I finally beat all of the 1 v 3 missions. I think Loki is the most fun, certainly. If you want to get real scummy- you can resign and view map for a Tyrfing, Angantyr's Sword Relic and this will allow your Hersirs to get life leech, which combined with Gaia's Lashing Roots makes them very hearty and more likely to live long enough to spawn free Myth Units. Kastor's Elite Guard allows for much higher population caps, so I like it as bonus slot 2, and then the Hel's Last Promise upgrade will make spawned myth units explode upon death, giving more area of effect synergy and further enabling early holds until you can get to Mythic and Wonder Age to spam Fimbulwinters or Nidhoggs. The Hel's Last Promise is especially effective with the Fimbulwinters because they all explode when the timing ends, dealing additional damage to buildings, villagers, farms, etc. The hero speed bonus is a good alternative to Kastor's Elite Guard if you're confident in your ability to maintain population headroom through town center expansion. I'm a sucker for Hel tho- and so I stubbornly did 2 of the missions with Hel instead of Tyr. Sending Kastor to perish next to a 'warmonger' enemy town center will effectively stop their expansion and incoming attacks for a very long time, meaning you get to defend 2 v 1. Set up trade and farms to keep the Hersir spam coming. Make a new pair of forward long houses for each town center you capture and just keep pushing and booming. In one of the Greek missions, the one with the titan gate, they all seem to be programed to go Hephaestus, so you'll need to make sure you're capturing their vaults to beat them. In the other one- they do all go Hera or Artemis- but they prefer extra titans to extra lightning storms or earthquakes, so that's actually easier to defend with the hersir army. Alternatively, you can just resign and view map as Gaia until you have a map where you can reasonably wall in with trees and then win with bird and Tartarus Gate spam. This is especially easy on the Jotunheim map if you roll a narrow opening on map seed, but can also be done on the Ghost Lake maps with a lucky seed. You can play the missions on easy mode to unlock the best versions of the bonuses if you're missing those and want them before attempting extreme. I'll be honest, when I first started ArenaOTG, I had trouble with some of the 1v2s, and I didn't think I'd ever beat the 1v3s. It took some time and some learning to beat them. Good luck all.
Easy mode for all missions where you could choose diety, go for the aoe-attack on heros and pick Loki. Fight in chokepoints and instakill loads of enemies whilst spawning myth units.
This mission was tough but fun. I made an EXTREME difficulty guide on 1v3s. I used Loki and used the hero splash damage, higher gather rate, faster training villagers. I just used hersirs and it was pretty easy.
Nice! I did this with a friend and apparently when you go co-op the AI team also gets a 4th player with Kronos deconstructing everything lol. We managed to rush one down in the beginning, otherwise it was impossible, especially with the decon and bolt spam. Great content I would like to see you team up with someone for this kind of missions.
Norse and Atlantean are the best civs for this arena it seems, as the Hero AoE blessing turns Hersis and Atlantean heros into army mowing machines. 13C I've only done with Loki so far, but 19A&B I did with Loki, Freyr and Oranos. 19B is probably the most fun map. Toth's twist allows you to do all kinds of crazy stuff. I tried one with Poseidon-- Heteroi with Hermes, Dionysus and Hephaestus. I failed because I pushed out and didn't set up trade/waited for Wonder Age, but it's also a viable strategy. [Edit: Replayed it as Poseidon, it works, survived 3 Titans, tons of Plenty Vaults, 1h30m game lol]. I wish there were more twists/blessings that are favorable to the other civs. Still pretty fun mode though.
easy ways to win 3v1s: 1. go thor, hero speed and aoe damage and a strong economy bonus like freyrs free villager on house building. Then spam hersirs, advance with healing spring, then flaming weapons, hide villagers in the back and grind down the enemies with fimbulwinter spam in mythic. Do not build trade, rely on dwarvan gold. Do not try and attack until fimbulwinter has crushed the enemy ecos because you will be crushed on the counter when your army is away. 2. go isis, myth health, myth cost reduction and castors elite guard (gives you a large starting force and extra population headroom) or the ability cooldown blessing (means myth units use their specials twice as often - rush down the ai with sphinx spam, they rip through villagers, and can easily destroy tcs whilst eclipsed. If you can kill at least one AI within about 5 minutes, you should be able to defend against the other 2 until you have a mass large enough to overwhelm a second AI, then you can just outplay the remaining AI no problem. 3. go gaia and try and wall yourself in with forests and pray you can hold them off long enough with hero buffs. This is the cheesiest and lamest way to win.
