI would tend to agree. However I would like to add that much of the choice is what or who we choose to listen to. If we choose not to follow the word of Christ we open ourselves up to the demonic doctrines. The human race likes to think it knows it all, when in reality we all follow guidance, whether that be good or evil. I hope that makes sense.
Yes we are living in wicked times, but for Christian’s I would argue that we are also living in the best of times. We are close to the return of Christ and may just be the generation that sees His return.
I am proof that Ray Comfort's message is what got me to repent and believe in Jesus Christ. Where my life changed in an instant overnight and the new heart that God put in me made me yearn for His Word and no longer for the sinful pleasures I used to have. And mind you, it wasn't even face to face - but through a video. So this person with his "book of life" and all that is just... way, way out there.
@@silasmonk2458 ... And pray for Eric who searched out za Ray, two Saturdays to confront him. Ray did not approach him. His name is on the email. He has YouRube and Facebook. He needs prayer. He is stuck on the Book of Life. , Calvinism, and provoking Christians.
@@silasmonk2458 If you subscribe to his videos, Silas, you will see all of his videos. He does share them all . . .good, bad, ugly. He is truly a man of God who cares, sincerely, for those he encounters who are lost and perishing.
The Bible says that for people who refuse to receive a love of the truth, that God gives them over to the Lie, and they perish and are condemned because they delight in wickedness. 2Thessalonians 2:10-12. God does not cause people to sin or be caught up in sin and destruction. That is the choice He gives us. We own the consequences of our sin too, unless we repent, turning away from it, and returning to God and His higher way. God does not tempt anyone and does not delight in the destruction of anyone, nor does He choose for us. He is a good Father.
@@originalfunnyfarm Luke 18:19 is a profound statement that reveals Jesus’ teaching on the nature of goodness, the character of God, and the inadequacy of human effort in achieving salvation. It invites us to humble ourselves, acknowledge God’s perfection, and seek His grace through faith in Jesus Christ. While Jesus questions why He is being called "good," He does not deny the title. This can be seen as a subtle way of leading the ruler to recognize Jesus' divine nature.
Most folk grossly underestimate the grievious nature of ALL sin. Even "small" sins lead to self deception... imagine thinking you're right when you are, in fact, deluded and lulled to sleep. This is why I choose to trust The One who created everything and His Plan. Jesus Christ is the only one who knows everything and is not suseptible to delusion and will never be corrupted by His Power.
Don’t feel so bad about yourself. If you think like that, you could develop depression due to you not thinking you are good enough or is not a nice person.
I always tear up when you share with someone on the street, THE MIRACLE of all miracles is happening before my eyes rebirth! Huge blessing to you all from a grandma in Hawkes Bay New Zealand.
I Thank the Good Lord for you, Ray Comfort, and your faithful obedience to our Saviour and King! Thank you for teaching me the proper way to evangelize and present the Gospel.
The girl with the red and black hair shines bright with a beautiful soul. She shows humility, kindness and a gentle spirit. She’s pretty with a prefect smile !!!
Please help, I'm afraid to go to hell. But this stuff about your bible super frightening... Exodus 21:20-21 ""If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property. Deuteronomy 22:28-29; God’s punishment for the raping of a virgin is to pay her father 50 shekels of silver and marry her for life. The rapist was seen as ruining someone else’s property, not ruining a young girl’s life. Forcing a girl to marry her rapist and have her father accept some money as compensation is disgusting. 2 Samuel 7:11; God, through Nathan, says he is going to punish David’s affair with Bathsheba by making all of David’s wives prostitutes. God making David’s wives prostitutes, despite what His own law said, is not moral. Leviticus 26:29; God describes how he will punish people by making them eat the flesh of their own sons and daughters. Any God threatening to force people into cannibalism on their family is not moral. Joshua 6:20-21; God helps the Israelites destroy Jericho, killing “men, women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys”. C’mon. Ruthlessly murdering all the women and children in a city is not moral. Deuteronomy 2:32-35; God has the Israelites kill everyone in Heshbon, including children. Later in chapter 3:3-7, God commands they do the same to the city of Bashan. Killing children ain’t moral, dude. 1 Numbers 31:7-18; God decides to not kill everyone this time. This time, He commands the Israelites to kill all the Midianites except the virgins, whom they will take as spoils of war. Killing everyone besides virgins and using them as sex slaves isn’t moral. Genesis 7:21-23; God drowns the entire population of the earth (except for Noah and his family): men, women, and children, both born and unborn, because they were “evil”. I don’t know how unborn children could be evil, but whatever. Killing the entire population of earth, including innocent babies, is not moral. Judges 11:30-39; Jephthah burns his daughter alive as a sacrificial offering for God’s favor in killing the Ammonites. Jephthah is crazy for burning his daughter alive and God is crazy for allowing it. Child sacrifice is not moral. Deuteronomy 21:18-21; God demands we kill disobedient teenagers. Stoning disobedient children to death is not moral. Exodus 21:20-21, Colossians 3:22-24, Ephesians 6:5, 1 Peter 2:18; God legitimizes slavery by saying it’s okay to own slaves and to beat them. Slaves are told to obey their masters just as they would obey Jesus, even if their masters are harsh. God blatantly supports slavery. Supporting slavery is not moral. Proverbs 23:13-14 says to beat your child with a rod, but according to Exodus 21:15 and Exodus 21:17, he who even does so much as hit or even curse one of his parents must be put to death. Thank you so much for your time.
