OMG! SOOOOO FUNNY!! HILARIOUS!!!!!! Asa Butterfield is terrific. Robert De NIro can do ANYTHING. Act ANYTHING. AMAZING. LMFAO!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂🙂🙂
Uber one is available in Mexico and yet every time I try to purchase it, it says sorry something went wrong, is my account banned from getting it or something? My brother does have it!
both actors starred in Martin Scorsese's films.. Asa Butterfield (Hugo) & Robert De Niro (Killers Of The Flower Moon, The Irishman, Taxi Driver & Raging Bull)
This ad is so adorable! Their chemistry is on point. It brought me so much joy to watch it for the entire three minutes.
Lies again? Grab Uber One French Fries
This ad is fantastic! So simple and effective 😎👏🏽
Robert and Asa’s friendship is so cringe and cute simultaneously 😂😂😂
So who is the other guy
I really hope Robert gets another Oscar for that 🎉
Oscar for add u kidding me he got payed i guess 2 milion for this 3 min add
the actors of our generations being best friends
This made me so happy to see Bob be like this😭😂😂 Love you Bobby De❤️❤️
It’s Robert de Niro to u mate
Honestly. Well done Uber. This ad is a triumph. The duo we never knew we needed ❤
I rarely watch a commercial willingly or by choice, i liked this one.
This is the best!!!! Love Asa’s awkwardness!
This was an ingenious spoof of Deniro being a man of few words. Brilliant commercial.
This is just so wholesome, I love it.
how u wish a commercial would be a movie.......3hrs to be precise...the chemistrym so sensational
Now this is a very random and iconic duo 😂😂
Excellent ad. I have never seen Robert DeNiro say so much.
Just seen this today after MAFS not knowing there’s whole version. I love it!
I can't tell you how hard this made me smile 😁😁😁😁😁
The only advert to not skip and watch again 😂😂
Robert de niro can make a simple advertisement into a cult classic.
I love Bobby DeNiro... so deadpan!!
“A membership for people who eat food and go places” genius marketing
Asa's awkwardness is so perfect every time
This has got to be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.😂
How has my guy Otis managed this 😂
I'm happier now than I was before watching this ad.
Same lol
The bromantic comedy I never knew I needed
Aww They have a great chemistry, very very lovely 💕
Not once did they really interact with eachother. The power of editing.
Noo now i have watch it again.
How do you know that?
Wait they didn't film it together????? 😢😢😢😢😢
that was so cool. simple and heartwarming
Sitting down with a legend, is an out of body experience.
This was so funny. I didn’t expect the arc 😂
Of all the things that could made sense or not to materialize on this Ad, i'm strongly interested on the way the Agent sold the script to Mr. De Niro.
i’m so lovesick for asa like i’m LOCKED IN on his lore
I never knew that a needed to see Robert de niro on a swing
We need Robert De Niro, Leonardo DiCaprio & Asa Butterfield in one Martin Scorsese film
You are the MAN Mr. De Niro!
Is this kid famous?
Reminds me of my uncle . . Deepak kaka . . Love you dipakaku . .
He is a legend and always a treat to watch
Aww 💖 such a sweet commercial 🥰
Good enough reason to use Just Eat and catch real taxis!!
OMG! SOOOOO FUNNY!! HILARIOUS!!!!!! Asa Butterfield is terrific. Robert De NIro can do ANYTHING. Act ANYTHING. AMAZING. LMFAO!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂🙂🙂
Uber one is available in Mexico and yet every time I try to purchase it, it says sorry something went wrong, is my account banned from getting it or something? My brother does have it!
What a great ad.truly beautiful and memorable.
Love Asa and Bob
I can't believe how much people are enjoying this? Can someone please just explain to me what this advert is advertising?
both actors starred in Martin Scorsese's films.. Asa Butterfield (Hugo) & Robert De Niro (Killers Of The Flower Moon, The Irishman, Taxi Driver & Raging Bull)
Scorsese’s leading actor reunite
It’s giving me UP vibes ♥️
deniro is so good in this its just insane
Love Asa! What a cute ad!
I have to say that the few times I got on an UBER or similar there was allways nice people at the wheel. So, for an ad, this is awkwardly honest.
First time seeing Asa Butterfield with Robert De Niro
not too many commercials nowadays like this. good job to the people behind it.
Robert De Niro and Uber Eats go perfectly together.
I can't stand either of them.
I'd describe this as an alternative cut rather than full length. The Greggs sausage roll eating - the highlight of the shorter version - is missing...
I’m so confused rn but also I adore this pairing
That's my boy otis
I don't know, I like eating food, but not going places.
i love watching fireworks with my uber driver
"I will take you to a great view", - said no Uber driver in the history of Uber drives?
And they get paid to write this braindead script??? What happened to witty ads?
the most beautiful ad in existence!
who is the director? where can i find all the details of who wrote and directed this?
I love Robert! ✊ BUT Uber is such a HORRIBLE company. 3 times over by over charging its customers, its drivers and their restaurant partners.
Did Rebert De niro mention "Al Pacino" at 2:37??
yes he does 😅
I miss Otis Milburn
You there now you here 😂😂😂😂
Genius ❤❤❤
You did a beautiful comercial, thanks, really very cool!!!
the actors get thousands for the ad while the drivers get's a beautiful world.
Proud of him
This should be a movie
Man! Did that divorce mess things up
Do you go places😆
Cool ad. It would still be a good one even if Robert wasn't there.
I already use uber why eff did I watch this start to finish instead of ordering food...
Asa butterfield as come a long way
This shows that commercial can be an art. I wanna see more…how about developping this to real movie?
2:02 that's my predrink spot 😂 boundry Gardens Shoreditch
My guess is they became friends however this is just a movie!
This is a great advert
Totally best advert
From Taxi Driver to Uber Rider
Help.... Anyone know the Music...??
it is Aram Khachaturyan, Adajio from Spartacus, ballet
that was mildly brilliant.. thank you :)
They're not even on the same continent let alone sitting in a taxi together 😆
AI is such fun
AI?! That's not how VFX works
@@iainww86 No idea but it's sh|T anyway 😆
@@RosieHarpWhat are you on. If you don't know then why did you say it. To sound edgy?
@@TheTransitmtl get a life ff$?
Best commercial ever!!!!!!
I kinda liked it. Just a little bit.
Lol! Love it!!!
I want to be friends with Robert De Niro.
He looks like my grandpa.
Nice short film not like Uber Services.
Lovely ❤Every One in this world should get Along ❤
I agree this ad is so wholesome
Thanks for scamming me guys and refusing to give out a refund
So wholesome
the music at the end ?
Adagio of Spartacus
Fun fact
Both Asa and Bob have worked with Martin Scorsese
Asa with Hugo and Bob with 10 of his Films
Great Commerical, whats the name of the song?
"Adagio of Spartacus and Phrygia"
Thank you 😊
wasn’t it used in one of Coen brothers’ movies?
@@arierahmat1771 Yep. "The Hudsucker Proxy"
Are you selling me a fantasy where robert deniro is my firend because we both eat food? Because I am buying it hahahaha
Why does he sound like Ewan mcgregor? Voices are so similar