Divorcé is not an option its a decision That is very true I saw so money people when they think about marriage also they are thinking about divorce which is very wrong Tebarek very good discussions
I think the team at gugut is doing an amazing job. All three can express their ideas super clearly. I know Biruk (not behind the camera) is a bit philosophical in his view but very interesting. Biruk behind the camera is so mature, more conservative and holds their guest accountable when they contradict themselves which is brilliant. Dagim is very respectful to everyone, smart, well versed and has generally great insight. The guest, Abinet, is my first time seeing him or listening to him. I have heard from most motivational speakers and alike but Abinet is simply brilliant, very bold and has practical suggestions for his view and beliefs. Most people and specially the so called motivational speakers are not consistent in their views, have no practical solutions and are simply leading people to a fantasy world. Abinet is the kind of mentor you need if you really need to change your life around. The only thing I would disagree with him but still admire his position is that divorce is not always a decision, not either a choice but the only option. To think that every problem will have a solution with a complete happy ending is simply not true. My grandfather used to beat my grandmother, but she lived with him all her life. I think people shouldn’t try to work things out with abusers. I learned this the hard way in my personal life as well and I hope Abinet doesn’t get to get this lesson from the people that are so close to him. Regardless, I totally respect his point of view and admire his consistency in his approach. Thank you all!
The best podcast ever. Excellent content, these guys, i.e. the hosts , come with good tools to engage the audience and the guest. It's something refreshing to watch in Ethiopia. It goes without saying, Abinet is certainly an insightful and pretty clever dude. Keep this up guys. Bravo!
wegenoch endet nachihu? yimechachihu! I like the fact that you guys are informal and relatable, but i see you guys losing track of your points multiple times and i say you guys should have a framework on not to miss points and use your guests exhaustively on their speciality ! enjoy!
One days it is hard to live with one income, so we need to share roles everyday. It is hard to put specific role to one person. The roles can change depending on the situation in the house. So communicating is the key here.
Thank you for having me Guys🙏🏼 You are doing an amazing work, these young people need more people like you. Keep going!
omg yeleben nw yawerakewe sele training. they are trying to destroy what you have ena selenesu becha nw endetaseb miyadereguh
በጣም ደስ የሚል ውይይት ነበረ። ተመስጬ ነው ያዳመጥኳችሁ ። እንግዳችሁን በጣም ጎበዝና ስለ ትዳር በዙ የማውራት ፍላጎት ነበረው ነገር ግን በመሀል እየገባችሁ እና ወደ ሌላ ርዕስ እየገባችሁ ሲቸገር ነበር ። ወይ ድጋሚ እድል ስጡት ። በተረፈ ወይይታችሁ ተመችቶኛል ። ብዙ ፍሬ ነገር አግቼበታለው።
በጣም ጎበዝ ልጅ ነው እንግዳው፡ እውነት ነው በዚህ ዘመን ትዳር በኣጭሩ የሚቀጨው መፋታትን እንደ አማራጭ ስለሚያዩ ነው፡ በተለይ ሴቶች፡ እኔም ሁሌ የምከራከርበት ሃሳብ ነው ።
Dagi's "ድንቄም" reaction at 30:20 when ብሩክ Said "እስክጋባ እንዲ አይነት ነገር አላረግም" is just everyting 😂😂😂
asbanenebt dagi lol
ካየዋቹ ጊዜ ጀምሮ እናተን ማየት እና ማዳመጥ ማቆም አልቻልኩም ጎበዝ በርቱ በጣም
Divorcé is not an option its a decision
That is very true
I saw so money people when they think about marriage also they are thinking about divorce which is very wrong
Tebarek very good discussions
ጥሩና የሚያስፈልግ ውይይት ነው ጋብቻ መፈላለግ መዋደድና መለማመድ ወይም መቀባበል ስለሆነ የእድሜ ልክ አብሮነት ነው።
ወጣቶች እንደዚህ ሲማከሩ ትዳርን ይወዱታል ያከብሩታል ይኖሩበታል
በቅርብ ነው ያወኳቹ በጣም አስተማሪና ጠቃሚ ነገሮችን ነው ምትለቁት ምትወያዩቱ አሪፍ ነው በጣም ቀጥሉበት😍😘
I rly enjoy ur podcasts. I feel like m using my time when m listening to ur podcast. U address seeked issues. Thanks guys
P.s dagim 🖤😉😂
በጣም ደሰ የሚል ውይይት ነበር ግን አጠረቡኝ እንግዳችሁን (አቡነነትን) አመሰግኑልኝ wow talk
This is good experience fo this generation keep going guys
በጣም ይገርማል ለትዳር መፋለስ መንስኤው መልስ መመላለስ ቲካ ቲካ አፍ መካፈቱ ነው እያወክ/ች በመከባበር ማለፍ እኔ ይገርምሀል ብዙ ገጥሞኛል ነገር ግን መልስ ባለ መመለስ በዝምታ ኃላ ላይ ቆይቶ ሲበርድላት ደም ፍላቱ ታሳዝነኛለች በመናገሯ መፀፀቷን ከፊቷ ኦረዳለሁ እንግዲህ ሁሉም ሰው አንድ አይደለም እንደ አፈጣጠራችን እንኳን ሰውና ድንጋይና ድንጋይም ይጋጫል ስለዚህ እርሱ ሲባርከው እንጅ በሳይንሳዊ አይመስለኝም ከተሳሳትኩ ይቅርታ
Another amazing episode!!!!
