ካልሞላህ አትፈስም! | መምህር አቢ | ወቸው GOOD |

  • Опубликовано: 28 дек 2024

Комментарии • 705

  • @abigirma
    @abigirma Год назад +928

    Thank you for having me Wechew Good! It was so much fun to share what I know with everyone! And thank you everyone on the comments! Feeling the Love already! Excited to share more content with you all!

    • @samrawitmisrak5013
      @samrawitmisrak5013 Год назад +37

      You are a very interesting intellectual and fun person. You are an asset for the generation.

    • @SamuelAlemayheu
      @SamuelAlemayheu Год назад +23

      The most interesting individual I have every seen

    • @Hossie.
      @Hossie. Год назад +46

      “ካልሞላህ አትፈስም" እውነት ነው:: የምታውቀውን እውቀትና ልምድ ወደ ሀገርህ ተመልሰህ ልታካፍለን ፍቃደኛ ስለሆንክ እግዜር ያክብርልን🙏🏽
      Dear ወቸው GOOD fam, እናተም ይህን platform አዘጋጅታቹ እንዲህ አይነት ማይጠገብ እንግዳ ስለጋበዛቹ thank you! አቤላ ለምን ብዙ እንዳላወራ መገመት አይከብድም...
      Sadly, የማይናገር/የማይጋገር እንግዳ (guest) እንዳለ ሆኖ…እንዲህ አይነት very intellectual & interesting guest ሲመጣ ደሞ pls story እየተቆራረጠ ነው እና pls ይታሰብበት🙏🏽
      ድንቅ podcast👈🏽
      Hossie from Seattle

    • @Dani21
      @Dani21 Год назад +8

      I really love u bro!!!OMG

    • @billygraham_kam
      @billygraham_kam Год назад +23

      ሞልተህ እየፈሰስክ ነው👏🏿👏🏿 keep it up 🫡

  • @beljigali
    @beljigali Год назад +99

    በእድሜ በጣም ነው የምበልጣችሁ። የምኖረው ጀርመን ነው። ውይይታችሁ አንዳንዴ ሲያስደንቀኝ፣ ሌላ ቀን ሲያናድደኝ፣ አንዳንዴ ሲያስተምረኝ ሳላቋርጥ እሰማችኋለሁ። ቀጥሉ ብዙ ሰው ትለውጣላችሁ።አንድ ቀን እሱ ጋ ተቀምጬ ብወያይ ደስ ይለኝ ነበረ።

    • @msale
      @msale Год назад

      Is that real that German is gay country?

    • @fraolgudeta2877
      @fraolgudeta2877 Год назад

      ​@@msalethere is nothing as a gay country

  • @thomasmesfin2998
    @thomasmesfin2998 Год назад +71

    This is your best episode so far 👏. We need more guests like him. No more tiktokers please

  • @hisqueen1441
    @hisqueen1441 Год назад +41

    This episode is the best of ወቸው ጉድ
    እናንተጋር ባይሆን በዚ ደረጃ ሊያወራ አይችልም ነበ።
    በጣም ይበዛባችኃል እድለኛ ናችሁ።
    እኛም እንደተመልካች በጣም መታደል ነው።
    ብዙ ማውራት እየፈለገ ቆርጣችሁበታል። ለቀናት ማውራት ተሚችል ሰው ነው።
    ለጥበብ የሚያስፈልግ ሰው ነው።
    ብዙ ባለሙያዎች ጋር መድረስ ያለበት ሰው ነው። በአግባቡ ራሱን ለማስተዋወቅ እድል ማግኘት አለበት። የእናንተን እይታ ብቻ ነበር ስትጠይቁት የነበረው።
    በባለሙያ አይን ወይም እሱ ያስፈልጋል ባለበት መንገድ ማውራት መቻል ነበረበት።
    በድጋሚ በድጋሚ መምጣት ያለበት ሰው ነው።
    I was disappointed at first but sadddd at last
    Am not even the art person
    But his story telling, flow, consciousness, personality,simplicity❤ huh the best
    Thanx for this episode
    Demo abi you should be more public the industry needs you

