Answering Your Homebirth Questions | Katelyn Fusco of Happy Homebirth Podcast

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 126

  • @emehester8388
    @emehester8388 Год назад +71

    I worked in the NICU for 2 years and had to hide the fact I was planning a home birth (with my 2nd).. most the patients/cases involving home births that ended up in the NICU involved drug abuse, "surprise" pregnancy, or poor prenatal care etc. So it felt like a negative attitude towards home-births. Now here I am planning my 3rd home-birth this summer! 😅❤

    • @rebecarichter7128
      @rebecarichter7128 Год назад

      Why did you put a parentheses around surprise? Is that bc ppl lie about surprise pregnancies not being rude I’m just honestly curious as I’m planning one

    • @emehester8388
      @emehester8388 Год назад +4

      @@rebecarichter7128 hi! I was referring to mothers that didn’t realize they were pregnant so to the the baby/pregnancy was a surprise and lead to an unplanned home-births that ended up in the NICU. So my co-workers were familiar with a different outcome on home-births. They didn’t see all the beautiful and safe home-births!

  • @samaralittell-daniels8091
    @samaralittell-daniels8091 4 месяца назад +11

    It’s so sad how many moms don’t realize how many unnecessary interventions they didn’t need in their “normal” labor experience . Don’t need inductions, or c-sections, or an episiotomy, cervical ballon, membrane sweep, forceps, or C-sections, or anything without emergency circumstances. You don’t need to do it “just in case” that’s just another way to say “unnecessary”. If they can’t prove there was an emergency there probably wasn’t one. 😢

  • @averykempf9164
    @averykempf9164 Год назад +17

    I have 4 children, all happy home births!
    I grew up in a culture of home birth. I was more scared of the hospital than staying home.
    I just want to brag on my Mom. She is an amazing woman! She made birth look beautiful and worth the effort. She had her first 4 babies in the hospital. The 4th was born via C-section after induction. She said, "That's enough!" And found a midwife. She went on to have 10 home births. That's not a typo: my mom had 10 home births after 4 hospital births including a C-section.

    • @Simplefarmhouselife
      @Simplefarmhouselife  Год назад +1

      Wow...that's amazing!!!

    • @morningstarhomestead
      @morningstarhomestead Год назад +4

      My mom had 5 hospital and 10 home as well. One of the hospitals was for a twin birth because she could not find someone to deliver her at home. She has inspired me!

  • @meggo6673
    @meggo6673 Год назад +10

    I had my first at the hospital and narrowly avoided an unnecessary C section because he was posterior and my crevice began to swell. After recommending a C section, and telling me that she had never seen anyone labor through this situation and deliver vaginally, my OB let me labor because my baby’s heart rate was steady and because my dad was an anesthesiologist at that hospital. I had a family friend attending my birth who had worked with many midwives, as a perinatologist, who told me she had seen many women labor through these situations at home and to get on my hands and knees to help the baby turn. I am so thankful. He was born healthy and vaginally but my eyes were opened to just how little OBs are actually trained for natural birth. We had our next four at home with a midwife and if I were to get pregnant again, I would choose home birth. God designed us to birth our babies. Birth does not require a hospital because it is not a medical situation, but a natural one. I don’t mean for this to sound condemning in any way, more just an encouragement to anyone who may be considering home birth as an option but still has some fear surrounding it.

    • @Simplefarmhouselife
      @Simplefarmhouselife  Год назад +1

      Thank you for sharing your story.

    • @meggo6673
      @meggo6673 Год назад

      @@Simplefarmhouselife 😂 I just reread my original comment. It should be “cervix” not “crevice”, auto correct is not our friend sometimes. Hope people figured that out 😂

  • @courtneydavis1810
    @courtneydavis1810 Год назад +18

    I had to sign a paper "denying care" for my first two kids because the Doctor said they were too large to birth naturally and he wanted me to have a c section. Never had to have a c section, thankfully I trusted my instincts.

  • @momofmany8117
    @momofmany8117 Год назад +24

    I had my first home birth last week with my 8th baby. It was incredible. It's so much better having a natural labor at home versus the hospital.

