The Castles of Tuscany - How To Play

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 134

  • @moregamespleaseUK
    @moregamespleaseUK 4 года назад +8

    Another great rules overview, I've just finished watching the video so I can start playing my first game immediately after. Can't wait!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад

      I saw on twitter that you played - and seemed to enjoy it :)

    • @EclecticCamel
      @EclecticCamel 3 года назад

      Hi Ross!

  • @BeforeYouPlay
    @BeforeYouPlay 4 года назад +12

    Perfect timing as always, Rodney! Thanks for this!

  • @akaisamurai
    @akaisamurai 2 года назад +1

    More than the tutorial, Rodney's advice to watch videos in faster speeds has literally given me more time in my life to do other things. Thanks to the wizard of rules, Rodney Smith and I hope 2022 goes swimmingly for you.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  2 года назад

      Hey Akai! Nice to hear from you - hope you're doing well :)

  • @bagelteeth247
    @bagelteeth247 4 года назад +21

    There he goes again always finding the right suitable replacement for game components.

  • @ZippityDuda31
    @ZippityDuda31 4 года назад +4

    Castles of Burgundy is one of my top 3 games. I think it's safe to say that I'd enjoy this one as well. Thanks for the video!

    • @seanh5671
      @seanh5671 4 года назад

      It actually feels quite different from CoB, but is still enjoyable if you like Stefan Feld games overall.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад

      Thanks for checking out the video - I hope you have fun playing this one!

    • @user-voxiomgamer
      @user-voxiomgamer Месяц назад

      they are both fun

  • @nickhuston7934
    @nickhuston7934 4 года назад +5

    I have always loved most Feld games. This video makes me genuinely excited and eager to play it!
    Hopefully I can get my friend that hates Burgundy to like this one.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад +1

      They are quite different, so maybe your friend will like the one more!

    • @nickhuston7934
      @nickhuston7934 4 года назад

      I sent him a link to your video, and he preordered it. So, I would say that’s a safe bet lol

  • @franciscommonroig9460
    @franciscommonroig9460 4 года назад

    Well done. I have seen other videos about this game and finished none of them because they were very confusing. Now I understand how this game works. Thanks!

  • @kovray
    @kovray 4 года назад +1

    Just got this so the timing couldn't be better thanks for sharing!

  • @briantalley5763
    @briantalley5763 4 года назад +1

    I have this one pre ordered already! Glad to see you made a video for it. Very helpful! Thank you!

  • @tallymatty
    @tallymatty 4 года назад +2

    Great explanation! I am interested in this game, can't wait for it's release. Also, I like your shirt Rodney!

  • @terukocobayashi3239
    @terukocobayashi3239 3 года назад +1

    This was the best review ever! Thank you so much! I coundn't understand the rules (included in the game) about the scoring!! I played it wrong.. Thank you for making it clear!

  • @bab19874
    @bab19874 4 года назад +2

    Thanks for your video and I really love your explanation Rodney. You really help me a lot with understanding the games. Could you please do a explanation for Merchants and Marauders game I’d really appreciated the rules are difficult to get. Thanks

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад +1

      Thanks for the kind words and the interest! I talk a bit about that here:видео.html&t=342

  • @Bbluesound
    @Bbluesound 4 года назад +1

    Man! I've been playing this great game wrong on a few points. Thanks for doing this review.

  • @wyz1324
    @wyz1324 4 года назад +26

    ooooh.... use marbles for marble.... I see what you did there :P

  • @TemujinReads
    @TemujinReads 4 года назад +4

    Thank you for this video. I'd read over the rulebook, and while most things were pretty clear, the scoring wasn't. It doesn't mention that each player gets an equal number of turns before scoring points, and from looking at the BGG forums this is apparently an issue with the English translation?
    Anyway, your tutorial was very helpful in clearing this up!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад +2

      Yes, I hoped that this video could help address all those questions - glad this was helpful!

  • @Neku787
    @Neku787 2 года назад

    Thank you, I really like the way you explain the rules teacher.

  • @69robtaylor
    @69robtaylor 4 года назад

    Thanks buddy.
    After hearing there were a few rules lost in translation from German to English/ french.
    Needed this video to verify a few bits.
    Look forward to meeting you again at Essen or possibly an Airecon in the future, once the world goes back to a better place.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад +1

      Glad it helped Rob! Here's to some future cons when they are able to open up again!

