Thank you for the lesson. It was very useful! My answer options for the questions: 1) She has been living by herself for a long time / She has lived.. 2) She talked to her parents 2 weeks ago. 3) She has been having a cold for a weak / She has had a cold.. 4) She has red the second volume of a modern fairytale by Ernest Hoffmann. 5) When she was having a cold, she remembered that once she bought two volumes of fairytales by Hoffmann and put them on the shelf for a while, so she decided to read them. 6) She said sorry to her cousins because she couldn't visit and saw them in Germany that summer.
Спасибо, большое. Это еще одно очень хорошее упражнение, помогает лучше запомнить текст и наработать правильность написания. Еще это помогает запомнить лучше правила и слова. Вы просто чудо, Учитель с большой буквы!!!
Просто топовый контент, отлично подойдет тем, кто в школе и универе все учил, но подзабыл, в таком практическом формате воспринимается сложнее, но с примерами запоминается лучше. Спасибо.
Отличная идея с доп.вопросами. Я тщательно прорабатываю их, не пренебрегаю. Это хорошо стимулирует мыслить мало-помалу. Спасибо! Еще бы лес поблизости найти, тренировать речевой аппарат, то коряво говорить выходит)
Можно в каморке закрыться, и тоже тренировать. Можно идти по улице с мобильным телефоном у уха, будто вы разговариваете, на самом деле - тренироваться. Способов масса.
Claire has been living by herself for quite a long time. Claire talked to her parents two weeks ago. Claire has been having a cold for a week. She has just finished reading a book "Tte Golden Pot ". Two Hoffmann's volumes were put on a shelf and were completely forgotten. Claire say sorry to her cousins because she can't visit them this summer.
1)She still lives by herself or she has lived by herself for quite a long time. 2)she talked to them almost two weeks ago. 3)she is having a cold. 4)she has just finished reading the second volume of Golden pot by Ernst Hoffmann. 5)she put the books on a shelf and forgot about their existence. 6) because she can't visit them in Germany this summer.
Спасибо большое за такие полезные задания в конце видео. Сейчас хочу написать ответы на вопросы, и хотелось, чтобы вы написали, правильно ли я ответила. Заранее спасибо за ответ 😘 1. She's been living/she's lived by herself for quite a long time; 2. It was two weeks ago; 3. She's been having a cold for a week; 4. She has just finished reading books; 5. She put these books on the shelf and forgot about them; 6. Because she can't visit them in Germany this summer.
Вы, главное, пишите. Какая сейчас разница, правильно или нет? Если вы не уверены в себе, то практикуйтесь больше, пока не придет уверенность. Но практика без [ирония] практики невозможна.
She's been living by herself for a long time. She told that this time was quite. She called to her parents two weeks ago. She's been having a cold for a week. She's just finished reading second volume of books, which name was "The Golden Pot". The two volumes were pot on a shelf after were bought. She forgot about them. She was written that she couldn't visit to Germany in summer.
1.Claire has lived alone for quite a long time. 2.Claire talked to her parents almost two weeks ago. 3.Claire has been having a cold for a week. 4.She has just finished reading The Golden Pot. 5.When Clair bought two of Hoffmann ' volumes she put them on a shelf and forgot about their existence. 6.Becouse she can't visit them in Germany this summer.
1) She has been living by herself for a long time 2) She called her parents two weeks ago 3) She's been having a cold for a week 4) She has just finished reading a book 5) Volumes were forgotten by Claire 6) Because she can't visit them in Germany
Я дико извиняюсь. В этом видео на 6:38 вы говорите о том, что текст мелковат и вы можете дать этот текст в описании под видео. С прошлого урока я распечатываю на мелких листочках текст и вопросы к нему. Потом листочки подклеиваю в Синий Мёрфи. Это очень удобно. Там я могу выделять незнакомые слова и фразы, дописывать перевод и ответы на вопросы. Так вот, лично я был бы признателен вам, если бы вы начиная с предыдущего урока оставляли бы в описании текст про Клару и вопросы к нему. Склоняю голову перед вашим преподавательским талантом. С прошедшими вас! (на этом и предыдущем уроке я распечатывал скриншоты, но честно, удобнее было бы с текстом). Спасибо!
Здравствуйте. Я вот что думаю делать. Я хочу собрать все тексты (английский + русский) в методичку. Оформить ее, и за небольшую плату выставить для всех желающих, кто хочет ее скачать. Вам было бы такое интересно? Если да, то как было бы удобно оформить текст? Я вижу это так: 1) краткая справка по грамматике 2) примеры к ней 3) английский слайд истории 4) русский слайд истории 5) вопросы по тексту Или укороченный вариант - только роман 1) текст идет по главам (145 глав) 2) текст на английском 3) перевод на русский Убираю грамматическую справку и примеры, убираю доп. вопросы. Так останется только сам роман. Я пока не определилась,какой вариант лучше. Думаю, что поставлю этот вопрос на голосование в свою телеграм группу (ссылка есть в описании)
@@okenglish-practice А как много времени у вас может занять эта процедура? Если немного, то все равно, как оформлена. Если много, то может просто потерять актуальность(для меня, для других - не знаю).
