Having a preconceived notion about the Bible or/and Christians, in which leads to bias. This can lead to certain illogical reasoning such as mentioned in the video where anything that is possible is probable. Ex: If I were a homeless person (due to financial status) camped under a highway its possible that I could have a jetpack, therefore its logical that I do have a jetpack. This is basically equal to the goalpost moving that is done with the Bible.
@@Gdjgcjvj could you do me a favor and simply give a direct example of skeptics moving the goalposts when it comes to the gospels? i suppose i should be asking @ultramarinechaplain88 since he was the one who made the comment. the comment that you left actually does not feel sincere to me at all...
@MrZootles If you believe in the existence of Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, or Alexander the great and don't believe in the existence of Jesus historically, you are moving the goalposts. You're willing to accept evidence of existence of many historical figures that have far less testimony of their existence than Christ. Pride is a dangerous thing.
@@MrZootles They do not contest other historical events which have far less evidence, and will selectively ignore historical criteria that they will accept when it comes to any other historical events. See also Ehrman's entire denial of Jesus being buried in a tomb despite the fact we have archeological evidence crucified victims were buried in tomb (that by all accounts is something we wouldn't expected to have ever found due to how unlikely there was to still be evidence due to the passage of time). The fact we managed to find a victim, and that Josephus attest to this as a regular practice in any other branch of history would mean that we accept something as simple as Jesus being buried in a tomb.
Maybe sad too being God, knowing that no matter how many moracles or how big a miracle he does, there will still be people who closes their heart from him 😞
Have u watched the show The Chosen? They did a great job imo (how you'd imagine Jesus interacting with ppl etc). I just started season 2. Was watching it on Amazon Prime.
@@mailman5043 John 12:40 New Living Translation: “The Lord has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts- so that their eyes cannot see, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and have me heal them.” You worded your comment as if it hadn't been God himself who closes off hearts
The fact that the Gospels were all written by different eyewitnesses yet line up in accuracy is another reason to believe. That connection between Luke and John is incredible.
@@Vinnymanvinny1 they use personal pronouns refering to themselfs and their dated around the time of Jesus' death, so if someone wanted to fabricate them they would have to still follow Jesus around the WHOLE time and write the accounts for all 4 of em, this is one of the worst arguments ive had to read man
Only 2 of them were written by eyewitness accounts AKA Matthews gospel and johns gospel because they were both Apostles but mark and Luke weren't in fact they weren't even disciples
When I started reading the bible with my wife after we recently got married, I started noticing these little passages. Not necessarily one that dovetail with other books of the gospel, but very subtle and casual comments that made me think "You wouldn't include this weird little detail in a made-up story" Strangely enough, picking up on those strengthened my faith more than anything else has in my life, because they sent me down a rabbit hole with a thirst for deeper understanding. It took me to the next level from being a passive believer. It's truly amazing how deep the Word is once you dig under the surface-level sunday school understanding. Great videos
@@CathoDice if God created the world then why would be he only focus on creating life on 0.0000000000000000000......00001% of whole universe and leaving all the other places barren death places. Where was your god when humans were living like animals in stone age and our life expectancy was only 25 years or something. Why did Jesus only came to save us about 2000 years ago and not 50000 thousand years ago when people were living in wild? Just because we developed different from another animals doesn't make us special,you can't say God created us just because we don't know how exactly first living cell formed itself. Actually we do know the process, but we don't know the whole steps, we know that life can be formed out of inorganic molecules if there is enough spontaneous movement and enough time for that random life creating sequence to be formed on itself, but how can there exist spontaneous movement in space when no living consciousness was there? Oh it surely must be the god from Bible or Qur'an (a book which is yet to be written for billions of years ). Just because you don't know what caused it, doesn't mean you can say that God created it. We had enough spontaneous movement in space due to three-four basic natural forces that existed long before and still exists to this day right now. I don't see why would I have to assume that someone created the universe when it could have formed itself. World is neither good nor evil, it's not fking fairy tale that needs good and bad things, world isn't fair nor unfair, your being alive Today is possible because of random events that happened millions of year before you were born. The fact thay we are product of very small random chance of life being produced itself is much more mind blowing and insightful than a magic man creating the universe. We grow up listening to stories having good endings and rarely bad endings which made us grow into a person who thinks karma and stuff is real, why TF are people dying in their houses as I comment this, if your god needs to torture some people in hell to maintain the good in people ,then that's a very foolish god. People can reform and change if given enough time, but what, your god gives them a chance to accept a person who was born about some 2000 years ago as their savior to reform them, but if people don't accept this old dead man who has been dead since who knows how long, they are going to be tortured in hell. Even if there is a being who created the universe, why would he be the one to create life on earth, why would he create kids and drop them near his office work and when kids touch the office work and inquires the god about office work, god announces all his future grandsons/daughters and their whole family line to be sinners. If there is a god, I am pretty sure that it's not the one from Bible or Qur'an or any other fictional story people believed in old times due their bad science and despair of being a smart animal who has started experiencing complexities of emotions.
@@sameepsingh4095 Good arguments. I don't believe we are the only species in the entire universe, so I don't believe He let the other parts of the universe die out. Since Christians believe in Adam and Eve, we believe He was in contact with the first humans, meaning He didn't leave them to rot. The Stone Age could've actually been after Adam and Eve, but Judaism was already installed in a country that was supposed to be different from the rest of the world, since the rest of the world was against God. As I said, Judaism was the true religion a long time ago, and there were written prophecies of the Christ long before Christ was, and His prophecy was fulfilled 2,000 years ago. And, yes, it kind of does mean we are special, since we are considered the most advanced species. And this universe is so perfect, that if something was slightly off balance, the universe would collapse. I am an ex-Agnostic, I can argue from a non-religious point of view, and I can see from your point of view.
@@CathoDice god doesn't create trials for me. Life is unfair and fair at random times, you need to accept this fact that our life is not being monitored by a being who cares for our feelings, just because you stop feeling sad after a long time of praying for doesn't mean that God has helped you, it just means your patterns of neurons being fired for causing those sad feelings in brain are starting to dissipitate with time, People never move on from losing someone, their brain just starts dissipitating stored neuron patterns for feelings slowly over months or even years. It's not god who has helped you, it's your brain which has this survival mechanism harwired into you for increasing your survival chances in wild so you won't die while mourning.
This is a really subtle and underappreciated deductive technique. J. Warner Wallace talks about this method he used as a detective in his book "Cold Case Christianity".
Also, don't forget that the church has been studying biblical texts for centuries specifically to root out false stories, so some basement dweling atheist isn't going to find anything that thousands of educated scholars haven't for 2 millennia
Hi Chat, degenerate here, I’m so glad there content like yours about the Bible so I can learn in a way that caters to the rotting brain I have from being chronically online. Thank you God bless, keep pumping content like this 🙏🙏 hopefully it helps me and other degens to learn more about the Lord and free us from our sinful ways
I’m glad I got a prompt telling me how I should conduct myself… sounds like the channel owner is a real winner… but, thank you 😂 your comment was awesome.
Lol yes the [un]designed coincidence phrase is tricky. From a human perspective maybe it's un-designed - by the apostles, but it's the complete opposite from both being un-designed and a coincidence from God's perspective 😂
The beauty of having accounts from different eye witness shines bright in the gospels. Skeptics et al think the differences are a problem but instead it give credence to the truth of the accounts.