  • @alexisschloer9272
    @alexisschloer9272 Год назад +38

    I'm a homeschooling, sourdoughing, Christian, farmhouse-on- boone admiring mom who had 6 deliveries at the hospital. The 3 OB doctors and most of the nurses had my best interests- 5 all natural births and 1 c-section (transverse). They were so knowledgeable, let me move how I wanted, two times they let me stay in my dress and eat/drink, and-most helpful- coached me through delivery so encouragingly. My husband also was in there with it all. Kids were at grandma's and grandpa's- what a special time for all of them and less division of attention away from delivery for my husband and I. Went home with half of my babies the next day but totally enjoyed the quiet and having someone other than my husband and kids wait on me- plenty of that when I got back for them. Lots respect for these doctors and nurses. I've been a part of home birth and see it's beauty. Maybe my experience was so similar to home birth or maybe being in a small town in north Wisconsin brings a different breed of doctors- not sure. Very good experiences. Throwing that out there for moms who may want a positive hospital story. My one OB dedicates herself so much to her job and so thankful.

    • @estherruth4692
      @estherruth4692 Год назад +2

      Where do you live?? That sounds really wonderful. I wish it were like that everywhere.
      I had my first two births in the hospital with midwives and I had a doula each time, so I was allowed to do a lot of things like drinking and staying in my clothes and refusing an IV, but the nurses still tried to do ridiculous interventions and my midwife was part of a midwifery group so I didn’t know her, and she was very rough, and even though I had a doula, it was still stressful and traumatic. The second time I had a much better midwife and doula so I was able to ignore all of the things, but it was still background stress for me. I figured for this third one, doing a natural birth at home made sense since I was able to do two in the hospital with all of the added stress.

    • @alexisschloer9272
      @alexisschloer9272 Год назад +1

      Park Falls, Wisconsin. Me too!

    • @Anniedj7
      @Anniedj7 Год назад +5

      Sounds dreamy, but sadly it isn't a reality everywhere or to everyone (some people are treated differently). You were blessed to find this gem of a medical team, but most times you don't know what kind of treatment you'll receive until you are in it. I was recommended an amazing doctor, but I ended up with being unnecessarily induced, they used forceps and my doctor was not at the hospital that day. Thank God for the opportunity to have two home births after.

    • @tiffanyc2018
      @tiffanyc2018 Год назад +1

      I’m in Oklahoma and had two positive birth experience at a hospital as well.❤

    • @alvad.4884
      @alvad.4884 Год назад

      Thank you for sharing your positive hospital birth story ❤ There are a lot of reasons why women might opt in to give birth in the hospital. It's always nice to hear positive experiences. Also living in beautiful Wisconsin 👋

  • @JuvyG
    @JuvyG Год назад +36

    Your natural birth videos helped me go natural with my last baby. I had my first prenatal visit late during the second trimester because we moved states and the OB said he was measured 4 weeks older than my calculated due date. All the OBs kept telling me my baby was measuring small and that I would have to do all these interventions or else my son would die. They would not listen to me about the due date and I did every NST they were asking of me. Every visit they treated me scornfully because I wouldn't obey what they wanted and tried to make me feel like I was going to murder my child. I was getting weary and if not for my husband advocating for my son, I would have given into the interventions. I had an easy natural birth at 39 weeks (by our due date) and my son came out within 10 mins of getting to the hospital. My doctor told me to go on my back to push and I screamed no at him. It's so weird to have people think they can order you any way they like. My care providers wanted me to induce my son 3 weeks earlier and kept said inductions were no big deal. Every woman I know of who has had an induction has had traumatic experiences. If I was a first time mom, I probably would have blindly trusted the doctors and had a scary birth experience. It was only because of so many informative birth videos on YT.

  • @Emily-xo2oi
    @Emily-xo2oi Год назад +10

    I so wish I had the opportunity to see this 15 years ago….4 kids and 4 c-sections later. Such a great podcast ❤️