@@TheMarlboroLights Я думаю, что можно за пару дней все собрать, так как сам материал уже готов, я ведь его составляю в виде текста. Я провела небольшой опрос в телегаме. Около 80% людей сказали, что им подойдет полный вариант. Вы знаете, наверное, я сяду сделаю это, тем более, что есть запрос.
1) Claire has been living by herself for quite a long time. 2) She talked to them for almost two weeks ago. 3) She's been having a cold for a week 4) She's just finished reading THE GOLDEN POT A MODERN FAIRYTALE by Ernst Hoffman 5)They stayed on the shelf, until Clare got sick 6) Because she can't visit them this summer
1)claire has been living herself for quite a long time 2) Claire talked to her parents before two weeks last time 3) she has been having a cold 4) she has finished reading 5) she put them on shelf and completely forgot them 7) she can’t go to the Germany
Hi there! Answers to questions: 1)Claire has been lived by herself for quite a long time. 2)Claire talked to her folks two weeks ago. 3)She has been having a cold for a week. 4)She has just finished reading a book. 5)Claire completely forgot about them. 6)She can’t visit them in Germany this summer.
3:10 подобной "дичью" меня когда-то давно вскармливали 50-летние совковые медиокры учителя английского. Но есть вы и это к лучшему!(Ярко запомнился такой перл - "время через прошлое в будущем и в настоящем - как ваши обычные дела и то что известно")видео.html - а это то, как я вспоминаю ту дичь
:))) Да, английская грамматика иногда воспринимается, как "дичь полная". Но это надо либо принять и разобраться, либо долго игнорировать, а потом принять и разобраться.
Clarie has lived by herself for quite a lot of time. Last time Clarie talked with her parents two weeks ago. Claire has been having a cold for a week. She just has finished reading the book. The volumes were forgotten. Clarie says sorry to her cousins because she can't visit them in summer.
1.Claire has been living by herself for quite a long time. 2. She talked to her parents almost two weeks ago. 3. Claire has been having a cold for a week. 4. She has just finished reading “The Golden Pot: A Modern Fairytale” by Ernst Hoffmann. 5. Hoffmann’s two volumes have been on the shelf since Claire bought them. 6. Claire say sorry to her cousins because she can’t visit them in Germany this Summer.
My answers for the questions: 1. Claire has been living alone for a long time. 2. She talked to her parents 2 weeks ago. 3. She has been having a cold for a week. 4. Claire has finished reading Ernst Hoffmann's books recently. 5. At first, she put them on a shelf but when she got a sick, she started reading them. 6. She said sorry to cousins because she couldn't to visit them in Germany this summer.
1. Claire has been living by herself for quite a long time 2. Claire talked to her parents almost two weeks ago OR Claire hasn't talked to her parent for almost two week OR Claire talked to her parent last time two weeks ago 3. Claire has been having a cold for a week 4. She's just finished reading The Golden Pot: A Modern Fairytale by Ernest Hoffmann 5. When Claire bought Hoffman's two-volume She put that on a shelf and she forgot about their existence 6. Claire say sorry to her cousins for that She can't visit them in Germany this summer
1. Claire has been leaving by herself. 2. Clare talked to her parents two weeks ago. 3. Claire has been having seak for a week. 4. She has finished reading a book. 5. Claire lived Hoffmann's two volumes on the shelf and forgot. 6. Claire said sorry that she couldn't come to Germany that summer.
Дякую Вам за те, що Ви робите з вами вчити англійську стало приємно. Підскажіть будь ласка як краще.. пройти спочатку "англійська intermediate практика", а потім "ПРОДОВЖЕННЯ" чи проходити їх паралельно відповідно до теми?
Вiтаю. Краще роби так: спочатку дивитесь теорiю (розбiр на каналi ok english), потiм дивитесь практику до цього юнiта. I так йдете юнiт за юнiтом. Так еффективнiше
She has lived by herself for quite a long time. She talked to her folks 2 weaks ago. She's been having a cold(she has had a cold)for a week. She's just finished reading a book"The Golden Pot". She put volumes on a shelf and forgot about it Clair say sorry to her cousins because she can't visit them in Germany this summer. Right?? Thanks💐
можно еще вопрос, говорят tom lost his key, but now he has found it. Как в разговорной речи отличать рresent perfect и present continuous если они употребляются с now. И будет ли ошибкой, сказать в pr cont. вместо pr perf. ???