    • @footballlove3766
      @footballlove3766 Год назад +1

      Ay habesha😂😂😂kebad bicha yehone hizb esu ebezabachwalw alale maskualet bicha😅

    • @sheger8670
      @sheger8670 Год назад

      የመጨረሻ መሀይሞች ናቸው ኔላ ፕላትፎርም ላይ መቅረብ አለበት

  • @ad__moha
    @ad__moha Год назад +224

    Abi yleyal 🔥 የአመቱ ምርጥ episode የምትሉ ብቻ like

    • @AdilMohammedamin
      @AdilMohammedamin 10 месяцев назад +2

      alen 🙌

    • @RebkaErmiyas-yx2qy
      @RebkaErmiyas-yx2qy 3 месяца назад

      abi yemirm yeleyal betam gobezi jegina negirochin yemiyaserdabat menged dese yelale batekalye kimami yehone liji nw edemahn yarzimeln andebethn yebarkiln mirt sawe ❤❤❤

  • @ABELTAMIRAT-fd2xh
    @ABELTAMIRAT-fd2xh Год назад +44

    Wtf! Not to exaggerate, but it's the best episode so far. The guy is very friendly and easy to get along with. In any way, this episode was 🔥🔥🔥

  • @Mikewendwosen
    @Mikewendwosen Год назад +44

    this episode is fire, the way the guest tells what he had experienced is awesome, he is so relaxed you guys stops interrupting and were listings with you eyes wide opened. thank you መምህር አቢ . 5 stars
    The dumpster dive is wild 😂😂

  • @samrawitababu9795
    @samrawitababu9795 Год назад +10

    This is the most underrated episode so far.man i never heard of this guy before and he is so amazing 😊please bring back him. ሰአቱ ራሡ ሳላስበው ነው ያለቀው አቤል ራሡ እኮ ተመስጦ ነው የጨረሰው

  • @SintuMarphaz
    @SintuMarphaz Год назад +17

    አቦ በአንድ ሀይስኩል መምህር ነኝ...እናም ከስያሜያችሁ የተነሳ በአንድ ወቅት የገጠመኝን ላጫውታችሁ...አንዴ ፈተና ፈትኜ አንዷ ተማሪዬ ማምጣት የማይገባትን ውጤት አምጥታ ይሄማ የሷ ውጤት አይደለም በማለት የተለመደውን ማበረታቻ ቃል በመንፈግ ተቃውሞዬን ገለፅኩ...ልጅትም ይህን በማየት ጋሼ Very good አላልከኝም አለችኝ...እኔም ፈጠን ብዬ ያንቺ ውጤትማ Very good ሳይሆን መባል ያለበት "ወቸው ጉድ" ነው ያልኳትን አስታውሳለሁ...እንደ መምህር ይህንን ስል የተማሪን ለውጥ አላደንቅም ማለት ሳይሆን የለውጡ ቀጣይነት ላይ የሚመሰረት መሆኑን ታሳቢ ይደረግልኝ.በተረፈ ይመቻችሁ.ካላቀረባችሁልኝ ግን በእጄ ናችሁ!!!

    • @kirub10
      @kirub10 Год назад +2

      Mndnew mtlew

  • @Ereftonjesus
    @Ereftonjesus Год назад +54

    ከ ጎጃም አካባቢ ነው የምከታተላችሁ በተዘጋ ኔት የ ክልል ቦርድር ላይ በሚመጣ ኮኔክሽን ነው የምንከታተላችሁ ይሄ episode ያበደ ነው እናመሰግናለን 🙏

  • @tinsaehailu7832
    @tinsaehailu7832 Год назад +12

    He is one fascinating person. I couldn't believe I watched 3 hrs long podcast...that's how interesting it was. Thanks for sharing.

  • @magicfootball8717
    @magicfootball8717 Год назад +12

    i swear i aint even lying this is the most entertaining and interesting Ethiopian or any podcast i have ever seen in my life.....and i aint even finished it yet..abi in an extraordinary person👏👏👏

  • @beki4kilo720
    @beki4kilo720 Год назад +274

    ይሄ podcast ይመቸኛል! በተለይ ጥቁር ጃኬት ያደረገው ወጣት የበሰለ ሀሳብ ይሰነዝራል!👌😌

  • @alazartessema3444
    @alazartessema3444 Год назад +7

    Our generation needs this kind of an amazing persons.

