@@2TrackMind-c6i Google personality disorder. Scary stuff. GOP and the so called liberal media have been covering it up. Traitor is blatantly obvious. if you're not bright enough to realize it, you shouldn't even be voting. WOW
What I love about VDH is that he explains things in a matter of fact way, not pontificating, not pushing a narrative/agenda. He says things like they are blatantly obvious, without condescension.
i used to watch george will debate with chris wallace and cokie roberts - i used to watch david brooks spar with mark shields they simply refuse to accept that they are part of the uniparty - i had to part ways with their hypocrisy
I know two people who met and been around Trump and they both said that he is an amazing person very kind very giving and nothing how the media portray him! I’m sorry, but I will believe to these people Not the mainstream media
@@earthlytouch7540 Wise choice. 2 people, eh? Actually, “the media” doesn’t have to portray him in any way. Just listen to him & watch what he does. Good for you.
I listened to Steve Bannon for about 3 hours of interviews. Many after the band broke up. Bannon had enormous respect for Trump. Totally changed my attitude about Trump.
@@ybrix101 and who knew they were going to turn out as radical as they are right now? There are an awful lot of Democrats out there with buyers remorse because of the same thing! Your comment means nothing!
You’re believing lies. Donald Trump doesn’t mind at all what your religious beliefs are. Your candidate Harris should look in the mirror, she seems to have quite the disdain for Christianity as made apparent by her response in her recent La Crosse, WI rally.
That retread doesn't know enough to slither away. He likes the money and likes the status quo so he and his friends can make oodles of money given to them by the war machine, and big pharma and other people looking out for themselves and not us.
I think that’s a bit rich considering a number of these politicians will actively go against their alleged values because they don’t like the spokesperson.
It’s nothing but Rhinos! Look at the latest addition of Rhinos. Kennedy, Musk, Gabbard…… Lol. WTH are you even talking about? There’s no real conservatives left! Lol.
can Trump be critiqued from the right? Not lame types, but people who know what's going on. Because Vic just ran right past lot's of real things to get to "RINOS!"
The Republicans that dislike Trump are angry in my opinion because they devoted their careers to politics and here comes this guy who energizes their constituents in ways never seen before. They love being in big government for the respect versus Trump who wants accomplishments that the people really want. As a voter, I am sick of this Uniparty and Trump has exposed the worst offenders. Their future is at risk and they aren’t happy. I hope Trump will put an end to these politicians who when they lose or retire they can’t become lobbyists. Let them get real jobs, pay their own way in life just like the rest of us. None of them have done us any favors and they deserve nothing.
The part of this I think there is something to is they genuinely thought they were impacting policy and people were listening to them. Whatever influence they had was shown to no longer exisr
And what China did in 2018 and got caught in 2019 and now you can see their buddies invited into BRICS. Feeding into our enemies is a clear offense of a country that we should rethink and reposition as a collective G7
They were all happy to come in second place to Dems so long as they were invited to the cocktail parties. Then along comes this brash NY real estate developer with no political experience and says, "Nice party you got there. It would be a shame if someone took it over and made it great again."
Bingo.... DING DING DING DING. Republicans come to DC to complain about Democrats, they make a speech on the floor of congress, and then vote with the Democrats. They're still doing that, even when we call it out. Then they go back in another two years and ask for money to oppose democrats. It's the definition of the uniparty.
Yes, second place gets you a place at the table ... last place. You're right, too many so called conservatives are RHINOS and are happy to go along. Trump 2024!
4. He’s self-made and rich. They hate that he doesn’t have to kow-tow to the donors and lobbyists to make money on the side. They hate rich people who make money honestly because they can’t. They aren’t smart enough.
I don't want my sons being forcibly drafted to go fight in some sandbox, such that the outcome is giving 80 billion in high tech equipment away and losing 13 of our soldiers for nothing.
@Dalko26- I was once a teacher of martial arts, and had a lot of teenaged students, some of whom asked me about careers in the military. Back in the old days, I used to recommend it, but not anymore since Obama, Biden et al. gained power. I tell them if they want to help their country and themselves to learn a trade, get married, and start a family. War has always been a racket, but there was one important difference back eighty years ago: The ruling class sent their sons into uniform too, and into combat in some cases. Franklin Roosevelt had three sons in the military during WW2, and they all saw action and went in harm's way. When's the last time anyone in today's Washington D.C. did that? They and theirs don't intend to get their hands dirty, let alone bloody, fighting all of those wars they start. They regard your sons and perhaps daughters, too, as cannon fodder to be spent furthering their career ambitions, wealth and status. General S.D. Butler's book from the 1930s is still in print and still as powerful as ever, "War is a Racket" - it is worth the time to read and eye-opening to say the least. Butler retired in 1931 as the highest-ranking Marine in China after a distinguished career which saw him earn not one but two Medals of Honor. He'd hoped to become Commandant of the Corps, but was not chosen. During the last decade of his life, he became something of a pacifist and wrote the book.
@@kudjo24 Impossible but clearly they can clean out a lot. They're incredibly fearful that he will fire many of the long term staffers that helped to work against his administration last time and who consider new administrations the "summer help". Remove that base and replace with loyalists and suddenly you're cut out a big portion of the rot. It makes it much more difficult for people to subvert the administration and/or keep any secrets. Removing the DC court would also be a step in the right direction considering that they just rubber stamp anything the Democrats and 3-letter agencies want. Make them go to the court of the state they want to do something and fight it out with the Judge as the Founders expected them. Oh you want to raid Mar Del Lago? You'll actually have to show proof to the Florida District Court and have the local law enforcement approve of the force used.
I first noticed that when I moved out to Southern California in 2007. Legal Hispanics, some of whom had families living in the US for 150 years, were bigger border hawks than me. They were at ground zero. Their lives were negatively affected by unchecked illegal immigration.
Most of my crew ( electricians) told me they were voteing Trump back in 2016 I was shocked and they wanted the border Closed they were smart enough to know illegals would eventually take their jobs working for less money and I said they always had a job with me Hispanics are great workers !!