Елена Викторовна, а в чем будет разница ,если сказать не "I haven't talked to them for almost two weeks" ,а "I haven't been talking to them for two weeks" ? Есть же указание на период ( for two weeks ) ,но в данном примере мы используем обычный perfect а не perf.cont.Обьясните этот момент
Спасибо за урок, Елена Викторовна! 1. What has Claire been doing for quite a long time? She has lived by herself for quite a long time. 2. When did Claire talk to her parents last time? The last time Clare talked to her parents two weeks ago. 3. What has Claire been having for a week? She has been having a cold for almost a week. 4. What has she just finished doing? Evidently she's just finished reading The Golden Pot: A Modern Fairytale by Ernst Hoffmann. 5. What happened to Hoffmann's two volumes that Claire once bought? Claire put them on a shelf and completely forgot about their existence. 6. Why does Claire say sorry to her cousins? Because Claire very rarely calls her parents.
Great Last time Clare talked to her parents was two weeks ago. 6. Why does Claire say sorry to her cousins? That's not correct, think again, please. The questions is about cousins, not parents
@@okenglish-practice Thank you Elena Viktorovna for your comments. Yes, I was wrong with the choice of the article, sorry. 6. Why does Claire say sorry to her cousins? Because she can't visit them in Germany this summer. (I think it probably is. Nothing else comes to mind))
Приветствую! Спасибо Вам за ваши исчерпывающие по знаниям уроки! У меня возник небольшой вопрос во время выполнения обратного перевода диалогов (не по теме урока:) В вашем примере в первом диалоге "B" говорит: How did they do that? А я перевёл как - How did they do it? Подскажите пожалуйста есть ли принципиальная разница между it и that? И если есть, то какая. Не хочется закреплять неверное словоупотребление. Спасибо!
Елена Викторовна, будет верно если я скажу ещё так: I’ve been a cold / I got sick How many shots the author got before the writing?/How long he had been going shots before he started writing l
1.She has lived by yourself for quite a long time. 2. Claire hasn't talked to her parents for two weeks. 3.Claire has been having a cold for a week. 4.She has just finished readng the book. 5. Claire put them on the shelf. 6. Claire can't visit her cousins in Germany this summer.
Claire has lived by herself for quite a lot of time. Claire talked with her parents a last time two weeks ago. Claire has been having a cold for a week. She has just finished reading the book. The volumes were forgotten. Claire says sorry to her cousins because she can't visit them in summer.
6. She apologized to her cousins for not being able to visit them in Germany this summer Имеет ли место быть такое сложное предложение или лучше заменить на She said sorry to her cousins because she can't visit them in Germany this summer ? 1. She has been living herself for quite a long time 2. She last talked to her parents two weeks ago 3. She has been having a cold for almost a week 4. She has just finished to read two quite bizarre books. 5. She put two volumes on the shelf and completely forgot about their existence
1. She hasn’t talked to her folks for quite a long time. 2. She talked to her parents 2 weeks ago. 3. She has been having a bad cold for almost a week. 4. She has just finished reading a fairytale. 5. She put them on a shelf and forgot about their existence. 6. She can’t visit them in Germany this summer.
1.She has been reading 2 volumes of Hoffmann’s books 2.She did it 2 weeks ago 3.She hasn’t reading 4.She finished reading 5.Claire put them on the shelf and forgot. 6.Cause she couldn’t visit cousins
1. Claire has been living for herself for quite a long time. 2. Claire talked to her parents last time almost two weeks ago. 3. She has been having a cold. 4. She has just finished reading The Golden Pot: A modern fairytale by her cousins' countryman Ernst Hoffman. 5. She put them on a shelf and completely forgot about their existence. When she got sick, she suddenly remembered about them. She finished the second volume yesterday. She wonders how a fairytale can be so hard to read. 6. She apologizes for not visiting them in Germany this summer. Скажите пожалуйста, я правильно употребила 'not visiting'? просто в оригинале 'can't'... а есть ли какие-то варианты,чтоб употребить 'can't(visiting)'? какая это вообще тема, герундий? а может еще как reported speech: She said sorry/appologized (that) she couldn't visit them in Germany this summer? Спасибо за все, на самом деле!
