38 nA is better. Ke-Ho is hopeless when downtiered vs t5-6's, which kinda happens (more so against the 6's), but the 38 nA is not hopeless against any tier, as it can get 450m view range without food, and is much faster. These are amazing tanks for doing dailies in.
@@DR34M1FY It's my first time replying to one of his videos, sorry about that ... he should have mentioned it in the body. PS: And it's UK cancer research, not everyone is UK.
Last time you showed an OP low tier tank I got into a battle, with that tank, and another guy on my team, in the same tank, wrote into chat: QB sent me here. 😂😂😂
will be my joke for the next days. I currently help a new player grind the lower tiers and teach him the game, due to being a 10 year long close friend of mine.
Thanks for all your charity fundraisers over the years QB, I thought the Ke-Ho tank was great when I played through it, I decided to keep it and start a new crew for the next, I think the entire line is decent and well rounded.
I think its kinda funny that in Wot, a tank giving you a small enough advantage to win 5 or 6 more games in every hundred can make it op, and one that looses an extra 5 or 6 makes it a stinker, same with players, the difference between an average 49% and a good 55% win rate player really isnt that big.
It is a big difference because you don't play all your games in a 'stinker', and while good players may favour OP tanks, they don't play all their's in OP tanks.
I think one is more likely to do well in low tier than Tier 6-10. Partly because the damage range is small and has a bigger margin for error and leading to faster games and more players making multiple mistakes.
In team games your average winrate is by default around 50% since team should carry your a** every few games. To be able to increase your wr by 5% is absolutely massive. Not only you win 5 more games, but also lose 5 less. So after 100 games your mmr is 10games ahead of player/tank with 5% less. Also OP tanks have lower winrates due to noobs losing anyways.
Back in the days Ke-Ho was even more powerful. It didn't have the scout MM like other LTs have, so it never saw tier 8. Keeper that I never kept. I had too many tier 4s already.
@@XtreeM_FaiL How about you explain yourself in a way that is understandable. Ke-Ho did not exist back in the day when tier 4 light tanks had to meet tier 8 tanks.
Got a love when CCs permote stat padding, yeah let's all watch this and learn how to farm new plays to make our state look good, cus we suck at higher tiers.
38 nA is better. Ke-Ho is hopeless when downtiered vs t5-6's, which kinda happens (more so against the 6's), but the 38 nA is not hopeless against any tier, as it can get 450m view range without food, and is much faster. These are amazing tanks for doing dailies in.
To be fair, BT-7, 38nA, and Panzer III Ausf.J all have sub-70 pen on silver round which get shafted pretty hard when up-tiered. Ke-Ho's 80 mm or so silver pen is still serviceable for a lot of enemies you will face up to Tier 6. While the 38nA and its fellows I mentioned have no hope of doing anything to the vast majority of higher tier opponents unless you press 2 and accept that said game you will lose silver even if you win, because their gold rounds deal so low damage that the silver earned from said damage wouldn't cover the cost of firing them. And consider how a lot of maps has turned into corridors that force you to face enemy frontally... well you get the idea. But when you get maps that you can scout, then 38nA is quite capable... if your team isn't lemming up the canyon in Lakeville or corner camp that is.
@@machaiping 38 nA is weird, the best gun is the 47mm, not the top one. I go with 50-70 Gold rounds. Still not huge credit loss, despite the fact i'm now f2p.
@@Milo-id9qd I checked the Tankgg, 47 mm has around 120 less dpm than 50 mm, 6 mm less silver pen, and 15 mm less gold pen, in exchange for 1 second less aim time. Everything else remains the same. I'd say it only matter if you stop still before shooting. But if you run and gun, then 50 mm should be better as their gun handling is exactly the same. But then again, I probably has to try it to see the result. I only bought Pz38nA recently after I realized that PzIII.J that I played all this time is a total garbage compared to this thing. Same gun, but no camo, no view range, so they can't even scout if getting up tiered.
