THIS is how Bridget beats every character

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025

Комментарии • 118

  • @theeultimatewarrior81
    @theeultimatewarrior81 2 года назад +181

    That thumbnail is hard asf, hold up now.

  • @tylerallen6435
    @tylerallen6435 2 года назад +58

    The Melee theming is so cool

  • @VileLasagna
    @VileLasagna 2 года назад +84

    Bought this game when Bridget came out and was basically playing only her until the Crossplay Beta when I switched to Potemkin. Bridget is still in my heart, though, and this'll be very helpful once I start playing her again. In particular Faust just always destroyed me. I feel Bridget thrives on space control and Faus can actually deny you a lot of that if he gets going in any way.

    • @kishi1488
      @kishi1488 2 года назад +6


    • @idk-bq6uc
      @idk-bq6uc 2 года назад +16

      @@kishi1488 You dont know what youve just done

    • @PrimarchRoboleonFrenchyman
      @PrimarchRoboleonFrenchyman 2 года назад +18

      @@kishi1488 Bridget is a transgender women, you should respect her choice you bigot and sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit, qui in ea voluptate velit esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum, qui dolorem eum fugiat, quo voluptas nulla pariatur? [33] At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa, qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

    • @kishi1488
      @kishi1488 2 года назад +3

      @@PrimarchRoboleonFrenchyman lmao

    • @Your_LocalWizard
      @Your_LocalWizard Год назад +1

      @@PrimarchRoboleonFrenchymanPfp checks out

  • @viper64jr
    @viper64jr 2 года назад +22

    I’m currently in a character crisis and I feel like video was super useful for just good character knowledge for everyone so thanks for all the effort you put in this

  • @Eleos_
    @Eleos_ 2 года назад +5

    Hey Diaphone !
    I started playing seriously fighting games with Strive, playing out Bridget. At first I was very afraid of her toolkit and all the mixup I was seeing on your gameplays, but after some training I finally start to learn them (i'm easy with myself, just got a stick so my qcb or qcf aren't perfect yet).
    Your earlier guide with bridget was already a huuuge help for me to get the basic of the character, and even if I'm still at the beginning level, this video feels like a very good help to learn more in-depth the match ups. Thank you for the time you put into this and believing in the Brisket power !

  • @jordanoickle6998
    @jordanoickle6998 27 дней назад

    This video is greatly appreciated as a new player. Having a pro describe the mindset and toolset that each character has helps not only when playing Bridget, but understanding the game a little better as a whole!

  • @ItsTali
    @ItsTali 2 года назад +14

    The cross-pollination between Friend of The Stream™️ Romolla and Friend of The Stream™️ Diaphone, you love to see it.
    _I would kill for a collabo tbh_

  • @mechonis_buster
    @mechonis_buster 7 месяцев назад

    Incredibly helpful guide with great theming! Thanks for all the hard work on your Bridget guides 💙

  • @coolfish420
    @coolfish420 2 года назад +2

    This video is amazing. Saying "do what Bridget is good at and what they aren't" is already good advice but then you go and spell it out more. Great work!

  • @blakemiller2613
    @blakemiller2613 2 года назад +11

    I got strive for bridget, but ive been disheartened because i havent been improving in weeks. Thank you for the technology I needed this

  • @tkZombie_
    @tkZombie_ 2 года назад +8

    God damn this video is great, the editing and artwork is fantastic too. Diaphone really out here doing his best to make me wanna switch to Bridget. That being said, I need to find a 'this is how anji beats every character' video now...

  • @itsaUSBline
    @itsaUSBline 2 года назад +6

    I had no idea you could just dash under HCL, that's hilarious. I really struggle with the I-No matchup because it seems like half my tools get stuffed by HCL and I'm just on defense the whole time, so that's pretty useful to know.
    Really good tips here overall. Gonna have to study this for the matchups I have trouble with especially. Been loving all the Brisket content you've put out.