keep up the great work.
1:22:00 amazing advice for University students
በጣም ትልቅ መልህክት መፋታትን እንደ አንድ አማራጭ የማታን ነገሮችን ለማስተካከል ችግሮችን ለመፍታት የምትጥር ሰው ስትሆን አማራጭ የሌለህ ከዚህ ግንኙነት ብትወጣ የምትጓዳው አንተ ብቻ እንደሆንክ ለዛም ብለህ ላለመለያየት ሆነህ ትታያለህ እውነት ግን መለያየት በጭራሽ አማርጭ ለመሆን በጣም እሩቅ ነው
I think the team at gugut is doing an amazing job. All three can express their ideas super clearly. I know Biruk (not behind the camera) is a bit philosophical in his view but very interesting. Biruk behind the camera is so mature, more conservative and holds their guest accountable when they contradict themselves which is brilliant. Dagim is very respectful to everyone, smart, well versed and has generally great insight.
The guest, Abinet, is my first time seeing him or listening to him. I have heard from most motivational speakers and alike but Abinet is simply brilliant, very bold and has practical suggestions for his view and beliefs. Most people and specially the so called motivational speakers are not consistent in their views, have no practical solutions and are simply leading people to a fantasy world. Abinet is the kind of mentor you need if you really need to change your life around.
The only thing I would disagree with him but still admire his position is that divorce is not always a decision, not either a choice but the only option. To think that every problem will have a solution with a complete happy ending is simply not true. My grandfather used to beat my grandmother, but she lived with him all her life. I think people shouldn’t try to work things out with abusers. I learned this the hard way in my personal life as well and I hope Abinet doesn’t get to get this lesson from the people that are so close to him. Regardless, I totally respect his point of view and admire his consistency in his approach.
Thank you all!
WOW Abinet so enlightening Point of Views, Thank You'll
The best podcast ever. Excellent content, these guys, i.e. the hosts , come with good tools to engage the audience and the guest. It's something refreshing to watch in Ethiopia. It goes without saying, Abinet is certainly an insightful and pretty clever dude. Keep this up guys. Bravo!
Wow i Really enjoyed ur podcasts guys
guys ከጀመራችሁ ጀምሮ am still with u. Nice progress
ሁሉንም ችግር በሳይንስ መፍታት አይቻልም። አብነት ያነሳቸው አብዛኞቹ ችግሮች ከ Spirtitual Aspect መታየት ነው ያለበት
Wow it was nice experience brother’s
thanks 🙏
Very interested I’m proud of you 👍
እናመሰግናለን ።
ሰላም ጉጉቶች ፕሮግራማችሁ አሪፍ ነው ብዙ ተምሬበታለሁ አንድ ጥያቄ ግን አለኝ የጋብቻ ሃሳብ ሰፊና ጥልቅ ነው ልምድ ያስፈልገዋል ብዬ አስባለሁ ሳያገቡ ማማከርን እንዴት ታዩታላችሁ?
Arif nw ketelubet👌
That is right mechacha sayehone megebabate new that is the truth
It's a matured discussion
Thanks so much 😊
የሚገርማቹ እኔ የ12 አመት ልጅ አለኘ እና የሰፈሩን wif pass በቃ እንዴት እንደሚጠልፍ እና ከፈለገ ይቀይረዋል pass word ን እና ግን የሚጠቀመው ነገር ከ ጎግልን ነው ቴክኖሎጂነክ ነገር ነው የሚያየው የቴክኒክ ነገሮች አፍቃሪ ነው።
Good ideas Thanks
I am so amazed how you guys are very knowledgeable, keep it up
Btam des yelal tnx gugut 😘😘
በጣም ነው ማመሰግነው አሪፍ ምክር ነው👏
Good topic
i lov lov the topic ,
የነበረው ቆይታ ጥሩ ነው ነገር ግን የጋበዛችሁት ሰው ላውራ ካለ እድል ስጡት
Good Content! keep it up bro's.
