  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 3,1 тыс.

  • @bishop6597
    @bishop6597 2 года назад +2815

    It's been a long time since I found artist and wanted to listen to everything they have out on all platforms! These dudes have my attention

    • @moparftw978
      @moparftw978 2 года назад +36

      Same legit just went and downloaded all their music off iTunes after listening to 2 freestyles

    • @csrt417
      @csrt417 2 года назад +30

      A very long time. Fucking love this rap

    • @teejaycooke8330
      @teejaycooke8330 2 года назад +15

      His name is eric jamal

    • @adrianbarber9268
      @adrianbarber9268 2 года назад +22

      This music hella fire reminds me of wu tang

    • @thespark.8161
      @thespark.8161 2 года назад +35

      The Rap Gods have Brought
      Hip- Hop back from the the brink of Death. May we all stand and give honor to its New found guardians. COAST CONTRA.

  • @stacks955
    @stacks955 2 года назад +1040

    Eric Jamal gives me fuckin chills every time!! This shit unreal

    • @Bravo52V
      @Bravo52V 2 года назад +11

      on bro 💯

    • @fdrnik420
      @fdrnik420 2 года назад +58

      He like ODB but more sober lol

    • @mvulazwane1086
      @mvulazwane1086 2 года назад +26

      Bro this guy is incredible. I won't lie am a fan of him since the first freestyle I heard this year

    • @teamblacktree3431
      @teamblacktree3431 2 года назад +21

      Like a fucking timewarp to the best era

    • @kloudixmusik6854
      @kloudixmusik6854 2 года назад +7

      I’m telling you❗️❗️🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲

  • @takieddinbalti6956
    @takieddinbalti6956 2 года назад +6

    Man i can't with these double entendres. When these guys talk with each other they must be having two full discussions in one. It's insane.

  • @notimportant1055
    @notimportant1055 2 года назад +523

    I'm 42 years old. It's probably been 20 years since I've heard new hip hop content that I truly loved and could vibe to over and over again. The second I heard this beat it took me back. Gang Starr is one of my favorite groups of all time. Thanks for this.

    • @skywalkerracing9685
      @skywalkerracing9685 2 года назад +8

      Same here, I was like OK!!🎶🎙🎤Barz Barz bars

    • @ethnicalbert
      @ethnicalbert 2 года назад +12

      I'm 42 too bro. Couldn't agree more... we got to experience the golden era :)

    • @MiaShineBright1980
      @MiaShineBright1980 2 года назад +2


    • @spacecase2031
      @spacecase2031 2 года назад +3

      Word is born.

    • @tannershuford6459
      @tannershuford6459 2 года назад +2

      Facts.. I am in my 20's and my fave show i've ever been to was Phryme, not becaue of royce da 5'9 but Prim!

  • @jdartt7243
    @jdartt7243 2 года назад +430

    Coast Contra should be even bigger than what they are right now. This is REAL HIP HOP

    • @shaunblaney2795
      @shaunblaney2795 2 года назад +2

      Probably RUclips suppressing them cause they know it will change the world

    • @craigreeves9189
      @craigreeves9189 2 года назад +4


    • @shaunblaney2795
      @shaunblaney2795 2 года назад +11

      Nah man dre and em got nothing 😂 on

    • @supahmariostyle
      @supahmariostyle 2 года назад +7

      Let them grow on their own time

    • @suncity_cucuy
      @suncity_cucuy 2 года назад +9

      the truth is extremely unpopular in our country and society! I hope Esau don’t try to harm these dudes

  • @MarkBragg-i5w
    @MarkBragg-i5w Год назад +112

    "To build these niggas, to HEEL these niggas. But first, I know they weakness, Ima ACHILLES these niggas.." Fucking brilliant! Im so fucking hooked on y'all's word play... Intelligent shit, for real.

    • @Beluga_Too
      @Beluga_Too 6 месяцев назад +3

      The doubles are so dope.

    • @sethwalsh2221
      @sethwalsh2221 4 месяца назад

      Damn, that's DOPE!!!

  • @ItsThe1n96
    @ItsThe1n96 2 года назад +398

    The past month this the only crew I been listening too. I swear if they didn’t have the lyrics on the screen there would be so many bars going over our heads.

