People don’t realize how much time it takes to make sure everything checks out before takeoff,this a real complicated process to check out to make sure things are working properly.
Adam lost Eden home in 3970 BC. Jesus appears in 0027AD as Messiah Time ends in 2027 AD This technology is now obsolete in the eve of the 7th Millennium Sabbath
The mournful whine of the engines [6:56] is something that I cannot forget, even after 50 years. Another aircraft, the PBY's, when warming up early in the morning, launching off the tarmac next to the Puget Sound. . . over 60 years ago, but somehow yesterday.
Ao terceiro dia levantou Abraão os seus olhos, e viu o lugar de longe. E disse Abraão a seus moços: Ficai-vos aqui com o jumento, e eu e o moço iremos até ali; e havendo adorado, tornaremos a vós. E tomou Abraão a lenha do holocausto, e pô-la sobre Isaque seu filho; e ele tomou o fogo e o cutelo na sua mão, e foram ambos juntos. Então falou Isaque a Abraão seu pai, e disse: Meu pai! E ele disse: Eis-me aqui, meu filho! E ele disse: Eis aqui o fogo e a lenha, mas onde está o cordeiro para o holocausto? E disse Abraão: Deus proverá para si o cordeiro para o holocausto, meu filho. Assim caminharam ambos juntos. E chegaram ao lugar que Deus lhe dissera, e edificou Abraão ali um altar e pôs em ordem a lenha, e amarrou a Isaque seu filho, e deitou-o sobre o altar em cima da lenha. E estendeu Abraão a sua mão, e tomou o cutelo para imolar o seu filho; Mas o anjo do Senhor lhe bradou desde os céus, e disse: Abraão, Abraão! E ele
Então se levantou Abraão, inclinou-se diante do povo da terra, diante dos filhos de Hete. E falou com eles, dizendo: Se é de vossa vontade que eu sepulte a minha morta de diante de minha face, ouvi-me e falai por mim a Efrom, filho de Zoar, Que ele me dê a cova de Macpela, que ele tem no fim do seu campo; que ma dê pelo devido preço em herança de sepulcro no meio de vós. Ora Efrom habitava no meio dos filhos de Hete; e respondeu Efrom, heteu, a Abraão, aos ouvidos dos filhos de Hete, de todos os que entravam pela porta da sua cidade, dizendo: Não, meu senhor, ouve-me: O campo te dou, também te dou a cova que nele está, diante dos olhos dos filhos do meu povo ta dou; sepulta a tua morta. Então Abraão se inclinou diante da face do povo da terra, E falou a Efrom, aos ouvidos do povo da terra, dizendo: Mas se tu estás por isto, ouve-me, peço-te. O preço do campo o darei; toma-o de mim e sepultarei ali a minha morta. E respondeu Efrom a Abraão, dizendo-lhe:
My family was stationed at Barksdale AFB my father spent 25 years of his life keeping these beautiful aircraft ready to defend or country, freedom and way of life,thank you Senior Master Sargent Jesse Rohner, may God's hands hold you tightly, you are deeply missed.
Eure Nation ist nichts anderes als Kriegstreibernation welche anderen Nationen ihren Willen aufzwingen: Ihr verteidigt nicht die Freiheit sondern bringt Unglück in die Welt!
The whole world will come together after he sits on his rightfull throne in JERUSALEM. With his spoken word the enemies of God will immediately cease to exist.
I was an enlisted grounds crew on B-52’s. Participated in the launching of B-52’s on the alert pad. Circa 1960 Dow AFB Bangor me. Later on B-58 program Bunker Hill AFB Ind. Wow those were the days and I was just a boy.
@@jessicazellner7336 no dumb questions! Look at the outline of our state of Louisiana! These were part of the first 40 BILLION DOLLARS we GAVE THEM! Insane government we have right now!
E disse: Ó Senhor, Deus de meu senhor Abraão, dá-me hoje bom encontro, e faze beneficência ao meu senhor Abraão! Eis que eu estou em pé junto à fonte de água e as filhas dos homens desta cidade saem para tirar água; Seja, pois, que a donzela, a quem eu disser: Abaixa agora o teu cântaro para que eu beba; e ela disser: Bebe, e também darei de beber aos teus camelos; esta seja a quem designaste ao teu servo Isaque, e que eu conheça nisso que usaste de benevolência com meu senhor. E sucedeu que, antes que ele acabasse de falar, eis que Rebeca, que havia nascido a Betuel, filho de Milca, mulher de Naor, irmão de Abraão, saía com o seu cântaro sobre o seu ombro. E a donzela era mui formosa à vista, virgem, a quem homem não havia conhecido; e desceu à fonte, e encheu o seu cântaro e subiu. Então o servo correu-lhe ao encontro, e disse: Peço-te, deixa-me beber um pouco de água do teu cântaro.
@JonBoy-w2j This ain't Hollywood, boys. This requires a specific process to be followed. This scramble time is perfectly acceptable for any mission a B-52 would be called up for. It's certainly not an intercept aircraft Oh, and there might have been some "cursing", but I couldn't hear it.
See the logic behind Operation Chromedome in the 1960s, B-52s constantly in the air within an hour or so from the USSR border, armed to the teeth. I was a young airman at Torrejon AFB near Madrid in Spain. It based a wing of B-47s but the main mission was the KC-135s in constant rotation to refuel the B-52s running racetrack patterns over the Mediterranean.
nikad jer istok neda demokraciju svom narodu da vide tu slobodu da vide kako se u slobodi živi da neideš u zatvor ako kažeš nešto protiv vođe i komunizma ili oni što nose marame da se nezna ko je zar to nije strašno zato im smeta amerika i cjeli zapad
I'm afraid RESTRAINT is the KEY word - Let everyone restrain from any action which will lead to untoward damages and dangers because of FALSE EGOS & Corruption. Patience is the KEY WORD.
@@stevehlabse5537 The EPA was one of Nixon's worst creations. Now that Chevron deference is struck down by SCOTUS, the EPA may have troubles with lots of their actions.
Yet, California's Air Resource Board now requires all new 'Certified Clean Diesels' (greater than 1-ton) be smogged twice a year, and in 2027 that will jump to four times a year.
In the 1960's British Royal Air Force Victors and Vulcans would be off the ground in 4 minutes. That was the time that a potential Warsaw Pact missile was detected and would impact in UK. 4 minutes to get retaliation off the ground and doom to Moscow, Kiev, Leningrad etcetera.
@@theoronig6440 That is possibly the way you would have liked it to be - Ex 60's R.A.F. vet here. that's the way it was. Of that time, I don't recall the Luftwaffa had much of anything really, and they certainly didn't have Vulcans!
@@anthonytaylor9232 Didn't the Vulcan have one button to press on the crew entry hatch to start the engines? The video of the B-52's getting ready is pretty grim I recon, none of them look like they would 'get way' in time.
dizia: Que eu não veja morrer o menino. E assentou-se em frente, e levantou a sua voz, e chorou. E ouviu Deus a voz do menino, e bradou o anjo de Deus a Agar desde os céus, e disse-lhe: Que tens, Agar? Não temas, porque Deus ouviu a voz do menino desde o lugar onde está. Ergue-te, levanta o menino e pega-lhe pela mão, porque dele farei uma grande nação. E abriu-lhe Deus os olhos, e viu um poço de água; e foi encher o odre de água, e deu de beber ao menino. E era Deus com o menino, que cresceu; e habitou no deserto, e foi flecheiro. E habitou no deserto de Parã; e sua mãe tomou-lhe mulher da terra do Egito. E aconteceu naquele mesmo tempo que Abimeleque, com Ficol, príncipe do seu exército, falou com Abraão, dizendo: Deus é contigo em tudo o que fazes; Agora, pois, jura-me aqui por Deus, que não mentirás a mim, nem a meu filho, nem a meu neto; segundo a beneficência que te fiz, me farás a mim, e à terra onde peregrinaste. E disse Abraão: Eu jurarei.
disse: Eis-me aqui. Então disse: Não estendas a tua mão sobre o moço, e não lhe faças nada; porquanto agora sei que temes a Deus, e não me negaste o teu filho, o teu único filho. Então levantou Abraão os seus olhos e olhou; e eis um carneiro detrás dele, travado pelos seus chifres, num mato; e foi Abraão, e tomou o carneiro, e ofereceu-o em holocausto, em lugar de seu filho. E chamou Abraão o nome daquele lugar: o Senhor proverá; donde se diz até ao dia de hoje: No monte do Senhor se proverá. Então o anjo do Senhor bradou a Abraão pela segunda vez desde os céus, E disse: Por mim mesmo jurei, diz o Senhor: Porquanto fizeste esta ação, e não me negaste o teu filho, o teu único filho, Que deveras te abençoarei, e grandissimamente multiplicarei a tua descendência como as estrelas dos céus, e como a areia que está na praia do mar; e a tua descendência possuirá a porta dos seus inimigos; E em tua descendência serão benditas todas as nações da terra; porquanto obedeceste à minha voz.