  • @spaztekwarrior
    @spaztekwarrior 4 года назад +1

    Reminds me quite a bit one of my fave roll and writes: Feld’s Castles of Burgundy the Dice Game.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад +1

      I've heard good things about that one.

    • @spaztekwarrior
      @spaztekwarrior 4 года назад

      Watch It Played
      You should give it a try. It’s pretty straightforward, and a very decent roll and write playing experience.

    • @Nain1982
      @Nain1982 4 года назад

      much better than the card game?

  • @Dizzula
    @Dizzula 4 года назад +1

    Hey Rodney, another great video as always! I was just wondering, can you use a marble to play another quarry and then gain another marble? I reckon you can by what you're saying but just wanted to clarify!
    Also, I think that at the end of a round (after scoring) any players who have not emptied their leftmost stack of hex tiles should move the remainder directly on to the next stack along (so everyone is drawing from the same 'age' stack in each age). Would that work? Or create problems further down the line?
    Finally, just wanted to say that your new glasses really suit you!
    Happy gaming :)

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад +2

      Yes to your first question. To your suggest about moving stacks... that would probably work. Just make sure the stacks don't get tippy, and fall. And thanks for the kind words on the new glasses :)

  • @mertesiyok8402
    @mertesiyok8402 Год назад

    Hi Rodney, I've just started board games as a new hobby. I really love your explanations and I'd like to ask you to clarify three things for me:
    1- When we place a blue hex next to a light green agriculture hex, how should we consider it? The same as the one that is already there or a different one?
    - For instance, there is an olive hex and I place blue hex. Is the blue hex counted any difference hex than olive or 'as olive'?
    2- If I place a blue hex 'first' in a light green area, how should I consider it before adding the second light green hex to a two-part light green area?
    -Also, let's say there is 'one' light green hex with wheat and olive on it. So, when I place the blue hex, is it considered any one of them or a different one like grapes or animal?
    3- How do we score them in these two scenarios above?
    I'd be really grateful if you might answer them :)

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  Год назад

      Hi Mert, you start your question, by asking "When we place a blue hex NEXT to a light green agriculture hex"... First, are you talking about the Blue Inn tiles, OR the blue wooden hex tiles that they create for you to use later? When you talk about putting a blue hex NEXT to a light green agriculture hex, did you mean to say putting it ON the light green agriculture hex?
      Just want to make sure I understand the questions.

    • @mertesiyok8402
      @mertesiyok8402 Год назад

      @Watch It Played Hi, Rodney. Thanks a lot for your quick reply. Your first question: I meant blue "wooden" hex.
      Second question, I meant let's say 'you already have one agriculture hex tile ( regardless of its type/ could be olive, wheat..) in a two-part light green area and you want to place a blue "wooden" tile 'next to' it as a joker (wild card).

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  Год назад

      @@mertesiyok8402 Understood, thanks for the clarification. I'm still a little confused, because doesn't the video address these questions? Please see this section of it, and let me know:видео.html

    • @mertesiyok8402
      @mertesiyok8402 Год назад

      @@WatchItPlayed Thank you so much Rodney! Somehow I must have missed that part. 👍🏽🌿

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  Год назад +1

      @@mertesiyok8402 Glad that helped - have a great time playing!

  • @johnthom3342
    @johnthom3342 Год назад

    Question: at 15:50 you say there's no limit to the number of square tiles I can collect but they actually seem to be limited by the number of red hex tiles I can place (3) plus the one all players collect at the start of the game for a total limit of 4. Is there another way to collect square tiles?

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  Год назад

      There's not limit in the sense that you can have as many as you manage to get (but there is a limit in terms of how many you may be able to obtain through the actions you take).

    • @leedavies9334
      @leedavies9334 Год назад

      The blue hexagons give you the red tile ability if played on a red hex , so that's how you can get more than 4

  • @sylviannebreton2504
    @sylviannebreton2504 Год назад

    Super clear wow thanks, it clarified so many things.

  • @neverboardofgaming
    @neverboardofgaming 3 года назад

    Wonderful tutorial as always 🙌

  • @PortalPublishing
    @PortalPublishing 3 года назад

    Thank you for teaching me the game.

  • @caroljohnson3686
    @caroljohnson3686 4 года назад

    Is there a way to take first player? Thanks for great instructions! Excited to play this one!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад +1

      Have fun playing (I don't have my rulebook handy, but if the video didn't say there was a way to take first player, than there isn't).

  • @jonathanloiselle7675
    @jonathanloiselle7675 4 года назад

    Thanks for teaching us!