    • @markbradley8126
      @markbradley8126 2 года назад +14

      Them doin that is clutch af

    • @mrmillennium2697
      @mrmillennium2697 2 года назад

      2nd guy rapping is trash 🗑️

    • @anthonycarabotta4198
      @anthonycarabotta4198 2 года назад +13

      They be doing the double entendres on every line! 🔥

    • @michaeldaily6373
      @michaeldaily6373 2 года назад +19

      Or you would do what us old heads do and keep rewinding shit.🤣

    • @DankoleClouds
      @DankoleClouds 2 года назад +13

      @@michaeldaily6373 Shit, I'm doing that anyways. lmao

  • @trock6921
    @trock6921 Год назад +125

    Forgot how Hiphop could be so beautiful. The telling of stories. Life, pain, loss, growth…this is real hiphop! Thank you Coast Contra

  • @peterputter3971
    @peterputter3971 2 года назад +171

    I will be 58 yrs old in 4 mths, I was a child when rap/hip hop started in the Bronx !!! " I was there when it manifested" And these brothers are nostalgic !! They bring me back to the good old days. Thank you !!!!

    • @D33Lux
      @D33Lux Год назад +8

      Hope you're doing well O.G.

    • @everythingiseverything5213
      @everythingiseverything5213 Год назад +4

      HIP HOP

    • @MikeRiveraNaplesFl
      @MikeRiveraNaplesFl Год назад +2

      I'm 55 years of age a Puerto Rican DJ from the Bronx part of a hip hop group myself back in the day break dancing and DJ this just brings me back to that era, to that time, when my cousin was doing the Rhymes and I was cutting up on the ones and twos back and forth these guys are amazing I just want to listen to everything they put out I get so into it with these guys I forgot how amazing hip hop really is and how it makes you feel and the empowerment is the most important part

    • @johndaley6149
      @johndaley6149 11 месяцев назад

      I agree with you. They have restored my hope in this generation respecting the culture 🙏🏽. These YB are on 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @drstew1
      @drstew1 10 месяцев назад

      Yeah i feel that, am a 60’s baby. They’ve taken all of it and expanded 🙏🏾Ps i simply love Rio ,mixing in Español. Massive language…

  • @Sounzgudd
    @Sounzgudd 2 года назад +113

    This group is the perfect blend. There's something for every hip hop head. They compliment each other so well.

  • @manchesterunited1980
    @manchesterunited1980 2 года назад +326

    We need these guys to blow up.
    Trust me the way things are going for hip hop with all these nonesense rappers we need these guys.

  • @JeanPierre7788
    @JeanPierre7788 Год назад +41

    That Achilles line at the end😮 is mad! Perfect way to end it

  • @chrisfxi1216
    @chrisfxi1216 2 года назад +285

    All these guys are excellent. Haven’t seen a group like this since Wu Tang. But you can see Eric Jamal standing out already . 🔥 🔥

    • @aoescool
      @aoescool 2 года назад +14

      beast coast is like this.. but more is definetly needed.. download their album.. lets get them paid

    • @blazeforever
      @blazeforever 2 года назад +8

      Lord's of the Underground was the only other real group that had my attention since WU.
      But Group is FK'N amazing. This is what hip-hop needed

    • @kalebnbrown
      @kalebnbrown 2 года назад

      I agree.

    • @knottchu6159
      @knottchu6159 2 года назад +5

      These are Ras Kas’ twin sons in the middle. It’s in their blood.

    • @andrewgrady4296
      @andrewgrady4296 2 года назад +5

      Eric Jamal is just too fire!

  • @sihlendamane5360
    @sihlendamane5360 2 года назад +70

    "The hood full of stray bullets, the youth mislead" 30 seconds in & I'm already impressed 🔥🔥

    • @yanekmiller2531
      @yanekmiller2531 2 года назад +1

      No it doest, but its a heavy as fuck bar , definitely wont be got by everyone
      Stray bullet is a bullet with no target and usually misses
      The youth being around stray bullets in the hood meanin they miss lead
      Bullets are made with lead btw

    • @jacobsvensson8193
      @jacobsvensson8193 2 года назад +1

      @@yanekmiller2531 for real, feels like they got more bars with double entendres than without, noticing new ones on every re-listen

  • @alvinmaldonado9378
    @alvinmaldonado9378 Год назад +46

    Yo they ALL killed it..... 🔥.... I'm glad I found this dudes

  • @rookiedraptor571
    @rookiedraptor571 2 года назад +325

    I absolutely ADORE the way Eric Jamal starts a verse with basic flows, focusing on delivery and showmanship like that’s all he is about then goes on to ABSOLUTELY SLAUGHTER the beat 🔥🔥👑🙌🏾

    • @phunkeehone
      @phunkeehone 2 года назад +21

      Yeah, the way he build up and than go completely berserker style on it is insane. But with that said, they are all dope in their own way.