  • @AmallieGames
    @AmallieGames Год назад +15

    I'm going to be honest I used to think home birth was nuts lol, did not understand it at all. But in January I had my first baby and now I understand. I had gestational hypertension, so I was induced. I have chronic hip pain, and they made me wear the monitors continuously and wouldn't let me lay on a flat bed. I had to lay on my side at a 45 degree angle, which put all the pressure on my hips. It was excruciating. I requested my epidural early because of the hip pain, and the anesthesiologist basically stuck the needle directly into my spine nerves 3 times causing blinding, searing pain. When I asked her through my sobbing why my legs were shaking so bad she gaslit me and said "you're in labor, of course you're shaking". She then said I have scoliosis and that's why she couldn't place the needled (I do not have scoliosis lol). My fiance finally told her we needed a break and she left - I was up all night crying because I was in such pain and was scared I couldn't get an epidural. Finally, in the morning, we got a different anesthesiologist, and he placed my needle with zero pain in one try 🙄 I was so exhausted by that point that I was falling asleep between pushes and barely remember it. I birthed my baby after 2 hours and ended up with a third degree tear - the doctor told me to push with all my might instead of allowing my tissues to stretch and my baby just suddenly busted out and I had deep muscle tears. He was born with low glucose, and everyone was telling me different things, and no one was actually teaching me to care for him. I really struggled for 2 days, and they kept telling me I was doing things wrong or not feeding him enough after the fact, and I was so exhausted and confused from not sleeping and the pain from my birth injury. Someone was in our room every 45 minutes, 24 hours a day, so we seriously just couldn't sleep, and we had to stay in the hospital for 5 days. I finally gave up on breastfeeding and started pumping and doing formula, so I knew exactly how much he was eating and got really neurotic about tracking every meal and diaper. I continued doing that for the first month of his life - the hospital staff made me feel like I couldn't trust my baby or myself and needed data for everything to ensure he was safe. I finally got my baby breastfeeding again when he was 5 weeks old. The hospital introducing bottles and pacifiers on day 1 made that extremely difficult to recover, and I had to figure that out with no help.
    Looking back, I'm fairly traumatized by my birth experience, and I remember when we finally got home how safe I felt with my baby. I wish I had hired a doula, that's my biggest regret. If I have another baby, I am going to seriously consider a nurse midwife instead of an ob.

    • @Simplefarmhouselife
      @Simplefarmhouselife  Год назад

      Thank you for sharing your story with us.

    • @christingarvey7324
      @christingarvey7324 Год назад

      I am so sorry you had to go through that, that sounds traumatic. I went the hospital route my first time, I’m currently pregnant with my 2nd baby and went the midwife route, and I’m loving it !

  • @pilgrimlearning9530
    @pilgrimlearning9530 Год назад +8

    This was so great to listen to! I had my first two at a birth house with a midwife and we're going for a homebirth this june with our 3rd. When I was pregnant with our 1st the OB laughed at my desire to have a natural birth and literally scared my husband so much that he just about thought that an elective c-section was best. Thank the Lord I found my doula who introduced us to our midwife, that we are still with.
    My 1st labour was fast, 5hrs total. My 2nd was much slower but I had a stressful pregnancy and my daughter was born en caul, and she was posterior. Hoping for a quicker one this time around!

  • @DominikaDC1
    @DominikaDC1 Год назад +3

    That was a great conversation Lisa! I had a unmedicated birth at a birth house and loved it! My husband and I were so glad we were able to avoid the endless interventions at the hospital.

  • @michellemclellan4169
    @michellemclellan4169 Год назад +7

    Hi Ladies,
    My husband has been an GP-obstetrician for 30 years. Doctors learn about what can go wrong in pregnancy and labour not what is normal. That is their focus not on the normal experience. My husband says he thinks a successful birth is one where he can stand quietly in the corner.
    Love Michelle.

  • @culturallydifferent
    @culturallydifferent Год назад +6

    Agree with everything Katelyn said! There is no need to experience birth at a hospital to move to home birth later. 🌞

  • @ThisBraveHeart
    @ThisBraveHeart Год назад +3

    So happy to be watching this right now. Expecting our third in about 5 weeks or less. Last night it really hit me that I needed to start preparing mentally again.♥️

  • @RoseanneReimer
    @RoseanneReimer Год назад +4

    I've had three hospital births. The third baby had to have heart surgery asap. But all experiences have been excellent. The nurses encouraged me to move around and heeded my wishes with what I wanted during labour and delivery. But I love hearing about home births😊

  • @kerijoh1425
    @kerijoh1425 9 месяцев назад +1

    Katelyn Fusco is just one of the most encouraging women ever! And after listening to her podcast for a while now, just hearing her voice lifts my spirits!❤