Почему там I haven't talked to them for almost two weeks ? Правильнее будет I haven't been talking to them for almost two weeks, разве не ? Talk может же употребляться в continuous и у нас есть продолжительность действие
She's been reading the book "The Golden Pot:A Modern Fairytale". She talked to falks two weeks ago. She had a cold for a week. She's just finished reading first volume. She completely forgot about them. She apologised because she can't come to Germany but instead she invite cousins to the US. Someone has broken into my house. How did they do that? They broke up the window. O my God! Someone's just stolen my camera. Did you see anyone suspicius? No, I didn't. Hi friends! How you doing? I'm living by myself but I'm not alone anymore. I got married. I've been living alone for a mounth and I can say that my folks doing great! Of course, I'm calling them somethimes but I haven't seen them for a mounth. I'm not shame. I don't need any excuses. I've been sick for almost a week. I still reading a "Godfather" by Mario Puzo. Book is quite interesting. Where did the author get the idea for the book? Once I've downloaded this book I couldn't stopped read. When I got sick I suddenly start read more and more day by day. How book can be so interesting? Chapters absorbed and you forget about time. I'm sorry but I can't visit you in the US. Actually I can't fly anywhere right now because of COVID. Now I need to pass one test before I fly, another one when I arrive and plus to this 14 days in quarantine. Government might even put me in a expensive hotel for 3 days which will cost around 1500$. That's a lot of money. Someone just make a busines. Hope to hear a reply from you guys! Stay safe! Sincerely, Your Name
Somebody has broken into my house. How did they do that? They broke up the windows. On my God! Someone has just stolen my camera. Did you see anyone suspicious? No, of course, I didn’t. Hi, cousins! How is it going? I still live by myself. I have lived by myself for quite a long time already and I can’t really tell you much about my folks. Of course, I call them from time to time , but I haven’t talked to them for almost two weeks. Shame on me! But I have an excuse. I have been having a cold for almost a week. I’ve just finished reading The Golden Pot: A Modern Fairytale by your countryman Ernst Hoffmann. The book is quite bizarre. I wonder how long he had been doing shots before he started writing. I once bought two of his volumes. I put them on a shelf and completely forgot about their existence. When I got sick, I suddenly remembered about the books. I finished the second volume yesterday. How can a fairytale be so long and hard to read?! I’m sorry, but I can’t visit you in Germany this summer. Why don’t you visit me in the US? I hope to hear from you soon. Lots of love, Claire. What has Claire been doing for quite a long time? When did Claire talk to her parents last time? What has Claire been having for a week? What has she just finished doing? What happened to Hoffman’s two volumes that Claire once bought? Why does Claire say sorry to her cousins?
She has been living by herself for a long time She talked (to) with her parents almost for a two weeks ago Claire's been having a cold for a week She's just finished reading a second volume of book She put them to (on) a shelf and completely forget about their existence Because she can't to visit them. Где скобки, можете сказать как правильнее будет?
Благодарю за урок, Елена Викторовна!
Дай Бог Вам здоровья и сил!
Please keep working!
Ставлю + под каждым видео. Дорогу осилит идущий
Thank you for the lesson. It was very useful!
My answer options for the questions:
1) She has been living by herself for a long time / She has lived..
2) She talked to her parents 2 weeks ago.
3) She has been having a cold for a weak / She has had a cold..
4) She has red the second volume of a modern fairytale by Ernest Hoffmann.
5) When she was having a cold, she remembered that once she bought two volumes of fairytales by Hoffmann and put them on the shelf for a while, so she decided to read them.
6) She said sorry to her cousins because she couldn't visit and saw them in Germany that summer.
Спасибо, большое. Это еще одно очень хорошее упражнение, помогает лучше запомнить текст и наработать правильность написания. Еще это помогает запомнить лучше правила и слова. Вы просто чудо, Учитель с большой буквы!!!
Елена Викторовна, благодарю Вас за урок! ❤
Просто топовый контент, отлично подойдет тем, кто в школе и универе все учил, но подзабыл, в таком практическом формате воспринимается сложнее, но с примерами запоминается лучше. Спасибо.
Большое спасибо за прекрасное обьясение.
Спасибо за замечательные уроки, ощущаю свой рост, благодаря вам!
Спасибо, Елена Викторовна. Вы очень хорошо объясняете.
Большое спасибо за увлекательный грамматический роман!
Елена Викторовна, спасибо за вопросы, они классно стимулируют ‘говорение’ на английском
Спасибо за прекрасный разбор текста. Всегда приятно послушать Ваши уроки!
очень рада этому
Отличная идея с доп.вопросами. Я тщательно прорабатываю их, не пренебрегаю. Это хорошо стимулирует мыслить мало-помалу. Спасибо!
Еще бы лес поблизости найти, тренировать речевой аппарат, то коряво говорить выходит)
Можно в каморке закрыться, и тоже тренировать. Можно идти по улице с мобильным телефоном у уха, будто вы разговариваете, на самом деле - тренироваться. Способов масса.
Thanks a lot! I wish you all the best!
как-то незаметно для себя, дойдя до этого видео, я вдруг понял, что переводить уже стало гораздо легче) Спасибо Вам за эти уроки!
Дальше будет еще легче. Keep practicing
Thank you!
Claire has been lived by herself for quite a long time. Claire lived alone for a long time.
Елена Викторовна,спасибо Вам за Ваши уроки.
Спасибо за урок, Елена Викторовна.
Спасибо большое, Вы лучший преподаватель английского!!!
