  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • I was not planning on doing a video, but Spirit guided me to talk openly & vulnerably (which is something I am not used too doing ~ very much out of my comfort zone) to let you guys in & know that regardless of how things seem we all have our story & can be struggling in private, but just know that I am here for you as you have shown up for me... thank you! xxx

Комментарии • 284

  • @anthonydarby3973
    @anthonydarby3973 19 дней назад +46

    You should give yourself a huge pat on the back, because, although you may not realise,,you have just helped probably thousands of people, "WHY", or, "HOW",you might ask,,,simply because, you have just shown all of us how bloody amazing YOU are and because of that,others will now know that they are not on their own. Believe me, its perfectly alright being a square peg in a round hole, it's those people who think that they are perfect that truly have problems. Stay safe, take care, Tony here in the UK 🇬🇧 ❤❤

    • @user-dh8xx7bo2b
      @user-dh8xx7bo2b 19 дней назад +3

      You couldn't have said it any better. It is very difficult out there I'm one struggling myself. I just wanted to say thank you for giving her a wonderful support , ❤️🌹

  • @pauldavies5020
    @pauldavies5020 19 дней назад +30

    Olivia, I cried my eyes out watching this. Please don't give up. I was in a similar emotional state in my thirties, thinking I was invisible, unworthy of love. Fortunately, I met a my wife who brought all the life I could have imagined. Sadly, this time last year she received a diagnosis of cancer and we lost in October 23. Now I feel I am right back to square one, right back that place of wondering what the hell I'm going to do. My eldest son is autistic with ADHD and epilepsy. He often finds life baffling but he carries on as though there are no barriers.
    You have no barriers. Your readings are full of humour and light...and it's almost as if you have too much to communicate and you are barely keeping with all the messages you are receiving.
    You are an utterly beautiful, intuitive, perceptive woman. I love these videos when you speak to the camera though this one makes me more than a little sad. Fight on and cherish your gifts. You have lifted me several times with your readings. I am sending all the love and healing I can. Always here for you

  • @angelamcq5269
    @angelamcq5269 19 дней назад +32

    Oh Liv! 😢 You’ve just described exactly how I feel! I have no family at all. I couldn’t have children. I ran from my abusive husband. I have felt so alone and so beaten for so long. I am a nurse and always give to others. I also wonder if things will ever get better.
    But I want you to know this…you have more friends than you realise. Am sure there are so many more like me who look forward to your readings and are so very grateful.
    You are beautiful, intelligent, funny, and hugely supportive. You have a massive impact on the world. I know it’s difficult for you to absorb this right now. But you do matter. You are here for a reason. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. You are a warrior and I, for one, am very proud of you indeed. Xx 🙏🏼❤

  • @doublewired
    @doublewired 19 дней назад +27

    You are an amazing Light Worker, who chose to leave Your Realm to be Here, and Now, in this "Time and Space", to assist in the raising of the collective consciousness.
    You viberate at a higher level than the masses. That's why you don't fit in. Your not meant to fit their "false reality". Which feels like a burden, more than liberation. As I'm typing, just now, my left ear started
    Don't doubt yourself, and never stop trusting the universe and yourself. You are on the right track because it's Your track You are on.
    Your truth you tell us hits home to me. We are "cut from the same cloth". It feels lonely, but we are many. We are spread apart sparingly throughout this "civilization" for a larger purpose.
    I, like you, could write a book, or two or three, about my hardships I've been trough, and going through. You even spoke of it in you last reading. I'm a Scorpio Sun, Moon, Ascendant and in the 12th house. With strong Libra evergy in 4 areas of my Zodiac as well. So my life is all about ""This" transformation we are going through, all while keeping things even and fare. I don't even know what half of it all means, but you are one of my Guiding Lights. I look forward to your videos.
    I Love You Olivia.
    The Collective Love You
    We Are Love
    P.S. Sorry for the long message. I have no Idea if it makes sense. I had not Idea where I was going with it.
    ITS AN INCREDIBLE TIME TO BE ALIVE. To witness, and participate in the evolution of "Human Consciousness."
    Real heros don't have shining armor. It gets beaten, broken, worn and stained with the battles of life. You are, and will be again, Victorious.

    • @lucysmith4394
      @lucysmith4394 19 дней назад +1

      Keep going, You are a fantastic person with amazing insight ,a lovely beautiful soul with a gorgeous voice ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @user-mo7jl2zb5j
    @user-mo7jl2zb5j 19 дней назад +19

    It must be a Leo thing, cause I feel the depth of your pain. Allow yourself to be okay with resting if you can. Be kind to yourself as an outsider looking at another human. How would you intuitively take care of them? Do help yourself as compassionately. Been rolling around on this rock for 53 yrs. We all will notice if you give up. Please know how precious you are in this tapestry of life. We all are interwoven.

  • @justinvaper0012
    @justinvaper0012 19 дней назад +26

    You are a very brave , talented, beautiful lady . Thank you for posting your story and bless you . I can 100% where you are coming from because my story is very similar. I'm a watercolour artist and tarot reader and it can be a lonely life . Last year I left 12 toxic relationship and I was broken . That is when I found my spiritual journey. Started to read the cards and watch You Tube tarot cards readings . Then I found your channel and it given me a new way to heal . Some days can very difficult but watching your RUclips channel helps me to believe in myself and keep going . You are an angel without knowing and being a joy to a lot of people. Big hugs 💓🤗 xx

  • @carolhampshire1439
    @carolhampshire1439 19 дней назад +15

    There is no right way to do Life, if you're surviving you're succeeding. You're so young, and your life can change in an instant. You'd be a great mum ❤

  • @erniefrates1376
    @erniefrates1376 19 дней назад +16

    I just found your channel last week; I was very moved by your Leo reading. I know it sounds cliche, but I understand what you just shared. I feel you are very brave to get it out. Literally wishing I could reach through and give you a hug. It's such a mad world we live in, but those rare moments when it all comes together are worth the wait. I've been telling myself that for 20 years and I still believe it. I celebrated my 46th birthday alone this week, and I had to be okay with it. After my awakening about 4 years ago, so many people have fallen away, but I trust things are aligning for the better, and I hope you will believe it as well.

