That they're immature/kids and don't understand the impact of what they're doing. We are very much conscious of our actions and if it hurts others, and most high schoolers who do hurt others use their age as an excuse when they don't deserve it
One thing I have noticed, in this video too, is how entitled, naïve and arrogant the current crop of kids are... they just expect everything to fall in their lap and aren't aware of how just easy they've got it... Ryder seemed like the only kid with his head screwed on in reality 👏
@@TheNinjapancake14 in my high school cliques were definitely serious but I graduated in 2019 so I don’t know an it could depend on the high school you go to.
True, especially seeing from the perspective of an older gen z, with my Career ahead of me, already settled, in my 20s. Most fascinating thin is just how different I put things in perspective from the younger gen z. It's like we're living in whole different universes tbh
I'm 19 (2003) and idk whether I'm an older or younger gen z, I think I'm in the middle. Although I do relate a lot more to older gen z than younger gen Z
@@caitlingill I’d say you are one of the older ones. I’m 21 but we share our generation with 13 year olds who have a completely different experience than us growing up. So I just wonder how it felt like growing up, vs how older gen z think they grew up.
I think yellow shirt dude is not trying to age to fast and is actually so smart. He was so mature and self aware and I respect that so much. He knows that you shouldn't be forced to be an adult when you are NOT one.
@@ej421 I don't think he thinks they're shouldn't be a way we are thought about sex, but that sex Ed in school is not productive. Which is subjective but I think most people would agree there could be a better system
@TheNinjapancake14 I raised 3 of my siblings. And also did household work since I was 10 . And graduated high school. I'm 100% percent sure that I'm mature for my age.
@@Aaron-kj8dv Its more that they interpreted the question differently and that they didnt think of certain aspects of it, like when one of em mentions something, they think "oh yeaa, i forgot about that, taking that into consideration, i disagree more"
That first teen mentioned 'always being mature for his age'. I grew up the same way and was always told I was mature for my age. But that doesn't equate to 'adulthood'. The older I get, the more I realize how little I knew, even though I was a 'smart child'. There is no alternative to sheer life experience. Even a teenager who is 'mature for their age' is still a child in many ways. There's 20 year olds who are still children in many ways. Sorry kids, but you are in fact.. kids. Lol
I was the exact same. I was cringing for the poor guy. The teachers tell you what you want to hear to motivate you. I was never actually mature, no drivers licence, no job. It takes a little more time, especially for guys.
I was mature for my age not because I wanted to be, but I had to be. I didn't want to have to think about adult stuff because I wanted to enjoy my childhood, and not have to be rushed into adulthood. I understand how teens want their autonomy and respect, which they deserve, but they are still very much kids, and shouldn't have to feel like they're adults because they've been forced to grow up too soon.
I can agree with you and I feel like now that I am older I wish I was still called a kid and in reality just because someone is 18 they are still basically a kid. Just because one is a 'legal' adult doesn't mean you change overnight it takes time.
I understand why they don’t want to be called kids. They are young people who are still responsible for certain things, but are learning how to be an adult. Edit: Yes, at the end of the day, they are not adults. They are kids. Just want to clarify lol
I was mostly just thinking about "kids" as far as if you're under 18. But I truly don't believe anyone is capable of having an adult mindset, if you're younger than 18. And I'm 19, I'm still not an adult mentally. Legally, obviously. Being mentally an adult, will likely happen around your twenties, perhaps even thirties. According to science.
In this case I prefer to call them "teens", 'cause of all the significant differences of that bridge between childhood and adulthood that is adolescence.
they are kids, undeniably. its hard to see it at their age, but they still are. there’s nothing wrong with it though, and it shouldn’t be used to invalidate their thoughts and feelings bc they are very valid and insightful.
I think it depends. They are and they aren't. We don't know this kid, but some get kicked out at 16. Some are told to 'get a job'. and some do get jobs. some 17 year olds act the same as some 21 year olds.
One thing I will say about things high schoolers have harder nowadays is the documentation on social media. If I was getting bullied at school in the 90s and early 2000s, my bullies didn't have anyway to contact me at home and they didn't know where I lived. A kid bullied today, not only gets bullied at school but they can get blasted on social media and people can record and post the person in compromising situations through like deep fakes and stuff. SO glad, I wasn't forced to associated with bad people in my school outside of school.
They can just not have social media also. Just bc its there doesn't mean u must have it. I understand ur post and ppl are just complete assholes online but u dnt have to give them that privilege to access u in tht way
@@blonday90 This. Bullying online isn't as bad as in person. You can turn off the "online". Before the internet, bullying was in person, but also much more physical. Bullies would beat kids, something less common now.
On the other hand, by posting that stuff online, they're giving you actual proof to use against them and prove they're bullying you. In person, not so much.
I think there's a big difference between being a kid who has to make adult decisions, and actually being an adult. What high schooler is ready to take out a 50,000 dollar loan?? Choose their future path?? Its crazy how many adult decisions they push onto kids.
this is why we don't like to be called kids lol. i know i'm not an adult, but when you are having to make decisions like that it doesn't seem fair to still be called a child.
I love how they moved so many times because it illustrates that their opinions aren't fixed and it can change after talking it through. It's rare in adults
Because adults usually have the more years to think in their ideals than teens, like a 50 yo would have a stronger position in their political ideals than a 16 yo who doesn't even know who their politicians are lol
because at a certain age you're judged for not behaving mature and to avoid that judgement and being treated like nothing you say matters people try their best to seem grown
@@PrInzzx. being a child is not defined by maturity and maturity is not linear. there will be moments when people can act more immature and more mature
Given the fact that high school students' brains are still developing, they shouldnt be considered adults. They still need guidance and nurturing. But nowadays, i do not know why high schoolers are fixated on acting like "adults" and missing opportunities to enjoy themselves before they take on all adult responsibilities.
When does someone become an adult then since your brain hasn't finished developing until you are 25. So you would agree then to increase the voting, drinking and drafting age to 25?
@@BonShula I would. If new studies show that development is on going until 25 we should increase the age limits on those kinds of things and increase the care and nurturing of people 25 and under
because at a certain age you're judged for not behaving mature and to avoid that judgement and being treated like nothing you say matters people try their best to seem grown.
Yeah and I think that once these kids get into their 20s they’ll disagree with what they’re saying here. They might be forced to grow up quickly, but they’ve still not fully matured and are still very much kids
Well they never said legally they were adults, they were saying mentally. There are many teens that have to take over the role of a parent in their family. That isn't mentally a kid anymore, legally yes they are kids.
@@AliceMcDonagh The question wasn't if they're fully matured. I disagree that they're "kids". They're teens, some have to take on very mature roles in their lives like being their own parent or even parenting their siblings.
I’m 22 and would still find it hard to call myself an adult, and I’ve always considered myself mature for my age. I’ve lived on my own since 18, went to school, work a full-time corporate job, I still feel like a baby tho. I wish we all weren’t in such a rush to grow up.
@@ayomikunbalogun2954 Exactly! No one is a fully grown adult. We are all on an individual journey, and exploring, learning, and evolving are part of it. I just enjoy this lifetime.
22 y/o here and same, I still feel like such a kid. I feel like I'm pretending to be an adult but don't mind cos I'm trying to enjoy my youth while I can
Being an adult and being mature are not synonymous. There are many adults who are very immature and make poor and unsound decisions. Based on the comments I feel like ppl strongly favor either the biological, social, or legal definition of what it means to be an adult. Perhaps a discussion is needed on what it means to be and feel like an adult.
Thank you sm! I was writing in other comments how much environmental pressures shape what is perceived as "adult." Since less than a hundred years ago, actual children took on "adult" responsibilities of working in factories, etc. I don't even think the term adult and kid mean much because of what you said. I also believe "kid" often is conflated with making mistakes, confusion, lack of perspective, lack of responsibilities, etc, and I don't believe it should be automatically deemed on individuals just because they fall under a certain age bracket. All of these traits can be found at any age. Maturity and where you are mentally, spiritually, emotionally physically, and intellectually in life is such a case-by-case situation. We are all individuals, this extends to teens and children, and are on different journeys.
Older millennial here! I’m sitting here on the verge of tears. Please, enjoy your youth. Don’t let these years slip away. Keep your held held high, respect others and practise empathy. But most importantly, have fun, make mistakes, love yourself and love others, and learn to forgive yourself. You’re the future.
As an older “older millennial” myself, I’d say to take everything you said with a grain of salt. It’s a really nice speech, but it sounds very generic, lol, not entirely realistic.
When I was 18 and in a job with people in their 20's and it kinda hits you in the face that you are still a kid lol. It wasn't much of a problem tho cause I already had the mindset that I wasn't an adult
@@FraserAsides Fr I'm 19 and like you said the more I'm learning and seeing in this world the more I'm like damn I know little to nothing I gotta keep learning and growing!!
I spent the whole video impressed with Ryder - his perspective, his articulation, and especially his confidence in asserting his opinions even when they ran counter to his peers. Then at 12:23 he revealed that he’s not on any social media, and it all made so much sense. I’m re-thinking my own social media usage after seeing this.
I agree, he seems very confident and comfortable within himself at such a young age. He's just doing his thing and doesn't seem to care much about other people's opinions.
