Stop celebrating Easter, it's a pagan festival and the Messiah didn't even rise on a Sunday, he rose on the Sabbath day. And Easter promotes eating unclean things like ham too. Read Jeremiah 7:18 about what God thinks of this celebration.
The human brain dies in 4 minutes without oxygen. No one has ever died for 72 hours and rose again. Please open a human biology book and close your 3500 year old bible so you can better comprehend reality in 2024! Cheers!
Personally, I think these types of arguments, while interesting, are relatively weak as far as apologetics go. Even if an atheist granted that 95% of the Bible is historical fact the only part that actually matters is Jesus' resurrection. You will generally never be able to convince someone of this unless you first get them to question their atheist presuppositions and prove to them that God exists in the first place. This is generally why philosophical/presuppositional arguments are stronger because they function at a paradimatic level. TLDR, convincing someone that God exists is prior to convincing them that Jesus is God.
All these years, I had been confused about the question, "Do you love me more than the others?" I had understood it to mean, "Do you love more more than you love the other disciples?" or, "Do you love me more than you love the other things?" Your explanation makes more sense.
I am fascinated by your content! Well, you explaining God's content. The more I study Bible (with the help of people like you), the more I am asserted in Christian faith.
Sorry for your loss, brother. Know she’s likely in a better place now, somewhere you’ll (hopefully) reunite with her one day. Neither she nor the Lord wants you to be mournful. Be blessed, bro.
Something else I noticed in this story is that when Jesus asked Peter the question the third time *Jesus* uses the word “phileo” and not “agapao”, which says to me that Jesus was willing to meet Peter where Peter was. He didn’t continue to demand of Peter a love Peter knew he wasn’t able to give. Jesus is gracious.
The NET Bible footnotes says there is probably no significant distinction between Phileo and Agapaeo. One reason it gives is that if the conversation took place in Aramaic or Hebrew, they would probably have used the same word for "love" in all six instances.
Yes, I don’t think that Jesus and Peter were speaking in Greek, but when the Holy Spirit inspired the Gospel writers, He had them write in Greek, and I believe that is so that we don’t miss the nuance of some things, like Jesus’s and Peter’s conversation, here. If “agapao” and “phileo” are interchangeable, then why not just use one or the other, for each time Jesus asks the question, and for each of Peter’s answers? I think there is a reason why John used the different words, rather than the same words for each time Jesus asked Peter “Do you love me?” I don’t think Peter was grieved because Jesus was “pestering him”, but rather because Peter-and John, who witnesses the exchange-caught that Jesus had somehow changed the tone of the question to match Peter’s responses. I could be wrong, of course.
I loved it when you said about agape and phileo description of love in greek, i wanna learn more greek and hebrew as well, and it brings me more understanding how God loves the world❤
I've been watching the Daily Dose of Greek videos recently. They walk through chapters of the Bible, one verse each day. They have a video on John 21:15 ("Do you love me more than these...") which gives one or two helpful insights.
Bro, God bless you for your channel I hope you are safe and your health is well. May you have an awesome day, and whoever it is that tries to hurt you, will only end up confused by your inevitable success from what you do in God's will. Grazie
I have some coincidences about "feed my sheep": Jesus was born in Bethlehem (house of bread) - Matthew, Luke He was put in a manger (where food goes) - Luke He said: "Whoever eats my flesh will have eternal life" and "I am the bread of life" - John Also, he is recognized by the disciples at Emmaus at the moment of the breaking of the bread - Luke
That’s something I really like about the Bible. You have the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John here talking about the same events in different perspectives with each book giving needed details to the others. Truly, it all fits together like a puzzle. Also Happy Easter!
No they do not, they copy from each other but then they change what they consider wrong in the others. So each author considered the other story as false. So they produced their story. By the way we have around 90 authors who wrote gospel stories about Jesus and from the war and infight only this collection survived.
@@TorianTammas Maybe the fact that these survived has something to do with them being genuine? I'm not aware of there being over 80 alternative gospels, but the ones I do know of are widely rejected for reasons beyond simply not being part of the canon. One hypothesis could be the authors considered details in other Gospels to be wrong, but there are other hypotheses too. They could just be details given by another source, or edits made to highlight different information. The presence of undesigned coincidences between different accounts are evidence against edited parts being fictitious.
@@MatthewFearnley Preservation is a sign of the Church considering them worthy of preservation, and not really anything else. Their arguments for inclusions of some scripture as divine and others as not, may not necessarily fit how you make those choices.
@@PoeticMachineDreams Hi. Not really sure what case you're trying to make here. The Church considering them worthy of preservation is evidence that they were genuine - unless you think they were selecting names out of a hat or using similarly useless criteria.
I think it's also worth noting that Jesus said in John 15 that there is no greater love than laying down your life for a friend. Peter said that he was willing to do that for Jesus. This adds some further context as to why Jesus took it so seriously.