  • @biruktawitmenbere9559
    @biruktawitmenbere9559 Год назад +28

    Please invite him again, he has a lot to share. This man is full of experience, we need to hear more from him.

    • @mtolla05
      @mtolla05 11 месяцев назад

      I thinknyou should look into what psychedelic means and maybe you might change tour mind

    • @gggmichael2561
      @gggmichael2561 9 месяцев назад


  • @Imom1708
    @Imom1708 Год назад +10

    እንደዚ ተመስጪ ያዳመጥኩት ነገር እስከ አሁን ትዝ አይለኝም አቢ ምርጥ ሰዉ

  • @loneranger699
    @loneranger699 11 месяцев назад +7

    የመጀመሪያው ሙሉውን ጨርሼ ያየሁት episode ነው He is a very interesting guy & a good storyteller

  • @senaietibebu2761
    @senaietibebu2761 Год назад +9

    እጅግ በጣም ያናደደኝ ኤፒሶድ ነው ፤ አቢ እጅግ በጣም ብዙ ሊያወራው ሊናገረው የሚችል አስተማሪ እና አዝናኝ ነገርን እያቋረጣችሁት ዝም ብላችሁ እንደጅል ስትገለፍጡ ነበር ፥ ምን ሆናችሁ ነው ??? ይሄንን ኤፒሶድ በደምብ ተመልክታችሁ ራሳችሁን አስተካክሉ ስታስጠሉ !!! ......... በጣም እጅግ በጣም ግልጽ እና ትክክለኛ መረጃ የሰጠ የመጀመሪያው ዲያስፖራ ነው ... ሊትራሊ ማንም ሰው እንደዚህ በግልጽ የኖረውን ህይወት አያወራም ። በተለይ ዲያስፖራ ...... ብትችሉ መጃጃላችሁን በልክ አድርጉትና ድጋሚ ጋብዙት ።

    • @abelteshome1395
      @abelteshome1395 Год назад +1

      ዛሬ በጣም ተጃጅለዋል አናደውኛል

    • @asnakukal233
      @asnakukal233 Год назад

      የኔን ሃሳብ ነው አቋርጠውትም ደና ነገር ኳ ቢያወሩ ጥሩ .....የሆነ የሆ ቦታ ጅል ነገር እሚሆኑት ይደብራል....እንግዳው ማ እንደሆነ ይጠፋቸዋል መሰለኝ

    • @Yordanos-pk4jp
      @Yordanos-pk4jp Год назад +1

      That's why interesting yehonew, solid interview bihon ydebren neber

    • @danielabreha5834
      @danielabreha5834 2 месяца назад

      በጣም እኔም እጅግ እየተናደድኩኝ ነው ያዳመጥኩት፡ ገና ልጅነታቸውን አልጨረሱም አዘጋጆቹ፡ እንዳልከው ልጁ ብዙ አስተማሪ ነገሮች አሉት

  • @TayeAndualem
    @TayeAndualem Год назад +21

    በጣም የተመቸኝ episode ነው ይመቻቹ የእውነት ድጋሜ ቢመጣ ብዙ ነገር እናውቃለን

  • @yohannesmulat4639
    @yohannesmulat4639 Год назад +13

    Is that 3 hours OMG It looks like 3 munits I swear i really like this show Please more ppl like Abi

  • @nahumalemayehu620
    @nahumalemayehu620 Год назад +12

    This was one of the best episode by far guys! Keep going 🫡

  • @mahitesfaye2867
    @mahitesfaye2867 Год назад +11

    Absolutely the best podcast I've come across! The insightful discussions and engaging content keep me hooked. Thx to the host for delivering top-notch episodes consistently. Can't recommend it enough!

  • @yonasabebe
    @yonasabebe Год назад +5

    I loved this interview. This guy has a very interesting vibe and I was also inspired by your life experience.

  • @bekakinfe723
    @bekakinfe723 Год назад +6

    This show is a very growing show and guys your sarcasm and discussions are worth watching.

