If this is like "Cat was engaged to Jaime instead of Brandon" situation, yeah, Petyr is still gonna get his butt whooped, this time by Jaime. To be fair, he doesnt get beaten to death but only cuz Jaime got bored and maybe felt a little bad. Dude would be holding a grudge but cant do squat about him if Tywin's still alive here
@@joeschultz4650honestly I think you nailed that one on the head. I see zero reason that Jamie would kill Littlefinger hell if anything I can picture him giving him instructions during the fight just to make it last longer.
I can see Tywin finding out about Jaime's promotion ahead of time and suggesting it himself, which will cause the Mad King to not promote Jaime because it is Tywins idea.
One change I like because of this timeline is Tyrion keeps his wife and isn’t traumatized by what Tywin does to her in the main timeline, so more Lannisters running around…
What if Myrcella “Baratheon” married Robb Stark instead Joffrey & Sansa? What if Jamie & Tywin Lannister knows about Jon Snow? What if Ned won against Jamie at the Tower Of Joy? What if Gerold Hightower kill The Mad King while Jamie was at the Tower Of Joy? What if Rhaelle Baratheon, Robert, Stannis & Renly’s grandmother was still alive during Robert’s Rebellion? What if Robert Baratheon has a Trueborn daughter by Cersei Lannister? What if the Cordyceps from *The Last Of Us* was in Westeros?
Myrcella's too young and too southern, if not for the circumstances of war, both Cat and Ned would have understood it paramount to wed Robb to a house in the north in order to maintain allegiance, as Cat's children already have a reputation for being Tully like (apart from Arya). And if Princess Rhaelle was alive, Id imagine there would be less whispers of "Usurper" floating around Robert's rule and his claim to the throne would be digested better by the Lords of Westeros.
personally i think jaime would be much less depressed in this timeline than in the lysa tully timeline since cat is much more dutiful and loving than her sister and would likely try to cheer jaime up along with tyrion and ned would have a much colder marriage with lysa who might still be in love with littlefinger since neds marriage with cat started out just dutiful and not romantic and loving tyrion would also be much better off in this scenario since his two abusers in cersei and tywin would be dead and tyrion would be living most of his life at the rock rather than kingslanding like he did in the main story and jaime would probably be intent on getting his brother a good marriage
Yeah Tyrion is definetly the big winner of this timeline . Also funnily enough I think Ned and Jaime might become closer than Ned and Robert were , bonding over the trauma of losing a sister …and their shared love for sword fights and tactics .
Only thing I'll add is some Jon focused changes Tyrion and Jon still develop a close bond because Ned trusts Jaime like family in this timeline and Jon is sent off to Casterly Rock for fostering. Lysa would get over Petyr real fast because Ned would be a better match for her than Jon Arryn. Her deep devotion to Ned would cause her to embrace Jon rather than spurn him. His experience at Winterfell prior to go to Casterly Rock would be different. Jon's life could be so much better in this timeline.
Your comment about Jaime leaving a scar on Littlefinger's face instead of on his chest is EXACTLY what I thought. It's funny because you said it in the video exactly when I was thinking it. Good call there.
I could see Rhaegar reaching out to Jamie and telling him about what him and his dad were planning (if they actually were) and then go against the mad king all together with a valid reason for overthrowing him
In this scenario wouldn’t Tyrion be married to his first wife Tysha still? Since Tywin never resigned as hand and returned to Casterly Rock he was there to have Tysha assaulted and with Jamie in charge there he probably wouldn’t have let anything happen to his new sister-in-law. This is a pretty great timeline for Tyrion
I don't think the whole part with Starks and Mad King would work like that. Brandon was in Riverlands for his wedding with Catelyn. Considering Lysa is a couple years younger he would probably not be there at the same time. If he was in Winterfell Starks would find out about whole Liana situation much later and both Brandon and his father would have been together when they get this information so they might have prepare better plan of reacting to that.
I'd love to see a Part 2 to this; so mnlany other things would change. When the Rebellion happened Tyrion was a child. Jaime loves Tyrion and will treat him with respect. He won't have Lannister guards rape Tysha and claim she's a whore. Tyrion's childhood will be much happier and he'll grow up far less jaded, with no childhood trauma from Tywin. I think Jaime would let Tyrion stay married to Tysha. Without Cersei, Joffrey and Tywin there there is no War of Five Kings. Robert will live much longer, have legitimate children and no succession crisis. I'd be interested to see how Littlefinger and Varys try to create chaos.