Amen I love these types of educational videos they strengthen my faith and they go over real facts and logic I've been watching a lot of your videos and Inspiringphilosophys videos I love them keep up the good work. Happy Easter God bless
For as long as I've been a Bible reading Christian, I always thought that Jesus saying "Do you love me more than these?" was just asking if Peter loves Jesus more than he loves his fellow disciples. I did realize there was a connection between Peter denying Jesus three times and Jesus asking him the question three times, but I thought it was just a rebuke to the denying itself. I never realized it was referring to that specific claim by Peter, or why Jesus chose to rebuke him like that. Thank you for clearing up something that had been confusing me for so long without me even knowing it. I wonder if there are any more things I've been misunderstanding. Guess I have no choice but to watch more of your videos and find out.
Really looking forward to the next installments, especially lining up with historical events. Many skeptics ignore biblical evidence, but when outside sources corroborate the details in the Bible, they do listen more intently.
I got a ton of them. I decided I might do a couple more videos on UC, one just as a wrap up and addressing objections. And one with UCs between Acts and the pastoral epistles, just to show they can also be used to help authenticate Pauline authorship. (Apparently I can't help myself)
lol no the forgery arguments are really bad independently and there are other arguments that support the genuineness of the pastorals. but by all means, give me a few dozen examples of UCs from say, Paul's letters and the Acts of Paul and Thecla, and/or other apocryphal writings. I'll wait.
@@TestifyApologetics if the forgery arguments are bad for other reasons then there's your support for their authenticity. If you didn't have that, then you couldn't use undesigned coincidences as a symmetry breaker. I still havent gone through this argument exhaustively but just for one point on that, the fact that Marcion didn't use them in his canon actually does move the needle against them existing, since Marcion wasn't afraid of having texts that blantantly contradict his theology. He'd just edit them a bit or reinterpret their meaning (see how reconstructions of his gospel totally do not support Marcionite theology with two gods and docetic Jesus), but there's no need to think that he would throw out a perfectly good letter from his favorite apostle. You don't have to throw out words you don't like when you can just recalibrate your mind around them to make them mean what you want. one thing to note about "find me other examples" is that I've seen no effort on the part of the mcgrews to establish base rates for how often these would come up in other texts, so just claiming it and telling other people to disprove them isn't a very good look. I havent read paul and thecla, but i found a few in the gospel of peter a bit ago How did the women know where the tomb is, when all the disciples were hiding? well, the synoptics say that the women stuck around to watch the crucifixion. Why in the synoptics did the women go to the tomb when they don't even know how to roll away the stone? Well the gospel of peter says they talked about it explicitly and said theyd just cry at the entrance and go home. How do we suddenly know that the centurion was named Petronius? legendary development and names popping up out of authorial creativity? get out of here mr liberal bible critic, it's that the synoptics have him realize and admit Jesus' true identity at the crucifixion (Truly he was the Son of God), so he probably went to talk to the disciples, and we have other examples of important people (even two centurions in other cases, and one baptized his whole family) going out of their way to talk to Jesus or his disciples. So that's probably how they learned the name and Peter wrote it down in his eyewitness testimony. How do we know the tomb was in a place called the Garden of Jospeh? Well, in the synoptics we learn that Joseph was a secret disciple, so that's how Peter would have known this personal name. so that's four of them, and that's just in the surviving fragment we have of the passion and resurrection. i wonder how many more we'd find if we had the whole text. notice the multiple directions of explanation by the way.
@@TestifyApologetics if the forgery arguments are bad for other reasons then there's your support for their authenticity. If you didn't have that, then you couldn't use undesigned coincidences as a symmetry breaker. I still havent gone through this argument exhaustively but just for one point on that, the fact that Marcion didn't use them in his canon actually does move the needle against them existing, since Marcion wasn't afraid of having texts that blantantly contradict his theology. He'd just edit them a bit or reinterpret their meaning (see how reconstructions of his gospel totally do not support Marcionite theology with two gods and docetic Jesus), but there's no need to think that he would throw out a perfectly good letter from his favorite apostle. You don't have to throw out words you don't like when you can just recalibrate your mind around them to make them mean what you want. one thing to note about "find me other examples" is that I've seen no effort on the part of the mcgrews to establish base rates for how often these would come up in other texts, so just claiming it and telling other people to disprove them isn't a very good look. I havent read paul and thecla, but i found a few in the gospel of peter a bit ago How did the women know where the tomb is, when all the disciples were hiding? well, the synoptics say that the women stuck around to watch the crucifixion. Why in the synoptics did the women go to the tomb when they don't even know how to roll away the stone? Well the gospel of peter says they talked about it explicitly and said theyd just cry at the entrance and go home. How do we suddenly know that the centurion was named Petronius? legendary development and names popping up out of authorial creativity? get out of here mr liberal bible critic, it's that the synoptics have him realize and admit Jesus' true identity at the crucifixion (Truly he was the Son of God), so he probably went to talk to the disciples, and we have other examples of important people (even two centurions in other cases, and one baptized his whole family) going out of their way to talk to Jesus or his disciples. So that's probably how they learned the name and Peter wrote it down in his eyewitness testimony. How do we know the tomb was in a place called the Garden of Jospeh? Well, in the synoptics we learn that Joseph was a secret disciple, so that's how Peter would have known this personal name. so that's four of them, and that's just in the surviving fragment we have of the passion and resurrection. i wonder how many more we'd find if we had the whole text. notice the multiple directions of explanation by the way.