  • @Ethiopiques_1
    @Ethiopiques_1 10 месяцев назад +1

    Wow this is one of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened for literally 3 straight hours. He’s genuine and አራዳ! Keep up the good work man! And hats off to WochewGud too!

  • @AlazarGebremichael
    @AlazarGebremichael 10 месяцев назад

    በጣም ደስ ብሎኝ እያየሁ በጣም ያናደደኝ ነገር መቆራረጡ you could have made it 2 episodes mnamn bcha please if there is a full version or something post it because I wanna hear everything this absolute gem of a man said thank you

  • @fifidagi
    @fifidagi Год назад +4

    ከለሊቱ 8ሳዐት አስባችሁታል በቲቪ በጣም ተመስጪ እንዳያልቅብኝ በጉጉት ያየሁት episode thank you so much respect 🫡

  • @kiralight.0073
    @kiralight.0073 Год назад +8

    what an episode guys istg it was amazing asf abi is the most interesting guest uve had on ur show thank u so much keep it up

  • @Relax-xb7kt
    @Relax-xb7kt Год назад +5

    Me playing the video with out doubt after knowing its abi not because ik him but after hearing abt him on your ep i was so exited to know him

  • @yonnihabtamu
    @yonnihabtamu Год назад +7

    The best episode by far👏👏Abi yemeche

  • @yonatanhailu5068
    @yonatanhailu5068 Год назад +6

    Memorable podcast አቤል ምስጥ በማለት

  • @liyoualem
    @liyoualem Год назад +15

    This episode is such an eye opening. … I’m sure able will dig in more about the black history or African American history more. Referring to the episode about victimization…that they were intentionally suppressed by the system.He is my favorite one btw

    • @supremeleader989
      @supremeleader989 Год назад

      White Americans ካለፈው ስህተታቸው ይማራሉ ከዛ ያስተካክላሉ። ጥቁሮች/ሬድ ኢንዲያኖች አሁንም እየተጨቆኑ አይደለም (ያለፈ ታሪክ ነው)፤ አሁንም ግን እየተጨቆኑ እንደሆነ አክት ያደርጋሉ። የአሁን ጊዜ ጀነሬሽን ግሩም ሀገር ላይ ተቀምጦ victim mentalityን ያራምዳል።

  • @bickim5224
    @bickim5224 9 месяцев назад

    This guy is so Genius I keep watching this broadcast again and again and I learn so much more ! My peoples listen and learn 🎧
    Listing to this guy ! For me he gave me aha moment ! My people’s We don’t need Newton laws to know about us or to tell us who we are .
    We need our own to tell us the truth in our own language with love and kindness! I am just saying Abi is one of the kind to protect and make his legacy to spread the word and tell for generations to come ! Just saying and keep listening to him my people’s ! This needs to be Documents as iEthiopian History book as our Century! Just listen and learn like as I did that’s all I’m asking! It’s life changing! Thank you Sir Abi!! Blessings!!

  • @tigisttebabal3512
    @tigisttebabal3512 Год назад +2

    The best episode በድጋሚ መቅረብ አለበት በጣም ብዙ ነገ የምንማረው አለ

  • @eyosiyashailu6738
    @eyosiyashailu6738 Год назад +5

    ZARE GENA ZARE GENA i can't stress this enough....the real wechew gud! keep up the good work guys! I am gone subscribe now ..

  • @Amanu93
    @Amanu93 Год назад +13

    Tired of saying This is the best Episode Ever ቀጥሎ በምትሰሩት episode እያስደመማቹኝ ነው
    But this one is the best i swear ❤️

  • @bisratmelaku6098
    @bisratmelaku6098 11 месяцев назад +2

    it is 11:35pm finishings this podcast, so you guys have no idea how much i enjoyed it. i never wrote a comment in any platform. keep up!