@@michaelhenry1763how do you know it was copied and/or embellished. Isn’t it just as possible that his version of events is similar enough in some parts that he found it sufficient to use the existing version for those parts, but adding in his recollection in the others? Since Luke was written before Acts, which was written in AD 62, Luke had to have been written earlier, and since he likely knew Mark personally (Acts 13), he would have access to the author himself. We also know that Mark was likely written before Luke, which places it somewhere in the 50’s. Matthew was likely written by AD 55, with some early church fathers placing it at AD 41, and since none of them refer to the major event of the destruction of the temple in AD 70 (which they definitely would have mentioned, as it would have significantly altered their interpretation/recognition of some of Jesus’s prophecies), it is highly unlikely that they were written after that.
This is like one friend saying, there were lights on all the houses and in every market the air smelled of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice or peppermint. And another friend in his own account says it was around Christmas time. Someone from another culture might not see the link, but to us it's apparent and obvious.
@@RaeodorRUclips censors a lot of us in a lot of ways, seemingly at random. I think the more you use certain words the more likely they shadow ban when you use them
@@BokeenGaming let’s be careful insulting other people. We have no evidence that this person is Jewish, and even if he was Jewish, we shouldn’t refer to them in such a disdainful way. We are to love our neighbor, and it’s hard to say we love someone if we call them names like “Tunnel Dweller”.
Its fascinating that the gospels become more miraculous when passed as fiction than as history. Think about it, if its history then this is all just normal documentation of testimony, but if theyre fiction, then they have to be a massive, genius literary work that requires such foreknowledge and coordination to pull off.
And if the stories were made up on the fly to connect with one account then it would be extremely likely for the author making up the stories to mess up and then accidentally contradict themselves somewhere else in the story. It's not just undesigned coincidences, it's also the fact that the addition of coincidences don't contradict any other parts of the story, which would be extremely difficult to do if you were just making it up, just ask any fiction author how difficult it is to avoid plot holes. Even some of the best fiction stories ever made have plot holes.
The Synoptics contradict John about the aftermath of the feeding of the five thousand. In Matthew and Mark, Jesus himself sends away the crowds. In John he withdraws because the people are trying to take him by force and make him king. I don’t see how these two things can be reconciled as they are presented in the texts.
@@ManoverSupermanThe synoptics state that Jesus sent away the crowds, presumably to avoid them taking him as their King by force. John's account simply affirms the reason behind why Jesus separated the crowd, by stating that they were trying to take him force into being their king. Where is the contradiction? I'm confused.
@@modernatheism Except in the example you're referencing, it's like one witness saying the suspect was seen walking, and the other saying he was driving. In reality, the suspect walked to his car, following which he started to drive. The skeptic, keen to find an incongruency, calls it a contradiction. The rational observer sees how the two testimonies reconcile
@Ixidor234 when it comes to witness statements it's actually super common to get stuff wrong. For example banks will do simulations to prepare tellers for a robbery, complete with an investigation after they are "robbed". The witnesses won't disagree that a robbery did take place, but they might remember the robber wearing a black jacket and being tall and another witness might remember him as average height and wearing a red sweater.
Got this recommended after watching a stream with IP and such... man this is great. Gonna bingewatch the account while recovering from a knee injury. Such a good account!!
I like this content delivery method. Discussing and clarifying things in the Bible in a logical way. While using memes and cartoon graphics to keep it casual and fun.
This is great. This is the kind of details that I like to discover. But they're also details that I very likely wouldn't discover on my own, without me thoroughly studying and memorizing the passages in detail.
There must be a common source that informed both John and Q (which itself is the common information that Matthew and Luke share)! I'll call it R, for Reality.
@@modernatheism there's a very interesting book on the history of Christianity in Asia, and it had a chapter dedicated to the Church in Edessa, which is located in modern day Turkey at the broder with Syria. It talked about the amazing discovery in 1909 of an ancient Christian Hymn book, called the Odes of Solomon. Some have dates it to sometime between 80 and 100 AD. Now the interesting thing about it, is that it clearly displays great awareness of John's Logos Christology all over the place. If those hymns really are to be dated to around that time, I'd say that could be evidence suggesting a much earlier date for the Gospel of John itself, rather than the generally accepted 80 or 90 AD date. Here's the reading, I think it looks very Johannine: "His word is with us in all our way The savior who gives his life and does not reject us The Man who humbled Himself But was exalted because of His own Righteousness And light dawned from the Word That was before time in Him"
@@modernatheism It’s actually not late whatsoever . It’s a common misconception that people only lived to about 40-50 years at the time, but that average includes children who died young. If you look at people who lived passed 5 years old many of them can live into their 70’s & 80’s. Knowing this , suppose John was 20 years old when he started following Jesus in 30 AD , that would mean in 90 AD when he wrote John , he would be 80 years old. That is not improbable whatsoever, especially since John being a church leader wouldn’t be doing hard labour in his older years and would have support from the church community. Does this prove without a doubt that John was an eyewitness? No , but the argument that he couldn’t be an eyewitness because he wrote his gospels 60 years after the fact is not valid. Additionally late documentation still doesn’t invalidate the credibility of eyewitness accounts. There are holocaust survivors currently in their 90’s who are writing memoirs of the holocaust. No one would say their memoirs are not eyewitness primary sources because of how much later they wrote it. Lastly, it’s not all “Scholars” who dismiss John , there are plenty in the field that attest to it’s validity Such Dr . Brant Pitre , Dr . Richard Baucham etc…
@sjappiyah4071 there's that but even it weren't first hand testimony it think it would still be foolish to say it doesn't have historical value/accuracy if u simply compare it to other historical documents of the era
That is a lot of interesting details that you only get if you read all 4 gospels together. Not only the feeding of the 5 000 thousands but also other details. Thanks Eric for explaining this story more fuller.
Fire 🔥 these kinds of deep dives are what's missing in churches. Presenting a logical, fact based study of the text including opposing theories is often more impactful and has a greater effect on the person. Anyone can say they felt God with them during a moment 5-10 years ago, but someone presenting logical, fact based evidence from the text that they can actually look at for themselves will have a better outcome regardless of if that person is an atheist or has been a Christian for 40 years and has still never heard these things because they aren't talked about on Sunday. A great sermon on Sunday, I love them. But the people aren't prepared. I used to say I believed in Jesus dying for my sins and resurrecting, but would have this massive feeling of doubt. It was only after researching and being lead by the Spirit to dive deeper that I became convinced in my mind logically, beyond a reasonable doubt literally, that the Bible is true and reliable and that what it says about Jesus is true.
From the videos I've seen of yours, this one shocked me the most. How often I've read and heard these passages read but never thought of all of these. I would even go as far as to say the grass being green was part of the plan, so as to see the crumbs better?
It was the eyewitness accounts of the resurrection, and all the Jewish Historians (no friends of Jesus) who later confirmed the eyewitness accounts, that finally led me to the moment when I had to admit that Scripture was true and Jesus was Who He said He was. There are so many of these "Hidden Evidences" within such a short period of time just before and after the resurrection in the Gospels and Acts that one could study for years. It becomes too much not to believe.
Another hidden gem of a channel God allowed me to find. I’m surprised I’ve haven’t heard of your channel before or haven’t been recommended. Regardless, better late than never huh?
