- Опубликовано: 31 дек 2024
- Ephesians 5:26-27
"26 That he might *sanctify and **cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. 27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, **not having spot, *or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be *holy and **without blemish."
God and His Spirit, Who are One, are holy. Together, they created man in Their "image- likeness." Man was one (male and female). God removed the female from the male for the purpose of male and female creating a new man-proof of their "image-likeness." Man dis- obeyed God's single command, resulting in his (their) death. Sinful man must therefore be resurrected (reconciled) in order to become God's Son's Bride. God as Messiah (through being born of a virgin-becoming Son of God and Son of man), reconciled God and man.
God gave His Son, Who is holy, a "holy" Bride. Therfore, that earthly, sinful Bride was "sanctified" and "cleansed" in order to be fit (holy) to marry God's holy Son. God's sanctify- ing and cleansing of Messiah's Bride was ALL done "in Messiah" through His completed work. God's plan to sanctify and cleanse Messiah's bride was completed BEFORE the foun- dation of the Earth.