@@machaiping It's a gun similar to the shrek tvp and Leo 1, has some bloom on move, especially if you combine dispersions by moving the turret about, but when you fully are looking to fire, the insanely low aim time stabilizes quite quickly. Try it out, it's pretty awesome, but it does require gold. 1-2k games are not unsual, 3k combined games happen from time to time. I'm 53-55% winrate recent, 51% global at 40k battles, F2P, no food, 2k wn8 average (1.6k when i don't bother, 2.5-3k if i tryhard) ... so, not bad but not godlike either. :) This tank with the M2 Medium and P26/40 are my go-to tanks for daily missions.
I already knew about this tank and I've been playing it for years. Back in the day people would say it was terrible. It was the M5 Stuart Chinese or nothing.
Dude, the Ke-Ho was always great ! I don't know how you overlooked it, but I've been keeping this tank since the Japanese tech tree showed up, back in the days. We didn't even had Turbos back then, so my build is Grousers, Vents and Binos.
You said that this tank was in the tech tree , I couldn’t find it , until I checked the collectors tanks and there it was , it may have been in the tech tree years ago but not now , I checked it out but didn’t buy it as I have enough to do with the ones in the tech tree , cheers for the fund raising from a guy who has survived two different types of cancer 👍👍
It's a good tank, but the tech tree medium at the same tier has a similar gun with better pen/reload and 15 degrees of gun depression and more health with armor that pulls off some bounces. I imagine the only reason the Ke-Ho is performing better is because it's a collectors vehicle, but the Chi-He is still in the tech tree and it's stats are being worsened by new players that are playing the tank stock. I believe in Chi-He supremacy Edit: I was wrong they actually both have the exact same gun, but the Chi-He does have a better reload
After finishing watching the stream, I was expecting this to be the Toldi III game where QB tried to talk about that tank positively for a whole game 😂
I was going to say M5A1 Stuart is also quite a filthy sealclubber and funnily enough it is up there I played it only a few times to get upto the Type T-34, I found that it is quite op
I have noticed certain trend. Suddenly, a lot of low-tier tanks that are in the game for a long time have been popping up and are claimed to be OP & unbalanced in one way or another. That is true, but it is not because they were OP all this time. It is because players are fed-up with dealing with WG's BS of more & more OP high tier premium tanks that flooded the game. So more & more decent players move to lower tiers and are sealclubbing other sealclubbers. On top of that, usually "wealthy" players tend to pick up every kind of available buff they can on top of their experience. So bond equipment, directives, 4 - 5 skill crew etc are your average thing you encounter at lower tiers + some OP tank. Now... imagine you are a new to the game lol. Lower tiers used to be so fun in the past, when there was something to grind (as tech trees were denser at lower tiers) and there were more tanks to encounter. You were not seeing Matidlas, B2, Hetzer literately EVERY game. WG destroyed the balance at lower tiers tbh.
But on the flip side, the newbies inexperience is so common that they won't win the match if 10 out of 15 tanks of their team went to die in a canyon or cliffside trip on Lakeville in exchange for two or three tanks on the enemy team. Or playing heavy tank and the flank they weren't in collapse in 3 minutes into the match with next to zero loss to the enemy despite, again, 10 out of 15 of your team went there. No amount of OP crew skill, bond equipment, etc. will win you the match in that case unless the enemy team suddenly turn off their brain after that landslide engagement and show up to fight you one by one, with all of them swapped out their gunners for Star Wars Stormtrooper, and none of them press 2 on the keyboard.
Pz 38 is much better in my opinion. With a decent crew and top equipment and food you can get a 475 view range with optics, 70 mph with turbo and 46% camo with a muffler. PZ 38 will eat a KeHo for lunch.
And basically the *only* people playing this thing are sealclubbers, since the lack of a Japanese light tank line means nobody's likely to have a good crew to put in it.
