PNR landscape 28/9/18 - Pore Water Pressure issues

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2018
  • The Ned project has been researching the Fylde for over 12 months and we have witnessed many changes since Cuadrilla started drilling the site at Preston New Road. The instances of issues has only increased over time. Starting with water leaks and power-cuts the issues have evolved to collapsing roads and street furniture.
    This video does not seek to highlight any specific concerns apart from the ones a keen eye will spot. This compilation goes from Great Plumpton to the Main Drain. As with all the 4k footage on this channel it is best watch on a big screen and with high quality settings.
    This video is made of footage all taken on the 28th of September and it follows a course across the land from east to west. We have released videos of the landscape in the past and for all interested you can use these to compare.
    In the course of the research we have been in conversation with several professionals and ex industry people who have offered their personal opinions on the situation. So far we know that the company damaged an aquifer in June 2017 which flooded the well cellar and the pad. The company said this was rainwater but a local spokesperson refuted this as it had not rained.
    In November it was suspected that they company might have a well bore leak however this was never proved. A geologist has suggested that the artesian pressure may be finding a new course now that it has been broken and the issues we are witnessing across the landscape could be related to changes in pore water pressure. We have not been able to contact a hydrogeoogist or a hydrologist to confirm this.
    The pad has water ingress on at least two sides and an egress in the area that was once a flood plane for the fields nearby. It is not stable and already the perimeter ditch is leaking into the ground. The EA were informed at the beginning of the week yet still the membrane continues to leak. The company are gearing up to preform a frack which is a crazy idea in light of the issues we have been raising.
    All the appropriate "authorities" in this matter have been informed and warned that there is a potential for serious consequences if anything happens. How the breach of containment of the pad fuids has been allowed to continue is beyond me, and more than a little concerning that the EA have not made the company fix the issue.
    There are no regulations it seems, despite the "gold standards" rhetoric. How can this private industry who are not welcome get such red carpet treatment? 3 people have just gone to prison for speaking out about this peacefully using a form of protest called NVDA [Non-Violent Direct Action] which has been used throughout history to make social change from the Suffragettes to Martin Luther King. It's worth noting that judge has industry connections.
    This is now a human rights issue as much as an environmental one, as such swift and proper redress must be sought at the highest levels.
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