I met a Mexican American man sitting at Old Faithful in Yellowstone in 2017, who lived on Texas border. He decried what the left was fighting Trump over then. He saw what border security was fighting for. US.
I dislike Trump and I am not a rino. If anything I find him being way too socially liberal, not conservative. I don't see how leftist pro-abortionsts like Gabbard, Musk and Kennedy are better than Mitt Romney though?
No, you want Trump to be a dictator from day one. Trump is a liar, adulterer, convicted felon, grifter and con man. You have been conned by Trump. Trump's lies about the election being stolen caused the MAGA cult to invade our capitol and people died. No real patriot would vote for Trump.
Would absolutely love to see Bill Crystal, George Will, David From, have a discussion with Victor Hanson about Trump.....talk about enlightening and entertaining!
I lost all respect for George Will, Bill Crystal and their ilk when they became never Trump. I was so frustrated with the GOP before Trump. I left the democrats when I got out of college in the 90's and realized they were not for people trying to make their way in the world and who were willing to work hard. They wanted to punish me. So I left them. I was in the GOP, because there was no other real alternative. I got so angry with them when they failed to live up to their promises. I supported W Bush on his foreign policy, thinking he was smart enough to get it done and fixed quickly, especially after 9-11. But it all just kept dragging on. Then Obama pushed through his healthcare plans which I knew were not going to improve things, and the GOP let them do it. McCain even helped! So I was not enthusiastic about the GOP for years. Then Trump came along. I didn't like him at first. I was not a viewer of his show, not liking reality TV. But I got a couple of his books and liked what I read. Then, when he showed what he would do in the primary debates, I was all in for him. I didn't think he would win. But when he did, I was glad. And I was ecstatic when he started actually following through on his campaign promises! A Republican that actually delivered, and was rolling back the democrats' socialist policies! So when these "conservative" pundits came out as Never Trump ,despite Trump's conservative policies, I knew their true colors. They aren't for the American people. They are for their DC elite cocktail party groups and coffee klatches.
Same, here. I never watched "The Apprentice". I became a Trump fan after reading the book that he co-wrote with Robert Kiyowaski. "Why We Want You to Be Rich". They warned of the destruction of the middle class.
@@andrewdalessandro9277 At the time, being a fairly far left Democrat voter who was also rural and hardline pro-2A, I was somewhat understanding of Obama's statement. As insulting as it was to many of the people I grew up around, it was also reflective of how I saw some of the behaviors of my neighbors. By the time Clinton made her "deplorables" statement, I realized that I had afforded Obama and the DNC too much grace. It wasn't a harsh-but-fair criticism of stubbornly obstructionist behavior. It was contempt for those "backwards" people as a group. They don't just hate your behavior or values; they hate you.
My wife, myself, my son, daughter in law, and granddaughter and most of my Facebook friends are voting for Donald Trump! We love Donald Trump, he's the common sense and the common man and woman's presidential candidate! MAGA!
I'm a staunch Constitutional Conservative who came out strongly "never-Trump" in 2016 for 2 reasons: 1) I didn't believe he knew anything important about our Constitution (my #1 litmus test), and 2) he was crass, mean, and had diarrhea out the mouth. I couldn't stand to listen to his rambling, self-aggrandizing, low-brow blather. I was shocked when he won in 2016 and very glad he beat Hillary, but I held on to my skepticism and watched what he did. After 4 years, I was pleasantly surprised with his accomplishments. So I grudgingly voted for him in 2020, and that election and its aftermath proved to me how horrible the Left was and how, despite my preferences, Trump was the man for the job. His presence is like pouring water on the wicked witch - the left just screams and howls at everything he does. So I wholeheartedly support him this time, and I've seen him improve in how he speaks, how he presents himself, who he's choosing to associate with, etc. And I feel the Constitution is in FAR better hands with Trump, than the current alternatives (obviously).
@@heatherknopp3723 So it’s very important to you to own the left, eh? Watch what your Orange Guy does to this country & the constitution this time. He’s a convicted felon.
Hit 200k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started with 14k last year 2023, God bless America ❤️🇺🇲
Only God knows how much grateful i am. After so much struggles I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place!!
I started pretty low, though, $5000 thereabouts. The return came massive. Joey is in school doing well, telling me of new friends he's meeting in school. Thank you Susan Christy, you're a miracle.
Wow...I know her too she is a licensed broker and a FINRA agent she is popular in US and Canada she is really amazing woman with good skills and experience.
I've never forgotten what George Will said about Reagan when he was negotiating with Gorbachev in 1987 to eliminate the threat of nuclear war. He called Reagan a "useful idiot". That's George Will. He's Bushie Uniparty guy, like Rove Cheney, Romney etc.
Hillary refers to anyone supporting Trump as “ deplorable “ . When they tried busing illegal immigration members to Martha’s Vineyard the community raised such an uproar that they then had to bus them to sanctuary city New York to join the government sponsored direct flight recipients in hotels accommodations there. They seemed to be of the not in my back yard mindset.
He's one of the few that is always worth listening to. I would say it's him, Douglas Murray, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Tucker Carlson, and Clarence Thomas. I'm sure there's others but I can't think of them right now. EDIT: Kimberly Strassel as well.
No he most certainly is not. Jesus is. Jesus sacrificed himself for his people. Trump has done nothing to even help free his own J6 heroes rotting in prison for the last 4 years. He's an utter self-serving coward.
Jordan Peterson described Trump as being viewed by the elites as "déclassé," and this is accurate: Trump's appeal is not to the interests of the elites; his appeal is to the concerns of the common man. This, and the fact that as a complete political outsider, he managed to beat the political class at its own game, is why he has earned the contempt and implacable hatred of the elites--of both parties.