Interesting tank. I just checked it's stats and its very comparable with my Luchs set up with the 5cm L/60. Some stats better, some worse. As the Luchs is my favourite low tier light, I might give the Ke-Ho a go. Thanks for the heads up QB.
i agree this is op, i tried setting up mine with bounty exhaust and vents and binos. 50% camo while moving and 490 meters view range using food. requires good crew tho.
I used to play the Ke-Ho a few years ago in a two man platoon with a good friend. We ended up with 87,05% winratio after 224 games of Ke-Hos together! Don't play the tank anymore, but it was ridiculous what the tank could do.
yep, KeHo really is a hidden gem, not many know about, i also never played. i play the similar T-80 russian, also very good camo and a good gun for tier4 light, same 45mm you can see i tier5 and tier6 russian lights. sadly T-80 is in almost every statistic second too KeHo so i think it is time for me to test out KeHo too - for the occasions i don't want to goo in the higher tiers
QB needs to play the Harry Hopkins. Speed is an issue, zero armor, but 1300 shell velocity at tier 4 is amazing. With 121mm of pen on its standard rounds. It's a killer for sure.
Had a e25 game a few days ago. I was top tier. It was flush with tier 5’s. I had 3500 dmg and 8 kills when it was all said and done. I felt a bit bad. 😂
there is only one tank i know of that i find more OP then this thing in terms of tanks that are rarely played, and that is the Tier 7 American Premium TD, the Scorpion. it's heat rounds have 275mm of pen AND have an insane velocity of 1200 m/s !! the Camorating that thing can get is insane as well, and it can move quite quickly and nimbly to boot, so it isnt a tank to take lightly. yes, it has no armor AT ALL, but it honestly doesnt need it either as it isnt supposed to be seen long enough to shoot it at all. seriously, try it out. if you know how to play a stealthy TD well, you will LOVE that thing.
Since this I played 54 games on a zero skill crew with only 75% training and still made a 62% win rate. However was -2 on 9 games -1 on 32 games all tier 4 on 9 games and +1 on only 4 games so you have to accept the stuggle against the MM.
At 7:10, tells us he's sitting behind because he doesn't jabe the gun depression.... alright scrubby baby, we know you did that so you can farm the hitpoints and not your team. Let's own up to our greedy ways ;)
It is most likely a "collector's tank" which means it is no longer in a tech tree, but rather in the store sub menu - you can buy it for regular credits once you unlocked other Japanese tier 4 tech tree tank. At some point WG made a sweeping changes and remove substantial amount of tanks from the tech tree.
How good is T-28 in modern WoT? it still has that high dpm, high pen and very accurate 57mm... though the camo compared to this is basically nonexistent
Next video on the other secret OP tank, the AMX 30b with its plethora of high stats and insane DPM. Spotting, camo, and speed of a leopard, rate of fire of an STB. Not enough love for such a powerful tank
The name of the tank sounds closer to "Kay-Ho" - the vowels in Romanized Japanese are pronounced as "round" vowels are in English, so "e" is pronounced like the "e" in "fen", "met", or "tech".
LOOK AT THE GRANT!!!! how it it doing so well?, I thought that and the Lee were supposed to be the worst tanks in the game, Jingles even said the Lee was the only tanks he had to free xp past, lol.
1. Unlike the Lee which gets the rather mediocre 75 mm gun, the Grant can fit the 6-pdr which is actually quite a good gun. 2. The most important one: it's now a collector vehicle. This means people don't have to grind through it and most of the people who buy it, buy it deliberately after knowing what it is and how to work it. This made a lot of otherwise weird vehicles suddenly perform pretty okay, look at the Churchill GC. People who like a challenge buy it and even a mediocre tank can become great in the hands of a great player.
@@NavGTI I actually have my highest WN8 game, in the CGC, over 10k, 8 kills, 100% WR lol, only played it once, didnt want to ruin the perfect record. . . im gonna have to try the Grant out now, I actually really liked the Lee, I used to hide most of the tank behind buildings or rocks, so just the gun stuck out, and lol at all the people auto aiming into the cover.