Thanks for the tips, I have tried method 3, rather than walling myself, I walled the enemies' army, and I cost me two hours to do that. However I was defeat by the god power from the north, which kept summoning wolves killing all my villagers. And for method 1, I agree with you, Thor is a better choice than Loki, since the gold mine power and the armory and Thor's upgrade for Hersirs. Method 2 seems like a good strategy, too.
Bullying with Freyr also works that early hill fort is amazing, and the Boar if they try to gang you, then just mass Hersir and Godi with lashing roots and is GG
I did all Arena solo on Extreme. It is doable. Strat is Loki's heroes whenever its possible. Last mission and Ghost lake one were very challenging and i had to restart then few times but its doable. I dont know what devs were thinking when they released Arena in this state. The most dissapointing thing is very low variation that you can play and what is new. AoE heroes is nice that you can build your strat around otherwise just few % up and down is very boring to even mention it. Iam glad though that its a free update and new content. But its unbaked
I am on 17c/18c its a 1v3 and they are so hard. I posted on discord, and everyone is just like "Get better it isn't impossible, you just aren't doing it right" Yeah okay. But I get I am not a PROFESSIONAL player but everyone in discord can't show proof they beat it on extreme LOL. Can't wait to see you play those missions.
LMAO exactly. I see so many people on the AOM reddit saying that Arena of the gods is suuuuper easy and you just need to (insert simple strategy). I know for a fact these people haven't completed all missions on extreme cause there is no way you would call these 1v3's easy. There are definitely strategies that makes it easier, like Loki with Hersir spam, but it sure as sht is still not a cake walk
Loki Hersir trivializes most of these missions (kinda like regen Hydra and Vault spam does in Campaign) Other than Loki i find many of Arena matches to be simply impossible to win with any other civilization
I've beaten all of them, and not even relying on Loki hero AOE. Other strats: 1) Kronos with Hero AoE and House Spawning Vills buff. Timeshift manors gives free vill, you can boom into mass hero army. 3 free atlantean vills every timeshift cooldown. 2) Prometheans with Myth unit dmg on death. Strong enough on 1v3 if there is either the Horus Resurrection buff (for every 1 promethean you create, the resurrection ends up spawning 1 extra promethean and 9 extra offsprings than normal), OR the myth techs having double effect buff (which causes the promethean upgrade tech spawn one more offspring than normal, 4 in total) In general: if you take the slowing enemies debuff, Kastor can cripple one AI by himself. He just runs around their base 1-shotting villagers and nobody can catch him nor can the vills escape.
I beat this one with a friend of mine. The map becomes 2 vs 4. We played with Loki. The blessings we used were the one that "heroes deal area damage", the other one that whenever you build a house you get a free villager, and the one the spawns a Nidhogg as soon as you reach Mythical Age but it wasn't necessary, so I'd advise people to choose the one that speeds up heroes' movements. And then we started the game, spammed villagers and hersirs and that was all. Easy with early attacks. Area damage helps a lot defend the base. Playing with Loki makes your heroes spawn mythical units 100% for free. Attacks become a massacre. The more advanced your age is, the better the mythical units that spawn.
An easy way to cheese theses 3v1 missions is to let kastor die near an enemy TC (preferably the attacking one), use the hero AOE, hero speed and house spawning villagers perks and just amass hersirs with Loki.