  • @catherine4958
    @catherine4958 19 дней назад +13

    Your authenticity and vulnerability is so appreciated. Writing saves me. Start anywhere. Some of the most heartfelt stories begin in the middle, jump to the end, and wind back to the core. Sending hugs from Colorado.

  • @MyaMagical888
    @MyaMagical888 19 дней назад +6

    I'm so sorry your going through a hard time. It's OK to not be okay! Your such a beautiful bright light in this world! Take all the time you need off, sending you lots of love and hugs!! 🤍🤍

  • @CorinneWoods
    @CorinneWoods 19 дней назад +9

    I am in the same exact position. Self employed tarot reader, with 1 best friend that I don’t talk to that much, living at home with my mom who I recently found out is a covert narcissist. And I asked myself why am I here? Why can’t I get away from her? And I realized it’s because there’s lesson here I still have to learn. And I one thing I can tell you that’s made a huge reaction is to show no emotion to when your mother does things that get under your skin. DO NOT REACT. This is what they want. It’s very hard to accept but your reaction is a form of your mom’s sadistic, narcissistic supply. That’s why we don’t remember our child hood and that’s why we’re psychic! Because as infants and toddlers we had to use our senses to FEEL if it was ok to ask for food, for care, for love. My therapist told me this and it makes so much sense. Once you stop reacting to the little jabs, or nit picking or whatever they do, the tables turn. And it’s now your mom who will start to feel her own pain. Because she’s putting all her pain on you your whole life and you’ve had to deal with it. I hope this makes sense! But I love your channel and I love you! You have a beautiful soul!

  • @ashleighwomack1980
    @ashleighwomack1980 19 дней назад +11

    You’re not alone. It’s endearing to hear your candid thoughts…they resonate with more of us than you know. Life is hard and time is a thief…I too have my own coding challenges, it takes me longer to make the mark than most…but eventually I make it…and I move on. I look forward to your readings. I’ve been following you for a couple of years now. Never underestimate the value you bring to so many of us out here on the other side of the camera.

  • @quantumhealingdublin
    @quantumhealingdublin 19 дней назад +10

    Liv we love you. I love you. We are all one, we are all here for you just as you are here for us. Please don’t ever feel alone in this life. I know, I’m self employed too and this year for some reason I struggled through every bank holiday weekend here in Ireland. I usually work and no clients came at all. I was so lost. I would just go to the beach or forest and cry or scream. Your readings have helped me through this year from March when I found you. You lift me up. You have no idea how important your work is and how you impact us and the collective. You’re strong, keep going, we love you. I’m only in Dublin. Shout if your ever here ok ❤

  • @Chrissy0908
    @Chrissy0908 19 дней назад +9

    It’s okay to be sad, I think you are perfect!!! Very much healing to you honey ❤❤❤❤

  • @marciaarizona4266
    @marciaarizona4266 19 дней назад +4

    Sweetie my heart is so with you, you have no idea how many people are going through the same exact things. The good people that give of themselves seems to always hurt and struggle with understanding what the universe God is doing. But you know in times things do change as hard as it is to
    see or believe. We have to hold up each other because we all most likely do not have anyone but ourselves and the Universe. If I was in the UK we would be true love light bestie that we can trust. I am sending lots of love and peace. ❤❤ God Bless you

  • @IrmaClaeys24
    @IrmaClaeys24 19 дней назад +15

    Thankfully and gratefully 🙏🏻 For anyone that may use a positive Affirmation. ❤
    I am enough
    I am blessed
    I am grateful
    I am guided
    I am protected
    I am abundant
    I am Prosperous
    I am love
    I am enough
    I am successful.
    I am confident.
    I am powerful.
    I am strong.
    I am getting better and better every day.
    I am an unstoppable force of nature.
    I am a living, breathing example of motivation.
    I am living with abundance.
    I am having a positive and inspiring impact on the people I come into contact with.
    I am inspiring people through my work.
    I’m rising above the thoughts that are trying to make me angry or afraid.
    I am filled with focus.
    I am not pushed by my problems; I am led by my dreams.
    I am grateful for everything I have in my life.
    I am independent and self-sufficient.
    I can be whatever I want to be.
    I am not defined my by past; I am driven by my future.
    I use obstacles to motivate me to learn and grow.
    I am intelligent and focused.
    I am freeing myself from all destructive doubt and fear.
    I accept myself for who I am and create peace, power and confidence of mind and of heart.
    I am going to forgive myself and free myself.
    I deserve to forgive and be forgiven.
    I am healing and strengthening every day.
    I’ve made it through hard times before, and I’ve come out stronger and better because of them.
    I’m going to make it through this.
    I do not waste away a single day of my life.
    I squeeze every ounce of value out of each of my days on this planet-today, tomorrow, and everyday.
    I must remember the incredible power I possess within me to achieve anything I desire.
    I belong in this world; there are people that care about me and my worth.
    My soul radiates from the inside and warms the souls of others.
    I feed my spirit. I train my body. I focus my mind.
    This is my time.
    My life has meaning.
    One small positive thought in the morning can change my whole day.
    So, today I rise with a powerful thought to set the tone and allow success to reverberate through every moment of my day.
    I set goals and go after them with all the determination I can muster. Happiness is a choice, and today I choose to be happy!!!!!!

  • @JGg7777-d3j
    @JGg7777-d3j 19 дней назад +8

    Oh Olivia, thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your struggles with the collective. I am so grateful and thankful for you and the gifts you bring. I’m sending prayers, love, protection, light and healing energy to you and all that you do. We are all in this fight together. Stand strong in your faith and hope and trust you are being Divinely guided. You should write your books, your stories. You can if you don’t know where to start, just write and transmute the negative energies into positive and ask for guidance and flow along the way. Sending lots of energetic hugs, peace, blessings, and love ❤️ ✨🙏🏼✌🏻

  • @billygreen36963
    @billygreen36963 19 дней назад +9

    Keep going girl. 💪🏼
    I feel your pain and know what you are going through far too well. Life is very tough, but you are strong and amazing and have helped me through some very hard and dark days with your readings and energy.
    Life doesn’t always turn out how you want or expect. But this is a chapter, not the whole story.
    Just take it one minute, hour, day at a time.
    You CAN do this. Remember we are here for you too.
    Take that day off, do something for you. Get some fresh air, go for a walk. Enjoy nature. And maybe even some sunshine…. I will be doing that with my dogs tomorrow, all I really have in my life and they keep me going.
    Look after yourself and do what you need to do. Your turn is coming. 🙏🏼

