Why Does a God of Love Allow Suffering - Dr. Helen Roseveare - 1/4

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 80

  • @mengpootan
    @mengpootan 3 года назад +25

    So, lucid in her sharing even at the age of 84 at the time of the interview. Appreciate so much her honesty in what she shared. It is evidence of someone who has gone through much, reconcile with the pain that she went through, and come out triumphantly in Christ.

  • @cindywong9668
    @cindywong9668 2 года назад +5

    So grateful for Ms Helen Roseveare's testimony. Helps me deal with the Trials-Struggles that I experience in my life. It's easy to claim that one loves God when things're going well; but it's at times of Trials that one truely knows where one's faith is at.

  • @pembridgehouse
    @pembridgehouse 5 лет назад +15

    A wonderful Christian teacher,missionary and much more. She spoke at a conference here in Adelaide in the 1970's. We still have the tapes.

  • @Rudelherz
    @Rudelherz 8 лет назад +32

    she is my hero. What an example!!!

    • @conniegomez1321
      @conniegomez1321 5 лет назад +1

      as is Joni Eareakson Tadda; just learned of Dr. Roseveare

    • @hildapage7065
      @hildapage7065 3 года назад +1

      AMEN! Mine, too! I want to get this book!

  • @thesisterhoodhub
    @thesisterhoodhub 3 года назад +8

    May the unique testimony that the Lord gave each and every born again believer be used for His glory, as He has used this dear sister in Christ's, to encourage, challenge, strengthen and drawer people unto Himself, praise His name! Thank you for sharing!

  • @ez2u1
    @ez2u1 Год назад +2

    Great woman of God

  • @denissutherland3653
    @denissutherland3653 3 года назад +7

    Humans learn by suffering that is a fact.

  • @Gina-qc2xx
    @Gina-qc2xx 3 года назад +11

    We all need remodels in our life , Jesus, apostles and ppl like her, because we learn from modeling to us. What a wonderful example of Christian 😇

  • @foreveragainOK
    @foreveragainOK 6 лет назад +5

    I just knew about Dr. Roseveare from Lee Strobel's book 'Case for Miracles.' It begins with Dr. R's story after her first four years in 'equatorial Africa.' A baby of two was very ill, and needed a hot rubber bottle to keep warm at night. As an assistant used the bottle it burst. Dr. R gathered the orphans together to pray for the baby. She was unprepared for one little girl of 10, named Ruth, who prayed: (she was likely small for her age, I would guess).
    "Dear Jesus, please send a hot water bottle today. It will be too late tomorrow and she will die. Also, while you're at it, could you please send a little doll so she will know You love her?"
    Dr. R thought to herself, How can I say Amen to a prayer like that? She certainly believed in miracles ..... Well, she probably did say Amen, though the story doesn't say so.
    A few hours later a truck arrived with a large 20 lb. package. Dr. R had never received a package for the four years she had been there. She opened it to find clothes and such. Then her hand found a hot water bottle. She cried.
    Then Ruth said, "Mummy, look inside for the doll!' Of course, there was a little doll there. Dr.R's Sunday school class had sent it. Six months before, the teacher was led to include the bottle and the doll.
    I recommend the book highly -- contains many miracles, many medically documented. The only chapter I don't agree with is the 'scientific' chapter where 'eons and eons' of ages and the Big Bang are inferred as the vehicles that God used. So far as empirical science has shown, big bang cosmology has been refuted. Three Noble physics prizes that 'proved' BBC have been refuted; a Nobel physicist also agrees that BBC is a fraud. I.e, God did not use an explosion, although that fits the secular framework. We see in Genesis no direct mention of an explosion. Of course, God could have done that, but the evidence is that the universe did not begin with an explosion that somehow originated from naturalistic 'cause,' or even nothing.
    A few comments on this: The Ten Commandments are very direct in stating that God created in six literal days. 'Days' is again repeated in describing the regular days leading to the Sabbath.The long eons of time gained favor in the 18th century, with Lyell; Darwin brought that into his blasphemous 'theory' and many Christian leaders caved-in and accepted deep time, to avoid appearing 'unscientific.' However, today there are more signs that point to a young Earth than an ancient one. Even our Sun has young star characteristics. Russian scientists in the 90s found that the Sun's lithium was that of a young star. After 7,500 years there should be no Li. Ditto for beryllium. This is just two of the young star characteristics. This study was replicated by British team, who confirmed it. Uranus is one planet with a magnetic field. That also points to a young planet. Our Earth's magnetic field ditto. Secular scientists theorize that somehow these magnetic field have a self-charging mechanism, but there is no evidence of this, so far.
    As far as Darwinism goes, look at two critical claims of evolution: species morph into other higher species. And then chemical reactions create life. The scientific method of testing and observation fails to prove either of these claims. And the rest of evolution also fails to meet scientific method criteria. One example is Stephen Jay Gould's magnum opus of 1,400 pages. In in, he provides no evidence for mega evolution! In fact, evolutionary scientists themselves give the strong 'non-evidence' of evolution. They know it can't pass empirical science tests. In private, this is well known. The public face of evolutionists put the Wizard of Oz snowjob on people. Also, since the Left controls most of academia, media, and Hollywood, evolution is taught as fact. Note the book "Slaughter of the Dissidents,' where anyone who questions evolutionary dogma is ostracized from universities. Written by an MD, former atheist and believer in evolution. He now understands that God created, by studying the science and the Bible.