Trump is a member of the economic elite - he's a billionaire himself - but he is different than many of his fellow plutocrats in one very important way: He knows that the people are the foundation of the wealth and prosperity of this country, ordinary people and not the kind of sliver spoon types who so infest the American aristocracy. He knows that if the America of the common man falls, they and it take everything and everyone else with them. And he's absolutely right. Thank goodness he has some strong and capable allies this time around.... because he's gonna need them. This fight isn't over, in fact it is just getting started. And the people who voted for him had better not roll over and go back to sleep again like last time; all hands are needed on deck for this one....
@@johnnyelizabethton that’s not a right. I’m talking about constitutional rights and you’re playing games. As far as the media goes, they’ve been lying about Trump for eight years and you believe everything they say. So don’t tell me you don’t trust the media.
@@johnnyelizabethton I asked a serious question, and all you can do is play games. Think about this, the media is all run by Democrats. If you don’t trust them, then why do you believe everything they say about Trump? If you don’t trust the media, then it’s the Democrats you don’t trust because the media is all run by liberals
@@johnnyelizabethton the media is run by liberals. Don’t tell me that you don’t trust them because you believe everything they say about Trump. If you don’t trust the media, then it’s the Democrats who you really don’t trust.
In his first term, President Trump showed everyone how "easy" or straightforward the fixes are, IF, a politician ACTUALLY wants to solve problems and work in the best interests of his country.
@@willfakaroni5808 1. Reduced taxation for middle class, which brough in more revenue 2. Re-wrote "free" trade deals that returned investment in to the U.S. 3. No wars. 4. Ended ISIS 5. Outstanding, QUALIFIED judicial appointments 6. Border security, including Remain in Mexico policy 7. Returned investment and manufacturing to U.S. 8. Ended Iran's nuclear program 9. Recognized China as a threat and got China to buy $50B worth of goods and services over six months Keep watching Joy Reid.
@@willfakaroni5808 I listed nine accomplishments that YT has censored for whatever reason. All in his first term... President Trump has already gotten agreement for investment of $120B from SoftBank (Japan) and $20B for data centers from a Dubai-based firm. You may want to choose a better news sources.
@@willfakaroni5808 I listed nine accomplishments from his first term that YT is censoring... He's already announced $120B in new investments over the last two weeks from Japan and Middle East.
One thing for sure that we can say about never Trumpers… They do not care about policy. They can say they are for R policies but they arn’t or they would not vote for D policy and that is the bottom line. I wonder if they are part of the establishment and they would be “never” any candidate that may be a threat to the status quo? They want to preserve the “machine” that currently exists because even as the minority party there is more in it for them than if the problems we see were fixed.
Thanks again John for another talk with Victor, spawning these informative video shorts. One of our climate scientist interviewers in the States is Tom Nelson (you might enjoy an interview with him). In talking with Tom after an interview with Will Happer Princeton Emeritus, I mentioned to him that people like Will Happer and Victor and some others, I describe with the term, "Casual Brilliance." I noticed a common trait among the group, that if you just let them talk, you get not only answers to questions, but a smorgasbord of information bits about things that you may never have even heard of, presented with casual brilliance. Hope your holidays are good - luv the Aussies, Sky AU, Miranda Devine, Outsiders...
The common people want common sense and don't want to become a Socialist Communist dictatorship. The common people enjoy their freedom and liberty in a democratic Republic. VOTE, Trump 24 47 Y'all 🤠
Pretty accurate. Old time economic conservatives were often socially liberal, but on economics were clearly for the rich.The Dems try to pretend they are on the side of the working class, but serve the rich. I have been waiting along time for a G.O.P. or even a Dem party that isn't just for the wealthy. That time could be soon.
Trump is a very difficult man. He alienates many. But he is a means to an end. His preferred policies are clear, but the degree of sucess depends on the makeup Congress, policy details and the basic persuasion of the proposed change. His policies began substantial changes beginning in 2016. In 2020, most continued, unchanged. Trump 2024
Trump is "difficult"as you term it, but the American people have tried, time and time again, being polite with the Washington insiders and the ruling class working against the interests of the people and it didn't work. Time to bring in a bull in the china shop. If the swamp creatures don't like it, they have no one to blame but themselves. The people will be heard - period!
This is why party lines are never effective in addressing the Government’s incursion and manipulation of the private sectors economic activity.One side is unanimously dedicated to regulating,manipulating,and directing its activities,and the other side is straddling the fence.We must get Government out of our business.
I have always felt Trump is not a Republican which is why the establishment conservatives hate him. This is not a bad thing for those of us that the establishment be they right or left are the essence of the problem.
Trump isn’t a conservative. He’s a realist. His whole being was a businessman developer. He’s results oriented. He’s a problem solver. Recognize the problem. Identify the solution. Implement the plan to achieve it. Politicians, on the other hand, talk about doing things.
Missing something here, Trump is not a Globalist, or a Neo-Con, like the others, Conservative or not.
He is, however, a sociopathic traitor. No thanks!
@@SenorJuan2023 prove it.
Why are boomers incapable of using the spacebar properly? Every comment is like this why are w e doing this.
@@2TrackMind-c6i Google personality disorder. Scary stuff. GOP and the so called liberal media have been covering it up. Traitor is blatantly obvious. if you're not bright enough to realize it, you shouldn't even be voting. WOW
@@SenorJuan2023 He is nothing of the sort.
Victor Davis Hanson always nails it. He is a keen observer and a truth teller. I’m a fan.
He has remained in touch with people who work.
What I love about VDH is that he explains things in a matter of fact way, not pontificating, not pushing a narrative/agenda. He says things like they are blatantly obvious, without condescension.
@@johnscott5662 he "nails" nothing. He just puts you to sleep. Pure tedium.
@@greenwich1754 Good ole borin VDH, huh? Wonder what his classes are like? Hope they are all closer to bed time!
I remember the people Victor mentioned and I don't miss them at all.
i know bush isn't included but he is democrat now. I'm thinking all along he was democrat and ran under the republican ticket?
I like that Trump made them show their true colors. Lookin at you Liz Cheney.
i used to watch george will debate with chris wallace and cokie roberts - i used to watch david brooks spar with mark shields
they simply refuse to accept that they are part of the uniparty - i had to part ways with their hypocrisy
Chaney's and Bush are awful.
