Hi! We just released our first comic book on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. Check it out and let us know what you guys think - Medusa: The Cursed Priestess - Link: amzn.to/39OjMYU
Cleopatra was a mix of Macedonians and Persians. Cleopatra had 2 Persian (Iranian) ancestors, 1. The Persian princess Laodice III of Pontus, the daughter of the Persian King Mithridates II of Pontus. She was Cleopatra I Syra’s mother and a Seleucid Queen. Laodice III was Antiochus III the Great’s wife, the Seleucid Emperor and he was half Macedonian and half Persian. 2. Apama I, the Iranian wife of Seleucus I Nicator. Cleopatra’s Persian ancestors were Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great. Cleopatra I Syra, the Queen of Egypt was 2/3 Persian and 1/3 Macedonian, her mother (Laodice III) was Persian and her father (Antiochus III the Great) was half Persian and half Macedonian. All Ptolemies and Cleopatra after Cleopatra I Syra were descendants of her because the Ptolemaic dynasty practiced 300 years of incestuous marriages to remain pure. Cleopatra I Syra was Cleopatra’s ancestor from her both sides, her father and her mother. None of the Ptolemaic Kings ever learned the language of Egyptians except for Cleopatra. Cleopatra's ancestors separate themselves from the Egyptians. The Ptolemies’ culture and beliefs were Hellenistic, not Egyptian. Cleopatra learned the Egyptian language for political reasons. Plutarch wrote that she alone of her house took the trouble to learn Egyptian and, for political reasons, styled herself as the new Isis, a title that distinguished her from the earlier Ptolemaic queen Cleopatra III, who had also claimed to be the living embodiment of the goddess Isis. "
O I have been my third eye last year I'm Cleopatra has statue of liberties to me I'm an alien I'm scared I don't know how to turn to where to go I'm at my neighbors and I'm staying here I woken up and not knowing what's going on I saw myself a mental awards after men awards I'm an alien I was a Pentecostal and now I'm a packing I have powers I'm a wicked witch this is not what I intended I always want to be Madonna I'm serious I open my third eye and my neighbor opened it and I don't know what to do how that people are scared of me I was mentally challenged with the 75 IQ and now my IQ is so high I don't understand my father is Zeus actually it's Jesus through the math it's the same person he was murdered at 87 the statue of liberty is mine it's a robot over the New world order I have to awaken to stop and he kind of war I'm sorry I had to tell somebody I have a profile everybody knows who I am but you know they don't believe me I'm having a hard time swallowing this myself but I'm an alien for real
I'm above intelligence I'm smarter than Albert Einstein but I was mentally challenged until I open up my third eye with her neighbor I'm Cleopatra I have powers mind Powers I'm an alien too I don't know who can help me but the statue of liberty's mine it's robots got numbers 7 13 24 27 36 45 and 57 it's a robot computer I'm scared I've been like this for a year I've been signing myself in the middle institutions but I realize I'm definitely Cleopatra I'm also an ancestor alien and my father is Zeus god
She spoke 9 different languages including Egyptian. She was the first in her family to actually care enough for her Egyptian subjects to learn their language.
Not that I judge Although she DID date two psychopaths -> the second one MORE a psychopath than the first. {I'm sure being that we heard Cesar had respect for Pompeii despite having grudges against him , that I'M SURE Julius Caesar would have respected as i would have done good to him and Cleopatra withstanding the fact he'd feel conflicted that he'd also like to see me get eaten by lions as I'm a Christian { and a foreigner}. 👨🏫👸👥👑🦁📿
She and Anthony adopted a young Berber/Amazigh boy named Joba, later on he was established as king Joba II of ancient Mauritania (modern day Morocco) by Rome. And his writings about his adoptive parents was the primary source for their story.
@@logandaley8063 but Cleopatra was said to have dressed as Isis when in public. While in private, she did dress as a Greek as her predecessors did in private and as they appeared on official coins and busts.
@@jmo5037 Ah yes you're so right. No doubt she dressed as Isis for special occasions and when she was addressing the Egyptian population. All the Ptolemies loved to put on a great show and show off their wealth!
If your interested in her, The memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George would be a real joy to you. Wonderfully written and and makes you see her as a woman, described her loves so well and how her belief as Isis on earth affected her interactions and when it detailed her last death honestly thought i was reading about the death of a friend, learning about antony's despair, how she defied Octavian when he tried to claim her son's rights, how she prepared her children and her fear of her children's death and her country's lost to power.... I definitely recommend. I could praise it all day lol go get itt
What did I learn from this? Knowledge is power. She was ahead of her time, if she was among us, I'm sure she would have more followers on Instagram than all celebrities together lol
My fav queen even though I’ve never seen her ,whenever I’m watching her movies and documentaries it feels like I was there and witnessed her lifestyle just because I’m so obsessed with her 😍
A few inaccuracies: 5:57 - Berenice IV did not settle into power after the death of their mother, but after she and Cleopatra VI Tryphaena (who historians believe might actually be Cleopatra the V and wife of Ptolemy XII) overthrew Ptolemy XII, leading him and Cleopatra VII (his favorite) to flee to Rome. They eventually returned with Roman help to behead Berenice IV, who some suspect murdered Cleopatra V / VI during their absence. 6:33 - you mentioned Cleopatra marrying her father's brother, when it was actually her brother (Ptolemy XIII). 10:28 - you referred to him as Ptolemy the 18th, when he is Ptolemy the 13th (XIII). Great video altogether, keep up the good work!