  • @samanthajanepowell1
    @samanthajanepowell1 19 дней назад +8

    Taking care of yourself is more important than anything else; YOU come first, always Liv. I'm sorry you're struggling today, but I'm so glad you reached out to your RUclips community. Please know you are very loved. Loneliness is something I've struggled with too, and know that reaching out can feel challenging too... I do hope the love you receive from your community here today helps you feel better, and I wish you only Love and Light, going forward...may you soon find a new, happy, and safe space to call home 🙏💛✨️

  • @CajundivaNicole
    @CajundivaNicole 19 дней назад +10

    YOU are not alone , never ever never. I see YOU. We hold space for you 🙋‍♀️❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @IntuitivelyAwakenedSoul
    @IntuitivelyAwakenedSoul 19 дней назад +6

    Thank you for sharing 💗 This is exactly how Ive been feeling the past 2 days.

  • @dawn6778
    @dawn6778 19 дней назад +5

    I’m sorry for your sadness 🥹 you’re a special soul and I truly appreciate you sharing your gift with us❤

  • @myworld1620
    @myworld1620 19 дней назад +9

    I’m there with you.
    Beautiful person , beautiful soul you are.
    I wish I was closer, I’d love to be your friend.

    • @atia888
      @atia888 19 дней назад

      Same.. wish i was closer, love to be your friend, such a lovely soul. Sending you my love ✨💫

  • @mstrrobsinminn
    @mstrrobsinminn 19 дней назад +5

    Beautiful Liv !
    We love you, Liv, you can feel it ! Some folks are loose with their words, but many of us are praying for you, and your situation. As far as friends go, one or two is usually enough.
    Your wisdom means so much, and your work is so important. Get lots of rest / sleep and take the time you need to deal with stuff in your life. People have said some nice things, here, but this is just the tip of the iceberg ! !
    You are one of the people that make a difference !

  • @amyv.5578
    @amyv.5578 19 дней назад +4

    Wish I could give you a huge hug, but being I can’t, I’m pushing lots of positive energy and love your way.

  • @richardprinsloo9400
    @richardprinsloo9400 19 дней назад +10

    Yes you are absolutely right we must never just look at the surface but always understand that everyone has an inside and we don’t know what’s going on inside others. I guarantee you nobody is having it easy right now and that’s why it’s more important than ever to wake up and get spiritually connected so we can be guided and better understand what’s going on around us from a place of love. Thanks to you I love your readings you are always spot on and true gifted soul!

  • @lindazimmerman1490
    @lindazimmerman1490 19 дней назад +3

    Olivia, You are a beautiful divine soul being that is perfect the way you are. Our feelings are buried emotions from your life that need to be released, which the Blue moon energy is assisting us with. We are undergoing the world mass ascension awakening for humanity and the planet. Everything is transforming. Please remain only in the present moment to take great self-love and self-care for yourself at this time. Refrain from any negativity or judgement of yourself or from anyone around you. Protect your energy with boundaries, aromatherapy, sage or Palo Santos, and do what brings joy to your heart. It will raise your vibration. This is the end of dark times, turning into the Golden Age of New Earth. Love, accept, and forgive ourselves and others with people, emotions, or situations that come up to our consciousness for releasing. I love you! Keep going! Sending you Divine, love and light~💛

  • @Lala-La-lala
    @Lala-La-lala 19 дней назад +6

    You give so much of yourself- and please know how much you are seen and deeply appreciated!! 🙏💕 I’ve been learning to prioritize finding joy each day - even if it’s just a cup of coffee and a walk. Your inner being (which came from universe) is love and the universe is willing for all goodness and love to come your way continually.

  • @MissErica1111
    @MissErica1111 19 дней назад +4

    Sending you a big hug and love n’ light! You’re a beautiful soul!🩷

  • @manierod9907
    @manierod9907 19 дней назад +5

    ❤❤❤Takes courage to speak up. Sending much love and light to you. I am sure you helped someone who needed to hear that they are not alone. I personally relate to your story. Please don't stay where you don't want to be or people who drain you. I rather have one friend, then a bunch of bad ones. The worst lowliness is with someone. I believe the killer of the soul is guilt and fear. Paralyzes us from living. I am an empath and a healer. I undestand you. I would notice you missing. I see your light. Love Manie

  • @claremari5374
    @claremari5374 19 дней назад +5

    Hi Liv never apologise for not looking at the camera you are being vulnerable and it’s good you can share this with us as other people could be going through the same thing. There is a purpose that you are here and never forget that. Sending love ❤

  • @Christopher11119
    @Christopher11119 19 дней назад +6

    Realise you are skin and bone
    Remember you are not alone
    Know that when all hope has flown
    Remember you are not alone
    If others hearts have turned to stone
    Remember you are not alone
    Be proud of how your strength has grown
    Remember you are not alone
    Great courage you have always shown
    Remember you are not alone
    Hidden wounds which you have sewn
    Remember you are not alone
    So as you face the great unknown
    Remember you are not alone
    I wrote this when a friend felt like you do at the moment Liv and like your headline says.......You are not alone. You are an inspiration and the messages/guidance you give allows people to have hope for the future. Be kind to yourself and reach out if you can ❤️

  • @nicolahemmings3349
    @nicolahemmings3349 19 дней назад +4

    Liv , you are an absolute beautiful soul , all your followers think the same you brighten our days , we all have our down days and I don’t like to see you like this I know it’s hard when you do xx I sit here on my own some days listening to your readings laughing my head off with your cheeky comments , smile everything I wish you lived near me I’d get you out I’d love your company xx you ll hopefully get some sleep later and feel better tomorrow we’re all here for you ❤😍🥰 xx

  • @joslynscott466
    @joslynscott466 19 дней назад +10

    I'm your friend. Truly. I'm in America and will probably never have the opportunity to get to England, but I'm your friend. Do me a favor and earnestly say this, "Jesus , I need help". Please

  • @GypsyAlex
    @GypsyAlex 19 дней назад +8

    Take care of yourself first. You're an Amazing person & a beautiful Spirit.