  • @AbdinFitala
    @AbdinFitala Год назад +4

    This is one of my favorites talk show/podcast. What i like the most about this podcast is your choice of guests. Pensilvinia state ውስጥ ስለሚኖሩት Dutch comunity አቢ ሲያወራ በአካል ያየኋቸው ያህል ነው የተሰማኝ። ምናልባት 'Banshee' the tv series ደጋግሜ ስላየሁት ይሆናል ❤

  • @E_tiktok
    @E_tiktok Год назад +11

    The coolest episode ever thank you👏👏👏❤

  • @Hagos6
    @Hagos6 Год назад +6

    ትክክል ነው ሰወች እዚህ ሀገር መክፈል ለማይችሉ ሰወች ለትምህርት ለህክምና ይከፍላሉ ጥሩ ሀገር ነው እኔም ለህክምና የማላውቀው ሰው ነው የከፈለልኝ ለዛውም ብዙ ገንዘብ ተከፍሎል ተብሎ ወረቀት ወደ ቤት ደብዳቤ የተላከልኝ

  • @Et_sapien
    @Et_sapien Год назад +2

    interesting podcast. abel gn mn honeh new endezihma zm atbel yidebral. yoni, beki andegna nachihu. abi has a good experience to share with us. thanks.

  • @samrawitdegefa
    @samrawitdegefa Год назад +3

    This is the best episode ever. Abi Thank you so much for sharing your interesting story.

  • @Addisአበባዊ
    @Addisአበባዊ 8 месяцев назад

    Abi much blessings my brother! You represented KMS in the best possible way Sr Litessia would be so proud! One of the most informative and entertaining episode! Probably the best guest i have heard in here. Good luck in your future endeavors!

  • @brookzewge
    @brookzewge Год назад +11

    This pod needs a part two and threeee 👏👏👏 amazing pod

  • @manchesterunited3542
    @manchesterunited3542 9 месяцев назад +1

    Once i was a tenant with my older sister in front of Abby’s family house and we were in elementary school and Abby was cool and still cool guy. I remember Dewele,Belay,Heruy, Amha, Baby…. Was amazing time.

  • @abiti_getasew
    @abiti_getasew Год назад +3

    የወቸው ጉድ የመጨረሻው ፀዴ ኤፕሶድ ማለት ይሄ ነው ማርያምን👌 አቢ በጣም ምርጥ ሰው ፀዴ ሰው ገራሚ ስራ ነው እየሰራህ ያለኸው ኢቨንቶችህ ላይም እንደምካፈል ተስፋ አለኝ ቀጥልበት

  • @danielhailemeskel1828
    @danielhailemeskel1828 Год назад +9

    i watched this episode twice because this is half of my life.

    • @kirub10
      @kirub10 Год назад +1

      It's been 6 hours since you were born malet new🙄

    • @DagiTubeE
      @DagiTubeE 11 месяцев назад

      @@kirub10 hhhhhhhhhhh yenen gemashu hiwote kesu gar yemesaselal lemalet new lol

  • @TheZabesha
    @TheZabesha Год назад +2

    While Ethiopian podcasts typically don’t captivate me, this one stands out as my favorite.

  • @go408
    @go408 10 месяцев назад +2

    Appreciation to the guy with dreadloks, he manifests the meaning of real education.

  • @eyualekassahun9163
    @eyualekassahun9163 Год назад +3

    አቢ የሚገርም ሰው የሚገርም እውቀት ነው ያለው ወቸው ጉድ እናመሰግናለው አሪፍ ሰው ነው የጋበዛችሁት

  • @aklesiyamekonnen8440
    @aklesiyamekonnen8440 Год назад +1

    Thank you so much for introducing me with such incredible intellectual person. Cant wait to hear more about you and your wok @abigirma

  • @1_Birr.
    @1_Birr. 11 месяцев назад +1

    ezi podcast lay endzi aynt sew nw yemnfelgew what an amazing person he is Abi🤩

  • @hanademissie219
    @hanademissie219 Год назад +1

    I think theses z first time abel silent yehonebet .z best and interesting episode so far

  • @michealbekele3505
    @michealbekele3505 Год назад +2

    best guest of the decade👌👌👌👌this is the trailer of the perfect abi👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏

  • @MubarekHaile
    @MubarekHaile Год назад +2

    What a nice episod with ARADA lij!. Thanks guys

  • @isamurai939
    @isamurai939 Год назад +2

    I didn't expect this one to be so interesting like that....but memhr abi mn aynet story teller new 🔥

  • @SamuelAlemayheu
    @SamuelAlemayheu Год назад +5

    This the most interesting podcast episode ever he is the most interesting guy

  • @eitealtamiru9684
    @eitealtamiru9684 Год назад +2

    This is the most interesting episode! Abi is so nice❤ keep up wechew gud love yall!