  • @leaf8554
    @leaf8554 2 года назад +5

    You’re awesome for this ❤

  • @rankmayor4076
    @rankmayor4076 10 месяцев назад

    Great video man, keep up the good work!

  • @wesknowsbest1
    @wesknowsbest1 2 года назад +1

    This video is so helpful, I really appreciate it. Whenever I get smoked on the ladder I come right to this video lol

  • @GanguroKonata
    @GanguroKonata 2 года назад

    I super appreciate this lol
    I'm too stubborn to ask anyone who beats me what I can do so having a little cheat sheet is aces. Found out some stuff I was missing from my own play too, thanks man!

  • @chrismansley7488
    @chrismansley7488 2 года назад

    Legendary video as a new bridget this will help me wonders thank you

  • @cursedvanity
    @cursedvanity 2 года назад

    this was super helpful, thank you so much!

  • @abrausedteleport8548
    @abrausedteleport8548 2 года назад

    I just started playing strive a week ago and started playing Bridget. I'm sure this video will be handy and it's clean af.

  • @bigbrd3844
    @bigbrd3844 Год назад +1

    wish there was a comprehensive matchup guide like this for ky.

  • @FeistyVillain
    @FeistyVillain 2 года назад +5


  • @reidcouch1
    @reidcouch1 2 года назад +3

    Thumbnail game on point

  • @soup-de2jf
    @soup-de2jf Год назад +1

    my older sister came in my room JUST AT THE WRONG TIME and looked at my screen to find a giant knonkers anime girl on it (0:13)
    (this was ggs life saver video though so its worth it)

  • @-ITH
    @-ITH 2 года назад

    We can always get around to some more matches for the BR_BA mu.
    Also, want to give you some FGC roses too, from all of us over here in the DMV. Keep being a bro.

  • @BigBoyFargo
    @BigBoyFargo 2 года назад +2

    When dealing with advancing, low profile moves in your blockstrings, check out how well Bridget's 2H counters it. Ive tested out frame trap 2s>2h on Jacko's 2d and it leads to a real nice conversion.

  • @Mag5c68
    @Mag5c68 11 месяцев назад

    As a Bridget main, this is very helpful

  • @kriscotd76
    @kriscotd76 2 года назад +1

    My buddy plays Bridget and he’s definitely one of the best if not the best Bridget player on strive ..

  • @karue7581
    @karue7581 Год назад

    Your guides are amazing!

  • @melodicmew154
    @melodicmew154 2 года назад


  • @lightmitian
    @lightmitian 2 года назад +1

    38:23 This is why Millias don't do cross up J.H in this situation anymore. All it does is open yourself up to being DP'd. We just cross up and block, there will be another chance to go high/low right after if it doesn't work.

  • @yolo_quito
    @yolo_quito 2 года назад

    Diaphone. whatta lord.

  • @Snooopysniper12
    @Snooopysniper12 2 года назад

    My favorite part about this video is watching him accidentally stuff anji spin

  • @eastcoasttone3952
    @eastcoasttone3952 2 года назад +1

    The Smash Bros theming is definitely a pleasant surprise. I'm not gonna lie though, I mainly watched so I could see what you said about my character lol

  • @recks_alot6988
    @recks_alot6988 4 месяца назад

    The shoes were clearly rushed on that Bridget mod lol

  • @pedrerriki
    @pedrerriki 2 года назад +1

    wish i could focus on the video but all running thru my head is this maid outfit mod for axl and where to find it

  • @kitkatiecat
    @kitkatiecat 2 года назад +2

    new player here because a baiken keeps beating my ass
    finding out that this MU is really hard because bridget doesn't have easy counters to her makes me feel a lil better about being knocked to floor 7 by one lmao

  • @shupp6267
    @shupp6267 Год назад +1

    looks like the cast cant handle Bridget's gender neutral

  • @kide9747
    @kide9747 2 года назад

    Ooh, this is the sauce. Thank you for this

  • @Haku15Mitarashi
    @Haku15Mitarashi 2 года назад +4

    ... MAN I wish you played Ramlethal.
    ... I would have loved for you to do one of these for her.