  • @JasonWrightjtw
    @JasonWrightjtw 19 дней назад +6

    Hey Liv, this must have taken a huge effort to make this video. You always put so much into your readings and i am always thankful for that.
    Sounds like a cliché but stay strong, you are incredible. Never give up. You are a superstar. Know that this community loves you and your work.

  • @Lifeislifin
    @Lifeislifin 19 дней назад +8

    You are so beautiful ❤!!! Thank you for all you do.

  • @emmaemma6641
    @emmaemma6641 19 дней назад +7

    Can relate ..at 53 I feel like everyone around me is insane and they just never shut the eff up. They're all foooking infants ! I literally bend over backwards for my job (nanny/carer/maid/dogsbody) my mother is like a child. Always ranting on and on and on ..hinting that I complete her life for her or that I ought to do xyz for her.
    I'm so swollen and overweight and hardly eat. I live alone and all the money I earn goes on this stupid rented cottage I live in.
    I hate the pub culture but need an occasional drink just to get through my dull week.
    I never meet any male "friends " Friendships with girfriends are a no go due to all that bullshit with who's paying for fucking coffee ...well lemme tell you IT WAS ME PAYING !
    Honestly if this life ended for me now I wouldn't be unhappy about it. I'm lonely. I'm bored. I'm scared I won't ever get a break. I'm scared of the way the world will be going in the future with the AGENDA. I'm sick of my phone.. I'm sick of working like a submissive dog. I seek God now . I'm sure it's true that He is with me and can help me but I don't fucking feel a thing....
    Yes Olivia have today.. take a load off. We're near the end of the merc retro and if you're anything like me, it makes me feel hollow as hell!!
    Leo. Leo rising. Libra moon. Venus in cancer. AND I FEEL ALLL AT SEA AALLLLL THE TIME

  • @yasey908
    @yasey908 19 дней назад +5

    Thank you for your transparency! You’re not the only one. I am right there with you. Thank you for all the energy you pour into your channel. We appreciate you 💛

  • @SeeressofSvitjod
    @SeeressofSvitjod 19 дней назад +5

    Understandable darling, take all the time you need and take care of yourself! 💞🌸💞🌸💞🌸 I really relate to that gigantic loneliness! It seems to be a common companion for those of us with a higher purpose. For a reason. You are not alone 😊💞🌸💞🌸 Ive come to enjoy my loneliness more and more every day, it truly is a gift actually, its protection, its a safe space. I think Im autistic too but I wont get diagnosed because of reasons. Bless you and stay strong dear! 💞🌸💞🌸

  • @darx888
    @darx888 19 дней назад +4

    Liv, you are perfect in your imperfection! as are the rest of us... we all have something that we're dealing with, whether it's trauma, or mental illness, physical illness, etc.. you are not alone and you are so amazing! these things that we deal with are for our growth (im sure you already know this, but sometimes it helps to be reminded). you must believe that about yourself, that you are amazing and your work and who you are as a person matters. i am sending you many blessings! thank you for everything that you do

  • @timewilltell7542
    @timewilltell7542 19 дней назад +5

    I know exactly how you feel liv,I just went in my garden everyone out on the bank Holiday weekend im indoors I,ve had so much shit over the last 2 years I don't know how I'm still standing.you will get through this you have all of us here to keep you going,you help me so much with your readings ❤❤❤❤ xx

  • @carolineh1625
    @carolineh1625 19 дней назад +4

    Hi Liv thank you for posting your story. I feel your pain and can empathise with you. You are amazingly talented and you brighten my day as I’m sure you do everyone else’s when you post a reading. You are not alone. Never give up. They say there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. You are not wrong for feeling the way you do and no one blames you for it. You can get through this. I hope things improve for you and you find the happiness you seek. You’ve got a friend. Take care of yourself. God bless x

  • @juttaschneider286
    @juttaschneider286 19 дней назад +4

    You are not going through this alone. I'm sending you a warm hug from Germany and hope you're going to find a way to support yourself financially better than by settling yourself on your RUclips channel as main income stream only. It's a heavy burden you're carrying. Life should be easier than that. Unfortunately, it's you who's got to go for a change. Nobody else can do it for you. Have courage to go for the now seemingly impossible. All the best for you!

  • @moniquesleyser689
    @moniquesleyser689 19 дней назад +4

    You are amazing ❤. Thank you for sharing and raising awareness 🙏🏻. Much love ❤.

  • @Elleluna0384
    @Elleluna0384 19 дней назад +4

    Aww honey you are not alone. Your story sounds very similar to mine. I turned 40 in March and had to move back with my parents with my two children 6 and 7. I was diagnosed with ADHD, dyslexia and LD as a child and never fit in. I also have have no friends, the 2 very close friends I do have I see maybe twice a year and barely talk to. I struggle daily to get out of bed or hold interest with playing with my children. We just have to take each day as it comes. If you need someone to talk to you can message me on here. Sending you much love and support from the U.S. 🫶

  • @CajundivaNicole
    @CajundivaNicole 19 дней назад +4

    You're still here because you're strong and a little stubborn and an inspiration to those of us who feel the same way. Everyone goes through a ton of darkness, not everyone makes it THROUGH the darkness. Those that do live on for those that couldn't find the light again.

  • @laniakea311
    @laniakea311 19 дней назад +4

    This is exatly how i've been feeling all day! Saying the same things..I feel ya

  • @jazzmaicapatterson1317
    @jazzmaicapatterson1317 19 дней назад +4

    We are here with you. You bring us community and we are sending it right back to you❤❤❤❤

  • @Erin-uz2gf
    @Erin-uz2gf 19 дней назад +1

    I can see myself in 99% of what you shared. But I am nearly 54. It took me until I was 50 to finally see my life, my choices, my family, lack of deep connections, financial struggles, betrayals from those who I thought cared for me, why I never married. And to see the root of all of it. I haven't had a true best friend since I was a child. I've been grieving deeply. I question everything and feel like I must certainly be way off track. I've struggled with deep depression on & off since I was 14 years old. I wonder why it's all had to be so painful and also why it took me 50 years to be shown the truth. I don't know what to do, so I pray and ask for guidance. I too wonder, "When is it going to be my turn?" I pray for hope to return to my heart. I want to feel peace in my heart. Thank you for your beautiful vulnerability ❤

  • @6stringfool759
    @6stringfool759 19 дней назад +2

    Liv, I'm an old fart, but if I've learned anything in all my years on this planet it's this: friends are overrated and the spiritual path is a lonely path for only the hardiest of souls. I know this because I'm on that path. I'll leave you with this quote from the last of the Rocky movies, Rocky Balboa (2006), which gives me strength in low moments:
    "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winnin' is done!"