Watching this gives me GREAT JOY, because.. 1) It shows me other players are suffering through it as I am, and even players who are much better at the game than I am. 2) It shows me how bad this Arena content is/how dirty they did us, to the point that I now feel.. a) I can now just mentally chuck it in the trash because, SCREW THIS. b) I can greatly lower my expectations for the upcoming Chinese content.
One technique that I do not see mentioned for 1v3s is the abuse of Frey's Chosen Few with egyptian. Houses are free and spawn a villager on completion. By abusing that and using an "APM build", where you spend the first 3 minutes focusing on building up your villager count by building/destroying houses, you can reach 120 by 3 minutes with some practice. Then it's just a matter of building basically whatever army you want and killing the AIs one by one (I prefer using Set going for an infantry / chariot composition).
there's a really easy way to trick the enemy AI to change these to a 1v2 fight instead of 1v3. At the very start of the game send your Legend directly into one of the enemies bases and let him die in the middle. Usually the AI gets stuck and leaves their army at their base. Then you just have to beat the other 2 which is much easier. Only things to watch out for is they still build a titan which comes straight for you, but by this point you should have a ton of heroes. They may also very very rarely send a force to attack you, but usually only if your buildings e.g. you take a town centre are in their LOS. This usually works best if you send your legend into the AI that is set up to be the attacker
This actually works on the 20 minute hold mission in the 'Fall of the Trident' campaign mission, too. If you just send Amanra in and die past the wall by jumping over it, they won't send another full army to your base lol.
It did take me a few attempts for sure, but well the Arena of the Gods has a pretty good out from every situation that is area damage Hersir, it was a long and grindy battle but they fell before the power of the Norse blender. (The titan gate on the other hand has been completely useless ^^')
I managed to beat these solo x 3 with Automata with the blessing of MU life, less cost favor and more efficient villagers. Rush in one that is easy to eliminate one and even 2 very quickly. After that it becomes very easy
Like most are saying, I've really enjoyed the Arena but have played solely Loki. Hero splash + Myth unit health + Explosion on death. Hersirs become lawn mowers, and absolutely spam the life out of free myth spawns. I don't know if the splash has a % chance of also spawning myth units but it seems ridiculously consistent that every engagement is 4-5 myth units (depending on size) Which is really useful for that early age defensive play, you get a lot of trolls/valkyrie so you save a lot of resource cost being able to heal up the hersirs between fights. Spawning the myth units in big fights also means heroes splash + Myth units die and splash. It also makes it SO much easier to turtle your production while being able to creep forward on momentum, I end up with 50ish great halls across the map from progressively creeping. The only caveat is a lot of the later random effects are 'human' units train faster, which doesn't apply to Hersir, but it does mean a berserk/axe thrower push is really quick to get out and then they can sit in the back building more production while hersirs push across the map. I've very rarely had to train any myth units because they're spawning so many it's unreal, so even without a wonder am able to get 4ish nidhoggs busting around.
I finally beat all of the 1 v 3 missions. I think Loki is the most fun, certainly. If you want to get real scummy- you can resign and view map for a Tyrfing, Angantyr's Sword Relic and this will allow your Hersirs to get life leech, which combined with Gaia's Lashing Roots makes them very hearty and more likely to live long enough to spawn free Myth Units. Kastor's Elite Guard allows for much higher population caps, so I like it as bonus slot 2, and then the Hel's Last Promise upgrade will make spawned myth units explode upon death, giving more area of effect synergy and further enabling early holds until you can get to Mythic and Wonder Age to spam Fimbulwinters or Nidhoggs. The Hel's Last Promise is especially effective with the Fimbulwinters because they all explode when the timing ends, dealing additional damage to buildings, villagers, farms, etc. The hero speed bonus is a good alternative to Kastor's Elite Guard if you're confident in your ability to maintain population headroom through town center expansion. I'm a sucker for Hel tho- and so I stubbornly did 2 of the missions with Hel instead of Tyr.