I have to be honest, I'm not strongly convinced that there's a specific connection between "Even if all the others fall away I will not", and "Do you love me more than these?" Although maybe that's partly because I'm so familiar with the latter exchange that I've never thought to question the reason behind it.
There's also a possibility that Jesus meant "Do you love me more than those fishes (i.e. your work)? The precise amount of fishes is given, so someone must have counted them.
Let us make several adaptations of Jesus's story and copy each other writing so that everything fits perfectly to fool the reader of a point in history none of the writers ever witnessed. 😂
It's sad to see such hardened hearts. Let the holy spirit guide your soul, and let you see the truth. May the Lord let your life be full of love, and full of serenity. Amen.
I mean - makes sense. These logical connections are literally the foundation of historical scholarship. Since there's no solid empirical evidence, they must puzzle the most likely reasonings and happenings for the historical records. Pretty interesting!
When one does not read greek and never read Homer, Euripidis, Vergil and knows nothing about greek philosophy then one might not see all the story motives and ideas from these writers in the story. But at leaat one should see the contruction if the stories that shows that it is greek-roman literature. It is wonderful to see people who live 1800 years, 12000 miles unable to read the original text andunable to understand the greek and jewish culture of that time to imagine that they know from reading an english translation of s greek text what the author 1800 years earlier meant in every detail. I applaud such courage.
Aramaic and Greek texts exist of the New Testament. Thousands of people study these original texts from all denominations. We can understand the texts, The texts, THOUSANDS of ancient canonical manuscripts still exist, and We have enough reliable data to authentically translate the Bible
The coincidences are undesigned by the men who wrote the accounts. (John probably wasn't thinking, "I'll have Jesus refer back to a statement Peter made in another Gospel" - he likely didn't design it that way.") Depending on your view of inspiration, you might say the Holy Spirit designed them, but for most skeptics that would be conceding too much.
Hey! That's a fantastic point! And one that I never learned in Bible college, seminary or either of the two intensives I took on the Gospel of John while there or in any of the top commentaries Ive read since then. You'll hear so much about how wildly different all the gospel are from one another but rarely ever these days will you hear about how similar they all are. Awesome stuff!
As three of them copy extensively from each other this is no surprise, they change only what they consider outright false. So no author would have tolerated their work compiled with in his eyes the false stories of the 3 others. So we see how far the story collectors are from the actual producers of the stories
@@TorianTammasYou really have no clue about the Gospels. Their internal details place them firmly in the truthful accounts as opposed to any of the pseudo-gospels. The amount of published scholarship on this dwarfs your petty complaint.
Happy Easter! How about "Poping"? A k a "swimming the Tiber" ... We have a Church structure in which it is the successor of St. Peter who is supposed to tend and feed not just the lambs, but all of the sheep. I e, not just laymen but clergy too.
@@TestifyApologetics Have you checked out what LizziesAnswers had to say about Greek verb trogon in John 6? And given your answer, what is your interpretation of what Jesus' task to Peter meant? I have always since I went to school in Austria believed, this is when St. Peter became the first Pope. Even when I was Evangelical and then Lutheran -- my attitude on the subject was basically Lefebvrist, I thought one could separate from the Pope and still consider him Pope, if he was heretical. And I had believed lies about Indulgences and the Inquisition.
To be honest I do think John is a highly polished text, he knew what the synoptics said. He accepted them, took them for granted and was deliberately intertextual with them.
1:51 - I vaguely remember watching someone's video on this passage a few weeks ago. If I remember correctly, they said that Jesus asked Peter if he loved (agape) Him the first two times. In which Peter responds that he does love (phileo) Him.. And then the 3rd time that Jesus asks him, He asks Peter if he loves (phileo) Him. I didn't fully comprehend that terminology and its context, and I guess I'm still struggling with it. I think I vaguely remember them explaining that the term "agape" has some sort of greater meaning than the term "phileo"? Maybe I'm wrong. And is Jesus using "phileo" the 3rd time Him leveling with Peter?
"Agape" means self-sacrificing love, love of those even of whom we do not know, charitable love, and the highest most noble form of love which is unconditional. "Phileo" is family or brotherly love, affection for a family member.