  • @christineperera2393
    @christineperera2393 Год назад +1

    I am still so touched by this precious testimony and it helps me to endure whatever suffering for Jesus Christ now and
    in years to come. Thank you for posting this and I hope to post this on my FB account

    • @michaelfer340
      @michaelfer340 Год назад

      sending love,honesty and loyalty are key, have you seen this gem live?

  • @mayuriwarnakulasuriya1990
    @mayuriwarnakulasuriya1990 3 года назад +3

    Thank you very much for opening my eyes. Beautiful interview.

  • @nr1785
    @nr1785 6 месяцев назад

    I had a similar experience after first coming to the know the Lord Jesus. I was reading a book about a female missionary who lived in New Guinea I think it was, or maybe Indonesia, it was a South Asian country anyway with jungles. She ministered to the natives who didn’t know the Lord. Then I got to a part in the book where she was murdered by the people she had given her life up to bring to gospel to in the jungle and I was shocked. I was absolutely stunned that God didn’t protect her and couldn’t understand why He didn’t. It’s because we are so surrounded by the false, health and wealth ‘gospel’ in modern society that parts of it seep into us and then we find out what true biblical Christianity is, we can’t comprehend it. Gods ways are far above our ways and beyond searching our. He brings beauty from ashes. He said we must enter the Kingdom of God through much tribulation and he refines us like silver. It’s not about having a blissful life here.

    • @BrenB125
      @BrenB125 5 месяцев назад

      God did protect her. When we're all in we must listen to him. We must be filled with his spirit to hear. He warned her about danger and she did not heed.

  • @snowslovely
    @snowslovely 11 лет назад +10

    thank you so much for posting :)

    • @FrankLange-wz5bd
      @FrankLange-wz5bd Год назад

      Hello, I hope you're safe over there? I hope this year brings happiness, prosperity, love 💚 , and peace all over the world 🌏. I would love us to be good friends in honesty and in trust so as time goes on it will bring something great for us in the future, hope you don't mind? I'm frank Lange from Brooklyn New York, where are you from if I may ask?

  • @LoriMiller2
    @LoriMiller2 11 лет назад +8

    Thank you for sharing!

    • @FrankLange-wz5bd
      @FrankLange-wz5bd Год назад

      Hello, I hope you're safe over there? I hope this year brings happiness, prosperity, love 💚 , and peace all over the world 🌏. I would love us to be good friends in honesty and in trust so as time goes on it will bring something great for us in the future, hope you don't mind? I'm frank Lange from Brooklyn New York, where are you from if I may ask?

  • @sandyvega7530
    @sandyvega7530 3 года назад +3

    God doesn't want us to suffer but it is our fault that we suffer. We suffer because we are materialistic and not spiritual as Him. We fight for money, power, jobs, and all kind of material things. They teach us since we are children to be selfish. We are not fiscal we are spiritual and we never search for what our soul really need which is Truth, Love and to have empathy for others.