@JoseFernandez-s4v Actually to me, it looks like you are the kind of person that's won't have a problem if a 4 year old child is mutilated by having their genitals amputated. Because it's "their choice"? How horrible. And yes God made us be in charge of His creation. That is why we must set limits to protect Children. I'm sure you'd also love to see 4 year olds drink and smoke just because they want to and God doesn't care because He didn't set "age restrictions". In that case you also must support child porn? Because it's their choice and God didn't set age restrictions for either né?
One reason I voted for President Trump and numerous others. Reason I am for Ray Comfort because he teaches truth of the Lord Jesus Christ. I wish I'd run into him as a teenager.😅😅😅😅❤
The amazing part is, we can do the same thing! We can go out and share the truth just as Ray does. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32
do not be deceived by man nor trust in man, kings or princes. be wary of wolves in sheep clothing, false prophets or false Christ’s. These poor people have been used and deceived by evil men, (politicians) Don’t put your trust in a political system whose principles are based on order out of chaos. Be wary of these wolves people. Only in Christ can we be saved, not in man.
I'm Edwin Maldonado from Newark Delaware and I too get teary eyes when I see these videos off people repenting and putting their faith and trust in Jesus. And I thank the Lord
Ray Comfort, we love, you are an awesome Disciple of Jesus Christ!!! Keep preaching and pray for me that I can be an effective witness of Jesus Christ like you.
It breaks my heart to see so many people lost, but I am so glad to see them listening. I wish they could see the heart of those of us who do ache for them. I'm praying for them all, may they come to know Christ as their savior and become part of our forever family! ❤ If you are in favor of the trans issue, please take a look at what those who are ex trans have to say! 😢
When I was young in the late 60’s to early 70’s, I was a fan of Joni Mitchell. I related to her song “Clouds”/“Both Sides Now”. After I was born again, I wrote a fourth verse to it that I sang for friends and at a funeral service. I have hoped, and at times prayed, that Joni Mitchell would hear the clear gospel. May she’ll catch one of your videos, Ray. I really hope so.
Help me brother for my mom kidney transplant i face poverty since i born in Pakistan i face persecution brutality and no job for Christians in Pakistan 😢
@ I will pray for you Continue to pray to The Lord that not your will but His will be done pray for strength wisdom understanding and patience and pray He will open doors for you God bless you
Look at thise tears in that young ladys eyes just imagine the difference in her life moving forward you could see Jesus in her just one conversation with a person can change a life how beautiful i had tears ❤
According to Charles Spurgeon, "every person" should hear the Gospel, meaning that the Gospel must be preached to everyone, regardless of whether they will listen or not; he strongly believed in the responsibility of Christians to actively share the message of Christ with all people, even if some might reject it.
Ray, the King of Kings has you! You will be okay. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. You know a lot more than me!! God bless and protect you and your family and your by the Holy Spirit, ministry!
In my daily scripture reading, I read the 144th chapter of Psalms Ray. Verse 11 is great for us to remember. God bless you, brother, and may His mighty hand always protect you! ❤️📖🙏✝️🤠🇺🇸😎
💕Jesus guide me I’m overwhelmed please grant me strength both of my sons are special needs and require so much from me. Jesus I need your help providing for my children so that they may have all they need. Lord I’m constantly struggling trying to buy the necessities for my boys give me strength as I struggle providing. Hear my prayers help me overcome these obstacles. I can’t do it without you.💕
Thank you God for your continued protection of Ray Comfort.
