Javalujah. Dying. Hahaha As a Christian, I completely support this parable. After I left for college and went looking for a church away from home I realized a lot of them are like this.
yeah this is what I'm trying to avoid now that I'm looking for a home church. I was kind of excited the other day when I went to go visit a new Church. They didn't do the whole "if this is your first time coming please stand up" thing they didn't pressure people to raise their hands for worship. And they had a visitors center that I went to on my own and wasn't enticed to go to because they had a free gift. I mean the "gift" they had was just simply a magnet with the Church's address and times on it. But I liked it because it was authentic and there were no bells and whistles attached to try to draw people in
Excellent point. That is actually something the Holy Spirit once told me to do: “Show them the ways of the world and tell them they must not be like this.”
You forgot when the barista announces that for five minutes people need to get up, walk around and forcibly talk to complete strangers they will probably never meet again or have a chance to get to know in any real way. And the music that is so insanely loud, it is unhealthy for human eardrums; but this was 2008 maybe it needs an update.
My experience of churches is, as soon as they want to "sign you up" the FIRST TIME you've been there.... how the hell do they expect to have people come back if they go at you like some damn door to door salesman.... I don't need texts or mail from people I don't know. I don't take to "forced friendship" so why can't they see how screwed up the concept is.
Yep. We obsess over "Seeker-this" and "Seeker-that," but are we actually offering Jesus to them? And how many are genuinely "seeking" to know God? Maybe they just came to enjoy our "between service coffee bar." Youth Pizza Night? Christmas Extravaganza? Men's Macho Machine Day? Blah, blah, blah.
Interesting teaching story. Tough to teach an old dog new tricks (the Church). Newer forms (or attempts to do so) seem to fall short as well. Wonderful that God is still involved in our messes.
My church is nothing like this. We welcome people and let them know we accept them, but we don't have people do all this stuff. We're just straight out friendly. Honestly, I think being over friendly can be rude, because you make people feel uncomfortable. My church is also pretty small... less than 100 people.
Being raised atheist then converting and trying to figure out church people... this really hits home. Very well made, I hope some of those churchy people who watch it will get the point. We just want Jesus. If we get that, the rest comes into play on its own. Otherwise I will just learn to conform and fake the Spirit, fill a pew, and then die and go to Hell. Javallujah!
When a restaurant has lousy parking and shabby exterior but consistently good food, it will most likely get customers by word of mouth and those customers will probably visit again. It's the desire to have a good meal that drives them, not the trappings. Those extras are nice but they can't stop determined people. People that God has drawn will be satisfied to hear God speak to them through the scriptures. If your church focuses on presenting the scriptures then all that attend will be able to grow. The perception of guests will naturally be that God is speaking to them and they will have the best possible chance of attending again.
I pastor a new church in Metro Detroit. We showed this video a few weeks ago, cause we're lookin at relocating into retail space. This was a big hit! Thanks!!!
It's funny but just your comment Alone says a lot a Christian who feels uncomfortable at church??? Something to really think about because we should never being comfortable and quote on quote our Lord's House
Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, Acts 7:48 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: Colossians 1:27
In my church, the coffee has been made, served, and consumed in the same way for hundreds of years, ever since we quit drinking Italian roast in the 1500s (it was a huge scandal). It is a very formal process, but very beautiful and meaningful. Visitors are absolutely welcome to drink as little or as much as they like, to order or simply follow along in the Menu of Common Coffee Drinks at first. It took me a few weeks to memorize my order, but the folks around me were very friendly and helpful.
Very well done! Even churches that claim that they do not market, market. Marketing is everything you do to communicate who you are and how you present yourself. It ultimately comes down to perception. What do you think of when you hear iPod or Coke? You bring up an image or feeling about the product. How do visitors perceive your church? Most churches encourage their members to invite new people, yet are not prepared to be inviting visitors yet. This is why most visitors will not come back.
I hate when churches are like this. There is such a thing as "overlyfriendly".... this is it. Yes, we need to be kind and accepting, but not like this. But I enjoyed the video. It was pretty funny! :)
This is what a church looks like that is lacking the Holy Spirit! All man made efforts,modern religion! Jesus, help us !! Let the true church move in power and change lives,we are called to set captives free not put on new shackles!!!
Seeing Papyrus, Comic Sans, and Curlz all in one composition in this video reaffirmed to me that Satan does indeed walk the Earth. Sometimes he has access to the Adobe Font Folio.
Although I've been a Christian my whole life I recently moved to another church by myself and experienced being a new member for the first time, and believe me, it was way more overwhelming than this video. What stood out about this video the most was the part when the couple walked in and the black man just looked at them and ignore them; I think I experienced a lot of that when I first moved church.
The worst part is that he didn't just ignore them--he sized them up and deemed them unworthy to talk to! I love that my church is filled with people who are genuinely happy to meet newcomers as well as return visitors and regular members.