    • @jimboberry5820
      @jimboberry5820 2 года назад +9

      That kid is special, very special.

      @SOULS_INKPEN 2 года назад +6

      @@phunkeehone I was last week years old when I found out that the twins are raz-cas sons

    • @phunkeehone
      @phunkeehone 2 года назад +3

      Yeah, I recently found out too. Not the worst heritage to have. They seem to follow their old mans' footsteps pretty good.

      @SOULS_INKPEN 2 года назад

      @@phunkeehone indeed they do

  • @rudeboy6854
    @rudeboy6854 2 года назад +88

    These dudes done brought REAL HIP HOP back.....GOT DAMN!

  • @endearthemc
    @endearthemc 2 года назад +17

    This dude said
    See I can use a CHEESY line but my KRAFT never corny… 🥶🥶🥶🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @RyanJuliano
    @RyanJuliano 2 года назад +7

    That last verse. Dear God

  • @BladelineChronicles_tv
    @BladelineChronicles_tv 2 года назад +31

    Yessir. Freestyle off that GANGSTARR track. Mr. Guru is smiling from heaven real talk. 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @SimonNewman-u9s
    @SimonNewman-u9s Месяц назад +1

    Most underrated grope of all time these guys are so good lyrical wipe the floor with most rappers out there

  • @maiznblue2238
    @maiznblue2238 2 года назад +128

    It's like someone developed a time machine and went back to a time when hip-hop was real hip-hop and brought these dudes back with them. 💯🔥

    • @waynef9314
      @waynef9314 2 года назад +6

      Yeah yeah why they was still young rappin on the street corner. With the big boom box. Every rap put a smile on my face. How is it that four young men are able to spit bars like old school rap. Like Q-tip, Public Enemy, Big Daddy Kane, Redman, and all other old school rappers. These brother's right here. They going to change the game. It's getting hot up here. Coast Contra are coming.😳👍😎

    • @zavaramponjika7411
      @zavaramponjika7411 2 года назад +2

      100 truth!!

    • @alvarezgamers
      @alvarezgamers 2 года назад


    • @informedRev13
      @informedRev13 2 года назад +2

      Facts!!!! I respect the different styles of flows and real lyrical content! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @renadanicole2343
      @renadanicole2343 2 года назад

      Yesssssss 🙌🏼

  • @owenbigdinthelee9752
    @owenbigdinthelee9752 2 года назад +51

    The grins when Jamal jumps in, this is the energy you can't fake. It's like Xmas morning evertime

  • @noahcasas5058
    @noahcasas5058 6 месяцев назад +6

    Aint no denying it...the heat the bars...they are there..

  • @hemigod2
    @hemigod2 2 года назад +30

    This is REAL hip hop , plus the guys have respect for tradition . Rise

  • @ChoiceMediaWorks
    @ChoiceMediaWorks 2 года назад +27

    I’ve been a rap lover for 40+ years and these young guys give me hope for the future of hip-hop music. A young Wu-Tang rebirth. Love it

  • @19moods
    @19moods 27 дней назад +1

    The more i hear this, the better the bars get. They all compliment each other so well.

  • @tommydejosiafilms
    @tommydejosiafilms 2 года назад +28

    Growing up as a teen in NY in the late 90’s it was all about Wu Tang, Mobb Deep, Biggie, Big Pun, etc.... I can honestly say that Coast Contra is one of my favorite groups right now. Each member spits serious fire. The lyrics, the word play, the delivery, the energy. These guys are superstars.

    • @blaineested3567
      @blaineested3567 2 года назад +2

      Very well said...these dudes are dope. They're CONSTANTLY on repeat for me. #BreathOfFreshAir

    • @ewetn1
      @ewetn1 2 года назад +2

      Yessss!!!!! They remind me a lot of music from that time period..... Wu Tang.... The roots.... Mobb deep...... Damn it's just so good. I also grew up in New York in the late 90s, so maybe it's taking me back, too?

  • @24B791
    @24B791 2 года назад +93

    These guys bring a tear to my eye every time. They're so diverse and work well together. It's like method man and redman but more of them haha it's great!

    • @671jaredborja
      @671jaredborja 2 года назад

      Hell yes, thats whats up, true artist of the craft.