If you want to hear more about different kinds of love, I recommend C.S. Lewis's book, The Four Loves. There's also a channel, C.S. Lewis Doodles, that uses drawings to bring this and other books to life. All that said, to my knowledge, most Bible translations don't attempt to bring out the differences between Phileo and Agape here. So I don't know how much I would read into it.
Yes. Many years ago, my pastor at the time did a sermon on this it was the first time I had heard that they were using different words for love. Peter, once so bold was chastened by his boast and then his denial and Jesus gently restoring him .@ProselyteofYah
For what it's worth, the NET Bible footnotes say there is probably no significant difference between Agape and Phileo. I also watched the Daily Dose of Greek video on John 21:15, and it reached the same conclusion.
And there arose also a dispute among them as to which one of them was regarded to be greatest. And He said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who have authority over them are called ‘Benefactors.’ But not so with you; rather the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant. - Luke 22:24-26
2 Peter 1:20-21 ESV knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. [21] For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
sheesh is a cuss word? (OK so I googled it and didn't know that's where it derives from. If I did I honestly wouldn't use it, although I think most people who use the term have zero idea where it came from)
@@TestifyApologetics People usually don't believe it is a cuss word, but in dutch we also have words that are similar to the name of Jesus and are used in the same way.
I often wonder, what if the resurrection never even happened…what if all the magical stuff in the Bible never even happened? I mean there’s no real proof any of it happened. Just what’s written down in the Bible and stuff. I wish there was a way to truly know.
What’s going on here? Because I saw this already on the playlist of undersigned coincidences, but this video did not appear on the section of “videos”…..? Free early access?
The NET translates it as "do you love me more than these do?" The footnotes give three possible interpretations for "more than these": 1. The boats, nets and fishing gear nearby 2. Peter's love for the other disciples - i.e. "do you love me more than you love them?" 3. The other disciples' love for Jesus - i.e "do you love me more than they do?") They favour the third interpretation enough to reflect it in the wording.
He is risen, indeed!
Amen! 🙌 Jesus is Lord!
Greetings friend
@@crabb9966 Greetings brother
Stop celebrating Easter, it's a pagan festival and the Messiah didn't even rise on a Sunday, he rose on the Sabbath day. And Easter promotes eating unclean things like ham too. Read Jeremiah 7:18 about what God thinks of this celebration.
He is risen!! 🙌
He is risen indeed!
The human brain dies in 4 minutes without oxygen. No one has ever died for 72 hours and rose again. Please open a human biology book and close your 3500 year old bible so you can better comprehend reality in 2024! Cheers!
@@Deity333 ?
@@Deity333 I’m still not sure what you’re talking about
@@Deity333 Ookaaayyy 👀
I want to send these videos to all my doubting friends and acquaintances
Do it
Mountain-dew it
Personally, I think these types of arguments, while interesting, are relatively weak as far as apologetics go. Even if an atheist granted that 95% of the Bible is historical fact the only part that actually matters is Jesus' resurrection. You will generally never be able to convince someone of this unless you first get them to question their atheist presuppositions and prove to them that God exists in the first place. This is generally why philosophical/presuppositional arguments are stronger because they function at a paradimatic level. TLDR, convincing someone that God exists is prior to convincing them that Jesus is God.
~ Gustavo Fring
@@Nick-ij5nt he’s got a point, these are better to send to Muslims and the like, who often claim the texts are “corrupted”
All these years, I had been confused about the question, "Do you love me more than the others?" I had understood it to mean, "Do you love more more than you love the other disciples?" or, "Do you love me more than you love the other things?" Your explanation makes more sense.
Praise the Lord on this holy day✝️✝️✝️
You're a blessing to the body of Christ ❤✝️🙏
Happy Easter! Praise be to the Lord Christ Jesus
I am fascinated by your content! Well, you explaining God's content. The more I study Bible (with the help of people like you), the more I am asserted in Christian faith.
2nd easter without my mom God i miss her....
Sorry for your loss, brother. Know she’s likely in a better place now, somewhere you’ll (hopefully) reunite with her one day. Neither she nor the Lord wants you to be mournful. Be blessed, bro.
Sorry to hear that brother. May God give you peace.
Im sorry bro. God bless.
Something else I noticed in this story is that when Jesus asked Peter the question the third time *Jesus* uses the word “phileo” and not “agapao”, which says to me that Jesus was willing to meet Peter where Peter was. He didn’t continue to demand of Peter a love Peter knew he wasn’t able to give. Jesus is gracious.
The NET Bible footnotes says there is probably no significant distinction between Phileo and Agapaeo.
One reason it gives is that if the conversation took place in Aramaic or Hebrew, they would probably have used the same word for "love" in all six instances.
Yes, I don’t think that Jesus and Peter were speaking in Greek, but when the Holy Spirit inspired the Gospel writers, He had them write in Greek, and I believe that is so that we don’t miss the nuance of some things, like Jesus’s and Peter’s conversation, here.
