Brilliant, I've just installed my se10k-rws, waited 9 months for it's arrival, currently running 20x 390w panels optimised on string 1, adding 18x optimised panels as string 2 in July all optimised.
Hi chaps. Another great installation and detailed explanatory video. I am doing my solar course in June and I've got a question about the DC surge protection unit. I am guessing other people will also be curious about this. I can see the two sets of terminals for the two strings on the dinrail but I'm not sure why each surge protection device has THREE trippable elements within it. In your installation is seems that one of the three devices protecting just one string has tripped. Why isn't it one device/trip per string like we have one mcb per AC circuit? I know you are busy and I will understand if you can't find time to answer. Keep up the good work. Thanks and regards. Andrew
Where can I get the dc surge protection units from? Can it be purchased as one unit with enclosure or do you have to build it up myself. If so what are all the components.
Great looking install, thanks for sharing. Just hoping to find out why only now are installers fitting SPDs to the dc side of the systems? Would the manufacturers not be responsible for ensuring their inverters have built-in spds on the dc side? Thanks
Some of the commercial inverters do have SPD’s built in but the domestic ones don’t currently have it. Other brands vary as to if they do have it built in.
I’m going to need 60x panels gulp and we don’t have 3-phase anywhere near. Would it be possible to run this size to single phase, perhaps to batteries and water storage? Great video would be interesting to know how many people did the install in the three weeks? As part of contracts I often install all the trucking and service routes as part of the build then the electrical team just wire, test and label. But in old massive building which we end up doing most, ‘invisible to client’ cabling is most of the hard work? Especially making them fully serviceable with draw cords etc! Super video looking forward to the update with batts!
Anything is possible, depending on your DNO. You could go for export limitation someway, or possibly look at going partially off grid with an automatic transfer switch to disconnect your property from the grid when your production goes over a certain level.
Thanks for the comment! As the other comment mentions it depends on the DNO. SolarEdge is great though as you can oversize the panels to inverter by 200%. So all of this would probably go onto a single phase 10kw inverter when orientations are also considered. It would have to be ran through the design tool to check
@@FiscalWoofer ok that’s a good size roof. In that case you probably won’t get 60 but it all depends on the size of inverter(s) you can get permission for from the DNO
Beautiful stuff! What bird protection are you using? I work for a firm that doesn't install it as standard (advises clients on where to go if bird protection is requested), and I think it often ends up being the dated (in my opinion) wire meshing. The solid protection illustrated in this video looks so much cleaner, and really ties in a solar array with the roof.
Are you concerned that one of the fuses on the DC circuit should have already blown? Does it suggest it might blow again and that there is a problem somewhere within the install?
Thanks for the comment, the part that blew was a surge arrestor and not a D.C. fuse so we aren’t concerned as the device has done its job and protected the inverter 👍
Looks a great install as usual from you guys. Only question I have is regarding the 17kw inverter being fed by a 6mm conductor on a 32amp mcb? Am I wrong in thinking that a phase with a 6mm conductor could potentially draw more than 10kw if it was being generated and the load required it?
Thanks very much. Remember this is a three phase system. If you look up the datasheet for an SE17K inverter the maximum continuous output current per phase is 26a 👍
Fantastic vid, yet again. But, how do you respond to the criticism of the solar skirt with it's reduction of airflow around the panel affecting panel efficiency?
Indeed, I wonder if there are skirts that are layered, finned or perforated; would still look good but also let the air flow through. It's my one gripe with in-roof solar; unless you are replacing the roof or it's a new roof and you design in an air gap between the tiles and the roof membrane as you do with external cladding.
Requiring an app for configuration is complete nonsense. Is there not even a terminal connection so that you're not reliant on a manufacturer to maintain the cloud infrastructure? Looks like the pin isn't sticking out the SPD, so it's the typical failure you see all the time from that brand - the flag drops even though no surge occurred.
Brilliant, I've just installed my se10k-rws, waited 9 months for it's arrival, currently running 20x 390w panels optimised on string 1, adding 18x optimised panels as string 2 in July all optimised.
That is one impressive install
Very nice wonderful video Thanks
Excellent job! ❤
Fantastic. That system is quite modern. I like it,
Thank you! It works really well with the slates!
Great job 🎉🎉
As ever Sam and your team best in the business for me great honest job 👏👏😎
Very nice install. Very nice house. Did you sell them a service plan for yearly ongoing service/maintenance?
No we don’t currently offer that.
Nice install. Did you recommend that they get a heat pump to heat the pool?
Thank you! No we didn’t to be honest as it’s a bit outside our scope. We didn’t want to suggest something that didn’t work! 😅
Hi chaps. Another great installation and detailed explanatory video. I am doing my solar course in June and I've got a question about the DC surge protection unit. I am guessing other people will also be curious about this. I can see the two sets of terminals for the two strings on the dinrail but I'm not sure why each surge protection device has THREE trippable elements within it. In your installation is seems that one of the three devices protecting just one string has tripped. Why isn't it one device/trip per string like we have one mcb per AC circuit? I know you are busy and I will understand if you can't find time to answer. Keep up the good work. Thanks and regards. Andrew
Nice neat job, what brand of fire board do you use ?