  • @IrmaClaeys24
    @IrmaClaeys24 19 дней назад +5

    My sweet, good to vent it out. Here for you if you need an ear or chat. I feel like an older sister/mum as i have a 28 year old daughter. Liv, there's a lot happening at the moment on earth which is affecting us directly or indirectly. We totally appreciate and love you here on your channel. When we are empathetic, we tend to hide our pain and give so much. A one way ride. Just know, I do understand....
    Keep the faith sweetheart.🙋🏼‍♀️ There is a new tomorrow. ❤❤❤❤❤🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
    I send you my love and light. XXX

  • @suzieq3000
    @suzieq3000 19 дней назад +1

    Oh sweetheart, you have describe , me perfectly ,I can not think of one family member ,who did not put their hands on me in verbal, sexual ,physical abuse, School was a living night mare .I married a very abusive man, stayed for 25 years only to marry again into another abusive abusive relationship now living with my daughter, on disability with pain 😢 wondering why I am still here 😢. But I have hope that God has a purpose for me. your readings keep me going it's as though you know things I have said to God in prayer, you are so tapped into spirit, I am sure your journey is very trying the gift that you have been given carries a heavy cost , there is a dark side that hates you and your gift .sweetie,
    look upward always towards the light ✨️ start each day with positive thoughts of God's grace love, peace, and Joy that he has for you. Please know that you help thousands, and today, you have shared how real you are, beautiful inside and out.

  • @PGia-v5b
    @PGia-v5b 19 дней назад +4

    We are truly grateful to you and this channel for giving us all hope in this very dark world. Prayers to you Liv🙏💗😇

  • @lightofmine6750
    @lightofmine6750 17 дней назад +1

    "Same" Lonely, in a world of many selfish people, many with issues.
    All we want is Love, Respect Understanding, and to be Heard and Supported sometimes.
    We're human, no matter how strong or happy we try to keep ourselves, we sink into a hole that we struggle to climb out of from time to time.
    We do matter, and if others don't see that, it's because they're asleep. Be glad you're woke 😊 and continue to remain True.

  • @myjourney703
    @myjourney703 19 дней назад

    Olivia I can completely understand how you are feeling. I went through this darkness as well. This happened in 21’ till 2023.
    This is also because of the super moon 🌕 that we just had in Aquarius ♒️.
    Our families don’t understand at all. This is great that you are sharing with your community because we do understand. You have a great platform to air your message for others who are experiencing what you are dealing with. These times are for many to awaken. More will awaken. We cannot go back. Just , continue to move forward !
    We know the truth and that your vibration attracts your tribe. Thank God you are letting it out.
    Know you are dealing with this in Grace. You are divinely Guided. It’s what we lightworkers do.
    I understand! Big hug 🤗 to you. Prayers. The cycle will eventually change.
    ❤to you.

  • @xiolaxiola5654
    @xiolaxiola5654 19 дней назад +2

    Liv, I'm absolutely stunned to see this today considering I have been struggling this entire week, more so than the usual struggle. You are so gifted and your readings are so spot on your my favorite reader here on youtube. So to see that you're feeling this way today as well makes me feel that it has something to do with this recent shift & the five planets we have retrograde right now, and any other alignments I'm unaware of but something is definitely going on right now. Hang in there. I'm shocked to see we have so much in common based on everything you've said here. Thank you so much for being here and everything you do for us. I've been so lucky and blessed to find you on here on YT. And your readings are one of the few things that have kept me going over the past 2 years. I wish I had more room on here to say everything I want to say but I want to at least get this to you. Hang in there. You are fucking amazing and don't forget it! ❤❤❤❤
    You're such an amazing person and your energy completely resonates with me. I remember the first few times I watched you on here I thought wow what a cool person. She would be really cool to get to hang out with in person. Just know you're not alone with this and there are more people going through your struggle as well then you realize and who are Kindred spirits. Sending you tons of love and massive hugs.

  • @JamesTaylor-001
    @JamesTaylor-001 19 дней назад

    You have a new sub after watching your video. I live in the US in the state of Florida. You are not alone in this world. I have gone through something similar and I understand where you are coming from and I believe I am not the only person telling you this. Do not give up hope, look inward and not at the cards so much. They can only verify what it is you are dealing with some clarification at small point when you read for yourself. I know first hand, reading for someone else or for a group of people is different. You are a guide, a light in a very dark world giving hope and guidance to those who have feel as you do. If you want change, you yourself have to make it, it will not come to you. I understand this is your only source of income. You are still young and have plenty of time to learn more and further your education into whatever you want or to write your book. You very intelligent from what I can tell. There is nothing wrong with you. Juat so you know I cannot tell my family of my gifts and being able to read cards, runes, being clairvoyant etc... they simply do not understand this and are closed minded. Do not let this stop you. You have like minded people here as well but in reality it is all up to you and only you can do it. Yes it is hard being alone, especially in a room full of people, I understand that first hand as well and all that energy and being able to read everyone it is so draining at times. I don't expect you will respond to this but I do hope that this gives you hope and some understanding that you are wanted and you do have a purpose. It took a long time to find mine. May the light find you again and the blessings of the universe be upon you till the end of your days and beyond.