    • @davewylie654
      @davewylie654 2 года назад +2

      With a cross between ODB and Busta

  • @brianwillingham4618
    @brianwillingham4618 10 месяцев назад +3

    Ever since I started listening to these brothers, it's been hard for me to listen to anybody else.
    It's crazy that 4 brothers this good (no not good special) ended up together..

  • @unojolr9819
    @unojolr9819 3 года назад +101

    This is true hip hop the talent here is exciting each and everyone of them are insane lyrically and their flow is 💯

  • @burdman1333
    @burdman1333 2 года назад +392

    I’d be drooling if I were a producer. These dudes can blow up. I can’t imagine legends not reaching out.

    • @biggdee3816
      @biggdee3816 2 года назад +24

      I was just saying this like why have i not heard anything bout this group what so ever frm the bigger names🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾 thy could be up there wit wu if thy playd this right😮‍💨

    • @jimdaily5808
      @jimdaily5808 2 года назад +79

      It's because this doesn't push money hoes and killing. Any time they find true rap artists that promote the culture how it should be they ignore them because they don't want them to break free from their economic chains. This is why you see trash artists being promoted and played even though they suck. It's all about the message they want to promote if you don't speak that language you have no place in main stream.

    • @Timetothinkaboutit
      @Timetothinkaboutit 2 года назад +10

      Their tours are sold old. Only big city shows. The L.A. show was of the hook

    • @heathergballew6106
      @heathergballew6106 2 года назад

      They can't be bought and won't sell their soul and won't let the industry pimp them out. They gonna have to build it from scratch. W Tobe Nwigwe. Maybe Dave Chapel can kick off funds for a truly independent radio station. Make them that made it already and claim they ain't sold out, put their $ where their mouth is. If they ain't under industry control, why ain't they done more already? Gotta create a whole other system outside the one tainted by those whoring for the devil himself, while pretending they ain't. Do not trust ANYONE in hellyweird. They ALL sold out or they wouldn't be on the devil's airwaves, as he is the price of the air after all. This includes those tv waves traveling thru the air. This includes this little box I'm typing on right on. Praise THE MOST HIGH and break and rearrange that shit. It ain't gonna be the devil's much longer. Get ready for the big payback

    • @mikehunt7932
      @mikehunt7932 2 года назад +15

      These dude don't need no one to help them blow up facts🙏✊🏼

  • @henrydavis229
    @henrydavis229 Год назад +37

    I wish every rap freestyle had great subtitles like this, reading it enables you to have a greater appreciation for the craft that went into this

    • @TheRealPeterChavez
      @TheRealPeterChavez Год назад +2

      Tobe Nwigwe has entered the chat

    • @JokerInk-CustomBuilds
      @JokerInk-CustomBuilds Год назад

      there are only good subs when the freestyle is prewritten! ;)

    • @henrydavis229
      @henrydavis229 Год назад +1

      Yeah I mean it's a given that 99 percent of 'freestyles' are written lol. I just meant cyphers in general lol

    • @micahcreator7014
      @micahcreator7014 Год назад +1

      @@JokerInk-CustomBuilds This is an industry where it is completely acceptable to have a "freestyle" be written practiced verses. While there are rappers who have truly "freestyled" and absolutely killed it, it simply isn't sustainable for 99% of rappers. There is more that goes into rapping than quick thinking, cause some of the people who can absolutely smash a freestyle could never write a full verse even half as deep as some of these other rappers.

    • @JokerInk-CustomBuilds
      @JokerInk-CustomBuilds Год назад

      @@micahcreator7014I know.... Still think it is weird calling it a freestyle if it is prewritten.

  • @realverzo4445
    @realverzo4445 3 года назад +27

    My new favorite hiphop group paying tribute to "one of the best yet", how could I be more happy ?

  • @kenyanthornell9717
    @kenyanthornell9717 2 года назад +52

    Coast Contra’s freestyles are legendary! The fact that the twins are children of Ras Kass manifests blessings upon blessings! Coast Contra blessing the world with lyrical miracles!!

    • @dylanvaccaro6919
      @dylanvaccaro6919 2 года назад +1

      @@fitt1930 freestyles aren’t the same thing as “off the top” freestyles. It just implies they’re using another persons beat

    • @youngtc7754
      @youngtc7754 Год назад +3

      ​@@dylanvaccaro6919not necessarily... A freestyle can mean that it's a rap without a central topic. They're FREE to go over whatever topics that they want. I like the "off the top freestyle" more, when it comes down to choosing one, over the other. Nothing pre planned or pre written, and no ideas about what you're gonna say, UNTIL you hear that beat drop...

