wow this looks really good! we are both building rmc's at the same time!!! do you have a 3d printer? I can send over a file for my Zadra Energylandia train if would like to use it? or if you dont have a printer id be happy to sell you a printed train. the reason I suggest selling you one is because im setting the detailed parts like the draggon head at the front and the detailed side pannels and lap restraints printed in resin for more detail and then painting them.
Looks solid so far
That’s really cool I could never make that
wow this looks really good! we are both building rmc's at the same time!!! do you have a 3d printer? I can send over a file for my Zadra Energylandia train if would like to use it? or if you dont have a printer id be happy to sell you a printed train. the reason I suggest selling you one is because im setting the detailed parts like the draggon head at the front and the detailed side pannels and lap restraints printed in resin for more detail and then painting them.
Thanks for the offer, but I'm planning on using the ss trains for the time being