Here in Riverside, California, at March Air Force Base (which was a SAC base through the 1980s) you could always see five B-52D’s lined up on the alert pad at the end of the runway. My ex-wife’s father, Frank Casto was a pilot for B-47’s and B-52’s. She remembered him in the 50s, spending a week at a time in the alert pad quarters there at the end of that runaway.
E aconteceu depois destas coisas, que provou Deus a Abraão, e disse-lhe: Abraão! E ele disse: Eis-me aqui. E disse: Toma agora o teu filho, o teu único filho, Isaque, a quem amas, e vai-te à terra de Moriá, e oferece-o ali em holocausto sobre uma das montanhas, que eu te direi. Então se levantou Abraão pela manhã de madrugada, e albardou o seu jumento, e tomou consigo dois de seus moços e Isaque seu filho; e cortou lenha para o holocausto, e levantou-se, e foi ao lugar que Deus lhe dissera.
Ze staré vrásčité šedesátileté báby taky mladou svůdnou sexy kočku která ještě navíc může rodit neuděláš ani zázrakem. A stejné je to i s tímto létajícím šrotem.
🍂THE GOSPEL OF WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the Salvation of the last day that Christ brought in the second and last incarnation of His new and holy name" (The Christ of the last days brings life to all and brings a last and eternal way of truth. The work of the last days exposes the work of Jehovah and also of Jesus and all mysteries and mysteries that man does not understand. This is done to reveal the destiny and of humanity and end all works of salvation among humanity. This phase of work brings all things to the end. In the last days, Christ uses various truths to teach people. Reveal the human spirit and check his words and actions. These words are made up of different many truths. As human duty, how to obey God, how to be faithful to God, how a person should live normally, so is God's wisdom, and disposition, and do on. Those words expose how man rejects God in how man is an representation of Satan and an enemy force that opposes God. Judgment gives--away for man to understand the will of God. It also allows man to recognize and know the evil spirit and the roots of his evil, as well as to discover the uglyness and defects of man. These effects are all results of the word of Judgment in the last days.) Almighty God said " The CHRIST of the LAST DAYS brings LIFE to ALL and BRINGS a LAST and ETERNAL WAY of TRUTH. This TRUTH is the WAY by which MAN CAN OBTAIN LIFE and the ONLY WAY by which MAN CAN KNOW GOD and --GOD'S WILL. ☀️🙏 "The WORK of the LAST DAYS EXPOSES the WORK of JEHOVAH and also of JESUS and ALL MYSTERIES and MYSTERIES that MAN DOES NOT UNDERSTAND. ☀️ This is DONE to REVEAL the DESTINY and END of HUMANITY and END ALL WORKS of SALVATION AMONG HUMANITY. ☀️ This PHASE of WORK BRINGS ALL THINGS to the END. 🌺 ALL the MYSTERIES that MAN doesn't UNDERSTAND and MUST be Solved. To ALLOW PEOPLE to HAVE VISION into this THING, and UNDERSTANDING in their Hearts. Only there CAN PEOPLE be DIVIDED by TYPE, ALL the MYSTERIES of WHAT man doesn't UNDERSTAND WILL CERTAINLY be REVEALED. ☀️🙏 ALL TRUTH that was BEFORE UNDERSTANDABLE WILL be CLEARLY. ☀️ And HUMANITY WILL be TOLD ABOUT HIS FUTURE PATH and DESTINATION this is ALL the WORK to be DONE at this STAGE in GOD'S PLAN... 🙏 In this final stage of the work the results are achieved through words. THROUGH gh the WORD man COMES to the UNDERSTANDING of many MYSTERIES and the WORK of GOD, through the WORD man is ENLIGHTENED by the HOLY SPIRIT; through the word man UNDERSTANDS the MYSTERY that has not been SOLVED by PAST GENERATIONS ns as well as the WORK of the PROPHETS and APOSTLES of PAST TIMES and the PRINCIPLES on which they WORK ; through the WORD people COME to an UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S DISPOSITION, as well as HUMAN REBELLION and RESISTANCE and come to an understanding of their own substance. ☀️🙏☀️ Through these steps of work, and all the words spoken; man comes to understand the work of the Spirit in the work of God incarnate, and especially in His entire disposition. " 🙏 In the LAST DAYS, CHRIST USES various TRUTHS to TEACH PEOPLE. REVEAL the HUMAN SPIRIT and CHECK his WORDS and ACTIONS. 🌻 THESE WORDS ARE MADE UP OF DIFFERENT MANY Truths. As human duty, how to obey God, how to be faithful to God, how a person should live normally, so is God's wisdom and disposition, and so on. These words focus on the Spirit of man. And in his bad disposition. ☀️🌻 THOSE WORDS EXPOSE HOW MAN REJECTS GOD in HOW MAN is an REPRESENTATION of SATAN and an ENEMY FORCE that OPPOSES GOD. 😪 In the FULFILLMENT of JUDGMENT, GOD DOESN'T just CLARIFY human NATURE using the WORD; He EXPOSES, CONSIDERS, and EXTINCTS it with permanence. Only such PROCEDURE is CONSIDERED JUDGMENT; Only with THIS kind of JUDGMENT CAN MAN be SUBJECTED and CONVINCED to COMPLETELY SUBMIT to GOD, and MORE than ACHIEVE TRUE KNOWLEDGE of GOD. ☀️🙏 WHAT the WORK of JUDGMENT will CAUSE is MAN'S UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S TRUE FACE and the TRUTH ABOUT his rebellion. 🌻 JUDGMENT GIVES--a WAY for MAN to UNDERSTAND the WILL of GOD. 🙏💐 The purpose of God's works and Plans, and the mysteries and mysteries that cannot be understood. It also ALLOWS MAN to RECOGNIZE and KNOW his EVIL SPIRIT and the ROOTS of his EVIL, as WELL as to DISCOVER the UGLYNESS and DEFECTS of MAN. 😪🙏 These EFFECTS are all RESULTS of the WORK of JUDGMENT in the LAST DAYS. Because the SPIRIT of THIS WORK is the OPENING of the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE to ALL who have FAITH in HIM. " 🙏🙏 From "The Word Appears in the Flesh" Fulfillment in (John 1:1) and (Ezekiel 2::9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13) 📩 All who have "ears to listen" are led to what the Spirit of God is saying in His lowered and built kingdom/Church engraved with His new name, His totality, the ownership of this disposition, "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD "💐 fulfillment from what was said He to Peter 2,000 years ago recorded in (Matthew 16:18-19). His Coming is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the great book of Revelation, so the last "Salvation" He brought the whole truth, the way for eternal life. So the "victorious" ones who will receive them are the wise "virgins" because as recorded in the prophecy of His return no one knows it except the one who will receive it! So "come" and come to His kingdom/church standing in the holy place in the air/RUclips! This is also a fulfillment from the book of (Isaiah 2:2/9:6) which He first fulfilled in His first incarnation. 📥 "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... and (Isaiah 2: 2 / 9:6) "On the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " . "For a baby boy is born to us. The rule will be given to him; and he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." 📤
Same video footage of practice alert at Barksdale, several years old. In the 60's our crews at March were much faster, but back then B-52 was front line deterrent. Now they don't have same reflex role.
Yup! Bovine faecal matter click bait. I knew it had absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine. So, unfortunately, instead of this channel getting a subscription - because I genuinely love aviation and everything related to it - I will be selecting "DO NOT RECOMMEND" or "NOT INTERESTED".....because I do not like being deceived with thoughtless click bait titles. And I advise everyone else to do the same. Hopefully, at some point, they'll get demonetized for shameless click baiting. Good content that stands on its own merit - the childish thumbnail and the blatantly lying click-bait title are absolutely unnecessary...!!! 🙄 Bye bye!
Whoa !!! Those are old video clips mashed up with newer ones. Takeoff and landing clips are mixed up. Chopped up pieces of USAF training excersizes. It tells me the page owner doesn't know what he's looking at ... from start to finish.
As an old SAC "war horse" and Boomer, these guys are S L O W! If we were that slow CINCSAC would increase the klaxon to at least twice a week until we were fast.