Sending Kastor to perish next to a 'warmonger' enemy town center will effectively stop their expansion and incoming attacks for a very long time, meaning you get to defend 2 v 1. Set up trade and farms to keep the Hersir spam coming. Make a new pair of forward long houses for each town center you capture and just keep pushing and booming.
In one of the Greek missions, the one with the titan gate, they all seem to be programed to go Hephaestus, so you'll need to make sure you're capturing their vaults to beat them. In the other one- they do all go Hera or Artemis- but they prefer extra titans to extra lightning storms or earthquakes, so that's actually easier to defend with the hersir army.
Alternatively, you can just resign and view map as Gaia until you have a map where you can reasonably wall in with trees and then win with bird and Tartarus Gate spam. This is especially easy on the Jotunheim map if you roll a narrow opening on map seed, but can also be done on the Ghost Lake maps with a lucky seed.
You can play the missions on easy mode to unlock the best versions of the bonuses if you're missing those and want them before attempting extreme.
I'll be honest, when I first started ArenaOTG, I had trouble with some of the 1v2s, and I didn't think I'd ever beat the 1v3s. It took some time and some learning to beat them.
Good luck all.
Easy mode for all missions where you could choose diety, go for the aoe-attack on heros and pick Loki. Fight in chokepoints and instakill loads of enemies whilst spawning myth units.
It also works very well with Gaia. (without forestwall)
This mission was tough but fun. I made an EXTREME difficulty guide on 1v3s.
I used Loki and used the hero splash damage, higher gather rate, faster training villagers. I just used hersirs and it was pretty easy.
That was some biblically accurate Ragnarok right there, mate. GGWP
This broke me this morning, I got it to 2v1 with early titan, after 2 hrs I was within 10mins of winning and my computer blue screened. I want to cry
I saw the title - I knew it must be 13c
There's multiple 1v3 missions, but 13c is the only one without any enemy being Defender.
Nice! I did this with a friend and apparently when you go co-op the AI team also gets a 4th player with Kronos deconstructing everything lol. We managed to rush one down in the beginning, otherwise it was impossible, especially with the decon and bolt spam.
Great content I would like to see you team up with someone for this kind of missions.
Norse and Atlantean are the best civs for this arena it seems, as the Hero AoE blessing turns Hersis and Atlantean heros into army mowing machines. 13C I've only done with Loki so far, but 19A&B I did with Loki, Freyr and Oranos.
19B is probably the most fun map. Toth's twist allows you to do all kinds of crazy stuff. I tried one with Poseidon-- Heteroi with Hermes, Dionysus and Hephaestus. I failed because I pushed out and didn't set up trade/waited for Wonder Age, but it's also a viable strategy. [Edit: Replayed it as Poseidon, it works, survived 3 Titans, tons of Plenty Vaults, 1h30m game lol].
I wish there were more twists/blessings that are favorable to the other civs. Still pretty fun mode though.
easy ways to win 3v1s:
1. go thor, hero speed and aoe damage and a strong economy bonus like freyrs free villager on house building. Then spam hersirs, advance with healing spring, then flaming weapons, hide villagers in the back and grind down the enemies with fimbulwinter spam in mythic. Do not build trade, rely on dwarvan gold. Do not try and attack until fimbulwinter has crushed the enemy ecos because you will be crushed on the counter when your army is away.
2. go isis, myth health, myth cost reduction and castors elite guard (gives you a large starting force and extra population headroom) or the ability cooldown blessing (means myth units use their specials twice as often - rush down the ai with sphinx spam, they rip through villagers, and can easily destroy tcs whilst eclipsed. If you can kill at least one AI within about 5 minutes, you should be able to defend against the other 2 until you have a mass large enough to overwhelm a second AI, then you can just outplay the remaining AI no problem.
3. go gaia and try and wall yourself in with forests and pray you can hold them off long enough with hero buffs. This is the cheesiest and lamest way to win.
Thanks for the tips, I have tried method 3, rather than walling myself, I walled the enemies' army, and I cost me two hours to do that. However I was defeat by the god power from the north, which kept summoning wolves killing all my villagers.
