SPECIALE OTTO KERNBERG 2013, The essence of Borderline Personality Disorders

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • Otto Friedmann Kernberg (Vienna, 1928) è uno psichiatra e psicoanalista austriaco con cittadinanza statunitense, insegna attualmente psichiatria al Cornell University Medical College di New York; è stato inoltre presidente e didatta dell'International Psychoanalytic Association. Nel 1939 la sua famiglia si trasferì in Cile per scappare dal regime Nazista imperante in Germania. Studiò inizialmente Biologia e Medicina e in seguito Psichiatria e Psicoanalisi nella Società Cilena di Psicoanalisi. Otto Kernberg è uno dei più importanti psicoanalisti contemporanei, il suo nome viene associato alla concezione psicoanalitica del disturbo narcisistico di personalità e dell'organizzazione borderline di personalità, oltre che alla sistematizzazione della moderna psicoanalisi. Kernberg ha integrato in un'unica concezione tre modelli psicoanalitici distinti: la teoria pulsionale di Freud, la teoria di Melanie Klein e di Fairbairn e la psicologia dell'Io di Margaret Mahler e di Edith Jacobson.
    Otto Friedmann Kernberg (born 10 September 1928) is a psychoanalyst and professor of psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College. He is most widely known for his psychoanalytic theories on borderline personality organization and narcissistic pathology. In addition, his work has been central in integrating postwar ego psychology (which was primarily developed in the United States and the United Kingdom) with Kleinian and other object relations perspectives (which was developed primarily in the United Kingdom and South America). His integrative writings were central to the development of modern object relations, a theory of mind that is perhaps the theory most widely accepted among modern psychoanalysts.
    Born in Vienna, Kernberg and his family fled Nazi Germany in 1939, emigrating to Chile. He studied biology and medicine and afterwards psychiatry and psychoanalysis with the Chilean Psychoanalytic Society. He first came to the U.S. in 1959 on a Rockefeller Foundation fellowship to study research in psychotherapy with Jerome Frank at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. In 1961 he emigrated to the U.S. joining the C.F. Menninger Memorial Hospital, later became director of the hospital. He was the Supervising and Training Analyst of the Topeka Institute for Psychoanalysis, and Director of the Psychotherapy Research Project of Menninger Foundation. In 1973 he moved to New York where he was Director of the General Clinical Service of the New York State Psychiatry Institute. In 1974 he was appointed Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University and Training and Supervising Analyst at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. In 1976 he was appointed as Professor of Psychiatry at Cornell University and Director of the Institute for Personality Disorders Institute of the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. He was President of the International Psychoanalytical Association from 1997 to 2001. He was married to Paulina Kernberg, a child psychiatrist and also a Cornell professor, until her death in 2006.
    His principal contributions have been in the fields of narcissism, object relations theory and personality disorders. He developed a novel and useful framework for coordinating personality disorders along dimensions of structural organization and severity. He was awarded the 1972 Heinz Hartmann Award of the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, the 1975 Edward A. Strecker Award from the Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital, the 1981 George E. Daniels Merit Award of the Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine.

Комментарии • 45

  • @PsychiatryonlineITA1
    @PsychiatryonlineITA1  Год назад

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  • @mardieeluppold
    @mardieeluppold 5 месяцев назад +4

    Dr. Kernberg is brilliant.

  • @Tatjanak1989
    @Tatjanak1989 8 лет назад +35

    to sum up: he' saying, a healthy personality is defined by an integrated view of self and others. more specifically he's saying, the severity of disorders is seen within ....
    1. their organizational skills in regards to their (integrated vs dissociative) concept of self
    2. their ability to integrate their view of significant others, so that it has permanence and continuity and thus isn't defined entirely on their immediate behavior (which would mean lack in permanence in self and others).
    Furthermore he's saying that this theory - that defines the severity and presence of a personality disorder - is really mirrored in Eriksons "identity diffusion".
    It ties in with Kernbergs theory, that identity diffusion is "reached" through disturbed object relations, turning into aggressive behavior, leading to unhealthy defense mechanisms, leading to identity diffusion, which is defined by non-integration of self-and-others and which is really his definition of personality disorders.

    • @edgreen8140
      @edgreen8140 3 года назад +12

      Lack of ego integration and splitting based defenses to divide good objects from bad objects. Those with b.p.o. maintain the identity diffusion and alexithymia. Thus they present in contradictory ways and inteact with others through their internal objects and the result in strange verbalizations or behaviors because their internal view of you is not who you are. They often attribute traits and motives thank are not yours. Yet they cannot give up this way of relating to others for they know of no other way. They had to emulate the actions and responses of others to try and fit in and not be found out (which is their real fear).

    • @petekdemircioglu
      @petekdemircioglu Год назад

      Its best if Theyre found out: than They Can become healthy. Critical Thinking helps To Those Kinds of black&white Thinking. So do educated PArents with money as they Provide QUality Healthcare

    • @petekdemircioglu
      @petekdemircioglu Год назад


    • @edinbrodlic4564
      @edinbrodlic4564 Месяц назад

      @@edgreen8140 but found out in what way exactly. What is the thing that lead to the fear of being “found out”

  • @unarification
    @unarification 10 лет назад +11

    I love you too Otto! Such deep understanding of people.