Just cause you are mature doesn't make you no longer a kid. Also the girl was spot on who said these days it's much easier. Also Wikihow is where ppl are getting info?
@QuandaleDingle most aren't, some choose to, also working a part time job doesn't make you an adult, just two years ago I was in high school and I started working at the time so I had some spending money
@@joeymckinney That’s the problem with Gen Z, girls are dykes now and boys aren’t masculine anymore. Also pretty much of all teen girls are sloots now.
I was going to comment the same thing. I’m 24, almost finished with my masters degree, and I know I’m still a kid overall. I do not feel like a fully grown adult yet. And I’m an intern therapist with clients with two other jobs on top of that and still feel this way. Saying you are not a kid while I’m high school is a sign of immaturity in my opinion. It shows how little you realize you have yet to learn and experience and accomplish. Note: I will say that there are some people under 18 who are far more adult than kid due to horrible circumstances they should not be put in but that is the only time I would say someone that age is pretty much an adult even though they shouldn’t have to be.
I'll be 40 in June. I'm still waiting to feel like I thought I would as an adult! Teenagers are babies. They are absolutely kids. That's not to say that teens aren't forced to make adult decisions. They are, and it's such a detriment to them because THEY ARE KIDS, and they are expected to make long-term adult decisions.
But still you are not consider as kid if you are allowed to vote, drive, go to pub and buy alcohol and paying taxes. You are basically treated as an adult. If you break the law you would charged as adult.
This should be high schoolers *in America* , I feel like the realities of teenage-hood varies depending on what part of the world you live. In some places, teenagers already have very serious responsibilities. There's a lot kids go through and it would be interesting to see this conversation in different parts of the world
From my experience, US high schoolers have more responsibilities than Europeans, at least in Germany. Working a real job while being in high school is mostly unheard of imo.
I mean Jubilee is based in the US, so it kind of implies that it’s high schoolers in America. I do agree thought that the teenage experience differs incredibly from each country and especially within different socioeconomic backgrounds.
honestly, when i was a high schooler, i definitely did not think of myself as a kid. now that i’m 21, it’s been only a few years but i’ve grown and matured so much and i know that i still have so much yet to learn & understand
I am 21 and Gen Z. I consider these zoomers at a completely different life stage than me. After 18, the amount you mature every year is astounding. With that being said, I understood everyone's perspectives. If I have children, I will monitor their phones and social media because I am not going to have my children make bad decisions because everyone else is doing it or they are influenced by some trends online. Absolutely ridculous.
Yeah, I remember being 20 and still sooo immature. I had so much to learn. I'm 24 now and I'm probably going to say the same things in a few years about me now. You always think you're mature, but you're not actually.
The guy in the yellow had some great views. It’s okay to be a kid, and I wish I knew that bc I spent my teen years moving out, working more than legally allowed, exploring sex with people and creating soul ties that make me feel icky today. The things that I felt were normal being so new to the world showed a different light as I grow, am able to see all sides, and gain new experiences in life. Take time to learn and retain information, and then act with your knowledge as you grow 💗 But definitely easier said than done, it’s all apart of the process is all.
ryder is my hero, i used to feel exactly like that when i was his age, and overall i admire how expressive and open he is about his opinions even if they differ from the rest there's nothing wrong with enjoying innocence and youth !! the world can be very mean, so enjoy it the most you can !
Though enjoying youth is great, for him, it’s going to stagger his growth. You can already see it here in how he thinks sex as “icky” and weird. Showing his lack of growth in learning to grow.
A small detail i feel like not many have noticed or talked about, was the amount of people switching sides after hearing others opinions/statments. Its as if some people are so easily influenced nowadays, but also how most of us are open to hearing others too.
@@bubbyjon Yeah! That's exactly why I was surprised I hadn't seen anyone commenting about this, especially since its smth I see being spoken about in real life conversations!
i think alot of the people in the comments are misinterpreting the response to "are high schoolers kids?". yes, they are not adults but I think the disagreement to being called "kids" comes from the disregard that comes with it. When you're 17-18, you uproot your whole life and you mature dynamically but you're still entertained as if you're indifferent and don't know what you''re doing. taylor swift said it best- "when you are young, they assume you know nothing"
@@ariana_208 You're not alone, but with how society has changed, being a "kid" goes on a lot longer now. As an older millennial, I can tell you I feel like there are still a LOT of 25 year olds who are still "kids". Not to say they all are, but there are still many who just haven't grown out of that mindset.
@@ariana_208 Really? Since I'm not from America, this kind of puzzles me. People at what age do you consider to be teenagers then? Unless, of course, you don't like using this term, but even we're in Germany use the word teenager all the time. I guess it heavily depends on the person.
This is the best Spectrum video to come out in a long time. They’re all so respectful and really listen to each other, like genuinely listen, and it fuels me with hope for the future.
Have to be honest I’m kind of worried about how petrified of social media they are. I remember being in highschool hearing the endless speeches, essentially bordering on fear mongering. Surely there must be some space for educated self regulation rather than deferring to parents for everything in the social media space. People need room to learn and grow.
I think it must have something to do with the general sense of children needing to be protected by their parents 24/7, rather than founding their own path and making their own mistakes. I see that especially with people from the US, this attitude that's almost puritanical.
I am 35 yo (gen y), small 4 month baby, and actually what scares me the most on social media is dopamine unbalance to young people. If SM addict adults the way it does, the damage on young people is inevitably worse. Safety on SM can be taught though.
I'm 24 and I feel like I'm only ready to pick a major and start university now. It's crazy to me that we're expected to determine our life path at that age. I was an honour student and I knew what I was expected to go into, but the pressure to step into adulthood and decide my whole future just as I turned 18 was so intense I literally ran away from my hometown to get away from making that decision 😅 Now I feel like I'm behind, but I also wonder if it will have made me happier with what I choose to do with my life in the long run
Congrats to you! I wish I waited before entering college. I was also an honors students and felt burned out at 17, but kept pushing because of the expectations on me until I dropped out. Now I’m 24 finishing up what I started with more clarity ✨
You’re not behind and the decision you made was the best one. I’m 25 and I plan to go back to school because the major I chose, isn’t what I thought it was going to be when I first chose it. I also don’t even feel that behind going back to school, because a lot of my friends are either doing it too or still figuring out what career they want that has nothing to do with their major.
That's totally fine. I'm 23 this Yr and have failed my Als(sorta like a uni entrance exam) 3 times and finally made it. Yes there are kids who do degrees at 17-18 but honestly it doesn't matter as much. Take ur time.
At age 22, after being in community college part time since 2016, I have finally decided with clarity what I wanted to do for my career! Now, at age 23, I have cemented my path by researching what it takes, applied for universities, and am on track to fulfilling my passions. I want to be a sex therapist btw. When I started school at age 16, I wanted to be a comic book artist! It’s great that you took your time. Knowing what you want as a more grown adult is more certain.
Some of them talked about how there are kids, and then adults, and how they feel like kids but have to make decisions and have some responsabilities already. Guys, there is why the word Teenager exists. It's about this transitional period. Highschoolers are teenagers, not a child anymore, but not an adult yet.
Middle schoolers also arent kids, also 18-19 are technically teens but are adults so I don't see your point. the term teenager is also made it up, it has no purpose
If you are under 18 and saying you aren’t a kid, you aren’t mature. Maturity is realizing how much you still have to learn and accomplish and grow before becoming and feeling like an adult. I am 24 and I am still not fully an adult yet. I am almost finished with my second college degree and work 40+ hours a week between an internship and two jobs, but I am not fully an adult on a mental level. Scientifically, experientially, or socially. The only people who are “adults” under 18 are people who are put in horrific circumstances that force them to grow up. And those type of people wish they could be kids. So trust me and enjoy it while you can if you are privileged enough to do so.
agreed tf I don't want to grow up! I´M ALLWAYS envying kids better the age of 0-12 bc I miss those days, I´m now 16 soon turning 17 and I HATE IT! like I don't want my last year of being a kid called for being an adult!
@@someone3444 that is totally valid and understandable, i also felt that way. do know though that as you grow older, you start to appreciate certain things more. after 18 life does start flying by, but you learn so much and experience so much it’s insane. i did not think i’d make it to 18- now i’ll be 25 in 2 years, and i’m so happy i stuck around. i’m not saying you’re anything like me lol, but the moral of the story is that it’s totally normal to feel what you’re feeling. when you’re ready though, getting older will start to feel like the best thing ever, even if it still is a little scary at times :’) ❤
The fact that so many of them agree that it’s harder to be a teen now then when kids were getting shipped off to war and stuff is alarming. There are a lot of aspects that really do make it hard to be you a teenager now however there are also so so many positives like the first girl said… Mental health is acknowledged… There are support groups for everything… You are going into a world where you have so many more rights. I understand that being a teenager is hard no matter what in the Internet can make it harder but to not be able to acknowledge how much easier it is than it used to be is just tone deaf
If you look at the decades since the 70s it's not surprising that teens aren't optimistic. In almost every country has the wealth care gotten worse and the budget has been decreased. As the same time as living prices are higher and minimum wage is the same. No wonder it's effecting teenagers as well. Obviously we aren't fighting in a war and in other things have improved, but for most working class teenagers life is not easier.
The actual content you are expected to learn is much harder. Honestly I think all generation high school experiences are going to be overexaggerated as much more difficult.