I feel sorry for you.
Ray doesn't really have anything to be protected *_from._* Who's going to hurt him? Kinda crazy how Evangelicals (the most powerful and well-protected ideological group in the U.S.) like to tell themselves that they're in constant danger. Makes them feel important, but it couldn't be less justified. At least, you can't justify it unless you're going to claim that _everyone_ with an opinion is in danger.
Amen 🙏🏻
@somexp12 it's because historically, Christians are persecuted for believing in Christ and God's Word. They are attacked by people who refuse the truth, the demon possessed and sometimes even the demons themselves.
Doctors should be held accountable for breaking their oath of do no harm when they do this to a child which is anyone under the age of 18 years old.
Any surgical defaceing of the human body for what ever reason IS CRIMINAL! That includes tattoos!
Doctor's have no right to mutilate anyone's genitalia irrespective of age. This absurd ideology is extremely diabolical, and those who practice it are either willingly or, unknowingly disciples of Satan.
Life without parole
Be prepared to hold parents accountable as well since any procedure requires parental consent for people under 18.
How about ph
I am a young man who went through confusion growing up through puberty. I would actually pray that God would change my physical body, that's how confused I was. If I had lived in a household that did not love me, they would have told me what I wanted to hear, and I would likely be living as a young woman today.
God said no. There was no mistake, by the grace of God I am who I am today, I have a wife and God willing we will be blessed with children. That would be impossible if I had grown up in a "progressive" household.
There is a spirit of confusion on America today, it attacks our youth, and the vulnerable. Pray for each other
Thanks for sharing. Your testimony is so important.
Wonderful testimony although I would like to bring a precision that Elon Musk obviously loves his son, but he gave all of his beliefs in the ‘so called’ professionals who were also brainwashed. That is the reason why we should always and in everything consult the Spirit of God, Jesus, God himself for all decision. Lord help me doing just that in everything . Bless you all.❤
“It” has a name: Satan. Satan is the author of confusion, evil, murder, discord, malice, slander, homosexuality, “mental disorders”, etc. Satan is pure evil and hates all that is of God Almighty. Jesus Christ has overcome him and conquered the grave! Believe in the finished work of Christ Jesus on the cross where He paid for all the sins of mankind, once and for all. By faith in Him we all can have eternal Salvation by the remission of our sins through Christ Jesus!
If you lived in a household that did not love you, you would've kept that gender dysphoria to yourself because they would've weaponized it against you. If it were a progressive household, the most that would be likely to happen is puberty blockers to give you some years to think it over. More extreme procedures in minors are actually quite rare, especially in kids under, say, 16-18.
Thank you so much for sharing your encouraging testimony! I do pray that the Lord will fulfill His perfect will for you and your wife, & that if He desires to, will bless you with children at the right time. May you be blessed of the LORD, Maker of Heaven and Earth!
Thank you Jesus!!!! Light of the world
Jesus have nothing to do with it.. Trump is stopping this nonsense.
Who else gets happy tears watching people repent and trust alone in Jesus on these videos?
I feel bad for Ray, I wish I can one day meet him and hug him. This is sad.
@@gerardomondragon4193 Ray will shine like a star for all eternity because he's won many to righteousness
I get that way in alot of rays videos God bless Ray I love his kingdom building work may God bless him and protect him from the wickedness
@@gerardomondragon4193Why do you feel bad?🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I'm a macho old school kind of guy...and I cry like a baby when I see someone come to Christ
Praise God!!! Please save our children!!
Please help, I'm afraid to go to hell. But this stuff about your bible super frightening...
Exodus 21:20-21 ""If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.
Deuteronomy 22:28-29; God’s punishment for the raping of a virgin is to pay her father 50 shekels of silver and marry her for life. The rapist was seen as ruining someone else’s property, not ruining a young girl’s life. Forcing a girl to marry her rapist and have her father accept some money as compensation is disgusting.
2 Samuel 7:11; God, through Nathan, says he is going to punish David’s affair with Bathsheba by making all of David’s wives prostitutes. God making David’s wives prostitutes, despite what His own law said, is not moral.
Leviticus 26:29; God describes how he will punish people by making them eat the flesh of their own sons and daughters. Any God threatening to force people into cannibalism on their family is not moral.