🍂THE GOSPEL OF WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the Salvation of the last day that Christ brought in the second and last incarnation of His new and holy name" (The Christ of the last days brings life to all and brings a last and eternal way of truth. The work of the last days exposes the work of Jehovah and also of Jesus and all mysteries and mysteries that man does not understand. This is done to reveal the destiny and of humanity and end all works of salvation among humanity. This phase of work brings all things to the end. In the last days, Christ uses various truths to teach people. Reveal the human spirit and check his words and actions. These words are made up of different many truths. As human duty, how to obey God, how to be faithful to God, how a person should live normally, so is God's wisdom, and disposition, and do on. Those words expose how man rejects God in how man is an representation of Satan and an enemy force that opposes God. Judgment gives--away for man to understand the will of God. It also allows man to recognize and know the evil spirit and the roots of his evil, as well as to discover the uglyness and defects of man. These effects are all results of the word of Judgment in the last days.) Almighty God said " The CHRIST of the LAST DAYS brings LIFE to ALL and BRINGS a LAST and ETERNAL WAY of TRUTH. This TRUTH is the WAY by which MAN CAN OBTAIN LIFE and the ONLY WAY by which MAN CAN KNOW GOD and --GOD'S WILL. ☀️🙏 "The WORK of the LAST DAYS EXPOSES the WORK of JEHOVAH and also of JESUS and ALL MYSTERIES and MYSTERIES that MAN DOES NOT UNDERSTAND. ☀️ This is DONE to REVEAL the DESTINY and END of HUMANITY and END ALL WORKS of SALVATION AMONG HUMANITY. ☀️ This PHASE of WORK BRINGS ALL THINGS to the END. 🌺 ALL the MYSTERIES that MAN doesn't UNDERSTAND and MUST be Solved. To ALLOW PEOPLE to HAVE VISION into this THING, and UNDERSTANDING in their Hearts. Only there CAN PEOPLE be DIVIDED by TYPE, ALL the MYSTERIES of WHAT man doesn't UNDERSTAND WILL CERTAINLY be REVEALED. ☀️🙏 ALL TRUTH that was BEFORE UNDERSTANDABLE WILL be CLEARLY. ☀️ And HUMANITY WILL be TOLD ABOUT HIS FUTURE PATH and DESTINATION this is ALL the WORK to be DONE at this STAGE in GOD'S PLAN... 🙏 In this final stage of the work the results are achieved through words. THROUGH gh the WORD man COMES to the UNDERSTANDING of many MYSTERIES and the WORK of GOD, through the WORD man is ENLIGHTENED by the HOLY SPIRIT; through the word man UNDERSTANDS the MYSTERY that has not been SOLVED by PAST GENERATIONS ns as well as the WORK of the PROPHETS and APOSTLES of PAST TIMES and the PRINCIPLES on which they WORK ; through the WORD people COME to an UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S DISPOSITION, as well as HUMAN REBELLION and RESISTANCE and come to an understanding of their own substance. ☀️🙏☀️ Through these steps of work, and all the words spoken; man comes to understand the work of the Spirit in the work of God incarnate, and especially in His entire disposition. " 🙏 In the LAST DAYS, CHRIST USES various TRUTHS to TEACH PEOPLE. REVEAL the HUMAN SPIRIT and CHECK his WORDS and ACTIONS. 🌻 THESE WORDS ARE MADE UP OF DIFFERENT MANY Truths. As human duty, how to obey God, how to be faithful to God, how a person should live normally, so is God's wisdom and disposition, and so on. These words focus on the Spirit of man. And in his bad disposition. ☀️🌻 THOSE WORDS EXPOSE HOW MAN REJECTS GOD in HOW MAN is an REPRESENTATION of SATAN and an ENEMY FORCE that OPPOSES GOD. 😪 In the FULFILLMENT of JUDGMENT, GOD DOESN'T just CLARIFY human NATURE using the WORD; He EXPOSES, CONSIDERS, and EXTINCTS it with permanence. Only such PROCEDURE is CONSIDERED JUDGMENT; Only with THIS kind of JUDGMENT CAN MAN be SUBJECTED and CONVINCED to COMPLETELY SUBMIT to GOD, and MORE than ACHIEVE TRUE KNOWLEDGE of GOD. ☀️🙏 WHAT the WORK of JUDGMENT will CAUSE is MAN'S UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S TRUE FACE and the TRUTH ABOUT his rebellion. 🌻 JUDGMENT GIVES--a WAY for MAN to UNDERSTAND the WILL of GOD. 🙏💐 The purpose of God's works and Plans, and the mysteries and mysteries that cannot be understood. It also ALLOWS MAN to RECOGNIZE and KNOW his EVIL SPIRIT and the ROOTS of his EVIL, as WELL as to DISCOVER the UGLYNESS and DEFECTS of MAN. 😪🙏 These EFFECTS are all RESULTS of the WORK of JUDGMENT in the LAST DAYS. Because the SPIRIT of THIS WORK is the OPENING of the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE to ALL who have FAITH in HIM. " 🙏🙏 From "The Word Appears in the Flesh" Fulfillment in (John 1:1) and (Ezekiel 2::9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13) 📩 All who have "ears to listen" are led to what the Spirit of God is saying in His lowered and built kingdom/Church engraved with His new name, His totality, the ownership of this disposition, "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD "💐 fulfillment from what was said He to Peter 2,000 years ago recorded in (Matthew 16:18-19). His Coming is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the great book of Revelation, so the last "Salvation" He brought the whole truth, the way for eternal life. So the "victorious" ones who will receive them are the wise "virgins" because as recorded in the prophecy of His return no one knows it except the one who will receive it! So "come" and come to His kingdom/church standing in the holy place in the air/RUclips! This is also a fulfillment from the book of (Isaiah 2:2/9:6) which He first fulfilled in His first incarnation. 📥 "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... and (Isaiah 2: 2 / 9:6) "On the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " . "For a baby boy is born to us. The rule will be given to him; and he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." 📤
No war is safe for all fighting soldiers, if indeed ww3 erupt, expect for the worst. Do not expect goodness will come out from any war. Just be prepared for the worst case sennario, even worse if nuclear war ensue, thats the end of the war for everybody, none will be spared, no body will ever survive including whole Joe and trump families, no body, no body will live to see the light of the day if nuclear war is broke out
Watching enga Papua New Guinea.. Love you all and God bless you all pilots..🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬we are praying for you all.. Amen and Amen..
Это же надо, сколько кислорода получает природа только при взлёт одного такого сарая! И они будут ещё утверждать после этого, что коровы пукают, экология страдает.
E o SENHOR visitou a Sara, como tinha dito; e fez o SENHOR a Sara como tinha prometido. E concebeu Sara, e deu a Abraão um filho na sua velhice, ao tempo determinado, que Deus lhe tinha falado. E Abraão pôs no filho que lhe nascera, que Sara lhe dera, o nome de Isaque. E Abraão circuncidou o seu filho Isaque, quando era da idade de oito dias, como Deus lhe tinha ordenado. E era Abraão da idade de cem anos, quando lhe nasceu Isaque seu filho. E disse Sara: Deus me tem feito riso; todo aquele que o ouvir se rirá comigo. Disse mais: Quem diria a Abraão que Sara daria de mamar a filhos? Pois lhe dei um filho na sua velhice. E cresceu o menino, e foi desmamado; então Abraão fez um grande banquete no dia em que Isaque foi desmamado. E viu Sara que o filho de Agar, a egípcia, o qual tinha dado a Abraão, zombava.
Mais os bichos humanos estao peidando bem mais que as vacas, e sao muito maior em volume, por isto que o sol esta apagado, poluido, e um calor de 50 graus ,logo vamos virar churrasco.
Why always keep on fighting .Just try to be peace love each other's.Life on earth is only temporary for all of us and never do things that God don't like.
Meu senhor, ouve-me, a terra é de quatrocentos siclos de prata; que é isto entre mim e ti? Sepulta a tua morta. E Abraão deu ouvidos a Efrom, e Abraão pesou a Efrom a prata de que tinha falado aos ouvidos dos filhos de Hete, quatrocentos siclos de prata, corrente entre mercadores. Assim o campo de Efrom, que estava em Macpela, em frente de Manre, o campo e a cova que nele estava, e todo o arvoredo que no campo havia, que estava em todo o seu contorno ao redor, Se confirmou a Abraão em possessão diante dos olhos dos filhos de Hete, de todos os que entravam pela porta da cidade. E depois sepultou Abraão a Sara sua mulher na cova do campo de Macpela, em frente de Manre, que é Hebrom, na terra de Canaã. Assim o campo e a cova que nele estava foram confirmados a Abraão, pelos filhos de Hete, em possessão de sepultura.
I watched that video for 8 minutes and then the 'next video thumbnail preview' blocks the very take off we were all waiting for. The video editor is probably laughing because he planned it that way.
Sie müssen nicht trainieren, sondern Ihren Job an den Nagel hängen. Kein Mensch braucht einen Krieg es sind nur die Rüstungs Konzerne die den Hals nicht voll bekommen. Stell dir vor es wäre Krieg und keiner geht hin, was wäre dann.
These planes were built in the 60's but as we speak are undergoing new engines by Rolls-Royce! The SMOKE you see is a HOT start by basically a cannon charge (Can Start) to get engtines fired. This is faster , without the need for GPU's to start engines.
There are areas on base that an on alert aircrew may go as long as they have a radio and a vehicle. If the klaxon goes off, rotating lights along the alert route go on and traffic clears the road for the alert crews. If the threat was more likely, then they would be held at the facility or in the acft.