Love this video! For people who apparently aren't getting the purpose of this video, it's for us, the members of the church, to see what it's like for first time guests. They feel like they're standing out like a sore thumb. It's like going to a new school. You feel totally weird! Thank you beyondrelevance for posting this!
I was expecting the punchline to be that they don't actually serve any coffee. They talk about it a lot and promise that you'll get coffee when you die, but... no real coffee.
As a pastor and minister for 33 years, I really enjoyed this video! But please keep in mind; the church is a 2000 + year-old institution based on a 4000 + year old history. My job as a "modern" pastor is to bridge the gap between the old and the new. This video is good information, but just like a surgeon has to be patient , careful, and gentle in removing bad stuff from the body, we too have to be patient, careful, and gentle in removing archaic ideologies from the church. I will be showing this video to my staff as a training tool. Thanks for making this video. Javalujah!
One problem I've had with churches that act like this is, forcing people who are new to stand up in front of everybody, and have the spotlight shown on them. Years ago, when friends had invited me to their church that happened, and it put me right off from ever going with them again. When people come up wanting hope, or the need for Christ in their lives, this action makes people uncomfortable, and want to run out of there as fast as they can!
I visited one of those seeker-sensitive churches back in January. It's amazing how accurate this video is. Amazing and sad. They even had greeters wearing these neon vests who opened the car door for me. It was kind of creepy, and all the people who rushed over trying to be all friendly seemed a little fake.
"I found out when I gave my coffee came back to me pressed down, shaking together and running out all over, and I was a changed man!" 🤣😂😆 this is too much
As funny and mostly-accurate as this video is, It sure is a good thing that people don't come to church wanting the same sort of thing that they want from Starbucks. Newcomer to Starbucks: "All I want is a cup of coffee." Newcomer to Church: "All I want is..." what exactly? Connection? Community? Hope? Or just to sit for an hour and a half without gaining anything more significant than a cup of coffee? There is definitely a difference in quality of the thing that is sought after between Starbucks and the Church.
+Scott Mersino i think if coffee is to Starbucks then Jesus is to church. So if people came to church looking just for Jesus that would be a great thing to be motivated by. Unfortunately they wont find him in most churches today.
I agree with you. May I paste this specifically for you. Posted it fresh. Does this happen? Yes it does. When does it happen? When the Church resorts to, and rests on 'packaging' and natural wisdom. Result: the faith of the people they seek to impact merely stands on the wisdom of men, and not IN the power of God. John the Baptist preached in the wilderness and crowds sought him out. Jesus did same and stayed teaching for days in the wilderness yet the crowds refused to leave. Arise Church, put on the power of The Spirit. It is found in the place of boiling, travailing, tarrying in prayer. It's war!!! Have cute ushers hand out candy and chocolates all you want, it may help, I know, but your real power is released in the labor room of prayer! Let them do their thing. WE ARE NOT STARBUCKS!
And Jesus stretched out his hand and LO, there appeared to the disciples a glorious caramel Macchiato. But the disciples quarreled among themselves. "Master," cried Peter, "Did I not order a venti frappuchino with a sprinkling of almonds thereupon?" And Mark also cried out with a loud voice, for he did greatly desire a grande spiced pumpkin latte with two percent, for did not the LORD command that whole milk is an abomination from which comes ungodly cellulite? And Thomas, the Doubter, did complain mightily, for the heat of his mocha burned greatly and was more than 165 degrees in the scale known as Fahrenheit, which was adapted from the great and ancient kings of Britannica and is still used until this day. And there arose a great commotion as the disciples did fight amongst themselves. But Jesus said, "Let he who has ordered the carmel Macchiato first come forth, and take from me this burden, for LO it is heavy upon my hand and much has it scorched me!" Then Mary said, "Oh Master, it was I who did order the caramel Macchiato for great was my temptation!" And she bowed her head in shame. But Jesus said, "RISE, Mary, and be thee unashamed, for I have made this drink free of sugar! Behold it is yet tasty but the curse of cellulite is not upon it!" And she stretched forth her hand and did partake of the caramel Macchiato which Jesus had made.
Unfortunately, this is what happens when churches "market" at all. I was not called to market. I was not called to even "build a church". I was called to bring people to Jesus, and bring Jesus to people. :-)
How do you do that? Many churches go too far like in the video, but most churches act like they can't be bothered to acknowledge your presence - most churches are dying.
@@browserboy1984 It's actually rather simple. You just look for opportunities to love people. People will sometimes trickle in for programs...but they will line up to be loved.
@@haroldburrell4973 how do you love people at your church? It seems obvious to me in the way that I treat people, but my church is dying and most everyone does not know where to start.
@@browserboy1984 are you on facebook? I'd loved to chat with you about this. I certainly don't pretend to have all of the answers. In fact, I'm still learning myself. I think it would be cool to be able to put our heads together. :-)
Last night my wife and I visited a new church for the first time. We're (part of) "church" for decades, just worshiping at another congregation. Although the message was amazing, having seen this video yesterday, I could recognize that many of the same things were done at this congregation, although the people there were very friendly last night. It makes me think, though. Your message successfully communicated, I believe.