Had to just roll my eyes when they wanted to say they have it harder. Kids have never been more coddled than they have this generation. And as you said, kids their age used to go to war! They need to talk to their grandparents because their perspectives are warped if they think navigating twitter compares to hardships of older generations
It depends where you live as well. In the Uk most of our high schools are running out of funding and so this disproportionately impacts working class children and will make it harder for them to achieve later in life if the government don’t intervene. Plus cost of living crisis means many are struggling to get fed as their parents can’t afford it
As a senior this year going to college in the fall I can identify with the struggles this group is going through. Like the yellow shirt guy I feel like a kid stuck in an adult body it’s rough. I feel unready to become an adult like there is so much to learn but time keeps on moving dragging me along with it. I wish I knew how to be an adult because where I am at now I still feel like a freshman. I’ve seen my growth in maturity but I still feel like I am missing something to truly become what I am supposed to or want to be.
not them changing sides on them feeling like adults like I’m 19 and still feel like a child, it’s just the mentality on how you’re supposed to act for your age where the internet plays a huge role on harsh exposure to things
I work with high schoolers particularly 10th -12th graders. They're still kids even if they're 18 and a senior because they're not living in their own house with their own responsibilities yet. Most of them are not ready for the world but there is probably 10% of kids that are legit living in the world (taking care of parents, living with other people/students, etc). Paying for your own cellphone and car insurance and working a part-time job while still living at home for free isn't a full reflection of "adult" life. I remember when I was 17, I was extremely mature and independent but I also enjoyed having family to ask about how to navigate certain adult situations. When you're an "adult", you're on your own.
🥴 that’s a reach. He’s confident but that does equate to intelligence and self-awareness. This 18 minute video not a manifestation of how he was raised tf
I kind of had the opposite thought. That maybe it's a matter of being too easily influenced, like for approval. But it totally could just be open-mindedness.
@@OtherDudeI saw that they were comfortable being possibly wrong in their opinions. Compared to the supposed "adults" in other spectrum videos, these teens are pretty openminded and mature
As a high schooler, I do get why they don't think they are kids, yet at the same time we are still learning the process of being an adult. When I look back at my middle school days, I didn't think I was a kid. Now that I am older, I realize how young I was. Though it is very different for others. Some are more mature and deal with other responsibilities while others are the complete opposite. However, when I see my class, I don't see them as adults; just teens adapting to adulthood. The older generation definitely had it harder; some ways and through some extents. In this day, we have so much resources, we don't even need textbooks. But, I think the college process is a lot more harder than back then. In this generation we can look the answers up. The issue with that is teachers nowadays barely even teach. They just make you watch videos and expect you to know, so it makes it harder for us to learn. It depends. For me, I don't care for social media. Everyone is so consumed by it, I fear it'll become even worse than it is today. Even children who aren't even in preschool have the newest iPhone .. pretty concerning to me. When I was their age, I was outside riding bikes and playing with my neighbors. Times have changes drastically. So many teens and kids in middle school make their life depend on social media; they have to dress and speak a certain way - it's like no one has a different personality; everyone is the same. I deleted all my social media because of how toxic it was - especially now. It's like you have to live and be like what you see online in order for others to be attractive to you. I feel so much better without social media.
These high schoolers are very well-spoken I definitely had my mind blown when they stated they had anxiety talking to people after some year of online schooling Im astonished by how far people can grown even after such set backs
when they were talking about how safe they feel at school my jaw just kept dropping and dropping. that is seriously so concerning as someone who lives in new zealand we NEVER have these issues. i can’t even imagine going to school and wondering if that would be my last day alive, that’s really really sad :(
I was also a kid who had to grow up too quickly. By 17, I was out of the house and paying bills with no contact from either parent. I also felt like I wasn't a kid at that age. But now, looking back, I feel sad for myself. I was just a kid. I was just a child, and I couldn't act like one. That doesn't mean you're not still a kid at that age. Ryder impressed me with the first couple of sentences. It's ironic that the most mature and level-headed individual of the group was okay with being called a kid.
This was a very nice discussion. Particularly regarding social medias and their impact on younger students. Many parents try to do their best to avoid a social media dependency of their kids but frequently the latter succumb to peer pressure. I started using social medias after when I was 13 and there was a time when I felt the need to post just because others were doing it. I think I should thank my introverted personality and my art passion for stopping me from posting too much about myself and instead spend more time drawing on my own.
I get why they don’t want to consider themselves as kids but I’m 25, myself and most of my peers/friends still see ourselves as kids lol. I agree with Ryder, I want to be/feel young for as long as I can because being an adult is not this amazing thing that kids think it is but they’ll figure that out soon enough
yea Im 24, its not easy but that is the way the world works now. I think its about enhancing our capabilities as we grow and being prepared. And also helping others as well.
I just started my college years and watching this video made me realize how little high schoolers really know. Like I completely believe that if I was still in high school I’d agree with a lot of the points made here but now being in college I can’t fully agree. I understand where the students are coming from but being almost a year into college has changed my perspective on the world SO MUCH! There are so many ways that you learn and mature from finally being an adult that make you realize how little you really knew back then. However, I don’t hold this against the high schoolers as you can never understand all of this until you’ve actually experienced it yourself. I’m sure these kids will have at least slightly different answers to these questions once they graduate!
Bless their little hearts. They all seem like nice intelligent kids but they are definitely just that, KIDS…thankfully the boy in the yellow shirt knows this and embraces it. Wishing them all the best❤️
For the first prompt. High schoolers are definitely “kids”. Once you grow up to be 24 25 26 etc you realize how young high schoolers are. The fact they have to make adult decision at that age is sad but it doesn’t change the fact they are “kids”.
Psychologically (from studies I've read and classes I've taken), you don't realize you're no longer a teenager/ kid until you're like 26. It makes sense because I'm 25 now, and it didn't hit me until I was 24 that I was "grown." Aside, Alaiyah and Mya are some brilliant young women!
17 and i feel like ive seen what my crime ridden state has too offer ive been out of the country and numerous states im just focused on my future while everyones partying ill be grinding
Like Ryder, I'm 17, but it was his self-awareness that we are not legally adults yet, but more than that not really in ANY WAY adults. Yes, teenagers may experiment with different adult/ mature topics, but the way we handle it lacks such foresight majority of the time. I myself have lost to the mentality of "I'm so mature for my age," and honestly, seeing him talk about this stuff gave me a major reality check as to where I am in life, and how the all-or-nothing things I worried about all the time a year ago, doesn't mean jacksh*t in the grand scheme of things.
true, im 24 now but when I was like 18 I thought I needed money and fame to get through in life. It might be true because it has worked for some people but Ive seen others lose their lives because they didn't find true happiness. This made me question what is our purpose, and unfortunately I cant give you a proper answer, only the wisdom I have gained in this 24 years on this earth and will continue to get
His problem is his lack to grow, I get the idea that they have to enjoy their young age. By his age, thinking sex ed as weird is immature, which in turn is childish.
One thing I really enjoyed about these kids is that they listened to each other and were immediately open to changing their minds and moving. That’s something that is really beautiful actually about not quite being an adult yet. That openness. You only experience that when you are constantly around other kids and learning minds. Adults are so stuck in their ways. So sure of themselves. I miss being a kid. Thinking I’m an adult lol.
High schoolers are kids. But we're told SO much to be so mature and prepare for our future and everythings SO stressful, how do we have room to be kids anymore? Childhood just ends at 9th grade. Nope. No more fun you gotta worry about alllll your future problems now you gotta BE PREPARED
Hun when you turn 20 you will understand that being 19 is still a teenager you’re still a kid, you’re barely a young adult and your mindset will change when you turn 20 (Coming from a 23yo)
The stress that an average term has is nothing compared to what happens when you actually become an adult though. The things you worry about at 16, 17, and 18 won’t matter when you’re 25. But the stuff you worry about at 25… you’re most likely still worried at 30, 40, etc
Everyone grows differently, i feel like Im still in high school even though I completed undergrad lol. Ive seen guys and girls our age who look like they are in their late 30's. I want to grow the way nature intended me to grow.
Please do a follow up episode in a few years when they’re adults, I know personally I thought I was grown at their age but now looking back I feel like I was a kid until I was like 20/21
Seeing these high schoolers changing their decision because of someone else perspective really shows they are kids. It’s not a bad thing, I love they are ready to change their mind and listen to others but sometimes you have to listen to yourself too like the yellow shirt kid. No offence to anyone
Yea I was the same too. I probably still am but I feel like the more independent you get the more secluded you become from other perspectives even if they are something you agree too. But who knows Im only 24 🤗
It’s genuinely wild to me that people were doing that in hs. I mean being 25 now just imagining me at 14-17 doing that just seems too young. But that’s just me and know others are different.
The biggest and most amazing thing I noticed was how fluid their decisions were in agree or disagree, and how they changed during the different conversions. I feel the older we get as humans, the more stuck in our ways we get. This group proved that younger generations are the worlds greatest teachers.
Next up: "Do All Millennials Think The Same?" I'm a millennial from Germany and would very much like to explore this topic. Thank you for the time you invest in making these videos.
