Forgot about the bane. Tbh, I've been tunnel visioning EP incandescent on it. Anyone have ep incandescent on bane? This sidearm with arc 3.0 is crazy crazy good!
EP Incandescent is pretty nuts! been enjoying it as a sunshot replacement that synergizes actively with solar 3.0. Also btw, you briefly mentioned in the vid running double bountiful wells, but that actually doesn't get you any benefit, you need to run multiples of the thing that is actually generating the wells to get more per proc, extra copies of bountiful does nothing. Love the insightful content as always!
@CoolGuy you previously mentioned that hipfire grip was a top tier perk on rapidfire sidearms for pvp because "they are some of the most accurate weapons from the hip". Your godroll reconmendation for Fool's Remedy was hipfire killclip. But now that a crafted version with enhanced hipfire grip comes out, it doesn't even get a mention. What has changed for you in that time?
I didn’t have to craft mine. My bane has a range masterwork, extended barrel, choice of flared magwell or alloy magazine because the reload is horrible lol, explosive payload and incandescent. I love it. I play on Xbox.
In defense of Brigad's Law for PvP, it has higher base aim assist and less than half the bounce intensity of Punching Out, which, to my experience, makes it fell a lot better on controller!
I run a void Titan so I just put on that fragment that gives Grenade energy on Melee hits so that’s like a mini Demo recharge when I throw my shield so VoltShot and Pugilist is a perfect combo roll for me as well
I haven’t got that roll yet and can’t craft it yet. But it’s the one I’m goin for. Bc dont all the jolt kills count towards pugilist as well? Edit: if they do, then that’s the way to go imo
@@Roundbrow the scout rifle model for Patron of Fates was so clean, but scouts were awful back then 😢 Would love to see the Dawn weapons return more than any other seasonal weapon set. Breachlight my beloved ♥️
I've noticed that most of the Plunder weapons have lower base range. I'm pretty sure this is just because they didn't want the stats to get nutty when Right Hook is proc'd.
This has (without a doubt) become my favorite legendary weapon in the game. I run it for everything I possibly can and on pretty much every subclass. My only issue before the fix was not being able to get red boarders so I could finally craft it. Now I'm only one RB away from crafting and molding this into my god roll. I just wish it had more range to be better in PvP.
I went with enhanced volt + pugilist. If you want to add your melee abilities to your offensive rotation with high uptime and ad clearing potential without having to build heavily into your melee stats, it is the way.
when this sidearm dropped i took one look at it and said "i'm gonna need 2 or maybe three" good to see we were of the same mind. Rapid fires have always had a special sauce to them and brigand's law is no different, i actually didn't know it could do demo pugilist but i absolutely crafting one of those ASAP once i *ACTUALLY GET RED BORDERS FOR IT*
Weirdly, I was super enjoying the random rolled version I was using during Iron Banner. Really complimented my Arc Monke Hunter. Definately want to get me a Swash/Pugilist/Right Hook combo to pair with Liars.
For me, this is the first weapon I could craft and I'm so happy I can. I put as much reload as I can with pugilist and volt shot. Insane amounts of melee energy with a very good reload. Don't forget this a rapid fire so if you empty the mag you get a slightly faster reload speed. Stack that with reload perk and you are cooking plus if you are running arc you get amplified. So for me threat or feeding frenzy is NOT worth.