Well if you need to seal club to boost win rate to get into better competitive clans is truly the player morals to blame? There is no ranked matchmaking placing player against equally skilled players. On top you get the -2 Matchmaker to beat. In tanks like Ke-Ho you can ignore that thanks to being able to compete +2 tiers easily. That's a rare feat. This does only happen due to other broken things in WoT that do heavily skew players win rates. Also an issue with lifetime stats system vs a recent stats system. Another prerequisite for a better matchmaker. All of that does as well reduce pay2win addictions as much as long term retaining competitive players by fair play. If all seal clubbers would be matched among themselves the game would be fine. in case WG needs to look for attracting and retaining fresh players their next job is carved out for them.
You serioulsly forget one fact QB. Yes it´s overpowered for it´s Tier but since it´s not protectet, it meets Tier 6 ! And so it needs it´s " Overpowered " State ! Side Question. Is it really Seal Clubbing, when you club other players, who have the same stats as you QB ? I highly doubt that !
Donate to Cancer Research UK or SpecialEffect here: tiltify.com/+quickybaby/profile
38 nA is better.
Ke-Ho is hopeless when downtiered vs t5-6's, which kinda happens (more so against the 6's), but the 38 nA is not hopeless against any tier, as it can get 450m view range without food, and is much faster.
These are amazing tanks for doing dailies in.
@@Milo-id9qdbro this is a link to help ppl with that... and u talk about world of tanks... disrespect much hm?
@@DR34M1FY It's my first time replying to one of his videos, sorry about that ... he should have mentioned it in the body.
PS: And it's UK cancer research, not everyone is UK.
@@Milo-id9qd nono dw :)
Last time you showed an OP low tier tank I got into a battle, with that tank, and another guy on my team, in the same tank, wrote into chat: QB sent me here. 😂😂😂
will be my joke for the next days. I currently help a new player grind the lower tiers and teach him the game, due to being a 10 year long close friend of mine.
Thanks for all your charity fundraisers over the years QB, I thought the Ke-Ho tank was great when I played through it, I decided to keep it and start a new crew for the next, I think the entire line is decent and well rounded.
I think its kinda funny that in Wot, a tank giving you a small enough advantage to win 5 or 6 more games in every hundred can make it op, and one that looses an extra 5 or 6 makes it a stinker, same with players, the difference between an average 49% and a good 55% win rate player really isnt that big.
Thats because your influence out of 15 players is only "small". If you can change the odds. You must be really strong or weak
Nah, you must be high or a 49% and below player, if you think theres *only* a small difference between 49% player and 55%
It is a big difference because you don't play all your games in a 'stinker', and while good players may favour OP tanks, they don't play all their's in OP tanks.
I think one is more likely to do well in low tier than Tier 6-10. Partly because the damage range is small and has a bigger margin for error and leading to faster games and more players making multiple mistakes.
In team games your average winrate is by default around 50% since team should carry your a** every few games. To be able to increase your wr by 5% is absolutely massive. Not only you win 5 more games, but also lose 5 less. So after 100 games your mmr is 10games ahead of player/tank with 5% less. Also OP tanks have lower winrates due to noobs losing anyways.
Back in the days Ke-Ho was even more powerful. It didn't have the scout MM like other LTs have, so it never saw tier 8.
Keeper that I never kept. I had too many tier 4s already.
doesnt see t8
@@agostinho6550 Never did like I said.
No tier 4 tank sees tier 8 tanks so I'm confused.
@@Skerrry Well... read again and stop being confused.
@@XtreeM_FaiL How about you explain yourself in a way that is understandable. Ke-Ho did not exist back in the day when tier 4 light tanks had to meet tier 8 tanks.
Got a love when CCs permote stat padding, yeah let's all watch this and learn how to farm new plays to make our state look good, cus we suck at higher tiers.
38 nA is better.
Ke-Ho is hopeless when downtiered vs t5-6's, which kinda happens (more so against the 6's), but the 38 nA is not hopeless against any tier, as it can get 450m view range without food, and is much faster.