I think I may have suggested this one, but either way, I did want to see it. Barbery... hmm, interesting choice for Brandon, at least as a possibility. But yes, at least in terms of a match, Rickard would likely be engaged either to Lysa or to the daughter of someone else (maybe someone from the Reach or the Vale). Baelish challenging Jaime... oh boy, he's getting his ass beat but won't be killed. Tywin staying Hand of the King? Makes sense. Not sure what Rhaegar would choose but either way, Varys is there. As for this, well, Aerys is killing all three of Brandon, Rickard, and Tywin. With Cersei being away from Jaime for so long, you could also argue he'd be less enamored with Cersei. Better name, yes. As for the sacking... I can imagine Aerys would set off the Wildfire before the rebels even get to King's Landing. But, if Gerold goes back... good idea. I do think no matter who was there when Aerys did his plot they'd do what Jaime did. With Gerold being the one to kill him, I do think he'd be less hated than Jaime, especially if he takes Elia and her kids to safety. There we go. Cersei's dead. That's very ironic given canon with Joffrey and Sansa- wait, there we go. Oh, Tower of Joy with Jaime there and no Gerold helping them? Oh boy, they're in a bad position. I also imagine there are many more survivors from the North this time. Unless it's just Jaime, Ned, and Howland going. With Cat being Jaime's wife, I imagine he might end up getting more affection from her than in canon. I have an interesting one. What if Aerys never went fully mad. I'd think this would go in Duskendale where he isn't taken. Either that or what if Aerys died at Duskendale.
These continue to show that Jaime is one of my favorite characters because the man is a true product of his environment. He actually is a noble man and unlike most, believes he has the obligation to do the right thing. He and Stannis are actually quite similar in that sense
Actually fraternal twins are more likely to happen along the female line, since multiples tend to be dependant on the mother's genetics (how many eggs are released at any one time) So Cersei is more likely to have twins than any wife of Jaime's.
I always thought Cersei convinced Aerys with reverse psychology, planting the idea in Aerys’ mind how taking Jaime away would insult Tywin, maybe pointing out that Tyrion would inherit, little nudges, nothing special, it worked because Aerys had become so incredibly spiteful
That works for book 1 Cersei but she gets retconned into an evil idiot after a certain point. Her change in character is one of the more blatant plot problems in the books.
The war that would inevitably come after the fact would be interesting. It's likely that Littlefinger and Lysa would have plotted the death of Ned Stark. This would have left the North in control of Lysa who would have preserved the strength of the North when war breaks out between the Baratheons and the Lannisters. Not sure what the circumstances would be that would drive them to war but that would be Littlefinger's goal. But this could actually end up being pretty terribly different as I imagine that Jaime and Cat would have wanted to marry their hypothetical son to Margaery Tyrell and/or their Daughter to Willas Tyrell. With the Lannisters and Tyrells in an alliance the Baratheons would be unlikely to want to fight that.
Lysa was very disillusioned with her marriage to Jon Arryn but with Ned things would be quite different and she could eventually fell in love with him.
Interesting thought but I don't think Ned would marry Lysa I think Jon Arryn would still marry her because the Starks have skin in the game with Ned's father and brother dead the only two without blood ties to the situation are the Tully's and Ayrrn and Jon Ayrrn needs an heir
Lysa would probably try to convince Ned to have Littlefinger join their household like she did with Jon Arryn in the canon timeline. I don't know if Ned would go along with that. But if he did, any children they had "together" would probably be Littlefinger's, thus making Ned the Robert in this new timeline and Lysa the Cersei 😅
The show shouldve devoted an entire season to being a prequel of Robert's Rebellion. They couldve done that to buy time to make the final season better. Plus, it wouldve been interesting to see the events leading up to the rebellion.
Can you do what if Elia and her children were allowed to go with rhaella and viserys to dragonstone . What if Daenerys went to the dance after her death with her 3 dragons What if Ned was born a girl
The Tyrell Marriage Alliance wouldn’t happen not because The Tyrells want Margery as Queen, since Renly is Stannis Heir and most likely successor it can still work, but because Stannis is married to House Florent which is a rival house to House Tyrell, and Stannis has a grudge against the Tyrells during the Rebellion. I could see the Tyrell staying neutral in the fight since I believe they join The Lannister to get back at Stannis after killing Renly. If they isn’t confusion over Robert’s true heir than the North wouldn’t succeed from the Seven Kingdom. Meaning it will be a Stark-Tully-Baratheon Alliance. Hell very much of a stretch since the Baratheon have some bad beef with the Martells and the Dornish, but since Dorne seem more adversarial to the Tyrells and the Reach and it seems they blame Elia and her children death more on the Lannisters. I could see a Renly and Arianne marriage alliance. Probably not. But I think if somehow the Baratheons- Martell Alliance somehow can be a thing then that would make the Tyrells more likely to side with the Lannisters. Now since in the main time line Robb saw his war more with the Lannisters than with Stannis and Renly. It hard to say if he would allow Theon to go to the Iron Islands to convinced his father to side with The Stark. I think no, since Robb would probably being having open communication with Stannis and Stannis the well respected Military commander would tell him that’s a stupid idea and Stannis does have a fleet as the former Master of Ships. Though the Greyjoy still will probably rebell and try to claim the north though I think that more due to revenge than anything else. The Greyjoy without Theon will mean Theon won’t take over Winterfell and ‘killing’ Bran and Rickon. Now what caused Robb downfall was the Lannister defeating Stannis at Blackwater. Now I think if Stannis with a different alliance would have a different staregy at Blackwater. Since he would have the full support of the Stormlands, the full support of the Riverlands, the North, and most if not all of the Crownlands. I think that geographic advantage and military power is enough to overcome both the Lannisters and Tyrell if they are still on their side which is depending on a lot of things. Stannis will still name Davos as Hand and probably Master of Ships. Renly is Lord of Dragonstone and Master of Coin. I could see Stannis get rid of Littlefinger, Varys, and Pycell. I could see the Blackfish become Master of Laws. Melisandre as the Mistress of Whispers. Speaking of which all of this can be thrown out considering the whole Rhillor thing and depending upon Stannis faith. In the book, Stannis isn’t religious but does see Rhillor as a great power, it’s more Stannis wife that is more connect to the religion.