Todays high schoolers have it easier in my opinion. There is more access to resources to help you to succeed, people are more accepting of people who are different, more freedom to go into any career path, it is a lot easier to become ‘famous’ with social media, and to climb your way up to earning more money without just having a rich family. As for the whole cyber bullying situation, sure that happens but all you’ve got to do to avoid it is switch off your phone, there is so much help available if this happening to you. Also let’s not forget that people in schools no longer get hit by a ruler or a slipper lol. I’m 20 for context so I didn’t get hit but my parents did
Surprisingly, I would be in the similar spectrum as the Ryder kid for a lot of the questions, but from completely different perspectives. First, every generation had their own struggles, and their struggles really depends on their socioeconomic background. It's not fair to compare generational struggles. Second, I personally don't feel ready to explore my sexuality not bc I think sex eds are ludicrous, but it's bc there are things I'd like to explore in the future but I'm not prepared for atm. There's always uncharted territory. However, I do feel very hopeful for the future, bc all those iPad kids will also grow up, develop their critical thinking and their personhood (just like how they thought of our generation would be hopeless a decade ago). I trust that there're always rooms for growth.
Just because those people make mature decisions or don’t act like a kid doesn’t mean that they are an adult. Mature or not as long as you’re 17 and younger, you are still a kid.
Something that I have noticed and found interesting is that the younger people in these episodes are more impulsive with their answers than older people. The younger generation always changes their answer half way through the question discussion, but the adults seems to think about the answer for a few seconds and then move to the line that they have chosen.. goes to show the difference in their mentalities at different age groups.
I also feel as if the reason for the sudden change in mindset relates to how impressionable teenagers are. I also think that younger people are less rooted in their opinions and are sometimes more tolerant/open to different views,but that of course varies on the individual
It was heartbreaking to hear them talking about the constant underlying fear of school shootings. Yes, young people need mental health support AND we need to limit their access to guns the same way we limit access to alcohol and marijuana
as a high schooler myself, not being able to consider yourself as a kid/young person is just part of the whole oppression system of families and adults pressuring us to become what they ambition us to be. we're kids, its sad most of us (and im talking from personal experience) had to mentally develop so early in life to live up to someone else's expectations
@@CozyBunni There is no biological tie to being an adult. They are 1) Biologically mature, not really (you mature into elder ages) 2) Biologically adult, not a thing 3) Socially adult, that's a more sound argument, if you want to make a case for that.
I loved seeing people move as they heard others opinions. i think it's important when talking about things like this that we give people freedom to change and grow as they think about it more, rather than trying to be black and white about it.
I agree that it is harder with cyber bullying. But when the girl in yellow mentioned that they do have it harder because of that, but then agrees with the "my social media presence is important to me" prompt... it doesn't go hand in hand in my opinion. You're essentially enabling it. I have to have sympathy though because they are "kids" in my eyes, and have a lot of learning and growing to do. I love when the boy in the yellow said he just wants to enjoy being a "kid". At 24 I wish I could be a kid again, but when I was in high school I was definitely in a rush to grow up too. I feel as if everyone else saw him as the most immature of the group, but I saw him as the most mature. In the sense of being stern of his own opinions even if it didn't match the others, especially in a "cancel culture" generation.
when i first joined college i really thought i was mature but looking back now...i honestly didnt know what i was saying. Highschoolers r kids and they r going to realize it 3-5 years later.
It’s funny and ironic that the kid that admitted to still being a kid seemed the most mature to me compared to the kid that thought he was mature for his age
what are some other stereotypes you have about high schoolers?
The cliques, like you see in movies, are not that serious
That they're immature/kids and don't understand the impact of what they're doing. We are very much conscious of our actions and if it hurts others, and most high schoolers who do hurt others use their age as an excuse when they don't deserve it
One thing I have noticed, in this video too, is how entitled, naïve and arrogant the current crop of kids are... they just expect everything to fall in their lap and aren't aware of how just easy they've got it...
Ryder seemed like the only kid with his head screwed on in reality 👏
@@TheNinjapancake14 in my high school cliques were definitely serious but I graduated in 2019 so I don’t know an it could depend on the high school you go to.
That half of them won’t even turn in a 1 page assignment that they had 2 weeks to do. Source: am a high schooler
I think that a older gen z and younger gen z would be a cool spectrum with similar questions.
Yes! I would love too see that
True, especially seeing from the perspective of an older gen z, with my Career ahead of me, already settled, in my 20s.
Most fascinating thin is just how different I put things in perspective from the younger gen z. It's like we're living in whole different universes tbh
pleaseee we need this! i'm an older gen z (2000) and there is definitely a difference between my half and the younger half. this would be so dope!
I'm 19 (2003) and idk whether I'm an older or younger gen z, I think I'm in the middle. Although I do relate a lot more to older gen z than younger gen Z
@@caitlingill I’d say you are one of the older ones. I’m 21 but we share our generation with 13 year olds who have a completely different experience than us growing up. So I just wonder how it felt like growing up, vs how older gen z think they grew up.
I think yellow shirt dude is not trying to age to fast and is actually so smart. He was so mature and self aware and I respect that so much. He knows that you shouldn't be forced to be an adult when you are NOT one.
Yes yes yes
He laughed when they mentioned Andrew Tate hes a top G fan. He is going places love the kid. So smart I agree. The other kids should look up to him.
I actually thought he seemed a bit selfish and argumentative. Maybe he just rubbed me the wrong because he reminds me of someone I knew.
He said sex education was funny and y’all are calling him mature
@@ej421 I don't think he thinks they're shouldn't be a way we are thought about sex, but that sex Ed in school is not productive. Which is subjective but I think most people would agree there could be a better system
Being “mature for your age” still means you’re young.
Maybe a boring or traumatized youth?
Yeah, to be honest, when you stop wanting to be treated as an adult and finally appreciate your youth is how you know you are an adult.
how so?
@TheNinjapancake14 I raised 3 of my siblings. And also did household work since I was 10 . And graduated high school. I'm 100% percent sure that I'm mature for my age.
“I’m mature for my age” is the epitome of child mentality.
I feel like how often they were unable to make up their mind and keep switching spots is also a child mentality
@@Aaron-kj8dv Confusion and exploration is normal at any age.
ikr 😭😭😭 im literally his age and cringed so hard at that lmao
Experiences count more than age imo
@@Aaron-kj8dv Its more that they interpreted the question differently and that they didnt think of certain aspects of it, like when one of em mentions something, they think "oh yeaa, i forgot about that, taking that into consideration, i disagree more"
That first teen mentioned 'always being mature for his age'.
I grew up the same way and was always told I was mature for my age. But that doesn't equate to 'adulthood'. The older I get, the more I realize how little I knew, even though I was a 'smart child'. There is no alternative to sheer life experience.
Even a teenager who is 'mature for their age' is still a child in many ways. There's 20 year olds who are still children in many ways.
Sorry kids, but you are in fact.. kids. Lol
I was the exact same. I was cringing for the poor guy. The teachers tell you what you want to hear to motivate you. I was never actually mature, no drivers licence, no job. It takes a little more time, especially for guys.
I was mature for my age not because I wanted to be, but I had to be. I didn't want to have to think about adult stuff because I wanted to enjoy my childhood, and not have to be rushed into adulthood. I understand how teens want their autonomy and respect, which they deserve, but they are still very much kids, and shouldn't have to feel like they're adults because they've been forced to grow up too soon.
Omg yes yes yes yes, it really is sad how I was called “mature” yet knew absolute nothing in life
I can agree with you and I feel like now that I am older I wish I was still called a kid and in reality just because someone is 18 they are still basically a kid. Just because one is a 'legal' adult doesn't mean you change overnight it takes time.
I understand why they don’t want to be called kids. They are young people who are still responsible for certain things, but are learning how to be an adult.
Edit: Yes, at the end of the day, they are not adults. They are kids. Just want to clarify lol
But that doesn't make them less of a kid.
I was mostly just thinking about "kids" as far as if you're under 18.
But I truly don't believe anyone is capable of having an adult mindset, if you're younger than 18. And I'm 19, I'm still not an adult mentally. Legally, obviously. Being mentally an adult, will likely happen around your twenties, perhaps even thirties. According to science.
In this case I prefer to call them "teens", 'cause of all the significant differences of that bridge between childhood and adulthood that is adolescence.
They are kids cuz soon as 16 dates older guy he dating a child you are child until 18-19 imo
they are kids, undeniably. its hard to see it at their age, but they still are. there’s nothing wrong with it though, and it shouldn’t be used to invalidate their thoughts and feelings bc they are very valid and insightful.
100% agree now that i'm older i can clearly see it but back them i would've never considered myself a kid
yeah 17 kid 18 adult 🤡
I think it depends. They are and they aren't. We don't know this kid, but some get kicked out at 16. Some are told to 'get a job'. and some do get jobs. some 17 year olds act the same as some 21 year olds.
well said
One thing I will say about things high schoolers have harder nowadays is the documentation on social media. If I was getting bullied at school in the 90s and early 2000s, my bullies didn't have anyway to contact me at home and they didn't know where I lived. A kid bullied today, not only gets bullied at school but they can get blasted on social media and people can record and post the person in compromising situations through like deep fakes and stuff. SO glad, I wasn't forced to associated with bad people in my school outside of school.
Something that a child's mind cannot handle.