So NO mention as to the "Nature" of the "Emergency". And, as far as I know, the USA has NO troops in Ukraine. So it seems strange this B-52 would have to go to a "Ukraine Base"!
My Dad retired from SAC on the BUFF. I remember the alert klaxons well. On his base, they used the old "Christmas Tree" arrangement for combat takeoffs (ie, NO TAXIING). The APUs ran on the planes 24/7 during periods of "heightened tension", like the Cuban Missile Crisis. Crews often ate and slept on the aircraft. No showers, toilet breaks except the onboard toilet. I see comments often on "the number of minutes they figured to have to get off the ground." That was BS. Nobody knew. We were surrounded at that time by a 13 silo Atlas VI "city killer" nuclear missile field. We figured we would know if it was real world if those popped off. But for the B52's, it was: pull wheel chocks and pitot covers while pilots and flight engineers were spinning up the engines. Roll out fast and go. They took off over a state highway, with drivers alone judging if it was safe to drive under them! Often the tires retracting would barely clear the barrier at the graveled end of the runway. Once the scramble klaxons stopped, the air was filled with turbines SCREAMING at high throttle. General Curtis LeMay demanded NO MORE than a 15 second spacing between bombers and 8 seconds between escorts. The tankers were constantly airborne during these times of crisis. In order to get off faster, when my Dad took off from AAFB in Oklahoma, they only had enough fuel to rendezvous with the KC97 tankers orbiting over Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and Canada. They called this circle the "Racetrack" once they topped up on fuel (for basically what everyone knew was a one - way trip), they ascended to Group Altitude into their "attack formations" in another "racetrack". A lot of procedures happened then. They would open their targeting packages and navigators would be furiously plotting their approaches to Mother Russia. Then they would start their approach vectors out toward their "FailSafe" points. Unless a general recall was issued, when they reached this point, they would receive their final commands and open their "A/B" packets the command cockpits were sealed, and each flight officer: pilot, copilot, and navigator checked their sidearms to see that 1 round was chambered. They got an A or B command and opened that letter "snap card". (Either letter could be a "GO" or "NO GO".) Whichever confirmation was inside would determine their return to base or mission go- code. All 3 cockpit orders had to match. Orders were followed- that's what the ready sidearms were for. Most often, it was a drill, and aircraft returned fairly soon. Families knew it was only a drill when their men returned to base. It was a terribly gut wrenching period for all involved. These days with virtually undetectable or unstoppable hypersonic missiles? We will know when they start dropping.
Grew up in the 50-60s on 2 different SAC bases. This is so slow. Back then, there were B52s in the air 24/7 ready to take out targets around the world. Another flight on the ground ready to take off crew in the plane could be in the air in less than 5 back up crews and planes that if the ones on the ground took off the next ones were . Loving into position as the ready crew.
l'economia americana è già CROLLATA in modo irreversibile ed è questo il motivo per cui FOMENTA la guerra GLOBALE , sperando nella ricostruzione , GNAM , GNAM 😅
When Gen. Curtis LeMay was in charge (over 60 yrs ago) , there were B52' (armed with H Bombs) already air born They would rotate with another B52 in order that there would always be B52's in the air ready to go.24/7. It is possible that some of the pilots of those flights could be the grandfathers of the current pilots of the same plane.. No other military aircraft has ever stayed in service so long.
Do you want a god to bless a child and women killer complicit nation. There are no gods, had their been, the US would not exist. Fortunately the US hegemony is gradually being nullified and destroyed.
سبحان من أنطق سيد المجاهدين عمر المختار هذه الطائرات وحشودها وماعلاها أهى فوق عرش الرحمن أم أسفله ؟ الحمد لله نؤمن بالواحد الأحد القاهر فوق عباده ووعده الحق ولن يخلفه . اللهم أجعلها علوا تتبيرا .
Back in 1991 (92?) I sat in the back of a KC-135 from my base (Eaker AFB) and looked over the shoulder of the boom operator as they refueled a B-52 out of Barksdale (this base)! Pretty cool stuff. Once, we had a Klaxon (like this one) and one of the crewmen ran under the buff to ingress and sliced his scalp open on an antennae. They (later) had a good laugh at that. Love those puffs of smoke when they used the charges to fire up the engines! I'm unsure if any other aircraft use this system for cold starts.
E em tua descendência serão benditas todas as nações da terra; porquanto obedeceste à minha voz. Então Abraão tornou aos seus moços, e levantaram-se, e foram juntos para Berseba; e Abraão habitou em Berseba. E sucedeu depois destas coisas, que anunciaram a Abraão, dizendo: Eis que também Milca deu filhos a Naor teu irmão. Uz o seu primogênito, e Buz seu irmão, e Quemuel, pai de Arã, E Quésede, e Hazo, e Pildas, e Jidlafe, e Betuel. E Betuel gerou Rebeca. Estes oito deu à luz Milca a Naor, irmão de Abraão. E a sua concubina, cujo nome era Reumá, ela lhe deu também a Tebá, Gaã, Taás e Maaca.
That was ridiculously slow! Nearly 5:30 to get the first a/c taxying. The UK's V Bombers, Vulcan, Victor (or Valiant in the early cold war days) would have been airborne and away long before that
At about 2:49 notice the airman struggling to pull the pitot tube cover.😮 There is No excuse for those hanging like that. He even broke the damn lanyard trying!
These bombers are stationed at Barksdale AFB, La. Has nothing to do with Ukraine. Clickbait. If they were to land in Ukraine, they would be a legal target for Russia and the beginning of WWIII. Used to work in the Command Post at Minot AFB, ND. Had B52H, KC135 and Minuteman III missiles. North Dakota, the third largest nuclear power in the world.
People don’t realize how much time it takes to make sure everything checks out before takeoff,this a real complicated process to check out to make sure things are working properly.
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. That will certainly please the environmentalists.
Now I understand why our Vets hearing is jacked up.
Let the world come to together and let's pray for world peace
Let's be rational and pray to keep the world in one piece.
You are right,the world need to come together and stop all politics.
Adam lost Eden home in 3970 BC.
Jesus appears in 0027AD as Messiah
Time ends in 2027 AD
This technology is now obsolete in the eve of the 7th Millennium Sabbath
God's not listening 😢@@mikejohn0088
@@carlosbermudez4112 I respect your thoughts however .
A prayer is hope.
We need to move towards action to create peace ✌🏾
God bless all the pilot all over the world fight to defend their country in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen
Какого черта вы Христа напоминаете?Вы же убийцы сами совершаете везде смерть людей,а потом Христа вспоминаете?
U say so .
The mournful whine of the engines [6:56] is something that I cannot forget, even after 50 years. Another aircraft, the PBY's, when warming up early in the morning, launching off the tarmac next to the Puget Sound. . . over 60 years ago, but somehow yesterday.
They are very loud planes.
Ao terceiro dia levantou Abraão os seus olhos, e viu o lugar de longe.
E disse Abraão a seus moços: Ficai-vos aqui com o jumento, e eu e o moço iremos até ali; e havendo adorado, tornaremos a vós.
E tomou Abraão a lenha do holocausto, e pô-la sobre Isaque seu filho; e ele tomou
o fogo e o cutelo na sua mão, e foram ambos juntos.
Então falou Isaque a Abraão seu pai, e disse: Meu pai! E ele disse: Eis-me aqui,
meu filho! E ele disse: Eis aqui o fogo e a lenha, mas onde está o cordeiro para o
holocausto? E disse Abraão: Deus proverá para si o cordeiro para o holocausto, meu filho. Assim caminharam ambos juntos.
E chegaram ao lugar que Deus lhe dissera, e edificou Abraão ali um altar e pôs em ordem a lenha, e amarrou a Isaque seu filho, e deitou-o sobre o altar em cima da lenha. E estendeu Abraão a sua mão, e tomou o cutelo para imolar o seu filho;
Mas o anjo do Senhor lhe bradou desde os céus, e disse: Abraão, Abraão! E ele
Le tengo terror a los aviones
@@David-gh6vp A salute to you sir 👍🇺🇸
@@YoanMartinez-p6s English only
King David needs to see this
Man! That's the most realistic thumbnail I've ever seen!
I cant take the video seriously now.
Some "Artistc license" there i suspect!
And nothing to do with Ukraine. The fear mongering for views is common with these zero integrity hack channels.
It's shameful fear mongering. My last comment was deleted 😂
Are you smoking crack??? What thumpnail video are you talking about? I worked on these planes for more than 10 yesrs, have you???
Então se levantou Abraão, inclinou-se diante do povo da terra, diante dos filhos de
Hete. E falou com eles, dizendo: Se é de vossa vontade que eu sepulte a minha morta de diante de minha face, ouvi-me e falai por mim a Efrom, filho de Zoar,
Que ele me dê a cova de Macpela, que ele tem no fim do seu campo; que ma dê
pelo devido preço em herança de sepulcro no meio de vós.