    • @tdwl2802
      @tdwl2802 2 года назад +7

      Have you tried pressing f.S

    • @Haku15Mitarashi
      @Haku15Mitarashi 2 года назад +1

      ... lol... nice jokes.

    • @eonfgc
      @eonfgc 2 года назад +7

      @@Haku15Mitarashi he is not joking

    • @Haku15Mitarashi
      @Haku15Mitarashi 2 года назад

      ... sorry, I mean "exaggeration".
      ... good normal, but her hurtbox is still connected to it unlike her aerial S.

    • @kak3143
      @kak3143 2 года назад

      @@Haku15Mitarashi fs is almost just as disjointed as js idk where you got that from

  • @catac1ysm13
    @catac1ysm13 2 года назад +1

    As pot you can pretty much 5p everything and wait to flick the yoyo

    • @Diaphone
      @Diaphone  2 года назад

      5P good vs flip / scoot stuff, but loses hard to 5h in terms of risk / reward, so a good bridget can call it out. Same thing with flick, you can cover the yoyo return, there's def more counterplay than u might realize but good points

  • @nkirmath8621
    @nkirmath8621 2 года назад +1

    Focusing my character's strengths to best other characters is a really strong tip.

  • @Boredom_Incarnate
    @Boredom_Incarnate 2 года назад +2

    Hey everybody, this might be a silly question but bear with me.
    I've just gotten into fighting games about a month ago (tried them as a kid but didn't "get it" and now things are clicking and becoming intuitive), but skill progression from the start is a little fuzzy.
    I'm a Bridget main too (for predictable reasons maybe lol) and I'm not really sure what to focus on first. Everything online says that combos are a trap too early and I feel like matchups are beyond me, but all that really leaves me guessing at is just sitting in training mode hitting buttons until it becomes instinctual? (Like how it's hard to drive a car but with practice you do a ton of little motions without realizing it).