  • @Me_ThatsWho
    @Me_ThatsWho 4 года назад +17

    though it may be idealization, i really have come to deeply appreciate Dr Kernberg, both as a theorist and speaker. i understand why people say they "love" him. such humanity.

    • @lisbethbird8268
      @lisbethbird8268 Год назад +2

      Plus, those ears are adorable.

    • @recuerdos2457
      @recuerdos2457 Год назад +1

      Obama has the same ears 🤔:)

    • @Me_ThatsWho
      @Me_ThatsWho Год назад +2

      @@lisbethbird8268 yes, they unconsciously drew me to his work

  • @reinaa7450
    @reinaa7450 10 лет назад +18

    I love you, Otto Kernberg.

  • @EricandCynthiaMcCallum
    @EricandCynthiaMcCallum 2 месяца назад +1

    I admire him. His intention is to help.

  • @mjcard
    @mjcard 7 лет назад +17

    I wish he would spend some time addressing the effects of growing up with persoanlity dosordered parents or siblings.

    • @edgreen8140
      @edgreen8140 3 года назад +4

      Millon did at the university of Illinois. Then moved to florida. His book describes comorbid diagnosis that were concomitant w various
      Personality disorders. I. E. He points out bpo borderline personality organization and splitting, projective identification, primative denial. So there is psychosis then borderline personality organization ( multiple personality disorders) identity diffusion or lack of a self- don't know who they are and change based on who they are with to fit in.

    • @petekdemircioglu
      @petekdemircioglu Год назад +3

      You don’t get a personality disorder out of nowhere: mostly it comes from undiagnosed parents.

  • @xKarenWalkerx
    @xKarenWalkerx 2 года назад +8

    Yann Tiersen on piano in the beginning

  • @PsychiatryonlineITA1
    @PsychiatryonlineITA1  Год назад

    Se apprezzate il nostro lavoro ISCRIVETEVI AL CANALE e diffondete in rete i contenuti che proponiamo!!! Abbiamo bisogno del vostro supporto

  • @samsargdong1135
    @samsargdong1135 2 года назад +2

    Great video.Thanks!

  • @PsychiatryonlineITA1
    @PsychiatryonlineITA1  Год назад


  • @PsychiatryonlineITA1
    @PsychiatryonlineITA1  10 лет назад +3

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  • @margot8482
    @margot8482 2 года назад +2

    Poderiam legendar em português também!

  • @PsychiatryonlineITA1
    @PsychiatryonlineITA1  10 лет назад +4

  • @PsychiatryonlineITA1
    @PsychiatryonlineITA1  9 лет назад +2

  • @asalane20
    @asalane20 11 месяцев назад +3

    Could there be a more lovable intellectual powerhouse?

  • @barrytebb5292
    @barrytebb5292 10 лет назад +7


  • @PsychiatryonlineITA1
    @PsychiatryonlineITA1  7 лет назад

    DA SEMPRE Psychiatry on line Italia poggia sulle mie spalle di editor sia dal punto di vista organizzativo che dal punto di vista finanziario e dopo tanti anni in cui sono andato avanti mettendoci tempo, lavoro e denaro è giunto il momento di dire con chiarezza e onestà intellettuale che non ce la faccio più con le mie sole forze e ho necessità di un aiuto diffuso e consapevole da parte di chi sappia riconoscere ciò che è stato fatto, ciò che si fa e ciò che si farà in futuro.Siamo ad un bivio: la rivista oltre che avere spese di base fisse ha bisogno di aggiornamenti di software e di hardware che con le mie sole forze non sono in grado più di supportare, al tempo stesso Psychiatry on line Italia è e sarà SEMPRE una risorsa gratuita di libera fruizione ma come ho più volte sottolineato non confondiamo la gratuità con il non costo: dietro alla risorsa vi è LAVORO e vi sono COSTI VERI E NON VIRTUALI DA SOPPORTARE.
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    Abbonati a questo canale per sostenere il lavoro di Volontariato Culturale di Psychiatry on line Italia si parte da 10 centesimi al giorno ruclips.net/channel/UC2PUzR2-4eTBwucYhVXuSOwjoin

  • @PeterGurba
    @PeterGurba 10 лет назад +1

    simple, power cord transfer

  • @someone-pc1ob
    @someone-pc1ob 5 месяцев назад

    Only descriptions, a bit superficial. Which are the causes. And the treatment?

  • @kahlodiego5299
    @kahlodiego5299 11 месяцев назад

    Lack of capacity? Maybe lack of practice.

  • @La_anaconda
    @La_anaconda 2 года назад


  • @MicTubeMD
    @MicTubeMD 9 лет назад +8

    ..."Psychoanalysis... A disease which pretends to treat."

    • @dimitrioschoulis1190
      @dimitrioschoulis1190 3 года назад

      Needs to be eradicated, once and for all.

    • @cosmofox
      @cosmofox 2 года назад

      @@dimitrioschoulis1190 you're ignorant as can be