Joshua 6:20-21; God helps the Israelites destroy Jericho, killing “men, women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys”. C’mon. Ruthlessly murdering all the women and children in a city is not moral.
Deuteronomy 2:32-35; God has the Israelites kill everyone in Heshbon, including children. Later in chapter 3:3-7, God commands they do the same to the city of Bashan. Killing children ain’t moral, dude.
1 Numbers 31:7-18; God decides to not kill everyone this time. This time, He commands the Israelites to kill all the Midianites except the virgins, whom they will take as spoils of war. Killing everyone besides virgins and using them as sex slaves isn’t moral.
Genesis 7:21-23; God drowns the entire population of the earth (except for Noah and his family): men, women, and children, both born and unborn, because they were “evil”. I don’t know how unborn children could be evil, but whatever. Killing the entire population of earth, including innocent babies, is not moral.
Judges 11:30-39; Jephthah burns his daughter alive as a sacrificial offering for God’s favor in killing the Ammonites. Jephthah is crazy for burning his daughter alive and God is crazy for allowing it. Child sacrifice is not moral.
Deuteronomy 21:18-21; God demands we kill disobedient teenagers. Stoning disobedient children to death is not moral.
Exodus 21:20-21, Colossians 3:22-24, Ephesians 6:5, 1 Peter 2:18; God legitimizes slavery by saying it’s okay to own slaves and to beat them. Slaves are told to obey their masters just as they would obey Jesus, even if their masters are harsh. God blatantly supports slavery. Supporting slavery is not moral.
Proverbs 23:13-14 says to beat your child with a rod, but according to Exodus 21:15 and Exodus 21:17, he who even does so much as hit or even curse one of his parents must be put to death.
Thank you for your time.
@ I fear you are misquoting and or misunderstanding-- you need a good study bible and a good spiritual advisor to explain what is metaphorical and what is not-- especially helps to understand the historical culture-- and what consequences existed in those days.
I know God lives you. Ask Him to send you help to understand...♥️
Save the children from the pastors.
This is such a needed topic to call out demonic influence on children
We the People have spoken as of November 7th. God heard the cries of the righteous and had mercy on America. May we take heed to stand for His righteousness and pray for this in-coming administration, without ceasing! Jesus Christ is Lord over all!
@melissaculpepper7663 amen
Including those in churches, right?
@@MJBfromWilloughby Priests aren't perfect, they are also human. But that's not an argument against going to church, Mr. Aethiest
@@MJBfromWilloughby Not defending freaky behavior btw, just saying that not all of them are like that
Thank you. I was a tomboy and mistakenly thought I was the wrong gender. I looked boyish from my teens until my late 20s and in my mid-thirties, I became secure in my female gender. Now at 67, I have had over 30 years as a daughter of the Most High God, and enjoying that. What a sad commentary I would have if I had the $$$ for a gender alteration. It would be a nightmare! I hope this madness is stopped!
Means nothing to be a Tom boy I was a bit to it’s 100 normal trust me I played with cars with my younger brother best days of my life .. but in the mean time I loved paper dolls and fashion … this mess up must stop from these mad doctors they should be jailed …
I was a Tom Boy too because i wanted to be just like my older brother. So thankful i was born when
Tom boys were girls and no one tried to tell me i was in the wrong body. I love being a Mother and Grandmother and woman
Doesn't matter what you look like as "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". So how good do you think you look to your loving father in Heaven???? He looks at you the same way as the rest of us. 🙂
Similar experience to mine.
I had was called Matt and and still weirdly act like one.
I’m a mother and I’m so sore for not fighting to protect that
It’s evil and I’m sorry for all that we’re harmed
I think God gave hope back in the za
Thank you, Ray Comfort and Living Waters, for doing what you do. You're doing a great work onto the Lord and not to man. Keep it up.
God bless you Ray....for standing up for the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Australia follows the US in so many things and I pray that we follow in reversing the harm that has been allowed to children in our country.
In Daniel 7, three kings are destroyed by the little horn/Antichrist before he reigns for 42 months.
In Revelation 13-14, "Babylon" falls and then the Antichrist rules, enforcing the Mark of the Beast for 42 months.
Mystery, Babylon the Great is that great city which ruled over the kings of the earth when John received the vision. That city was Rome. The Roman Catholic Church, an unknown mystery at that time, is the harlot which sits on the beast Roman empire.
Did you know all of the US's "elected" Presidents have been descended from Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne via King John of England's bloodline?