They can just not have social media also. Just bc its there doesn't mean u must have it. I understand ur post and ppl are just complete assholes online but u dnt have to give them that privilege to access u in tht way
@@blonday90 This. Bullying online isn't as bad as in person. You can turn off the "online".
Before the internet, bullying was in person, but also much more physical. Bullies would beat kids, something less common now.
On the other hand, by posting that stuff online, they're giving you actual proof to use against them and prove they're bullying you. In person, not so much.
I think there's a big difference between being a kid who has to make adult decisions, and actually being an adult. What high schooler is ready to take out a 50,000 dollar loan?? Choose their future path?? Its crazy how many adult decisions they push onto kids.
Yes its predatory.
Yes!! We’re still kids and it’s okay
oh it’s often more than 50k
im 14 and i work 2 jobes other than going to school so i can pay my parents debt so yes some teens actually live as adults w adults responsability
this is why we don't like to be called kids lol. i know i'm not an adult, but when you are having to make decisions like that it doesn't seem fair to still be called a child.
I love how they moved so many times because it illustrates that their opinions aren't fixed and it can change after talking it through. It's rare in adults
i’m 14 and always thought that meant i was indecisive and couldn’t make my own decisions
Have you seen other Jubilee videos lol? People also moved a lot sometimes.
@@eleniusxx not as much.
Because adults usually have the more years to think in their ideals than teens, like a 50 yo would have a stronger position in their political ideals than a 16 yo who doesn't even know who their politicians are lol
@@eleniusxx not as much as these kids. probably once or twice in a video
i’m a high schooler and I love being a kid , I don’t understand why they don’t view themselves the same way
Enjoy while you can kiddo.
because at a certain age you're judged for not behaving mature and to avoid that judgement and being treated like nothing you say matters people try their best to seem grown
@@PrInzzx. being a child is not defined by maturity and maturity is not linear. there will be moments when people can act more immature and more mature
@dancemomsworld9930 in what world do they look like theyre in their 20s lmaooo
@DanceMomsWorld alright don’t stretch it
Given the fact that high school students' brains are still developing, they shouldnt be considered adults. They still need guidance and nurturing. But nowadays, i do not know why high schoolers are fixated on acting like "adults" and missing opportunities to enjoy themselves before they take on all adult responsibilities.
When does someone become an adult then since your brain hasn't finished developing until you are 25. So you would agree then to increase the voting, drinking and drafting age to 25?
@@BonShula I would. If new studies show that development is on going until 25 we should increase the age limits on those kinds of things and increase the care and nurturing of people 25 and under
because at a certain age you're judged for not behaving mature and to avoid that judgement and being treated like nothing you say matters people try their best to seem grown.
we aren’t really kids tho. we’re teenagers
@@andria4087 In the eyes of the law you’re still a kid.
Highschoolers are kids... Maturity has nothing to do with it
I remember thinking 18 was a adult it isn't especially seeing 18 19 year olds working with adults.
If it's not about maturity then adults shouldn't weaponize age to say that we're too young to understand
Yeah and I think that once these kids get into their 20s they’ll disagree with what they’re saying here. They might be forced to grow up quickly, but they’ve still not fully matured and are still very much kids
Well they never said legally they were adults, they were saying mentally. There are many teens that have to take over the role of a parent in their family. That isn't mentally a kid anymore, legally yes they are kids.
@@AliceMcDonagh The question wasn't if they're fully matured. I disagree that they're "kids". They're teens, some have to take on very mature roles in their lives like being their own parent or even parenting their siblings.
I’m 22 and would still find it hard to call myself an adult, and I’ve always considered myself mature for my age. I’ve lived on my own since 18, went to school, work a full-time corporate job, I still feel like a baby tho. I wish we all weren’t in such a rush to grow up.
i agrée because the way society rushes people, it makes it seem like life ends at 40
@@LindaQueLeenda it’s reassuring to hear that 😂 !!
@@ayomikunbalogun2954 Exactly!
No one is a fully grown adult.
We are all on an individual journey, and exploring, learning, and evolving are part of it.
I just enjoy this lifetime.
Ummm you are a full fledged adult at 22, how can you call yourself anything else? Maybe Americans grow up slower?
22 y/o here and same, I still feel like such a kid. I feel like I'm pretending to be an adult but don't mind cos I'm trying to enjoy my youth while I can
Being an adult and being mature are not synonymous. There are many adults who are very immature and make poor and unsound decisions. Based on the comments I feel like ppl strongly favor either the biological, social, or legal definition of what it means to be an adult. Perhaps a discussion is needed on what it means to be and feel like an adult.
This comment should have so many more likes. Yes. 1000%.
Thank you sm! I was writing in other comments how much environmental pressures shape what is perceived as "adult." Since less than a hundred years ago, actual children took on "adult" responsibilities of working in factories, etc.
I don't even think the term adult and kid mean much because of what you said. I also believe "kid" often is conflated with making mistakes, confusion, lack of perspective, lack of responsibilities, etc, and I don't believe it should be automatically deemed on individuals just because they fall under a certain age bracket.
All of these traits can be found at any age.
Maturity and where you are mentally, spiritually, emotionally physically, and intellectually in life is such a case-by-case situation.
We are all individuals, this extends to teens and children, and are on different journeys.
Older millennial here! I’m sitting here on the verge of tears. Please, enjoy your youth. Don’t let these years slip away. Keep your held held high, respect others and practise empathy. But most importantly, have fun, make mistakes, love yourself and love others, and learn to forgive yourself. You’re the future.
yep, you’re only a child for 18 years and that’s it
...and don't open up to anyone 😉
im trying but school is destroying me, i dont even know how to enjoy my youth anymore
As an older “older millennial” myself, I’d say to take everything you said with a grain of salt.
It’s a really nice speech, but it sounds very generic, lol, not entirely realistic.
☠️☠️☠️☠️ you are a loser!!!!
When I was 18 and in a job with people in their 20's and it kinda hits you in the face that you are still a kid lol. It wasn't much of a problem tho cause I already had the mindset that I wasn't an adult
At 18 and 19 you’re still a teenager. That’s ok. When you get into your 20s you realize how young you were at that age
@@ariana_208 18 and 19 is an adult, not a teen lmao
i wish i could see a video of them reacting to this in 10 years. im 26 now and feel more like a kid than ever sometimes.
wtf? Yall are weirdddd
@@screamskilos3951 The smarter you get the more you realise you don’t know, same goes with maturity, it’s nothing weird
@@FraserAsides Fr I'm 19 and like you said the more I'm learning and seeing in this world the more I'm like damn I know little to nothing I gotta keep learning and growing!!
that would be so cool if they did that
I spent the whole video impressed with Ryder - his perspective, his articulation, and especially his confidence in asserting his opinions even when they ran counter to his peers. Then at 12:23 he revealed that he’s not on any social media, and it all made so much sense. I’m re-thinking my own social media usage after seeing this.
I agree, he seems very confident and comfortable within himself at such a young age. He's just doing his thing and doesn't seem to care much about other people's opinions.
Quitting social media has got to be one of the best things I did for myself in terms of mental health, personal control, and intellectual autonomy.
@Mini self awareness doesn't determine those two except self-confidence.
🥴 that’s a reach. He’s confident but that does equate to intelligence and self-awareness.
I don’t want to discredit Ryder, but y’all are overreacting.
Huge respect for that kid who thinks different than a herd and isn’t afraid to show it
I liked that they all changed their minds its shows they're open to new ideas and not set on them
Just cause you are mature doesn't make you no longer a kid. Also the girl was spot on who said these days it's much easier. Also Wikihow is where ppl are getting info?
OMFG this?! People need to realize this more! 🙌🏽
could interpret it multiple ways
@@lickmyloafbruh that’s just a straight up lie.
@QuandaleDingle most aren't, some choose to, also working a part time job doesn't make you an adult, just two years ago I was in high school and I started working at the time so I had some spending money
@@joeymckinney That’s the problem with Gen Z, girls are dykes now and boys aren’t masculine anymore. Also pretty much of all teen girls are sloots now.
I'm 24 and even I consider myself a kid sometimes. Nope, you are all kids, no matter if you're mature or not.
I was going to comment the same thing. I’m 24, almost finished with my masters degree, and I know I’m still a kid overall. I do not feel like a fully grown adult yet. And I’m an intern therapist with clients with two other jobs on top of that and still feel this way. Saying you are not a kid while I’m high school is a sign of immaturity in my opinion. It shows how little you realize you have yet to learn and experience and accomplish.
Note: I will say that there are some people under 18 who are far more adult than kid due to horrible circumstances they should not be put in but that is the only time I would say someone that age is pretty much an adult even though they shouldn’t have to be.
I'll be 40 in June. I'm still waiting to feel like I thought I would as an adult! Teenagers are babies. They are absolutely kids. That's not to say that teens aren't forced to make adult decisions. They are, and it's such a detriment to them because THEY ARE KIDS, and they are expected to make long-term adult decisions.
But still you are not consider as kid if you are allowed to vote, drive, go to pub and buy alcohol and paying taxes. You are basically treated as an adult. If you break the law you would charged as adult.