@GeminiJets37 Some historians and archaeologists say that Nefertiti, the queen of Egypt was an Indo Iranian princess, she was a Mitanni Princess. Many of the Mitanni (Indo Iranian) princesses married to the Pharaohs of Egypt.
@@gostavoadolfos2023 Nothing is white about it either and there are a lot of black people with fine features and this time in Egyptian history Alexander the Great had conquered Egypt by then but the Egyptians that built the pyramids werr a different story and not to forget the spinx that's why Nepolian cut off their noses
@@Ups_downs_life_funny She was mixed with Persian. Mixed with Persian means she had Persian blood and Persian ancestors. Cleopatra had 2 Persian ancestors, 1. The Persian princess Laodice III, she was Cleopatra I’s mother. Laodice III was a Persian princess of Pontus and a Seleucid Queen. She was the daughter of the Persian King Mithridates II of Pontus. Laodice III was Antiochus III the Great’s wife and he was the Seleucid Emperor. Cleopatra I’s father, Antiochus III the Great was Greek-Persian and his mother was Persian-Greek as well. 2. Apama I, the Iranian wife of Seleucus I Nicator. Cleopatra I Syra, the Queen of Egypt was Persian-Greek. Cleopatra I, was the ancestor of Cleopatra VII's mother and the ancestor of Cleopatra VII's father because the Ptolemaic dynasty practiced 300 years of incestuous marriages to remain pure, so Cleopatra I was Cleopatra’s ancestor from her both sides, her father and her mother. Cleopatra’s Persian ancestors were Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great. There were two Persian-Greek princesses, Cleopatra I Syra and Berenike II, the princesses were from the Seleucid Empire ( Persian-Greek ) and the Pontus dynasty ( Persian ), both of whom married Ptolemaic kings, that is how Persian blood entered the dynasty. None of the Ptolemaic Kings ever learned the language of Egyptians except for Cleopatra. Cleopatra's ancestors married each other and to other Greeks to separate themselves from the Egyptians. The Ptolemies’ culture and beliefs were Hellenistic not Egyptian. Cleopatra learned the Egyptian language for political reasons. Plutarch wrote that she alone of her house took the trouble to learn Egyptian and, for political reasons, styled herself as the new Isis, a title that distinguished her from the earlier Ptolemaic queen Cleopatra III, who had also claimed to be the living embodiment of the goddess Isis. "
GeminiJets37 Cleopatra was Black. Do you think white people could have survived in the Sahara without sunscreen or sunblock back then? And when you look at the painting on the walls, the people are a brown and black complexion, NOT WHITE 💯💯💯💯💯
National geographic Magazine 'The Search for Cleopatra' *_"Cleopatra Vll was born in Egypt but she was descended from a long line of Greek kings and queens who had ruled Egypt for nearly 300 years - the Ptolemies of Macedon, one of history's most flamboyant dynasties."_*
@S.A Didn't you just read what National Geographic said? Cleopatra was descended from a from a long line of GREEK Kings and Queens of the Ptolemaic Macedonian Dynasty. No mention of Persians, only Greeks.
I'm Egyptian, A COPTIC CHRISTIAN EGYPTIAN, I shout that out loud because we are the most pure blooded Egyptians out there and that's not only my opinion that's what Egyptologists, Historians and Scientists also agreed on , and I tell you that every word that Bassem Youssef said is right and I totally agree with him. Yes Egypt had lots of mixed cultures throughout its history like for example: Greeks, Romans and Arabs, but the Egyptian blood didn't mix and change that much and that's because for centuries we Egyptians had a golden tradition rule to marry our cousins, and that tradition is still present until now especially in Upper Egypt(from Assiut to Aswan), Although that tradition seems silly and bad from a scientific biological point of view, but that doesn't matter, silly or not we kept that tradition of marrying our cousins for centuries and that helped us to preserve our pure Egyptian blood not mixed as long as we could, and the result is what you see now and that is Modern Egyptians looks typical to their Ancient Egyptian Ancestors, just look at my skin color and Bassem Youssef's skin color we are almost the same although he is a Muslim who was born and lived in Cairo and I am a Coptic Christian who was born and lived in Luxor and there is almost a 1000 km distance between us, doesn't that tell you a thing or two about who Ancient Egyptians were and what they looked like? With all due respect for all the Black people and all the other ethnicities out there, but we Egyptians are special very special, WE ARE NOT Black or White or Yellow, Not Europeans or Africans or Asians, Not Assyrians or Persians or Israelites or Nubians or Greeks or Romans or Arabs or French or Italians or Germans or British or Turkish or Ukrainians, Not Middle Easterners or Caucasians or Mediterraneans or Levants or Amazigh or Berbers or even North Africans. WE ARE EGYPTIANS, WE ARE VERY UNIQUE!
Sombra hahahah I wish they consider the Ancient Mediterranean as a region for new generation. That would be impeccable. Gym Leaders like Cleopatra, Caesar, Alexander, Cyrus, Athila, Tuthankamen and many more.
Cleopatra got overthrown by her youngest sister Arsinoe, whom was eleven at the time, when she was eighteen. Cleopatra was originally married to his brother, Ptolemy, before Julius Caesar helped drown him, and Arsinoe scared him with her army she had allied. When Cleopatra gained back control, she sent Arsinoe away with Caesar as a priestess of Athena, only to have her sister assassinated at age 21 later. Talk about twisted family relations. Then Cleopatra met Mark Anthony and we all know how that went. She most likely killed herself to keep her dignity and power.