So, a couple of things that i thought about not only about this video but in general: TL;DR: What if Tywin overthrows the Mad King with Rhaegar; What if the Tyrells didn't side with the crown; Tyrion turns out very different in this timeline Couldn't in any of these cases where Tywin stays as Hand he manages to not die with the Starks and somehow overthrow the Mad King? Maybe if Rhaegar didn't run off with Lyanna or at least ran to King's Landing so he was present when everything happened? I think it would be interesting because not only we could have some dialogue and explanation from Rhaegar and the Starks, this doesn't necessarily end the war, but it definetely get's way less "All or Nothing", and now that Tywin basically sides with Rhaegar, the war would change a lot, maybe the rebels don't win at mole town (idk if that the right name) and probably don't win at the trident if that battle even happens. If it happens and in this case Robert dies instead of Rhaegar, given that his father and brother are still alive, maybe Ned could've been convinced to stop the rebellion, given that with Robert dead Rhaegar can explain things (assuming this is like the show where they loved each other etc etc...) In both of these videos of different marriages to the Tully sisters, i really don't see why the Tyrells would side with the crown? (maybe i'm just missing some lore) but with the BLAST alliance there's really no hope for the Targaryen's, Lady Olenna would not allow her son to take the losing side (idk if he is the lord paramount at this stage but the point stants that Olenna is too smart for this) Also i think that Tyrion is really just kicked to the sidelines here, maybe he is just way too young but given that he is now brother of The Lord of Casterly Rock, couldn't he get a at least decent marriage? Maybe both the last point and the next are just a step too far in this scenario (as in we are getting too deep in the story) but probably Tyrion would turn out quite different in this timeline, without both Tywin and Cersei around to be cruel to him. Anyway's, great video as always, keep it up!
You did this all just for the excuse to use BLAST I bet, but I do really like you wanted to make alternative believable changes. WHAT IF.... Myrcella survived being poisoned? Euron killed Balon before Theon got home the first time? Margaery escaped the Wild Fire? Rickon makes it to Jon before Ramsey kills him?
20:25 But, if the King doesn;t open up his gates to the rebels, then they would have to lay siege to the city. And when an invading army breaks the defenses of a city/stronghold that they were forced to lay siege to.........well......I think we all know where this is going. So, one way or another, the sack might still happen.
What if Renly joind Stannis. What if Stannis won blackwater. What if Stannis won battle of ice what if robb joind Stannis.. what if Balon invaded westerlands. What if robb married frey. What if edmure allowed tywin to advance. What if Joffrey survied. What if tommen survied
Tywin cheers if Cersei gets taken, nothing happens for Ashara and canon continues mostly unchanged but with Ned marrying Lysa for Catelyn getting taken.
I don't think male twins (unless identical) would have much impact on the likely hood of twins as it is determined by how many eggs the mother produces. Identical IDK but it's possible.
And this timeline who do you think Robert would have married would he have married one of his mistresses or had his daughter that was in the veil come to court
"Twins are more likely to have twins". That's true for women, not men. A woman having twins might pass her predisposition to her daughter or granddaughter. Quantity of children each month is dependent on woman's fertility while man's control sex of child/children.
I don’t think Lisa would be able to give Ned a healthy child right away. She still would have had sex with Peter, gotten pregnant, and unknowingly been giving Tansy tea to abort the baby. That caused fertility issues for the rest of her life. Now, that could change because Ned is the father instead of a very old man, but there still could be lingering fertility issues.