Why do the US, UK and AU all seem to be going through the same things as far as "progressive Liberalism" (read: Atheistic, Liberal Marxist ideologies)?
What do those three have in common historically?
Any reversal will be short lived as these nations turn to Fascism, becoming the new Axis power under the guidance of the Vatican who is trying to create the kingdom of heaven on earth by force, ala the "Seven Mountains Mandate/Dominion Theology:"
We are going to see the falling away of the Church soon as a direct tie in to the fight against immoral behavior promoted by Liberals. Because iniquity abounds, the love of many has waxed cold and they now want these people permanently removed. The way the RCC will try to accomplish their goals is to enforce the Babylonian Talmud "Seven laws of Noah" which to many may appear righteous, but they are a deception.
Three of the Seven Laws of Noah require death by decap-tation when broken, and they are against: Blasphemy, Idolatry and Sexual Immorality (Bestiality, Incest, Homosexuality). They also require anyone who worships a man as God to receive the same penalty. The Vatican will deny the Deity of Christ, denying the Lord who bought them, causing the Way of Truth to be spoken of as evil. Many will be offended (fall away) to try to save their own necks or the life of a loved one. Others will betray one another, turning friends, neighbors and relatives in for entitlements and benefits promised to true Patriots and God fearers.
Would the same not be said about the legalization of men over 21 marry girls under the age of 18?
@@MJBfromWilloughby I don’t even know about that and that’s not what I’m responding to 🤔
Thats very true, although there are so many Trump haters in Australia because they are spoon fed liberal news.
Thank God protect these children
He didn’t protect them from Passover, the two bears in second kings, or the flood, so…..maybe his plans are not comprehendible to you.
Who is in control?
Whose sins are your responsibility?
Praying for your protection Ray this man's obviously unwell.
Pray for Eric.
Please protect the children from this evil of sexual mutilation in the name of Jesus Christ,Amen 🙏
This is a mental health issue, along with what I call the blunder years, not knowing who you are as a young person, and potentially ruining young people for the rest of their lives. We are living in a perverse and wicked time.
Or is it? I Corinthians 6:9-10 seems to indicate that it’s a choice like the other sins listed.
@@scottandtammyI would tend to agree. However I would like to add that much of the choice is what or who we choose to listen to. If we choose not to follow the word of Christ we open ourselves up to the demonic doctrines.
The human race likes to think it knows it all, when in reality we all follow guidance, whether that be good or evil.
I hope that makes sense.
Yes we are living in wicked times, but for Christian’s I would argue that we are also living in the best of times. We are close to the return of Christ and may just be the generation that sees His return.
@@horace9341 yes, it does
@@horace9341 Maranatha!!
The girl who prayed with you has a wonderful smile ❤
*Who else believes we're alive, breathing today is only because of the grace of GOD, let's appreciate His guidance and protection upon our lives.Amen*
Praise God! To stop this gender it's completely evil. I pray for these young people salvation and repentance open there eyes lord❤😢😊
All day and everyday!!!
Yes! These interviews brought tears to my eyes.
Imagine how much Jesus Christ Loves His children ❤
100 percent. Amen 🌿
Ray Comfort is a righteous Holy man.
Thank you Ray and God bless you abundantly AMEN ✝️🙏🏻♥️
I am proof that Ray Comfort's message is what got me to repent and believe in Jesus Christ. Where my life changed in an instant overnight and the new heart that God put in me made me yearn for His Word and no longer for the sinful pleasures I used to have. And mind you, it wasn't even face to face - but through a video. So this person with his "book of life" and all that is just... way, way out there.
Same here :)
Me too...the Lord is great and merciful!❤
I respect and admire a Comforts tenacity and many many years of success at this method, and the Simplicity of it really wants its mastered
@@silasmonk2458 ...
And pray for Eric who searched out za Ray, two Saturdays to confront him. Ray did not approach him. His name is on the email. He has YouRube and Facebook. He needs prayer. He is stuck on the Book of Life. , Calvinism, and provoking Christians.
@@silasmonk2458 If you subscribe to his videos, Silas, you will see all of his videos. He does share them all . . .good, bad, ugly. He is truly a man of God who cares, sincerely, for those he encounters who are lost and perishing.
It's like we just woke up one day and insanity became the norm.
That guy can pray all he wants-GOD The Father is in control of all things💕
Jesus is the Name above all names…Satan and the demonic spirits know Him and tremble at His Name!