  • @leftfieldfarmgirl
    @leftfieldfarmgirl Год назад +8

    I love the information and encouragement that homebirth advocates bring to videos and podcasts, but I often am left feeling really sad. I have a bicornuate uterus, with only one side developed and for a long time instead of feeling proud that I had achieved two pregnancies, and was able to grow two relatively healthy kids with half a uterus I felt ashamed that I was different. My body really didn’t know what to do, both times my water broke at 33 weeks, and I was having long 10 min contractions that were really hard on my babies and my cervix wouldn’t open on one side. My first was not breathing when he was born, and was ventilated for a few days. I worked so hard second time to at least do a vbac, but again went into labour at 33 weeks, he was completely breach, I have only half a uterus so turning him wasn’t safe and he was distressed. I would have done anything for a homebirth and it’s taken me years to quit feeling that I failed. I know now that I did an amazing thing growing them and that homebirth was never an option, and I hope other moms with high risk pregnancies don’t come away feeling like failures.

  • @jamieo3869
    @jamieo3869 4 месяца назад +1

    I have used the Bradley method after hearing about it from your channel for the birth of my second child in 2021 and the birth of my third child just recently! Both unmedicated hospital births. I recommend it to others as well. Thank you God!

  • @amandaw30
    @amandaw30 Год назад +4

    As a homebirth mom x5 I could feel you trying to contain your passion and opinions Lisa 😉 great episode! I’m sure I will listen again the next time I’m pregnant, Lord willing. With my last birth I binge watched you and your sisters birth stories in my “week before” birth crunch.

  • @andreacoughlin2736
    @andreacoughlin2736 Год назад +5

    Expecting our fourth baby, third home birth! Couldn’t be happier! We love home birth.

  • @ashleyvecheruk8355
    @ashleyvecheruk8355 Год назад +7

    Haven’t even watched yet but soooo excited to listen! Two of my favorite content creators (at least while I’m 36 weeks pregnant!) happy homebirth has been on repeat in my ears. And you, Lisa are such an inspiration in all ways!

  • @jo2294er
    @jo2294er Год назад +3

    I had a home birth with my first and hemorrhaged directly after..had to be rushed to the hospital with ambulance and given an emergency D&C without any sedation which was horrific..2 hours after giving birth I was finally able to hold my sweet daughter who was brought in to the hospital by my mother-in-law who had to quickly come over and stay with her at home before the ambulance came.
    When I became pregnant again I was just not comfortable trying a home birth again and went to the hospital. Our son was born with no complications and it was a wonderful birth experience as my midwife attended the birth and was the coach since she also worked at the hospital. All birth stories are unique and there very own. Mine were written for me. Love listening to the pod!

    • @Simplefarmhouselife
      @Simplefarmhouselife  Год назад +1

      thanks for sharing!

    • @cozetteoconnor1289
      @cozetteoconnor1289 Год назад +1

      How did you 'prevent' your hemorrhage the next time?

    • @Bootiesandbonnets
      @Bootiesandbonnets Год назад +1

      As a mother who had my children 30 plus years ago, all natural is to look at this experience as the most beautiful one a woman can have in life. My mindset was to remain positive and calm through the whole experience. Childbirth is not a scary event. I had my children in the hospital and everyone there listened to me including the nurses and doctors. I did not want an epidural with either of my children which they acknowledged and walking helped with the labor. It is all about a mother's to be attitude. You are your own advocate. The husband or significant other should be involved in the childbirth. It's really important.

  • @marihoverson
    @marihoverson Год назад +6

    Some of us aren’t on Instagram or Facebook anymore, can you do community posts here on RUclips so we have a chance to vote or answer questions too?

  • @Mary_Quaid
    @Mary_Quaid Год назад +5

    I WAS SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS! I absolutely love her podcast. I found her because of you, Lisa. I listened to every. single. Birth story before the birth of my second (which was a home birth). It helped me to not have fear. The more you know, the less you fear! Incredible podcast for every expecting mom! Thank you for this.