This comment is to anyone with the objection that Mark simply made up the green grass because of Psalm 23. It is very probable that Mark emphasized the green grass and shepard language because he was trying to show that Jesus was the good Shepard of Psalm 23. However, this does not necessarily mean that Mark made up the green grass whole cloth. The proponent of Undesigned Coincidences can agree that Mark was utilizing a real historical detail (green grass) to show parallels to Psalm 23. In other words, both hypotheses can explain the data so far. Now you need to ask what is more probable. What the proponent of Undesigned Coincidences should say is that given all the other details that strongly cohere with the green grass, it would be improbable for Mark to make up a detail without somehow contradicting these little details in other gospels. This raises the probability of the hypothesis that Mark drew from a historical detail in the past, thus giving some evidence to the historicity of the account. From what I’ve seen online, the wet season in Israel is from late October to early May. The grass does start to get green in winter and stays green for a few months. Having green grass alone does not mean that the account has to be placed at Passover but it should be noted that grass in Israel is greenest and tallest at that time due to heavy rainfall.
For one thing, Mark never alludes to the 23rd Psalm. The Gospel authors aren't usually shy about citing verses when they think Jesus is fulfilling prophecy. I don't think it's a good idea to ascribe theological motives to someone based on such a weak connection.
@@TestifyApologetics I should probably look at the arguments on both sides of the issue more closely. Regardless of if Mark wants to portray Jesus as the Shepard in Psalm 23, I definitely don’t think it’s a problem for Undesigned Coincidences. This series has been your best yet and it has helped me understand the argument better 👍
@@TestifyApologeticsThe problem with your argument is that it assumes Scriptural allusions don’t underlie the various accounts of Jesus’ life. Comparatively Matthew and John cite more Scripture in relation to Jesus’ life as narrative asides than Mark and Luke do. It would be a mistake to assume their audiences would have been completely indifferent to Biblical allusion or paraphrase altogether. That being said, Mark mentions Jesus being pierced with nails, but does not cite Psalm 22 or Zechariah 12:10. This does not mean the narrative wasn’t informed by these Scriptures.
bruhfella, You are absolutely correct that John's reference to "green grass" points to the "green pasture" in Psalm 23. But by Jesus feeding his "sheep" in John 6 John is also stating the divinity of Jesus based on Jesus fulfilling Ezekiel 34.
Excellent video! Reminds of an explanation of an explanation I heard long ago of Christ and the disciples traveling FROM a town in one Gospel and TO the same town in another Gospel. The explanation lined with historical evidence that there was an old version of the town and a newly built version (I just can't remember the towns name right now!!)
There is no collusion, which is one of the most subtle and best ways to prove the truth. (When people make sure they have the same story in court so they don't get caught, that's collusion) Absolutely fantastic video. Hope to see more in the future
The Gospels are full of things that would not be a fabrication. The details of the folded cloths in the empty tomb; the locked doors; the darkness at the crucifixion on Preparation Day for the Passover, which can not have been an eclipse of the sun.
That verse, passover, a feast of the Jews was near, is one of the main reasons people believe Christ's ministry was 3.5 years long. But that verse is in error and in reality Christ's ministry was only 70 weeks long. You gotta check out the book "The chronological gospels" by Michael Rood, or even just find the first part of the book. He thoroughly explains why that wasn't a passover time and that Jesus's ministry lasted only 70 weeks. Super cool.
This has always been the most impressive miracle to me. It’s possible to create an illusion of water turning to wine, a storm to stopping after being commanded to could be lucky timing, and healing the sick could be explained by dishonest patients. Feeding the 5000 required either the creation of matter or the digestion systems of 5000 people suddenly being sated by a milligram of food. It’s also too many people to concoct a flash mob where everyone pretends to be restless and hungry, only to start acting full to make one guy look good. All for an audience of 0
I was thinking, if the gospel authors actually made this up, it would make sense they would include everyday things and small details so it seems real. But, again, why the heck would they write this? They were persecuted, so why?
The subtle account differences actually lend to it's credibility. If you had several eye witnesses on the stand in court, and they all said the exact same thing verbatim, it would be sus. But if those same witnesses tell the same story, but from their own account with their own details from their own memory then it's much much more believable.
Enjoying your videos very much. I do however have a question, are you considering that the Passover and the days of (unleavened bread) are without yeast/leavening and over a week period? Leviticus 23. Just curious where that applies in this timeline?
Did you find these connections yourself or did you find this point in an apologetics book? I am not judging you either way, I just want more books to read.
Man, you deserve so many more views. Your video quality is honestly amazing! What do you think about the miracolous appearance "Our Lady of Zeitoun"? Do you think it is authentic and should Christians use it as evidence? Maybe you could do a video about that too.
A Gospel writer “adding details” to another Gospel writer’s account but leaving out the original info runs into an additional problem - why would any one of those writers have assumed their works would be bound together in a collection? Looking back on it, I can see how that seems plausible - but I can’t see how it doesn’t become completely implausible and require additional assumptions of unlikely events if viewed from the perspective of a writer at the time he was writing.
@@michaelhenry1763 - Improving on the story by leaving out known details? That looks an awful lot like an unlikely assumption. How does John leaving out the grass was green and people were coming and going, but adding the Passover make the story better? Why would you propose he thought that made the story better?
The writers would need to assume that their works would be "bound together in a collection", just that the other works were fairly well-known already. If you'd heard a story 50 times from multiple people, then you have additional details to add, you wouldn't need to have those stories bundled together. You'd just expect that the listeners would already be aware of the story in general.
@@SeraphsWitnessBut then why leave out the other details? That still doesn't make sense. If someone were making a work of fiction based upon others adding to it would make sense, but removing details to add your own doesn't when all of the details of all of the accounts line up like that.
Genesis 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. 1 Corinthians 15:49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. King James Version (KJV)
Good thoughts concerning casual agreement between details in the texts. However, you said that the Passover is after the barley harvest, which is not correct. The firstfruits of barley are offered days after the Passover Seder, and no harvested barley is allowed to be eaten until after the priest waves the Omer (barley sheaf) on that day. My best guess is that the boy's barley loaf was made from the previous year's harvest.
@@timber2lease ...as you say, skepticism is always "trying" ...and in the end it is also always inconsistent...whereas scripture is consistent...do you have an example where it is not?...
Honestly it feels like the skeptic's version of how Christianity developed is more miraculous than the believer's version. A group of people made up a bunch of stuff about a local teacher, forged letters in each other's names, and yet at the same time corresponded with each other to make a surprisingly coherent narrative, and then they spread this invented narrative around the world and never admitted to making the whole thing up, despite suffering torture, death, and exile.
If the creation of a man made religion is miraculous then we live in a very miraculous world. There are thousands of religions with followers more faithful than you. If you can believe all of their miracles and books are fake then why can't you consider that yours might be fake?
@@ToonsGoofyMemes Because they didn't know they were false. They had sincere religious just like you. There were only 2 people that knew Jesus who died as martyrs, James his brother and Peter. James died before the first gospel was written and Peter died before the resurrection was fully accepted in the early church. They both probably had vastly different ideas about Christianity than modern Christians.