  • @seanh5671
    @seanh5671 4 года назад

    Hmm... you stated that each player draws 5 cards during setup before receiving their random A, B and C tiles which gave me pause. I checked the rulebook and they do indeed have the setup listed in this order which is the only thing I've been doing wrong. I wonder if it's implied that you can look at your cards when deciding how to place your tiles and your starting castle? I suppose it is, but since I had been dealing out the cards after setting up the tiles it made me think. Glad I watched!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад +1

      Glad to have been able to help with that!

  • @zero.andreguimaraes
    @zero.andreguimaraes 2 года назад

    I would like to ask if that bunch of neutral hexagonal tiles, with the back facing down (where comes from the eight initial tiles), have any use during the game at some point? Or could we just store them back in the game box?

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  2 года назад

      Do you have a time stamp to the section of the video that you're referring to? I shot this long enough ago that it would help to know.

    • @Waguchi
      @Waguchi 11 месяцев назад

      I think you only use them if you have 5 of the same type in the face up pile and need to reshuffle.

  • @daniellugo4272
    @daniellugo4272 4 года назад

    Great video and great explanation as usual thanks 😄

  • @starshocker
    @starshocker 2 года назад

    Love these kind of games. Btw, which do you prefer between this one and Castles of Burgundy? I can see they are played differently and seeing the two tutorials and I must say I have a preference for the dice rolling Burgundy. Even if this one here must be great to experience.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  2 года назад +1

      I tend to avoid giving personal preferences (what I like more, someone else might like less).

    • @starshocker
      @starshocker 2 года назад

      @@WatchItPlayed yes you're right. This might depend on the person who experience those games. Will give it both a try and see.

  • @patriciarocha6816
    @patriciarocha6816 3 года назад

    Hi Rodney! Great video as usual. I know this is a long shot but my husband loves the shirt you’re wearing here. Any chance you could let us know where you got it from?

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      Glad he likes the shirt. I believe I got this one from Old Navy :)

    • @patriciarocha6816
      @patriciarocha6816 3 года назад

      @@WatchItPlayed Thank you so much! We love your videos!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      @@patriciarocha6816 I'm so glad you've been enjoying :)

  • @christopherhealey8807
    @christopherhealey8807 8 месяцев назад

    Glad you didnt lose your marbles! Thanks Easters new game!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  8 месяцев назад

      Hope you had fun playing Chris!

    • @christopherhealey8807
      @christopherhealey8807 8 месяцев назад

      @@WatchItPlayed Only time I beat my sons is when i do the first teach and yes it worked!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  8 месяцев назад +1

      @@christopherhealey8807 Sometimes we have to take what we can get when it comes to having a chance against our kids :)

    • @christopherhealey8807
      @christopherhealey8807 8 месяцев назад

      @@WatchItPlayed inevitable second game loss to report this weekend! will need to consult buyers guide

  • @vancer.8886
    @vancer.8886 4 года назад +1

    When a round ends, let's say it's the first round, and I still have tiles in that stack when round 2 begins am I required to finish the first round tiles or do I start to take them from the second stack?

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад +1

      Hey Vance, you always take from your leftmost stack.

  • @diegofernandez123
    @diegofernandez123 4 года назад

    Hi, I recently discovered this channel and got excited to buy many of those board games. What options do we have in the US to buy them? Easiest for me is Amazon, but as some games get over 50 bucks, I am just wondering if there are other options...

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад

      I don't really have any suggestions, as it will depend on your location and what options you have available locally as well. For example, I live in Canada :)

    • @tomlikeabomb6706
      @tomlikeabomb6706 4 года назад

      Cardhaus, boardlandia, miniature market, coolstuffinc, etc

  • @EclecticCamel
    @EclecticCamel 3 года назад

    Thanks Rodney!

  • @andrewgrant2328
    @andrewgrant2328 4 года назад +1

    What happens when the score tracker passes 50 on the green track? Does it increase above 50 or get reset to the actual value? How do you track this is it goes over 50?

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад

      Hey Andrew, "if" that happened, you'd just need to make a note, or track it in some other way.

  • @josephpilkus1127
    @josephpilkus1127 Год назад

    Great Teach!!

  • @AndrewCCleverley
    @AndrewCCleverley 3 года назад

    I don't know what made me watch this video but in doing so I've learned that I've been playing the game incorrectly ever since I got it in regards to marble and workers. I interpreted the rules that you could only have one piece of marble on each marble "space" therefore to obtain more marble pieces beyond one, you'd need to have sufficient square tiles to hold them (same with workers).
    Mind blown.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      Glad the video helped reveal that rule for ya!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 месяца назад

      Glad this was helpful!