If “agapao” and “phileo” are interchangeable, then why not just use one or the other, for each time Jesus asks the question, and for each of Peter’s answers?
I think there is a reason why John used the different words, rather than the same words for each time Jesus asked Peter “Do you love me?”
I don’t think Peter was grieved because Jesus was “pestering him”, but rather because Peter-and John, who witnesses the exchange-caught that Jesus had somehow changed the tone of the question to match Peter’s responses.
I could be wrong, of course.
I loved it when you said about agape and phileo description of love in greek, i wanna learn more greek and hebrew as well, and it brings me more understanding how God loves the world❤
I've been watching the Daily Dose of Greek videos recently. They walk through chapters of the Bible, one verse each day.
They have a video on John 21:15 ("Do you love me more than these...") which gives one or two helpful insights.
"So, what you're saying is.."
"Just feed the sheep."
Much love brother❤️ Christ is risen!☦️
God bless you!
You are actually gifted with spotting these Undesigned Coincidences in the New Testament. Well done & God bless you. @Testify
I've always wondered about that passage. Thank you for solving the mystery and making sense of what the Apostles were saying.
Bro, God bless you for your channel I hope you are safe and your health is well. May you have an awesome day, and whoever it is that tries to hurt you, will only end up confused by your inevitable success from what you do in God's will. Grazie
I have some coincidences about "feed my sheep":
Jesus was born in Bethlehem (house of bread) - Matthew, Luke
He was put in a manger (where food goes) - Luke
He said: "Whoever eats my flesh will have eternal life" and "I am the bread of life" - John
Also, he is recognized by the disciples at Emmaus at the moment of the breaking of the bread - Luke
That’s something I really like about the Bible. You have the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John here talking about the same events in different perspectives with each book giving needed details to the others. Truly, it all fits together like a puzzle. Also Happy Easter!
I was just talking about this!!! Its like a movie that looks at different angles of the story. But its real and can save us!
No they do not, they copy from each other but then they change what they consider wrong in the others. So each author considered the other story as false. So they produced their story. By the way we have around 90 authors who wrote gospel stories about Jesus and from the war and infight only this collection survived.
@@TorianTammas Maybe the fact that these survived has something to do with them being genuine?
I'm not aware of there being over 80 alternative gospels, but the ones I do know of are widely rejected for reasons beyond simply not being part of the canon.
One hypothesis could be the authors considered details in other Gospels to be wrong, but there are other hypotheses too. They could just be details given by another source, or edits made to highlight different information.
The presence of undesigned coincidences between different accounts are evidence against edited parts being fictitious.
@@MatthewFearnley Preservation is a sign of the Church considering them worthy of preservation, and not really anything else. Their arguments for inclusions of some scripture as divine and others as not, may not necessarily fit how you make those choices.
@@PoeticMachineDreams Hi.
Not really sure what case you're trying to make here.
The Church considering them worthy of preservation is evidence that they were genuine - unless you think they were selecting names out of a hat or using similarly useless criteria.
Jesus loves you🫵❤️
The authors of those books about these coincidences found a real gem here.
Thank you!
Amen Hallelujah ❤😊
I think it's also worth noting that Jesus said in John 15 that there is no greater love than laying down your life for a friend. Peter said that he was willing to do that for Jesus. This adds some further context as to why Jesus took it so seriously.
Happy Easter! Indeed, He is risen!
Jesus loves yalll❤️
Happy Easter! Keep doing what you’re doing man.
Amen I love these types of educational videos they strengthen my faith and they go over real facts and logic I've been watching a lot of your videos and Inspiringphilosophys videos I love them keep up the good work. Happy Easter God bless
May God bless you! He is risen! Praise be to our Lord, Savior, and Messiah Jesus Christ!
For as long as I've been a Bible reading Christian, I always thought that Jesus saying "Do you love me more than these?" was just asking if Peter loves Jesus more than he loves his fellow disciples. I did realize there was a connection between Peter denying Jesus three times and Jesus asking him the question three times, but I thought it was just a rebuke to the denying itself. I never realized it was referring to that specific claim by Peter, or why Jesus chose to rebuke him like that.
Thank you for clearing up something that had been confusing me for so long without me even knowing it. I wonder if there are any more things I've been misunderstanding. Guess I have no choice but to watch more of your videos and find out.
commenting for the algorithm, keep doing what you do man, it's the Lord's work
Really looking forward to the next installments, especially lining up with historical events. Many skeptics ignore biblical evidence, but when outside sources corroborate the details in the Bible, they do listen more intently.