    • @VileLasagna
      @VileLasagna 2 года назад +3

      So, tips from someone who's picked up this game a while back too (though I've had experience before) and was playing basically only Brisket
      I think you want to focus on two main simple things right off the bat:
      1 -> Finding what sort of situations you want to use your own moves
      2 -> Actually get some combos down.... BUT
      3 -> Having some sort of basic game plan going in
      4 -> Go to Tower early
      For 1, just pressing the right buttons at the right buttons at the same time can get you super far. Budget specifically has super strong buttons so you'll be getting a lot of counters and whatnot. Other players will teach you what NOT to do in time (for example, I had this very kind Faust that taught me not to randomly scoot in and let it be blocked ever by throw-punishing me every single time, lol). The key is not to overwhelm yourself especially as you're getting hang of the controls and the mechanics, etc... Just try to find what is the easiest, most baby's first solution you can get to a situation. Maybe if you counter scoot and then roman cancel you get hueg combo. But maybe it's way easier to just press Heavy Slash twice and get the hit.
      For 2, you DO want some combos in your toolkit but you need them to be easy to execute and remember. For Basket like, c.S into 2S, HS, HS is like your easiest neutral option and it opens a lot more for you than one might expect. Later on, as you get more comfortable, you'll start thinking of variations to this and how you can create a good follow up, etc... You don't need a lot but you'll want like one regular combo and one thing in the corner. Make sure they're EASY. Bidet actually has some complicated combos if you start looking around and a lot of her stuff is affected by character weight (WHICH SUUUUUCCKKKSSS). So once you have something down, make sure it still works on Leo or Nago. If you ARE comfortable with that, getting like one or two Roman Cancel options will be very helpful, especially since her overdrives are pretty weak, but if it feels even a tiny bit like it's too much right now, then feel free to ignore that.
      For 3, you want to have some idea of what situation you want to get in. Bridget works well with pokes and is kiiind of a vortex character (she can try and try the opponent in a mixup loop) but that can be hard to execute (the roll okizeme is what I was practising with her right until I migrated for a bit). For a very simple and straightforward gameplan for Bridget, what I can suggest is this: You want to use you buttons, which are superior to almost everyone else, to poke so you can control the situation. The opponent doesn't get to come in, YOU choose to go in. And WHEN you're in, a super easy thing that WILL give a lot of people trouble is a simple scooter meaty loop. If you get a knockdown with the S->S or H->H long range pokes and immediately scooter forward but DON'T do either brake or shoot, you'll end up right in the opponent's face as they're waking up. This gives you the opportunity to immediately do a c.S that's meaty (they wake up right inside your active attack frames). This means that if they're trying any sort of mash that's not invincible, they will get hit right again. If they don't, Bridget has a few options continuing the blockstring from there (you can push them out and try to catch them afterwards, you can use Rock the Baby to catch their defence).... This is not her main mixup loop that people talk about, but this will go a long way into getting you started, actually. It'll just feel really bad when you forget that Ramlethal has Mortobato and get hit in the face but... that's just a fact of life in Strive
      And 4, once you have any sort of confidence, like "okay, I'm at least doing what I'm trying to do most of the time", just hit Tower, honestly. Tower is REALLY great if you're bad because it does a good job segregating people into floors. Once you get dropped to the "correct" floor you WILL find a lot of people who are as bad as you. I remember when I was in like, Floor 6 and it DID feel like if I dropped to 5 I would just trounce everyone but if I rose to 7 people were clearly better. So don't be afraid to just go there, it's a really helpful way to find people at a level that you can handle. You're not going to get good on your own and that's how you'll learn what sort of things don't work, all of the matchups etc... It'll just come to you naturally. You'll find something you don't know how to deal with, and then you can look that one thing up (like the first time Happy Chaos crushes you and don't even understand how the match went. Been there, lol). Your experience helps a lot in giving all those guides and such context.
      BONUS: if you haven't done all of the training missions yet, go play with them. They actually teach you A LOT of the base mechanics and some tricks. You don't need to do all of them at once and you won't absorb all of it. But it has some really nice stuff
      Bit long, but hopefully this gives you some direction to start in. Make sure you're not overthinking things and not trying to learn too much at once. Learn one thing and go mash some buttons against other people who are also desperately trying to figure out what they're doing. Have that mindset going in, that you're just looking for people around your skill level so you can learn more stuff and you'll have a great time

    • @Diaphone
      @Diaphone  2 года назад +4

      Awesome discussion (just skimmed tho) My quick thoughts - HARD combos are a trap, easy consistent combos are well worth learning and very important.

    • @koko_law
      @koko_law 2 года назад

      I've also started recently and the best advice I got from another youtuber/streamer is: just go and start playing matches against other players. You're not the only beginner and other people will also be learning, hesitating, trying to find out what to do. So push the buttons, try things like different combos, observe the opponent's moves and see what you can do against them, try to predict their moves and block/counter, etc.

    • @tranceaddict11
      @tranceaddict11 2 года назад

      Combo's aren't traps, it's learning too many or too many situational combos that is a trap. Learn like one or two bread and butters max. One from 5K and one from c.S. Hitting buttons aka pokes are good but you can't learn that in training mode, you learn through experience in matches by trial and error, seeing what beats what, what ranges, why you want to use xyz button or not for controlling the space between you and the opponent.
      But the absolute minimum i'd give a beginner is learn one bread n butter, remember that 6P is an anti air and just go online and get a raw feel for the ebb and flow of the game.
      Then tack on something else one by one when you are comfortable with the previous stuff. Training mode is great but don't chase a feeling of being "ready" before going online, any practice needs a 2nd pass in REAL online matches before settling in

    • @mrfahrenheit6114
      @mrfahrenheit6114 2 года назад

      neutral is everything. learn 2-3 combos off of your best neutral tools/openers. players with good neutral are much stronger than players with good combos

  • @Order-Sol
    @Order-Sol 2 года назад

    My only question is this.
    What about Ryn's Sin and Order-Sol characters from GGST+?
    That is what I truly wanted to see from the making.