What if Viseryes didn’t give the greens dragons What if Rhaenyra was made hand of the king What if Rhaenyra went to rooks rest part 2 What if daemon had a son part three What Viseryes married Alicent and Laena
- He'd be probably named Ceasar and he'd be heir while Jaime is free to be kingsguard and Tyrion is stuck managing the sewage. Tho, Jaime might not be a kingsguard here as the purpose of making him KG is to humiliate Tywin with a dwarf heir and hold him hostage. As Jaime is just a second son who has to pray that his older bro kicks the bucket to get anything, ye no kingsguard Jaime - Tywin does spend more time with Ceasar but well, dude's still not as smart as Tywin thanks to his ego. Still smarter than Cersei tho. Also, he'd be like a more subdued Joffrey thanks to Tywin being the one to raise him, cruel and egotistic but hides it well and is unfortunately smart. - He and Jaime are still close, just not as close as Cersei and Jaime were. Theyre not sexually involved but considering Cersei is a narcissist and in the books, slept with another woman, maybe the twins had done it in the past but more out of curiosity and now its an embarassing memory they dont wanna talk about. Obviously nothing happens, no Joffrey, Myrcella or Tommen - He'd be the one married to Lysa and would be at Casterly Rock while Tywin and Jaime are at court. Robert probably marries a Tyrell woman or a Lannister cousin. Bobby B is still yearning for Lyanna tho - Lysa and Ceasar do not have a good marriage, especially as they might have trouble conceiving and well, dude is def the kind of guy to blame his wife for having the audacity to have stillbirths and miscarriages. He does love whatever children that comes out of the marriage, albeit in his own narcissitic way. He favors and spoils the kids that look and/or act like him tho while tolerating the ones that look and act like his wife. He and Tywin (if he still lives) would try to have one of his kids wed to one of Robert's to gain more political influence, likely a daughter to Robert's heir, which would be a problem as Robert wants Ned's eldest daughter Sansa to marry his heir (who is thankfully not Joffrey)
Tyrion dies, a furious Jaime murders Ned instead of killing him and an even more furious Robert imprisons and executes Jaime, Tywin rebels against the Throne...
Is this a Jaime stan account? Jaime is still a man, he’d be with Catelyn just fine, not just out of “duty”. You swear he’s this abstinent golden god but thats only his hand, “Golden Hand” to be exact. Also he’s straight and she’s beautiful. For someone who’s up Jaime, he did find her more interesting than Lysa. He got a stiffer for Briene in bath scene and she’s much uglier in the books. Oh and Black Fish would’ve gone with them instead with Lysa to the North.
If this is like "Cat was engaged to Jaime instead of Brandon" situation, yeah, Petyr is still gonna get his butt whooped, this time by Jaime. To be fair, he doesnt get beaten to death but only cuz Jaime got bored and maybe felt a little bad. Dude would be holding a grudge but cant do squat about him if Tywin's still alive here
Naw jamie would kill him
@@dellavonta187it depends, but I doubt it
Jamie would take it much easier on Baelish because he has nothing to prove by annihilating a little wimp.
@@joeschultz4650honestly I think you nailed that one on the head.
I see zero reason that Jamie would kill Littlefinger hell if anything I can picture him giving him instructions during the fight just to make it last longer.
I can see Tywin finding out about Jaime's promotion ahead of time and suggesting it himself, which will cause the Mad King to not promote Jaime because it is Tywins idea.
That sounds so realistic I’ll steal this for my fanfic
@@i0xiaYwhat’s the fanfic called so I can read it?
@@i0xiaY do not gatekeep please 🙂
@@jamescourt6554 guys I haven’t written it yet but I’ll update you if I will
@@Lemon-ju9vj guys I haven’t written it yet but I’ll update you if I will
Please man you gotta start doing part 2s with these. Literally at the end of every video I'm like "oohhh what happened next"
One change I like because of this timeline is Tyrion keeps his wife and isn’t traumatized by what Tywin does to her in the main timeline, so more Lannisters running around…
What if Myrcella “Baratheon” married Robb Stark instead Joffrey & Sansa?
What if Jamie & Tywin Lannister knows about Jon Snow?
What if Ned won against Jamie at the Tower Of Joy?
What if Gerold Hightower kill The Mad King while Jamie was at the Tower Of Joy?
What if Rhaelle Baratheon, Robert, Stannis & Renly’s grandmother was still alive during Robert’s Rebellion?
What if Robert Baratheon has a Trueborn daughter by Cersei Lannister?
What if the Cordyceps from *The Last Of Us* was in Westeros?
How did you even think of the last one, that's crazy
Myrcella's too young and too southern, if not for the circumstances of war, both Cat and Ned would have understood it paramount to wed Robb to a house in the north in order to maintain allegiance, as Cat's children already have a reputation for being Tully like (apart from Arya).
And if Princess Rhaelle was alive, Id imagine there would be less whispers of "Usurper" floating around Robert's rule and his claim to the throne would be digested better by the Lords of Westeros.