  • @Georgie0829
    @Georgie0829 11 месяцев назад +2

    I am forever grateful that my first baby was with midwives in a birth center. I was in labor for 42 hours and the baby's head was tilted so she wouldn't come out. My midwife knew how to get her into the perfect position by positioning me in certain ways, and told me I was the only one who could get my baby out. If I had been told instead that I was too tired to push a baby out after two days and no sleep, I would have believed it! But she gave me the motivation and belief that I could do it. I really think that if I had gone to the hospital I originally planned on, I would have ended up with a c section or forceps/vacuum because my baby just couldn't come out in her original position, and my water broke. My friend went to the same hospital and had an eerily similar labor, and ended up with a c section. But here I am, my baby girl healthy as a horse, and I haven't had to be concerned about a c section scar and complications with my subsequent four pregnancies.

    • @Simplefarmhouselife
      @Simplefarmhouselife  11 месяцев назад

      Thanks for sharing your story....a good midwife is so valuable!!

    • @Georgie0829
      @Georgie0829 10 месяцев назад

      @@Simplefarmhouselife I should add, the only reason I didn't have a homebirth the first time was because our apartment wasn't conducive at all to it. So I went with the closest thing to home I could find!

    • @Georgie0829
      @Georgie0829 10 месяцев назад

      *not conducive because my landlord lived right above us with almost zero sound proofing so I knew I would be super uncomfortable

  • @kerrychandler6740
    @kerrychandler6740 10 месяцев назад +2

    I’ll be having my second home birth this month. I’m looking forward to it 🤍

  • @Jessie-ds6nn
    @Jessie-ds6nn Год назад +1

    My 4th was born at home quickly unassisted with the help of my paramedic husband. It was wonderful, best birth yet. (Long story short)
    Now I'm expecting #5. The OB marched in, and asked "Are you planning another home birth? Bc if you are, we can't do your prenatal care & take on the liability." So I left and haven't gone anywhere else yet. We are very rural and can't afford a professional midwife. Ill probably pick a place in the big city 1.5 hrs away with a group of nurse midwives, but honestly I just dread going back. When I try to leave to make it on time, my labors stall. We were meant to birth at home I believe! Women have been doing it 1000s of years.

  • @kimberleylibby1028
    @kimberleylibby1028 11 месяцев назад +2

    I totally relate to being scared! I had a hospital birth and was pressured into pushing before my body was ready because LD was full and I was 10 cm dilated. I had the guts to say no the first time but then an hr later the doctor insisted I start pushing. I pushed for 3 exhausting hours and it was completely unnecessary.

  • @johannaohly2922
    @johannaohly2922 Год назад +1

    What a wonderful podcast episode. I’m due end of May with our seventh and our sixth home birth.

  • @goldakaplan1861
    @goldakaplan1861 Год назад +1

    Love this episode! Such great points. Brought back memories of my home birth 17 years ago…a magical experience!

  • @Rjpck5000
    @Rjpck5000 Год назад +2

    I would like to say not all hospitals are so against natural processes. My local hospital gives you and your support person temp and light control and you can use scents you might want. You also are encouraged to move and do different positions. It is not typical, but it is a very calming welcoming and homey feeling hospital. If I didn't have them. A home birth would be more of a priority.

  • @servantwarrior880
    @servantwarrior880 Год назад +4

    We had five little girls all in the hospital un-medicated and with midwives. It was the "closest" thing to a home birth that I could get. I wanted a home birth with my last four. My first was the stereotypical as well and I went in well educated. Thankfully my midwives were amazing. However they were still handcuffed to their hospital rules and their insurance standards of practice. We had an OB with our first and thankfully the midwife was on call when I went into labor. I told the OB I did not want an epidural with our first - she literally laughed out loud in my face and said we will see what you say when you go into labor. I had a very detailed birth plan they also willingly followed. If I had to do it over again I would have had a doula so my husband could have been more present with me and not having to intervene on how I wanted my birth to go with the nursing staff. With my last four I also immediately started the paperwork for an early release at 24 hours which was the soonest they would let us leave. Technically I was "high" risk due to advanced maternal age with our last two because I was 35 or over. Had we not lived 40 minutes away from the hospital for our last three I may have been able to talk my husband into home births. He was very scared that he wouldn't be able to get me to a hospital fast enough if there was a life-threatening event for myself or our baby. Being I had five hospital births they were the best of the worst situation for me. With our second I had a fourteen month old in a pack in play in our labor and delivery room. Thank you Lord we were done having babies before the Rona! We would have definitely had home births at that point. Also - my OB wanted me to schedule a C section because she was going to be on vacation on my due date. I laughed in her face on that one. No thanks!