@@hooverKiller55 Matthew, James (the Just), Mark, Peter and John actually met Christ. Matthew, Mark, Peter and James were martyred. John was the only apostle to have not been martyred. However John's own disciple, Ignatius of Antioch was martyred. And Peter's, Clement of Rome was martyred. So that begs the question, why did they spread their supposed false beliefs if they definitely knew it was false and thus resulted in their own deaths and that of others for multiple centuries.
A question i have is : was bethsada a big enough town to of provided enough food to feed 5000 people at one time…? We know that at least part of the 5000 followed jesus to bethsada so everyone who was fed wasnt all from bethsada and so if bethsada didn’t even have the ability to accommodate 5000 people all at once to feed them all. that would be a pretty good pointer to the authenticity of the miracle of the feeding of the 5000. I mean if the closest town was bethsada yet if this town was to small to produce that much resources, then this seems to be an added layer of authenticity that cant really be objected to……🤷🏻♂️ where did he get the food if this wasn’t miracle??
It's ok I found it in another video on the topic. You have a lot of videos and takes a while to get through them. The wind was against them, NE or similar, so possibly they went north towards Bethsaida en route to the north west side to avoid fighting the wind directly the whole way. Even then they struggled.
If it was Passover, why did Jesus feed barley loaves to a group of Jews? Unless the festival hadn’t yet started in which case they wouldn’t be breaking torah
Yes and the entire Bible needs to be looked at this way because you will find that the old testament prophecies the New Testament. Many things like the 4 beasts that can’t be taken literally are put into context by the old! Now they can be taken literally! This making the entire book valid, giving credentials to those who wrote it and put the Bible together so we can know it is the inspired word of God!
@@BeeEatingOrchid You can’t expect to see God. Have you ever compared the size of the earth to other objects in the universe? We observe evidence of God. Have you ever tried charging your phone with an equal or lesser amount of charge? It has to be from a greater and greater charge. Your phone proves there’s an infinite God. Why do you think that some scientists are appealing to infinite universes? Because infinite power is what’s required.
Good! *_But also don't overlook the value of "apparent contradictions" in provoking HUMILITY in the reader!_* For God loves Humility and Hard Work. 😎♥✝🇺🇸💯
Maybe Jesus fed the 5000 Fish and Bread because, Jesus is from Bethlehem which means the house of bread, and they were at Luke 9:10 Bethsaida , which means the house of fish, the house of bread and the house of fish, feed fish and bread. Makes sense to me.
I have a question: Why do people think the book of John was written late 1st century/early 2nd century if it seems paul is referencing John in 1 Colossians, between 50-60 AD? He references Jesus in creation when John is the only gospel that mentions jesus in creation?
When referencing other Gospels, Paul calls it scripture, indicating that the Gospel he quotes is already circulating (E.g. 1 Timothy quoted Luke in the 60s, indicating Luke was written in the early 60s). When Paul references material found in John's Gospel, he doesn't refer to it as a Gospel, nor scripture, suggesting that the oral tradition was circulating, but it had not yet been put to paper.
@darkwolf7740 He calls it gospel in 1 Colossians chapter 1, and references Jesus being involved in creation, which was only discussed in John's gospel.
@@Dee-nonamnamrson8718I see, but the 'Gospel' could easily refer to the message rather than any specific text. He doesn't label the material as scripture as when quoting Luke.
This is great, but beyond undesigned coincidences, which I know is your specialty, do we have any reasons to believe this was an accurate historical reporting? Because I find it really interesting that this story is mentioned across most of the gospels. Is it reasonable to piece together that an event of this portion likely did happen, in light of Jesus's popularity and persecution? Or is that taking things too far?
I guess that depends on if the evidentiary value of the rest of the Gospels (for myself, I find it to be quite high) is sufficient to say that Jesus *is* the Son of God. That's the whole point of undersigned coincidences; to assign credibility that the account in question is a reliable testimony. With that granted, the pieces fall right into place. Even that bit where Jesus is seemingly joking with Philip, "where can we find enough food?". I'm a relatively recent convert, but even in my short time I've seen plenty of instances where this motif, "how are you going to do this without Me?" comes about as if it were a sly joke from above.
I don't know about the other gospels' motives, but tradition attributes the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles to the same author, often simply called Luke. These two works are considered companion pieces. Acts picks up right where Luke's gospel leaves off, following the events after Jesus' resurrection and the beginnings of the early church. This is why Luke's gospel includes events not found in the other gospels.
Skeptics dont realize how much they move the goalposts when it comes to the gospels
how do they move the goalposts???
Having a preconceived notion about the Bible or/and Christians, in which leads to bias. This can lead to certain illogical reasoning such as mentioned in the video where anything that is possible is probable. Ex: If I were a homeless person (due to financial status) camped under a highway its possible that I could have a jetpack, therefore its logical that I do have a jetpack. This is basically equal to the goalpost moving that is done with the Bible.
@@Gdjgcjvj could you do me a favor and simply give a direct example of skeptics moving the goalposts when it comes to the gospels?
i suppose i should be asking @ultramarinechaplain88 since he was the one who made the comment. the comment that you left actually does not feel sincere to me at all...
@MrZootles If you believe in the existence of Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, or Alexander the great and don't believe in the existence of Jesus historically, you are moving the goalposts. You're willing to accept evidence of existence of many historical figures that have far less testimony of their existence than Christ. Pride is a dangerous thing.
@@MrZootles They do not contest other historical events which have far less evidence, and will selectively ignore historical criteria that they will accept when it comes to any other historical events. See also Ehrman's entire denial of Jesus being buried in a tomb despite the fact we have archeological evidence crucified victims were buried in tomb (that by all accounts is something we wouldn't expected to have ever found due to how unlikely there was to still be evidence due to the passage of time). The fact we managed to find a victim, and that Josephus attest to this as a regular practice in any other branch of history would mean that we accept something as simple as Jesus being buried in a tomb.
I love considering Jesus' facial expressions in those moments.
No doubt he was holding back a smile, knowing exactly what he was doing.
Maybe sad too being God, knowing that no matter how many moracles or how big a miracle he does, there will still be people who closes their heart from him 😞
@@mailman5043some believed, and He demonstrated they are worth it to Him, so I'm thinking it was a smile as well.
Have u watched the show The Chosen? They did a great job imo (how you'd imagine Jesus interacting with ppl etc). I just started season 2. Was watching it on Amazon Prime.
@@mailman5043 John 12:40 New Living Translation:
“The Lord has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts- so that their eyes cannot see, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and have me heal them.”
You worded your comment as if it hadn't been God himself who closes off hearts
"haha check this out pops"
The fact that the Gospels were all written by different eyewitnesses yet line up in accuracy is another reason to believe. That connection between Luke and John is incredible.
Just out of curiosity, where in the Gospels does it say that they were written by eyewitnesses?
@@Vinnymanvinny1 they use personal pronouns refering to themselfs and their dated around the time of Jesus' death, so if someone wanted to fabricate them they would have to still follow Jesus around the WHOLE time and write the accounts for all 4 of em, this is one of the worst arguments ive had to read man
1 witness
*Thousands of copyists/believers wanting a copy
Only 2 of them were written by eyewitness accounts AKA Matthews gospel and johns gospel because they were both Apostles but mark and Luke weren't in fact they weren't even disciples
@@Sderror404 there more second hand accounts
When I started reading the bible with my wife after we recently got married, I started noticing these little passages. Not necessarily one that dovetail with other books of the gospel, but very subtle and casual comments that made me think "You wouldn't include this weird little detail in a made-up story" Strangely enough, picking up on those strengthened my faith more than anything else has in my life, because they sent me down a rabbit hole with a thirst for deeper understanding. It took me to the next level from being a passive believer. It's truly amazing how deep the Word is once you dig under the surface-level sunday school understanding. Great videos
I like your logical approach to faith bro. You're unknowingly strengthening my faith and I bet the faith of many out there.