🎉 28:25 🎉🎉🎉 n🎉npcldnln"m🎉LK
personally i think jaime would be much less depressed in this timeline than in the lysa tully timeline since cat is much more dutiful and loving than her sister and would likely try to cheer jaime up along with tyrion and ned would have a much colder marriage with lysa who might still be in love with littlefinger since neds marriage with cat started out just dutiful and not romantic and loving
tyrion would also be much better off in this scenario since his two abusers in cersei and tywin would be dead and tyrion would be living most of his life at the rock rather than kingslanding like he did in the main story and jaime would probably be intent on getting his brother a good marriage
Yeah Tyrion is definetly the big winner of this timeline .
Also funnily enough I think Ned and Jaime might become closer than Ned and Robert were , bonding over the trauma of losing a sister …and their shared love for sword fights and tactics .
Tyrian would probably be Jon's favorite uncle
"Something harrowing for him,"
Me: Dead, dead, dead...
"Cersi is dead."
Only thing I'll add is some Jon focused changes Tyrion and Jon still develop a close bond because Ned trusts Jaime like family in this timeline and Jon is sent off to Casterly Rock for fostering. Lysa would get over Petyr real fast because Ned would be a better match for her than Jon Arryn. Her deep devotion to Ned would cause her to embrace Jon rather than spurn him. His experience at Winterfell prior to go to Casterly Rock would be different. Jon's life could be so much better in this timeline.
I just realized in HoTD Aemond trying to kill Aegon is like the lion King.
The second son, the scared brother killing his brother for the throne.
Your comment about Jaime leaving a scar on Littlefinger's face instead of on his chest is EXACTLY what I thought. It's funny because you said it in the video exactly when I was thinking it. Good call there.
I could see Rhaegar reaching out to Jamie and telling him about what him and his dad were planning (if they actually were) and then go against the mad king all together with a valid reason for overthrowing him
What if John and Danny got married before John’s identity was known?
In this scenario wouldn’t Tyrion be married to his first wife Tysha still? Since Tywin never resigned as hand and returned to Casterly Rock he was there to have Tysha assaulted and with Jamie in charge there he probably wouldn’t have let anything happen to his new sister-in-law. This is a pretty great timeline for Tyrion
I don't think the whole part with Starks and Mad King would work like that. Brandon was in Riverlands for his wedding with Catelyn. Considering Lysa is a couple years younger he would probably not be there at the same time. If he was in Winterfell Starks would find out about whole Liana situation much later and both Brandon and his father would have been together when they get this information so they might have prepare better plan of reacting to that.
What if the Hound killed the Mountain during the hands tourney?
What if King Robert stayed in his warrior shape?
What if Littlefinger wins the duel against Brandon Stark? (Maybe bc he tripped over a rock or sth)
Brandon has a heart attack and dies mid duel 😂
you are just cracking these videos out!!
What if Tywin allowed Jamie and Cersei to marry Ellia and Oberyn Martel
Cersei would try to kill my girl Cat. I want to think Cat would fight back my girl Cersei 😂😂😂😂
I'd love to see a Part 2 to this; so mnlany other things would change.
When the Rebellion happened Tyrion was a child.
Jaime loves Tyrion and will treat him with respect. He won't have Lannister guards rape Tysha and claim she's a whore. Tyrion's childhood will be much happier and he'll grow up far less jaded, with no childhood trauma from Tywin.
I think Jaime would let Tyrion stay married to Tysha.
Without Cersei, Joffrey and Tywin there there is no War of Five Kings. Robert will live much longer, have legitimate children and no succession crisis.
I'd be interested to see how Littlefinger and Varys try to create chaos.
What if stannis wins the battle of black water because tywin doesn’t arrive to save them, and he kills Cersei, Joffrey, and the kids?
I think I may have suggested this one, but either way, I did want to see it.
Barbery... hmm, interesting choice for Brandon, at least as a possibility. But yes, at least in terms of a match, Rickard would likely be engaged either to Lysa or to the daughter of someone else (maybe someone from the Reach or the Vale).
Baelish challenging Jaime... oh boy, he's getting his ass beat but won't be killed. Tywin staying Hand of the King? Makes sense.
Not sure what Rhaegar would choose but either way, Varys is there. As for this, well, Aerys is killing all three of Brandon, Rickard, and Tywin.
With Cersei being away from Jaime for so long, you could also argue he'd be less enamored with Cersei.
Better name, yes. As for the sacking... I can imagine Aerys would set off the Wildfire before the rebels even get to King's Landing. But, if Gerold goes back... good idea.
I do think no matter who was there when Aerys did his plot they'd do what Jaime did. With Gerold being the one to kill him, I do think he'd be less hated than Jaime, especially if he takes Elia and her kids to safety.
There we go. Cersei's dead. That's very ironic given canon with Joffrey and Sansa- wait, there we go.
Oh, Tower of Joy with Jaime there and no Gerold helping them? Oh boy, they're in a bad position. I also imagine there are many more survivors from the North this time. Unless it's just Jaime, Ned, and Howland going. With Cat being Jaime's wife, I imagine he might end up getting more affection from her than in canon.