Yellow shirt is a walking W, smart, moral, disciplined, mature, and way more reasonable than anybody else there
100% agree the only realistic one there
Bro was straight up the opposite of what you mentioned. You’re one of his friends are you lol
This should be high schoolers *in America* , I feel like the realities of teenage-hood varies depending on what part of the world you live. In some places, teenagers already have very serious responsibilities. There's a lot kids go through and it would be interesting to see this conversation in different parts of the world
From my experience, US high schoolers have more responsibilities than Europeans, at least in Germany. Working a real job while being in high school is mostly unheard of imo.
@@peanutjam I am from Romania and I must say that their experiences are waaaay different than mine’s and my peer’s
It is highschoolers in America
Highschool in Zambia is wayyy different
I mean Jubilee is based in the US, so it kind of implies that it’s high schoolers in America. I do agree thought that the teenage experience differs incredibly from each country and especially within different socioeconomic backgrounds.
honestly, when i was a high schooler, i definitely did not think of myself as a kid. now that i’m 21, it’s been only a few years but i’ve grown and matured so much and i know that i still have so much yet to learn & understand
I am 21 and Gen Z. I consider these zoomers at a completely different life stage than me. After 18, the amount you mature every year is astounding. With that being said, I understood everyone's perspectives. If I have children, I will monitor their phones and social media because I am not going to have my children make bad decisions because everyone else is doing it or they are influenced by some trends online. Absolutely ridculous.
I’m also 21 and I feel like these younger gen Z kids are having a completely different experience then us. Things change so fast these days.
Yeah, I remember being 20 and still sooo immature. I had so much to learn. I'm 24 now and I'm probably going to say the same things in a few years about me now. You always think you're mature, but you're not actually.
@@user-yh5cv1vu9m I don't think I'm mature but I am much more mature than I was at 18. Mature relatively not absolutely.
you are a zillennial not gen z
The guy in the yellow had some great views. It’s okay to be a kid, and I wish I knew that bc I spent my teen years moving out, working more than legally allowed, exploring sex with people and creating soul ties that make me feel icky today. The things that I felt were normal being so new to the world showed a different light as I grow, am able to see all sides, and gain new experiences in life.
Take time to learn and retain information, and then act with your knowledge as you grow 💗 But definitely easier said than done, it’s all apart of the process is all.
I agree that there is always a way to learn more about oneself and the world. This was also wonderfully worded
He's the only smart one there
@@1298blaster Not really.
@@Sephora_Sade why are u on all comments complimenting ryder lol?
@@1298blaster Nah they're all smart
ryder is my hero, i used to feel exactly like that when i was his age, and overall i admire how expressive and open he is about his opinions even if they differ from the rest
there's nothing wrong with enjoying innocence and youth !! the world can be very mean, so enjoy it the most you can !
Though enjoying youth is great, for him, it’s going to stagger his growth. You can already see it here in how he thinks sex as “icky” and weird. Showing his lack of growth in learning to grow.
Kid in yellow said nothing but facts Round 1, he has more of an adult perspective than any of the other kids
Teens aren't kids.
this video was specifically a teenage perspective. i don’t know what you expect from a group of teenagers who aren’t even fully developed
@@CozyBunni teens are children lol
@@elmo996 so you are telling me 19 is a teen? bahhaha
His name is Ryder.
A small detail i feel like not many have noticed or talked about, was the amount of people switching sides after hearing others opinions/statments. Its as if some people are so easily influenced nowadays, but also how most of us are open to hearing others too.
High schoolers haven't solidified their opinions yet
@@bubbyjon Yeah! That's exactly why I was surprised I hadn't seen anyone commenting about this, especially since its smth I see being spoken about in real life conversations!
i think alot of the people in the comments are misinterpreting the response to "are high schoolers kids?". yes, they are not adults but I think the disagreement to being called "kids" comes from the disregard that comes with it. When you're 17-18, you uproot your whole life and you mature dynamically but you're still entertained as if you're indifferent and don't know what you''re doing. taylor swift said it best- "when you are young, they assume you know nothing"
You’re still a kid. You’re just not a child.
I still as a 22yo think of 15 yos as kids but
@@ariana_208 You're not alone, but with how society has changed, being a "kid" goes on a lot longer now. As an older millennial, I can tell you I feel like there are still a LOT of 25 year olds who are still "kids". Not to say they all are, but there are still many who just haven't grown out of that mindset.
@@ariana_208 Really? Since I'm not from America, this kind of puzzles me. People at what age do you consider to be teenagers then? Unless, of course, you don't like using this term, but even we're in Germany use the word teenager all the time. I guess it heavily depends on the person.
@@officialnoonon 13-17 is a teenager
@@minerpvpgaming2160 18-19 is technically still a teenager, your just considered an "adult" by law
This is the best Spectrum video to come out in a long time. They’re all so respectful and really listen to each other, like genuinely listen, and it fuels me with hope for the future.
Have to be honest I’m kind of worried about how petrified of social media they are. I remember being in highschool hearing the endless speeches, essentially bordering on fear mongering. Surely there must be some space for educated self regulation rather than deferring to parents for everything in the social media space. People need room to learn and grow.
Self regulation with addictive drugs as well
I think it must have something to do with the general sense of children needing to be protected by their parents 24/7, rather than founding their own path and making their own mistakes. I see that especially with people from the US, this attitude that's almost puritanical.
I don't think people who have social media are that petrified of social media
I am 35 yo (gen y), small 4 month baby, and actually what scares me the most on social media is dopamine unbalance to young people. If SM addict adults the way it does, the damage on young people is inevitably worse. Safety on SM can be taught though.
@@EngLhag Dw, E-safety is taught in schools
I'm 24 and I feel like I'm only ready to pick a major and start university now. It's crazy to me that we're expected to determine our life path at that age.
I was an honour student and I knew what I was expected to go into, but the pressure to step into adulthood and decide my whole future just as I turned 18 was so intense I literally ran away from my hometown to get away from making that decision 😅
Now I feel like I'm behind, but I also wonder if it will have made me happier with what I choose to do with my life in the long run
Congrats to you! I wish I waited before entering college. I was also an honors students and felt burned out at 17, but kept pushing because of the expectations on me until I dropped out.
Now I’m 24 finishing up what I started with more clarity ✨
Story of my life. You got this kyra
You’re not behind and the decision you made was the best one. I’m 25 and I plan to go back to school because the major I chose, isn’t what I thought it was going to be when I first chose it. I also don’t even feel that behind going back to school, because a lot of my friends are either doing it too or still figuring out what career they want that has nothing to do with their major.
That's totally fine. I'm 23 this Yr and have failed my Als(sorta like a uni entrance exam) 3 times and finally made it. Yes there are kids who do degrees at 17-18 but honestly it doesn't matter as much. Take ur time.
At age 22, after being in community college part time since 2016, I have finally decided with clarity what I wanted to do for my career! Now, at age 23, I have cemented my path by researching what it takes, applied for universities, and am on track to fulfilling my passions. I want to be a sex therapist btw. When I started school at age 16, I wanted to be a comic book artist! It’s great that you took your time. Knowing what you want as a more grown adult is more certain.
Some of them talked about how there are kids, and then adults, and how they feel like kids but have to make decisions and have some responsabilities already.
Guys, there is why the word Teenager exists. It's about this transitional period. Highschoolers are teenagers, not a child anymore, but not an adult yet.
You have the best comment, this is it^
Middle schoolers also arent kids, also 18-19 are technically teens but are adults so I don't see your point. the term teenager is also made it up, it has no purpose
@@CozyBunni 18-19 is not an adult... 20 isn't either.
Literally I’m like..what happened to the word TEENAGER?
@@Sephora_Sade A teenager is still a type of kid, just a more specific age range
If you are under 18 and saying you aren’t a kid, you aren’t mature. Maturity is realizing how much you still have to learn and accomplish and grow before becoming and feeling like an adult. I am 24 and I am still not fully an adult yet. I am almost finished with my second college degree and work 40+ hours a week between an internship and two jobs, but I am not fully an adult on a mental level. Scientifically, experientially, or socially.
The only people who are “adults” under 18 are people who are put in horrific circumstances that force them to grow up. And those type of people wish they could be kids. So trust me and enjoy it while you can if you are privileged enough to do so.
agreed tf I don't want to grow up! I´M ALLWAYS envying kids better the age of 0-12 bc I miss those days, I´m now 16 soon turning 17 and I HATE IT! like I don't want my last year of being a kid called for being an adult!
@@someone3444 that is totally valid and understandable, i also felt that way. do know though that as you grow older, you start to appreciate certain things more. after 18 life does start flying by, but you learn so much and experience so much it’s insane.
i did not think i’d make it to 18- now i’ll be 25 in 2 years, and i’m so happy i stuck around. i’m not saying you’re anything like me lol, but the moral of the story is that it’s totally normal to feel what you’re feeling. when you’re ready though, getting older will start to feel like the best thing ever, even if it still is a little scary at times :’) ❤
You’re 24 and not an adult ? At that point you’re in denial that you’re in adulthood.
Exactly. There is always more to know, there is always more room for growth.
The fact that so many of them agree that it’s harder to be a teen now then when kids were getting shipped off to war and stuff is alarming. There are a lot of aspects that really do make it hard to be you a teenager now however there are also so so many positives like the first girl said… Mental health is acknowledged… There are support groups for everything… You are going into a world where you have so many more rights. I understand that being a teenager is hard no matter what in the Internet can make it harder but to not be able to acknowledge how much easier it is than it used to be is just tone deaf
If you look at the decades since the 70s it's not surprising that teens aren't optimistic. In almost every country has the wealth care gotten worse and the budget has been decreased. As the same time as living prices are higher and minimum wage is the same. No wonder it's effecting teenagers as well. Obviously we aren't fighting in a war and in other things have improved, but for most working class teenagers life is not easier.