I got a ton of them. I decided I might do a couple more videos on UC, one just as a wrap up and addressing objections. And one with UCs between Acts and the pastoral epistles, just to show they can also be used to help authenticate Pauline authorship. (Apparently I can't help myself)
@@TestifyApologeticscouldnt that just also show that undesigned coincidences even show up in forgeries? ;)
lol no the forgery arguments are really bad independently and there are other arguments that support the genuineness of the pastorals. but by all means, give me a few dozen examples of UCs from say, Paul's letters and the Acts of Paul and Thecla, and/or other apocryphal writings. I'll wait.
@@TestifyApologetics if the forgery arguments are bad for other reasons then there's your support for their authenticity. If you didn't have that, then you couldn't use undesigned coincidences as a symmetry breaker.
I still havent gone through this argument exhaustively but just for one point on that, the fact that Marcion didn't use them in his canon actually does move the needle against them existing, since Marcion wasn't afraid of having texts that blantantly contradict his theology. He'd just edit them a bit or reinterpret their meaning (see how reconstructions of his gospel totally do not support Marcionite theology with two gods and docetic Jesus), but there's no need to think that he would throw out a perfectly good letter from his favorite apostle. You don't have to throw out words you don't like when you can just recalibrate your mind around them to make them mean what you want.
one thing to note about "find me other examples" is that I've seen no effort on the part of the mcgrews to establish base rates for how often these would come up in other texts, so just claiming it and telling other people to disprove them isn't a very good look.
I havent read paul and thecla, but i found a few in the gospel of peter a bit ago
How did the women know where the tomb is, when all the disciples were hiding? well, the synoptics say that the women stuck around to watch the crucifixion.
Why in the synoptics did the women go to the tomb when they don't even know how to roll away the stone? Well the gospel of peter says they talked about it explicitly and said theyd just cry at the entrance and go home.
How do we suddenly know that the centurion was named Petronius? legendary development and names popping up out of authorial creativity? get out of here mr liberal bible critic, it's that the synoptics have him realize and admit Jesus' true identity at the crucifixion (Truly he was the Son of God), so he probably went to talk to the disciples, and we have other examples of important people (even two centurions in other cases, and one baptized his whole family) going out of their way to talk to Jesus or his disciples. So that's probably how they learned the name and Peter wrote it down in his eyewitness testimony.
How do we know the tomb was in a place called the Garden of Jospeh? Well, in the synoptics we learn that Joseph was a secret disciple, so that's how Peter would have known this personal name.
so that's four of them, and that's just in the surviving fragment we have of the passion and resurrection. i wonder how many more we'd find if we had the whole text. notice the multiple directions of explanation by the way.
@@TestifyApologetics if the forgery arguments are bad for other reasons then there's your support for their authenticity. If you didn't have that, then you couldn't use undesigned coincidences as a symmetry breaker.
I still havent gone through this argument exhaustively but just for one point on that, the fact that Marcion didn't use them in his canon actually does move the needle against them existing, since Marcion wasn't afraid of having texts that blantantly contradict his theology. He'd just edit them a bit or reinterpret their meaning (see how reconstructions of his gospel totally do not support Marcionite theology with two gods and docetic Jesus), but there's no need to think that he would throw out a perfectly good letter from his favorite apostle. You don't have to throw out words you don't like when you can just recalibrate your mind around them to make them mean what you want.
one thing to note about "find me other examples" is that I've seen no effort on the part of the mcgrews to establish base rates for how often these would come up in other texts, so just claiming it and telling other people to disprove them isn't a very good look.
I havent read paul and thecla, but i found a few in the gospel of peter a bit ago
How did the women know where the tomb is, when all the disciples were hiding? well, the synoptics say that the women stuck around to watch the crucifixion.
Why in the synoptics did the women go to the tomb when they don't even know how to roll away the stone? Well the gospel of peter says they talked about it explicitly and said theyd just cry at the entrance and go home.
How do we suddenly know that the centurion was named Petronius? legendary development and names popping up out of authorial creativity? get out of here mr liberal bible critic, it's that the synoptics have him realize and admit Jesus' true identity at the crucifixion (Truly he was the Son of God), so he probably went to talk to the disciples, and we have other examples of important people (even two centurions in other cases, and one baptized his whole family) going out of their way to talk to Jesus or his disciples. So that's probably how they learned the name and Peter wrote it down in his eyewitness testimony.
How do we know the tomb was in a place called the Garden of Jospeh? Well, in the synoptics we learn that Joseph was a secret disciple, so that's how Peter would have known this personal name.
so that's four of them, and that's just in the surviving fragment we have of the passion and resurrection. i wonder how many more we'd find if we had the whole text. notice the multiple directions of explanation by the way.
Keep up the good work, Jesus bless!
All glory to God
Happy Easter man
Christ is risen! Amen.
the *Jesus the jerk? " over his head made me laugh so much!!
it's the first time I have seen anything like it!!
I literally always interpreted the lovest thou me more than these comments to be about loving Christ more than he loves Fish/ fishing.
Thanks for these!