The feeding of the 5000 reveals Christ's power over nature.
It is a miracle recorded in all four Gospels.
Blessings to you.
Why are people starving in wars rn?
@@sameepsingh4095 Without bad there would be no good, and there are also trials of life where God creates your story to guide you closer to Him.
@@CathoDice if God created the world then why would be he only focus on creating life on 0.0000000000000000000......00001% of whole universe and leaving all the other places barren death places.
Where was your god when humans were living like animals in stone age and our life expectancy was only 25 years or something.
Why did Jesus only came to save us about 2000 years ago and not 50000 thousand years ago when people were living in wild?
Just because we developed different from another animals doesn't make us special,you can't say God created us just because we don't know how exactly first living cell formed itself.
Actually we do know the process, but we don't know the whole steps, we know that life can be formed out of inorganic molecules if there is enough spontaneous movement and enough time for that random life creating sequence to be formed on itself, but how can there exist spontaneous movement in space when no living consciousness was there? Oh it surely must be the god from Bible or Qur'an (a book which is yet to be written for billions of years ).
Just because you don't know what caused it, doesn't mean you can say that God created it.
We had enough spontaneous movement in space due to three-four basic natural forces that existed long before and still exists to this day right now.
I don't see why would I have to assume that someone created the universe when it could have formed itself.
World is neither good nor evil, it's not fking fairy tale that needs good and bad things, world isn't fair nor unfair, your being alive Today is possible because of random events that happened millions of year before you were born. The fact thay we are product of very small random chance of life being produced itself is much more mind blowing and insightful than a magic man creating the universe.
We grow up listening to stories having good endings and rarely bad endings which made us grow into a person who thinks karma and stuff is real, why TF are people dying in their houses as I comment this, if your god needs to torture some people in hell to maintain the good in people ,then that's a very foolish god. People can reform and change if given enough time, but what, your god gives them a chance to accept a person who was born about some 2000 years ago as their savior to reform them, but if people don't accept this old dead man who has been dead since who knows how long, they are going to be tortured in hell.
Even if there is a being who created the universe, why would he be the one to create life on earth, why would he create kids and drop them near his office work and when kids touch the office work and inquires the god about office work, god announces all his future grandsons/daughters and their whole family line to be sinners.
If there is a god, I am pretty sure that it's not the one from Bible or Qur'an or any other fictional story people believed in old times due their bad science and despair of being a smart animal who has started experiencing complexities of emotions.
@@sameepsingh4095 Good arguments. I don't believe we are the only species in the entire universe, so I don't believe He let the other parts of the universe die out. Since Christians believe in Adam and Eve, we believe He was in contact with the first humans, meaning He didn't leave them to rot. The Stone Age could've actually been after Adam and Eve, but Judaism was already installed in a country that was supposed to be different from the rest of the world, since the rest of the world was against God. As I said, Judaism was the true religion a long time ago, and there were written prophecies of the Christ long before Christ was, and His prophecy was fulfilled 2,000 years ago. And, yes, it kind of does mean we are special, since we are considered the most advanced species. And this universe is so perfect, that if something was slightly off balance, the universe would collapse. I am an ex-Agnostic, I can argue from a non-religious point of view, and I can see from your point of view.
@@CathoDice god doesn't create trials for me. Life is unfair and fair at random times, you need to accept this fact that our life is not being monitored by a being who cares for our feelings, just because you stop feeling sad after a long time of praying for doesn't mean that God has helped you, it just means your patterns of neurons being fired for causing those sad feelings in brain are starting to dissipitate with time,
People never move on from losing someone, their brain just starts dissipitating stored neuron patterns for feelings slowly over months or even years.
It's not god who has helped you, it's your brain which has this survival mechanism harwired into you for increasing your survival chances in wild so you won't die while mourning.
This is a really subtle and underappreciated deductive technique. J. Warner Wallace talks about this method he used as a detective in his book "Cold Case Christianity".
@@jdrive03 A fellow J Warner fan I see!
Wow Man, this is awesome, this is the kind of information that needs to be widely distributed throughout the world. Keep it up big boy. God bless you.
I am a big boy.
@@Th3BigBoy heh
@@Th3BigBoy LMBO! I thought it would be funnny to throw in there
I have no skepticism and I still can't stop watching your videos, something about watching the bible click together like a jigsaw is very satisfying.
Also, don't forget that the church has been studying biblical texts for centuries specifically to root out false stories, so some basement dweling atheist isn't going to find anything that thousands of educated scholars haven't for 2 millennia
Interesting argument
Haha exactly!
Hi Chat, degenerate here, I’m so glad there content like yours about the Bible so I can learn in a way that caters to the rotting brain I have from being chronically online. Thank you God bless, keep pumping content like this 🙏🙏 hopefully it helps me and other degens to learn more about the Lord and free us from our sinful ways
I’m glad I got a prompt telling me how I should conduct myself… sounds like the channel owner is a real winner… but, thank you 😂 your comment was awesome.
John 8:36 He can make your ways new but belief comes first, act on it
This is your best video yet!
I love God's [un]designed coincidences in the Scripture!
Glory to God, and bless you for glorifying Him!
Lol yes the [un]designed coincidence phrase is tricky. From a human perspective maybe it's un-designed - by the apostles, but it's the complete opposite from both being un-designed and a coincidence from God's perspective 😂
This is amazing and super helpful, I knew i wasn't retaining everything I read, but this sheds an even deeper degree of how important studying is...
I can't begin to imagine the amount of time you spend on these videos. God bless you immensely 🙏❤️✝️
The beauty of having accounts from different eye witness shines bright in the gospels. Skeptics et al think the differences are a problem but instead it give credence to the truth of the accounts.
and for reasons like this. it is why the bible is speaking the truth
edit: yay my opinion is validated. free internet points!
Part truth. The end is more important than the beginning. And the end never came….
@@ManoverSuperman uhm, well no, your right.
@@michaelhenry1763 so what's the point of your reply explain it a bit more
@@michaelhenry1763 my issue is you use words like verbatim, copied and patterned are you implying a deceptive motive
@@michaelhenry1763how do you know it was copied and/or embellished. Isn’t it just as possible that his version of events is similar enough in some parts that he found it sufficient to use the existing version for those parts, but adding in his recollection in the others?
Since Luke was written before Acts, which was written in AD 62, Luke had to have been written earlier, and since he likely knew Mark personally (Acts 13), he would have access to the author himself.
We also know that Mark was likely written before Luke, which places it somewhere in the 50’s. Matthew was likely written by AD 55, with some early church fathers placing it at AD 41, and since none of them refer to the major event of the destruction of the temple in AD 70 (which they definitely would have mentioned, as it would have significantly altered their interpretation/recognition of some of Jesus’s prophecies), it is highly unlikely that they were written after that.
This is like one friend saying, there were lights on all the houses and in every market the air smelled of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice or peppermint. And another friend in his own account says it was around Christmas time.
Someone from another culture might not see the link, but to us it's apparent and obvious.