  • @lidiyagetachew3304
    @lidiyagetachew3304 Год назад +9

    keep it up guys!! It is really exciting to have such energetic and disciplined young men with a lot to share. we need such people who remind us of the beauty in life and also the capacity we all have. Looking forward to more of your episodes and guests. Thanks a lot, God bless you all 😍😍😍

  • @lidu6694
    @lidu6694 Год назад +1

    This is the most anticipated episode thanks for sharing🔥abi thank you and good luck

  • @jonathannigussie2812
    @jonathannigussie2812 Год назад +1

    so far the best of your episode....Abi Girma already your big fan

  • @NigusDawit-b2d
    @NigusDawit-b2d Год назад +2

    Betam interesting yehone video nw abi kelel yale betam des yemil sew nw I hope the nexe person tellings interesting story thanks

  • @michaeltsegaye4630
    @michaeltsegaye4630 Год назад +1

    Thankyou wechewgood for this insightful episode.
    And @abigirma you are awesome, thankyou for sharing your experiance

  • @mikhab
    @mikhab 10 месяцев назад

    this guy is soooo interesting to listen to. i watched this episode twice and its a 3hr video so..

  • @yenesewadal329
    @yenesewadal329 11 месяцев назад +1

    Truly, I really enjoyed the conversation you all have. I never have a patient to sit three hours to listen everything. Yeah you need to invite him again very interesting man thank you.

  • @bereketbalcha3418
    @bereketbalcha3418 7 месяцев назад

    Honest hearty informed chats ...I am a bit old for some of the topics..but the AB guy is smart and really entertaining and knowledgeable...cool....brutally honest about the dumpster diving.
    A little ..

  • @Ibnuseid97
    @Ibnuseid97 Год назад +2

    By far, the most interesting episode🔥🔥

  • @remedan_1
    @remedan_1 Год назад +3

    This podcast is absolutely dope Engaging conversations insightful content
    a must listen

  • @bisratmelaku6098
    @bisratmelaku6098 11 месяцев назад

    ain't gonna lie guys this guy(Abi) is fun and intellect. i genuinely believe this guy will make a change.

  • @dawitkassu9762
    @dawitkassu9762 Год назад +2

    The best podcast till now.

  • @ephrem.64
    @ephrem.64 Год назад +8

    አረ ማርያምን እደዚህ ተመችቶኝ አይቼ ማውቀው podcast የለም 😘

    • @NOBlEMAN369
      @NOBlEMAN369 Год назад

      3 seat eko nw gn 3 dekika aymeslim

    • @ephrem.64
      @ephrem.64 Год назад

      @@NOBlEMAN369 aw yemr tolo new yalekew

  • @addisalemayehu8773
    @addisalemayehu8773 10 месяцев назад

    The best 👏👏👏 such a dynamic , authentic and vibrant personality !!!

  • @yihuntube8628
    @yihuntube8628 11 месяцев назад

    Abi you are so humble and discipled🙏 keep going.

  • @kahsaywoldeslassie5252
    @kahsaywoldeslassie5252 Год назад +1

    Amazing life experience, good job keep it up

  • @GezahegnDagim
    @GezahegnDagim Год назад +1

    Actually i usually see episods ቅዳሜ ሲለቀቅ ሰኞ ለምን እንደሆነ አላቅም ይሄን episode ሳላይ ቆይቼ Saturday dec 16 አየሁትኝ ከምኔ ቀጥሎ the best episode ever ❤❤❤ teacher አቢ 😂😂😂 ወቸው good .

  • @musseluther7639
    @musseluther7639 8 месяцев назад

    The best interview! Thank you!