Ora Efrom habitava no meio dos filhos de Hete; e respondeu Efrom, heteu, a
Abraão, aos ouvidos dos filhos de Hete, de todos os que entravam pela porta da sua cidade, dizendo:
Não, meu senhor, ouve-me: O campo te dou, também te dou a cova que nele está, diante dos olhos dos filhos do meu povo ta dou; sepulta a tua morta.
Então Abraão se inclinou diante da face do povo da terra,
E falou a Efrom, aos ouvidos do povo da terra, dizendo: Mas se tu estás por isto,
ouve-me, peço-te. O preço do campo o darei; toma-o de mim e sepultarei ali a
minha morta. E respondeu Efrom a Abraão, dizendo-lhe:
Watching from Papua New Guinea, God bless America amen.
Tanrı amerikayı perişan kahhar ismiyle perişan eylesin
My family was stationed at Barksdale AFB my father spent 25 years of his life keeping these beautiful aircraft ready to defend or country, freedom and way of life,thank you Senior Master Sargent Jesse Rohner, may God's hands hold you tightly, you are deeply missed.
The only way we r going to be free is when Jesus comes back & I'm hoping that DAY will be very soon
Eure Nation ist nichts anderes als Kriegstreibernation welche anderen Nationen ihren Willen aufzwingen: Ihr verteidigt nicht die Freiheit sondern bringt Unglück in die Welt!
I too served at Barksdale AFB 74-77. Unbelievable the B52
@@rayGaddThank you for your service you are my hero
The whole world will come together after he sits on his rightfull throne in JERUSALEM. With his spoken word the enemies of God will immediately cease to exist.
😢Amen. From India
I was an enlisted grounds crew on B-52’s. Participated in the launching of B-52’s on the alert pad. Circa 1960 Dow AFB Bangor me. Later on B-58 program Bunker Hill AFB Ind. Wow those were the days and I was just a boy.
Psychopat Joe Biden byl také kdysi moc zlý kluk, dnes netrefí sám ani na WC a dělá to prý často do kalhot...😆😁
Ty for your service❤️
Thank you for your service. Dumb question probably… but, are those planes we gave to them?
@@jessicazellner7336 no dumb questions! Look at the outline of our state of Louisiana! These were part of the first 40 BILLION DOLLARS we GAVE THEM! Insane government we have right now!
E disse: Ó Senhor, Deus de meu senhor Abraão, dá-me hoje bom encontro, e faze
beneficência ao meu senhor Abraão!
Eis que eu estou em pé junto à fonte de água e as filhas dos homens desta cidade
saem para tirar água;
Seja, pois, que a donzela, a quem eu disser: Abaixa agora o teu cântaro para que
eu beba; e ela disser: Bebe, e também darei de beber aos teus camelos; esta seja a quem designaste ao teu servo Isaque, e que eu conheça nisso que usaste de
benevolência com meu senhor. E sucedeu que, antes que ele acabasse de falar, eis que Rebeca, que havia nascido a Betuel, filho de Milca, mulher de Naor, irmão de Abraão, saía com o seu cântaro sobre o seu ombro.
E a donzela era mui formosa à vista, virgem, a quem homem não havia conhecido; e desceu à fonte, e encheu o seu cântaro e subiu.
Então o servo correu-lhe ao encontro, e disse: Peço-te, deixa-me beber um pouco
de água do teu cântaro.
I'm no expert, but let us pray these guys can knock a couple minutes off their emergency takeoff time.
Yea they lost most of there time driving like they were on a Sunday drive lol just cursing along .
This ain't Hollywood, boys. This requires a specific process to be followed. This scramble time is perfectly acceptable for any mission a B-52 would be called up for. It's certainly not an intercept aircraft
Oh, and there might have been some "cursing", but I couldn't hear it.
@Just1American1966 lol 😆 yes there may have been some, lol haha 🤣. Cruising is what was supposed to be there.
See the logic behind Operation Chromedome in the 1960s, B-52s constantly in the air within an hour or so from the USSR border, armed to the teeth. I was a young airman at Torrejon AFB near Madrid in Spain. It based a wing of B-47s but the main mission was the KC-135s in constant rotation to refuel the B-52s running racetrack patterns over the Mediterranean.
Someone once said
"When the power of love triumphs over love of power, only then will the world know peace"
nikad jer istok neda demokraciju svom narodu da vide tu slobodu da vide kako se u slobodi živi da neideš u zatvor ako kažeš nešto protiv vođe i komunizma ili oni što nose marame da se nezna ko je zar to nije strašno zato im smeta amerika i cjeli zapad
@@gregdoull1190 Amen Brother man... 👍
Wir brauchen unbedingt den Frieden auf der Welt 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
Explain our Wish to Black rock, arms producers, etc
Ist mit den Amis nicht zu machen!
Nur keine Angst, denn dieses Video is ueber 2 Jahre alt.
@@lebenbroi445let's prepare and wish for the best.❤
@@lebenbroi445 а самолётам более полувека.
I'm afraid RESTRAINT is the KEY word - Let everyone restrain from any action which will lead to untoward damages and dangers because of FALSE EGOS & Corruption. Patience is the KEY WORD.
Makes my heart rate go UP 😵💫 it is so sad to think we ARE AT THIS POINT.... damn the politicians pushing WAR 😡
Texas Nana
Psalm 91
Not the politicians, but the necessity of CAPITALISM!!
Tell it to Vladimir Puke-in
@@tesmith47 Go Capitalism 👍😉
Tell it to Putin.....
The next commander in chief is giving me nightmares
There must be a better way to remove the pitot tube covers!!
That was pretty ridiculous...
No, e perchè? Fanno così ridere ahahah
Time tested sorry!
The EPA should be having a cow over all that smoke.
Greta wet herself!
America 's EPA has hogtied everything here
@@stevehlabse5537 The EPA was one of Nixon's worst creations. Now that Chevron deference is struck down by SCOTUS, the EPA may have troubles with lots of their actions.
And that cartridge smoke is deadly to breath.
Yet, California's Air Resource Board now requires all new 'Certified Clean Diesels' (greater than 1-ton) be smogged twice a year, and in 2027 that will jump to four times a year.
In the 1960's British Royal Air Force Victors and Vulcans would be off the ground in 4 minutes.
That was the time that a potential Warsaw Pact missile was detected and would impact in UK.
4 minutes to get retaliation off the ground and doom to Moscow, Kiev, Leningrad etcetera.
So hatte man sich das Vorgestellt aber das war immer nur Wunschdenken..
@@theoronig6440 That is possibly the way you would have liked it to be - Ex 60's R.A.F. vet here. that's the way it was.
Of that time, I don't recall the Luftwaffa had much of anything really, and they certainly didn't have Vulcans!
@@anthonytaylor9232 Didn't the Vulcan have one button to press on the crew entry hatch to start the engines? The video of the B-52's getting ready is pretty grim I recon, none of them look like they would 'get way' in time.
@@sirmalus5153 Nah, that was the pilot's jalopy that wa left standing on the tarmac!
dizia: Que eu não veja morrer o menino. E assentou-se em frente, e levantou a sua voz, e chorou.
E ouviu Deus a voz do menino, e bradou o anjo de Deus a Agar desde os céus, e
disse-lhe: Que tens, Agar? Não temas, porque Deus ouviu a voz do menino desde o lugar onde está.
Ergue-te, levanta o menino e pega-lhe pela mão, porque dele farei uma grande
nação. E abriu-lhe Deus os olhos, e viu um poço de água; e foi encher o odre de água, e deu de beber ao menino.
E era Deus com o menino, que cresceu; e habitou no deserto, e foi flecheiro.
E habitou no deserto de Parã; e sua mãe tomou-lhe mulher da terra do Egito.
E aconteceu naquele mesmo tempo que Abimeleque, com Ficol, príncipe do seu
exército, falou com Abraão, dizendo: Deus é contigo em tudo o que fazes;
Agora, pois, jura-me aqui por Deus, que não mentirás a mim, nem a meu filho,
nem a meu neto; segundo a beneficência que te fiz, me farás a mim, e à terra onde peregrinaste. E disse Abraão: Eu jurarei.
And they're off like a herd of turtles.
Please be nice
But very, very dangerous turtles, nonetheless.
This is just an exercise, not a threat
A big bluff Uncle bully ing?
america the #1 super weapon
I was stationed at Loring and got to see them and the inside is another story. I was a boom operator! Miss those days!!
I was at Loring too circa 1959, 1960. We Got the first of the G models there.
disse: Eis-me aqui. Então disse: Não estendas a tua mão sobre o moço, e não lhe faças nada; porquanto agora sei que temes a Deus, e não me negaste o teu filho, o teu único filho. Então levantou Abraão os seus olhos e olhou; e eis um carneiro detrás dele, travado pelos seus chifres, num mato; e foi Abraão, e tomou o carneiro, e ofereceu-o em holocausto, em lugar de seu filho.
E chamou Abraão o nome daquele lugar: o Senhor proverá; donde se diz até ao
dia de hoje: No monte do Senhor se proverá.