The Bible says that for people who refuse to receive a love of the truth, that God gives them over to the Lie, and they perish and are condemned because they delight in wickedness. 2Thessalonians 2:10-12.
God does not cause people to sin or be caught up in sin and destruction. That is the choice He gives us. We own the consequences of our sin too, unless we repent, turning away from it, and returning to God and His higher way. God does not tempt anyone and does not delight in the destruction of anyone, nor does He choose for us. He is a good Father.
God isn't actually in control, we are, he gave us dominion.
PRAISE JESUS! 🙌🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
Ray, each time you say Jesus paid the fine, I hear the refrain "Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe" hymn.
Thank you Jesus 🙌🏾 God bless you young lady for committing your life to Jesus Christ hallelujah 🙌🏾
So many "good" people in this world, yet Jesus said only God is good. We are all disgusting sinners, blessed by His Grace and His blood.
It shocked me when I read about the rich man saying "Good Teacher" and even Jesus says, Why do you call me good? Only God is Good. Wow!
Luke 18:19 is a profound statement that reveals Jesus’ teaching on the nature of goodness, the character of God, and the inadequacy of human effort in achieving salvation. It invites us to humble ourselves, acknowledge God’s perfection, and seek His grace through faith in Jesus Christ. While Jesus questions why He is being called "good," He does not deny the title. This can be seen as a subtle way of leading the ruler to recognize Jesus' divine nature.
So true 👍 we all need Jesus in our lives 😊
Most folk grossly underestimate the grievious nature of ALL sin. Even "small" sins lead to self deception... imagine thinking you're right when you are, in fact, deluded and lulled to sleep. This is why I choose to trust The One who created everything and His Plan. Jesus Christ is the only one who knows everything and is not suseptible to delusion and will never be corrupted by His Power.
Don’t feel so bad about yourself. If you think like that, you could develop depression due to you not thinking you are good enough or is not a nice person.
Thank you Donald Trump....
Trump picks
Scott Bessent
the homosexual man for Treasury secretary.
@@wwtjoygbths3993 sexuality is not the issue.The issue is what people do with it.
I always tear up when you share with someone on the street, THE MIRACLE of all miracles is happening before my eyes rebirth! Huge blessing to you all from a grandma in Hawkes Bay New Zealand.
My tears are rolling freely also!
Hallelujah! Praise God!
I Thank the Good Lord for you, Ray Comfort, and your faithful obedience to our Saviour and King! Thank you for teaching me the proper way to evangelize and present the Gospel.
Watching the videos you will always see the change in their eyes. From cocky, to fearful, to hopeful.
The girl with the red and black hair shines bright with a beautiful soul. She shows humility, kindness and a gentle spirit. She’s pretty with a prefect smile !!!
We pray for our enemies whilst those who think they our enemies pray for our death. Strange world. I'm glad I place my faith in God : )
We are constantly fighting a spiritual battle
Please help, I'm afraid to go to hell. But this stuff about your bible super frightening...
Exodus 21:20-21 ""If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.
Deuteronomy 22:28-29; God’s punishment for the raping of a virgin is to pay her father 50 shekels of silver and marry her for life. The rapist was seen as ruining someone else’s property, not ruining a young girl’s life. Forcing a girl to marry her rapist and have her father accept some money as compensation is disgusting.
2 Samuel 7:11; God, through Nathan, says he is going to punish David’s affair with Bathsheba by making all of David’s wives prostitutes. God making David’s wives prostitutes, despite what His own law said, is not moral.
Leviticus 26:29; God describes how he will punish people by making them eat the flesh of their own sons and daughters. Any God threatening to force people into cannibalism on their family is not moral.
Joshua 6:20-21; God helps the Israelites destroy Jericho, killing “men, women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys”. C’mon. Ruthlessly murdering all the women and children in a city is not moral.
Deuteronomy 2:32-35; God has the Israelites kill everyone in Heshbon, including children. Later in chapter 3:3-7, God commands they do the same to the city of Bashan. Killing children ain’t moral, dude.
1 Numbers 31:7-18; God decides to not kill everyone this time. This time, He commands the Israelites to kill all the Midianites except the virgins, whom they will take as spoils of war. Killing everyone besides virgins and using them as sex slaves isn’t moral.
Genesis 7:21-23; God drowns the entire population of the earth (except for Noah and his family): men, women, and children, both born and unborn, because they were “evil”. I don’t know how unborn children could be evil, but whatever. Killing the entire population of earth, including innocent babies, is not moral.