Church of Nice (worship centers that try to pass themselves off as Christian, but are glorified community centers) is actually pretty close to this. lol
this was sooo creative and well done. made me laugh the whole way through, and realize a lot of things about the church that have intimidated me my entire life.
EVERYTHING shown in this video is the exact reason why I dreaded attending church :) I'm a pretty faithful christian, but I'm also a practical and realistic person. I tried being a good christian, but i'm not a perfect person and was looked down upon for not attending church every sunday. How do people expect me to attend church every sunday when the few times I try to go, I face this? Maybe if I went more, I'd be a part of the group, but I can't even get started, because of fear.
Mary Williams Yeah...that's code for Mormonism. "Get's paid" can be open to interpretation...What are those mandatory tithes for anyway? Extra gold on the temple?
Caleb D Tithing is meant to:help the church pay bills (electric, water, etc.), be used for outreach (ie: flyers letting folks know the church is there, VBS, etc.), help people in need, and, yes to pay the pastor. Many people think all pastors make a mint and use the church for money. Maybe some do, but there are many God-serving pastors who make a simple living and spend their days serving, studying the Word, and learning more about how to serve and teach better. Unfortunately, there is a lot out there that has given Christianity a bad name.
Caleb D Not sure who told you tithing is mandatory. You might check your sources, someone's having fun with you. 😉 Tithing and charity offerings are privately submitted, we don't even know who doesn't pay. As for how it's used, it's pretty similar as Snoopy111469 described, except it's a lay leadership so No; there are no salaries, tips, or financial benefits for working in any congregation in my church. Pastors in other churches work full time as pastor and don't have another job, so it makes sense for them to have a salary.
My church is like that too - (no one gets paid except for the occasional guest speaker and it is nothing like the video) and we aren't Mormon. We just are seeking to follow the Bible as close as we can. We don't believe it is wrong to pay a preacher or evangelist but currently we have a bunch of men that are willing to work very hard and preach and teach without pay and that allows us to have more money to send primarily to overseas missions.
Out of all those new coffee drinkers I wonder how many were discipled in the ways of coffee before being pushed aside for the next group of possible coffee converts? History, the true nature of and the goodness of coffee? I seriously doubt anyone said, "You never know what coffee is going to do" or "All coffee brews for a reason". haha I could go on and on. Thanks for posting!
I went to a "Mega church" in Minneapolis that was nothing like this (Aside from the parking thing- which drove me batty). Granted, I think a 9,000 member church in a 4 city of 4 million people is reasonable... Then I went to a little church of 50 people in a small town and THIS is exactly that church!
I know this was a joke, but it is unfortunate if this is even slightly realistic in many churches. My whole life I have gone to one that doesn't have tithing or collections.
Really important lessons to be learnt from this: we don't know what a visitor sees - this shows us. Welcome? what sort of welcome is it when people look you up and down, then turn back to speak to their friends? When they insist on your filling in a form which they don't even glance at, but file away? When you've come for a purpose [worship, or as here Coffee] and so many obstacles are put in your way. When the venue is hard to find, and no-one opens the door to you, or helps you to receive.
This is so funny! I think a lot of people don't understand what parables are so they're getting offended. But the wonderful thing is it's getting people thinking and talking and having conversations about things they hadn't thought about.
When "shopping" for a church when I moved, I did come across a couple that had a slight vibe to this. Did not go back. Fakery is too awkward and and a waste of time.
Just a thought: when Starbucks started serving hot sandwiches their profits began to take a dive... The with many customers who actually came to drink coffee becoming upset over the wait time and the new group of customers who didn't care for coffee in the slightest, but instead came because it was the "cool" thing to get their sandwich and a frilly drink because which also takes forever in coffee time.
Along with the humor, this video is so much deeper than many people see. This is not about "selling" God. This is about effectively communicating who Jesus is to the people of your community and church. If we focus solely on theology, and not about how to communicate to visitors and members of our church, we have missed the point of the Gospel. Jesus met people where they were at, and many times changed how he ministered based on who he was speaking to. That is textbook church marketing 101!
Left the church a while ago and don't intend to go back, but I really enjoyed this video. It perfectly captured the bland, wealth-laden irrelevance of the suburban churches I attended throughout my life. More than a few could have doubled as country clubs, but at least the country clubs didn't pretend to be humble or preach at you about poverty in Christ. Javaluyah!
Also, it is an acceptable answer.. The big thing people tend to try to use against Christians is the "hypocrite" card, A church is basically a group of sinners, who recognize that they are sinners and they are seeking God. Once you become a Christian you don't just become an angel who never sins, its a constant battle throughout life.