  • @rozynotes
    @rozynotes 19 дней назад +4

    I appreciate you. ♥️♥️🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @kokoverde723
    @kokoverde723 19 дней назад +1

    Thank you. I got out of an abusive relationship last year and I'm a single mom to 3 children from toddler to teenager. Also self diagnosed on the spectrum and adhd. I feel exactly like you do today specifically. A lot of the days lately. Friends and family are nearly non existent. And yet I haven't given up completely yet despite many times feeling hopeless and having to pick myself up and try again. I am plagued by intense dreams at night and get no rest. I just trusted a new man and fellow musician only to have it turn into a one sided situationship, ghosting, and loss of music collab prospects. Again. You are also not alone. I have spent most of today on my couch under a blanket despite the summer heat. The game feels rigged against me. Thank you for being real. If you're ever in the states, I'd welcome you in New England. Seems like we have a lot in common. Message me any time. I mean that. My heart breaks that anyone else is feeling like i am right now

  • @yellowmint5
    @yellowmint5 19 дней назад +4

    Liv,I feel very similar to you about life in general. Looks like we are not alone,after all.
    You will be in my prayers just hang on in there.

  • @quinjesuis9187
    @quinjesuis9187 16 дней назад +1

    Thank you for hanging in there; this is selfish of me; but you have been a great help in my life recently; so thank you again, and taking some time for yourself is very important for people; but especially for people with any degree of autism, I have noticed also that dyslexia, ADHD and autism seem to be linked together; so if you have one you have the others to some degree, iam similar as you, iam borderline, I have it just enough to make my life difficult; but not enough to say I have it, self diagnosed also, my intuition is very strong; it has been spot on a great deal, my intuition lead me to my self diagnoses, I think iam saying, you are not alone, even if you feel alone and disconnected sometimes, again thank you for being there for me 🙏

  • @amandacarter5114
    @amandacarter5114 19 дней назад +3

    Nobody’s mentioning the orbs in your video! Liv, I feel the same as you. Things have felt so heavy. Please know how loved you are and how appreciated you are. You have helped us and I know personally your readings have lifted me up on some of my lowest days. We have to believe things will change. That’s what keeps me going. Wish we lived close. I’d be your friend in a heartbeat ❤💖

  • @kimberlysanjuan293
    @kimberlysanjuan293 19 дней назад

    Your video is healing to you and others experiencing life challenges. I am 66yrs old and finally knowing my path. All life lessons happen to teach us boundaries. Family or friends will never understand. We each have a journey. I started watching RUclips channels in my darkest times 3yrs ago. Self love, no matter how long it takes will pull you out to know you matter.
    We all have a purpose., just gotta know that God put you on a journey to learn.

  • @SpiritualJourneyMD
    @SpiritualJourneyMD 19 дней назад +1

    Just found you this week and oh my, in this post you sounded exactly like me when I was your age. ❤ I am proud of you for facing the journey of learning self-compassion and self-care. I offer this to you as a gift in case it is helpful: there is a huge difference between being neuro divergent and ALSO being clinically depressed. It does get better.

  • @wildfloweronamission_
    @wildfloweronamission_ 19 дней назад +3

    {sigh} I wish I lived close enough to call you and say let's go have a coffee and change the vibe. Life can be brutal but the sun will shine on you. Sending you so much love and hope ... and a hug🦋🌹🤍

  • @AlexisRamage-ji5yr
    @AlexisRamage-ji5yr 19 дней назад

    We all love you. You are the very best tarot reader that I have ever heard. You can’t believe how much you helped me. I lost my husband four years ago and turned to Tarot for comfort and encouragement, and I’ve been in Hermit Mode since four years now I. don’t have any friends, I’m on a different energies to them, so it’s difficult with them. But I’m your friend, you are a very beautiful lovely amazing person. And Honey, there is no one perfect. I‘m not perfect. You are quite special, the very best Tarot reader I’ve ever come across. Please be strong, we need you, we love you so much sending you warmest wishes from Newcastle on Tyne.
    X 💕🌷X

  • @dannysierra9867
    @dannysierra9867 14 дней назад

    Hello beautiful Olivia, i was just scrolling through RUclips and i stumbled upon you, i watched a video on you giving a reading on Pisces and then i saw this video. I appreciate in light of what you are going through you are here for us. We are here for you aswell beautiful soul, and how beautiful you are inside and out, we are all drawn to each other, connected to each other, I am all the way in Australia but distance makes no difference. I wanted to say you being here makes a difference and i thank you for sticking around with us. I love you, we all love you and we are never alone, and by the way your guides are sneaky and know how to grab ones attention when its needed. Sending you love and light, and by the way you will make it, that i promise you

  • @stephjoy714
    @stephjoy714 17 дней назад

    Liv, thank you for sharing from your heart. It is a comfort for me to know that I am not alone and there are so many of us out there who are spiritual and amazingly “differently different”!! When we live in this way and try our best to be true to ourselves, somehow people drop out of our lives and we have very few friends. I’ve also asked myself, “When’s it my turn” especially when it comes to my love life. Your love readings have brought me so much encouragement and hope! I will totally be your friend, and thanks for being such a bright light on RUclips with your uplifting readings! ✨ Isn’t it amazing that even in the midst of our struggles, we can still bring so much joy to others?! Keep going and keep being you and continue to rest when you need it. 🤗❤️

  • @josephgarcie1702
    @josephgarcie1702 19 дней назад +2

    My wonderful friend please don't give up because U inspire me so much with your reading I want to be your friend because I am ❤❤❤😊you're loved by many

  • @jenniferjean-jacques9834
    @jenniferjean-jacques9834 19 дней назад

    My dear, beautiful Olivia, it's easy to doubt our worth and value and understand where we should truly be and who we should have and not have in our lives, especially when we are on our own or feeling lonely. Having people around us can mask, but really what it does is show how lonely we really are. The thing is Olivia, you are not alone, we are all here for you, holding your hand, giving you love and hugs when you need it, as we all do from time to time. I know and I'm sure I speak for many, that your joy and vibrancy shine when you are reading for us, giving us your amazing light and energy. Well now it's your turn to take some of our love and energy for yourself. You are a remarkable lady and I thank you so very much for all you do xxx

  • @mindresetme7063
    @mindresetme7063 19 дней назад +1

    You’re incredible. We all need authentic honest genuine people more than ever and you are a leader. Well done you amazing woman. ❤ thank you ❤

  • @starrrrr2691
    @starrrrr2691 19 дней назад +1

    Sis don’t feel lonely ❤ I know it is hard to hang in there 😥 in this crazy times. We appreciate you and the readings you do for us. Even though we are not physically close, we love you 🥰!