We need timestamps!!🙌
Mehal yalew lej Excellent new A+ setchehalew melkam astesaseb ena negerochen ke bzu angle yemiyaye lej new. GOD BLESS YOU 🙌 🙏
i reallyloved ur ideas u r amazing kip it up...pls consider about ur hair..just forwarding my opinion
ፕሮግራማቹ ከነ እንግዳዎቹ ጭምር አሪፍ ነው ግን ሰአቱን ብትቀንሱት ማለት ትንሽ አጠር ቢል
wegenoch endet nachihu? yimechachihu! I like the fact that you guys are informal and relatable, but i see you guys losing track of your points multiple times and i say you guys should have a framework on not to miss points and use your guests exhaustively on their speciality ! enjoy!
Wow wow it was nice experience bro 🙏🏼
28:52 Dagi lela tarik weest
Amazing conversation !!
I like the coment the guy behind the camera
One days it is hard to live with one income, so we need to share roles everyday. It is hard to put specific role to one person. The roles can change depending on the situation in the house. So communicating is the key here.
ዋው የሞራል
ዳጊ ታምራለህ ብሩክ ደግሞ ድምጵህ ያምራል❤🎉😅
i really enjoyed this podcast it was interesting
An interesting podcast
አሪፍ ቆይታ ከአሪፍ እንግዳ ጋር
Bright kid !!!
mndnew aree ye dimtsu chigr betam alebachu ...atsemum
መቻቻል ሳይሆን መከባበር ይሻላል
Fikir ketefas??
እና መልሱ ውሳኔ ነው አማራጭ
ጠቃሚ ምክር 19:00
ሚስቴ በጣም እልሀኛ ነች. ምን ላርግ. ከኔ ይልቅ ጉዶኖችዋን ታማክራለች ወይ ትቀርባለች. አንድ በሉኝ. ለ መፍታት 11 ኛ ሰዓት ነኝ. 🤔
አተ ብሰማት እኮ ሌላ አታማክርም ነበር እሷን ለማዳመጥ ሞክር
የኔን ሂወት ያያቹልኘ ይመስለኛል
Ke youtub bedenb eytekfelk aydel? Kale kefyama le thedk atseram
Lehulet lemeftat sayhon erasu endifetaw bitareg arif new aleza hule Chigir fech tihonaleh
ይሄን አንተ አድርግ ይሄን አንቺን አድርጊ የሚለውን ህግ ምናገኘው ከትዳር መስራቹ ከእግዚአብሔር መሆን አለበት ባይ ነኝ
ብሩክ የቁም ነገር መልዕክት እየተላለፈ ለምን ታሾፋለህ ወይም ታፌዛለህ ባንተ ምክንያት ከ 7 ደቂቃ በላይ ማየት ወይም ማዳመጥ አልቻልኩም ሶሪ
ልጅ ነኝ ብለህ ረስህን በዛ ተርታ አስቀመጠህ ከሆነ እንዳልሆንክ ልንገርህ በአንተ እድሜ ያሉ እዚህ አውሮፖ ትልቅ ድርጅት በኃላፊነት ቀጥ አድርገው ይመራሉ ተለወጥ
በፍችማ አትቀልዱ😂😂አልፋታም ልቻል ብለው ስቶቹ ተገለዎል ወይ ይቅር ይበልኝ ምን ያስቃል ግን ፍች የተጠላ ግን አማርጭ ነው ከሚስጠላም እኮ እሚበልጥ ምርጫ አለ
Abo egdawe temchey
ቢሮህ የት ነው
30:20 😂😂😂😂😂 ድክም
መልስ አልሰጣችሁም
እሰይ 🤣🤣🤣 ጥቁር ቲሸርት እኔ አላረግም ሌላው ያርግ አልክ እኮ whyyyy you tell others to do something you don’t want to do?
80 alkededum sibal gn mndenew 80? 😊
Betam arif nbr
30:20 😂😂😂
እረ ንገሩኝ
Please improve ur audio quality
Are dewuyelh eko enelemenagager 2000 kfey kedmesh blagnalech sekreterk
buraa ,fuckin practise what you preach.