I stopped watching tv four years ago I don’t even know what those people look like any more.
I know two people who met and been around Trump and they both said that he is an amazing person very kind very giving and nothing how the media portray him! I’m sorry, but I will believe to these people Not the mainstream media
@@earthlytouch7540 Wise choice. 2 people, eh? Actually, “the media” doesn’t have to portray him in any way. Just listen to him & watch what he does. Good for you.
@@russellhogan2708 there you are again! You still don’t have a clue!
I listened to Steve Bannon for about 3 hours of interviews. Many after the band broke up. Bannon had enormous respect for Trump. Totally changed my attitude about Trump.
@ Bannon’s a criminal also. Don’t be conned.
The difference between Trump and the DC swamp is that he made his money before getting into politics.
He helped create that swamp by donating to politicians (mostly Democrat) all his adult life.
@@ybrix101 and who knew they were going to turn out as radical as they are right now? There are an awful lot of Democrats out there with buyers remorse because of the same thing! Your comment means nothing!
@@ryeguy7941 BS. He went bankrupt multiple times, even on casinos!
@@russellhogan2708And had many more successful business endeavors.
At the end of the day, the common people want the same things.
We want freedom of religion, not Donald Trump deciding what our religious beliefs should be
@@peterjermey7235Trump doesn’t care what your religious beliefs are
You’re believing lies. Donald Trump doesn’t mind at all what your religious beliefs are. Your candidate Harris should look in the mirror, she seems to have quite the disdain for Christianity as made apparent by her response in her recent La Crosse, WI rally.
@@peterjermey7235What laws did he bring in last time that forced you to believe in a particular religion?
@@allananderson949 Trump made him scared. Therefore, Trump is bad.
Because he’s not a career politician. And shows that most of them don’t care about the country. Just themselves.
It's funny how Cumala's supporters are always shrieking that Trump is incompetent when SHE can't even stay on topic during softball interviews
Thank you. I have dealt with some people like that.
@@jeremyallen5974 Projection on steroids!
So the guy who tried to overturn the 2020 election by submitting fraudulent electors cares about the country?
@@jeremyallen5974 So me one video where Trump goes into detail and talks coherently about any policy position.
Get rid of Mitch McConnell for starters ...
Amen! The king of Rino's
And his swampy Chinese wife.
That retread doesn't know enough to slither away. He likes the money and likes the status quo so he and his friends can make oodles of money given to them by the war machine, and big pharma and other people looking out for themselves and not us.
@blipderp-fh9eeJust don't riot this time when trump wins
@blipderp-fh9ee riiight 😂
Love listening to Mr. Davis. He clears up, defines, and outlines his commentary for easy comprehension. Thank you.
Brilliant as always. VDH is a national treasure.
Get rid of Romney!
glad they finally got Rona out of the RNC
Please do not promote further infighting among our fellow Republicans - that is the last thing we need at this critical juncture.
I think that’s a bit rich considering a number of these politicians will actively go against their alleged values because they don’t like the spokesperson.
Romney chose not to run for reelection. He would have lost badly had he done so. He will not be returning to the Senate in 2025.
Get rid of Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, and the squad .
I’m a lifelong conservative and I’ve voted for Trump three times now.
So have I!!
Same, except I became a Conservative after 9/11.
Me too!
RINOS are not getting their party back. They can join Liz Cheney.
There is no scraps in your scrap book
@@codyvandal2860your elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top
@@Mr.libertarian0812 you dont even understand the reference
It’s nothing but Rhinos! Look at the latest addition of Rhinos. Kennedy, Musk, Gabbard……
Lol. WTH are you even talking about? There’s no real conservatives left! Lol.
@@codyvandal2860 Thank you for your semi-literate attempt.
This Man is amazing! His lecture on George Patton is fabulous!
Great insight. The election proved your commentary was spot on. 💯💯💯
Professor Hanson is 100% right.
can Trump be critiqued from the right? Not lame types, but people who know what's going on. Because Vic just ran right past lot's of real things to get to "RINOS!"
Hanson is correct....the GOP has changed for the better. It is now more welcoming than it ever was before Trump.
And a lot of the nevers hate that they were perfectly comfortable with being the war party and party of the rich
Correct. Though the Democrats greatly enabled that by going hard core bolshevik.
. . . for better, and hopefully, for good.
Correct. Though the D.m.crats greatly enabled that by going hard core bolshevik.
[Wrongfully deleted. Restored.]
The Republicans that dislike Trump are angry in my opinion because they devoted their careers to politics and here comes this guy who energizes their constituents in ways never seen before. They love being in big government for the respect versus Trump who wants accomplishments that the people really want. As a voter, I am sick of this Uniparty and Trump has exposed the worst offenders. Their future is at risk and they aren’t happy. I hope Trump will put an end to these politicians who when they lose or retire they can’t become lobbyists. Let them get real jobs, pay their own way in life just like the rest of us. None of them have done us any favors and they deserve nothing.
The part of this I think there is something to is they genuinely thought they were impacting policy and people were listening to them. Whatever influence they had was shown to no longer exisr
This sounds like a parody but it isn't, is it?
I agree
And what China did in 2018 and got caught in 2019 and now you can see their buddies invited into BRICS. Feeding into our enemies is a clear offense of a country that we should rethink and reposition as a collective G7
Drain the Swamp !!
Love Victor! Wise man
Americans have spoken....MAGA!
They were all happy to come in second place to Dems so long as they were invited to the cocktail parties. Then along comes this brash NY real estate developer with no political experience and says, "Nice party you got there. It would be a shame if someone took it over and made it great again."
Bingo.... DING DING DING DING. Republicans come to DC to complain about Democrats, they make a speech on the floor of congress, and then vote with the Democrats. They're still doing that, even when we call it out. Then they go back in another two years and ask for money to oppose democrats. It's the definition of the uniparty.