Arsenoë was probably a bit older than that😅...considering how competent she was during the process of becoming queen, eliminating questionable advisors, taking charge of the army, commanding the siege of Alexandria. She managed to give Ceasar (and extremely competent and talented general) a very hard time. In Gaul Ceasar had been in many situations where escape seemed impossible and almost died. The closest anyone came to trapping and killing Ceasar was Arsenoë. Ceasar ended up exchanging Ptolemy XIII (who he had in captivity) just to get his hands on Arsenoë. Ptolemy XIII then took Arsenoë's place as commander, continued the resistance, and lost. Drowning as he tried to escape. I doubt an 11 year old could be such competent a leader, that Ceasar would need swop her for someone less competent as an opponent to get out of a dire situation. She was probably closer to 20 while she was queen. Her age at death is unknown. But it's somewhere in the range of 22 to 27 years old, at death.
Well, there is at least one big error in this video. Cleopatra wasn't deified or at least no source I have seen on her has ever said so. Isis or rather Iset, had been worshiped for over a thousand plus years. In fact, one source clearly stated that Cleopatra often thought of herself as a descendant of Isis. I am glad you mentioned to coin thing though, that is often overlooked.
She was deified. There was a statue dedicated to Her at the temple of Isis at Philae that priests were still maintaining a few centuries after Her death which implies that She had an active mortuary cult
@@WildMen4444A lot of Pharaohs had mortuary cults. They were meant to protect them after death and ensure their tombs were well cared for. Most didn't, or not for long. But I had just come from a tour of this temple, and a statue of her was never mentioned. In fact, there is no evidence to suggest that any of the Ptolemies actually made it to Upper Egypt. It should also be noted that nearly everything around her was made up nearly three hundred years after her death, after the Romans took over, its doubtful that any cult surrounding her would have ever existed. It should also be noted that really only Alexandria and the most northern portion of lower Egypt recognized the Ptolemies as the official leaders of Egypt. So no. While she did exist, much of what we know about her is not accurate.
Great video! One thing I wanted to point out. I could never understand why people claim she was never beautiful because she had a strong nose. No body mentions about orders she passed down to make her statues look intimadating which could be a reason for the strong features but even that I don't believe for a second that nobody didn't find her appearance attractive and yes a persona and a great character would of played a good part but I think truthfully if we ever find her remains we possibly could see what she actually looked like. Maybe her nose did stand out considering her ethnicity but the idea of her not being beautiful because of that doesn't sit right with me
That's historically incorrect when the narrator says Ptolemy XVIII at 10:27 when the Ptolemies did not go as far as the XVIII. Cleopatra's younger brothers were Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.
Do you know who began the Ptolemiac Dynasty? A guy named Ptolemy.😅 He was one of Alexander the Great's generals. A Macedonian. The Macedonians were Greeks from Northern Greece.😅🤦
Could you do other videos of real life stories, like: the Ark of the Covenant, or the birth of Jesus, or Dinosaurs, or Saint George and the Dragon, or the Holy Grail, or anything like that
I am from Alexandria and grew Up under her shadow there was a suburb called Cleopatra and we heard stories about her all the tie for instance she bathed in milk and imitated the movements of female cats when approaching .a male cat and many more stories about her ways
@Alexandra Desirae Cause how people think back then, and different locations...has always been that way. Plus take classical movies from the 40's, actors who were in their mid-twenties looked older and now they look like in their teens; at least by my opinion.
No, there's no evidence he was related to Alexander at all, and was the son of a Greek noble from Macedon named Lagus, not King Philip II of Macedon. That was just a rumor spread later to lend him more legitimacy as a monarch. Ptolemy I Soter came to power by sheer military might as a diadochi general carving up Alexander's empire.
kudos to the ancient Egypt thing where the Pharoah had to be an avatar of the gods (otherwise would be overthrown), but you did forget the connection Ishar/Babylon to aphrodite/venus conection. i swear it's the biggest sewgway regarding goddess you will find (even the nordic Freya becomes tied up)
Month for me to 5 on my way home from London and I'm working on the interstate went down the site to get a little bit of work done so we will figure out how we should go about it and I will come get u back ASAP
I'm so sick of how you ppl talk about Marc Anthony n CLEOPATRA that they killed CLEO's sister. It was octavius that murdered the sister framing anthony
Ayo guys, I recently read a post where archeologists stated that first ever vibrator was used by Cleopatra by filling an empty gourd with bees and agitating it...How much of this is true?? If you must, I don't mean this in any disrespectful manner, I just wanted to know
She was not an egyptian, and was of dark skinned Arabian, and also she was not beautiful as betrayed in movies, she was very educated, bred, charming, she had economic strategies that made these kings really wealthy, and took these opportunities too build her own empire, and gained power, she was a self made billionaires, took baths in donkey milk, she would spend 10,000 dollars a week for this beauty regime, the most expensive queen in history,
@@actressgallery7591 read the history, I'm not debating no subject with anyone, if I'm wrong then the history of her is a liar, thank you have a nice day
SUGARMAMA Va Non-Black people love to claim Cleopatra as “not being Black”, “she’s Greek, Macedonian”. However what you history pirates fail to mention or realize is that although Cleopatra’s father (Ptolemy XII) was Macedonian, his mother was a concubine of Nubian descent (Black). So that makes Cleopatra’s father half Nubian. Cleopatra’s mother was also a Nubian. Sounds Black to me Geographically, physiologically & genetically speaking, how can a person from North Afrika be white or Arabian at the very least that early in history without any sun-tanning assisting substances & no sunglasses in that particular area??? I have WITNESSED people of European descent suffer severe sunburns in just 1 hot day out in the sun working..So now it begs the question how could white people rule Egypt for thousands of years if the very european physiology CANNOT thrive in that particular environment. Even the Greeks depicted Hannibal as Black. There are ancient coins depicting him with curly hair & big lips with Afrikan features. Furthermore how can a Egyptian/Kemetic person appear white when their skin literally was the color Black as shown on the walls of the ancient tombs found in Egypt. Grecians describes Egypt & her people as Kemet in literal translation meaning land of Blacks.