  • @EE-hi4re
    @EE-hi4re Год назад +4

    I love this podcast. WOMEN are uniquely created to carry and birth babies. We are the experts of our bodies, not OBGYNs, who are experts at surgery. Believe in your body, mamma. It knows what's it's doing.
    I was always the "don't touch me" labor type. I also don’t mind laboring alone.

  • @estherruth4692
    @estherruth4692 Год назад +1

    I’m 32 weeks pregnant with our third, and planning on my first homebirth. I love my midwives and I’m excited although a little nervous. I’ve done completely natural, unmedicated deliveries in the hospital, so I know I should be able to do it at home.

  • @humblyhaley
    @humblyhaley Год назад +3

    I’ve had two c-sections and I’m pregnant with baby number three. I so wish I had known more about home birth during my first pregnancy because I really feel like I never would’ve needed that first c-section. First time mamas - it’s worth giving home birth a try the first time! Having a baby in the hospital feels so out of your control.

    • @lelesis04
      @lelesis04 Год назад

      I would encourage to check out having a Vbac! It’s still likely possible!! Your local ICAN could refer you to a more holistic provider!

    • @estherruth4692
      @estherruth4692 Год назад +1

      You should definitely look into a VBAC! My older sister is in her 40s, had two Csections and was able to have 3 kiddos naturally.

  • @amandadorohovich6112
    @amandadorohovich6112 2 месяца назад

    Love love love, thank you for sharing!

  • @racheln4309
    @racheln4309 Год назад +2

    I started with a home birth and will never look back!

  • @michellegordon1822
    @michellegordon1822 Год назад +2

    I had a c section with my first because (they even admitted to me after) they broke my water while my baby was in the wrong position. They did and ultrasound to see if he was head down which he was but he was also sunny side up so his head position would never fit through the birth canal. If I had waited for him to readjust and have my water break naturally then I would have had a different outcome. My second baby was a vbac because I insisted on making sure she was in the right position before braking my water. It was such a better experience.

  • @greendrkd
    @greendrkd 3 месяца назад

    Wonderful advice.. Thanks a lot Moms 🤰💗💗

  • @marihoverson
    @marihoverson Год назад +1

    Thank you!! This is our first on the way, coming in September. Never experienced seeing home births but we knew we wanted to do that, the Bradley method and all-natural. Our midwife has done almost 1000 births, so I trust her. But wanted to know what to do, prepare, expect, thanks!

  • @thedesertdaydreamer
    @thedesertdaydreamer Год назад +4

    I’m hoping for a homebirth in June so this is perfect! Thank you for sharing ❤

  • @dryerfire5384
    @dryerfire5384 Год назад

    I had such similar experiences as you, Lisa. So thankful for your platform and for giving a voice to the topics that may sometimes clash with pop culture!

  • @leah-yv7xj
    @leah-yv7xj Год назад +2

    I am planning a home water birth this summer baby #2. Experienced stressful forced induction hospital birth first time.

  • @shamileemortimer2077
    @shamileemortimer2077 Год назад +1

    Loved this discusion ladies thank you!

  • @SarahHannah91
    @SarahHannah91 Год назад

    Oh this is very exciting! My two favourite podcasters. I’ve had two homebirths, the most glorious experiences.

  • @mountainvalleyrefuge
    @mountainvalleyrefuge Год назад +3

    It is definitely true that the care provider (midwife) aligning with your views is critical. If they aren't in your court, they will basically go along with what they are required to by regulation (i.e. routine care). This routine care could be similar to the things you would be experiencing in hospital, even if you are birthing at home with a midwife. I'm 31 weeks along with our first baby, and this came at the perfect time thank you!

    • @haley2542
      @haley2542 Год назад +1

      Yes! Glad you figured this out as a first-timer! Good luck to you!

    • @mountainvalleyrefuge
      @mountainvalleyrefuge Год назад

      @@haley2542 Thank you Hayley, me too!

  • @lifeontheroad2865
    @lifeontheroad2865 7 месяцев назад

    Listening to this as a first time mom preparing for my homebirth and this has been sooo great! Thanks for putting this together!

  • @Patricia-zf4li
    @Patricia-zf4li 2 месяца назад +2

    If I wasn't high risk pregnancy I'd definitely did it ! But my partner lost his first wife in labor so I'm going to a fetal maternity specialist !