Yes, second place gets you a place at the table ... last place. You're right, too many so called conservatives are RHINOS and are happy to go along. Trump 2024!
Yes. That’s spot on.
You are correct. republicans do not want to lead, and as you said, they want all the benefits of being in Washington.
Both McCain and Romney ran to lose. Winning was never their plan.
1. He’s not part of the swamp
2. He doesn’t launder money via dropping bombs on people
3. He’s a threat to 1 because of 2
Trump is literally the swamp.
4. He’s self-made and rich. They hate that he doesn’t have to kow-tow to the donors and lobbyists to make money on the side. They hate rich people who make money honestly because they can’t. They aren’t smart enough.
1. Trump is a one-man swamp of amoral behaviors.
However, he is a Convicted Felon. Awaiting sentencing after the election. Can’t wait to see him in an orange jumpsuit
Victor Davis Hanson is an American Treasure.
So true
yes, but he's way off on this one -- maybe the first time ever I've heard him be so tone-deaf on a topic
Answer: Because they are liberals. Anyone who prefers Kamala Harris to anyone else is not a conservative.
I don't want my sons being forcibly drafted to go fight in some sandbox, such that the outcome is giving 80 billion in high tech equipment away and losing 13 of our soldiers for nothing.
@Dalko26- I was once a teacher of martial arts, and had a lot of teenaged students, some of whom asked me about careers in the military. Back in the old days, I used to recommend it, but not anymore since Obama, Biden et al. gained power. I tell them if they want to help their country and themselves to learn a trade, get married, and start a family. War has always been a racket, but there was one important difference back eighty years ago: The ruling class sent their sons into uniform too, and into combat in some cases. Franklin Roosevelt had three sons in the military during WW2, and they all saw action and went in harm's way. When's the last time anyone in today's Washington D.C. did that?
They and theirs don't intend to get their hands dirty, let alone bloody, fighting all of those wars they start. They regard your sons and perhaps daughters, too, as cannon fodder to be spent furthering their career ambitions, wealth and status.
General S.D. Butler's book from the 1930s is still in print and still as powerful as ever, "War is a Racket" - it is worth the time to read and eye-opening to say the least. Butler retired in 1931 as the highest-ranking Marine in China after a distinguished career which saw him earn not one but two Medals of Honor. He'd hoped to become Commandant of the Corps, but was not chosen. During the last decade of his life, he became something of a pacifist and wrote the book.
Clear out that dirty washington swamp, give the country back to the people.......
Impossible with DC, best chance is to totally move a new capitol elsewhere, so Maralago isn't a bad start for now.
@@kudjo24they already call it the “Winter White House”
@@kudjo24 Impossible but clearly they can clean out a lot. They're incredibly fearful that he will fire many of the long term staffers that helped to work against his administration last time and who consider new administrations the "summer help". Remove that base and replace with loyalists and suddenly you're cut out a big portion of the rot. It makes it much more difficult for people to subvert the administration and/or keep any secrets. Removing the DC court would also be a step in the right direction considering that they just rubber stamp anything the Democrats and 3-letter agencies want. Make them go to the court of the state they want to do something and fight it out with the Judge as the Founders expected them.
Oh you want to raid Mar Del Lago? You'll actually have to show proof to the Florida District Court and have the local law enforcement approve of the force used.
@@kudjo24 Well at least he burned the sheets and mattresses after Obama
When was this time when the country belonged to the people?
Stop calling RINOS ,Conservatives..
They are very different but still elitists who care nothing for the people.
Closet trots is closer to the truth.
@@henrylicious These never Trumpers are dem sleeper agents.
Especially McConnell, Romney, Ryan or Rove.
Especially the Bushes and Cheneys.
I first noticed that when I moved out to Southern California in 2007. Legal Hispanics, some of whom had families living in the US for 150 years, were bigger border hawks than me. They were at ground zero. Their lives were negatively affected by unchecked illegal immigration.
So was Cesar Chavez!
Most of my crew ( electricians) told me they were voteing Trump back in 2016 I was shocked and they wanted the border Closed they were smart enough to know illegals would eventually take their jobs working for less money and I said they always had a job with me Hispanics are great workers !!
Cesar Chavez was anti illegal immigrant with no compromise.
The illegals undercut the wages of the legal citizen farm workers he represented.
I met a Mexican American man sitting at Old Faithful in Yellowstone in 2017, who lived on Texas border. He decried what the left was fighting Trump over then. He saw what border security was fighting for. US.
The hatred comes from his dedication to enforce the laws that protect us and to do it expediently, their way is to put D C first and Americans last
I like your style of letting people speak. I turn off interviews where they talk over each other.
I hope the RINOs leave for good. Let them join the Democrat party. They will be much happier over there.
They probably will. Going forward it will be big government/deep state party VS small government/We The People party
I dislike Trump and I am not a rino. If anything I find him being way too socially liberal, not conservative.
I don't see how leftist pro-abortionsts like Gabbard, Musk and Kennedy are better than Mitt Romney though?
I'm Lebanese, vote for trump for peace in the middle east and make America great again
We just want to leave you people alone, work it out amongst yourselves.
We want peace for y'all, too. In any event, whether it's peace or war, it's none of our business.
He did it before. He'll do it again.
His son-in-law wants to build a sea resort on the ruins of Gaza.
@@Nathaniel-r8l i head he is too busy with your sis
Because they're not really conservative.
Trump is far from a conservative
There are ZERO conservatives in the mainstream of society. It's Liberals Left, Right, Middle, Not political
@@Antonio_Serdar True. But not as far as they are.
The establishment RINO'S have more in common with democrats than conservatives. John Behner was an adamant enemy of conservatives.
@@Antonio_Serdar Agree. He is the leader of the Radical Right.
Victor is right on 👍👍
Trump’s entrance into politics has exposed all kinds of people for who they really are. Some we thought were on our side are really not.
America wants it's Republic back. Not a socialistdemocrat terrorist supporter.