Thanks for the smile Richard! You know, I went back and read some of the comments and its simply amazing how many people don't "get it" about the point you're making. I don't know if people don't understand "parable," "satire," humor, or what ~ but i think it's quite clear ... and funny!
lol this is great. i really like the message. Lord have mercy if this is the way we share His love... i hope everyone who sees this can somehow understand that God is so much more than how even the most intentional Christians portray Him to be, including myself. God bless
Excellent! Made me wonder - not knowing your faith in Christ or your background...I was thinking during the entire thing this one comment' Know thine enemy" if we have appeared that way. Even though we could use this as a training tool for Christians. So many of us don't know how to act in our new found faith. Absolutely great job! And such a relief to see that you were a Christian in the end. If we are really doing this, oh wow..
This is why I like to have a coffee with friends at home. Parking's easy, there's no tip jar for the barista, and because there aren't too many of us it's really, really easy to share tips on how to make a great coffee. :) PS: loved the video ... very insightful.
So many parallels drawn from this video - how many churches will have the guts to fundamentally change as this mirror is held up to them? Brilliant video Beyondrelevance :)
What if our focus was on doing the work of God as opposed to doing the work of man. God gave us a command in Matthew 28: 18-20. it says "Go ye therefore" I'll stop there because He told us all to go someplace, but His command specifically said "to the nations" This is what He commanded us to do. He never commanded us to build churches and create an empire where men rule and get rich. This is what He taught against in The New Testament. I really thinks this is a great eye opener for those that are truly looking for the Real JESUS and not just an experience for a day in CHURCH. So as people all over the world are dying of thirst, we here in the US are haggling over what should go on a doggone "COFFEE CUP." How small does that make us? Let's get over ourselves and begin to experience God in a real way.
VitalityIn CHRIST there's nothing wrong with building churches. Temples were built to praise God in, in the Bible. In the book of Acts in Chapter 3 Peter and John go to the temple to pray to God
It's good to take a step away from what is seen from the inside of the church and see how others might be viewing it.....if we can't do this we will never reach those who are thirsty for the truth and it's relevance to their lives. Thanks for the video, loved it!
Javalujah. Dying. Hahaha As a Christian, I completely support this parable. After I left for college and went looking for a church away from home I realized a lot of them are like this.
Yeah a lot of them follow the mega church model.
yeah this is what I'm trying to avoid now that I'm looking for a home church. I was kind of excited the other day when I went to go visit a new Church. They didn't do the whole "if this is your first time coming please stand up" thing they didn't pressure people to raise their hands for worship. And they had a visitors center that I went to on my own and wasn't enticed to go to because they had a free gift. I mean the "gift" they had was just simply a magnet with the Church's address and times on it. But I liked it because it was authentic and there were no bells and whistles attached to try to draw people in
Marlee Ebbert You should try the Apostolic Christian Church Nazarean. You don't pay the ministers and church service is very calm.
Canadian Baller I go to an Apostolic Christian Church Nazarean in California. I love it:)
So true
These parodies are important. They teach people what NOT to be
WebstatsArt AGREED.
This is actually why I quit evangelicalism.
Excellent point. That is actually something the Holy Spirit once told me to do: “Show them the ways of the world and tell them they must not be like this.”
You forgot when the barista announces that for five minutes people need to get up, walk around and forcibly talk to complete strangers they will probably never meet again or have a chance to get to know in any real way. And the music that is so insanely loud, it is unhealthy for human eardrums; but this was 2008 maybe it needs an update.
Ieatutube uh... yeah, there are definitely churches that do that. New ones. "Modern" ones.
Yeah man!!! At least a Taylor Swift concert is way healthier for teen girls ear drums!!!!
lolololol "I know deep down inside, a bean's been planted."
The six doors but only one unlocked! LOL
missmelodies52 i swear this is every baptist church on the planet
So accurate
"We just want some coffee". Probably the most poignant line of dialogue in the video. Think about it
mike johnson I missed it until you pointed it out. People come to church for Jesus and they get a whole lot of stuff that had nothing to do with Him
exactly, if people just tried to act more like jesus, nothing else would be necessary - and i say that AS AN ATHIEST lol
My experience of churches is, as soon as they want to "sign you up" the FIRST TIME you've been there.... how the hell do they expect to have people come back if they go at you like some damn door to door salesman.... I don't need texts or mail from people I don't know. I don't take to "forced friendship" so why can't they see how screwed up the concept is.
Yep. We obsess over "Seeker-this" and "Seeker-that," but are we actually offering Jesus to them? And how many are genuinely "seeking" to know God? Maybe they just came to enjoy our "between service coffee bar." Youth Pizza Night? Christmas Extravaganza? Men's Macho Machine Day? Blah, blah, blah.
Mike Johnson......amen to that!!!! And sooo true!!!!!!!!
This is too real. Painfully real.
Interesting teaching story. Tough to teach an old dog new tricks (the Church). Newer forms (or attempts to do so) seem to fall short as well. Wonderful that God is still involved in our messes.
I've been to many churches in my life and I can say this is pretty true. Not all churches are like this, but a lot are, at least where I'm from.