С Вами поняла времена в английском!! Спасибо уже скоро будет год как занимаюсь с Вами
Надеюсь, есть и другие результаты
Очень красиво продумано, спасибо большое.
Рада этому
Simply the best. Вы мой учитель года. Большое спасибо. Привет из Одессы.
Спасибо, земляк!
Claire has been living by herself for quite a long time.
Claire talked to her parents two weeks ago.
Claire has been having a cold for a week.
She has just finished reading a book "Tte Golden Pot ".
Two Hoffmann's volumes were put on a shelf and were completely forgotten.
Claire say sorry to her cousins because she can't visit them this summer.
5 ответ в пассиве?? А можно же в active??
Claire put two Hoffman's volumes on a shelf and completely forgot about that .
Спасибо большое! Обожаю Вас!
Благодарю за уроки
Hello ! Number 13 is really great !
I have got a question . When we use Past Indenfinite?
when you talk about something that happened in the past. Or when you say that something happened some time ago
Thank you !
Thenk you! lots of love🥰
Спасибо большое за ваши труды!
Present perfect и Past simple благодаря графикам и грамотному объяснению теперь понятнее
Чем больше тем лучше))
Спасибо за урок.
Claire is so strange girl! She names Gofman modern author. But he lived, wrote and died several senturies ago.:) Thank you for your work, Elena!!!
thanks) Claire is funny
Thank you so much!
thanks for your job!
She's been talking to them for almost two weeks.
Thanks a lot
I’ve just read a small novel adopted for learning ( level 3)“ how I met myself “ all the time used past and present perfect there, seemed to me
Здравствуйте, вопросы очень классное задание, Спасибо!
Спасибо большое ! 🌹
Круто круто!)
Благодарю !🌹
Thanks a lot !
Спасибо за ваши труды. Сделайте пожалуйста плей-лист по подготовке к ielts
Пока что не планирую такого
1)She still lives by herself or she has lived by herself for quite a long time.
2)she talked to them almost two weeks ago.
3)she is having a cold.
4)she has just finished reading the second volume of Golden pot by Ernst Hoffmann.
5)she put the books on a shelf and forgot about their existence.
6) because she can't visit them in Germany this summer.
Елена, любой кипиш поддержим с вашей стороны )
))) Супер
Спасибо большое за такие полезные задания в конце видео. Сейчас хочу написать ответы на вопросы, и хотелось, чтобы вы написали, правильно ли я ответила. Заранее спасибо за ответ 😘
1. She's been living/she's lived by herself for quite a long time;
2. It was two weeks ago;
3. She's been having a cold for a week;
4. She has just finished reading books;
5. She put these books on the shelf and forgot about them;
6. Because she can't visit them in Germany this summer.
Вы, главное, пишите. Какая сейчас разница, правильно или нет? Если вы не уверены в себе, то практикуйтесь больше, пока не придет уверенность. Но практика без [ирония] практики невозможна.
She's been living by herself for a long time. She told that this time was quite. She called to her parents two weeks ago. She's been having a cold for a week. She's just finished reading second volume of books, which name was "The Golden Pot". The two volumes were pot on a shelf after were bought. She forgot about them. She was written that she couldn't visit to Germany in summer.
1.Claire has lived alone for quite a long time.
2.Claire talked to her parents almost two weeks ago.
3.Claire has been having a cold for a week.
4.She has just finished reading The Golden Pot.
5.When Clair bought two of Hoffmann ' volumes she put them on a shelf and forgot about their existence.
6.Becouse she can't visit them in Germany this summer.
1) She has been living by herself for a long time
2) She called her parents two weeks ago
3) She's been having a cold for a week
4) She has just finished reading a book
5) Volumes were forgotten by Claire
6) Because she can't visit them in Germany
Я дико извиняюсь. В этом видео на 6:38 вы говорите о том, что текст мелковат и вы можете дать этот текст в описании под видео. С прошлого урока я распечатываю на мелких листочках текст и вопросы к нему. Потом листочки подклеиваю в Синий Мёрфи. Это очень удобно. Там я могу выделять незнакомые слова и фразы, дописывать перевод и ответы на вопросы. Так вот, лично я был бы признателен вам, если бы вы начиная с предыдущего урока оставляли бы в описании текст про Клару и вопросы к нему. Склоняю голову перед вашим преподавательским талантом. С прошедшими вас! (на этом и предыдущем уроке я распечатывал скриншоты, но честно, удобнее было бы с текстом). Спасибо!
Здравствуйте. Я вот что думаю делать. Я хочу собрать все тексты (английский + русский) в методичку. Оформить ее, и за небольшую плату выставить для всех желающих, кто хочет ее скачать. Вам было бы такое интересно?
Если да, то как было бы удобно оформить текст?