  • @betelhemmola7900
    @betelhemmola7900 Год назад +1

    The best episode ever, he is a library you guys need to invite him tolo tolo

  • @samuelwoldemilchael4834
    @samuelwoldemilchael4834 10 месяцев назад +4

    You know how many times I watch this episode 5 times😂😂😂❤

  • @ebissesworldadunyaaebisse2220
    @ebissesworldadunyaaebisse2220 11 месяцев назад +1

    Guys this is the most interesting conversation. My favorite Ethio podcast right now🔥🔥🔥🔥😘😘 much love from 🇩🇰

  • @yonatanwube3997
    @yonatanwube3997 Год назад +4

    Where did this guy has been? this is really very interesting episode so far. What a guy jesus🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @eyosiyasmesfin
    @eyosiyasmesfin Год назад +2

    The best episode yet.

  • @Rachie-Bear
    @Rachie-Bear Год назад +1

    The best episode 🔥🔥abi the most😍amazing man👏👌

  • @samuelwoldemilchael4834
    @samuelwoldemilchael4834 10 месяцев назад +2

    Please please bring the this man again❤❤❤❤❤

  • @biruktibefekadu4075
    @biruktibefekadu4075 11 месяцев назад +2

    Please invite him again, he has a lot of experience to share
    it was very interesting podcast.

  • @dawitgirma3403
    @dawitgirma3403 11 месяцев назад

    I love u guys all ...I really appreciate abi too ..Abelas silence today was so exciting...he was listening to the guest's points carefully

  • @nardosbrhane4583
    @nardosbrhane4583 7 месяцев назад

    Best episode 👌 so far ወቸ Gooዶች keep it up

  • @brooktilahun4078
    @brooktilahun4078 Год назад +33

    You guys should invite comediyan MAME out in you're podcast it going to be lit

  • @jacksolomon9529
    @jacksolomon9529 11 месяцев назад

    interesting indeed, unstructured interview with a perfect order intervention from Abel!!

  • @saraalemseged5499
    @saraalemseged5499 11 месяцев назад

    The guest is well experianced and he is so brave. Thanks🎉

  • @Dev-qz9sq
    @Dev-qz9sq Год назад +1

    Andegn épisode betam new yemtimechugn🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 abi bedigeme bikerb bay negn

  • @redukebe6131
    @redukebe6131 10 месяцев назад

    ዋዉ ማለት ብቻ ነዉ የምችለዉ ጥግ ድረስ እርድና, እዉቀት በቃ ደጋግሜ ያየዉት episode Abi ትመቸኛለ። ወቸዉ ጉድ ማለት ዛሬ ነዉ የምታወራዉ ነገር ሁሉ እዉነትም ወቸዉ ጉድ

  • @cocacoca283
    @cocacoca283 Год назад +23

    ከባድ ሚዛን የሆነ እንግዳ ነው የመጣባቹ 👍🏽✌🏽ያራድዬ ልጅ👌🏽

  • @danielhailemeskel1828
    @danielhailemeskel1828 Год назад +6

    This is Daniel From Maryland U.S.A number one fan of WECHEW GOOD. I learnt a lot form ABI. I am always watching your Episode this one one of the best YIMECHACHIHU. I love you guys please invite EBBA Tesfaye?

  • @User-ebf12
    @User-ebf12 Год назад +81

    Never, Abel became so quiet today 😂

  • @abdulmejidnursa2974
    @abdulmejidnursa2974 Год назад

    The best podcast episode ever,Thankyou for sharing

  • @kokobtube8729
    @kokobtube8729 Год назад +2

    Berket ena yoni betam bezu yekrachuhal hasab aschresu plus act like professional leyandandu hasab respect setu ehen yemsle interview abshachehuy Abel ante jegena neh berta

  • @MartaNegash-pc8jf
    @MartaNegash-pc8jf Год назад +1

    Best episode of the new and the old season ❤

  • @meskeremsaunier4216
    @meskeremsaunier4216 9 месяцев назад

    The way he explicaine so fluide familier ‼️👍 ❤ j'ador bien dites 👍 what a good conversation ⁉️ j'ador 👍

  • @Mz-mt4wv
    @Mz-mt4wv Год назад +1

    Omg i can listen to this guy the whole day. What a respected gentleman 👏

  • @meskeremsaunier4216
    @meskeremsaunier4216 9 месяцев назад

    Merci 👍 pour cette vidéo partagé avec nous ça fait plaisir ❤