My church is nothing like this. We welcome people and let them know we accept them, but we don't have people do all this stuff. We're just straight out friendly. Honestly, I think being over friendly can be rude, because you make people feel uncomfortable. My church is also pretty small... less than 100 people.
Being raised atheist then converting and trying to figure out church people... this really hits home. Very well made, I hope some of those churchy people who watch it will get the point. We just want Jesus. If we get that, the rest comes into play on its own. Otherwise I will just learn to conform and fake the Spirit, fill a pew, and then die and go to Hell.
When a restaurant has lousy parking and shabby exterior but consistently good food, it will most likely get customers by word of mouth and those customers will probably visit again. It's the desire to have a good meal that drives them, not the trappings. Those extras are nice but they can't stop determined people.
People that God has drawn will be satisfied to hear God speak to them through the scriptures. If your church focuses on presenting the scriptures then all that attend will be able to grow. The perception of guests will naturally be that God is speaking to them and they will have the best possible chance of attending again.
I pastor a new church in Metro Detroit. We showed this video a few weeks ago, cause we're lookin at relocating into retail space. This was a big hit! Thanks!!!
Walking into a church like "I just want some God"
Way too relatable, especially if you are a Christian who feels uncomfortable at church!
It's funny but just your comment Alone says a lot a Christian who feels uncomfortable at church??? Something to really think about because we should never being comfortable and quote on quote our Lord's House
Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, Acts 7:48
To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: Colossians 1:27
@@imloved53 I've always been uncomfortable in churches and church/Christian related events too. It just never was for me I guess.
@@kaylawaters2691 but the question is, "is Jesus uncomfortable to you"?
Very clever. And, sadly, very accurate.
manager's wife parking only
And it's empty :D
Oh my gosh this is so painfully true. Almost identical mannerisms of a megachurch my family used to attend.
In my church, the coffee has been made, served, and consumed in the same way for hundreds of years, ever since we quit drinking Italian roast in the 1500s (it was a huge scandal). It is a very formal process, but very beautiful and meaningful. Visitors are absolutely welcome to drink as little or as much as they like, to order or simply follow along in the Menu of Common Coffee Drinks at first. It took me a few weeks to memorize my order, but the folks around me were very friendly and helpful.
Very well done! Even churches that claim that they do not market, market. Marketing is everything you do to communicate who you are and how you present yourself. It ultimately comes down to perception. What do you think of when you hear iPod or Coke? You bring up an image or feeling about the product. How do visitors perceive your church? Most churches encourage their members to invite new people, yet are not prepared to be inviting visitors yet. This is why most visitors will not come back.
Cool presentation of what we need to change.
Why I like small churches and small food chains
Small churches have truck loads of problems as well sadly
@@ChonkyCats If a church were perfect that would end as soon as they allowed me to join. 😄
I hate when churches are like this. There is such a thing as "overlyfriendly".... this is it. Yes, we need to be kind and accepting, but not like this. But I enjoyed the video. It was pretty funny! :)
My dad (a pastor) played this in his church- love it!
The competition down the street must be Pente-Costa-Coffee!
paulandmarian XD
Nicely done
I see what you did, there.
This is what a church looks like that is lacking the Holy Spirit! All man made efforts,modern religion! Jesus, help us !! Let the true church move in power and change lives,we are called to set captives free not put on new shackles!!!
KEISHA JAQUAY you got that sista, in Jesus name.
Yours is exactly the correct response to this video! God bless, and Merry Christmas!
Seeing Papyrus, Comic Sans, and Curlz all in one composition in this video reaffirmed to me that Satan does indeed walk the Earth. Sometimes he has access to the Adobe Font Folio.
Being Christian myself, I found this quite hilarious XD.
MrVince329 I know a beans been planted. That was a good one. Haha. God bless. :)
MrVince329 me too and I have been to a a church like this too haha!
MrVince329 it was too funny and so true!
This is by a Christian Church.
Javalujah!! 😂😂😂
Agreed. If you want to grow the church, Preached the Word, preach it in depth and preach it uncompromisingly.
Although I've been a Christian my whole life I recently moved to another church by myself and experienced being a new member for the first time, and believe me, it was way more overwhelming than this video. What stood out about this video the most was the part when the couple walked in and the black man just looked at them and ignore them; I think I experienced a lot of that when I first moved church.
The worst part is that he didn't just ignore them--he sized them up and deemed them unworthy to talk to! I love that my church is filled with people who are genuinely happy to meet newcomers as well as return visitors and regular members.
I had the same experience.
@@CurlyAndCurvyAre they welcomed no matter what condition they come in?
This is why I liked my small backwoods little church (before it got rebuilt and became fancy and everyone stopped loving everyone)
Love this video! For people who apparently aren't getting the purpose of this video, it's for us, the members of the church, to see what it's like for first time guests. They feel like they're standing out like a sore thumb. It's like going to a new school. You feel totally weird! Thank you beyondrelevance for posting this!