  • @mazmo_
    @mazmo_ 4 года назад

    Are you sure the marble let you use the same action again? The other languages rulebooks seems to say that you cant!
    Thanks alot Rodney

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад +1

      There are inconsistencies across the different translations, but I checked this with the publisher, so I'm as confident as I can be that this is correct.

    • @mazmo_
      @mazmo_ 4 года назад

      @@WatchItPlayed Thank you very much!!!

  • @MrZombieplague
    @MrZombieplague Год назад

    This is unrelated but where did you get your shirt ? It's nice haha

  • @keith2570
    @keith2570 Год назад

    Thanks 👍

  • @kowsalyat7410
    @kowsalyat7410 4 месяца назад

    In the end game scoring, for every 5 region cards in hand gives 1 victory point on the red track

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 месяца назад

      Looks like they changed the rules in the latest printing (the original rulebook had it as 3 region cards for a victory point, here's an example: Will pin an update, thanks.

  • @budsticky
    @budsticky 4 года назад

    When will this be available in the US?

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      Sorry I missed this question! You've no doubt discovered that it's available now!

  • @willie9764
    @willie9764 4 года назад

    Heh, the one time I'm actively looking for the gametrayz link, I don't see it in the summary.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад

      You'll find them here!

  • @DullDishwater
    @DullDishwater 4 года назад +2

    New glasses, Rodney?

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад +1


    • @DullDishwater
      @DullDishwater 4 года назад

      @@WatchItPlayed They look good!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад

      @@DullDishwater Thank you kindly!

    • @kmontzka
      @kmontzka 4 года назад +1

      Indeed, nice specs! As a fellow glasses wearer, I notice those things as well ;)

  • @panda5996
    @panda5996 2 года назад

    How do i shuffle small tokens without looking at them?

  • @WatchItPlayed
    @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад

    UPDATE: After releasing the game (and this video), the publisher has made a slight adjustment to the basic action for drawing cards. Now instead of drawing 2, you'll draw 3. Source:
    UPDATE: The publisher has made a further change in the English rules. During end game scoring you earn 1 point for every 5 region cards in hand (not 3, as the rules had previously stated).

  • @paulwingrove7105
    @paulwingrove7105 4 года назад

    Any chance of an Etherfields guide?

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад +1

      Thanks for the interest! I talk a bit about that here:видео.html&t=342

    • @paulwingrove7105
      @paulwingrove7105 4 года назад

      @@WatchItPlayed Hi, no problem Rodney. I understand completely. Love your work on the channel. If nothing else, the "will you cover" questions might help to guage the interest in a game amongst your audience.

  • @yoselincossio7708
    @yoselincossio7708 4 года назад

    Hello, I need your help, I am starting to introduce my husband to board games but he does not like those that are very complicated I introduced him to splendor, sequence, qwirckle and until now they are the only ones he likes, What other games like that can you recommend me?

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад +1

      Hey, thanks for the interest. I tend to avoid giving personalized recommendations. What I like, someone else might not - but hopefully you see a few games on here that might be what you are looking for! Could I suggest you check out Carcassonne and Ticket to Ride on here?

    • @yoselincossio7708
      @yoselincossio7708 4 года назад

      @@WatchItPlayed yes we try ticket to ride and i’m still locking, but thank you for answer :) i love your videos, excellent work

    • @Moninja
      @Moninja 3 года назад

      @@yoselincossio7708 i was new to board games, and games like ticket to ride and scotland yard got me into them even more. i would suggest to your husband, that learning the game is also part of the process and feels more rewarding, once you learned it, as it feels like a problem solving exercise in itself!

  • @Thesussysuscat
    @Thesussysuscat 4 года назад

    Im going to play this off for boardgames night Everything seems pretty simple . The only thing that confused me was the scoring.

  • @Gswp
    @Gswp 4 года назад +1

    But what if there's STILL a tie and both players have the same amount of cards in their hands?

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 года назад +1

      In the rare case that that happens, the tied players share the victory.

  • @kipakimakpkm9615
    @kipakimakpkm9615 3 года назад

    What’s the replay value?

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      Hey, thanks for the interest. I tend to avoid giving personalized recommendations/reviews. What I like, someone else might not - but hopefully the videos can help you get a sense of what the game play is like for your particular tastes.

  • @scorpian223
    @scorpian223 4 года назад

    First :)