Я вижу это так:
1) краткая справка по грамматике
2) примеры к ней
3) английский слайд истории
4) русский слайд истории
5) вопросы по тексту
Или укороченный вариант - только роман
1) текст идет по главам (145 глав)
2) текст на английском
3) перевод на русский
Убираю грамматическую справку и примеры, убираю доп. вопросы.
Так останется только сам роман.
Я пока не определилась,какой вариант лучше.
Думаю, что поставлю этот вопрос на голосование в свою телеграм группу (ссылка есть в описании)
@@okenglish-practice А как много времени у вас может занять эта процедура? Если немного, то все равно, как оформлена. Если много, то может просто потерять актуальность(для меня, для других - не знаю).
@@TheMarlboroLights Я думаю, что можно за пару дней все собрать, так как сам материал уже готов, я ведь его составляю в виде текста.
Я провела небольшой опрос в телегаме. Около 80% людей сказали, что им подойдет полный вариант. Вы знаете, наверное, я сяду сделаю это, тем более, что есть запрос.
1) Claire has been living by herself for quite a long time.
2) She talked to them for almost two weeks ago.
3) She's been having a cold for a week
4) She's just finished reading THE GOLDEN POT A MODERN FAIRYTALE by Ernst Hoffman
5)They stayed on the shelf, until Clare got sick
6) Because she can't visit them this summer
1)claire has been living herself for quite a long time
2) Claire talked to her parents before two weeks last time
3) she has been having a cold
4) she has finished reading
5) she put them on shelf and completely forgot them
7) she can’t go to the Germany
Hi there!
Answers to questions:
1)Claire has been lived by herself for quite a long time.
2)Claire talked to her folks two weeks ago.
3)She has been having a cold for a week.
4)She has just finished reading a book.
5)Claire completely forgot about them.
6)She can’t visit them in Germany this summer.
Live by myself - жить одному.
It's perfect
"Было-было-было, но прошло. Ооо-ооо." Past simple🤣
3:10 подобной "дичью" меня когда-то давно вскармливали 50-летние совковые медиокры учителя английского. Но есть вы и это к лучшему!(Ярко запомнился такой перл - "время через прошлое в будущем и в настоящем - как ваши обычные дела и то что известно")видео.html - а это то, как я вспоминаю ту дичь
:))) Да, английская грамматика иногда воспринимается, как "дичь полная". Но это надо либо принять и разобраться, либо долго игнорировать, а потом принять и разобраться.
Clarie has lived by herself for quite a lot of time.
Last time Clarie talked with her parents two weeks ago.
Claire has been having a cold for a week.
She just has finished reading the book.
The volumes were forgotten.
Clarie says sorry to her cousins because she can't visit them in summer.
1.Claire has been living by herself for quite a long time. 2. She talked to her parents almost two weeks ago. 3. Claire has been having a cold for a week. 4. She has just finished reading “The Golden Pot: A Modern Fairytale” by Ernst Hoffmann. 5. Hoffmann’s two volumes have been on the shelf since Claire bought them. 6. Claire say sorry to her cousins because she can’t visit them in Germany this Summer.
My answers for the questions:
1. Claire has been living alone for a long time.
2. She talked to her parents 2 weeks ago.
3. She has been having a cold for a week.
4. Claire has finished reading Ernst Hoffmann's books recently.
5. At first, she put them on a shelf but when she got a sick, she started reading them.
6. She said sorry to cousins because she couldn't to visit them in Germany this summer.
Елена Викторовна, не будет ли ошибкой, если я скажу “...MORE about my folks”? Спасибо за чудесные уроки❤️
Лучше бы писать полное предложение.
Так, на вскидку, все нормально
@@okenglish-practice предложение такое же, как в вашем рассказе, только вместо much использовать more)
Огромное спасибо за ответ !
Your website is very nice. i've used it with this playlist. Can I say so?
I use playlist - this is better
1. Claire has been living by herself for quite a long time
Claire talked to her parents almost two weeks ago
Claire hasn't talked to her parent for almost two week
Claire talked to her parent last time two weeks ago
3. Claire has been having a cold for a week
4. She's just finished reading The Golden Pot: A Modern Fairytale by Ernest Hoffmann
5. When Claire bought Hoffman's two-volume She put that on a shelf and she forgot about their existence
6. Claire say sorry to her cousins for that She can't visit them in Germany this summer
I haven't talked to them for two weeks/подскажите,пожалуйста, здесь нельзя использовать present perfect cont?
1. Claire has been leaving by herself.
2. Clare talked to her parents two weeks ago.
3. Claire has been having seak for a week.
4. She has finished reading a book.
5. Claire lived Hoffmann's two volumes on the shelf and forgot.
6. Claire said sorry that she couldn't come to Germany that summer.
Дякую Вам за те, що Ви робите з вами вчити англійську стало приємно.