Im not sure if that is exactly the point but suit yourself.
I was expecting the punchline to be that they don't actually serve any coffee. They talk about it a lot and promise that you'll get coffee when you die, but... no real coffee.
As a pastor and minister for 33 years, I really enjoyed this video! But please keep in mind; the church is a 2000 + year-old institution based on a 4000 + year old history. My job as a "modern" pastor is to bridge the gap between the old and the new. This video is good information, but just like a surgeon has to be patient , careful, and gentle in removing bad stuff from the body, we too have to be patient, careful, and gentle in removing archaic ideologies from the church. I will be showing this video to my staff as a training tool. Thanks for making this video. Javalujah!
One problem I've had with churches that act like this is, forcing people who are new to stand up in front of everybody, and have the spotlight shown on them. Years ago, when friends had invited me to their church that happened, and it put me right off from ever going with them again. When people come up wanting hope, or the need for Christ in their lives, this action makes people uncomfortable, and want to run out of there as fast as they can!
Yeah, they should add "any resemblance to your church is DEFINITELY intended"...this is a great way to get a necessary message across...GREAT JOB!
I visited one of those seeker-sensitive churches back in January. It's amazing how accurate this video is. Amazing and sad. They even had greeters wearing these neon vests who opened the car door for me. It was kind of creepy, and all the people who rushed over trying to be all friendly seemed a little fake.
"I found out when I gave my coffee came back to me pressed down, shaking together and running out all over, and I was a changed man!" 🤣😂😆 this is too much
As funny and mostly-accurate as this video is, It sure is a good thing that people don't come to church wanting the same sort of thing that they want from Starbucks.
Newcomer to Starbucks: "All I want is a cup of coffee."
Newcomer to Church: "All I want is..." what exactly? Connection? Community? Hope? Or just to sit for an hour and a half without gaining anything more significant than a cup of coffee? There is definitely a difference in quality of the thing that is sought after between Starbucks and the Church.
+Scott Mersino i think if coffee is to Starbucks then Jesus is to church. So if people came to church looking just for Jesus that would be a great thing to be motivated by. Unfortunately they wont find him in most churches today.
Rick Carter theres always a remnant somewhere, even if we are that remnant He is with us
I agree with you. May I paste this specifically for you. Posted it fresh.
Does this happen? Yes it does. When does it happen? When the Church resorts to, and rests on 'packaging' and natural wisdom. Result: the faith of the people they seek to impact merely stands on the wisdom of men, and not IN the power of God.
John the Baptist preached in the wilderness and crowds sought him out.
Jesus did same and stayed teaching for days in the wilderness yet the crowds refused to leave.
Arise Church, put on the power of The Spirit. It is found in the place of boiling, travailing, tarrying in prayer. It's war!!!
Have cute ushers hand out candy and chocolates all you want, it may help, I know, but your real power is released in the labor room of prayer!
Let them do their thing.
This truly brings to light how "first time visitors" actually see the church. Javalujah! that cracks me up =)
And Jesus stretched out his hand and LO, there appeared to the disciples a glorious caramel Macchiato. But the disciples quarreled among themselves.
"Master," cried Peter, "Did I not order a venti frappuchino with a sprinkling of almonds thereupon?"
And Mark also cried out with a loud voice, for he did greatly desire a grande spiced pumpkin latte with two percent, for did not the LORD command that whole milk is an abomination from which comes ungodly cellulite?
And Thomas, the Doubter, did complain mightily, for the heat of his mocha burned greatly and was more than 165 degrees in the scale known as Fahrenheit, which was adapted from the great and ancient kings of Britannica and is still used until this day.
And there arose a great commotion as the disciples did fight amongst themselves.
But Jesus said, "Let he who has ordered the carmel Macchiato first come forth, and take from me this burden, for LO it is heavy upon my hand and much has it scorched me!"
Then Mary said, "Oh Master, it was I who did order the caramel Macchiato for great was my temptation!" And she bowed her head in shame.
But Jesus said, "RISE, Mary, and be thee unashamed, for I have made this drink free of sugar! Behold it is yet tasty but the curse of cellulite is not upon it!"
And she stretched forth her hand and did partake of the caramel Macchiato which Jesus had made.
Pure fucking GOLD. Here's a metaphorical cookie.
Best Thing I have read on the internet! LMFAO
Deborah Armstrong Fantastic!!
You are most welcome! Go forth and caffeinate no more.
You guys nailed it, great concept very funny, the coffee preacher was legit
Unfortunately, this is what happens when churches "market" at all. I was not called to market. I was not called to even "build a church". I was called to bring people to Jesus, and bring Jesus to people. :-)
How do you do that?
Many churches go too far like in the video, but most churches act like they can't be bothered to acknowledge your presence - most churches are dying.
@@browserboy1984 It's actually rather simple. You just look for opportunities to love people. People will sometimes trickle in for programs...but they will line up to be loved.
@@haroldburrell4973 how do you love people at your church?