I do think dueling is a very general tactic. If you can control your environment, i.e. glaciernades, freezing, vortex/solar/pulse, spike/trip mine, and/or witherhoard. You control the environment, you control whether or not the duel is ranged. Pressure matters a lot more in this meta. I'm no top player, but I have a healthy KD. I'd say dueling matters if you get stuck in a tight spot. If you're building around the chokes and controlling high traffic areas, you've got a good game on your hands. If you try to duel everyone, it could be a steam roll, or disaster, but you have a diversified team. Whether matchmade or your clan/friends. I'd reccomend team shoot and/or control the bottleneck for the team shooters and possible duelers. Range matters in a duel. Yes. Range doesn't matter when you have someone. Or an entire group where you want them. Also... This gun, for the build plays and such, slaps in crucible. I love pugilist demo brigands law in pvp. Run it with witherhoard and osmiomancy and whisper of hunger. I always have my stasis abilities up. If I freeze a group, witherhoard. If someone gets through my goo or I need energy, sidearm. Imagine if "The Title" could roll with all this next spring. "The Title" with pugilist and demo 🥺
If you are an Arcstrider Hunter using Flow State, you could probably choose something else instead of Feeding Frenzy, since you get +55 Reload Speed with 0.87 Duration Multiplier while Amplified, which is equal to Feeding Frenzy X3. As for PVP, Punching Out is significantly better. You can get one with Hammer Forged, Ricochet Rounds, Rangefinder, and Kill Clip with Range MW and it has Suros Synergy, very fun roll.
I've been rocking Pugilist + Demo all season as arc titan and it's seemed crazy to me that no one else is running this combo. Like, sure, Voltshot *is* amazing, but with storm grenade spam jolting targets I don't really need it... I just need more storm grenades!
The problem is you seem to have infinite abilities with near 100% uptime already. Your abilities already demolish most things. The only thing that suffers from ability regen is void hunter.
using ths gun without voltshot? that is the only reason to use this gun. the arc titan build can literally use any weapon and the storm nades will still be infinite
There's a lot of sweet combos this side arm can do. Pugulist with Swashbuckler for immence melee builds, Pugulist and Joltshot for the ion traces builds. this is near A-Teir weapon
Threat detector and voltshot are magical on it when paired with quick charge, a perpetual motion unrelenting riptide, the spark of resistance, spark of ions, blinding nades, and spark of brilliance. Rooty tooty punchy shooty, love doing it on Hunter with disorienting blow. Whatever lives can't see shit
Thanks for the review. I was hoping you’d done the hard work of testing out killingwind + adagio on this. I’ll have to craft one and see for myself. Great stuff CG
I've been loving the Voltshot / Perpetual Motion roll that I got (accurized, arrowhead brake) and oddly, this combined with my crafted Syncopation53 (Enhanced Rangefinder, Enhanced Steady Hands) has somehow allowed me to increase my effectiveness in Control (as an Arc Hunter). Usually I couldn't muster a 1.0KD (I was always that guy at the bottom with a .6, sorry PVP'ers). It's probably me just spending some time to sit with a build and really test it out, but I was finding that in some of the smaller maps, Brigands was really shining for me and worked well for my miserable play style. Close quarters against a submachine gun I did already. Obviously the shotties are always gonna take me out. But overall, it's been pretty exciting cuz for the first time in the nearly 3 years I've been playing Destiny, I finally reset my Crucible rank. :D
That’s what I thought. He confused me when he said “double bountiful wells.” I went back and watched him go thru the armor mods and it didn’t look like he had 2 bountifuls equipped, just 1.
If this had kill clip instead of adagio it would be my go to PvP sidearm. Fools remedy gets hip fire kill clip but it doesnt get enhanced perks, and enhanced hip fire is a game changer. I really like hip fire grip on sidearms because it makes their hip falloff just as good as their ads falloff so you never have to aim with them. And you might think fools remedy has much better base stats, but sights are much worse than barrels for stat increases and it comes out to be equal in the end.