    • @FrankLange-wz5bd
      @FrankLange-wz5bd Год назад

      Hello, I hope you're safe over there? I hope this year brings happiness, prosperity, love 💚 , and peace all over the world 🌏. I would love us to be good friends in honesty and in trust so as time goes on it will bring something great for us in the future, hope you don't mind? I'm frank Lange from Brooklyn New York, where are you from if I may ask?

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 Год назад

    We all have our burdens to bear..most don't mention it
    Before others.. sometimes
    Best to suffer in silence
    Jesus said to the women
    Weep not for me but for
    Yourselves and for your children!

  • @MajellaStokes-sj8wh
    @MajellaStokes-sj8wh Год назад

    Never mind the devil the lord is more powerful to protect u its your right and your choices of right to find the answers of truth for only the truth will set u free

  • @SEMcCaslin
    @SEMcCaslin 8 лет назад +4

    This is awesome!

    • @FrankLange-wz5bd
      @FrankLange-wz5bd Год назад

      Hello, I hope you're safe over there? I hope this year brings happiness, prosperity, love 💚 , and peace all over the world 🌏. I would love us to be good friends in honesty and in trust so as time goes on it will bring something great for us in the future, hope you don't mind? I'm frank Lange from Brooklyn New York, where are you from if I may ask?

  • @JB_Alencar
    @JB_Alencar 6 лет назад +3

    Por favor, traduzam este vídeo!
    Deus os abençoe!

    • @lucassousa1252
      @lucassousa1252 3 года назад

      Por favor que você aprenda a falar inglês kkkk

  • @MajellaStokes-sj8wh
    @MajellaStokes-sj8wh Год назад

    And im sure good people this will bring many other Questions to u about all of this and remember what the angel said for years all is not what it seems

  • @BrenB125
    @BrenB125 5 месяцев назад

    God doesn't allow suffering. We allow suffering. It's the devil that comes to steal, kill and destroy and it us that let's him in.

  • @MajellaStokes-sj8wh
    @MajellaStokes-sj8wh Год назад

    In the first half of the video footage its John Reilly then its paddy then it goes back to being John Reilly as Hitler but i have another Q how did John Reilly who was in the Irish army end uo being the leader of the garmany

  • @stephengreico2810
    @stephengreico2810 3 года назад +2

    The titles for her videos never seem to be in alignment with the content she speaks of

  • @sarahs7751
    @sarahs7751 3 года назад +1

    What was the preachers name? I can't spell it. Doctor Gram Scoggy?

  • @MajellaStokes-sj8wh
    @MajellaStokes-sj8wh Год назад

    And at the same time Tom stokes father became one of the Leaders of the Irish army yet they say that travellers have known rights but yet traveller man from the traveller community is in other country as the leader of Germany army why was There know German men in Germany to be leader's of Thier own army it doesn't make sense to me

  • @MajellaStokes-sj8wh
    @MajellaStokes-sj8wh Год назад

    There two different armys yes in Europe but Germany was always Thier own army and why would u let someone from other country traveller into Germany to ve the leader of the Germany army

  • @MajellaStokes-sj8wh
    @MajellaStokes-sj8wh Год назад

    Well first of all why u uses travellers leave school at very young age with know education and if u are going to pick leader ti rule your country and army u pick someone u really know from your own country and someone thats education to lead and rule as leader

  • @MajellaStokes-sj8wh
    @MajellaStokes-sj8wh Год назад

    Yet travellers are catholic and the Catholic churchs and schools would of been running the schools and as well as the churchs in Europe but yet travellers say they'have known rights and thats why they left schools at young age yet they have past ports and money to travel from country to country and yet they know where Thier going and what they're are going for and where it will be in every country and this are the people with know education and is the only people that has the name travellers community think about it it doesn't add up

  • @advocatevarunrathi2831
    @advocatevarunrathi2831 2 года назад

    Brahmacharya or complete celibacy in word, thought and deed should be done.