It seems obvious to me in the way that I treat people, but my church is dying and most everyone does not know where to start.
@@browserboy1984 are you on facebook? I'd loved to chat with you about this. I certainly don't pretend to have all of the answers. In fact, I'm still learning myself. I think it would be cool to be able to put our heads together. :-)
This is hilarious. Very spot on parody of the charismatic church.
The "Javalujah!" broke me. I was dying as a Christian.
Me too!
I loved that line too. Sorry to hear you died though. Did you go to Heaven? Was it everything you expected?
LOL-- that part is so corny that it's funny.
Great video. And it was shot on the campus of my church! So funny. LifePoint Plano. Best part, is our church tries to be the opposite of this.
All those doors with most of them locked 😂 so relatable
Last night my wife and I visited a new church for the first time. We're (part of) "church" for decades, just worshiping at another congregation. Although the message was amazing, having seen this video yesterday, I could recognize that many of the same things were done at this congregation, although the people there were very friendly last night. It makes me think, though. Your message successfully communicated, I believe.
Church of Nice (worship centers that try to pass themselves off as Christian, but are glorified community centers) is actually pretty close to this. lol
this was sooo creative and well done. made me laugh the whole way through, and realize a lot of things about the church that have intimidated me my entire life.
"Coffee is good all the time
All the time coffee is good. "
EVERYTHING shown in this video is the exact reason why I dreaded attending church :) I'm a pretty faithful christian, but I'm also a practical and realistic person. I tried being a good christian, but i'm not a perfect person and was looked down upon for not attending church every sunday. How do people expect me to attend church every sunday when the few times I try to go, I face this? Maybe if I went more, I'd be a part of the group, but I can't even get started, because of fear.
After watching this, I may use this for my lesson for the youth group. I just have to do some thinking about how I am going to make a lesson lol
amazing uploud great composition, thumb up
My church is nothing like this, fortunately. However, it's not a mega church, and no one there gets paid. I mean no one. :)
Mary Williams Yeah...that's code for Mormonism. "Get's paid" can be open to interpretation...What are those mandatory tithes for anyway? Extra gold on the temple?
Caleb D
Caleb D Tithing is meant to:help the church pay bills (electric, water, etc.), be used for outreach (ie: flyers letting folks know the church is there, VBS, etc.), help people in need, and, yes to pay the pastor. Many people think all pastors make a mint and use the church for money. Maybe some do, but there are many God-serving pastors who make a simple living and spend their days serving, studying the Word, and learning more about how to serve and teach better. Unfortunately, there is a lot out there that has given Christianity a bad name.
Caleb D Not sure who told you tithing is mandatory. You might check your sources, someone's having fun with you. 😉 Tithing and charity offerings are privately submitted, we don't even know who doesn't pay.
As for how it's used, it's pretty similar as Snoopy111469 described, except it's a lay leadership so No; there are no salaries, tips, or financial benefits for working in any congregation in my church.
Pastors in other churches work full time as pastor and don't have another job, so it makes sense for them to have a salary.
My church is like that too - (no one gets paid except for the occasional guest speaker and it is nothing like the video) and we aren't Mormon. We just are seeking to follow the Bible as close as we can. We don't believe it is wrong to pay a preacher or evangelist but currently we have a bunch of men that are willing to work very hard and preach and teach without pay and that allows us to have more money to send primarily to overseas missions.
Wonderful and very insightful. It applies to synagogues too!
Out of all those new coffee drinkers I wonder how many were discipled in the ways of coffee before being pushed aside for the next group of possible coffee converts? History, the true nature of and the goodness of coffee? I seriously doubt anyone said, "You never know what coffee is going to do" or "All coffee brews for a reason". haha I could go on and on.
Thanks for posting!
“...and I will make you baristas of men”
I went to a "Mega church" in Minneapolis that was nothing like this (Aside from the parking thing- which drove me batty). Granted, I think a 9,000 member church in a 4 city of 4 million people is reasonable... Then I went to a little church of 50 people in a small town and THIS is exactly that church!
I thought churches were marketed like Starbucks.
LOL @ the welcoming, the paperwork and the tip jar story. I went to church with a friend one time and it was just like this.
I know this was a joke, but it is unfortunate if this is even slightly realistic in many churches. My whole life I have gone to one that doesn't have tithing or collections.
Really important lessons to be learnt from this: we don't know what a visitor sees - this shows us. Welcome? what sort of welcome is it when people look you up and down, then turn back to speak to their friends? When they insist on your filling in a form which they don't even glance at, but file away? When you've come for a purpose [worship, or as here Coffee] and so many obstacles are put in your way. When the venue is hard to find, and no-one opens the door to you, or helps you to receive.
I've got one of those mini vacuum cleaners but it's very weak.
This is so funny! I think a lot of people don't understand what parables are so they're getting offended. But the wonderful thing is it's getting people thinking and talking and having conversations about things they hadn't thought about.