These are amazing tanks for doing dailies in.
To be fair, BT-7, 38nA, and Panzer III Ausf.J all have sub-70 pen on silver round which get shafted pretty hard when up-tiered. Ke-Ho's 80 mm or so silver pen is still serviceable for a lot of enemies you will face up to Tier 6. While the 38nA and its fellows I mentioned have no hope of doing anything to the vast majority of higher tier opponents unless you press 2 and accept that said game you will lose silver even if you win, because their gold rounds deal so low damage that the silver earned from said damage wouldn't cover the cost of firing them.
And consider how a lot of maps has turned into corridors that force you to face enemy frontally... well you get the idea. But when you get maps that you can scout, then 38nA is quite capable... if your team isn't lemming up the canyon in Lakeville or corner camp that is.
38 nA is weird, the best gun is the 47mm, not the top one.
I go with 50-70 Gold rounds.
Still not huge credit loss, despite the fact i'm now f2p.
@@Milo-id9qd I checked the Tankgg, 47 mm has around 120 less dpm than 50 mm, 6 mm less silver pen, and 15 mm less gold pen, in exchange for 1 second less aim time. Everything else remains the same.
I'd say it only matter if you stop still before shooting. But if you run and gun, then 50 mm should be better as their gun handling is exactly the same.
But then again, I probably has to try it to see the result. I only bought Pz38nA recently after I realized that PzIII.J that I played all this time is a total garbage compared to this thing. Same gun, but no camo, no view range, so they can't even scout if getting up tiered.
@@machaiping It's a gun similar to the shrek tvp and Leo 1, has some bloom on move, especially if you combine dispersions by moving the turret about, but when you fully are looking to fire, the insanely low aim time stabilizes quite quickly.
Try it out, it's pretty awesome, but it does require gold.
1-2k games are not unsual, 3k combined games happen from time to time.
I'm 53-55% winrate recent, 51% global at 40k battles, F2P, no food, 2k wn8 average (1.6k when i don't bother, 2.5-3k if i tryhard) ... so, not bad but not godlike either. :)
This tank with the M2 Medium and P26/40 are my go-to tanks for daily missions.
1:45, not all lights at this tier get the bonus, only the "scouts" do, for example Cruiser IV doesn't, while M5A1 Stuart does
yep, just purchased and played. Totally OP. Now feel very dirty, but might go out in it again if I need a win for a mission
I already knew about this tank and I've been playing it for years. Back in the day people would say it was terrible. It was the M5 Stuart Chinese or nothing.
Dude, the Ke-Ho was always great ! I don't know how you overlooked it, but I've been keeping this tank since the Japanese tech tree showed up, back in the days. We didn't even had Turbos back then, so my build is Grousers, Vents and Binos.
You said that this tank was in the tech tree , I couldn’t find it , until I checked the collectors tanks and there it was , it may have been in the tech tree years ago but not now , I checked it out but didn’t buy it as I have enough to do with the ones in the tech tree , cheers for the fund raising from a guy who has survived two different types of cancer 👍👍
Thanks QB, my mum has cancer and its really hard for us all
It's a good tank, but the tech tree medium at the same tier has a similar gun with better pen/reload and 15 degrees of gun depression and more health with armor that pulls off some bounces. I imagine the only reason the Ke-Ho is performing better is because it's a collectors vehicle, but the Chi-He is still in the tech tree and it's stats are being worsened by new players that are playing the tank stock. I believe in Chi-He supremacy
Edit: I was wrong they actually both have the exact same gun, but the Chi-He does have a better reload
After finishing watching the stream, I was expecting this to be the Toldi III game where QB tried to talk about that tank positively for a whole game 😂
I was going to say M5A1 Stuart is also quite a filthy sealclubber and funnily enough it is up there
I played it only a few times to get upto the Type T-34, I found that it is quite op
The Chinese M5 Stuart has a better gun, but all the other benefits
the stuart used to be an even filthier seal clubber but then they removed the howitzer
Great and funny tank. Zeven got me into it ages ago, because it used to be his little warm up gem. Really fun!