  • @MajellaStokes-sj8wh
    @MajellaStokes-sj8wh Год назад

    And 100 year ago Thier was know army uniforms for the armys remember Elvis Presley was the one that got the army uniforms when Elvis Presley was in the army but it wouldn't be on till Elvis second time in the army when Elvis Presley spend alot of money getting the army of America army uniforms and then every army in every country had to have army uniform or they would not be in the army and it was legals as the law for all soilers to have army uniform but yet 100 year ago Hitler had uniform army uniform and and so did all other armys 100 years ago but there was know army uniforms in them times so how does Hitler have army uniform and all he's soilers in the German and Irish army had army uniforms

  • @MajellaStokes-sj8wh
    @MajellaStokes-sj8wh Год назад

    And tom stokes father had army uniform when he was in the army and hes army uniform was over 50 years old and it was 59 years old in the 90s so it's even older than also 20 years later and he had bages and meldels of bravery when meldels of bravery was only given to soilters of bravery not everyone in the army got one every badge and meddel rapacious something and Hitler had about 40 badges and meddels on hes army uniform before the world war one and two ever started where did he get them badges and meldels and he's brave but not education he killed the German that he was the German army leader

  • @MajellaStokes-sj8wh
    @MajellaStokes-sj8wh Год назад

    Yet travellers had rights and access to be in and go in to the army what 100 year ago but what 100 year later they have known rights and they keep getting ran from piller to post one most ask the Question to why what u have more rights then the rest of uses if u are allowed in the army and navy and u can speak to the governments and u had paper pastport and uses was getting payed to be in the army 100 year ago something doesn't add up here but I can tell u it's as clear as day that uses travellers is big part of the evil spells and curses thats in the world and we know there was people from different communities and countries that helped uses its as clear as day to that

  • @MajellaStokes-sj8wh
    @MajellaStokes-sj8wh Год назад

    They had micphones micphones didn't egsited 100 year ago and badge wasn't given to any armys on till after the world war one and world war two for bravefory because world war one and two was the first wars of the world remember and Hitler and many other leaders had bages and meddels of bravery and they had them before the wars why would u be given badge and meddels of bravery in the army when Thier was know good reasons for u to have bravery badges and meddels and if u look many person in the army 100 year ago had badges and meddels thats 100 year ago and they had them before the wars ever started are they the other leaders of the evil wars and spells and curses

  • @MajellaStokes-sj8wh
    @MajellaStokes-sj8wh Год назад

    And was ut evil spells and curses that make world war one and two happen in the first place look at what tve evil spells and curses has done to our world we live in and look what happened in world war one and two and other wars think about it was ut evil spells and curses that was placed in the world that maked world war one and two help yet Ireland is always there to help at the end of it all but yet Notting happens to them but yet it happens to everyone else and everyone else countries

  • @TheBlueDaisy
    @TheBlueDaisy 3 года назад +2

    Why minister to beasts?

    • @cpSharkBlast
      @cpSharkBlast 3 года назад

      what are you?

    • @TheBlueDaisy
      @TheBlueDaisy 3 года назад

      @@cpSharkBlast a white, not pale, truth teller. What else would you call them?

    • @cpSharkBlast
      @cpSharkBlast 3 года назад

      @@TheBlueDaisy i’d say the same. Did christ not minister to all of us, being the beasts that we are v

    • @sandyjuntunen4088
      @sandyjuntunen4088 Год назад

      Maybe try reading Mark 5, where Jesus went into the cemetery to see a crazy man who ran naked through the tombs, screaming & cutting himself up. Even strong chains couldn't hold him he was so full of demons.
      Yet Jesus loved him, set him free, & they saw him sitting at Jesus feet, clothed, & in his right mind.
      So what would Jesus do?