When "shopping" for a church when I moved, I did come across a couple that had a slight vibe to this. Did not go back. Fakery is too awkward and and a waste of time.
Just a thought: when Starbucks started serving hot sandwiches their profits began to take a dive... The with many customers who actually came to drink coffee becoming upset over the wait time and the new group of customers who didn't care for coffee in the slightest, but instead came because it was the "cool" thing to get their sandwich and a frilly drink because which also takes forever in coffee time.
This was awesome and eye opener
I'm not a fan of Starbuck's, but this was spot on with their advertising techniques. Funny!
I feel like this is blasphemy...yet so accurate. Sad reality.
Along with the humor, this video is so much deeper than many people see. This is not about "selling" God. This is about effectively communicating who Jesus is to the people of your community and church. If we focus solely on theology, and not about how to communicate to visitors and members of our church, we have missed the point of the Gospel. Jesus met people where they were at, and many times changed how he ministered based on who he was speaking to. That is textbook church marketing 101!
lol "I havn't been to a coffee shop since I was a little girl"
Some cant appreciate Life Liberty and the pursuit of caffeinated beverages. This church going coffee lover absolutely loved the video! Good job!
This was sooo true and absolutely hilarious
Left the church a while ago and don't intend to go back, but I really enjoyed this video. It perfectly captured the bland, wealth-laden irrelevance of the suburban churches I attended throughout my life. More than a few could have doubled as country clubs, but at least the country clubs didn't pretend to be humble or preach at you about poverty in Christ. Javaluyah!
Nearly pissed myself at Javaluah!
Sorry for your bladder problem...
Also, it is an acceptable answer.. The big thing people tend to try to use against Christians is the "hypocrite" card, A church is basically a group of sinners, who recognize that they are sinners and they are seeking God. Once you become a Christian you don't just become an angel who never sins, its a constant battle throughout life.
Oh Papyrus... the typeface that just won't quit.
Thanks for the smile Richard! You know, I went back and read some of the comments and its simply amazing how many people don't "get it" about the point you're making. I don't know if people don't understand "parable," "satire," humor, or what ~ but i think it's quite clear ... and funny!
Good commentary
This is great! I pray that church leaders will see this and embrace needed change.
“a parable” i’m screaming
lol this is great. i really like the message. Lord have mercy if this is the way we share His love... i hope everyone who sees this can somehow understand that God is so much more than how even the most intentional Christians portray Him to be, including myself. God bless
This is so spot on its scary! lol
Excellent! Made me wonder - not knowing your faith in Christ or your background...I was thinking during the entire thing this one comment' Know thine enemy" if we have appeared that way. Even though we could use this as a training tool for Christians. So many of us don't know how to act in our new found faith. Absolutely great job! And such a relief to see that you were a Christian in the end. If we are really doing this, oh wow..
This is why I like to enjoy my coffee alone with no one else involved
Thank you for making this. We use it to train our hospitality and greeting team.
Hehe! i think this would be more like american churches than churches worldwide
Lauren: It is.
A well constructed video. Lots to think about as I am someone who is passionate about getting more people to visit our church.
This video reminded me of how Western Christianity is a money making business.
This is so spot-on accurate that it's scary.
Finally, a religion I can get behind.
this was pretty funny. and so true. keep up the good work, man.
+Micah Mauderer SAME! XD i laugh so bad until my stomach hurt. LoL
They teaching on this. This is more than 10 years old and still teaching!
javaluah!!! xD omg died
This is why I like to have a coffee with friends at home. Parking's easy, there's no tip jar for the barista, and because there aren't too many of us it's really, really easy to share tips on how to make a great coffee. :)
PS: loved the video ... very insightful.
Still painful to watch.
So many parallels drawn from this video - how many churches will have the guts to fundamentally change as this mirror is held up to them?
Brilliant video Beyondrelevance :)
What if our focus was on doing the work of God as opposed to doing the work of man. God gave us a command in Matthew 28: 18-20. it says "Go ye therefore" I'll stop there because He told us all to go someplace, but His command specifically said "to the nations" This is what He commanded us to do. He never commanded us to build churches and create an empire where men rule and get rich. This is what He taught against in The New Testament. I really thinks this is a great eye opener for those that are truly looking for the Real JESUS and not just an experience for a day in CHURCH. So as people all over the world are dying of thirst, we here in the US are haggling over what should go on a doggone "COFFEE CUP." How small does that make us? Let's get over ourselves and begin to experience God in a real way.
Patricia O'Nery yes!
my uber driver was talking about this same concept! said humans constructing churches is like the Tower of Babel.
VitalityIn CHRIST there's nothing wrong with building churches. Temples were built to praise God in, in the Bible. In the book of Acts in Chapter 3 Peter and John go to the temple to pray to God
It's good to take a step away from what is seen from the inside of the church and see how others might be viewing it.....if we can't do this we will never reach those who are thirsty for the truth and it's relevance to their lives. Thanks for the video, loved it!