I have noticed certain trend. Suddenly, a lot of low-tier tanks that are in the game for a long time have been popping up and are claimed to be OP & unbalanced in one way or another. That is true, but it is not because they were OP all this time. It is because players are fed-up with dealing with WG's BS of more & more OP high tier premium tanks that flooded the game. So more & more decent players move to lower tiers and are sealclubbing other sealclubbers. On top of that, usually "wealthy" players tend to pick up every kind of available buff they can on top of their experience. So bond equipment, directives, 4 - 5 skill crew etc are your average thing you encounter at lower tiers + some OP tank. Now... imagine you are a new to the game lol.
Lower tiers used to be so fun in the past, when there was something to grind (as tech trees were denser at lower tiers) and there were more tanks to encounter. You were not seeing Matidlas, B2, Hetzer literately EVERY game. WG destroyed the balance at lower tiers tbh.
This ... this is very true.
But on the flip side, the newbies inexperience is so common that they won't win the match if 10 out of 15 tanks of their team went to die in a canyon or cliffside trip on Lakeville in exchange for two or three tanks on the enemy team. Or playing heavy tank and the flank they weren't in collapse in 3 minutes into the match with next to zero loss to the enemy despite, again, 10 out of 15 of your team went there.
No amount of OP crew skill, bond equipment, etc. will win you the match in that case unless the enemy team suddenly turn off their brain after that landslide engagement and show up to fight you one by one, with all of them swapped out their gunners for Star Wars Stormtrooper, and none of them press 2 on the keyboard.
QB: key hole
Japanese: nani?
Pz 38 is much better in my opinion. With a decent crew and top equipment and food you can get a 475 view range with optics, 70 mph with turbo and 46% camo with a muffler. PZ 38 will eat a KeHo for lunch.
Didn't know you can put LNE on it, i will add one.
Mine has Turbo, grousers and coated optics, no food but decent crew, 450m view range.
@@Milo-id9qd To get top stats. (Purple turbo, Purple optics and Pink LNE) and food. - 474 view range, 45.98% camo and 70 mph.
And basically the *only* people playing this thing are sealclubbers, since the lack of a Japanese light tank line means nobody's likely to have a good crew to put in it.
Sarihano was xmas loot boxes last year
The sheer jump just today might mean my Chaffee is gonna have to get some work done.
Damn thought MM was bad at upper tiers... But you team had 11 lights, and 0 mediums... other team had 2 lights and 9 mediums... CRAZY !
Thanks Video !
Interesting tank. I just checked it's stats and its very comparable with my Luchs set up with the 5cm L/60. Some stats better, some worse. As the Luchs is my favourite low tier light, I might give the Ke-Ho a go. Thanks for the heads up QB.
my Ke-Ho is 0.1% behind my Luchs in WR, it's a great tank.
You should mention it's in the Collector page and not the tech tree anymore.
i agree this is op, i tried setting up mine with bounty exhaust and vents and binos. 50% camo while moving and 490 meters view range using food. requires good crew tho.
Can we get a video on the ARMT?
I used to play the Ke-Ho a few years ago in a two man platoon with a good friend. We ended up with 87,05% winratio after 224 games of Ke-Hos together!
Don't play the tank anymore, but it was ridiculous what the tank could do.
@ 7:38 No, we'll straight call you "de Vil" 🤣
yep, KeHo really is a hidden gem, not many know about, i also never played. i play the similar T-80 russian, also very good camo and a good gun for tier4 light, same 45mm you can see i tier5 and tier6 russian lights. sadly T-80 is in almost every statistic second too KeHo so i think it is time for me to test out KeHo too - for the occasions i don't want to goo in the higher tiers
it’s not in the tech tree anymore, maybe should have been straight up removed
My favorite LT! Love this thing and all its quirkiness!