The actual content you are expected to learn is much harder. Honestly I think all generation high school experiences are going to be overexaggerated as much more difficult.
Had to just roll my eyes when they wanted to say they have it harder. Kids have never been more coddled than they have this generation. And as you said, kids their age used to go to war! They need to talk to their grandparents because their perspectives are warped if they think navigating twitter compares to hardships of older generations
It depends where you live as well. In the Uk most of our high schools are running out of funding and so this disproportionately impacts working class children and will make it harder for them to achieve later in life if the government don’t intervene. Plus cost of living crisis means many are struggling to get fed as their parents can’t afford it
@@Ray03595 so 15 yr olds went to war?
Ryder is literally every kid in the millennial era and i can connect with him lol he was raised differently from all them other kids for sure lol
Agreed, he seems wholesome.
Us millennials learned the hard way about being optimistic about the future 😂
@@Ray03595 💯
I'm Gen Z and I feel the same
As a senior this year going to college in the fall I can identify with the struggles this group is going through. Like the yellow shirt guy I feel like a kid stuck in an adult body it’s rough. I feel unready to become an adult like there is so much to learn but time keeps on moving dragging me along with it. I wish I knew how to be an adult because where I am at now I still feel like a freshman. I’ve seen my growth in maturity but I still feel like I am missing something to truly become what I am supposed to or want to be.
not them changing sides on them feeling like adults like I’m 19 and still feel like a child, it’s just the mentality on how you’re supposed to act for your age where the internet plays a huge role on harsh exposure to things
just because you feel like a kid doesn’t mean you are a kid
@@Ashley-km4qi true
I work with high schoolers particularly 10th -12th graders. They're still kids even if they're 18 and a senior because they're not living in their own house with their own responsibilities yet. Most of them are not ready for the world but there is probably 10% of kids that are legit living in the world (taking care of parents, living with other people/students, etc). Paying for your own cellphone and car insurance and working a part-time job while still living at home for free isn't a full reflection of "adult" life. I remember when I was 17, I was extremely mature and independent but I also enjoyed having family to ask about how to navigate certain adult situations. When you're an "adult", you're on your own.
The quality of being a kid or an adult is strictly a matter of age. When a person reaches legal age, they are an adult and there is no interpretation.
We need more kids like Ryder nowadays. You can tell he was raised nicely to be this well spoken.
I agree
🥴 that’s a reach. He’s confident but that does equate to intelligence and self-awareness. This 18 minute video not a manifestation of how he was raised tf
@@user-kx6fw8ub9g fr 😂
@@user-kx6fw8ub9g you under every comment hating on him 😂 you a weirdo
@@user-kx6fw8ub9g Yes it does, Confidence does equate to self awareness
Notice how often they change lines: I have hope for this generation because they are so open to ideas other than their own
I kind of had the opposite thought. That maybe it's a matter of being too easily influenced, like for approval. But it totally could just be open-mindedness.
@@OtherDudeI saw that they were comfortable being possibly wrong in their opinions. Compared to the supposed "adults" in other spectrum videos, these teens are pretty openminded and mature
As a high schooler, I do get why they don't think they are kids, yet at the same time we are still learning the process of being an adult. When I look back at my middle school days, I didn't think I was a kid. Now that I am older, I realize how young I was. Though it is very different for others. Some are more mature and deal with other responsibilities while others are the complete opposite. However, when I see my class, I don't see them as adults; just teens adapting to adulthood.
The older generation definitely had it harder; some ways and through some extents. In this day, we have so much resources, we don't even need textbooks. But, I think the college process is a lot more harder than back then. In this generation we can look the answers up. The issue with that is teachers nowadays barely even teach. They just make you watch videos and expect you to know, so it makes it harder for us to learn. It depends.
For me, I don't care for social media. Everyone is so consumed by it, I fear it'll become even worse than it is today. Even children who aren't even in preschool have the newest iPhone .. pretty concerning to me. When I was their age, I was outside riding bikes and playing with my neighbors. Times have changes drastically. So many teens and kids in middle school make their life depend on social media; they have to dress and speak a certain way - it's like no one has a different personality; everyone is the same. I deleted all my social media because of how toxic it was - especially now. It's like you have to live and be like what you see online in order for others to be attractive to you. I feel so much better without social media.
Biologically speaking, they are adults, it doesn't matter if they mentally aren't adults, but they still are in fact adults
Ryder is such a chill guy. Wish I had a friend like him.
He looks like such an e-boy can't believe he doesn't have tiktok or social media
High school is overrated and overhated.
I had a great experience so I guess it depends on the school because some schools are very lame.
These high schoolers are very well-spoken
I definitely had my mind blown when they stated they had anxiety talking to people after some year of online schooling
Im astonished by how far people can grown even after such set backs
when they were talking about how safe they feel at school my jaw just kept dropping and dropping. that is seriously so concerning as someone who lives in new zealand we NEVER have these issues. i can’t even imagine going to school and wondering if that would be my last day alive, that’s really really sad :(
idk i think it’s just them, i never had that worry
It's only an American thing when children don't feel safe in the schools.
your country literally had one of the most devastating mass shootings in recent history.
@@GloriaExelcisDeowhat country are you talking abt
@@overlov8460 new zealand
I was also a kid who had to grow up too quickly. By 17, I was out of the house and paying bills with no contact from either parent. I also felt like I wasn't a kid at that age. But now, looking back, I feel sad for myself. I was just a kid. I was just a child, and I couldn't act like one. That doesn't mean you're not still a kid at that age.
Ryder impressed me with the first couple of sentences. It's ironic that the most mature and level-headed individual of the group was okay with being called a kid.
Biologically speaking, they are adults, it doesn't matter if they mentally aren't adults, but they still are in fact adults
This was a very nice discussion. Particularly regarding social medias and their impact on younger students. Many parents try to do their best to avoid a social media dependency of their kids but frequently the latter succumb to peer pressure. I started using social medias after when I was 13 and there was a time when I felt the need to post just because others were doing it. I think I should thank my introverted personality and my art passion for stopping me from posting too much about myself and instead spend more time drawing on my own.
I get why they don’t want to consider themselves as kids but I’m 25, myself and most of my peers/friends still see ourselves as kids lol. I agree with Ryder, I want to be/feel young for as long as I can because being an adult is not this amazing thing that kids think it is but they’ll figure that out soon enough
yea Im 24, its not easy but that is the way the world works now. I think its about enhancing our capabilities as we grow and being prepared. And also helping others as well.
I just started my college years and watching this video made me realize how little high schoolers really know. Like I completely believe that if I was still in high school I’d agree with a lot of the points made here but now being in college I can’t fully agree. I understand where the students are coming from but being almost a year into college has changed my perspective on the world SO MUCH! There are so many ways that you learn and mature from finally being an adult that make you realize how little you really knew back then. However, I don’t hold this against the high schoolers as you can never understand all of this until you’ve actually experienced it yourself. I’m sure these kids will have at least slightly different answers to these questions once they graduate!
I’m 29 and still feel like a kid but looking back at high school I really was such a kid I didn’t know anything no matter how mature I felt.
Grow up 😶🌫️
Bless their little hearts. They all seem like nice intelligent kids but they are definitely just that, KIDS…thankfully the boy in the yellow shirt knows this and embraces it. Wishing them all the best❤️
I really liked Ryder's response to the first question. Well said!
He's the only smart one there
i absolutely love eliah's energy
For the first prompt. High schoolers are definitely “kids”. Once you grow up to be 24 25 26 etc you realize how young high schoolers are. The fact they have to make adult decision at that age is sad but it doesn’t change the fact they are “kids”.
Highschoolers do make adult decision, like deciding their future career and college
Their generation is VERY open-minded and I’m so grateful for that.
Only because of the internet and Social Media
Yes, definitely. This generation does give me hope in many ways.
Same it's so awe-inspiring
So open-minded that their brains are falling off.
@@arwae.7812 Ma'am don't you have a mortgage to pay or something? 😭
i like the yellow t-shirt guy gave chill answers and was actually mature rather than a kid
High school is so stressful. We are treated like kids, but are suppose to act like adults. We have no free time. Never wish to grow up
Just wait for college lol
@@gregggreg4763 exactly. college is a whole different league
Yeah that's a part of life everyone goes through, you'll make it
@@callhard Not everyone can afford college or plan on going
Tell me your screentime before we talk about no freetime
A lot of them perceive being a kid as not being respected at a baseline so that’s probably one of the factors as to some of their choices
I’d love to see a follow up video of this group in a few years to answer these questions again at an older age.
Psychologically (from studies I've read and classes I've taken), you don't realize you're no longer a teenager/ kid until you're like 26. It makes sense because I'm 25 now, and it didn't hit me until I was 24 that I was "grown." Aside, Alaiyah and Mya are some brilliant young women!
29 and lowkey still feel like a college student with more perspective.