    • @youngtc7754
      @youngtc7754 Год назад +6

      I've never heard the thing about it having to be over somebody else's beat. You can freestyle over your own beats as well

    • @JahEerie
      @JahEerie Год назад +2

      The Ras Kass genetics makes it all make sense.
      Thanks @Kenyan Thomell 👊

  • @magradrift6271
    @magradrift6271 2 года назад +5

    A year ago this came out... How am I only on it now??? I'm sold, COAST!

  • @ryanboursiquot8304
    @ryanboursiquot8304 2 года назад +42

    These dudes are incredible I caught one clip off IG and got caught watching 30 minutes of freestyles! Real refreshing!

    • @rugumisak2186
      @rugumisak2186 2 года назад +1

      That is me now been here over an hour now, I get the difference between talent and a hobby this revolutionise rap 2022 cause nothing can top it for now

    • @gulf9571
      @gulf9571 2 года назад


  • @finsta74
    @finsta74 2 года назад +17

    Damnit!!!!! I keep coming back to this video. Everybody talking bout Eric Jamal and he definitely snapped but the whole squad is SIIIICCCKKK!!!! This track not only needs to be on streaming services, it needs to be in heavy rotation on the radio!!!!

  • @DeadEyeDonnyFTW
    @DeadEyeDonnyFTW 10 месяцев назад +9

    Almost forgot to listen to this today.

  • @batistakhp
    @batistakhp 2 года назад +11

    Thank you for keeping this shit alive. HipHop until the death 👑

  • @JayRMena
    @JayRMena 2 года назад +45

    Nah we gotta give flowers to Ras verse. That one bar - "our hood is full of bullets, the youth misled/miss lead" was insane

    • @kingLanos
      @kingLanos 2 года назад

      Such a dope line!

    • @mjbadbeminejackson1295
      @mjbadbeminejackson1295 2 года назад

      I caught that one too savage

    • @yoosh9034
      @yoosh9034 2 года назад

      Hits a bit less hard when the other dude is just straight up talking about shooting people

  • @Six3SixTay
    @Six3SixTay 3 месяца назад +3

    I don’t think we will ever see a group as *GREAT* as these fellas are ever again in our lifetime…Just f*cking INCREDIBLE.🔥🔥🔥
    Appreciate & SUPPORT this type of talent while we can.💯

  • @adamcarroll2366
    @adamcarroll2366 2 года назад +24

    Late 90's, early 2000's underground hip hop sounds right here. Superior flow, grimey beats. You guys are 🔥🔥🔥!

    • @sixfou
      @sixfou 2 года назад +1

      I mean, the track is literally Full Clip by Gang Starr from back in 99'. Rhymin is on point though.

  • @asanteali919
    @asanteali919 2 года назад +26

    Solid! Guru is smiling 😁 from the essence. The Hip Hop essence is back with a Full Clip! Salutes!

  • @dburger6093
    @dburger6093 2 года назад +51

    The freestyle is dope af, Eric Jamal straight killed it. Hip Hop coming back.

  • @gregoryjohnson7043
    @gregoryjohnson7043 Год назад +4

    This is aint Rap this is Hip Hop. Back to the roots. So beautiful i can’t imagine why yall not on every billboard. Crazy how new gen classify this as corny backpack rap.

  • @liamabbott662
    @liamabbott662 4 месяца назад +1

    The straight up intelligence and elegance that these lines are written in is mind-blowing. You just don't see a lot of this anymore - every line got me thinking and smiling.

  • @atomtension5645
    @atomtension5645 2 года назад +17

    Once again, Jamal's verse took a great track to the next level

  • @renanherzog668
    @renanherzog668 Год назад +5

    The last one was crazy! All of them are dope, but the last one is an alien from out of this world

  • @jamesreason6877
    @jamesreason6877 2 года назад +8

    "hop in a hearse and rehearse the words i ghost wrote for them" has to be one of the craziest bars i have ever heard. keep it up i really love yalls music

    • @jamesreason6877
      @jamesreason6877 2 года назад +2

      nevermind that was only the first part of the song, there where so many bars i could not tell you which one was the best honestly, every single person went absolutely crazy on the beat. gots to love them

  • @timothyalexander7006
    @timothyalexander7006 2 года назад +2

    I flip through a lot of RUclips shorts and most are cringy garbage. But a few days ago the algorithm blessed me with Coast Contra. I have binged everything I can find from them since and its all fire. The playlist has been on repeat for days. I was blasted this all day at work. I'm just waiting for somebody to ask me who I'm listening too.