It's always neat to learn something new, especially in connection with the Word of God. Thanks for putting this together.
I visited Israel some years ago and just so happened to visit in January when the grass was green
Blessed are you oh L-RD our G-d king of the universe who brings fourth bread from the earth.
@@RaeodorRUclips censors a lot of us in a lot of ways, seemingly at random. I think the more you use certain words the more likely they shadow ban when you use them
@@Raeodorcomment would get auto deleted if he didn't censor, it's different for everyone
@@otallono no he's just a tunnel dweller and they don't like using vowels for mentioning the LORD
@@BokeenGaming let’s be careful insulting other people. We have no evidence that this person is Jewish, and even if he was Jewish, we shouldn’t refer to them in such a disdainful way. We are to love our neighbor, and it’s hard to say we love someone if we call them names like “Tunnel Dweller”.
Its fascinating that the gospels become more miraculous when passed as fiction than as history. Think about it, if its history then this is all just normal documentation of testimony, but if theyre fiction, then they have to be a massive, genius literary work that requires such foreknowledge and coordination to pull off.
And if the stories were made up on the fly to connect with one account then it would be extremely likely for the author making up the stories to mess up and then accidentally contradict themselves somewhere else in the story. It's not just undesigned coincidences, it's also the fact that the addition of coincidences don't contradict any other parts of the story, which would be extremely difficult to do if you were just making it up, just ask any fiction author how difficult it is to avoid plot holes. Even some of the best fiction stories ever made have plot holes.
The Synoptics contradict John about the aftermath of the feeding of the five thousand. In Matthew and Mark, Jesus himself sends away the crowds. In John he withdraws because the people are trying to take him by force and make him king. I don’t see how these two things can be reconciled as they are presented in the texts.
@@ManoverSupermanThe synoptics state that Jesus sent away the crowds, presumably to avoid them taking him as their King by force. John's account simply affirms the reason behind why Jesus separated the crowd, by stating that they were trying to take him force into being their king.
Where is the contradiction? I'm confused.
@@modernatheism Except in the example you're referencing, it's like one witness saying the suspect was seen walking, and the other saying he was driving. In reality, the suspect walked to his car, following which he started to drive.
The skeptic, keen to find an incongruency, calls it a contradiction. The rational observer sees how the two testimonies reconcile
@Ixidor234 when it comes to witness statements it's actually super common to get stuff wrong. For example banks will do simulations to prepare tellers for a robbery, complete with an investigation after they are "robbed". The witnesses won't disagree that a robbery did take place, but they might remember the robber wearing a black jacket and being tall and another witness might remember him as average height and wearing a red sweater.
@@ManoverSuperman there's no contradiction there. Are you saying that both things cannot be true at the same time? You should rethink your example.
Good job! I can't think of alternatives other than telling the truth.
Good work, well and consisly presented
This is fascinating. I had never noticed any of these details before.
Got this recommended after watching a stream with IP and such... man this is great. Gonna bingewatch the account while recovering from a knee injury. Such a good account!!
God bless you and may he heal your knee.
Great video Testfy! God bless you!
I like this content delivery method. Discussing and clarifying things in the Bible in a logical way. While using memes and cartoon graphics to keep it casual and fun.
This is great. This is the kind of details that I like to discover. But they're also details that I very likely wouldn't discover on my own, without me thoroughly studying and memorizing the passages in detail.
Wow! This is amazing! Thanks for sharing. I love this kind of discoveries.
There must be a common source that informed both John and Q (which itself is the common information that Matthew and Luke share)!
I'll call it R, for Reality.
@@michaelhenry1763 I just liked the Q and then R pun
I'm going to steal this joke lol
@@modernatheism there's a very interesting book on the history of Christianity in Asia, and it had a chapter dedicated to the Church in Edessa, which is located in modern day Turkey at the broder with Syria. It talked about the amazing discovery in 1909 of an ancient Christian Hymn book, called the Odes of Solomon. Some have dates it to sometime between 80 and 100 AD.
Now the interesting thing about it, is that it clearly displays great awareness of John's Logos Christology all over the place. If those hymns really are to be dated to around that time, I'd say that could be evidence suggesting a much earlier date for the Gospel of John itself, rather than the generally accepted 80 or 90 AD date.
Here's the reading, I think it looks very Johannine:
"His word is with us in all our way
The savior who gives his life and does not reject us
The Man who humbled Himself
But was exalted because of His own Righteousness
And light dawned from the Word
That was before time in Him"
@@modernatheism It’s actually not late whatsoever .
It’s a common misconception that people only lived to about 40-50 years at the time, but that average includes children who died young.
If you look at people who lived passed 5 years old many of them can live into their 70’s & 80’s.
Knowing this , suppose John was 20 years old when he started following Jesus in 30 AD , that would mean in 90 AD when he wrote John , he would be 80 years old. That is not improbable whatsoever, especially since John being a church leader wouldn’t be doing hard labour in his older years and would have support from the church community.
Does this prove without a doubt that John was an eyewitness? No , but the argument that he couldn’t be an eyewitness because he wrote his gospels 60 years after the fact is not valid.
Additionally late documentation still doesn’t invalidate the credibility of eyewitness accounts. There are holocaust survivors currently in their 90’s who are writing memoirs of the holocaust. No one would say their memoirs are not eyewitness primary sources because of how much later they wrote it.
Lastly, it’s not all “Scholars” who dismiss John , there are plenty in the field that attest to it’s validity Such Dr . Brant Pitre , Dr . Richard Baucham etc…
@sjappiyah4071 there's that but even it weren't first hand testimony it think it would still be foolish to say it doesn't have historical value/accuracy if u simply compare it to other historical documents of the era
That is a lot of interesting details that you only get if you read all 4 gospels together. Not only the feeding of the 5 000 thousands but also other details. Thanks Eric for explaining this story more fuller.
Fire 🔥 these kinds of deep dives are what's missing in churches. Presenting a logical, fact based study of the text including opposing theories is often more impactful and has a greater effect on the person. Anyone can say they felt God with them during a moment 5-10 years ago, but someone presenting logical, fact based evidence from the text that they can actually look at for themselves will have a better outcome regardless of if that person is an atheist or has been a Christian for 40 years and has still never heard these things because they aren't talked about on Sunday.
A great sermon on Sunday, I love them. But the people aren't prepared. I used to say I believed in Jesus dying for my sins and resurrecting, but would have this massive feeling of doubt. It was only after researching and being lead by the Spirit to dive deeper that I became convinced in my mind logically, beyond a reasonable doubt literally, that the Bible is true and reliable and that what it says about Jesus is true.
From the videos I've seen of yours, this one shocked me the most. How often I've read and heard these passages read but never thought of all of these. I would even go as far as to say the grass being green was part of the plan, so as to see the crumbs better?
It was the eyewitness accounts of the resurrection, and all the Jewish Historians (no friends of Jesus) who later confirmed the eyewitness accounts, that finally led me to the moment when I had to admit that Scripture was true and Jesus was Who He said He was. There are so many of these "Hidden Evidences" within such a short period of time just before and after the resurrection in the Gospels and Acts that one could study for years. It becomes too much not to believe.
Great video brother!
