He was a Dr among many things. Amazing man. I totally agree with you. He must have saw these comments when he was alive. Today's date is March 1120 Twenty One
Just when I thought I had a handle on what the Bible teaches, someone suggested I watch a Chuck Missler video. The rest is HISTORY! Oh Lord please let me be in that number! Let me be in your "Book of Remembrance". This is my "Life Verses", which I recently memorized because they struck me so hard. If I'm off by a word or two, forgive me. Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another and the LORD hearkened and heard it, and a BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE was written before Him, for they that FEARED THE LORD and that thought upon His Name. And they shall be mine sayeth the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I shall make up my JEWELS. And I shall spare them, even as a FATHER spareth His Son that serveth Him. Then shall they return and DISCERN between the RIGHTEOUS and the WICKED, between he that serveth God and he that serveth Him naught. Malachi 3:16-18 May God bless you.
God Bless you my dear brother Chuck, this was even more awesome the 2nd time again! Thank you Jesus, the great I AM who is my all, my Sufficiency, my Provider, my Redeemer, my Love, my Deliverer, my Best Friend, my Groom, my King! The LORD be magnified! I love my Salvation! with love to you brother, and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, your brother in Christ Jesus, David
God Bless You n Yours Always Mr. Chuck! Thanks for Your Videos of Learning! Your In My Prayers Always! God Has No Choice! Truth, We Give God No Choice!😢🙏🌹
dear chuck experienced fear most all of my life started reading bible and become greatly terrified like you speak of i assume overwhelming feeling i was to be killed psalms and gods love what got me through but still had fear bad until they arrested me 4 or 5 or so times 3 or 4 charges 1o2 charges then like 11 or 12 charges and going to court every two weeks for 4 years my fear left so thankful for that not the court though much cooruption and waste i saw in it plus not to just at times i believe.now just terrified that the words written of me are true and of the glory he wants to bestow upon me i just wanted i little slice of life and happiness not this great glory that should go to god or even you all cause youve spent lifetimes searching and seeking teaching and uncovering scriptures when alot of my knowledge just always with me without lifetime of study but you ve all helped me to understand and unlock some of these things for which i am very greatful thank you ,may god bless and keep you and yours.and we are truly fellow servants and love how god has done this for whats a crown if all hate or resent you cause of it.amen
Isahiah 55:3 Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David.
Mr Missler is one of the few Bible teachers I can tolerate. His spirit doesn't disturb me like most do. I don't agree with all his doctrines (especially not "eternal security" which is a satanic deception), and I would imagine the Lord will denounce some of his works. Nevertheless, I would like to hope he's among the few who find their way into Life - though Jesus said there won't be many who make it in, and the Way there is hard (Matt 7:14). So stay on track dear brothers! Stay prayerful, vigilant, and focused on the Lord Jesus. He who endures to the end shall be saved. The Lord's sheep will never perish (John 10:27) but most Christians are not true sheep. The sheep are those who follow His commands (John 14:21). Christians who do not remain faithful to Jesus will be cut off and thrown in the fire (John 15:6, Matt 7:26, Rom 11:22, Heb 10:26, 1 John 3:10, 2 John 9). Important videos coming 2020 on my channel. Stay tuned! :-)
@Baruk Ha Shem YHWH I am really glad to hear that you have found Chuck inspiring. I have watched hundreds of hours of his videos and certainly found them very helpful and insightful. We just need to be careful and always examine what any man teaches carefully. As for the Scripture you quoted ("He that is not against us is for us"). I believe what the Lord was saying there is that we shouldn't go around trying to "shut down" unorthodox Christian ministries who are preaching to the world, because on the world stage, all Christians are on the same team. Anyone who affirms the Christian faith and isn't trying to kill us or put us in jail - all such people are helpful to our cause, even if they themselves have evil motivations or wrong doctrines. Paul said something similar - saying that he rejoices whenever the name of Jesus is preached, even if the person's personal motivations are wrong (Phil 1:16-18). So in one sense "all Christians" are on our side, helping our cause, just by the fact that they stand together with us proclaiming Jesus to the world. They are our allies EXTERNALLY, and we shouldn't oppose them. However, this certainly doesn't mean all Christians are trustworthy, or edifying, or don't pose a threat. Especially when it comes to those who operate INTERNALLY in the church - teachers, prophets and pastors. We are warned time and time again about ungodly Christians (Jude 4), false teachers (2 Pet 2), the "savage wolves" (Acts 20:29) who "creep into households" and lead people astray (2 Tim 3:6). We are warned to steer clear of them (2 John). So, on the EXTERNAL level, all Christians are on our side, and we shouldn't try to stop Christian evangelists and witnesses of all kinds. But INSIDE the church, we need to watch out and be guarded.