I think Enhanced Hipfire w/ Enhanced RF(or Enhanced Swashbuckler) is a dark horse roll, it's almost TLW lite but without ADS issues. Its range leaves something to be desired, but at 28 body, 36 head, it kills in 5 to the head, 1 to the body at 10 resil within range, but against rushing players it can shred them if you have even a single damage buff like radiant, pair it with a sniper, bow or scout rifle and you're golden. Sidearms in general lend themselves much better to a zoning, flanker style of play, so if don't have a good sense of when to push, I wouldn't recommend Brigands Law (Drang is a more forgiving sidearm for that). If you are centered around zoning and exploiting people out of position, then this could be your new best friend,
I got a lucky drop of FF/Voltshot, and running it on Hunter with Liar's Handshake/Combination Blow to keep Right Hook rolling, plus the Charged Magazine mod. Storm Grenades and Ionic Trace procs keep Amped on me pretty consistently, too. Absolutely beastly in the seasonal content/matchmade content, I barely even swap to my other weapons. Super fun stuff.
Crafted mine with Enhanced Pugilist, Enhanced Voltshot for my void hunter build. Smoke bombs and dodges for invis for days. Favorite rapids side this season.
Personally I have been having a BLAST with this thing in PVP using Getaway Artist to get Amped and I just bum rush people really fast with it and and the Arc Soul
Brigand's Law is great for PvE. But I am good with my god roll of Punching Out. HFR + HC + RF+ KC. Range MW. Put on a Backup Mag and it's good to roll. 16.5 m drop off but easily best TTK Sidearm I have with ease of use for Crucible
I have been loving titan ability build so I really think I’m gonna craft another roll with pugilist and demo. My first roll I went with perp motion rangefinder for pvp and it’s definitely not bad but this sidearm shines in pve and I hope we continue to get weapons like this with double ability perks or damage perks. They did a good job with the perks on the guns both on seasonal weapons but kings fall as well
I made 2 as well. Seeing this I need to make a 3rd. If you're someone like me who totally abstains from pvp, you're missing out on some much needed catalysts like witherhoard. I've avoided starfire builds because of it. Now I have a sympathetic arsenal pugilist brigands law, reloads my witherhoard for me, and lovely snaps are up quick. I'm always looking for ways around reloads, I have a few stasis builds with high ammo slow load weapons and use melee for reloads.
Using this gun while being able to be steadily Amped allowed me to switch out Feeding Frenzy with Hip-Fire grip to swell results. The sight is fine at all but I feel like I am shooting above the barrel sometimes while ADSing
I don't see how you can choose feeding frenzy over threat detector when you yourself say it doesn't go over 15m in use. Threat detector works within 15m and gives you feeding frenzy plus way more.
I’m still planing on trying out the rangefinder roll in crucible. Before this season started, I started using a punching out with rangefinder and found I had a fair amount of luck with it, but to be able to craft one and push that range a little further is something I’ll at least try. If I don’t like it, I’ll re-craft it.
I personally went with Threat Detector and Voltshot. Feeding Frenzy requires kills, doesn't give stability and you'll most likely be close to your targets as the range and kick limits your ability to score long range kills. I don't like Perpetual Motion. It's not that I don't move around a lot. It's that I am forced to do so for it to be worth it.
So I actually run this with killing wind and voltshot in pvp with 98 stability. It's a monster paired with liars handshake and skips. I have so many ways to jolt people, just a fun build
RNG was good to me right off the rip,with scoring voltshot brigand first up followed by voltshot mettle scout,was nasty before I crafted enhanced version with volt /FF, and had 3 more red borders drop towards demo roll, already running Titan main with innermost loving it
I have max 3/5 on Deepsight Frames! Most are at 1 or 2, banging my head haha. Gunna go all in on Expedition & Ketchcrash next week. Crafted my Wastelander & BXR now so I gotta try getting the Slug, Scout & Sidearm 100% I've got a couple very nice static rolls & it's pretty easy to see the potential! I want that Pugelist x Demo Roll that's bonkers!! I didn't know that it was possible, as soon as I saw Pugelist I wanted a weapon with that pairing & it actually exists!
Drang had something similar with enhanced wellspring and incandescent where killing scorched enemies with it would give ability energy on solar subclasses
It also has it's origin perk that increases grenade and melee recharge on kills with your super full, on top of sunspots from titan. You can ability spam really easily.