I have an interesting one. What if Aerys never went fully mad. I'd think this would go in Duskendale where he isn't taken. Either that or what if Aerys died at Duskendale.
These continue to show that Jaime is one of my favorite characters because the man is a true product of his environment. He actually is a noble man and unlike most, believes he has the obligation to do the right thing. He and Stannis are actually quite similar in that sense
What if Robert allowed Ned to bring Jaime to justice after he fled the city?
What if Cersei never became Queen?
Petition to change STABL-alliance to BLAST
Actually fraternal twins are more likely to happen along the female line, since multiples tend to be dependant on the mother's genetics (how many eggs are released at any one time)
So Cersei is more likely to have twins than any wife of Jaime's.
I always thought Cersei convinced Aerys with reverse psychology, planting the idea in Aerys’ mind how taking Jaime away would insult Tywin, maybe pointing out that Tyrion would inherit, little nudges, nothing special, it worked because Aerys had become so incredibly spiteful
That works for book 1 Cersei but she gets retconned into an evil idiot after a certain point. Her change in character is one of the more blatant plot problems in the books.
could be because brandon marries lady ryswell even tho his dad dont want him to like robb and jane
shit sorry wrote this 1 min into the vid
The war that would inevitably come after the fact would be interesting. It's likely that Littlefinger and Lysa would have plotted the death of Ned Stark. This would have left the North in control of Lysa who would have preserved the strength of the North when war breaks out between the Baratheons and the Lannisters. Not sure what the circumstances would be that would drive them to war but that would be Littlefinger's goal. But this could actually end up being pretty terribly different as I imagine that Jaime and Cat would have wanted to marry their hypothetical son to Margaery Tyrell and/or their Daughter to Willas Tyrell. With the Lannisters and Tyrells in an alliance the Baratheons would be unlikely to want to fight that.
Lysa was very disillusioned with her marriage to Jon Arryn but with Ned things would be quite different and she could eventually fell in love with him.
Interesting thought but I don't think Ned would marry Lysa I think Jon Arryn would still marry her because the Starks have skin in the game with Ned's father and brother dead the only two without blood ties to the situation are the Tully's and Ayrrn and Jon Ayrrn needs an heir
I'd like to see a video on "What would happen if Rhaenyra didn't leave for Dragonstone and stayed in Kings Landing instead?"
Lysa would probably try to convince Ned to have Littlefinger join their household like she did with Jon Arryn in the canon timeline. I don't know if Ned would go along with that. But if he did, any children they had "together" would probably be Littlefinger's, thus making Ned the Robert in this new timeline and Lysa the Cersei 😅
The show shouldve devoted an entire season to being a prequel of Robert's Rebellion. They couldve done that to buy time to make the final season better. Plus, it wouldve been interesting to see the events leading up to the rebellion.
Can you do what if Elia and her children were allowed to go with rhaella and viserys to dragonstone .
What if Daenerys went to the dance after her death with her 3 dragons
What if Ned was born a girl
Jaime and Ned being a trauma bromance would honestly be such an interesting view
What if Renly supported Stannis in the war of five(now four) kings?
The Tyrell Marriage Alliance wouldn’t happen not because The Tyrells want Margery as Queen, since Renly is Stannis Heir and most likely successor it can still work, but because Stannis is married to House Florent which is a rival house to House Tyrell, and Stannis has a grudge against the Tyrells during the Rebellion. I could see the Tyrell staying neutral in the fight since I believe they join The Lannister to get back at Stannis after killing Renly. If they isn’t confusion over Robert’s true heir than the North wouldn’t succeed from the Seven Kingdom. Meaning it will be a Stark-Tully-Baratheon Alliance. Hell very much of a stretch since the Baratheon have some bad beef with the Martells and the Dornish, but since Dorne seem more adversarial to the Tyrells and the Reach and it seems they blame Elia and her children death more on the Lannisters. I could see a Renly and Arianne marriage alliance. Probably not. But I think if somehow the Baratheons- Martell Alliance somehow can be a thing then that would make the Tyrells more likely to side with the Lannisters. Now since in the main time line Robb saw his war more with the Lannisters than with Stannis and Renly. It hard to say if he would allow Theon to go to the Iron Islands to convinced his father to side with The Stark. I think no, since Robb would probably being having open communication with Stannis and Stannis the well respected Military commander would tell him that’s a stupid idea and Stannis does have a fleet as the former Master of Ships. Though the Greyjoy still will probably rebell and try to claim the north though I think that more due to revenge than anything else. The Greyjoy without Theon will mean Theon won’t take over Winterfell and ‘killing’ Bran and Rickon. Now what caused Robb downfall was the Lannister defeating Stannis at Blackwater. Now I think if Stannis with a different alliance would have a different staregy at Blackwater. Since he would have the full support of the Stormlands, the full support of the Riverlands, the North, and most if not all of the Crownlands. I think that geographic advantage and military power is enough to overcome both the Lannisters and Tyrell if they are still on their side which is depending on a lot of things. Stannis will still name Davos as Hand and probably Master of Ships. Renly is Lord of Dragonstone and Master of Coin. I could see Stannis get rid of Littlefinger, Varys, and Pycell. I could see the Blackfish become Master of Laws. Melisandre as the Mistress of Whispers. Speaking of which all of this can be thrown out considering the whole Rhillor thing and depending upon Stannis faith. In the book, Stannis isn’t religious but does see Rhillor as a great power, it’s more Stannis wife that is more connect to the religion.
