That's it. The end of 3.0 took way too long. I'm rendering the full trailblaze mission video. Close to 10 hours or so. Expect that in a couple hours. But I am going to take a nap lol. Way too tired. Enjoy!
Dude, thanks soo much for this, I usually refer to your vids to see how long the story are so i can plan when to do them. 10 hours is an insane amount of story to do in 1 sitting...
yea i should have taken a break but i just kept thinking 1 more hour and it will finish and i can eat/sleep. nope kept dragging on. But its done now. Grabbing some food and taking a long snooze
I love the story of Amphoreus, it's interesting and all like a world that doesn't know any existence of Aeons when literally 3 Paths are intertwined is great, especially it's clear that March has a strong connection with this planet. But honestly, the whole story could've been just 3-4 hours max. I feel like there's too much yapping that it ruins the experience. Some parts are not even that relevant to the main story. I like good story but 10 hours is insane. Penacony and Fontaine act 5 alrd drove me insane with 6-8 hours long and they add longer duration with Amphoreus led me to psychotic depression. And this is just the 1st ACT 💀
I'm still catching up with the Story Content of WuWa when it came out on PS5. And once that's done I'll start with HSR 3.0 next. But, wow! 10 Hours! I hope it's gonna be good and not a crappy Yapfest like Genshin's Story.
It's good so far. I'm using these videos as a reference, I like to know how much story I have completed. There are a lot of dialogue, but at least the characters are interesting and you don't have to spend a whole hour going around witb Firefly
@joe_hanma Well, hanging out with Firefly was sweet, imo. She's one of my Favorite Characters in the Game, but I know what you mean. Still, it sucks that some english Voice Actors are missing currently. Gonna get used to the japanese Voices when I start playing this Quest.
So... around 10 hours of mostly yapping, where i can't even hear Dan Heng's voice. And all of this just barely on the first act. Dude, i just wanna unlock rememberance MC! ~~i know i get it earlier but still~~
I feel like this story is a huge downgrade compared to 2.0 especially the stupid puzzles waste a lot of time here someone need to remind the devs this is a turn based game.
That's it. The end of 3.0 took way too long. I'm rendering the full trailblaze mission video. Close to 10 hours or so. Expect that in a couple hours. But I am going to take a nap lol. Way too tired. Enjoy!
How much would you rate it?
Dude, thanks soo much for this, I usually refer to your vids to see how long the story are so i can plan when to do them. 10 hours is an insane amount of story to do in 1 sitting...
yea i should have taken a break but i just kept thinking 1 more hour and it will finish and i can eat/sleep. nope kept dragging on. But its done now. Grabbing some food and taking a long snooze
@@Rubhen925 Take your well deserved rest king
I love the story of Amphoreus, it's interesting and all like a world that doesn't know any existence of Aeons when literally 3 Paths are intertwined is great, especially it's clear that March has a strong connection with this planet.
But honestly, the whole story could've been just 3-4 hours max. I feel like there's too much yapping that it ruins the experience. Some parts are not even that relevant to the main story. I like good story but 10 hours is insane. Penacony and Fontaine act 5 alrd drove me insane with 6-8 hours long and they add longer duration with Amphoreus led me to psychotic depression. And this is just the 1st ACT 💀
@Rubhen925, let's hope the new updates/versions will be less longer for the gameplay or duration like less than 8 hours.
they can easily condense the story to 3-4 hours of solid writing. but nah, they bloat everything....
been here since 8am est and i keep checking to see where im at in the story, haven’t ate or drank ANYTHING
take a break. dont be like me lol
@ gotta stay on that grind 🙏
I'm still catching up with the Story Content of WuWa when it came out on PS5. And once that's done I'll start with HSR 3.0 next. But, wow! 10 Hours! I hope it's gonna be good and not a crappy Yapfest like Genshin's Story.
It's good so far. I'm using these videos as a reference, I like to know how much story I have completed. There are a lot of dialogue, but at least the characters are interesting and you don't have to spend a whole hour going around witb Firefly
@joe_hanma Well, hanging out with Firefly was sweet, imo. She's one of my Favorite Characters in the Game, but I know what you mean. Still, it sucks that some english Voice Actors are missing currently. Gonna get used to the japanese Voices when I start playing this Quest.
March 7th is the mother of titan of time
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined 1:12:46
Thank you 👍 Its crazy how long it take, i am only at herta they should skip the useless npc talk or the puzzles
So... around 10 hours of mostly yapping, where i can't even hear Dan Heng's voice. And all of this just barely on the first act.
Dude, i just wanna unlock rememberance MC! ~~i know i get it earlier but still~~
I feel like this story is a huge downgrade compared to 2.0 especially the stupid puzzles waste a lot of time here someone need to remind the devs this is a turn based game.