This is a good video, thank you god for creating this man so he can make these videos, and please get him and his family to be saved, amen 🙏❤🙌🤗➕🙏😇✝️😊🙏
So well put! This was a great explanation
i like the way you present evidence without an agenda
This is some really good detective work! The gospels are literally true.
when he started talking about grass being green, i felt like he is an English teacher glazing over some small detail
Orrrr….OR….this master storytelling is evidence of the Holy Spirits inspiration and direction!
Thank you for sharing this with us!
Another hidden gem of a channel God allowed me to find. I’m surprised I’ve haven’t heard of your channel before or haven’t been recommended. Regardless, better late than never huh?
This comment is to anyone with the objection that Mark simply made up the green grass because of Psalm 23. It is very probable that Mark emphasized the green grass and shepard language because he was trying to show that Jesus was the good Shepard of Psalm 23. However, this does not necessarily mean that Mark made up the green grass whole cloth. The proponent of Undesigned Coincidences can agree that Mark was utilizing a real historical detail (green grass) to show parallels to Psalm 23. In other words, both hypotheses can explain the data so far. Now you need to ask what is more probable. What the proponent of Undesigned Coincidences should say is that given all the other details that strongly cohere with the green grass, it would be improbable for Mark to make up a detail without somehow contradicting these little details in other gospels. This raises the probability of the hypothesis that Mark drew from a historical detail in the past, thus giving some evidence to the historicity of the account.
From what I’ve seen online, the wet season in Israel is from late October to early May. The grass does start to get green in winter and stays green for a few months. Having green grass alone does not mean that the account has to be placed at Passover but it should be noted that grass in Israel is greenest and tallest at that time due to heavy rainfall.
For one thing, Mark never alludes to the 23rd Psalm. The Gospel authors aren't usually shy about citing verses when they think Jesus is fulfilling prophecy. I don't think it's a good idea to ascribe theological motives to someone based on such a weak connection.
@@TestifyApologetics I should probably look at the arguments on both sides of the issue more closely. Regardless of if Mark wants to portray Jesus as the Shepard in Psalm 23, I definitely don’t think it’s a problem for Undesigned Coincidences. This series has been your best yet and it has helped me understand the argument better 👍
@@Philip__325The Church Fathers made mistakes sometimes. Are we not allowed to assess them critically as historians?
@@TestifyApologeticsThe problem with your argument is that it assumes Scriptural allusions don’t underlie the various accounts of Jesus’ life. Comparatively Matthew and John cite more Scripture in relation to Jesus’ life as narrative asides than Mark and Luke do. It would be a mistake to assume their audiences would have been completely indifferent to Biblical allusion or paraphrase altogether. That being said, Mark mentions Jesus being pierced with nails, but does not cite Psalm 22 or Zechariah 12:10. This does not mean the narrative wasn’t informed by these Scriptures.
bruhfella, You are absolutely correct that John's reference to "green grass" points to the "green pasture" in Psalm 23.
But by Jesus feeding his "sheep" in John 6 John is also stating the divinity of Jesus based on Jesus fulfilling Ezekiel 34.
Nice! First time at your Chanel.
God bless you so much this is beautifull brother.
This is insanely good!!
great job, the reason i believe that bible's true. and the reactions/interactions of the people are genuine.
Or they could just be lying to you for clout.
Good work. Excellent points.
You know what’s funny? Even if you talk all this smack against Jesus he will still take you in when you need him.
My lord is the father of mercy. He is just and knows your intention.
Excellent video! Reminds of an explanation of an explanation I heard long ago of Christ and the disciples traveling FROM a town in one Gospel and TO the same town in another Gospel. The explanation lined with historical evidence that there was an old version of the town and a newly built version (I just can't remember the towns name right now!!)
Man, you really cracked the case!!!
Woow, these are some amazing details. 😮
Thank you for this!
There is no collusion, which is one of the most subtle and best ways to prove the truth.
(When people make sure they have the same story in court so they don't get caught, that's collusion)
Absolutely fantastic video. Hope to see more in the future
The Gospels are full of things that would not be a fabrication. The details of the folded cloths in the empty tomb; the locked doors; the darkness at the crucifixion on Preparation Day for the Passover, which can not have been an eclipse of the sun.
Great video, you just earned a new sub!
excellent video brother
If there were only one instance of something like this, you could say it was clever writing. But there's hundreds.
That verse, passover, a feast of the Jews was near, is one of the main reasons people believe Christ's ministry was 3.5 years long. But that verse is in error and in reality Christ's ministry was only 70 weeks long. You gotta check out the book "The chronological gospels" by Michael Rood, or even just find the first part of the book. He thoroughly explains why that wasn't a passover time and that Jesus's ministry lasted only 70 weeks. Super cool.
This has always been the most impressive miracle to me. It’s possible to create an illusion of water turning to wine, a storm to stopping after being commanded to could be lucky timing, and healing the sick could be explained by dishonest patients.
Feeding the 5000 required either the creation of matter or the digestion systems of 5000 people suddenly being sated by a milligram of food. It’s also too many people to concoct a flash mob where everyone pretends to be restless and hungry, only to start acting full to make one guy look good. All for an audience of 0
Great stuff
I was thinking, if the gospel authors actually made this up, it would make sense they would include everyday things and small details so it seems real. But, again, why the heck would they write this? They were persecuted, so why?
Really good, I loved it
well done!
The subtle account differences actually lend to it's credibility. If you had several eye witnesses on the stand in court, and they all said the exact same thing verbatim, it would be sus. But if those same witnesses tell the same story, but from their own account with their own details from their own memory then it's much much more believable.
This was so cool
Good stuff!
love your videos
Enjoying your videos very much. I do however have a question, are you considering that the Passover and the days of (unleavened bread) are without yeast/leavening and over a week period? Leviticus 23. Just curious where that applies in this timeline?
Did you find these connections yourself or did you find this point in an apologetics book? I am not judging you either way, I just want more books to read.
Check out Hidden in Plain View by Lydia McGrew.
Man, you deserve so many more views. Your video quality is honestly amazing! What do you think about the miracolous appearance "Our Lady of Zeitoun"? Do you think it is authentic and should Christians use it as evidence? Maybe you could do a video about that too.
Thank you
A Gospel writer “adding details” to another Gospel writer’s account but leaving out the original info runs into an additional problem - why would any one of those writers have assumed their works would be bound together in a collection?
Looking back on it, I can see how that seems plausible - but I can’t see how it doesn’t become completely implausible and require additional assumptions of unlikely events if viewed from the perspective of a writer at the time he was writing.
@@michaelhenry1763 - Improving on the story by leaving out known details? That looks an awful lot like an unlikely assumption. How does John leaving out the grass was green and people were coming and going, but adding the Passover make the story better? Why would you propose he thought that made the story better?
@@MrCusefan44 that could happen if the author has assumed the audience already knows the other gospel(s).
The writers would need to assume that their works would be "bound together in a collection", just that the other works were fairly well-known already. If you'd heard a story 50 times from multiple people, then you have additional details to add, you wouldn't need to have those stories bundled together. You'd just expect that the listeners would already be aware of the story in general.
they didn’t assume that. the other gospels were widely known and so the authors assume some familiarity
@@SeraphsWitnessBut then why leave out the other details? That still doesn't make sense. If someone were making a work of fiction based upon others adding to it would make sense, but removing details to add your own doesn't when all of the details of all of the accounts line up like that.
I wonder what the second best explanation is for this.