So, a couple of things that i thought about not only about this video but in general:
TL;DR: What if Tywin overthrows the Mad King with Rhaegar; What if the Tyrells didn't side with the crown; Tyrion turns out very different in this timeline
Couldn't in any of these cases where Tywin stays as Hand he manages to not die with the Starks and somehow overthrow the Mad King? Maybe if Rhaegar didn't run off with Lyanna or at least ran to King's Landing so he was present when everything happened? I think it would be interesting because not only we could have some dialogue and explanation from Rhaegar and the Starks, this doesn't necessarily end the war, but it definetely get's way less "All or Nothing", and now that Tywin basically sides with Rhaegar, the war would change a lot, maybe the rebels don't win at mole town (idk if that the right name) and probably don't win at the trident if that battle even happens. If it happens and in this case Robert dies instead of Rhaegar, given that his father and brother are still alive, maybe Ned could've been convinced to stop the rebellion, given that with Robert dead Rhaegar can explain things (assuming this is like the show where they loved each other etc etc...)
In both of these videos of different marriages to the Tully sisters, i really don't see why the Tyrells would side with the crown? (maybe i'm just missing some lore) but with the BLAST alliance there's really no hope for the Targaryen's, Lady Olenna would not allow her son to take the losing side (idk if he is the lord paramount at this stage but the point stants that Olenna is too smart for this)
Also i think that Tyrion is really just kicked to the sidelines here, maybe he is just way too young but given that he is now brother of The Lord of Casterly Rock, couldn't he get a at least decent marriage? Maybe both the last point and the next are just a step too far in this scenario (as in we are getting too deep in the story) but probably Tyrion would turn out quite different in this timeline, without both Tywin and Cersei around to be cruel to him.
Anyway's, great video as always, keep it up!
What if Aemond killed Dameond. What if Aegon second wasnt posoined
Would Jaime join the Rebellion if that means Cersei will get executed if he betrays the crown?
I would like to see what if Robert named Stannis his hand instead of Ned
You did this all just for the excuse to use BLAST I bet, but I do really like you wanted to make alternative believable changes.
Myrcella survived being poisoned?
Euron killed Balon before Theon got home the first time?
Margaery escaped the Wild Fire?
Rickon makes it to Jon before Ramsey kills him?
You should make a What if everything went perfectly for House [Name] Series
20:25 But, if the King doesn;t open up his gates to the rebels, then they would have to lay siege to the city. And when an invading army breaks the defenses of a city/stronghold that they were forced to lay siege to.........well......I think we all know where this is going. So, one way or another, the sack might still happen.
What if Renly joind Stannis. What if Stannis won blackwater. What if Stannis won battle of ice what if robb joind Stannis.. what if Balon invaded westerlands. What if robb married frey. What if edmure allowed tywin to advance. What if Joffrey survied. What if tommen survied
Could you do what ifs for Rhaegar taking other noble women after Harrenhal?
What if he took Cersei ? Ashara ? Catelyn?
Tywin cheers if Cersei gets taken, nothing happens for Ashara and canon continues mostly unchanged but with Ned marrying Lysa for Catelyn getting taken.
What if Walder Frey died before the war of the five kings?
What if Tywin hired a faceless men to kill Aerys
I don't think male twins (unless identical) would have much impact on the likely hood of twins as it is determined by how many eggs the mother produces. Identical IDK but it's possible.
What if Ser Barristan and the kings guard followed King Robert's last decree
What if Tyrion did not kill Tywin
What if catelyn married walder frey after robbs marriage with talisa
What if Ned Stark married Cirsei Lannister?
And this timeline who do you think Robert would have married would he have married one of his mistresses or had his daughter that was in the veil come to court
"Twins are more likely to have twins". That's true for women, not men. A woman having twins might pass her predisposition to her daughter or granddaughter. Quantity of children each month is dependent on woman's fertility while man's control sex of child/children.
99% sure cersie slept with a kingsguard or aerys himself especially because she looks like her mother
I don’t think Lisa would be able to give Ned a healthy child right away. She still would have had sex with Peter, gotten pregnant, and unknowingly been giving Tansy tea to abort the baby. That caused fertility issues for the rest of her life. Now, that could change because Ned is the father instead of a very old man, but there still could be lingering fertility issues.