  • @thewolf2153
    @thewolf2153 Год назад +50

    If these dudes don’t blow, hiphop is dead. Good to see the younger generation keeping it alive. Respect from the older generation.

    • @aaroncouto5806
      @aaroncouto5806 Год назад +2

      Hip hop died a while ago. Rap is coming back tho

    • @MR-jd1yo
      @MR-jd1yo Год назад

      2 mill views, main stream radio u talking about , its dying

    • @MrTrigz
      @MrTrigz Год назад

      ​@@MR-jd1yoworse quality.... more fans... just like reality tv.... you aint saying nuffin

  • @Ramel34
    @Ramel34 Год назад +1

    "The Ouji board move with the lyrics - quoting him...frightening all the Pope and them" Crazy!

  • @saraneveu7200
    @saraneveu7200 2 года назад +2

    44yrs old and I've been waiting for the 10 years to hear some real shit again. Thanks coast.

  • @vich3359
    @vich3359 2 года назад +81

    I had to listen to that achilles line like 10times lmao these dudes are on another level

    • @D33Lux
      @D33Lux Год назад +10

      "Its hard to love this generation, too many are phony. See I can use a cheesy line, but my Kraft (craft) never corny."

    • @liftinglovereacts
      @liftinglovereacts Год назад +1

      He really said that!!!! 🔥

    • @jayduecesjaydueces1148
      @jayduecesjaydueces1148 Год назад

      ​@@D33LuxSheesh 🔥

  • @desmondhill1747
    @desmondhill1747 Год назад +1

    Yo i'm 45 from philly and i love and grow up on and still love revolutionary powerful people and music those young kings are here to carry on the real hip-hop legacy and tradition protect them REALRAP

  • @MarioMlo
    @MarioMlo 3 года назад +154

    We really bout to shift the culture with these

    • @ThatFrancisGuy
      @ThatFrancisGuy 2 года назад +4

      You mean shift back right? Haha!

    • @Adam-hw9xr
      @Adam-hw9xr 2 года назад +2

      Wont happen, we all know how this shit goes..

    • @knottchu6159
      @knottchu6159 2 года назад

      These are Ras Kas’ twin sons. It’s in their blood.

  • @MetalGearTenno
    @MetalGearTenno Год назад +5

    These guys are bringing rap back to its roots and are pure talented to boot.
    Stay independent guys.
    The music industry just destroys real raw talent like this.

  • @raysims890
    @raysims890 Год назад +1

    Up,up,down,down,left,right,left,righ,B,A,SELECT,START! 30 LIVES!❤❤

  • @MultiPerruco
    @MultiPerruco 2 года назад +5

    A trip back to my high school years. 92,93,94, 95
    You resuscitated the real hip hop, lyrics, beat, message, poetry.
    Great job fellows thank you. 🙏🏼

  • @osvaldorocafort4055
    @osvaldorocafort4055 2 года назад +5

    This Brothers are FIRE. Young Cats with a 90’s feel. Awesome

  • @Kota_Hub
    @Kota_Hub Год назад +2

    This is the new wave of hip hop that this generation needed. Fuck a mumble rap, Coast Contra is where it's at.
    I'm glad I got recommended their Never freestyle. I've loved these dude since.

  • @swamp9136
    @swamp9136 Год назад +15

    Man I miss real rap, this is refreshing. Telling stories, establishing a strong vibe, and staying consistent. All this drill crap could never touch stuff like this

    • @Paralelalamb
      @Paralelalamb 11 месяцев назад

      Literally. One of the top songs out RN is called Teach Me to Drill, w a little white kid asking Fivio Foreign to teach him how to go out n kill people. Trash. Trying so hard to be relevant.

  • @TheTRZA1973
    @TheTRZA1973 Год назад +3

    Don't care how many times u heard this Premo beat it never gets old. Without Guru this has been absolutely smashed by this lot, no-one doing like this anymore unfortunately. RIP Guru 💯💔☮️

  • @UndergroundRap4eva
    @UndergroundRap4eva 2 года назад +13

    The return of GangStarr rap!!! One of the best yet for 2022. No cars & rims, No thots shaking their ass, No crystal in the club scenes. Just Skillz... Skillz... Skillz... like my man Preemo would scratch. Real Hip-Hop would never die as long as dudes like this carry the torch. Stay true fellaz.

