Moto Perpetuo - The Orchestra

  • Опубликовано: 12 мар 2009
  • The history of „Moto Perpetuo" orchestra begins from October, 1, 2003.
    It was on that date when the first perfomance took place at the ceremonial party dedicated to awarding Mr. Fritz Pleitgen, an Intendant of the West- German Broadcasting Corporation, an honourable Josef Neuberger Medal.
    After that event the orchestra began its existence as an independent unit, taking part both in mixed (assembled) concerts and in solo programmes.
    Having received of the Diploma of the 3 degree in International competition Golden Khanukia in October, 2004 is to be considered one of the most notable events in the orchestra's carreer.
    From that time on the staff of the orchestra has changed a little, considerably has changed the list of its repertoire, but the main principlles of the orchestra remain permanent. These are the following: mobility, emotionality, elegance of the repertoire.
    Today the repertoire of the orchestra includes musical pieces of A. Vivaldi, G. Persell, J.S. Bach up to more easy-listening stuff of G. Diniku, V. Monty, G. Miller, C. Basey as welll as some interesting and prominent patterns of folk music.
    Beside this the orchestra performs also jewish traditional music, which is normally a second part of the "grand" programm.
    For contact/booking go to:

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