Judges 11:30-39; Jephthah burns his daughter alive as a sacrificial offering for God’s favor in killing the Ammonites. Jephthah is crazy for burning his daughter alive and God is crazy for allowing it. Child sacrifice is not moral.
Deuteronomy 21:18-21; God demands we kill disobedient teenagers. Stoning disobedient children to death is not moral.
Exodus 21:20-21, Colossians 3:22-24, Ephesians 6:5, 1 Peter 2:18; God legitimizes slavery by saying it’s okay to own slaves and to beat them. Slaves are told to obey their masters just as they would obey Jesus, even if their masters are harsh. God blatantly supports slavery. Supporting slavery is not moral.
Proverbs 23:13-14 says to beat your child with a rod, but according to Exodus 21:15 and Exodus 21:17, he who even does so much as hit or even curse one of his parents must be put to death.
Thank you so much for your time.
@I9IIEIIYIIEIIS remember fear is the number 1 sales pitch. If they can make you afraid, they can sell you anything
I pray each of them to be saved!❤
Amen, me too ❤
About Time They stop this nonsense
why do we have an age limit on drinking and smoking? Because children are not fully developed and it may cause harm. Is this not the same thing?
@fbekker1838 did God set those age limits in the bible?
@@JoseFernandez-s4v no, because He gave us common sense
@@JoseFernandez-s4v God said we must take responsibility
@JoseFernandez-s4v Actually to me, it looks like you are the kind of person that's won't have a problem if a 4 year old child is mutilated by having their genitals amputated. Because it's "their choice"?
How horrible.
And yes God made us be in charge of His creation. That is why we must set limits to protect Children.
I'm sure you'd also love to see 4 year olds drink and smoke just because they want to and God doesn't care because He didn't set "age restrictions".
In that case you also must support child porn? Because it's their choice and God didn't set age restrictions for either né?
One reason I voted for President Trump and numerous others. Reason I am for Ray Comfort because he teaches truth of the Lord Jesus Christ. I wish I'd run into him as a teenager.😅😅😅😅❤
God bless you Rey you are an amazing warrior for the kingdom of God!
A true warrior of God would be quite different...
That girl Reagan has such a beautiful spirit! Praise God for her receptiveness.
I know right
I absolutely loved Reagan's sweet response to Ray and I pray God moves mightily in her life ❤
Thanks for being there Ray. I admire your courage and patience. You are an excellent example for all of us.
Agree with Elon 100%
I am praying for my brothers and sisters safe keeping. In Jesus Christ Amen
I do and I believe that every true Christian does also tear up when they hear people put their faith in Jesus Christ!
Thank you Jesus for Ray C. and Mr. Trump! 💯💯💪💪❤️ and for all who stand for Godliness 🎉
The amazing part is, we can do the same thing! We can go out and share the truth just as Ray does. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32
And for Elon Musk...
do not be deceived by man nor trust in man, kings or princes. be wary of wolves in sheep clothing, false prophets or false Christ’s.
These poor people have been used and deceived by evil men, (politicians)
Don’t put your trust in a political system whose principles are based on order out of chaos.
Be wary of these wolves people.
Only in Christ can we be saved, not in man.
@@Thommy-q2nalong with his fountain of misinformation, right?
@@MJBfromWilloughby still upset your echo chamber was disrupted, eh? There’s always BlueSky vs just raging over it 🤷♂️
I'm Edwin Maldonado from Newark Delaware and I too get teary eyes when I see these videos off people repenting and putting their faith and trust in Jesus. And I thank the Lord
I say thanks to our Lord
Reagan has such beautiful soul ❤ god bless her
Ray Comfort, we love, you are an awesome Disciple of Jesus Christ!!! Keep preaching and pray for me that I can be an effective witness of Jesus Christ like you.
Stay safe brother we are praying for you 🙏
It breaks my heart to see so many people lost, but I am so glad to see them listening. I wish they could see the heart of those of us who do ache for them. I'm praying for them all, may they come to know Christ as their savior and become part of our forever family! ❤ If you are in favor of the trans issue, please take a look at what those who are ex trans have to say! 😢
Why would that man pray for Mr. Comforts death? That’s not Christian at all!
Satan wants to silence the Gospel message.
The enemy has given that man a strong belief in a false Gospel. We should only pray that we or others die to ourselves and are born again.
Because he's not one?