Dude the sidearm is excellent but the scout is even better because of course you can shoot at far distance and you can have Demo on top of the same clearing add efficacy of the sidearm with voltshot
I've got a punching out with rangefinder and high impact reserves. I'm trying to get a new one with a origin perk. I might farm it. It's absolutely a slayer
Yo I'm a titan main but it's worth putting out there that voltshot works with the perk on crown of tempest. This means you can run solar or void and get like 500% (I don't remember the exact number it's actually above that) cooldown when you get 3 a chain with volt on all abilities and your super.
The Voltshot build is THE PvP build. You do not know how many teams I have wiped by using invis hunter flanks on the enemy backline, reload and wipe the rest of the team. It's nutso.
I’m probably gonna craft Tarnished Mettle first with Demo/Voltshot. I’ll save Pug/Demo for Zaouli’s Bane. That’s the gun I plan to craft two of, for Explosive Payload/Incandescent and Pug/Demo
These frames don’t react well to range boosting perks. Something like accurized rounds doesn’t even give you .5 meters. You should be putting on appended mag to push the magazine from 15 to 18. Then small bore pushes you up a tier in stability while only losing .11 meters from hammer forged. At that point you can go with a handling masterwork to make the gun more snappy. That puts you at an even 15 meters. An even tier 7 stability and tier 6 handling.
I love using swashbuckler/pugilist in pvp with my arc hunter combination blow so good. Although on paper its not the best I slay out with it. Def one of my favorite sidearms and I'm a big sidearm fan.
Travelers chosen can get this result with no rng and crafting involved, maybe not that extreme but its still quicker. Just putting that out there for those who dont wanna grind it.
Sympathetic arsenal is one that has alot of potential if you use it creatively it may not beat out the other perk contenders but I'm keeping my eye out for this perk In the future Also I've been having a blast with it in 6v6s I match it up with a shottty and it was great for clean ups but that's just me
I went with enhanced voltshot/enhanced feeding frenzy cus it fits my arc 3.0 hunter playstyle. But Pugilist would be good on a class that actually needs strength.
I don't like The Title SMG from Guardian Games, but if they update the perk pool to include pugilist and demo, you'll have a gun that gives ability energy to your melee, grenade, AND class ability
I'm with you cool guy I craft 2 weapons that I like as well. I was wondering though. Since some weapons can roll with random perks and we cannot get our materials back once we craft an item, if bungie would allow the weapon's we craft to have selectable perks based on what we purchased to unlock the perk this way we don't have to grind and waste more material/vault space. How do you fell about this matter?
Hey CoolGuy, what mod are you using to benefit from the elemental wells you’re making with Elemental Ordinance, Melee Wellmaker, and Bountiful Wells? Couldn’t tell
I would’ve as well, but I solo a lot of the harder content bc my friends don’t play the game anymore, so I needed to focus on tarnished first. Both have been a lot of fun so far.
Forgot about the bane. Tbh, I've been tunnel visioning EP incandescent on it. Anyone have ep incandescent on bane?
This sidearm with arc 3.0 is crazy crazy good!
EP Incandescent is pretty nuts! been enjoying it as a sunshot replacement that synergizes actively with solar 3.0. Also btw, you briefly mentioned in the vid running double bountiful wells, but that actually doesn't get you any benefit, you need to run multiples of the thing that is actually generating the wells to get more per proc, extra copies of bountiful does nothing. Love the insightful content as always!
@CoolGuy you previously mentioned that hipfire grip was a top tier perk on rapidfire sidearms for pvp because "they are some of the most accurate weapons from the hip". Your godroll reconmendation for Fool's Remedy was hipfire killclip. But now that a crafted version with enhanced hipfire grip comes out, it doesn't even get a mention. What has changed for you in that time?