QB needs to play the Harry Hopkins. Speed is an issue, zero armor, but 1300 shell velocity at tier 4 is amazing. With 121mm of pen on its standard rounds. It's a killer for sure.
@@test_nametest_surname1794 Tier 4 British reward light tank.
Had a e25 game a few days ago. I was top tier. It was flush with tier 5’s. I had 3500 dmg and 8 kills when it was all said and done. I felt a bit bad. 😂
there is only one tank i know of that i find more OP then this thing in terms of tanks that are rarely played, and that is the Tier 7 American Premium TD, the Scorpion. it's heat rounds have 275mm of pen AND have an insane velocity of 1200 m/s !! the Camorating that thing can get is insane as well, and it can move quite quickly and nimbly to boot, so it isnt a tank to take lightly.
yes, it has no armor AT ALL, but it honestly doesnt need it either as it isnt supposed to be seen long enough to shoot it at all.
seriously, try it out. if you know how to play a stealthy TD well, you will LOVE that thing.
i just started playing the Ke-HO in the past few weeks. It's gotta be the easiest seal clubber to get an Ace mastery badge in.
Since this I played 54 games on a zero skill crew with only 75% training and still made a 62% win rate. However was -2 on 9 games -1 on 32 games all tier 4 on 9 games and +1 on only 4 games so you have to accept the stuggle against the MM.
I am playong this tank for 2 years. Amazing little gem
Just started playing wot, this week. Love your guides.
How can i rotate camera without rotating the gun?
At 7:10, tells us he's sitting behind because he doesn't jabe the gun depression.... alright scrubby baby, we know you did that so you can farm the hitpoints and not your team. Let's own up to our greedy ways ;)
is this a huge upgrade against M8A1, which i currently use for some quests?
Did QB just say that the tank has statistics. Fear the Tank with statistics.
The Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. is even better, much faster and better view range
Being saying for years that the Ke-Ho is great. One of my favourite tanks along with ta da the Matilda
Is the Ke-Ho still an hidden gem as you unrevealed it in your last "OP tier 4 tanks" video?
This tank is no where in my tech tree! My tier 4 is the Chi-He.
I used to play this tank all the time, before the MM changes. I liked it more when I'd see tier 6 a lot.
Asian server?
I do NOT see this in the tech tree here in NA
It is most likely a "collector's tank" which means it is no longer in a tech tree, but rather in the store sub menu - you can buy it for regular credits once you unlocked other Japanese tier 4 tech tree tank. At some point WG made a sweeping changes and remove substantial amount of tanks from the tech tree.
How good is T-28 in modern WoT? it still has that high dpm, high pen and very accurate 57mm... though the camo compared to this is basically nonexistent
Looks like the WoT PC equivalent to the Ke-Ni Otsu in Blitz
FYI -The Ke-Ho was not available on the NA server, only the Chi-He, thanks for giving us an opportunity to give as well.
It's in the in-game store tab under collector vehicles.
Next video on the other secret OP tank, the AMX 30b with its plethora of high stats and insane DPM. Spotting, camo, and speed of a leopard, rate of fire of an STB. Not enough love for such a powerful tank
I remember being rushed by a hellcat in a ke-ho, and we had a duel I won😊
Goodjob quickybaby... atleast if u have kids later u can tell them u did a great job helping others💪💪
try playing Cruiser IV
Haven't played this tank for ages, but yeah, it's downright filthy.
Shhh! Second time you mentioned. One of the few tanks I do well with.
Ke-Ho, where is it at? Its not in the Tech Tree?
So now every game at low tier will be flooded with KeHo's. Thanks QB ;)
this is a collectors tank not tech tree
My favourite tank 8 years ago when I last played the game.
Oh dear god , poor Stug ... i can feel his pain xDD
The Che-He is far superior at the SAME Tier!
Do a video on that one. I challenge you!