17 and i feel like ive seen what my crime ridden state has too offer ive been out of the country and numerous states im just focused on my future while everyones partying ill be grinding
Like Ryder, I'm 17, but it was his self-awareness that we are not legally adults yet, but more than that not really in ANY WAY adults. Yes, teenagers may experiment with different adult/ mature topics, but the way we handle it lacks such foresight majority of the time. I myself have lost to the mentality of "I'm so mature for my age," and honestly, seeing him talk about this stuff gave me a major reality check as to where I am in life, and how the all-or-nothing things I worried about all the time a year ago, doesn't mean jacksh*t in the grand scheme of things.
true, im 24 now but when I was like 18 I thought I needed money and fame to get through in life. It might be true because it has worked for some people but Ive seen others lose their lives because they didn't find true happiness. This made me question what is our purpose, and unfortunately I cant give you a proper answer, only the wisdom I have gained in this 24 years on this earth and will continue to get
His problem is his lack to grow, I get the idea that they have to enjoy their young age. By his age, thinking sex ed as weird is immature, which in turn is childish.
As a high school teacher, this was fascinating! The boy in the yellow shirt hit the nail on the head on the 2nd question.
"I don't know what that means"- was the most innocent thing I heard.
Yellow shirt guy was the most based! Congratulations 🎊
what does based mean?
@@Random-sk6hm most sound, rational, logic.
@@georgapaul1452 Thanks bro
One thing I really enjoyed about these kids is that they listened to each other and were immediately open to changing their minds and moving. That’s something that is really beautiful actually about not quite being an adult yet. That openness. You only experience that when you are constantly around other kids and learning minds. Adults are so stuck in their ways. So sure of themselves. I miss being a kid. Thinking I’m an adult lol.
“I’m very mature for my age” is something a very immature person would say
High schoolers are kids. But we're told SO much to be so mature and prepare for our future and everythings SO stressful, how do we have room to be kids anymore? Childhood just ends at 9th grade. Nope. No more fun you gotta worry about alllll your future problems now you gotta BE PREPARED
Hun when you turn 20 you will understand that being 19 is still a teenager you’re still a kid, you’re barely a young adult and your mindset will change when you turn 20
(Coming from a 23yo)
The stress that an average term has is nothing compared to what happens when you actually become an adult though. The things you worry about at 16, 17, and 18 won’t matter when you’re 25. But the stuff you worry about at 25… you’re most likely still worried at 30, 40, etc
Biologically speaking, they are adults, it doesn't matter if they mentally aren't adults, but they still are in fact adults
@@ariana_208 im sure he gets that hes a kid lol.
High schoolers are still kids. I’m 24 and I still feel like a kid. Adulthood will come with time.
Same and I'm 27
Everyone grows differently, i feel like Im still in high school even though I completed undergrad lol. Ive seen guys and girls our age who look like they are in their late 30's. I want to grow the way nature intended me to grow.
I’m 21 and I still feel like a kid, though I feel like Ive grown up to be mature since a young age. That me is still inside me
Can we get a Do all Divorcees or all Widows/Widowers Think the same...?
Please do a follow up episode in a few years when they’re adults, I know personally I thought I was grown at their age but now looking back I feel like I was a kid until I was like 20/21
Seeing these high schoolers changing their decision because of someone else perspective really shows they are kids.
It’s not a bad thing, I love they are ready to change their mind and listen to others but sometimes you have to listen to yourself too like the yellow shirt kid.
No offence to anyone
Yea I was the same too. I probably still am but I feel like the more independent you get the more secluded you become from other perspectives even if they are something you agree too. But who knows Im only 24 🤗
Exploring your sexuality in high school also means being ready to deal with the emotional, physical and financial consequences of it in high school.
What do you mean by consequences
It’s genuinely wild to me that people were doing that in hs. I mean being 25 now just imagining me at 14-17 doing that just seems too young. But that’s just me and know others are different.
@@potatomagnet7070Pregnancy and or STDS
@@hibiscus3356 Those, and the emotional turmoils due to underdeveloped bonds.
@@DiogoChris Ahh.. I'm a virgin lol so I didn't know
I would love to watch them react to this video 5 years from now. See if they agree with their teen self.
The biggest and most amazing thing I noticed was how fluid their decisions were in agree or disagree, and how they changed during the different conversions. I feel the older we get as humans, the more stuck in our ways we get. This group proved that younger generations are the worlds greatest teachers.
Yellow shirt was spitting facts all day 🗣️
Next up: "Do All Millennials Think The Same?" I'm a millennial from Germany and would very much like to explore this topic. Thank you for the time you invest in making these videos.
NO! Millennials do not deserve representation
Ryder has a great head on his shoulders. Bravo to his parents!
Mya completely cutting off alaiyah 13:48 after she already had a full turn to talk really bothered me
Fr she said “I’m so sorry” then just kept going😭😭girl was not sorry
The comment I was looking for!
Todays high schoolers have it easier in my opinion. There is more access to resources to help you to succeed, people are more accepting of people who are different, more freedom to go into any career path, it is a lot easier to become ‘famous’ with social media, and to climb your way up to earning more money without just having a rich family. As for the whole cyber bullying situation, sure that happens but all you’ve got to do to avoid it is switch off your phone, there is so much help available if this happening to you. Also let’s not forget that people in schools no longer get hit by a ruler or a slipper lol. I’m 20 for context so I didn’t get hit but my parents did
Agreed, to half of it.
“Yea I consider us adults..” but next prompt “wait..what does sexuality mean..”
i agree with the social media thing, really need parental controls on stuff even if it's lame it's nessesary for kids and teens.
Yellow shirt is the main character
Surprisingly, I would be in the similar spectrum as the Ryder kid for a lot of the questions, but from completely different perspectives. First, every generation had their own struggles, and their struggles really depends on their socioeconomic background. It's not fair to compare generational struggles. Second, I personally don't feel ready to explore my sexuality not bc I think sex eds are ludicrous, but it's bc there are things I'd like to explore in the future but I'm not prepared for atm. There's always uncharted territory. However, I do feel very hopeful for the future, bc all those iPad kids will also grow up, develop their critical thinking and their personhood (just like how they thought of our generation would be hopeless a decade ago). I trust that there're always rooms for growth.
I think sex ed is to ensure safe sex
Just because those people make mature decisions or don’t act like a kid doesn’t mean that they are an adult. Mature or not as long as you’re 17 and younger, you are still a kid.
Something that I have noticed and found interesting is that the younger people in these episodes are more impulsive with their answers than older people. The younger generation always changes their answer half way through the question discussion, but the adults seems to think about the answer for a few seconds and then move to the line that they have chosen.. goes to show the difference in their mentalities at different age groups.
I also feel as if the reason for the sudden change in mindset relates to how impressionable teenagers are. I also think that younger people are less rooted in their opinions and are sometimes more tolerant/open to different views,but that of course varies on the individual
It was heartbreaking to hear them talking about the constant underlying fear of school shootings. Yes, young people need mental health support AND we need to limit their access to guns the same way we limit access to alcohol and marijuana
as a high schooler myself, not being able to consider yourself as a kid/young person is just part of the whole oppression system of families and adults pressuring us to become what they ambition us to be. we're kids, its sad most of us (and im talking from personal experience) had to mentally develop so early in life to live up to someone else's expectations
Biologically speaking, they are adults, it doesn't matter if they mentally aren't adults, but they still are in fact adults
@@CozyBunni There is no biological tie to being an adult. They are 1) Biologically mature, not really (you mature into elder ages) 2) Biologically adult, not a thing 3) Socially adult, that's a more sound argument, if you want to make a case for that.
i love how they all weren’t scared to change their minds 😢 learning and growing is so important!
They said they are adults in the beginning…. But then literally everything in the video proves they are not 😂
Exactly. They’re kids 😂
I work with seniors in high school. Most of them are very immature, but so am I haha, I laugh a lot at their silliness
Biologically speaking, they are adults, it doesn't matter if they mentally aren't adults, but they still are in fact adults
Sneako fan
Yellow shirt dude is so based and i love it
They are going to look back at this some day and be like "wow I was such a child in this video" 🤣
I loved seeing people move as they heard others opinions. i think it's important when talking about things like this that we give people freedom to change and grow as they think about it more, rather than trying to be black and white about it.
True, people should be given this freedom at all points of their life.
The fact that a lot of them wanted to move around proves that they are undecisive and still trying to figure out stuff
the teen in the yellow shirt is so wise 😭
I agree that it is harder with cyber bullying. But when the girl in yellow mentioned that they do have it harder because of that, but then agrees with the "my social media presence is important to me" prompt... it doesn't go hand in hand in my opinion. You're essentially enabling it. I have to have sympathy though because they are "kids" in my eyes, and have a lot of learning and growing to do. I love when the boy in the yellow said he just wants to enjoy being a "kid". At 24 I wish I could be a kid again, but when I was in high school I was definitely in a rush to grow up too. I feel as if everyone else saw him as the most immature of the group, but I saw him as the most mature. In the sense of being stern of his own opinions even if it didn't match the others, especially in a "cancel culture" generation.
when i first joined college i really thought i was mature but looking back now...i honestly didnt know what i was saying. Highschoolers r kids and they r going to realize it 3-5 years later.
It’s funny and ironic that the kid that admitted to still being a kid seemed the most mature to me compared to the kid that thought he was mature for his age
Well not many kids are able to articulate themselves that well