@@treybanks327 Southern Europeans and western asian caucasians have lived in hot enviroment for ten thousand years. They are coping quite well. They get tanned fast and this Europeans you are refering to are probably from north Europe.
@@treybanks327 No, Egyptian Royalty did not marry outside their close family, which is why they married incestually, fathers to daughters, sons to mothers and sisters to brothers. Cleopatra was Greek, end of story.
Hi! We just released our first comic book on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. Check it out and let us know what you guys think - Medusa: The Cursed Priestess - Link: amzn.to/39OjMYU
I'm in love with history 😊
Cleopatra was a mix of Macedonians and Persians.
Cleopatra had 2 Persian (Iranian) ancestors, 1. The Persian princess Laodice III of Pontus, the daughter of the Persian King Mithridates II of Pontus. She was Cleopatra I Syra’s mother and a Seleucid Queen. Laodice III was Antiochus III the Great’s wife, the Seleucid Emperor and he was half Macedonian and half Persian. 2. Apama I, the Iranian wife of Seleucus I Nicator.
Cleopatra’s Persian ancestors were Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great.
Cleopatra I Syra, the Queen of Egypt was 2/3 Persian and 1/3 Macedonian, her mother (Laodice III) was Persian and her father (Antiochus III the Great) was half Persian and half Macedonian. All Ptolemies and Cleopatra after Cleopatra I Syra were descendants of her because the Ptolemaic dynasty practiced 300 years of incestuous marriages to remain pure. Cleopatra I Syra was Cleopatra’s ancestor from her both sides, her father and her mother.
None of the Ptolemaic Kings ever learned the language of Egyptians except for Cleopatra. Cleopatra's ancestors separate themselves from the Egyptians. The Ptolemies’ culture and beliefs were Hellenistic, not Egyptian. Cleopatra learned the Egyptian language for political reasons. Plutarch wrote that she alone of her house took the trouble to learn Egyptian and, for political reasons, styled herself as the new Isis, a title that distinguished her from the earlier Ptolemaic queen Cleopatra III, who had also claimed to be the living embodiment of the goddess Isis. "
I have been my third eye last year I'm Cleopatra has statue of liberties to me I'm an alien I'm scared I don't know how to turn to where to go I'm at my neighbors and I'm staying here I woken up and not knowing what's going on I saw myself a mental awards after men awards I'm an alien I was a Pentecostal and now I'm a packing I have powers I'm a wicked witch this is not what I intended I always want to be Madonna I'm serious I open my third eye and my neighbor opened it and I don't know what to do how that people are scared of me I was mentally challenged with the 75 IQ and now my IQ is so high I don't understand my father is Zeus actually it's Jesus through the math it's the same person he was murdered at 87 the statue of liberty is mine it's a robot over the New world order I have to awaken to stop and he kind of war I'm sorry I had to tell somebody I have a profile everybody knows who I am but you know they don't believe me I'm having a hard time swallowing this myself but I'm an alien for real
I'm above intelligence I'm smarter than Albert Einstein but I was mentally challenged until I open up my third eye with her neighbor I'm Cleopatra I have powers mind Powers I'm an alien too I don't know who can help me but the statue of liberty's mine it's robots got numbers 7 13 24 27 36 45 and 57 it's a robot computer I'm scared I've been like this for a year I've been signing myself in the middle institutions but I realize I'm definitely Cleopatra I'm also an ancestor alien and my father is Zeus god
She spoke 9 different languages including Egyptian. She was the first in her family to actually care enough for her Egyptian subjects to learn their language.
Her dad was half egyptian
@@zarantikka106 yet her father Ptolemy XII only spoke Greek
Not that I judge Although she DID date two psychopaths -> the second one MORE a psychopath than the first. {I'm sure being that we heard Cesar had respect for Pompeii despite having grudges against him , that I'M SURE Julius Caesar would have respected as i would have done good to him and Cleopatra withstanding the fact he'd feel conflicted that he'd also like to see me get eaten by lions as I'm a Christian { and a foreigner}. 👨🏫👸👥👑🦁📿
She and Anthony adopted a young Berber/Amazigh boy named Joba, later on he was established as king Joba II of ancient Mauritania (modern day Morocco) by Rome. And his writings about his adoptive parents was the primary source for their story.
@@zarantikka106 Cleopatra was Greek Macedonian mixed with Persian.
I read Antony and Cleopatra, written by Adrian Goldworthy, and the history in this video checks out perfectly. Now I know that this channel is legit!
But the Ptolemies would have actually dressed in a Greek fashion sense they were really Macedonian.
@@logandaley8063 but Cleopatra was said to have dressed as Isis when in public. While in private, she did dress as a Greek as her predecessors did in private and as they appeared on official coins and busts.
@@jmo5037 Ah yes you're so right. No doubt she dressed as Isis for special occasions and when she was addressing the Egyptian population. All the Ptolemies loved to put on a great show and show off their wealth!
@@logandaley8063 but Cleopatra always appeared as Isis in public. This has been stated by Plutarch. She didn't dress as a pharaoh but as a goddess.