The name of the tank sounds closer to "Kay-Ho" - the vowels in Romanized Japanese are pronounced as "round" vowels are in English, so "e" is pronounced like the "e" in "fen", "met", or "tech".
tier 3 is even more op with same mobility but even better gun depression
I just loves how he shames people for playing non-meta tanks below tier 8
bought it a few weeks ago. its dpm seemed a bit high
I prefer the Panzer 38T na but it's down to personal choice.
Well, maybe it was a tech tree tank, but not anymore… 😅
Yep, i have a ke-ho with permanent camo and equipment since many years. Just too awesome to sell!
My ancient secret is now out in the open.
LOOK AT THE GRANT!!!! how it it doing so well?, I thought that and the Lee were supposed to be the worst tanks in the game, Jingles even said the Lee was the only tanks he had to free xp past, lol.
1. Unlike the Lee which gets the rather mediocre 75 mm gun, the Grant can fit the 6-pdr which is actually quite a good gun.
2. The most important one: it's now a collector vehicle. This means people don't have to grind through it and most of the people who buy it, buy it deliberately after knowing what it is and how to work it. This made a lot of otherwise weird vehicles suddenly perform pretty okay, look at the Churchill GC. People who like a challenge buy it and even a mediocre tank can become great in the hands of a great player.
@@NavGTI Clutchkill Game Carrier Time 😎
@@NavGTI I actually have my highest WN8 game, in the CGC, over 10k, 8 kills, 100% WR lol, only played it once, didnt want to ruin the perfect record. . . im gonna have to try the Grant out now, I actually really liked the Lee, I used to hide most of the tank behind buildings or rocks, so just the gun stuck out, and lol at all the people auto aiming into the cover.
please play the American medium tier 5 armt
Good to know Ke-Ho is still good.
Cannot find the Ke-Ho on the NA server :( Edit : found it in the collectors page
It's certainly hidden, can't see it at all in my tech tree or wot shop.
Same here...where is it? Only on EU?
In the collectors tank tab
Try the Aussie sentinel
Now to see many vet players buying them.
Thank you for your fundraising.
how do you get the Ke-Ho
I was always doing pretty well to very well with Ke-ho while being a very bad player, now I know why.
Nothing compared to t6 medium. 105 derp gun with heat that can pen everything it meets and he that pens most tanks in its match making.
Maybe it's because this tank doesnt have idiot proof armor for seal clubbers to abuse which explains why it's under the radar
That's my guess
Sure, let's promote OP tanks some more, especially if they are not abused so much. What could go wrong?
Well well well
If compare, Luch is more better, the stats is bad because most player use 3cm auto gun, which in general weaker than the 5cm.
The tank is not even in the tech tree anymore.
Well if you need to seal club to boost win rate to get into better competitive clans is truly the player morals to blame? There is no ranked matchmaking placing player against equally skilled players. On top you get the -2 Matchmaker to beat. In tanks like Ke-Ho you can ignore that thanks to being able to compete +2 tiers easily. That's a rare feat. This does only happen due to other broken things in WoT that do heavily skew players win rates. Also an issue with lifetime stats system vs a recent stats system. Another prerequisite for a better matchmaker. All of that does as well reduce pay2win addictions as much as long term retaining competitive players by fair play. If all seal clubbers would be matched among themselves the game would be fine. in case WG needs to look for attracting and retaining fresh players their next job is carved out for them.
Damn I thought the video would be about The Toldi III...
You serioulsly forget one fact QB. Yes it´s overpowered for it´s Tier but since it´s not protectet, it meets Tier 6 ! And so it needs it´s " Overpowered " State !
Side Question. Is it really Seal Clubbing, when you club other players, who have the same stats as you QB ? I highly doubt that !
I have this collecting dust in my garage!
TY 🙏🙏
The real Violet stet pedder!
I dont have this tank in the tech tree..? 🤔
Ke-Ho vs Luchs ??
Japanese low tier tanks are very dangerous machines.
wait till he sees the matilda
i would like to see Japanse light tank line
Unfair plane! Oh, sorry - wrong channel.
Cant find the tank in the tech tree
Well I don't see this tank in the tech tree, why?
Because it is not there.