  • @jimjimson6208
    @jimjimson6208 Год назад

    watching this video to learn how bridget players think

  • @noobtuber10
    @noobtuber10 2 года назад +1

    Remember if you dont play this character you can develop counter play by watching what theyll be doing in the vid lmfao

    • @Diaphone
      @Diaphone  2 года назад +3

      Not like this

    • @noobtuber10
      @noobtuber10 2 года назад

      @@Diaphone Sorry Diaphone, I stopped playing for about a month post bridget release, thanks to your vid, I now know what to look out for as a Zato Muhahaha, if you'd ever like to Learn Sg, know its not really your style but if your ever down hit me up, My Crew and I will make you top 10 in the world pretty fast c: p.s Sorry Dnf Didnt live longer

  • @Clancysway
    @Clancysway 6 месяцев назад

    Me in level 4 thinking this will work for me lmao

  • @lilacrain3283
    @lilacrain3283 2 года назад

    I know this video is over a month old at this point, but is there any chance of you doing a Bridget wall slump guide?

  • @SmotheryAxe1414
    @SmotheryAxe1414 Год назад

    Now make a video of every character beating bridget

    • @Diaphone
      @Diaphone  Год назад +1

      you really think I'd play myself like that lol

  • @Arelath
    @Arelath 2 года назад +1

    I've watched quite a few Bridget players struggle against Potemkin (replays) and common problem seems to be his charge attack. Is there some clear counter to it for Bridget?

    • @Diaphone
      @Diaphone  2 года назад +1

      you just block and punish it (2k 2d.. then run your offense) when pot players do that raw vs bridget i get very happy lol

    • @Arelath
      @Arelath 2 года назад

      @@Diaphone Ah, thanks for the reply I'll be sure to do just that.

    • @bassbusterx
      @bassbusterx 2 года назад +1

      both f.S and 5H will hit him out of it (multi-hit move eats through his armor) and if he does hammerfall from close distance just block it and you can get a full punish.
      Source: I'm a potemkin main

  • @vxoblivionxv
    @vxoblivionxv 2 года назад


  • @meadowatlast
    @meadowatlast 2 года назад

    laughing that i had this video open at 20 views and it took me 2 days to watch it and now its 7k+ views

  • @theginbot1
    @theginbot1 2 года назад

    Hey Diaphone, quick question I have difficulties air dash into J.S vs my friend since he always mashes his 6p, how do I get the timing right on it where it becomes a meaty?

    • @Diaphone
      @Diaphone  2 года назад +1

      Some characters can 6p you even if it is meaty. To best this you need to do iAd FD cancel j.p

  • @xANOTSUx
    @xANOTSUx 2 года назад

    Now do Baiken

  • @krazyzyko
    @krazyzyko 2 года назад +1

    Just wavedash, bro.

  • @Sharkwellington
    @Sharkwellington 2 года назад +3

    LordKnight should do this for Millia **hint**

  • @TheGuy53X
    @TheGuy53X Год назад

    Aarin you are adorable I love you

  • @DOEBOII503
    @DOEBOII503 2 года назад

    Very helpful video. However I don't play Bridget 😭

  • @walkssilently1099
    @walkssilently1099 2 года назад

    i dont think osing dp against millia is that great of an option bc good millias wont jh on crossup and will just block your dp

  • @asielbacallao4612
    @asielbacallao4612 2 года назад

    I wish I understood this video. These terms are killing me lol

  • @assymptoad4989
    @assymptoad4989 2 года назад +1

    Bridget can't beat sin

  • @normalabsolutely7240
    @normalabsolutely7240 2 года назад

    Why don't you become the number 1 bridget in acr?

    • @Diaphone
      @Diaphone  2 года назад +2

      Too hard, ruu been playing Bridget for like 20 years lol. Would be fun tho

  • @MuItishine
    @MuItishine Год назад

    Is this still relevant

  • @danellecarrington5103
    @danellecarrington5103 2 года назад

    Lol You did not give any good tips at all against Bridget..