Great job, man!
Christ is King!
Yehoshua is eternal high priest.
Happy Easter! stay strong
I am loving this 😃
I am thankful I found your channel. You're doing God's work. Can you make one about the authorship of the book of revelation?
I am very much enjoying this series!
Had to rewatch this a few times to understand but very satisfying when I got it. Great video, love this series.
Keep up the good work brother. Happy Easter god bless you
Ps: I also like the fact that with this particular undesigned coincidence it occurs with Jesus already being resurrected too!
I have to be honest, I'm not strongly convinced that there's a specific connection between "Even if all the others fall away I will not", and "Do you love me more than these?"
Although maybe that's partly because I'm so familiar with the latter exchange that I've never thought to question the reason behind it.
Notice how he asked him 3 times because Peter denied him 3 times
The apostle of Jesus Christ God is the eyewitnesses and they have different perspective but all of them are telling the truth
This is amazing!
2:50 that rick roll was so sneaky
Thank you
Amen! Jesus Is Lord!
This channel is fantastic. Subbed.
Greetings friend. Thanks for making these videos, they are wonderful.
Amen and Amen!
Wonder the significance of the number three. Trinity? Either way love your work and hope to watch more of your videos soon.
Doesn't have to have any significance, does it?
I love your videos : )
There's also a possibility that Jesus meant "Do you love me more than those fishes (i.e. your work)? The precise amount of fishes is given, so someone must have counted them.
:) thanks for this video! God bless!
Happy Easter day!
well done...very cleverly put together once again...not a coincidence
Let us make several adaptations of Jesus's story and copy each other writing so that everything fits perfectly to fool the reader of a point in history none of the writers ever witnessed. 😂
It's sad to see such hardened hearts. Let the holy spirit guide your soul, and let you see the truth.
May the Lord let your life be full of love, and full of serenity.
@@christfollower58 that's sarcasm, he's not serious
@@fldsmdfr9107 honestly you can't really tell anymore
@@fldsmdfr9107 doesnt matter if op is, others saying the same thing arent
I mean - makes sense. These logical connections are literally the foundation of historical scholarship. Since there's no solid empirical evidence, they must puzzle the most likely reasonings and happenings for the historical records. Pretty interesting!
When one does not read greek and never read Homer, Euripidis, Vergil and knows nothing about greek philosophy then one might not see all the story motives and ideas from these writers in the story. But at leaat one should see the contruction if the stories that shows that it is greek-roman literature. It is wonderful to see people who live 1800 years, 12000 miles unable to read the original text andunable to understand the greek and jewish culture of that time to imagine that they know from reading an english translation of s greek text what the author 1800 years earlier meant in every detail. I applaud such courage.
Aramaic and Greek texts exist of the New Testament. Thousands of people study these original texts from all denominations.
We can understand the texts, The texts, THOUSANDS of ancient canonical manuscripts still exist, and We have enough reliable data to authentically translate the Bible
Really happy that this video is doing so well
Hopefully more people will become more aware of this hermeneutic
Good video again!
CHRIST IS RISEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great videos. 👍Can you explain why you used ‘undesigned coincidences’? As God planned everything, so all these seeming coincidences are designed?
The coincidences are undesigned by the men who wrote the accounts.
(John probably wasn't thinking, "I'll have Jesus refer back to a statement Peter made in another Gospel" - he likely didn't design it that way.")
Depending on your view of inspiration, you might say the Holy Spirit designed them, but for most skeptics that would be conceding too much.
He is alive.
3:28 After the context, i laught at that part LMAAO
Hey! That's a fantastic point! And one that I never learned in Bible college, seminary or either of the two intensives I took on the Gospel of John while there or in any of the top commentaries Ive read since then. You'll hear so much about how wildly different all the gospel are from one another but rarely ever these days will you hear about how similar they all are. Awesome stuff!
As three of them copy extensively from each other this is no surprise, they change only what they consider outright false. So no author would have tolerated their work compiled with in his eyes the false stories of the 3 others. So we see how far the story collectors are from the actual producers of the stories
@@TorianTammasYou really have no clue about the Gospels. Their internal details place them firmly in the truthful accounts as opposed to any of the pseudo-gospels. The amount of published scholarship on this dwarfs your petty complaint.
So I thought he was restoring Peter's faith. Peter denied him 3x's so❓️
Do you recommend any book (s) that goes into detail with undesigned coincidences?
Yes. Hidden in Plain View by Lydia McGrew
Also Undesigned Coincidences by JJ Blunt and Horae Paulinae by William Paley are public domain and free
@TestifyApologetics thanks Brother. Happy Easter! Christ is Risen
Happy Easter!
How about "Poping"? A k a "swimming the Tiber" ...
We have a Church structure in which it is the successor of St. Peter who is supposed to tend and feed not just the lambs, but all of the sheep. I e, not just laymen but clergy too.