President TRUMP for the 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
youre an idiot
Trump is a sociopathic traitor. NO THANKS
No, you want Trump to be a dictator from day one. Trump is a liar, adulterer, convicted felon, grifter and con man. You have been conned by Trump. Trump's lies about the election being stolen caused the MAGA cult to invade our capitol and people died. No real patriot would vote for Trump.
You can't define any of those words but hey it's the internet so why not use them.
@@randallpickering9944 No need to define them. I learned them before I graduated high school. If you don't understand them, you need to up your game.
Trump is taking away the Bush/Neocon punch bowl. Parties that end abruptly are always hated.
Spill the bowl. 🥣
@@johnkarpierz9147 Yes, that ship has sailed!
@@robertkauffman8137 Good!
Yes they are all corrupt, they are all paid pundits.
The never trumpers will not be missed……go now and don’t come back.
We'll be here forever, we outnumber you 6 to 1.😘
We'll be here forever, we outnumber you 6 to 1.😘
@@Junior-ck3jq if your ratio is accurate then Kamala will get 90 percent.😂
Weird that Trump is winning (and I'm still not sick of it) @@Junior-ck3jq
You literally don’t though Lol
Would absolutely love to see Bill Crystal, George Will, David From, have a discussion with Victor Hanson about Trump.....talk about enlightening and entertaining!
Excellent observations!
The Blue Bloods in the Old Republican party don't like the idea that they'd have to rub elbows with the working man.
They're elitists!!!!
That is so true. Rubbing elbows with the working man has NEVER bothered Trump.
@@texasskyliner704 He's run graders, front end loaders and driven trucks. He's a working guy at heart!
Glorified horse thieves - look up the ancestors of the BUSHES...highway robbers.
@johnhill7585 He's a spoiled rich kid at heart.
I lost all respect for George Will, Bill Crystal and their ilk when they became never Trump. I was so frustrated with the GOP before Trump. I left the democrats when I got out of college in the 90's and realized they were not for people trying to make their way in the world and who were willing to work hard. They wanted to punish me. So I left them. I was in the GOP, because there was no other real alternative. I got so angry with them when they failed to live up to their promises. I supported W Bush on his foreign policy, thinking he was smart enough to get it done and fixed quickly, especially after 9-11. But it all just kept dragging on. Then Obama pushed through his healthcare plans which I knew were not going to improve things, and the GOP let them do it. McCain even helped! So I was not enthusiastic about the GOP for years. Then Trump came along. I didn't like him at first. I was not a viewer of his show, not liking reality TV. But I got a couple of his books and liked what I read. Then, when he showed what he would do in the primary debates, I was all in for him. I didn't think he would win. But when he did, I was glad. And I was ecstatic when he started actually following through on his campaign promises! A Republican that actually delivered, and was rolling back the democrats' socialist policies! So when these "conservative" pundits came out as Never Trump ,despite Trump's conservative policies, I knew their true colors. They aren't for the American people. They are for their DC elite cocktail party groups and coffee klatches.
Good post.
So true !
@@fred-ts9pb Thanks. I appreciate that!
Perfectly well stated!
Same, here. I never watched "The Apprentice". I became a Trump fan after reading the book that he co-wrote with Robert Kiyowaski. "Why We Want You to Be Rich". They warned of the destruction of the middle class.
Hilary called them,"deplorables"
Obama started with guns etc talking about rural people. Then she coined the Deplorables. Then I became one . Trump 2024🇺🇸🇺🇸
😂 That worked out well for her.
@@andrewdalessandro9277 At the time, being a fairly far left Democrat voter who was also rural and hardline pro-2A, I was somewhat understanding of Obama's statement. As insulting as it was to many of the people I grew up around, it was also reflective of how I saw some of the behaviors of my neighbors.
By the time Clinton made her "deplorables" statement, I realized that I had afforded Obama and the DNC too much grace. It wasn't a harsh-but-fair criticism of stubbornly obstructionist behavior. It was contempt for those "backwards" people as a group.
They don't just hate your behavior or values; they hate you.
@@MA-ri5he Lol!!! I'm definitely sharing your laugh on that one. Hopefully the dems loose this time so bad it's an absolute embarrassment to them!!!
A national middle class party is the answer to put a halt to status quo in Wasington
They are waiting for the time when trump HAS to leave, then they will push the party back to where it was. It will be without me.
My wife, myself, my son, daughter in law, and granddaughter and most of my Facebook friends are voting for Donald Trump! We love Donald Trump, he's the common sense and the common man and woman's presidential candidate! MAGA!
They smear him because they fear him!
@@lilajagears8317 He is dangerous. Just watch.
@russellhogan2708 Whatever comrade!
@@russellhogan2708 read some of your other comments! You’re just a brainwashed lefty! You don’t have a clue!
Trumphobia must stop. You guys come across as delusional.
With all of trumps smear, he has a lot of fear.
Support Trump plus JD and not Harris and Witz.
I'm a staunch Constitutional Conservative who came out strongly "never-Trump" in 2016 for 2 reasons: 1) I didn't believe he knew anything important about our Constitution (my #1 litmus test), and 2) he was crass, mean, and had diarrhea out the mouth. I couldn't stand to listen to his rambling, self-aggrandizing, low-brow blather. I was shocked when he won in 2016 and very glad he beat Hillary, but I held on to my skepticism and watched what he did. After 4 years, I was pleasantly surprised with his accomplishments. So I grudgingly voted for him in 2020, and that election and its aftermath proved to me how horrible the Left was and how, despite my preferences, Trump was the man for the job. His presence is like pouring water on the wicked witch - the left just screams and howls at everything he does. So I wholeheartedly support him this time, and I've seen him improve in how he speaks, how he presents himself, who he's choosing to associate with, etc. And I feel the Constitution is in FAR better hands with Trump, than the current alternatives (obviously).
You might be wrong about that last statement.
@@heatherknopp3723 So it’s very important to you to own the left, eh? Watch what your Orange Guy does to this country & the constitution this time. He’s a convicted felon.
