It's gooey goodness, isn't it? If you think this video is a close-up of Björk, you should watch "Mouth Mantra" (Vulnicura era), director Jesse Kanda, whose artwork is commonly unsettling. If you want to get even closer--cellular level, animated--you should watch the video for Björk's "Hollow" (Biophilia era), created by biomedical animator Drew Berry. "Hidden Place" is my favourite Björk song.
It's gooey goodness, isn't it? If you think this video is a close-up of Björk, you should watch "Mouth Mantra" (Vulnicura era), director Jesse Kanda, whose artwork is commonly unsettling. If you want to get even closer--cellular level, animated--you should watch the video for Björk's "Hollow" (Biophilia era), created by biomedical animator Drew Berry.
"Hidden Place" is my favourite Björk song.