Підскажіть будь ласка як краще.. пройти спочатку "англійська intermediate практика", а потім "ПРОДОВЖЕННЯ" чи проходити їх паралельно відповідно до теми?
Вiтаю. Краще роби так: спочатку дивитесь теорiю (розбiр на каналi ok english), потiм дивитесь практику до цього юнiта. I так йдете юнiт за юнiтом. Так еффективнiше
@@okenglish-practice Дякую!)
She has lived by herself for quite a long time.
She talked to her folks 2 weaks ago.
She's been having a cold(she has had a cold)for a week.
She's just finished reading a book"The Golden Pot".
She put volumes on a shelf and forgot about it
Clair say sorry to her cousins because she can't visit them in Germany this summer.
Все таки ошибаюсь с глаголами :-)
не делает ошибок тот, кто ничему не учится
можно еще вопрос, говорят tom lost his key, but now he has found it. Как в разговорной речи отличать рresent perfect и present continuous если они употребляются с now. И будет ли ошибкой, сказать в pr cont. вместо pr perf. ???
отличаются по смыслу, конечно.
now - это не только "в данную минуту", то и "теперь".
Елена Викторовна, а в чем будет разница ,если сказать не "I haven't talked to them for almost two weeks" ,а "I haven't been talking to them for two weeks" ? Есть же указание на период ( for two weeks ) ,но в данном примере мы используем обычный perfect а не perf.cont.Обьясните этот момент
Не знаю,как это объяснить, тут, наверное, на уровне ощущений. Через continuous нельзя сказать, и все тут.
Спасибо за урок, Елена Викторовна!
1. What has Claire been doing for quite a long time?
She has lived by herself for quite a long time.
2. When did Claire talk to her parents last time?
The last time Clare talked to her parents two weeks ago.
3. What has Claire been having for a week?
She has been having a cold for almost a week.
4. What has she just finished doing?
Evidently she's just finished reading The Golden Pot: A Modern Fairytale by Ernst Hoffmann.
5. What happened to Hoffmann's two volumes that Claire once bought?
Claire put them on a shelf and completely forgot about their existence.
6. Why does Claire say sorry to her cousins?
Because Claire very rarely calls her parents.
Last time Clare talked to her parents was two weeks ago.
6. Why does Claire say sorry to her cousins?
That's not correct, think again, please. The questions is about cousins, not parents
@@okenglish-practice Thank you Elena Viktorovna for your comments.
Yes, I was wrong with the choice of the article, sorry.
6. Why does Claire say sorry to her cousins?
Because she can't visit them in Germany this summer. (I think it probably is. Nothing else comes to mind))
Yes, that's true
Why you wouldn't come to the U.S.?Is it also possible?? Thanks for the answer.
I hope that one day I will.
Please, answer to me, why “living by myself” not “living alone”? Thanks for advance.
both variants are correct
OK English ПРАКТИКА thank you for attention.
I had lived by myself - тоже можно использовать?
Приветствую! Спасибо Вам за ваши исчерпывающие по знаниям уроки!
У меня возник небольшой вопрос во время выполнения обратного перевода диалогов (не по теме урока:)
В вашем примере в первом диалоге "B" говорит: How did they do that?
А я перевёл как - How did they do it?
Подскажите пожалуйста есть ли принципиальная разница между it и that? И если есть, то какая. Не хочется закреплять неверное словоупотребление. Спасибо!
особой разницы нет. но если вы обращаетесь к событию, которое уже прошло, то that будет органичнее
Елена Викторовна, будет верно если я скажу ещё так:
I’ve been a cold / I got sick
How many shots the author got before the writing?/How long he had been going shots before he started writing l
I’ve had a cold / I got sick - так можно
Спасибо большое!
1.She has lived by yourself for quite a long time.
2. Claire hasn't talked to her parents for two weeks.
3.Claire has been having a cold for a week.
4.She has just finished readng the book.
5. Claire put them on the shelf.
6. Claire can't visit her cousins in Germany this summer.
Лучшие уроки по английскому языку на RUclips! present perfect, past simple, english
Claire has lived by herself for quite a lot of time.
Claire talked with her parents a last time two weeks ago.
Claire has been having a cold for a week.
She has just finished reading the book.
The volumes were forgotten.
Claire says sorry to her cousins because she can't visit them in summer.
очен ь интересное видео. есть ли видео на отдельном диске не могли бы его прислать
Этот плейлист пока не продаю
6. She apologized to her cousins for not being able to visit them in Germany this summer
Имеет ли место быть такое сложное предложение или лучше заменить на
She said sorry to her cousins because she can't visit them in Germany this summer
1. She has been living herself for quite a long time
2. She last talked to her parents two weeks ago
3. She has been having a cold for almost a week
4. She has just finished to read two quite bizarre books.
5. She put two volumes on the shelf and completely forgot about their existence
She said sorry to her cousins because she can't visit them in Germany this summer - this one sounds nice to me.