  • @elizabethj.2844
    @elizabethj.2844 19 дней назад

    Darling girl Liv, Oh! Yes!!! if you weren't here we would notice. You bring so much joy with that infectious giggle of yours and your beautiful energy. I have many people who love me but there is still emptiness in my soul. There are more of you and me in the world than we think. I live in Canada. My son lives in Manchester U.K.. I may have to fly to Somerset soon for a family illness. Please know that all is not ill. There is so much good in the world and so much love in the world. You are so loved Honey you beautiful soul. Thank you for opening up. Tight hugs and lots of love and blessings to you. Grateful for everything you do and the time you devote to this channel. ♥️🌹🙏🏻

  • @Algernon51
    @Algernon51 19 дней назад +1

    I ❤❤❤your readings and insights, you are an Earth Angel. Please hang in there, I’m not the only one who would miss you.

  • @jenniferbrewster9131
    @jenniferbrewster9131 День назад

    I just found you but what I see right now is a strong courageous beautiful soul. I have felt like you do. Trying to remember a genuine single happy moment. Thinking who would even notice if I was gone. Then going through the list of people and how long it would be before they realized I was gone. You feel our suffering all the time, we feel yours now. Ultimately just let's reach out and find that there is only one suffering. THE suffering of the world. When you feel alone put out your hand and touch it. You'll find my hand there waiting for you.

  • @darrenmaloney7469
    @darrenmaloney7469 19 дней назад

    We all go through times like this, questioning what's the point or whats it all about...and sometimes even...who am I?... I had a terrible childhood growing up but doing a lot of shadow work, ( carl Jung )helped me release so many things, that we all Bury within the unconscious. understand there are things we Bury there unknowingly, learnt behaviours, trauma.
    Nobody is perfect.
    I'm very empathic, so I pick up a lot of energy.
    It's hard work being this way.
    It's a beautiful very courageous and lovingly open thing to do to bare your soul here.
    Be strong, and.....it will be alright.
    I promise.
    Keep being you.
    Keep wearing your heart on your sleeve.,
    That is key.
    And Don't stop doing what you do.
    You are a wonderful seer and reader.
    Be proud of yourself.
    Look at what you achieved even in making this video !
    Add all of the other things you have achieved no matter how small or big , and know you are truly loved.
    Sending love light and blessings to you. 🙏 ❤🙏 ❤🙏 ❤.

  • @elisabethaakonsen5874
    @elisabethaakonsen5874 19 дней назад +4

    Then we are 2 😢😢❤❤❤

  • @VVIiIII
    @VVIiIII 19 дней назад +1

    You're not alone, Liv. Spiritual warriors can endure much and support others generously. However, when we need support from our family or friends, it often turns dramatic. Remember, everything will come together. Trust the process and stay strong, no matter what life throws at you 🤗💜

  • @catherineleslie-faye4302
    @catherineleslie-faye4302 19 дней назад +4

    Sending hugs your way. Normal is an illusion.

  • @bethallen8130
    @bethallen8130 19 дней назад

    You are surrounded…more than you know. I’m 66, disabled
    , have no family, little to no support system. Every day I’m able to walk my dog, feed us both, and get my hair brushed is a Successful day. I absolutely love you, your spirit and your gift. Please…quiet the self doubt for just a bit, allow all the love you so carefully tend with this channel to just wash over you. People who aren’t “there” will never understand. I absolutely fucking love and support you- and I visualize an entire army linking arms with and behind me. Keep fucking going. ❤️‍🩹

  • @SoulJourney44
    @SoulJourney44 18 дней назад

    Sending lots of love and hugs for you,Liv❤🙏🌹… you’re such a wonderful gifted beautiful lady… I am grateful that I’ve met you here at the youtube channel… We love you too, Liv❤️🌹🦋… In the midst of hardships and suffering that we are experiencing right now. Even if there is no way out, gather our last strength to look inside our heart where we can only find peace and happiness. It feels like home. When things not happening according to our expectations, trust the Divine will and timing. Just keep the Faith that everything will turn out much better than you expected. Keep shining your light if even it’s hard for you at this time. You are not Alone,.. We are all connected by the Divine Love and Light..your spiritual team is always at your side,Liv 🥰 always pouring you with love and compassion. They’re proud and thankful to you for sharing your gift and talents to the collective and every readings that you have, you are helping those individuals that struggling and looking out someone to help them as well🥰. We are perfectly imperfect in our own unique and special way. We don't need to be perfect to be worthy of love and respect. We love you as you are🥰.

  • @LoneWolfPriestess
    @LoneWolfPriestess 19 дней назад +4

    This all sounds far too familiar....and it all feels so heightened at this time.....I'm taking a mental health day off work too....I believe we are tested to our extremes just before we are about to transition and step into our next higher timeline.....All we can do is keep trusting, believing and keeping the faith....much love and blessings to all experiencing these emotions at this time 🙏🍀💚 We are not alone

  • @moonfexx
    @moonfexx 19 дней назад +2

    Even if you had no youtube channel, what you've done is enough, because you're enough. Choosing to stay alive day after day is showing up for yourself, and that is enough.
    It's okay to acknowledge that your circumstances are toxic to you. That's not complaining, nor making excuses to be 'lazy'. Depression is a very real thing, however invisible it is, and its not an 'excuse', its a reason. Social media and culture in general have no space for people who are unfairly burdened with mental health struggles, so we're faulted for something out of our control.
    The society we've been born into has shame hardwired into it, so no matter what a person's life looks like, they will be shamed for it somehow. When my failure to play along with the theatrics of the masses becomes overwhelming, I try to look at my life objectively. In this life, we are simply animals living on a planet. There is no right or wrong, because everything will become dust one day and we will return home. From this perspective, any lack of career 'success' or financial 'independence' doesn't mean anything. They are simply failed concepts that will disappear one day.
    I'm sharing things that I need somebody to tell me and hoping it might also be what you need to hear. It's always easier to give to others than to give to yourself, right? lol. Our circumstances are shockingly similar. We're worthy to receive compassion and aid, no matter how insufficient we might feel.