I'm fed well where I am
@@TestifyApologetics Have you checked out what LizziesAnswers had to say about Greek verb trogon in John 6?
And given your answer, what is your interpretation of what Jesus' task to Peter meant?
I have always since I went to school in Austria believed, this is when St. Peter became the first Pope. Even when I was Evangelical and then Lutheran -- my attitude on the subject was basically Lefebvrist, I thought one could separate from the Pope and still consider him Pope, if he was heretical. And I had believed lies about Indulgences and the Inquisition.
Not only informative but you Rick rolled the viewers. 😊
Matthew 10:37 Luke 14:26 is being alluded to here and Deuteronomy 6:4-6
To be honest I do think John is a highly polished text, he knew what the synoptics said. He accepted them, took them for granted and was deliberately intertextual with them.
Christ is Lord
1:51 - I vaguely remember watching someone's video on this passage a few weeks ago.
If I remember correctly, they said that Jesus asked Peter if he loved (agape) Him the first two times. In which Peter responds that he does love (phileo) Him.. And then the 3rd time that Jesus asks him, He asks Peter if he loves (phileo) Him.
I didn't fully comprehend that terminology and its context, and I guess I'm still struggling with it. I think I vaguely remember them explaining that the term "agape" has some sort of greater meaning than the term "phileo"? Maybe I'm wrong.
And is Jesus using "phileo" the 3rd time Him leveling with Peter?
"Agape" means self-sacrificing love, love of those even of whom we do not know, charitable love, and the highest most noble form of love which is unconditional. "Phileo" is family or brotherly love, affection for a family member.
If you want to hear more about different kinds of love, I recommend C.S. Lewis's book, The Four Loves.
There's also a channel, C.S. Lewis Doodles, that uses drawings to bring this and other books to life.
All that said, to my knowledge, most Bible translations don't attempt to bring out the differences between Phileo and Agape here. So I don't know how much I would read into it.
Yes. Many years ago, my pastor at the time did a sermon on this it was the first time I had heard that they were using different words for love. Peter, once so bold was chastened by his boast and then his denial and Jesus gently restoring him .@ProselyteofYah
For what it's worth, the NET Bible footnotes say there is probably no significant difference between Agape and Phileo.
I also watched the Daily Dose of Greek video on John 21:15, and it reached the same conclusion.
Jesus rose from the dead!
1:46 you say 15 but screen shows 25 (typo)
‼️unintended coincidences sound really interesting. You’d be surprised what happens if you apply this to certain events in WWII 😘
Can I get a verse when Jesus says to his disciples not to compete with each other?
And there arose also a dispute among them as to which one of them was regarded to be greatest. And He said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who have authority over them are called ‘Benefactors.’ But not so with you; rather the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant.
- Luke 22:24-26
You forgot the fourth one which is they were earnestly mistaken and or tricked not saying that they were but that is another option.
2 Peter 1:20-21 ESV
knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. [21] For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
The text is about jewish scripture or the old testament as no one invented a new story collection by that time.
Why do you need proof? Blessed are those who believe without seeing. Need I say more?
It can help us convince skeptics and bring them to the faith.
why is the easter bunny associated with easter (yes i know it wasn't always but when did it start?)
1:58 Uhh.. why that cuss word? You know it stems from the Lord's Name, right?
sheesh is a cuss word? (OK so I googled it and didn't know that's where it derives from. If I did I honestly wouldn't use it, although I think most people who use the term have zero idea where it came from)
@@TestifyApologetics People usually don't believe it is a cuss word, but in dutch we also have words that are similar to the name of Jesus and are used in the same way.
I learned something new today
I often wonder, what if the resurrection never even happened…what if all the magical stuff in the Bible never even happened? I mean there’s no real proof any of it happened. Just what’s written down in the Bible and stuff. I wish there was a way to truly know.
We need to have faith. "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
What’s going on here? Because I saw this already on the playlist of undersigned coincidences, but this video did not appear on the section of “videos”…..? Free early access?
hey man if your conscience is bothering ya just join my patreon for just a buck a month😉(or don't just keep it a secret lol)
@@TestifyApologetics Maybe. That’s cheap as hell. Or I could just keep it a mystery…..?
Or it was designed by God because that's how great he is.
1, 2 or 3, they ultimately died to keep this story as 3.
The first time Jesus asked if Peter loved Him "more than these," He may have been refering to fishing and not to the others.
Uh....yeah I don't think so
I am always amazed by the silly little things people will write in the comments
The NET translates it as "do you love me more than these do?" The footnotes give three possible interpretations for "more than these":
1. The boats, nets and fishing gear nearby
2. Peter's love for the other disciples - i.e. "do you love me more than you love them?"
3. The other disciples' love for Jesus - i.e "do you love me more than they do?")
They favour the third interpretation enough to reflect it in the wording.