  • @charissamodaffari4966
    @charissamodaffari4966 2 года назад +6

    I'm in love..
    Just discovered these guys.
    I'm a forever fan already!
    The Good Always wins!
    Finally!!! ☝️❤️🎵🔥🔥🔥

  • @mamadubwize
    @mamadubwize 2 года назад +5

    COAST CONTRA , u got a fan
    !!! Yah bringing love to the game!!! Resurrecting Hip Hop!! No Debate!!! thank you!! love always. Harlem Queen!! Yolanda aka Queen Nzingha

  • @leggbert4209
    @leggbert4209 2 года назад +1

    I thought real rap died in the 90s…. So stoked to see real artist in 2022… finally

  • @brightonmoto2146
    @brightonmoto2146 Год назад +5

    the way they all vibe off each other, having the time of their lives. i love it. ppl like this should be crowned.

  • @johncornejo3078
    @johncornejo3078 2 года назад +27

    Yo this freestyle had me in tears! Im glad hip hop is here to stay.. Any of these guys can devour your fav. mainstream rapper.!!

    • @t193u
      @t193u 2 года назад


    • @Hopealliswell6054
      @Hopealliswell6054 2 года назад +3

      This isn’t a freestyle. This is a performance. Freestyle is off the dome. This shit has been written and recited multiple times. It’s great! It’s refreshing! But not a freestyle.

    • @nebojsamilosevic5546
      @nebojsamilosevic5546 2 года назад +2

      @@Hopealliswell6054 you realize there's written freestyle and off the top right? They are two different things

    • @ayten3617
      @ayten3617 2 года назад

      @@nebojsamilosevic5546 oooook. Here we go wit the written freestyle shyt.. that mean? music with no topic , story, or goin in any certain direction. Sure, n sure dude gets it to, but did they not know wat dude was tlkn bout.

  • @drakoboy5035
    @drakoboy5035 Год назад +6

    They so underrated broo
    This type of music you don’t get it everyday

    @COASTCONTRA  2 года назад +39

    Super excited to announce our DEBUT HEADLINE SHOWS!

    • @zolabeats_DJ74
      @zolabeats_DJ74 2 года назад +3

      aaah man I don't see UK on there.. ...... yet

    • @abibeats
      @abibeats 2 года назад


    • @benitocamelaz3855
      @benitocamelaz3855 2 года назад

      You guys brought rap back to life

    • @davewylie654
      @davewylie654 2 года назад +2

      Man this shit is the best thing happen In a long damn time Feels like iam listening to old school lyrical kings!!! Shits Dope!!!!

    • @chaselb562
      @chaselb562 2 года назад

      All sold out add more shows

  • @ajthecapper7782
    @ajthecapper7782 Год назад +4

    🔥 words can’t even describe how talented all of you are.

  • @randomnstoned966
    @randomnstoned966 Год назад +8

    Man these guys are good! That last line by eric is exactly why i love these guys and every one of them is more than capable of it 💪

  • @caleblofstrom4322
    @caleblofstrom4322 2 года назад +7

    Just so stoked a group is bringing the soul back into hip hop

  • @CW-rh4jz
    @CW-rh4jz Год назад +5

    These kids are all amazing and blend well together. Eric Jamal literally performs with his entire body. The way he grabs that towel from a pocket dimension without skipping a beat gave me chills. Wishing them all the success they deserve 🙌🏿

  • @MrGunnerlion
    @MrGunnerlion 7 месяцев назад +1

    Spectacular MC’s👏👏👏love coast 🫡

  • @mauriciogaldamez5462
    @mauriciogaldamez5462 2 года назад +8

    “You see I can use a cheesy line but my Kraft never corny”🔥🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂

  • @Stephen-yl2gv
    @Stephen-yl2gv 2 года назад +2

    It’s impossible not to love this ❤ all love from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 ✌️

  • @ifoamedhertlb5598
    @ifoamedhertlb5598 2 года назад +2

    Why has it took me till now to see this omg dropping bombs over here 🔥

  • @antonioartis6778
    @antonioartis6778 Год назад +3

    Every. Single. Bar. Damn. Son.....Hip. Hop. IS. BACK!