Because Trump isn't a pro-war neocon. The end.
Hit 200k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started with 14k last year 2023, God bless America ❤️🇺🇲
Only God knows how much grateful i am. After so much struggles I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place!!
Wow that's huge, how do you make that much monthly?.. I'm 37 and have been looking for ways to be successful, please how??
It's Ms. Susan Jane Christy doing, she's changed my life.
I started pretty low, though, $5000 thereabouts. The return came massive. Joey is in school doing well, telling me of new friends he's meeting in school. Thank you Susan Christy, you're a miracle.
Wow...I know her too she is a licensed broker and a FINRA agent she is popular in US and Canada she is really amazing woman with good skills and experience.
I quit watching George Will and the rest of those so-called conservatives when they turned on Trump years ago.
They too were part of the system.
I've never forgotten what George Will said about Reagan when he was negotiating with Gorbachev in 1987 to eliminate the threat of nuclear war. He called Reagan a "useful idiot". That's George Will. He's Bushie Uniparty guy, like Rove Cheney, Romney etc.
Why do you think VDH is so tone-deaf as to call them conservatives when they are clearly RINO's? I thought VDH was brilliant. What happened here?
People like george will and al sharpton come together as nevertrumpers...Just more reason to Vote Trump!
Yup President Trump helped Al Sharpton and now look at him. He has turned his back on President Trump. Nothing but a taker.. 😤😤😤
George Will enjoyed a good life while conservatives and Republicans remained in second place, losing influence year after year in the culture.
Because he can expose how corrupt they are.
I love Trump ❤for devoting to our country
And the rest of us are just sick of getting ripped off by incompetent govt.
agree 100%..
I imagine you'll be just as sick of it come 2028.
Trump is upending the political machine even on the “right”. There is a lot of lobbying on both sides.
Does not matter if you hate him…vote him in anyway,..we want a President,..that will do what’s right for the country!!!!
Carlprutzman85,There is no rational reason,for the hate put on Trump.
@@stevesutton5498 yes..I strongly agree with you!
@@stevesutton5498It is because they would rather have a Country for the rich and for their slaves
I didn’t invite the man to dinner. I voted for him so I could *afford* dinner.
He shows how to get things done. Things Republicans said couldn’t be done and haven’t bothered to try to do
He's not a swamp creature. They can't get any strings on him.
Hillary refers to anyone supporting Trump as “ deplorable “ .
When they tried busing illegal immigration members to Martha’s Vineyard the community raised such an uproar that they then had to bus them to sanctuary city New York to join the government sponsored direct flight recipients in hotels accommodations there.
They seemed to be of the not in my back yard mindset.
Not In My Backyard
And she one of the discustable
She was spot on.
VDH is always right, he doesn’t say anything until he has thought it through. That’s why I always listen & read his words.
He's one of the few that is always worth listening to. I would say it's him, Douglas Murray, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Tucker Carlson, and Clarence Thomas. I'm sure there's others but I can't think of them right now. EDIT: Kimberly Strassel as well.
Well hes actually wrong because these never trump conservatives have been proven reg democrats so. Clearly wrong.
He's not always right. Not even close. His only area of real expertise is classical Greece. This is a guy who claims long covid is a thing.
Trump is the man for these hard times..
No he most certainly is not. Jesus is. Jesus sacrificed himself for his people. Trump has done nothing to even help free his own J6 heroes rotting in prison for the last 4 years. He's an utter self-serving coward.
There's a reason I will never move back to Northern Virginia.
The DMV is a cesspool.
Someone needs to overhaul congress! They have made themselves untouchcle!😡
Jordan Peterson described Trump as being viewed by the elites as "déclassé," and this is accurate: Trump's appeal is not to the interests of the elites; his appeal is to the concerns of the common man. This, and the fact that as a complete political outsider, he managed to beat the political class at its own game, is why he has earned the contempt and implacable hatred of the elites--of both parties.
Trump is a member of the economic elite - he's a billionaire himself - but he is different than many of his fellow plutocrats in one very important way: He knows that the people are the foundation of the wealth and prosperity of this country, ordinary people and not the kind of sliver spoon types who so infest the American aristocracy. He knows that if the America of the common man falls, they and it take everything and everyone else with them. And he's absolutely right. Thank goodness he has some strong and capable allies this time around.... because he's gonna need them. This fight isn't over, in fact it is just getting started. And the people who voted for him had better not roll over and go back to sleep again like last time; all hands are needed on deck for this one....
And therein lies trumps latest con. Thanks for playing.
@kellydoyle7833 Thank you for your input.
People are tired of the Uniparty.
What rights did you lose when Trump was president?
The right to trust the media.
@@johnnyelizabethton that’s not a right. I’m talking about constitutional rights and you’re playing games.
As far as the media goes, they’ve been lying about Trump for eight years and you believe everything they say. So don’t tell me you don’t trust the media.
@@johnnyelizabethton I asked a serious question, and all you can do is play games. Think about this, the media is all run by Democrats. If you don’t trust them, then why do you believe everything they say about Trump?
If you don’t trust the media, then it’s the Democrats you don’t trust because the media is all run by liberals
@@johnnyelizabethton the media is run by liberals. Don’t tell me that you don’t trust them because you believe everything they say about Trump. If you don’t trust the media, then it’s the Democrats who you really don’t trust.
@@johnnyelizabethton the media is run by Democrats. So you’re saying you don’t trust Democrats.
In his first term, President Trump showed everyone how "easy" or straightforward the fixes are, IF, a politician ACTUALLY wants to solve problems and work in the best interests of his country.
How so?
Such as when?
@@willfakaroni5808 1. Reduced taxation for middle class, which brough in more revenue 2. Re-wrote "free" trade deals that returned investment in to the U.S. 3. No wars. 4. Ended ISIS 5. Outstanding, QUALIFIED judicial appointments 6. Border security, including Remain in Mexico policy 7. Returned investment and manufacturing to U.S. 8. Ended Iran's nuclear program 9. Recognized China as a threat and got China to buy $50B worth of goods and services over six months
Keep watching Joy Reid.