Thanks! It’s Hardie backer
Where can I get the dc surge protection units from? Can it be purchased as one unit with enclosure or do you have to build it up myself. If so what are all the components.
Have a look at surge protection devices. The connectors are from the wago top job range
@@OvalRenewables what’s the part number for the Wago topjob connector?
The Daniels Group are one of the better contractors in Cambridge. 👍👍👍
They are a great company 👍
First time viewer - cheers.
Thank you for watching! I hope you enjoy our videos!
Great looking install, thanks for sharing. Just hoping to find out why only now are installers fitting SPDs to the dc side of the systems? Would the manufacturers not be responsible for ensuring their inverters have built-in spds on the dc side? Thanks
Some of the commercial inverters do have SPD’s built in but the domestic ones don’t currently have it. Other brands vary as to if they do have it built in.
I’m going to need 60x panels gulp and we don’t have 3-phase anywhere near. Would it be possible to run this size to single phase, perhaps to batteries and water storage? Great video would be interesting to know how many people did the install in the three weeks? As part of contracts I often install all the trucking and service routes as part of the build then the electrical team just wire, test and label. But in old massive building which we end up doing most, ‘invisible to client’ cabling is most of the hard work? Especially making them fully serviceable with draw cords etc! Super video looking forward to the update with batts!
Anything is possible, depending on your DNO. You could go for export limitation someway, or possibly look at going partially off grid with an automatic transfer switch to disconnect your property from the grid when your production goes over a certain level.
Thanks for the comment! As the other comment mentions it depends on the DNO. SolarEdge is great though as you can oversize the panels to inverter by 200%. So all of this would probably go onto a single phase 10kw inverter when orientations are also considered. It would have to be ran through the design tool to check
@@OvalRenewables thank you! In our case it is only the south part of the roof that can take the 60x panels so it could be very effective in summer!
@@FiscalWoofer ok that’s a good size roof. In that case you probably won’t get 60 but it all depends on the size of inverter(s) you can get permission for from the DNO
Beautiful stuff! What bird protection are you using? I work for a firm that doesn't install it as standard (advises clients on where to go if bird protection is requested), and I think it often ends up being the dated (in my opinion) wire meshing. The solid protection illustrated in this video looks so much cleaner, and really ties in a solar array with the roof.
This system is called Solaskirt. It looks the business!
@@OvalRenewables Excellent! Thank you... I wish you were based closer to where I live because I'd be hounding you everyday to employ me.
Amazing project love it ! Would that skirt for the panels be ok for normal type roof tiles( the wavy ones ) or is it just for slate?
Works on all types, we've used it on Clay Conc and Slate
I'd like to work with you and learn from you. Seem very knowledgeable
Are you concerned that one of the fuses on the DC circuit should have already blown? Does it suggest it might blow again and that there is a problem somewhere within the install?
Thanks for the comment, the part that blew was a surge arrestor and not a D.C. fuse so we aren’t concerned as the device has done its job and protected the inverter 👍
Looks a great install as usual from you guys. Only question I have is regarding the 17kw inverter being fed by a 6mm conductor on a 32amp mcb? Am I wrong in thinking that a phase with a 6mm conductor could potentially draw more than 10kw if it was being generated and the load required it?
Thanks very much. Remember this is a three phase system. If you look up the datasheet for an SE17K inverter the maximum continuous output current per phase is 26a 👍
Fantastic vid, yet again. But, how do you respond to the criticism of the solar skirt with it's reduction of airflow around the panel affecting panel efficiency?
Yeah, the skirt looks nice, but I prefer mesh which keeps the birds out and allows airflow.
Are birds nesting under really that much of an issue?
Indeed, I wonder if there are skirts that are layered, finned or perforated; would still look good but also let the air flow through. It's my one gripe with in-roof solar; unless you are replacing the roof or it's a new roof and you design in an air gap between the tiles and the roof membrane as you do with external cladding.
Have you installed any 48v off-grid systems?
If so, what kit do you recommend?
We don’t really do off grid but I’ve heard good stuff about the LUX system
@@OvalRenewables Thank you. I have already gone for SolarSynk hours before reading your comment. I had not heard of Lux before.
I'm surprised they didn't go for a solar thermal or hybrid system if they're using so much heat.
They may do in the future
I may have missed it but what batteries are being installed?
We didn’t mention it but we have installed the Alpha T10 HV system. Video will be filmed soon
Why are you flat roof panels at such a bad angle?
Mainly for wind loading I believe
Come on Elon... we want that solar roof pronto! This would have been a brilliant showpiece - complicated to be sure but more integrated.
Haha yes it would have been nice
100Kwh a day 😭
Hahaha it’s a lot of power!
Requiring an app for configuration is complete nonsense. Is there not even a terminal connection so that you're not reliant on a manufacturer to maintain the cloud infrastructure? Looks like the pin isn't sticking out the SPD, so it's the typical failure you see all the time from that brand - the flag drops even though no surge occurred.
The app is connected via a local Wifi connection directly to the inverter. I don’t believe you can plug in directly to it
Very very impressive. But your from the North.
Thanks! I think…