And for method 1, I agree with you, Thor is a better choice than Loki, since the gold mine power and the armory and Thor's upgrade for Hersirs.
Method 2 seems like a good strategy, too.
Bullying with Freyr also works that early hill fort is amazing, and the Boar if they try to gang you, then just mass Hersir and Godi with lashing roots and is GG
that's the way. this game mode is made for mass hersirs and a few axe throwers lol
I did all Arena solo on Extreme. It is doable. Strat is Loki's heroes whenever its possible. Last mission and Ghost lake one were very challenging and i had to restart then few times but its doable. I dont know what devs were thinking when they released Arena in this state. The most dissapointing thing is very low variation that you can play and what is new. AoE heroes is nice that you can build your strat around otherwise just few % up and down is very boring to even mention it. Iam glad though that its a free update and new content. But its unbaked
I am on 17c/18c its a 1v3 and they are so hard. I posted on discord, and everyone is just like "Get better it isn't impossible, you just aren't doing it right" Yeah okay. But I get I am not a PROFESSIONAL player but everyone in discord can't show proof they beat it on extreme LOL. Can't wait to see you play those missions.
LMAO exactly. I see so many people on the AOM reddit saying that Arena of the gods is suuuuper easy and you just need to (insert simple strategy). I know for a fact these people haven't completed all missions on extreme cause there is no way you would call these 1v3's easy. There are definitely strategies that makes it easier, like Loki with Hersir spam, but it sure as sht is still not a cake walk
There is AOM retold discord somewhere out there?
@@muramasa870 boit has got one
Loki Hersir trivializes most of these missions (kinda like regen Hydra and Vault spam does in Campaign)
Other than Loki i find many of Arena matches to be simply impossible to win with any other civilization
I've beaten all of them, and not even relying on Loki hero AOE. Other strats:
1) Kronos with Hero AoE and House Spawning Vills buff. Timeshift manors gives free vill, you can boom into mass hero army. 3 free atlantean vills every timeshift cooldown.
2) Prometheans with Myth unit dmg on death. Strong enough on 1v3 if there is either the Horus Resurrection buff (for every 1 promethean you create, the resurrection ends up spawning 1 extra promethean and 9 extra offsprings than normal), OR the myth techs having double effect buff (which causes the promethean upgrade tech spawn one more offspring than normal, 4 in total)
In general: if you take the slowing enemies debuff, Kastor can cripple one AI by himself. He just runs around their base 1-shotting villagers and nobody can catch him nor can the vills escape.
I beat this one with a friend of mine. The map becomes 2 vs 4. We played with Loki. The blessings we used were the one that "heroes deal area damage", the other one that whenever you build a house you get a free villager, and the one the spawns a Nidhogg as soon as you reach Mythical Age but it wasn't necessary, so I'd advise people to choose the one that speeds up heroes' movements.
And then we started the game, spammed villagers and hersirs and that was all. Easy with early attacks. Area damage helps a lot defend the base. Playing with Loki makes your heroes spawn mythical units 100% for free. Attacks become a massacre. The more advanced your age is, the better the mythical units that spawn.
An easy way to cheese theses 3v1 missions is to let kastor die near an enemy TC (preferably the attacking one), use the hero AOE, hero speed and house spawning villagers perks and just amass hersirs with Loki.
Watching this gives me GREAT JOY, because..
1) It shows me other players are suffering through it as I am, and even players who are much better at the game than I am.
2) It shows me how bad this Arena content is/how dirty they did us, to the point that I now feel..
a) I can now just mentally chuck it in the trash because, SCREW THIS.
b) I can greatly lower my expectations for the upcoming Chinese content.
I actually enjoyed this challenge... ^^ Fingers crossed China can be great :)
@@BoitTV Oh yeah? Sweet. Can't wait to watch you do the rest of the 1v3's then.
(But these 1v3 stages are the only fun part of the AoTG ^^')
the Kastor Cheese is fixed. Thankfully.