If your interested in her, The memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George would be a real joy to you. Wonderfully written and and makes you see her as a woman, described her loves so well and how her belief as Isis on earth affected her interactions and when it detailed her last death honestly thought i was reading about the death of a friend, learning about antony's despair, how she defied Octavian when he tried to claim her son's rights, how she prepared her children and her fear of her children's death and her country's lost to power.... I definitely recommend. I could praise it all day lol go get itt
What did I learn from this? Knowledge is power. She was ahead of her time, if she was among us, I'm sure she would have more followers on Instagram than all celebrities together lol
Lol 😅😅
I don't think so
My fav queen even though I’ve never seen her ,whenever I’m watching her movies and documentaries it feels like I was there and witnessed her lifestyle just because I’m so obsessed with her 😍
can u suggest me some videos of her?
even me I Like so much queen clopatria,shes one of the power queen of egyp
A few inaccuracies:
5:57 - Berenice IV did not settle into power after the death of their mother, but after she and Cleopatra VI Tryphaena (who historians believe might actually be Cleopatra the V and wife of Ptolemy XII) overthrew Ptolemy XII, leading him and Cleopatra VII (his favorite) to flee to Rome. They eventually returned with Roman help to behead Berenice IV, who some suspect murdered Cleopatra V / VI during their absence.
6:33 - you mentioned Cleopatra marrying her father's brother, when it was actually her brother (Ptolemy XIII).
10:28 - you referred to him as Ptolemy the 18th, when he is Ptolemy the 13th (XIII).
Great video altogether, keep up the good work!
One of my favorite queens.
If you got on her bad side even accidentally she prob would have killed u and not regret it at all...just saying.
my name true. The only Pharao I find interesting is Tutenkhaman
Me too...
my name she would love that because she worships her like a pure idolater
Can you do one with Nefertiti please😌
She has nothing on her resume beside being stunningly beautiful foreign wife. Zinobia is much more formidable ruler.
Some Historians say that Nefertiti was Indo Iranian.
@GeminiJets37 Some historians and archaeologists say that Nefertiti, the queen of Egypt was an Indo Iranian princess, she was a Mitanni Princess.
Many of the Mitanni (Indo Iranian) princesses married to the Pharaohs of Egypt.
@GeminiJets37 we all saw her buste and nothing is black about her face and skin.
@@gostavoadolfos2023 Nothing is white about it either and there are a lot of black people with fine features and this time in Egyptian history Alexander the Great had conquered Egypt by then but the Egyptians that built the pyramids werr a different story and not to forget the spinx that's why Nepolian cut off their noses
I think it was 9 languages? Greek, Egyptian, Latin, Aramaic/Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, Ethiopian, and Troglodyte (an African cave dweller language).
Yes, Cleopatra was Greek Macedonian mixed with Persian.
@Cassandane Khayyam I know. I am obsessed with Kleopatra and Greek Macedonian myself.
African Cave Dweller ?
Katherine Angelos That's great! Iran looks like a beautiful place, with nice friendly people and culture. Watched a lot of travel vlogs on here.
Ethopia wasn't even country back then, Ethopia was created in 1500
She is hot!
She was the Cersei before Cersei. At being cunning I mean.
Grey World don't forget to mention cruelty
Ancient coins portrays that she is not that beautiful as the movies lol
A better Cersei. 😅
@@Manuel-gu9ls Cleopatra was never cruel.Just another lie by jealous enemies.
@@kennykit8896 They are not her.
Without a doubt ... never has so much been said, linking all the previous accounts of its day ...in so short a time ... 👏 bravo!!
I already want part 2!
Am I the only one who heard several switches in the pronoun used for Cleopatra?
Glad it wasn't just me.
Thew me too
me too
YOU MUST DO A VIDEO ABOUT AGRIPPINA! she’s so interesting as a woman in history and i’m studying her for hsc pls pls pls cover her ❤️
Cleopatra was a mix of Macedonians and Persians.
Was she Persian?
@@Ups_downs_life_funny She was mixed with Persian. Mixed with Persian means she had Persian blood and Persian ancestors. Cleopatra had 2 Persian ancestors, 1. The Persian princess Laodice III, she was Cleopatra I’s mother. Laodice III was a Persian princess of Pontus and a Seleucid Queen. She was the daughter of the Persian King Mithridates II of Pontus. Laodice III was Antiochus III the Great’s wife and he was the Seleucid Emperor. Cleopatra I’s father, Antiochus III the Great was Greek-Persian and his mother was Persian-Greek as well. 2. Apama I, the Iranian wife of Seleucus I Nicator.
Cleopatra I Syra, the Queen of Egypt was Persian-Greek. Cleopatra I, was the ancestor of Cleopatra VII's mother and the ancestor of Cleopatra VII's father because the Ptolemaic dynasty practiced 300 years of incestuous marriages to remain pure, so Cleopatra I was Cleopatra’s ancestor from her both sides, her father and her mother.
Cleopatra’s Persian ancestors were Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great.
There were two Persian-Greek princesses, Cleopatra I Syra and Berenike II, the princesses were from the Seleucid Empire ( Persian-Greek ) and the Pontus dynasty ( Persian ), both of whom married Ptolemaic kings, that is how Persian blood entered the dynasty.
None of the Ptolemaic Kings ever learned the language of Egyptians except for Cleopatra. Cleopatra's ancestors married each other and to other Greeks to separate themselves from the Egyptians. The Ptolemies’ culture and beliefs were Hellenistic not Egyptian. Cleopatra learned the Egyptian language for political reasons. Plutarch wrote that she alone of her house took the trouble to learn Egyptian and, for political reasons, styled herself as the new Isis, a title that distinguished her from the earlier Ptolemaic queen Cleopatra III, who had also claimed to be the living embodiment of the goddess Isis. "
GeminiJets37 Cleopatra was Black. Do you think white people could have survived in the Sahara without sunscreen or sunblock back then? And when you look at the painting on the walls, the people are a brown and black complexion, NOT WHITE 💯💯💯💯💯
GeminiJets37 Civilization did begin in Africa, so... 🤷🏾♂️
Did she know a guy named Bayek?
