ATHONITE FATHERS and ATHONITE MATTERS - By: Saint Paisios of Mount Athos

  • Опубликовано: 31 дек 2023
  • Published by: The Holy Convent of the Evangelist John the Theologian, Souroti, Thessalonica, Greece.

    • Father Tychon

    • Elder Evlogios (the Disciple of Hadji-Georgis)

    • Elder Pachomios (the Disciple of Elder Evlogios and Grandson of Hadji-Georgis)

    • Father Seraphim, the Anchorite of Mt. Athos

    • The Unknown Anchorite (Probably One of the Anchorites of Athos Who Live Invisibly

    • Hieromonk Anthimos, the Fool-for-Christ

    • The Prodigious Father Daniel

    • Elder Cosmas from Holy Monastery of Pantocrator (the Wine Grower)

    • Father Philaret, the Abbot of Holy Monastery of Constamonitou

    • Elder Peter (Petrakis)

    • Elder Augustine

    • Father George, the Anchorite

    • Elder Philaret

    • Elder Ephraim "The Wretch"

    • Elder Constantine, the Fool-for-Christ

    • Father Savvas of the Monastery of Esphigmenou

    • Elder Tryphon

    • Father Cyril, the Ascetic and Abbot of the Holy Monastery Koutloumousiou

    • The Hieromonk who was tormented by the Tempter because of a Prideful Thought

    • The Strong-Willed Disciple

    • The Devout and Obedient Disciple

    • The Value of a Monk

    • The Power of a Monk's Prayer

    • The Power of the Komboschini (Prayer rope), of the Jesus Prayer

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