Legends know that this was hidden/reuploaded
Thank you for the arena OTG content!
One technique that I do not see mentioned for 1v3s is the abuse of Frey's Chosen Few with egyptian. Houses are free and spawn a villager on completion. By abusing that and using an "APM build", where you spend the first 3 minutes focusing on building up your villager count by building/destroying houses, you can reach 120 by 3 minutes with some practice.
Then it's just a matter of building basically whatever army you want and killing the AIs one by one (I prefer using Set going for an infantry / chariot composition).
an amazing watch (was sad you didnt get your giant upgrades)
there's a really easy way to trick the enemy AI to change these to a 1v2 fight instead of 1v3. At the very start of the game send your Legend directly into one of the enemies bases and let him die in the middle. Usually the AI gets stuck and leaves their army at their base. Then you just have to beat the other 2 which is much easier. Only things to watch out for is they still build a titan which comes straight for you, but by this point you should have a ton of heroes. They may also very very rarely send a force to attack you, but usually only if your buildings e.g. you take a town centre are in their LOS. This usually works best if you send your legend into the AI that is set up to be the attacker
This actually works on the 20 minute hold mission in the 'Fall of the Trident' campaign mission, too. If you just send Amanra in and die past the wall by jumping over it, they won't send another full army to your base lol.
Those 1v3 ones I just put on Standard. It wasn't worth the hours of rage after rage with those scenarios. God help you if the CPU is an Attacker.
Nice Game.
How can I see how powerfull my modification are. I have no numbers behind the level.
@@Skewebjor advanced tooltips by Loggy.
It did take me a few attempts for sure, but well the Arena of the Gods has a pretty good out from every situation that is area damage Hersir, it was a long and grindy battle but they fell before the power of the Norse blender. (The titan gate on the other hand has been completely useless ^^')
I managed to beat these solo x 3 with Automata with the blessing of MU life, less cost favor and more efficient villagers. Rush in one that is easy to eliminate one and even 2 very quickly. After that it becomes very easy
I didn't know you could chose a god for these missions and played the one I've got
Any shot you stream this one again? I feel like Freyr boom could be awesome with hersirs and asguardian hill forts into wonder age.
How did you get it to show all the specifics of the AotG missions and blessings? Seems really helpful. Is it a mod or a setting I missed?
Advanced tooltips by Loggy mod
@@BoitTV ty :)
Boitnarok is the best 🎉
How do you get it to where your extras bonus skills show white, green and blue effects?
Closer i was to do this one IS with Loki playing defensive hersirs
How do you see the stats of the blessings
This one took me like 5 goes even on hard (because I tried to do them all on Kronos) before I gave up, picked Loki, won first time.
Hated this level, had to go ahead and get full hero buff
Like most are saying, I've really enjoyed the Arena but have played solely Loki. Hero splash + Myth unit health + Explosion on death.
Hersirs become lawn mowers, and absolutely spam the life out of free myth spawns. I don't know if the splash has a % chance of also spawning myth units but it seems ridiculously consistent that every engagement is 4-5 myth units (depending on size) Which is really useful for that early age defensive play, you get a lot of trolls/valkyrie so you save a lot of resource cost being able to heal up the hersirs between fights.
Spawning the myth units in big fights also means heroes splash + Myth units die and splash. It also makes it SO much easier to turtle your production while being able to creep forward on momentum, I end up with 50ish great halls across the map from progressively creeping. The only caveat is a lot of the later random effects are 'human' units train faster, which doesn't apply to Hersir, but it does mean a berserk/axe thrower push is really quick to get out and then they can sit in the back building more production while hersirs push across the map.
I've very rarely had to train any myth units because they're spawning so many it's unreal, so even without a wonder am able to get 4ish nidhoggs busting around.
I think you pretty much have to just turtle until your titan comes up I’m on controller and I got my titan to 93 % before they wiped me lol
I could never do this mission solo. But 2v4 I can beat it in 7 minutes 😅