The bible say his hands and feet were pierced.Our God is sovereign enough to spell the words right?or the Holy Ghost as he moved the man of God to write?
Idolatry is worshipping something other than the true God. Jesus IS the true God, so any symbolism that represents the Lord Jesus is not idolatry - least of all the cross, which represents God's grace and is the most important event in all of history. The cross is a precious, precious, precious symbol which has nothing to do with idolatry.
Amen, KHouse team, Nan & Chuck, Ron & crew thank you for your work. Bless your days.
So exciting to hear Gods word taught with power !!
I LIKE THAT IN RAP. its so hard to find. I am building a album that is bible quotes, references 100%
Chuck shares a dark time in his life. Ty brother...
Such deep teaching. This is the kind of things I love to learn.
There's the amazing timing as well. I got the word I needed to hear.
Hallelu-Yah for the wonderful insight and teachings of Mr.Chuck Missler.
He was a Dr among many things. Amazing man. I totally agree with you. He must have saw these comments when he was alive. Today's date is March 1120 Twenty One
Focus on the love of God. I will never forget that either.
Just when I thought I had a handle on what the Bible teaches, someone suggested I watch a Chuck Missler video.
The rest is HISTORY!
Oh Lord please let me be in that number! Let me be in your "Book of Remembrance".
This is my "Life Verses", which I recently memorized because they struck me so hard. If I'm off by a word or two, forgive me.
Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another and the LORD hearkened and heard it, and a BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE was written before Him, for they that FEARED THE LORD and that thought upon His Name.
And they shall be mine sayeth the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I shall make up my JEWELS. And I shall spare them, even as a FATHER spareth His Son that serveth Him.
Then shall they return and DISCERN between the RIGHTEOUS and the WICKED, between he that serveth God and he that serveth Him naught.
Malachi 3:16-18
May God bless you.
God Bless you my dear brother Chuck, this was even more awesome the 2nd time again! Thank you Jesus, the great I AM who is my all, my Sufficiency, my Provider, my Redeemer, my Love, my Deliverer, my Best Friend, my Groom, my King! The LORD be magnified! I love my Salvation!
with love to you brother, and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ,
your brother in Christ Jesus,
EyesOpenandDisgusted jfsssss@
God Bless You n Yours Always Mr. Chuck! Thanks for Your Videos of Learning! Your In My Prayers Always! God Has No Choice! Truth, We Give God No Choice!😢🙏🌹
Thank you!
dear chuck experienced fear most all of my life started reading bible and become greatly terrified like you speak of i assume overwhelming feeling i was to be killed psalms and gods love what got me through but still had fear bad until they arrested me 4 or 5 or so times 3 or 4 charges 1o2 charges then like 11 or 12 charges and going to court every two weeks for 4 years my fear left so thankful for that not the court though much cooruption and waste i saw in it plus not to just at times i believe.now just terrified that the words written of me are true and of the glory he wants to bestow upon me i just wanted i little slice of life and happiness not this great glory that should go to god or even you all cause youve spent lifetimes searching and seeking teaching and uncovering scriptures when alot of my knowledge just always with me without lifetime of study but you ve all helped me to understand and unlock some of these things for which i am very greatful thank you ,may god bless and keep you and yours.and we are truly fellow servants and love how god has done this for whats a crown if all hate or resent you cause of it.amen
cool story
As usual, thank you!!! jana
Yes indeed! Thank You Jesus, thank You, thank You, thank You...