Então o anjo do Senhor bradou a Abraão pela segunda vez desde os céus,
E disse: Por mim mesmo jurei, diz o Senhor: Porquanto fizeste esta ação, e não
me negaste o teu filho, o teu único filho,
Que deveras te abençoarei, e grandissimamente multiplicarei a tua descendência
como as estrelas dos céus, e como a areia que está na praia do mar; e a tua
descendência possuirá a porta dos seus inimigos;
E em tua descendência serão benditas todas as nações da terra; porquanto
obedeceste à minha voz.
Hz nu🎉❤😂 ki CR bu ko in ki CR bu ni oo ni om
Mi 1:08 😮@@dissipulodjesus
Keeping America Free ❤❤❤ thank you
As long as there is people who believe in the Marxist way of life, and believe in imperialism hegemony, God help this country and the next election!
Here in Riverside, California, at March Air Force Base (which was a SAC base through the 1980s) you could always see five B-52D’s lined up on the alert pad at the end of the runway. My ex-wife’s father, Frank Casto was a pilot for B-47’s and B-52’s. She remembered him in the 50s, spending a week at a time in the alert pad quarters there at the end of that runaway.
E aconteceu depois destas coisas, que provou Deus a Abraão, e disse-lhe: Abraão! E ele disse: Eis-me aqui.
E disse: Toma agora o teu filho, o teu único filho, Isaque, a quem amas, e vai-te à
terra de Moriá, e oferece-o ali em holocausto sobre uma das montanhas, que eu te direi. Então se levantou Abraão pela manhã de madrugada, e albardou o seu jumento, e tomou consigo dois de seus moços e Isaque seu filho; e cortou lenha para o holocausto, e levantou-se, e foi ao lugar que Deus lhe dissera.
Come to the table in good faith Ukraine..
Russia will negotiate if you do.
Have the courage to advocate for peace
Why should the Ukraine start with this when the Russians are the offenders.
Russia, under Putin continues to be a SNAKE in the grass.....
Sounds like Neville Chamberlain ... "negotiating" with Hitler before WWII.
I was doing a job in a building 1 mile away from a B 52 air base and the one thing that stills amazes me is how loud those planes are when taking off
Not nearly as loud as the B1.
Prayers. For. Peace
Purity of Essence. Dr. Stragelove
The B 52 was cutting edge 72 years ago.
Ze staré vrásčité šedesátileté báby taky mladou svůdnou sexy kočku která ještě navíc může rodit neuděláš ani zázrakem. A stejné je to i s tímto létajícím šrotem.
🍂THE GOSPEL OF WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the Salvation of the last day that Christ brought in the second and last incarnation of His new and holy name"
(The Christ of the last days brings life to all and brings a last and eternal way of truth. The work of the last days exposes the work of Jehovah and also of Jesus and all mysteries and mysteries that man does not understand. This is done to reveal the destiny and of humanity and end all works of salvation among humanity. This phase of work brings all things to the end. In the last days, Christ uses various truths to teach people. Reveal the human spirit and check his words and actions. These words are made up of different many truths. As human duty, how to obey God, how to be faithful to God, how a person should live normally, so is God's wisdom, and disposition, and do on. Those words expose how man rejects God in how man is an representation of Satan and an enemy force that opposes God. Judgment gives--away for man to understand the will of God. It also allows man to recognize and know the evil spirit and the roots of his evil, as well as to discover the uglyness and defects of man. These effects are all results of the word of Judgment in the last days.)
Almighty God said
" The CHRIST of the LAST DAYS brings LIFE to ALL and BRINGS a LAST and ETERNAL WAY of TRUTH. This TRUTH is the WAY by which MAN CAN OBTAIN LIFE and the ONLY WAY by which MAN CAN KNOW GOD and --GOD'S WILL. ☀️🙏
In this final stage of the work the results are achieved through words. THROUGH gh the WORD man COMES to the UNDERSTANDING of many MYSTERIES and the WORK of GOD, through the WORD man is ENLIGHTENED by the HOLY SPIRIT; through the word man UNDERSTANDS the MYSTERY that has not been SOLVED by PAST GENERATIONS ns as well as the WORK of the PROPHETS and APOSTLES of PAST TIMES and the PRINCIPLES on which they WORK ; through the WORD people COME to an UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S DISPOSITION, as well as HUMAN REBELLION and RESISTANCE and come to an understanding of their own substance. ☀️🙏☀️
Through these steps of work, and all the words spoken; man comes to understand the work of the Spirit in the work of God incarnate, and especially in His entire disposition. " 🙏
THESE WORDS ARE MADE UP OF DIFFERENT MANY Truths. As human duty, how to obey God,
how to be faithful to God, how a person should live normally, so is God's wisdom and disposition, and so on. These words focus on the Spirit of man. And in his bad disposition. ☀️🌻
The purpose of God's works and Plans, and the mysteries and mysteries that cannot be understood. It also ALLOWS MAN to RECOGNIZE and KNOW his EVIL SPIRIT and the ROOTS of his EVIL, as WELL as to DISCOVER the UGLYNESS and DEFECTS of MAN. 😪🙏
These EFFECTS are all RESULTS of the WORK of JUDGMENT in the LAST DAYS.
Because the SPIRIT of THIS WORK is the OPENING of the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE to ALL who have FAITH in HIM. " 🙏🙏
From "The Word Appears in the Flesh"
Fulfillment in (John 1:1) and (Ezekiel 2::9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
📩 All who have "ears to listen" are led to what the Spirit of God is saying in His lowered and built kingdom/Church engraved with His new name, His totality, the ownership of this disposition, "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD "💐 fulfillment from what was said He to Peter 2,000 years ago recorded in (Matthew 16:18-19). His Coming is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the great book of Revelation, so the last "Salvation" He brought the whole truth, the way for eternal life. So the "victorious" ones who will receive them are the wise "virgins" because as recorded in the prophecy of His return no one knows it except the one who will receive it! So "come" and come to His kingdom/church standing in the holy place in the air/RUclips! This is also a fulfillment from the book of (Isaiah 2:2/9:6) which He first fulfilled in His first incarnation. 📥
"They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... and (Isaiah 2: 2 / 9:6) "On the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " . "For a baby boy is born to us. The rule will be given to him; and he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." 📤
They are getting new engines and cannot remember the channel RR engines.
@@JustAlanJohn you can put lipstick on a pig......these old warhorses don't have a chance against modern air defenses.
They carry real up to date advanced munitions. They don't even have to get close to the target.
God BLESS YHEM ALL 🙏🇮🇱🙏🇺🇲🙏🙏👍🙏🙏🙏AMEIINN🙏🙏🙏
0p4 0:13
Beautiful aircraft
)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Летающее корыто!
Let's all pray for world peace yahweh bless thy people together the Christian community.
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Bharat India Bharat ka man tujhe Salam
Why only Christians ? God created humans equally ,no matter what their belives are …😮😮😮😮😮😮
@@dragonfly1929🩵🙏כל הכבוד 🫶🏻
May God bless our country
equine scatology, nothing to do with ukraine
The usual bovine fecal matter of click bait for views and ad revenue eh mate?
putting up the "preview" for another video right at the end covering the take off was total chicken scratch.
Same video footage of practice alert at Barksdale, several years old.
In the 60's our crews at March were much faster, but back then B-52 was front line deterrent. Now they don't have same reflex role.
Yup! Bovine faecal matter click bait.
I knew it had absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine.
So, unfortunately, instead of this channel getting a subscription - because I genuinely love aviation and everything related to it - I will be selecting "DO NOT RECOMMEND" or "NOT INTERESTED".....because I do not like being deceived with thoughtless click bait titles.
And I advise everyone else to do the same. Hopefully, at some point, they'll get demonetized for shameless click baiting.
Good content that stands on its own merit - the childish thumbnail and the blatantly lying click-bait title are absolutely unnecessary...!!! 🙄
Bye bye!
@@dusttoyou4550 Diese hier hätte der Russe schon längst eingeäschert🤣🤣.
Whoa !!! Those are old video clips mashed up with newer ones. Takeoff and landing clips are mixed up. Chopped up pieces of USAF training excersizes. It tells me the page owner doesn't know what he's looking at ... from start to finish.
Tells me he’s mastered Clickbait and knows how to generate revenue
The Goliath of our time is really well equipped!
70+ years old and still going strong!!
Grandad was with SAC he said we would have been airborne 30 minutes faster
These guys are slow 😊
As an old SAC "war horse" and Boomer, these guys are S L O W! If we were that slow CINCSAC would increase the klaxon to at least twice a week until we were fast.
Это не перехватчик, взлет Божьей милостью...
