Okay you say in the video that they can be installed vertically or horizontally, what you're installing them horizontally. And that is my understanding too is that they should only be installed horizontally. That's why the writing is horizontal. And the stud markers are also based on them being installed horizontally.
Can washers be used on the nails to make them less likely to sink in? Also, what about conventional hammering by hand? Or using screws? Can screws be used instead of nails? (It's not for a house- it's for a small shed).
"...keeping the sheets TIGHT TO EACH OTHER top to bottom. Maintain an 1/8 inch gap when coupling the butt seams to account for panel expansion" as the guy in the video moves his thumb along the horizontal long edge of the panel. How do you "couple" a seam anyway? Oh, it's Lowes, ah, yes, what do you expect.
This is really informative! Thanks for making this so straightforward.
anyone else more interested in the cowboy hardhat? 3:04
When in Texas... 🤠
Who wears a white cowboy/ hard hat to a construction site? A person that rarely gets dirty that's who.
Does this do vapor barrier only or humidity pass also?
Okay you say in the video that they can be installed vertically or horizontally, what you're installing them horizontally. And that is my understanding too is that they should only be installed horizontally. That's why the writing is horizontal. And the stud markers are also based on them being installed horizontally.
Can washers be used on the nails to make them less likely to sink in? Also, what about conventional hammering by hand? Or using screws? Can screws be used instead of nails? (It's not for a house- it's for a small shed).
@Robert Leinen you’re a liar. I’ll guarantee you’ve never once screwed all the exterior sheathing on a house
@Robert Leinen screws break, nails are better because they flex
Screws will not pass structurally as they have little sheer value. I highly recommend using nails.
Excellent video
Always get a good laugh when seeing a grown man in a cowboy hardhat.
You shoukd laugh at yourself for being such a duech
Would be great if he had a holster and cap gun.
you just know he was the guy pulling up in the ridiculous lifted cummins
You must be from Vermont
This video does not mention Rein screen
We never use framing nails... we use the staple gun
The installation manual specifically says not to use staples and doing so will not be code compliant in places that have modern building code.
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19 now.
"...keeping the sheets TIGHT TO EACH OTHER top to bottom. Maintain an 1/8 inch gap when coupling the butt seams to account for panel expansion" as the guy in the video moves his thumb along the horizontal long edge of the panel. How do you "couple" a seam anyway? Oh, it's Lowes, ah, yes, what do you expect.
Anyone here from school?
Sean Hody hip hip hooray 🥳👍
And probably last