Isahiah 55:3 Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David.
Mr Missler is one of the few Bible teachers I can tolerate. His spirit doesn't disturb me like most do. I don't agree with all his doctrines (especially not "eternal security" which is a satanic deception), and I would imagine the Lord will denounce some of his works. Nevertheless, I would like to hope he's among the few who find their way into Life - though Jesus said there won't be many who make it in, and the Way there is hard (Matt 7:14).
So stay on track dear brothers! Stay prayerful, vigilant, and focused on the Lord Jesus. He who endures to the end shall be saved. The Lord's sheep will never perish (John 10:27) but most Christians are not true sheep. The sheep are those who follow His commands (John 14:21). Christians who do not remain faithful to Jesus will be cut off and thrown in the fire (John 15:6, Matt 7:26, Rom 11:22, Heb 10:26, 1 John 3:10, 2 John 9).
Important videos coming 2020 on my channel. Stay tuned! :-)
@Baruk Ha Shem YHWH I am really glad to hear that you have found Chuck inspiring. I have watched hundreds of hours of his videos and certainly found them very helpful and insightful. We just need to be careful and always examine what any man teaches carefully.
As for the Scripture you quoted ("He that is not against us is for us"). I believe what the Lord was saying there is that we shouldn't go around trying to "shut down" unorthodox Christian ministries who are preaching to the world, because on the world stage, all Christians are on the same team.
Anyone who affirms the Christian faith and isn't trying to kill us or put us in jail - all such people are helpful to our cause, even if they themselves have evil motivations or wrong doctrines. Paul said something similar - saying that he rejoices whenever the name of Jesus is preached, even if the person's personal motivations are wrong (Phil 1:16-18).
So in one sense "all Christians" are on our side, helping our cause, just by the fact that they stand together with us proclaiming Jesus to the world. They are our allies EXTERNALLY, and we shouldn't oppose them.
However, this certainly doesn't mean all Christians are trustworthy, or edifying, or don't pose a threat. Especially when it comes to those who operate INTERNALLY in the church - teachers, prophets and pastors.
We are warned time and time again about ungodly Christians (Jude 4), false teachers (2 Pet 2), the "savage wolves" (Acts 20:29) who "creep into households" and lead people astray (2 Tim 3:6). We are warned to steer clear of them (2 John).
So, on the EXTERNAL level, all Christians are on our side, and we shouldn't try to stop Christian evangelists and witnesses of all kinds. But INSIDE the church, we need to watch out and be guarded.
I so enjoy all chucks, videos, how long has it been?
Isa 53:1
It was not that He had a choice. I made that choice for Him, in the womb.
Yes he did say his sinful life. He is referring to David
Did Dr. Missler say "...and His sinful life..." @ 05:47 ?
I'm sure its just a mistake. :-p
"...a man after mine [God's] own heart..." (Ac 13:22)
I believe he was referring to David.
go to septuagint for the correct psalm 40. massoretes changed this one
Khouse where are you????
Right here. Everything ok?
@@koinoniahouse no. 1 714-583-3693 please call as soon as possible
The bible say his hands and feet were pierced.Our God is sovereign enough to spell the words right?or the Holy Ghost as he moved the man of God to write?
Which Bible are you talking about? The book of Psalms wasn't written in english
Is the cross an idol?do we worship an idol unknowing? the steps where we kneel and pray with the cross behind the pulpit on the wall?
Idolatry is worshipping something other than the true God. Jesus IS the true God, so any symbolism that represents the Lord Jesus is not idolatry - least of all the cross, which represents God's grace and is the most important event in all of history. The cross is a precious, precious, precious symbol which has nothing to do with idolatry.
#JasonShields #4Jasons #KHOUSE HELP ME
Lnch and Dnner
The 4Jasons are stalking me.
For #Trump