That man is only placing a curse on his own life, as God sees his heart, and God says do not touch mine anointed and do my prophets no harm
Maybe because Ray isn't KJV only. Some people find that heretical.
When I was young in the late 60’s to early 70’s, I was a fan of Joni Mitchell. I related to her song “Clouds”/“Both Sides Now”. After I was born again, I wrote a fourth verse to it that I sang for friends and at a funeral service. I have hoped, and at times prayed, that Joni Mitchell would hear the clear gospel. May she’ll catch one of your videos, Ray. I really hope so.
Mr Ray Comfort you are in my prayers
Thank you Ray comfort for doing God's work sharing the word of God 🙏👑
Pray for the lost
Help me brother for my mom kidney transplant i face poverty since i born in Pakistan i face persecution brutality and no job for Christians in Pakistan 😢
@ I will pray for you
Continue to pray to The Lord that not your will but His will be done pray for strength wisdom understanding and patience and pray He will open doors for you
God bless you
God bless Ray Comfort and all his team.
Please God, let President Trump implement this immediately!
God is the ultimate judge, not imperfect humans; keep praying.
What would that be? Taking away the rights of married couples to enjoy sex without making babies?
Trump is NOT who you think he is. Trust in Jesus alone, the deception in these end times is absolutely astounding!
@@MJBfromWilloughbywhat does that even mean? We need to stop the mutilation of children!
Trump picks
Scott Bessent
the homosexual man for Treasury secretary.
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!!
The girl with the red hair was sweet and gentle natured....God bless her.🙏
Such an honest friendly face 😊
What beautiful polite young people. God is in them. ❤❤❤
Preach. brother. Ray. God. Bless. You
He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. (Colossians 1:17, NASB)
Look at thise tears in that young ladys eyes just imagine the difference in her life moving forward you could see Jesus in her just one conversation with a person can change a life how beautiful i had tears ❤
Great ministry. Thank you!
I’m praying for you Reagan!! Welcome home! Get into the word! He will change your life!!
Excited about living waters tv! I have loved watching it!!
Brother Ray, thank you for showing those hugs. I’ve been wanting your videos for years and I don’t remember them being filled before.
I feel bad for Ray, I wish I can one day meet him and hug him. This is sad.
According to Charles Spurgeon, "every person" should hear the Gospel, meaning that the Gospel must be preached to everyone, regardless of whether they will listen or not; he strongly believed in the responsibility of Christians to actively share the message of Christ with all people, even if some might reject it.
I would think that most would reject it in this day and ago... even still...preach the good news.
@julianaallen8477 people should take a world religions class and understand where all of these Gods came from
GOD bless & protect Mr. President D. Trump, 🇺🇸thank you for speaking out against this idiotic matter. 🙏🏻🇺🇸
@@beatrixbrennan1545 they didn't say that ....
Ray, the King of Kings has you! You will be okay. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. You know a lot more than me!! God bless and protect you and your family and your by the Holy Spirit, ministry!
Yes! Thank God
We bless all these young people Ray witnessed to on this video.
God Bless You Ray.
In my daily scripture reading, I read the 144th chapter of Psalms Ray. Verse 11 is great for us to remember. God bless you, brother, and may His mighty hand always protect you! ❤️📖🙏✝️🤠🇺🇸😎
Thank Jesus for Trump.
Your Trump picks
Scott Bessent
the homosexual man for Treasury secretary.
You welcome.
I love you, Ray 🤍
Thank goodness God ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
"It doesn't matter to me"
It very clearly does...
Amen about time
Thank God, this madness has stopped 🎉🎉🎉
Watching you share the gospel, helps me on my walk with Jesus Christ, Thank You Ray Comfort❤🙏
Thank you Jesus aman❤🎉
God is the one who holds our life and death. Not from your evil prayer.
God is with Ray
💕Jesus guide me I’m overwhelmed please grant me strength both of my sons are special needs and require so much from me. Jesus I need your help providing for my children so that they may have all they need. Lord I’m constantly struggling trying to buy the necessities for my boys give me strength as I struggle providing. Hear my prayers help me overcome these obstacles. I can’t do it without you.💕
Thank you Trump
Spreading confusion and messing human mind is enough!
Love you and God bless you emencly
Amen! Stop this evil freak show!
They all so precious and Raglan what a sweetheart. May God bless them all and Keep Raglan close and may the other 2 come to Christ ❤
Your great with people
God bless America 🇺🇸
The time has finally come!