Keenan Johnson the greatest Assassin ever. Also we cannot for Aya of Alexandria.
Trey Williams Ezio was still better
Very funny 😐😐😐😐
@@6aliph77 Thank you.
I’m still trying to get through assassin creed and to me it’s better than ezio a little 😭
National geographic Magazine
'The Search for Cleopatra'
*_"Cleopatra Vll was born in Egypt but she was descended from a long line of Greek kings and queens who had ruled Egypt for nearly 300 years - the Ptolemies of Macedon, one of history's most flamboyant dynasties."_*
@S.A Didn't you just read what National Geographic said? Cleopatra was descended from a from a long line of GREEK Kings and Queens of the Ptolemaic Macedonian Dynasty. No mention of Persians, only Greeks.
I'm Egyptian, A COPTIC CHRISTIAN EGYPTIAN, I shout that out loud because we are the most pure blooded Egyptians out there and that's not only my opinion that's what Egyptologists, Historians and Scientists also agreed on , and I tell you that every word that Bassem Youssef said is right and I totally agree with him.
Yes Egypt had lots of mixed cultures throughout its history like for example: Greeks, Romans and Arabs, but the Egyptian blood didn't mix and change that much and that's because for centuries we Egyptians had a golden tradition rule to marry our cousins, and that tradition is still present until now especially in Upper Egypt(from Assiut to Aswan), Although that tradition seems silly and bad from a scientific biological point of view, but that doesn't matter, silly or not we kept that tradition of marrying our cousins for centuries and that helped us to preserve our pure Egyptian blood not mixed as long as we could, and the result is what you see now and that is Modern Egyptians looks typical to their Ancient Egyptian Ancestors, just look at my skin color and Bassem Youssef's skin color we are almost the same although he is a Muslim who was born and lived in Cairo and I am a Coptic Christian who was born and lived in Luxor and there is almost a 1000 km distance between us, doesn't that tell you a thing or two about who Ancient Egyptians were and what they looked like?
With all due respect for all the Black people and all the other ethnicities out there, but we Egyptians are special very special, WE ARE NOT Black or White or Yellow, Not Europeans or Africans or Asians, Not Assyrians or Persians or Israelites or Nubians or Greeks or Romans or Arabs or French or Italians or Germans or British or Turkish or Ukrainians, Not Middle Easterners or Caucasians or Mediterraneans or Levants or Amazigh or Berbers or even North Africans.
Do a video on the black kings & queens of ancient Egypt
They ruined Egypt
This is an incredible overview of ancient Egypt’s entire history! You’re a huge inspiration to me! ⭐
Very Informative video👍
Both beautiful and intelligent a powerful combination
Wow very interesting to know the life of cleopatra
this makes so much sense now
So proud to say that my name came from them, ALEXANDRA CLEO.
Cleopatra was a good Queen. She treated her servants with respect.
Cleopatra and Julius Ceaser lovers i thought that was a myth.
Ink Hill they had a son together
Not gonna lie, the use of screenshots from AC: Origins is amazing.
Gym Leader Cleopatra wants to battle!
Cleopatra: Go! Confagrigus!
Trainer: Go! Rotom!
Sombra hahahah I wish they consider the Ancient Mediterranean as a region for new generation. That would be impeccable. Gym Leaders like Cleopatra, Caesar, Alexander, Cyrus, Athila, Tuthankamen and many more.
Lol finally i found a roblox player here lol
Cleopatra got overthrown by her youngest sister Arsinoe, whom was eleven at the time, when she was eighteen. Cleopatra was originally married to his brother, Ptolemy, before Julius Caesar helped drown him, and Arsinoe scared him with her army she had allied. When Cleopatra gained back control, she sent Arsinoe away with Caesar as a priestess of Athena, only to have her sister assassinated at age 21 later. Talk about twisted family relations.
Then Cleopatra met Mark Anthony and we all know how that went. She most likely killed herself to keep her dignity and power.
Arsenoë was probably a bit older than that😅...considering how competent she was during the process of becoming queen, eliminating questionable advisors, taking charge of the army, commanding the siege of Alexandria.
She managed to give Ceasar (and extremely competent and talented general) a very hard time. In Gaul Ceasar had been in many situations where escape seemed impossible and almost died. The closest anyone came to trapping and killing Ceasar was Arsenoë.
Ceasar ended up exchanging Ptolemy XIII (who he had in captivity) just to get his hands on Arsenoë.
Ptolemy XIII then took Arsenoë's place as commander, continued the resistance, and lost. Drowning as he tried to escape.
I doubt an 11 year old could be such competent a leader, that Ceasar would need swop her for someone less competent as an opponent to get out of a dire situation. She was probably closer to 20 while she was queen.
Her age at death is unknown. But it's somewhere in the range of 22 to 27 years old, at death.
Well, there is at least one big error in this video. Cleopatra wasn't deified or at least no source I have seen on her has ever said so. Isis or rather Iset, had been worshiped for over a thousand plus years. In fact, one source clearly stated that Cleopatra often thought of herself as a descendant of Isis. I am glad you mentioned to coin thing though, that is often overlooked.