@@willfakaroni5808 I listed nine accomplishments that YT has censored for whatever reason. All in his first term...
President Trump has already gotten agreement for investment of $120B from SoftBank (Japan) and $20B for data centers from a Dubai-based firm.
You may want to choose a better news sources.
@@willfakaroni5808 I listed nine accomplishments from his first term that YT is censoring... He's already announced $120B in new investments over the last two weeks from Japan and Middle East.
Brilliant analysis as always, Dr. Hanson. You are the most compelling conservative extant. I pray Mr.Trump employs your counsel.
@@kevinkilduff2064 Trump doesn’t employ any “expert” counsel.
They want to be sanctimonious, at the expense of our country
they already are.
because they are rich already, and their entire life was living on their elite connections......the uniparty
That's funny, calling a pack of RINOs "conservatives".
No...he's just not into the grift that both sides feed off of.
If he was he would've just stayed a Democrat, not switched to be hated by his own party via RINO losers
Yes, that's a big part of it with GOP politicians. But with the pundits Hanson is right. The chief motivator there is snobbery.
Trump not into the grift??????? Do you mind telling us what it is you are taking?
VOTE EARLY- BRING YOUR FRIENDS & RELATIVES!! Get these incompetent people out of office!!
You have to be so conservative that integrity, morals, and character no longer exist. Only your cult matters.
One thing for sure that we can say about never Trumpers… They do not care about policy. They can say they are for R policies but they arn’t or they would not vote for D policy and that is the bottom line. I wonder if they are part of the establishment and they would be “never” any candidate that may be a threat to the status quo? They want to preserve the “machine” that currently exists because even as the minority party there is more in it for them than if the problems we see were fixed.
They care about democracy.
The Nevertrumpers continue to say that the GOP was better off when it had Thurmond, Helms, Bush and McCain.
@@tomfields3682Which has become a joke
@@tomfields3682 Keep telling yourself that...Nevertrumper. That's far from the truth. Wat is not democracy.
@@tomfields3682 War is not democracy.
Hes not a member of the good ole boy club they dont believe hes paid his dues in politics
Exactly. And he actually delivers results as opposed to the rest of the GOP who merely slows down the democrats' march towards communism.
"It's a big club and we ain't in it." -George Carlin
Those who were named are no longer major conservative voices, and haven’t been for a long time. They have made themselves obsolete.
Thanks again John for another talk with Victor, spawning these informative video shorts. One of our climate scientist interviewers in the States is Tom Nelson (you might enjoy an interview with him). In talking with Tom after an interview with Will Happer Princeton Emeritus, I mentioned to him that people like Will Happer and Victor and some others, I describe with the term, "Casual Brilliance."
I noticed a common trait among the group, that if you just let them talk, you get not only answers to questions, but a smorgasbord of information bits about things that you may never have even heard of, presented with casual brilliance.
Hope your holidays are good - luv the Aussies, Sky AU, Miranda Devine, Outsiders...
You made some clear points the media seldom discusses.
The common people want common sense and don't want to become a Socialist Communist dictatorship. The common people enjoy their freedom and liberty in a democratic Republic. VOTE, Trump 24 47 Y'all 🤠
......and the common people did......oops!
I get to vote for Trump tomorrow 😊
Vote them Rinos out!!!
I wish we had a parliament of John Andersons' .
Because they are actually Democrats
Democrat would be bad enough, these are actually members of the uniparty which is even worse.
Pretty accurate. Old time economic conservatives were often socially liberal, but on economics were clearly for the rich.The Dems try to pretend they are on the side of the working class, but serve the rich. I have been waiting along time for a G.O.P. or even a Dem party that isn't just for the wealthy. That time could be soon.
they are statists, a huge difference
Trump is building a wall of irrelevance around the Washington DC Elitists.
Trump is a very difficult man. He alienates many. But he is a means to an end. His preferred policies are clear, but the degree of sucess depends on the makeup Congress, policy details and the basic persuasion of the proposed change.
His policies began substantial changes beginning in 2016. In 2020, most continued, unchanged.
Trump 2024
Trump is "difficult"as you term it, but the American people have tried, time and time again, being polite with the Washington insiders and the ruling class working against the interests of the people and it didn't work. Time to bring in a bull in the china shop. If the swamp creatures don't like it, they have no one to blame but themselves. The people will be heard - period!
If we get to the point where America ever needs more workers, we can except more foreigners through legal means, like it is supposed to be done
Being a cheerleader for the Iraq War correlates very well with Never Trumpers.
A great analysis!
TDS is everywhere
And that's why I want to get away from this country.I wanna get away from a country that's completely deranged and insane
@@djmars1983 Yeah, it's the worst. Except for every other country. Don't forget to thank a Democrat for the derangement on your way out.
All over this C-section.
@kellydoyle7833 No, Harris wasn't elected.
This is why party lines are never effective in addressing the Government’s incursion and manipulation of the private sectors economic activity.One side is unanimously dedicated to regulating,manipulating,and directing its activities,and the other side is straddling the fence.We must get Government out of our business.
They were never conservatives, just red tied oligarchs.
I have always felt Trump is not a Republican which is why the establishment conservatives hate him. This is not a bad thing for those of us that the establishment be they right or left are the essence of the problem.
Trump is more of a moderate or classical liberal or at most moderate conservative.
Old politicians that should be retired still living in the past.
That is Trump.
They only care about themselves. I believe TRUMP/VANCE will bring our country back to where it needs to be so I voted TRUMP/VANCE
Very helpful analysis. Thanks.
Trump isn’t a conservative. He’s a realist. His whole being was a businessman developer. He’s results oriented. He’s a problem solver. Recognize the problem. Identify the solution. Implement the plan to achieve it. Politicians, on the other hand, talk about doing things.
True and he's become a constitutional conservative, wanting the country to run more constitutionally correct
And the politicians never accomplish anything except getting re-elected.