Cool! ^^ A technical question... x) As I've read, the photometer of that camera uses 1,35 V batteries, but the modern ones are of 1,5 V, do you use modern 1,5 V batteries or instead do you use 1,35 V wein cells or an adapter for getting the correct voltage? Thanks!
There's something about Super 8 that makes the image feel organic, and a sense of charm. I don't know why.
Wow, that PLUS-X really looks good. Light Press does great work. Great watch, thanks for posting!
OMG how did this just happen to me????? Thank you God/Universe/RandomGoogle I love Mr. Embry too much!
thanks! uh i use the 1.35 v wein cells. the MRB625 replacement one. amazon or BH photo video has them for pretty cheap!
Looks awesome there.
What a beautiful soul haha
Love it, man!
A Great JOB!!
yeah! they're the best ive ever used. haha.
Cool! ^^ A technical question... x) As I've read, the photometer of that camera uses 1,35 V batteries, but the modern ones are of 1,5 V, do you use modern 1,5 V batteries or instead do you use 1,35 V wein cells or an adapter for getting the correct voltage? Thanks!
Did I see Jade Castrinos?
haha yes you did.