  • @elianahuel1822
    @elianahuel1822 18 дней назад

    Darling I found you last night and heard your beautiful channel for Libra, it helped me to relax and feel hope. You are not alone, we are here with you and I totally resonate with your sadness and spiritual warfare, I’ve been experiencing psychic attacks at night and while I sleep since 2020. Wherever you are I’m hugging you, I feel you and I love you ❤ you are a Light in this fucking world, you are a flower in the middle of the darkest night

  • @Meta.Empress
    @Meta.Empress 19 дней назад

    I totally relate - high masking, I try to be grateful for my free time but it is daunting at times - to be completely alone and keep my spirits up 🤗 you're channel - your voice - your gift gives me hope and makes me feel less alone so you have a very deep impact on humanity irl - but you come first - fill your cup - take your time - you're a powerful being and we're all connected and support each other in this community 💛💗

  • @timea7607
    @timea7607 19 дней назад

    Good evening,
    I can't help being in silence.., after Your brave authenticity.🙃🥰💞
    What You're doing for the 'collective' it's undescribable!!👏👌🤗
    You give us comprehension, temperance ..and hope!!
    Your spiritual gift is incredible.., ..and You always do Your best with so much playfulness, wisdom and intelligence!
    I completely understand Your struggling.. but we HAVE TO keep pushing forward ..and trust in the highest good.🕊
    That's the ONLY way...🥺
    ..I am 45 🎂 today ..And I'm spending my whole birthday ..on my own..- because I've felt exhausted from work ..and from people, in general... But I've been trying to stay uplifted ..and feel huge grace for how awakened, unique and strong I became/am ..and for all what I have...
    I hope I could also give You a bit of strenght..🙃💪
    Much love 💗 from another "black sheep"😉 - ..so far, from Hungary.🇭🇺

  • @angelamcneill4436
    @angelamcneill4436 18 дней назад

    We are all your friends and extended family here, you are more loved and appreciated than you know, you are such an inspiration and a blessing to us all. Please keep going, take time to recharge yourself, we are all here if you need to reach out. You will come through the otherside 🙏🏼 sending lots of love, light and healing ❤️‍🩹 you are amazing 💕

  • @taniarodrigues2977
    @taniarodrigues2977 19 дней назад +1

    Ohh hunni ❤️❤️❤️ you have such a beautiful soul and spirit. I completely resonate with how you’re feeling ❤️‍🩹 Please stay strong and maintain the belief that all will work out for your benefit and future. Someone like you deserves a wonderful life…a lot of us feel the same way so please know that you’re loved, appreciated, valued and not alone here. Much love to you 💛🧡❤️🩷

  • @Mosaicmagix
    @Mosaicmagix 19 дней назад +2

    Sorry my angel, I'm exactly where you are! A very sad day today again. I wish you all the luck , abundance and happiness your way ❤❤

  • @Christopher11119
    @Christopher11119 19 дней назад +5

    That is heartbreaking to watch ❤️🙏

  • @NewEarth-144
    @NewEarth-144 18 дней назад

    Hearing you just now made me realise how not alone we are in this. I feel exactly how you do atm.❤ genuine thank you for sharing this meant a lot. I didn’t get out my pj’s til noon yesterday 😊 so many things you said just now resonate. It’s the energies. I don’t know what to do with myself right now.
    I’d donate but I’m jobless atm have no idea what the next steps are. I’m just stuck. “They” said this awakening would get harder- i see now what they meant.

  • @staystrong11
    @staystrong11 19 дней назад +2

    God has bestowed you with a gift of seeing beyond the three d, you have a gift let that be your strength and if no one ever tells you you are a beautiful woman, beautiful!!!!! I love to see your face when you do your messages, yes there is a reason, I felt your energy from the first time I heard your voice, stay strong, truth me your life has purpose ❤️🙏

  • @amandaainsworth3777
    @amandaainsworth3777 16 дней назад

    I'm 53 and I resonate 100% with everything you just said. Sending love and light. Xxx

  • @Shelanaony
    @Shelanaony 18 дней назад

    I am truly grateful for you 🙏🏽🤗🥹. I recently said to myself that I should have somebody! Then a video would appear about those unique, gifted, unselfish beautiful souls like yourself that give give give are often alone😢. I am proud of you; thankful for your strength, resilience and transparency. Your qualities do not go unnoticed. Every one will not understand your journey, but myself and others commenting here understand. There is love here.
    I look forward to your breakthrough and you looking back at this video to see how far you have come. You got this 🤗✨🐦‍🔥. We got this 🤗✨🙏🏽🐦‍🔥. Much love 💕
    You likely needed these feelings to come to the surface to make room for your breakthrough 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @sakeenahayesha284
    @sakeenahayesha284 19 дней назад +4

    Liv take care of yourself! I hope things get better for you❤

  • @stitchingmatters6184
    @stitchingmatters6184 17 дней назад

    I’m grateful to have found your message tonight-- I actually believed I was the only one experiencing intense loneliness….and seemingly for a very long long time. The feeling that i have no supportive community is overwhelming. This video is a blessing. Thank you. 🙏

  • @marthashepherd2815
    @marthashepherd2815 19 дней назад

    Oh Liv you bring so much love and light into my day! Know how special you are! Sending so much Love! ❤️🙏❤️

  • @zakiyyahhollingshed2194
    @zakiyyahhollingshed2194 19 дней назад +1

    Look you are amazing! As a person as a soul as a light worker! I feel so for you because loneliness is something that can overtake everything in you. I pray that you take some time off for yourself, do things that are fun and love on yourself! We will be here!

  • @user-dh8xx7bo2b
    @user-dh8xx7bo2b 19 дней назад

    Hey sweetheart im just now listening to what's going on.
    You're not alone out there im in the same boat you are. Life is hard enough but im here to give you lots of hugs, kisses and support from here California.
    And don't give up you have done so much for me in my life, always looking forward to seeing youre channel and seeing you're beautiful smile and awesome spirit snd guidance. You do make a difference in people's life you're doing it right now. Just know youre loved from us.
    You're an awesome person because i myself have been lonely for 12 yrs and i finally met someone and have been waiting for him to come home for a yr in a half now. I have faith in you and have faith in youreself for he will help you.
    You know what helps me is keeping busy and do what you love doing.take long walks.
    Just know im here for you and always will be.
    Im glad you spoke up and shared you're feelings and problems with me. Liv know you're loved and ARE making a difference right now. Please take care of yourself my dear friend.
    You're friend Chris ❤🙏🌺🦋