🍂THE GOSPEL OF WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the Salvation of the last day that Christ brought in the second and last incarnation of His new and holy name"
(The Christ of the last days brings life to all and brings a last and eternal way of truth. The work of the last days exposes the work of Jehovah and also of Jesus and all mysteries and mysteries that man does not understand. This is done to reveal the destiny and of humanity and end all works of salvation among humanity. This phase of work brings all things to the end. In the last days, Christ uses various truths to teach people. Reveal the human spirit and check his words and actions. These words are made up of different many truths. As human duty, how to obey God, how to be faithful to God, how a person should live normally, so is God's wisdom, and disposition, and do on. Those words expose how man rejects God in how man is an representation of Satan and an enemy force that opposes God. Judgment gives--away for man to understand the will of God. It also allows man to recognize and know the evil spirit and the roots of his evil, as well as to discover the uglyness and defects of man. These effects are all results of the word of Judgment in the last days.)
Almighty God said
" The CHRIST of the LAST DAYS brings LIFE to ALL and BRINGS a LAST and ETERNAL WAY of TRUTH. This TRUTH is the WAY by which MAN CAN OBTAIN LIFE and the ONLY WAY by which MAN CAN KNOW GOD and --GOD'S WILL. ☀️🙏
In this final stage of the work the results are achieved through words. THROUGH gh the WORD man COMES to the UNDERSTANDING of many MYSTERIES and the WORK of GOD, through the WORD man is ENLIGHTENED by the HOLY SPIRIT; through the word man UNDERSTANDS the MYSTERY that has not been SOLVED by PAST GENERATIONS ns as well as the WORK of the PROPHETS and APOSTLES of PAST TIMES and the PRINCIPLES on which they WORK ; through the WORD people COME to an UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S DISPOSITION, as well as HUMAN REBELLION and RESISTANCE and come to an understanding of their own substance. ☀️🙏☀️
Through these steps of work, and all the words spoken; man comes to understand the work of the Spirit in the work of God incarnate, and especially in His entire disposition. " 🙏
THESE WORDS ARE MADE UP OF DIFFERENT MANY Truths. As human duty, how to obey God,
how to be faithful to God, how a person should live normally, so is God's wisdom and disposition, and so on. These words focus on the Spirit of man. And in his bad disposition. ☀️🌻
The purpose of God's works and Plans, and the mysteries and mysteries that cannot be understood. It also ALLOWS MAN to RECOGNIZE and KNOW his EVIL SPIRIT and the ROOTS of his EVIL, as WELL as to DISCOVER the UGLYNESS and DEFECTS of MAN. 😪🙏
These EFFECTS are all RESULTS of the WORK of JUDGMENT in the LAST DAYS.
Because the SPIRIT of THIS WORK is the OPENING of the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE to ALL who have FAITH in HIM. " 🙏🙏
From "The Word Appears in the Flesh"
Fulfillment in (John 1:1) and (Ezekiel 2::9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
📩 All who have "ears to listen" are led to what the Spirit of God is saying in His lowered and built kingdom/Church engraved with His new name, His totality, the ownership of this disposition, "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD "💐 fulfillment from what was said He to Peter 2,000 years ago recorded in (Matthew 16:18-19). His Coming is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the great book of Revelation, so the last "Salvation" He brought the whole truth, the way for eternal life. So the "victorious" ones who will receive them are the wise "virgins" because as recorded in the prophecy of His return no one knows it except the one who will receive it! So "come" and come to His kingdom/church standing in the holy place in the air/RUclips! This is also a fulfillment from the book of (Isaiah 2:2/9:6) which He first fulfilled in His first incarnation. 📥
"They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... and (Isaiah 2: 2 / 9:6) "On the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " . "For a baby boy is born to us. The rule will be given to him; and he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." 📤
Lord Jesus! Please send our guys safe and bring them back safe in your must precious name Amen.
No war is safe for all fighting soldiers, if indeed ww3 erupt, expect for the worst. Do not expect goodness will come out from any war. Just be prepared for the worst case sennario, even worse if nuclear war ensue, thats the end of the war for everybody, none will be spared, no body will ever survive including whole Joe and trump families, no body, no body will live to see the light of the day if nuclear war is broke out
Watching enga Papua New Guinea..
Love you all and God bless you all pilots..🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬we are praying for you all.. Amen and Amen..
Man strength is nothing sprichiuvel but only God strength is anything
😮God protect the passengers and the crew atlarge
Hollywood, always hollywood
All the yelling in the world won’t get those ships in the air any faster! It’s all about drill!
What kind of a Circus is this? I remember when our High Alert Crews were sleeping in their Jets.
There are no B52s flying to Ukraine.
B-52 s on Alert Barksdale A F B😮
@@Joseph-c9g5f Buff's are always on alert at Barksdale. I was stationed there. It was always primed.
Это же надо, сколько кислорода получает природа только при взлёт одного такого сарая! И они будут ещё утверждать после этого, что коровы пукают, экология страдает.
E o SENHOR visitou a Sara, como tinha dito; e fez o SENHOR a Sara como tinha
E concebeu Sara, e deu a Abraão um filho na sua velhice, ao tempo determinado,
que Deus lhe tinha falado.
E Abraão pôs no filho que lhe nascera, que Sara lhe dera, o nome de Isaque.
E Abraão circuncidou o seu filho Isaque, quando era da idade de oito dias, como
Deus lhe tinha ordenado.
E era Abraão da idade de cem anos, quando lhe nasceu Isaque seu filho.
E disse Sara: Deus me tem feito riso; todo aquele que o ouvir se rirá comigo.
Disse mais: Quem diria a Abraão que Sara daria de mamar a filhos? Pois lhe dei
um filho na sua velhice.
E cresceu o menino, e foi desmamado; então Abraão fez um grande banquete no
dia em que Isaque foi desmamado.
E viu Sara que o filho de Agar, a egípcia, o qual tinha dado a Abraão, zombava.
Mais os bichos humanos estao peidando bem mais que as vacas, e sao muito maior em volume, por isto que o sol esta apagado, poluido, e um calor de 50 graus ,logo vamos virar churrasco.
კარგი ფეიკია დადგმული ყოჩაღ❤❤❤❤
Why always keep on fighting .Just try to be peace love each other's.Life on earth is only temporary for all of us and never do things that God don't like.
Because there are evil countries that want fighting.
Meu senhor, ouve-me, a terra é de quatrocentos siclos de prata; que é isto entre
mim e ti? Sepulta a tua morta.
E Abraão deu ouvidos a Efrom, e Abraão pesou a Efrom a prata de que tinha
falado aos ouvidos dos filhos de Hete, quatrocentos siclos de prata, corrente entre
mercadores. Assim o campo de Efrom, que estava em Macpela, em frente de Manre, o campo e a cova que nele estava, e todo o arvoredo que no campo havia, que estava em todo o seu contorno ao redor,
Se confirmou a Abraão em possessão diante dos olhos dos filhos de Hete, de todos os que entravam pela porta da cidade.
E depois sepultou Abraão a Sara sua mulher na cova do campo de Macpela, em
frente de Manre, que é Hebrom, na terra de Canaã.
Assim o campo e a cova que nele estava foram confirmados a Abraão, pelos filhos
de Hete, em possessão de sepultura.
That's true
If you are such a big "Bible Thumper" then why are you watching a military video in the first place ? What a moron !!!!!!!!
vive tsahal depuis l'Angola
To the kind attention of the environmentalists ...
THAT'S an emergency take-off at full speed?
Lucky there weren't any nukes dropping around them for the last 8 minutes...
"Did you lose the bombs?" "No, I thought you did."
wish the take off wasnt blocked by whats up next
Blocking the very moment we're waiting for.
Yep... what IDIOT comes up with these brilliant ideas... horrible!
I watched that video for 8 minutes and then the 'next video thumbnail preview' blocks the very take off we were all waiting for. The video editor is probably laughing because he planned it that way.
Not sure. Just stupidity, perhaps.
God bless America & all our men & woman
CAN YOU SAY SCAM!!!! Nope, just a DRILL!!!
عملية الإقلاع استغرقت ما يزيد على عشرة دقائق وهذا يكفى لضربها قبل الإقلاع.... يجب التدريب لتقليل الوقت
Die erreichen nie eine Startzeit unter 2 Minuten. Eine Samat Rakete braucht 2 Minuten und Deutschland versinkt im Staub der Atomexplosionen
Sie müssen nicht trainieren, sondern Ihren Job an den Nagel hängen. Kein Mensch braucht einen Krieg es sind nur die Rüstungs Konzerne die den Hals nicht voll bekommen. Stell dir vor es wäre Krieg und keiner geht hin, was wäre dann.
schlechtes Übungsmanöver. Müssen noch viel trainieren!
Die Amerikaner haben beim Bombardieren Dresdens genügend Übung bekommen.
The very ecological plane
These planes were built in the 60's but as we speak are undergoing new engines by Rolls-Royce! The SMOKE you see is a HOT start by basically a cannon charge (Can Start) to get engtines fired. This is faster , without the need for GPU's to start engines.