  • @nastastic
    @nastastic 2 года назад +9

    I'm Irish and found these lads on Spotify. Holy shit nobody really know's these lads in Europe. Like holy shit the album APT 505 is a work of art. You could literally listen to their songs a thousand times. I can't stop listening to them.

    • @TA-oh4co
      @TA-oh4co 2 года назад +1

      Never freestyle 🔥🔥🔥🔥🤘🏻🤘🏻

    • @liannajane1187
      @liannajane1187 2 года назад

      U.K. found these guys randomly too. So good! Reminds me of being a teen on bmx’s, just chilling in whatever location et found 🥰

    • @TheDroneZoneIRL
      @TheDroneZoneIRL 2 года назад

      I'll meet ya around Athlone some time when you just hear some lad banging this out down town 😂

    • @phunkeehone
      @phunkeehone 2 года назад

      Scandinavia representin'✌

  • @markeric1337
    @markeric1337 4 месяца назад +2

    This video never gets old man.

  • @kyles5412
    @kyles5412 2 года назад +14

    First off, Coast, you guys are a breath of fresh air. Hip-Hop has had a special place in my heart since the beginning of my memory and I cannot express how much it means to me hearing an EXTREMELY talented group such as yourselves in today's times. I commend/thank you all for keeping Hip-Hop alive!

  • @sr7bmx97
    @sr7bmx97 2 года назад +4

    Listened to this so many damn times and only just got that last line with "heel these niggas" "achilles" - I'm fucking shook! Every damn time I listen to contra I catch something new. These boys are on another level

  • @RyanJuliano
    @RyanJuliano 2 года назад +26

    I still can’t get over the 24, 8, 2, Kobe, Achilles bar 🔥

    • @waynebrown8068
      @waynebrown8068 Год назад +8

      Kobe was also born in Philly and LA helped mold him. Eric Jamal is on another planet with the bars

  • @leilaniakua5922
    @leilaniakua5922 3 года назад +25

    AHHHHHH!!!!! Every single one of y’all snapped!!!

  • @livefreekampk9799
    @livefreekampk9799 2 года назад +6

    This whole crew is full of lyrical masterminds they all have a different but style flow delivery that all fits together all have BARS ON BARS IN BARS it's insane I'm so mad I just found them today because of a RUclips clip but now I'm hooked can't stop listening to them they are 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @thabopietersen6105
    @thabopietersen6105 Год назад +4

    You reignited my love for the real hip hop. Coast Contra forever. Love from Copenhagen, Denmark ❤💛💚🖤

  • @Joeywlsn
    @Joeywlsn 2 года назад +20

    ALL these freestyles need to be on Spotify or SoundCloud or SOMETHING BRO!!!! The whole group SLAYYYYYS.

  • @dwaintonge4322
    @dwaintonge4322 2 года назад +1

    This popped up on social media now am going to have to watch all music video find these a class act

  • @MadTravis
    @MadTravis Год назад +14

    That Achilles heel line kills me everytime! Bars!

  • @benjammin3926
    @benjammin3926 Год назад +6

    You brothers opened my eyes not heard anything like this everything they putting out is straight to classic

  • @edmundboyd3149
    @edmundboyd3149 2 года назад +1

    Nollie flip I feel like Jim Greco 🤮🤮 you boys are amazing! Love it

  • @williamholloway2564
    @williamholloway2564 2 года назад +5

    Just found them this morning. This group is great. I sure do think they have the chops for a great career in this thing called music. Just wow.

  • @thelaxinlonghorn
    @thelaxinlonghorn 2 года назад +9

    These guys just keep skyrocketing up my list of favorite rap groups of all time, great mixture of talent and styles, my favorite is when Eric Jamal bats cleanup on their songs

  • @clevelandwilliams9160
    @clevelandwilliams9160 8 месяцев назад +1

    Bloodclaat dis a 🔥 Jamaica 🇯🇲, hip hop at it's best, luv it.

  • @marcuswilliamson4167
    @marcuswilliamson4167 Год назад +4

    Eric Jamal is rapidly becoming one of my favorite rappers of all time.

  • @TheAbabab77
    @TheAbabab77 Год назад +3

    This is the same feeling I got the first time I heard Tribe. Thanks boys

  • @escher3209
    @escher3209 2 года назад +6

    Y'all bringing me back to my day with the tape deck...rewind, rewind, I'm hearing Wu again for the first time.
    Just discovered you homies today....God bless....keep pushing...this the future I hoped hip hop had. You pushing the art hard. So dope. Respect