Yes and he forgot to mention that she had MELANATED skin in Older Picture, Paintings and Artifacts!👸🏾
She was deified. There was a statue dedicated to Her at the temple of Isis at Philae that priests were still maintaining a few centuries after Her death which implies that She had an active mortuary cult
@@WildMen4444A lot of Pharaohs had mortuary cults. They were meant to protect them after death and ensure their tombs were well cared for. Most didn't, or not for long. But I had just come from a tour of this temple, and a statue of her was never mentioned. In fact, there is no evidence to suggest that any of the Ptolemies actually made it to Upper Egypt. It should also be noted that nearly everything around her was made up nearly three hundred years after her death, after the Romans took over, its doubtful that any cult surrounding her would have ever existed. It should also be noted that really only Alexandria and the most northern portion of lower Egypt recognized the Ptolemies as the official leaders of Egypt. So no. While she did exist, much of what we know about her is not accurate.
I been waiting for this!!
Thnx 4 uploading. I love Cleopatra history
Cleopatra 🇬🇷 From Macedonian Greek Kingdom 🇬🇷
Great video! One thing I wanted to point out. I could never understand why people claim she was never beautiful because she had a strong nose. No body mentions about orders she passed down to make her statues look intimadating which could be a reason for the strong features but even that I don't believe for a second that nobody didn't find her appearance attractive and yes a persona and a great character would of played a good part but I think truthfully if we ever find her remains we possibly could see what she actually looked like. Maybe her nose did stand out considering her ethnicity but the idea of her not being beautiful because of that doesn't sit right with me
Please do Elizabeth the First!!!
That's historically incorrect when the narrator says Ptolemy XVIII at 10:27 when the Ptolemies did not go as far as the XVIII. Cleopatra's younger brothers were Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.
1:10 gives me nostalgic feeling from assassin's creed origins
Who else came here after hearing Gal Gadot getting backlash for being cast as Cleopatra?
The beginning of the dynasty is listed in the Maccabees in the Apocrypha. There is NO way she had a pale face.
Do you know who began the Ptolemiac Dynasty?
A guy named Ptolemy.😅
He was one of Alexander the Great's generals. A Macedonian. The Macedonians were Greeks from Northern Greece.😅🤦
@@tylerdurden3722 cLEOPATRA HAD A BLACK MOTHER
In an alternate universe, she went to future in space and battle an octopus like villain.
I love your content
8:37 Assassin's Creed Origins 🖤
(Queen Cleopatra), written in Ancient Greek, on the coin with her image on it.
Could you do other videos of real life stories, like: the Ark of the Covenant, or the birth of Jesus, or Dinosaurs, or Saint George and the Dragon, or the Holy Grail, or anything like that
Most beautiful woman to ever cross the face of the earth
Cleopatra was not beautiful.
@@laodice_III yes she was
@@pamelamorris6708 No, she wasn't.
@@laodice_III She actually was.
The origins of the secretive organization known as the Assassin's Creed can be traced to Cleopatra
Am I wright? :that Cleopatra is the one who is responsible for the death of Anthony in shakespeare's play:Anthony and Cleopatra
I am from Alexandria and grew
Up under her shadow there was a suburb called Cleopatra and we heard stories about her all the tie for instance she bathed in milk and imitated the movements of female cats when approaching .a male cat and many more stories about her ways
She wasn’t so beautiful 😍 as the movies 🎥 make her to b, cause she had a big nose👃. Must’ve been what people thought of beauty back then.
@Alexandra Desirae Cause how people think back then, and different locations...has always been that way. Plus take classical movies from the 40's, actors who were in their mid-twenties looked older and now they look like in their teens; at least by my opinion.
Cleopatra was not pretty in appearance, but she was attractive and socially intelligent
Why does a female have to have a small nose to be beautiful tho?? ...I think a long nose is beautiful .
@Merlin long noses are gorgeous so I think anyone with it is the standard of beauty ♥️
Cleopatra was of course Greek.
She was PART Greek,she was African ruler of Egypt,so obviously Egyptian,not European.
@@matiusbond6052 Cleopatra was full Greek. The Ptolemies of Egypt were Greek.
Giti oracle has analysed her birth chart on her channel. A must see for all
I respect the fact. That She knew how to use her female factor.....😇
The founder of the dynasty, Ptolemy, was Alexander the Great’s brother (illegitimate, if I remember correctly.)
No, there's no evidence he was related to Alexander at all, and was the son of a Greek noble from Macedon named Lagus, not King Philip II of Macedon. That was just a rumor spread later to lend him more legitimacy as a monarch. Ptolemy I Soter came to power by sheer military might as a diadochi general carving up Alexander's empire.
Maryam Dadar hii
kudos to the ancient Egypt thing where the Pharoah had to be an avatar of the gods (otherwise would be overthrown), but you did forget the connection Ishar/Babylon to aphrodite/venus conection. i swear it's the biggest sewgway regarding goddess you will find (even the nordic Freya becomes tied up)
Month for me to 5 on my way home from London and I'm working on the interstate went down the site to get a little bit of work done so we will figure out how we should go about it and I will come get u back ASAP
U need to do these videos starting from Adam and Eve and thieir children Seth Cain and Abel
yeah she's cool and all...but can she play card games good?
I'd assume so
@See uin History.actually she was a Macadonion Princess
5:31... similar to Taj Mahal?
Great video 🤩
Who is more beautiful? queen Cleopatra or mona lisa
Good video but the robot voice is way too much with strange pronunciations of Arsinoe and Pompeii as well as confusion between the words his and her.
Why she have a symbolic of snakes even her throne?
Was the symbol of Goddess Isis
Because none of them are her.People just did because their weird.The real Cleopatra was terrified of snakes.