What if Ned married Ashara Dayne
Jamie and Ned become best friends hihihi
Would be cool if u consider making a Vid about „What if Dannys Son Lived and grew up to be the Khal of Khals“
I like this timeline. I wonder who Robert ends up marrying though with Cersei and Lyanna dead and the Tully girls already both spoken for.
A what if Aegon the uncrowed won would be interesting
can you do what if Ned married Cersei instead of Robert?
Part 2 please
What if the first, or a later one if you so choose, Blackfyre rebellion was successful?
Is Jaime really bad enough to deserve a Tully girl? This seems a bit too cruel.
What if Viseryes didn’t give the greens dragons
What if Rhaenyra was made hand of the king
What if Rhaenyra went to rooks rest part 2
What if daemon had a son part three
What Viseryes married Alicent and Laena
I liked this What if, I just wonder who Robert would marry now and probably father legitimate children.
This definitely needs a second part!
What if khal drogo invaded westeros with Viserys
He son would be the red lion lol
Please do What If Cersei Lannister was born a boy
- He'd be probably named Ceasar and he'd be heir while Jaime is free to be kingsguard and Tyrion is stuck managing the sewage. Tho, Jaime might not be a kingsguard here as the purpose of making him KG is to humiliate Tywin with a dwarf heir and hold him hostage. As Jaime is just a second son who has to pray that his older bro kicks the bucket to get anything, ye no kingsguard Jaime
- Tywin does spend more time with Ceasar but well, dude's still not as smart as Tywin thanks to his ego. Still smarter than Cersei tho. Also, he'd be like a more subdued Joffrey thanks to Tywin being the one to raise him, cruel and egotistic but hides it well and is unfortunately smart.
- He and Jaime are still close, just not as close as Cersei and Jaime were. Theyre not sexually involved but considering Cersei is a narcissist and in the books, slept with another woman, maybe the twins had done it in the past but more out of curiosity and now its an embarassing memory they dont wanna talk about. Obviously nothing happens, no Joffrey, Myrcella or Tommen
- He'd be the one married to Lysa and would be at Casterly Rock while Tywin and Jaime are at court. Robert probably marries a Tyrell woman or a Lannister cousin. Bobby B is still yearning for Lyanna tho
- Lysa and Ceasar do not have a good marriage, especially as they might have trouble conceiving and well, dude is def the kind of guy to blame his wife for having the audacity to have stillbirths and miscarriages. He does love whatever children that comes out of the marriage, albeit in his own narcissitic way. He favors and spoils the kids that look and/or act like him tho while tolerating the ones that look and act like his wife. He and Tywin (if he still lives) would try to have one of his kids wed to one of Robert's to gain more political influence, likely a daughter to Robert's heir, which would be a problem as Robert wants Ned's eldest daughter Sansa to marry his heir (who is thankfully not Joffrey)
Part 2 but make it more story based
What if Catelyn Married Oberyn?
really interesting concept nicely done I think
but what if Visarys had a bastard son before he was married?
No no no we need daeron revenge part 3 lol you just like George
When do the Lannisters go broke, or why is Tywin even interested in the Tully's?
What if Aerys died in Duskendayle
What if Rhaella survived Daenerys' birth?
What if borros baratheon won the battle of the kingsroad?
Oooh. What if some of the children had Strawberry Blonde hair? 🤔 🤷🏾♀😊
What if Jaime married Lyanna Stark?
What if the hill tribe win in Tyrion and Catalan and Braun died in season 1
What if Jon Arryn Lived a Bit Longer?
this would be a more peaceful world for a while... but who would bobby b marry? he still has a duty as the to have a line of succession.
What if Bronn lost the trial by combat in the vale 🙏🏼 I beg you
Tyrion dies, a furious Jaime murders Ned instead of killing him and an even more furious Robert imprisons and executes Jaime, Tywin rebels against the Throne...
What if Vale joind robb
What if catleyn never freed jaime
What if Ned Stark marries Cersi Lannister ?
What if Ned married Ashara Dayne?
Is this a Jaime stan account? Jaime is still a man, he’d be with Catelyn just fine, not just out of “duty”. You swear he’s this abstinent golden god but thats only his hand, “Golden Hand” to be exact. Also he’s straight and she’s beautiful. For someone who’s up Jaime, he did find her more interesting than Lysa. He got a stiffer for Briene in bath scene and she’s much uglier in the books. Oh and Black Fish would’ve gone with them instead with Lysa to the North.
What if alicent had slit Rhaenryas wrist instead of scaring her
hmm, what di cersei do? Not coming from a place of hate, seeing how she is, she prolly sucked someone of to get jaime into the kingsguard.
Twins usually skip a generation.
Bullshit… ned would’ve already married ashara before Brandon was killed