  • @brittanykeith9561
    @brittanykeith9561 Год назад +1

    Wow so excited to listen!! Didn't think about needing it but now I know I do lol

  • @culturallydifferent
    @culturallydifferent Год назад +1

    Thank you for your podcast!

  • @nicolerod
    @nicolerod 7 месяцев назад

    Growing up I was so terrified of the idea of birth. It sounded so scary. After listening to different homebirth podcasts I feel so empowered and able. Not pregnant yet but have already decided on home births. I can’t wait to give birth 💗

    • @acpfeiffer6057
      @acpfeiffer6057 6 месяцев назад

      What other podcasts did you listen to? I'm in my first pregnancy and looking to learn all this quickly!

    • @nicolerod
      @nicolerod 6 месяцев назад

      The Homebirth Midwife by hearth and home midwifery is one I've listened to :)@@acpfeiffer6057

  • @melindaedgington9925
    @melindaedgington9925 Год назад +1

    My local hospital has a birthing tub in each maternity room. Plus they had dim lights that were nicer then my home. Plus I was allowed to wear whatever I wanted including wearing nothing at all. They cleaned up the mess and called in the OB when baby got stuck. I think personally I would not want to give birth at home but good podcast topic.

    • @Friggsdottir
      @Friggsdottir Месяц назад

      That's very bare minimum on what a hospital room should have.

  • @miguelinabnasr3719
    @miguelinabnasr3719 Год назад +2

    Great info! I am so happy that more moms are going for homebirths. Think it's beautiful because giving birth is such a transformative life event; who you are before and after is so dramatically different. In my prior childbirth experience, they were both rare and high-risk, so was advised to continue dealing with the hospital, where they could keep checking many things but made each pregnancy just nerve-wracking and intense. If any more babies are in my future would definitely pursue having them at home, because it's just a much more comfortable experience, and I would be able to enjoy being pregnant instead of being on such high alert. Pregnancy isn't scary, and having a sound support system makes it positive and enjoyable, add having them in the comfort and privacy of your own apace is a definite win

  • @childoftheking9907
    @childoftheking9907 Год назад +1

    Great podcast! I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant, and have my first appointment with a new midwife. I don't want the same experience as I did with my last midwife... So what is the thing that I want differently?? Very helpful!

  • @BryartonFarm
    @BryartonFarm 8 месяцев назад

    This conversation was so incredible

  • @ryanashleystoller3184
    @ryanashleystoller3184 Год назад +1

    I think the idea of home birth is so beautiful but I personally would not try it. And especially on a first delivery. But to each their own! I know 2 people personally who encountered things in birth that did NOT show on ultrasounds with regular prenatal care. I know they are pretty rare, but unless you are 10 min from a hospital how would you intubate a baby? One was the organs outside the baby (her last ultrasound was the anatomy scan) and the 2nd one the baby had a heart defect undetected too with no signs of distress during labor and was rushed to nicu. These were both in the last 10 years so high tech ultrasounds. Both of those were traumatic and time sensitive. I think birth centers close to a hospital are a great choice if an option. But I’m grateful for a great hospital experience with my doctor and midwives. -Ashley

  • @santran9602
    @santran9602 6 месяцев назад +1

    Going in with home birth ❤

  • @rebeccacole6910
    @rebeccacole6910 Год назад

    So excited for this episode ❤ 39 weeks pregnant with second baby and hoping for home birth 🥰

    • @alinicole1300
      @alinicole1300 Год назад +1

      I hope you have the homebirth of your dreams!

    • @rebeccacole6910
      @rebeccacole6910 Год назад

      @@alinicole1300 thank you so much 🥰

  • @Sarah-qi1se
    @Sarah-qi1se Год назад +2

    47:16 This is me!!