Yasss Queen 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Who watched this and thinks of Katy Perry's Dark Horse
Listen to Smile Album of Katy Perry Please ❤
@@jomarladica5192 well.... im one of her fans too :)
@@mienyhere Oh? That's good to hear. Continue Soppurting katy. I love u 😊
10:26 Ptolemy the 18th? I thought he was the 13th.
As an Egyptian why are making cleo look like white women
Because she was greek
Cleopatra was not Egyptian, she was Greek Macedonian mixed with Persian.
@Truth Seeker
He's an authentic Egyptian. Not a fake like some people 👍😜
@Truth Seeker
The actual Egyptians whose ancestors have been residing there for countless millennia. 👍
@Truth Seeker You're dumb af, How can you tell someone's ethnicity and genetic heritage from their name? People are given different names all time.
Yo , what am I doing I have a maths exam tomorrow
Wheres the part 2?
There was 7 Cleopatra's are we talking about the seventh Cleopatra?
Asaur Re yes. Who was famous among all other Cleopatra
CLEOPATRA the 7th was EXCEPTIONALLY BEAUTIFUL looking like wonder woman(Lynda Carter).
Contemporary busts and coins DO NOT show Cleopatra as the Hollywood Pharaoh pictures you show. She dressed like an ancient Greek.
Where’s part 2?
Emily Rose hii
Sorry, you lost me when you explained in scholarly verbiage that Cleopatra is not as beautiful as history insinuates because she had a large nose.
I like Queens Cleopatra
This is old , new one entire , don't store ,he is the light of the world
She wasn’t a queen she was a pharaoh
Excellent piece of work:dr ajje rsdu
Who is more pretty?Cleopatra or mona lisa
Cleopatra of course
I'm so sick of how you ppl talk about Marc Anthony n CLEOPATRA that they killed CLEO's sister. It was octavius that murdered the sister framing anthony
Omg I didn't know you watched these too!
How did they make fountains then?
the shinobi video you made is taijutsu a real martial and better than karate
It has karate aikido judo jujutsu kempo and kung fu etc
@@jashardwallington so its better than karate and any japanese martial art
I goes on 4 legs in the morning and on 2 legs in the afternoon and on 3 legs in the evening what am I. Who can match it
Human.. or some wierd four legged cat that loves fun
You are human. You walk on all fours as a baby, you walk on 2 as an adult, and in old age you walk with a walking stick (the 3 legs).
Human beings
She is buried close to her preffered servant. Try to find her Dr Hawass.
Ayo guys, I recently read a post where archeologists stated that first ever vibrator was used by Cleopatra by filling an empty gourd with bees and agitating it...How much of this is true??
If you must, I don't mean this in any disrespectful manner, I just wanted to know
She looks like Wonder woman 💪👑
Similarities between Babylon and Egypt
That's not what Cleopatra looked like.
She was not an egyptian, and was of dark skinned Arabian, and also she was not beautiful as betrayed in movies, she was very educated, bred, charming, she had economic strategies that made these kings really wealthy, and took these opportunities too build her own empire, and gained power, she was a self made billionaires, took baths in donkey milk, she would spend 10,000 dollars a week for this beauty regime, the most expensive queen in history,
Could you please stop telling this absurd facts. How do you know that she was black,in her paintings back then, she was not dark
@@actressgallery7591 read the history, I'm not debating no subject with anyone, if I'm wrong then the history of her is a liar, thank you have a nice day
كليوباترا: امير من مصر!!
Wait they named two of her brothers the same name? Wack.
Pretty much every male member of the Ptolemaic dynasty was named Ptolemy. It was a family name in honor of Ptolemy Soter (the founder of the dynasty)
I hate how movies make her white when she was a light skinned black woman. Hollywood really sucks!
How do yiu know she was light skinned dark woman, stop this racism. Why are you people bothered about her race??? 😏
@@actressgallery7591 because if we claim Europeans were black then it’s an issue
@@userJFK racism is a curse. It sucks
Cleopatra was Greek, Greeks are white.
She had middle easterner skin color with green eyes n red hair.
Keep dreaming buddy
@@treybanks327 OMG...I hope u live another 20 years to witness HERSTORY
SUGARMAMA Va Non-Black people love to claim Cleopatra as “not being Black”, “she’s Greek, Macedonian”. However what you history pirates fail to mention or realize is that although Cleopatra’s father (Ptolemy XII) was Macedonian, his mother was a concubine of Nubian descent (Black). So that makes Cleopatra’s father half Nubian. Cleopatra’s mother was also a
Nubian. Sounds Black to me
Geographically, physiologically & genetically speaking, how can a person from North Afrika be white or Arabian at the very least that early in history without any sun-tanning assisting substances & no sunglasses in that particular area??? I have WITNESSED people of European descent suffer severe sunburns in just 1 hot day out in the sun working..So now it begs the question how could white people rule Egypt for thousands of years if the very european physiology CANNOT thrive in that particular environment. Even the Greeks depicted Hannibal as Black. There are ancient coins depicting him with curly hair & big lips with Afrikan features. Furthermore how can a Egyptian/Kemetic person appear white when their skin literally was the color Black as shown on the walls of the ancient tombs found in Egypt. Grecians describes Egypt & her people as Kemet in literal translation meaning land of Blacks.
@@treybanks327 Southern Europeans and western asian caucasians have lived in hot enviroment for ten thousand years. They are coping quite well. They get tanned fast and this Europeans you are refering to are probably from north Europe.
@@treybanks327 No, Egyptian Royalty did not marry outside their close family, which is why they married incestually, fathers to daughters, sons to mothers and sisters to brothers. Cleopatra was Greek, end of story.