1. She hasn’t talked to her folks for quite a long time.
2. She talked to her parents 2 weeks ago.
3. She has been having a bad cold for almost a week.
4. She has just finished reading a fairytale.
5. She put them on a shelf and forgot about their existence.
6. She can’t visit them in Germany this summer.
You did a nice job today! Great!
1.She has been reading 2 volumes of Hoffmann’s books
2.She did it 2 weeks ago
3.She hasn’t reading
4.She finished reading
5.Claire put them on the shelf and forgot.
6.Cause she couldn’t visit cousins
3.She hasn’t reading - something is wrong with the answer
3. She got sick and read Hoffmann’s books
1. Claire has been living for herself for quite a long time.
2. Claire talked to her parents last time almost two weeks ago.
3. She has been having a cold.
4. She has just finished reading The Golden Pot: A modern fairytale by her cousins' countryman Ernst Hoffman.
5. She put them on a shelf and completely forgot about their existence. When she got sick, she suddenly remembered about them. She finished the second volume yesterday. She wonders how a fairytale can be so hard to read.
6. She apologizes for not visiting them in Germany this summer. Скажите пожалуйста, я правильно употребила 'not visiting'? просто в оригинале 'can't'... а есть ли какие-то варианты,чтоб употребить 'can't(visiting)'? какая это вообще тема, герундий?
а может еще как reported speech: She said sorry/appologized (that) she couldn't visit them in Germany this summer?
Спасибо за все, на самом деле!
перефразировать можно
@@okenglish-practice спасибо
Почему там I haven't talked to them for almost two weeks ? Правильнее будет I haven't been talking to them for almost two weeks, разве не ? Talk может же употребляться в continuous и у нас есть продолжительность действие
Вобще, по логике вещей вы правы, но я часто слышу именно вариант с present perfect (простым, не continuous)
She's been reading the book "The Golden Pot:A Modern Fairytale".
She talked to falks two weeks ago.
She had a cold for a week.
She's just finished reading first volume.
She completely forgot about them.
She apologised because she can't come to Germany but instead she invite cousins to the US.
Someone has broken into my house.
How did they do that?
They broke up the window.
O my God! Someone's just stolen my camera.
Did you see anyone suspicius?
No, I didn't.
Hi friends! How you doing?
I'm living by myself but I'm not alone anymore. I got married. I've been living alone for a mounth and I can say that my folks doing great! Of course, I'm calling them somethimes but I haven't seen them for a mounth. I'm not shame. I don't need any excuses. I've been sick for almost a week. I still reading a "Godfather" by Mario Puzo. Book is quite interesting. Where did the author get the idea for the book?
Once I've downloaded this book I couldn't stopped read. When I got sick I suddenly start read more and more day by day. How book can be so interesting? Chapters absorbed and you forget about time.
I'm sorry but I can't visit you in the US. Actually I can't fly anywhere right now because of COVID. Now I need to pass one test before I fly, another one when I arrive and plus to this 14 days in quarantine. Government might even put me in a expensive hotel for 3 days which will cost around 1500$. That's a lot of money. Someone just make a busines.
Hope to hear a reply from you guys!
Stay safe!
Your Name
Somebody has broken into my house.
How did they do that?
They broke up the windows.
On my God! Someone has just stolen my camera.
Did you see anyone suspicious?
No, of course, I didn’t.
Hi, cousins! How is it going?
I still live by myself. I have lived by myself for quite a long time already and I can’t really tell you much about my folks. Of course, I call them from time to time , but I haven’t talked to them for almost two weeks. Shame on me! But I have an excuse. I have been having a cold for almost a week.
I’ve just finished reading The Golden Pot: A Modern Fairytale by your countryman Ernst Hoffmann. The book is quite bizarre. I wonder how long he had been doing shots before he started writing.
I once bought two of his volumes. I put them on a shelf and completely forgot about their existence. When I got sick, I suddenly remembered about the books. I finished the second volume yesterday. How can a fairytale be so long and hard to read?!
I’m sorry, but I can’t visit you in Germany this summer. Why don’t you visit me in the US?
I hope to hear from you soon.
Lots of love, Claire.
What has Claire been doing for quite a long time?
When did Claire talk to her parents last time?
What has Claire been having for a week?
What has she just finished doing?
What happened to Hoffman’s two volumes that Claire once bought?
Why does Claire say sorry to her cousins?
Почему не I have already lived? Мы же не говорим I have done it already!
и так, и так можно
She has been living by herself for a long time
She talked (to) with her parents almost for a two weeks ago
Claire's been having a cold for a week
She's just finished reading a second volume of book
She put them to (on) a shelf and completely forget about their existence
Because she can't to visit them.
Где скобки, можете сказать как правильнее будет?
She talked (to) - оба варианта встречаются
She put them on a shelf - только так