@@eddie2279😅 8:12 😊😢😮😮
@@eddie2279 I thought they were running on small coal !
my grandmother moves faster than those guys
God will always protect you all,,
Way to slow. Pilots and ground crews need to be closer to planes. To much time in vans and driving to planes!
No sabiondo deben de estar alejados por un posible ataque o accidente.
There are areas on base that an on alert aircrew may go as long as they have a radio and a vehicle. If the klaxon goes off, rotating lights along the alert route go on and traffic clears the road for the alert crews. If the threat was more likely, then they would be held at the facility or in the acft.
God have mercy of the innocent citizens who fund themselves behind these lines
Inaka no otoko-tachi wa inoru
So NO mention as to the "Nature" of the "Emergency".
And, as far as I know, the USA has NO troops in Ukraine.
So it seems strange this B-52 would have to go to a "Ukraine Base"!
With God always be a winner.
God bless American love you all 8:12
👍 Thanks 👍
Watching from Denver Colorado freedom's worldswide freedom's freedom's freedom's freedom's.
My Dad retired from SAC on the BUFF. I remember the alert klaxons well. On his base, they used the old "Christmas Tree" arrangement for combat takeoffs (ie, NO TAXIING). The APUs ran on the planes 24/7 during periods of "heightened tension", like the Cuban Missile Crisis. Crews often ate and slept on the aircraft. No showers, toilet breaks except the onboard toilet. I see comments often on "the number of minutes they figured to have to get off the ground." That was BS. Nobody knew. We were surrounded at that time by a 13 silo Atlas VI "city killer" nuclear missile field. We figured we would know if it was real world if those popped off.
But for the B52's, it was: pull wheel chocks and pitot covers while pilots and flight engineers were spinning up the engines. Roll out fast and go. They took off over a state highway, with drivers alone judging if it was safe to drive under them! Often the tires retracting would barely clear the barrier at the graveled end of the runway. Once the scramble klaxons stopped, the air was filled with turbines SCREAMING at high throttle. General Curtis LeMay demanded NO MORE than a 15 second spacing between bombers and 8 seconds between escorts. The tankers were constantly airborne during these times of crisis. In order to get off faster, when my Dad took off from AAFB in Oklahoma, they only had enough fuel to rendezvous with the KC97 tankers orbiting over Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and Canada. They called this circle the "Racetrack" once they topped up on fuel (for basically what everyone knew was a one - way trip), they ascended to Group Altitude into their "attack formations" in another "racetrack". A lot of procedures happened then. They would open their targeting packages and navigators would be furiously plotting their approaches to Mother Russia. Then they would start their approach vectors out toward their "FailSafe" points. Unless a general recall was issued, when they reached this point, they would receive their final commands and open their "A/B" packets the command cockpits were sealed, and each flight officer: pilot, copilot, and navigator checked their sidearms to see that 1 round was chambered. They got an A or B command and opened that letter "snap card". (Either letter could be a "GO" or "NO GO".) Whichever confirmation was inside would determine their return to base or mission go- code. All 3 cockpit orders had to match. Orders were followed- that's what the ready sidearms were for. Most often, it was a drill, and aircraft returned fairly soon.
Families knew it was only a drill when their men returned to base. It was a terribly gut wrenching period for all involved. These days with virtually undetectable or unstoppable hypersonic missiles? We will know when they start dropping.
Reminds me of an ORI inspection when everything on the ground was up in the air shortly after the klaxton sounded.
I hated ORIs
Elephant Walk.
@@robertheinkel6225 Yeah so did I…we went on 24 hour shifts. I was a jet engine mechanic on 52 H’s and 135’s
A "By None" ORI where everyone is inspected and the aircraft flew and crews were tested on accuracy. Any one failed and the whole unit failed.
@@MikeC-ry1dkmin že
Grew up in the 50-60s on 2 different SAC bases. This is so slow. Back then, there were B52s in the air 24/7 ready to take out targets around the world. Another flight on the ground ready to take off crew in the plane could be in the air in less than 5 back up crews and planes that if the ones on the ground took off the next ones were . Loving into position as the ready crew.
Nestrašte zbytečně lidi, nechte je žít.
Where did these take off from?
There are no US bases in Ukraine
When Boeing was a great company. Still working after all these years.
l'economia americana è già CROLLATA in modo irreversibile ed è questo il motivo per cui FOMENTA la guerra GLOBALE , sperando nella ricostruzione , GNAM , GNAM 😅
So wird die Umwelt vernichtet 😢😢😢
Zelený úděl je hlavně pro nás Evropany.Důvodem je to,že jsme bohatí a lepší než USA.Tak je třeba oslabit Evropu,ať může opět vzkvétat USA...
Time marches on ; time is all we have left .
I'll be dead in a few years so don't really give a 💩
8igeuoff 3:19 676
78 861:02 @@dy6682
Millennial reign of our Lord Jesus christ would be peaceful
Da kann man nur hoffen das in dieser Hektik die Bomben nicht vergessen worden sind
Кому они обеспечили безопасность? Ираку? Югославии? Панаме? Чили? Афганистану? США - садист и палач для мира!
Ты глупый.
Oh, B-52 Bomber, gutes Raketenfutter.
The video is so cool👍
When Gen. Curtis LeMay was in charge (over 60 yrs ago) , there were B52' (armed with H Bombs) already air born They would rotate with another B52 in order that there would always be B52's in the air ready to go.24/7. It is possible that some of the pilots of those flights could be the grandfathers of the current pilots of the same plane.. No other military aircraft has ever stayed in service so long.
What could go wrong?
Maybe they did conquer metal fatigue? (in their minds).
Hilarious the screen is covered over by an advert as the aircraft took of what a waste of time!
You’re so right God got this. Remember God is the power power charge. God bless America.❤❤❤❤
Do you want a god to bless a child and women killer complicit nation. There are no gods, had their been, the US would not exist. Fortunately the US hegemony is gradually being nullified and destroyed.
Just a practice run. Not to Ukraine.
Ukraine and
Пока веревку снимут😂😂😂и по шапке прилетит😂😂😂
Нека само лете да Руси имају шта рушити. Z
Само летите да кинжали, искандери, сармати.....имају шта рушити. Кладим се да тај авион гори као и абрамси, леопарди....
Это загдушка на пвд)))
Which take off? After 8 minutes ............. nothing.🙄
Они его заводят как бензопилу дёргая за верёвочку!
Вам нужны обучаться,
Why translate in English and not Spanish or Mongolian ?
Просто ты остался на уровне бензопилы..
Я видел заход на́посадку в52 в68 году на западноберлинский аэродром над нашей казармой в крамкнице впечатление незабываемые
سبحان من أنطق سيد المجاهدين عمر المختار هذه الطائرات وحشودها وماعلاها أهى فوق عرش الرحمن أم أسفله ؟
الحمد لله نؤمن بالواحد الأحد القاهر فوق عباده ووعده الحق ولن يخلفه .
اللهم أجعلها علوا تتبيرا .
Back in 1991 (92?) I sat in the back of a KC-135 from my base (Eaker AFB) and looked over the shoulder of the boom operator as they refueled a B-52 out of Barksdale (this base)! Pretty cool stuff.
Once, we had a Klaxon (like this one) and one of the crewmen ran under the buff to ingress and sliced his scalp open on an antennae. They (later) had a good laugh at that.
Love those puffs of smoke when they used the charges to fire up the engines! I'm unsure if any other aircraft use this system for cold starts.
E em tua descendência serão benditas todas as nações da terra; porquanto
obedeceste à minha voz.
Então Abraão tornou aos seus moços, e levantaram-se, e foram juntos para
Berseba; e Abraão habitou em Berseba.
E sucedeu depois destas coisas, que anunciaram a Abraão, dizendo: Eis que
também Milca deu filhos a Naor teu irmão.
Uz o seu primogênito, e Buz seu irmão, e Quemuel, pai de Arã,
E Quésede, e Hazo, e Pildas, e Jidlafe, e Betuel.
E Betuel gerou Rebeca. Estes oito deu à luz Milca a Naor, irmão de Abraão.
E a sua concubina, cujo nome era Reumá, ela lhe deu também a Tebá, Gaã, Taás e Maaca.
That was ridiculously slow! Nearly 5:30 to get the first a/c taxying. The UK's V Bombers, Vulcan, Victor (or Valiant in the early cold war days) would have been airborne and away long before that
At about 2:49 notice the airman struggling to pull the pitot tube cover.😮 There is No excuse for those hanging like that. He even broke the damn lanyard trying!
Well good for you wise "A"🤔
@@BenSharp-hu3meI sure he scored some demerits....OK?🤔
These bombers are stationed at Barksdale AFB, La. Has nothing to do with Ukraine. Clickbait. If they were to land in Ukraine, they would be a legal target for Russia and the beginning of WWIII. Used to work in the Command Post at Minot AFB, ND. Had B52H, KC135 and Minuteman III missiles. North Dakota, the third largest nuclear power in the world.
This is training! Who said anything about Ukraine???
It said in the video description, pal.