  • @snapshot1386
    @snapshot1386 Год назад +2

    I had my son in a hospital because I didn't know there were options. But not just a hospital. An Army hospital! It was a horrific experience. They treated me like a number. I was so scared and confused and felt very out of control of the birth. I was crying because I was in so much pain in my labor and the nurse grabbed my arms, push them crossed up against my chest and she yelled at me to hold it in. I felt like such a failure and terribly scared. Then after the birth, I was required to drink a full pitcher of water and then see if I can go to the bathroom. I was so weak. I tried to walk to the bathroom and ended up passing out and falling on the floor. I had to stay in the hospital for 5 days with rules to change my bed sheets and take care of my baby with no help, with stitches that made me see stars and I was having cold sweats. I was so scared with the people working there that I didn't want to tell them anything. After that I was convinced that home childbirth was the best. My experience with midwives has been wonderful! Plus, having my babies at home is so comforting and feels safe to me.

    • @Simplefarmhouselife
      @Simplefarmhouselife  Год назад

      I'm so sorry you had that experience but, it sounds like you were able to have some good ones after that. Thanks for sharing.

  • @SarahsOctoberHome
    @SarahsOctoberHome Год назад

    Loved this podcast.✨

  • @britonmedia3386
    @britonmedia3386 Год назад

    Hello! Love the content, I think it provides alot of value. We'd be happy to edit one of your podcast episodes for you.

  • @hya7569
    @hya7569 Год назад +1

    Planning to do a home birth but worried about how far we are from a hospital with adequate care( NICU, OR) due to being in a very rural community. We would be 50 mins to an hour from that hospital. Has anyone had something similar?

    • @amandan2825
      @amandan2825 Год назад +3

      Well you could see if a midwife in your area runs a birth center. It gives you a similar experience to a home birth, but the center might be closer to a hospital if anything goes wrong. Otherwise, I would just tell your concerns to the midwife you are seeing. My midwife and me discussed those type of concerns up front and if she is used to dealing with home birth in a rural area she should have a plan on how she handles those situations.

    • @cozetteoconnor1289
      @cozetteoconnor1289 Год назад

      I hemorrhaged after birth from retained placenta after my homebirth. I had to be taken by ambulance. It's a risk being that far- I would just weigh the risks.
      Only read the next part if you are truly concerned about hemorrhage. I do not want to scare you or use fear tactics! The risk of hemorrhaging is less than 10% so it is a 'low' risk but it's still common and it's serious. Or if you have a family history of hemorrhaging, weigh that. Or if you have other risk factors- a large baby, high bmi etc.
      I was literally 2 minutes from the hospital (it was the property directly next to ours- a stone throw away) and I still lost 2 liters of blood, obout half of my blood volume. If you did hemorrhage, the midwife would probably do all she could to control it but if the blood keeps flowing she would probably opt then for hospital emergency. And a 50 minute drive of hemorrhaging on top of the 20+ minutes your midwife would be trying to get it under control ---- you would pass out from blood loss shock and it would cause shock to your pituitary gland and you would need hormone therapy afterward if you survive.

  • @MiindGames
    @MiindGames Год назад

    Thank you!

  • @Halo13913
    @Halo13913 Год назад

    I was hoping for a homebirth, but unfortunately it wont happen because in my state only unassisted homebirths are legal and even then the state can bring felony charges of neglect against mothers for doing that. The charges become even more severe if complications come about.

  • @michellemclellan4169
    @michellemclellan4169 Год назад

    That is why their decision making process is the way it is.

  • @meganhamm1265
    @meganhamm1265 Год назад +1

    Its disappointing that in my area in Canada the only legal midwifes there are that can do homebirths, are the ones located in the hospital and you cant choose one and lots of women get turned away because there aren't many of the hospital midwifes here.

    • @jilla.1324
      @jilla.1324 Год назад

      My area of Canada they aren’t even legal 😭 but I’ve known lots of mamas who have with a midwife nonetheless and it was a beautiful experience.

    • @Simplefarmhouselife
      @Simplefarmhouselife  Год назад

      yes that is hard...sorry to hear that.

  • @Friggsdottir
    @Friggsdottir Месяц назад

    Cant talk about home births positively without people coming in defending hospitals 🙄

  • @amandan943
    @amandan943 9 месяцев назад

    Loved this chat. Currently looking forward to a homebirth. Love my midwife so so much. Looking forward to my hubby being able to be more involved. Wish I had gone this route with my first. Took years for me to get more education. I encourage every mom to be to research everything. I did so many things because that was the norm. Research it all research shots, research circumcison, cord clamping, vitamin k, eye ointment after birth etc etc etc and make informed decisions. And pickup Ina May gaskins book on childbirth 🤍