Pohoda 2022 acoustic sessions: 52 Hertz Whale

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • Aj počas Pohody 2022 sme nakrútili viaceré videá v rámci série Pohoda accoustic session. Ďalším zo zverejnených vystúpení je slovenská skupina 52 Hertz Whale.
    Kapela si získala meno najmä vďaka energickým vystúpeniam v kluboch a na festivaloch po celej Európe (ako napríklad Liverpool Sound City, Ment, Colours of Ostrava, Žižkovská noc či Pohoda). Derek Robertson z Drowned in Sound označil ich koncert na festivale Sharpe za najintenzívnejší pulzujúci výkon, aký za celý víkend videl a dodal: „Majú euforickú, post-rockovú stránku a sú super melodickí, no majú aj podmanivú silu, a keď rozpútajú šialenstvo, je to naozaj veľkolepé.“ Portál Getintothis označil ich pieseň „Fish In The Dead Sea“ po vystúpení v Liverpoole v roku 2019 za singel týždňa.
    EN: Once again, we have filmed several videos for the Pohoda acoustic session series during Pohoda 2022. Another of the published performances is a Slovak band 52 Hertz Whale.
    The band gained popularity mainly thanks to their energetic performances in clubs and festivals throughout Europe, such as Liverpool Sound City, Ment, Colours of Ostrava, Žižkovská noc and Pohoda. Derek Roberts of Drowned in Sound described their concert at the Sharpe Festival as the most intense, vibrant performance he’d seen over the weekend, and added: “There is a euphoric, post-rock side to them and they are super melodic, yet they also have this captivating power, and when their madness is unleashed, it’s really spectacular.” After their performance in Liverpool in 2019, the Getintothis portal chose their song “Fish In The Dead Sea” as the single of the week.
    Lístky na Pohodu 2023/ Tickets for Pohoda festival 2023: bit.ly/3Ggy8U4
    Instagram Pohoda festival: bit.ly/3hMDpZz
    Facebook Pohoda festival: bit.ly/3hKTwq9
    Instagram 52 Hertz Whale: bit.ly/3UZOy7k
    Facebook 52 Hertz Whale: bit.ly/3hCGJ9f

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