It's God's words, John was inspired by him
How do you know?
Genesis 3:19
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
1 Corinthians 15:49
And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
King James Version (KJV)
Good thoughts concerning casual agreement between details in the texts. However, you said that the Passover is after the barley harvest, which is not correct. The firstfruits of barley are offered days after the Passover Seder, and no harvested barley is allowed to be eaten until after the priest waves the Omer (barley sheaf) on that day. My best guess is that the boy's barley loaf was made from the previous year's harvest.
📚📖✨🧐...secular scholars & skeptics always demand multiple Gospel attestation... except when they reject the story...any way ...
@@timber2lease ...as you say, skepticism is always "trying" ...and in the end it is also always inconsistent...whereas scripture is consistent...do you have an example where it is not?...
so interesting
Isaac Newton spent decades calculating when Jesus will return. In the end Newton settled on the year 2060.
Honestly it feels like the skeptic's version of how Christianity developed is more miraculous than the believer's version. A group of people made up a bunch of stuff about a local teacher, forged letters in each other's names, and yet at the same time corresponded with each other to make a surprisingly coherent narrative, and then they spread this invented narrative around the world and never admitted to making the whole thing up, despite suffering torture, death, and exile.
If the creation of a man made religion is miraculous then we live in a very miraculous world. There are thousands of religions with followers more faithful than you. If you can believe all of their miracles and books are fake then why can't you consider that yours might be fake?
@@hooverKiller55 Why would people willingly be excecuted or killed for beliefs they knew were false?
@@hooverKiller55 because our theology actually makes sense with what we know of the natural world
@@ToonsGoofyMemes Because they didn't know they were false. They had sincere religious just like you. There were only 2 people that knew Jesus who died as martyrs, James his brother and Peter. James died before the first gospel was written and Peter died before the resurrection was fully accepted in the early church. They both probably had vastly different ideas about Christianity than modern Christians.
@@hooverKiller55 Matthew, James (the Just), Mark, Peter and John actually met Christ.
Matthew, Mark, Peter and James were martyred. John was the only apostle to have not been martyred. However John's own disciple, Ignatius of Antioch was martyred. And Peter's, Clement of Rome was martyred.
So that begs the question, why did they spread their supposed false beliefs if they definitely knew it was false and thus resulted in their own deaths and that of others for multiple centuries.
A question i have is : was bethsada a big enough town to of provided enough food to feed 5000 people at one time…?
We know that at least part of the 5000 followed jesus to bethsada so everyone who was fed wasnt all from bethsada and so if bethsada didn’t even have the ability to accommodate 5000 people all at once to feed them all.
that would be a pretty good pointer to the authenticity of the miracle of the feeding of the 5000.
I mean if the closest town was bethsada yet if this town was to small to produce that much resources, then this seems to be an added layer of authenticity that cant really be objected to……🤷🏻♂️ where did he get the food if this wasn’t miracle??
Woah! Mark 6:35 says Bethsaida was on the other side of the lake from the 5000. Seems contradictory.
Please explain?
It's ok I found it in another video on the topic. You have a lot of videos and takes a while to get through them. The wind was against them, NE or similar, so possibly they went north towards Bethsaida en route to the north west side to avoid fighting the wind directly the whole way. Even then they struggled.
If it was Passover, why did Jesus feed barley loaves to a group of Jews? Unless the festival hadn’t yet started in which case they wouldn’t be breaking torah
Yes and the entire Bible needs to be looked at this way because you will find that the old testament prophecies the New Testament. Many things like the 4 beasts that can’t be taken literally are put into context by the old! Now they can be taken literally! This making the entire book valid, giving credentials to those who wrote it and put the Bible together so we can know it is the inspired word of God!
“Coincidence isn’t a kosher word”- Chuck Missler
Matter and energy prove God, the only one able to remake you again.
@@BeeEatingOrchid Matter and energy can’t make or direct themselves.
@@BeeEatingOrchid It’s observed. Evidence of God the greatest power is observed.
@@BeeEatingOrchid You can’t expect to see God. Have you ever compared the size of the earth to other objects in the universe? We observe evidence of God. Have you ever tried charging your phone with an equal or lesser amount of charge? It has to be from a greater and greater charge. Your phone proves there’s an infinite God. Why do you think that some scientists are appealing to infinite universes? Because infinite power is what’s required.
@@BeeEatingOrchid You can’t see God. You can see that everything points to an infinite power.
@@BeeEatingOrchid …to you.
Good! *_But also don't overlook the value of "apparent contradictions" in provoking HUMILITY in the reader!_* For God loves Humility and Hard Work.
Maybe Jesus fed the 5000 Fish and Bread because, Jesus is from Bethlehem which means the house of bread, and they were at Luke 9:10 Bethsaida , which means the house of fish, the house of bread and the house of fish, feed fish and bread. Makes sense to me.
By the way Bethsaida is that the origin of Bethesda?
I have a question: Why do people think the book of John was written late 1st century/early 2nd century if it seems paul is referencing John in 1 Colossians, between 50-60 AD? He references Jesus in creation when John is the only gospel that mentions jesus in creation?
When referencing other Gospels, Paul calls it scripture, indicating that the Gospel he quotes is already circulating (E.g. 1 Timothy quoted Luke in the 60s, indicating Luke was written in the early 60s). When Paul references material found in John's Gospel, he doesn't refer to it as a Gospel, nor scripture, suggesting that the oral tradition was circulating, but it had not yet been put to paper.
@darkwolf7740 He calls it gospel in 1 Colossians chapter 1, and references Jesus being involved in creation, which was only discussed in John's gospel.
@darkwolf7740 I think you are misinterpreting me. I'm saying that it seems John was written prior to 1 Colossians.
@@Dee-nonamnamrson8718I see, but the 'Gospel' could easily refer to the message rather than any specific text. He doesn't label the material as scripture as when quoting Luke.
@darkwolf7740 At the very least, it proves that the info in John predates the destruction of the temple.
This is great, but beyond undesigned coincidences, which I know is your specialty, do we have any reasons to believe this was an accurate historical reporting? Because I find it really interesting that this story is mentioned across most of the gospels. Is it reasonable to piece together that an event of this portion likely did happen, in light of Jesus's popularity and persecution? Or is that taking things too far?
I guess that depends on if the evidentiary value of the rest of the Gospels (for myself, I find it to be quite high) is sufficient to say that Jesus *is* the Son of God. That's the whole point of undersigned coincidences; to assign credibility that the account in question is a reliable testimony.
With that granted, the pieces fall right into place. Even that bit where Jesus is seemingly joking with Philip, "where can we find enough food?". I'm a relatively recent convert, but even in my short time I've seen plenty of instances where this motif, "how are you going to do this without Me?" comes about as if it were a sly joke from above.
The " mocking spirit" exactly as the scriptures say.
Undesigned coincidence? This is the work of the Holy Spirit!
What about all the inconsistencies between the gospel accounts, like the acension of Jesus only being in Luke and not the others?
I don't know about the other gospels' motives, but tradition attributes the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles to the same author, often simply called Luke. These two works are considered companion pieces. Acts picks up right where Luke's gospel leaves off, following the events after Jesus' resurrection and the beginnings of the early church. This is why Luke's gospel includes events not found in the other gospels.
All i want to do is believe in jeus but something feels like its stopping me in my head. It hurts
What is it, just pray