  • @awhb5412
    @awhb5412 2 года назад

    Please Don't call Belgian Congo. The country is Congo. Thanks

    • @sandyjuntunen4088
      @sandyjuntunen4088 Год назад

      So many years ago it might have been different, & she did live there, not like she wouldn't know.😊

  • @jacobtack2258
    @jacobtack2258 3 года назад +1

    Here is the reason why man are suffering, including believers:
    Deu 11:26 See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse:
    Deu 11:27 the blessing, when you obey the commands of יהוה your Elohim which I command you today;
    Deu 11:28 and the curse, if you do not obey the commands of יהוה your Elohim, but turn aside from the way which I command you today, to go after other mighty ones which you have not known.
    Christianity disobeys His commands, by calling Him by pagan names, not keeping the Sabbath etc. By sinning against Yahuah, the devil has a legal right to attack man, BECAUSE they sin against the Father. See for yourself:
    Jer 50:6 “My people have been wanderinga sheep. Their shepherds have led them astray, turning them away on the mountains. They have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their resting place.
    Jer 50:7 “All who found them have devoured them. And their adversaries have said, ‘We are not guilty, because they have sinned against יהוה, the Home of righteousness, and the Expectation of their fathers: יהוה.’
    The church and its pastors and priests are leading man astray.
    Mal 2:1 “And now, O priests, this command is for you.
    Mal 2:2 “If you do not hear, and if you do not take it to heart, to give esteem to My Name,” said יהוה of hosts, “I shall send a curse upon you, and I shall curse your blessings. And indeed, I have cursed them, because you do not take it to heart.
    And the enquirer( the church member) will have the same guilt as the pastor who they follow:
    Eze 14:10 “And they shall bear their crookedness, the crookedness of the prophet is the same as the crookedness of the inquirer,
    If you love Him? Guard His commads:

    • @dandev3553
      @dandev3553 3 года назад

      Who is the messiah to you?

    • @jacobtack2258
      @jacobtack2258 3 года назад

      @@dandev3553 Thank you for asking.
      We have to understand there is only one truth. And that is the Word of our Father/the inspired Scripture, is THAT only truth.
      It is also important to note that Our Father never changes:
      Mal 3:6 “For I am יהוה, I shall not change, and you, O sons of Ya‛aqoḇ, shall not come to an end.
      The sacred Name of the Father is Yahuah ( יהוה in Hebrew). Or also known as YHWH (the tetragrammaton).
      He commanded that His Word may never be altered :
      Deu 4:2 “Do not add to the Word which I command you, and do not take away from it, so as to guard the commands of יהוה your Elohim which I am commanding you.
      (confirmed in Rev 22:18&19)
      With this knowledge, that our Father never changes and His Word is the only truth. We can now look at Scripture who is the Messiah.
      Scripture warns us, there is THE MESSIAH and there are false messias.
      The True Messiah of the Bible, is born from the tribe of Yahudah(Judah). He was a Jew(Yahudim). He was also King of the Jews(Yahudim/Yisrael).
      Mat 27:37 And they put up over His head the written charge against Him: THIS IS יהושע, THE SOVEREIGN OF THE YAHUḎIM.
      The sacred Name of the Hebrew Messiah of the Bible is Yahusha (יהושע).
      And He warned us that there are many false messias that will come to lead man astray:
      Mat 24:5 “For many shall come in My Name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and they shall lead many astray.
      The question is, how do we know, who is the true Messiah? That is easy. We look at the Scripture(the only truth), because the True Messiah has set us an example, we must follow:
      1Pe 2:21 For to this you were called, because Messiah also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps,
      So what did the True Messiah give us for an example? Let’s look at some points which He lived as an example, for us.
      He called the Father by His Sacred Name, Yahuah.
      He Himself was called by a Hebrew Name, He has the same Name as the Father, as he came in the Father’s name(Joh 5:43). And His Name is Yahusha (meaning - Yahuah saves).
      He kept the 7th day Sabbath.
      He celebrated the Scriptural feasts.
      He was circumcised, ate kosher and wore tzitzits.
      That is the Hebrew Messiah of the Bible and we know, nothing may change.
      So if you do anything different, you are following a false messiah.

    • @Sums75
      @Sums75 3 года назад

      Can you not see the bigger picture?
      The testimony in these videos is a picture of Christ in us the hope of glory?
      Why are you carrying your mat? You ask.
      The man who made me well told me to pick up my mat and walk!
      Legalism trips up children. Some children trip up legalists.

    • @Sums75
      @Sums75 3 года назад

      Romans chapter 14