I have EP/ Incand. on Bane, got it as my first drop on it and it's awesome on Solar Titan with sunspots.
i have EP/Incondescent on Bane. i’m on xbox too
I didn’t have to craft mine. My bane has a range masterwork, extended barrel, choice of flared magwell or alloy magazine because the reload is horrible lol, explosive payload and incandescent. I love it. I play on Xbox.
In defense of Brigad's Law for PvP, it has higher base aim assist and less than half the bounce intensity of Punching Out, which, to my experience, makes it fell a lot better on controller!
isso ai lukao!!!!
I opted for Pugilist and Voltshot. It has a fairly quick reload already and the bonus melee energy is great.
I run that roll with Claws of Ahamkara on Stormcaller with melee wellmaker + font of power lots of fun in non GM level activities
I run a void Titan so I just put on that fragment that gives Grenade energy on Melee hits so that’s like a mini Demo recharge when I throw my shield so VoltShot and Pugilist is a perfect combo roll for me as well
this is the way
I haven’t got that roll yet and can’t craft it yet. But it’s the one I’m goin for. Bc dont all the jolt kills count towards pugilist as well?
Edit: if they do, then that’s the way to go imo
Zaouli's Bane can also roll Pugilist + Demolitionist
That's good but explosive/incandescent is definitely better
I got this roll its not bad but eould preffer the explosive/incandesent
yup, the one i’m gonna craft.
@@ohgodwhy3246 Had it but switched to Pugilist + incandesent. Feels good
yeah but Explosive Payload + Incandecent exists lol its like a legend sunshot.
Out of all the stuff they brought back I’ve been PRAYING for breach light! Great video man!
Same. With the Opulent weapons coming back last season, it does give me some hope Breachlight in its full glory will return one day.
Gimme all those Dawn weapons. They were so fun, even the more middle of the road ones.
@@Roundbrow the scout rifle model for Patron of Fates was so clean, but scouts were awful back then 😢 Would love to see the Dawn weapons return more than any other seasonal weapon set. Breachlight my beloved ♥️
I've noticed that most of the Plunder weapons have lower base range. I'm pretty sure this is just because they didn't want the stats to get nutty when Right Hook is proc'd.
This has (without a doubt) become my favorite legendary weapon in the game. I run it for everything I possibly can and on pretty much every subclass. My only issue before the fix was not being able to get red boarders so I could finally craft it. Now I'm only one RB away from crafting and molding this into my god roll. I just wish it had more range to be better in PvP.
Hope you get it soon! I'm about to go an reshape to feeding/voltshot to help kills
@@MrTHUD03 At the very least I will have it by next week when I get my weekly red boarder.
I went with enhanced volt + pugilist. If you want to add your melee abilities to your offensive rotation with high uptime and ad clearing potential without having to build heavily into your melee stats, it is the way.
when this sidearm dropped i took one look at it and said "i'm gonna need 2 or maybe three" good to see we were of the same mind. Rapid fires have always had a special sauce to them and brigand's law is no different, i actually didn't know it could do demo pugilist but i absolutely crafting one of those ASAP once i *ACTUALLY GET RED BORDERS FOR IT*
That Demo/Pugilist Brigand's Law could pair great with the Demo/Wellspring Fortissimo I have. Definitely going to go for this one.
Weirdly, I was super enjoying the random rolled version I was using during Iron Banner.
Really complimented my Arc Monke Hunter.
Definately want to get me a Swash/Pugilist/Right Hook combo to pair with Liars.
For me, this is the first weapon I could craft and I'm so happy I can. I put as much reload as I can with pugilist and volt shot. Insane amounts of melee energy with a very good reload. Don't forget this a rapid fire so if you empty the mag you get a slightly faster reload speed. Stack that with reload perk and you are cooking plus if you are running arc you get amplified. So for me threat or feeding frenzy is NOT worth.
I do think dueling is a very general tactic. If you can control your environment, i.e. glaciernades, freezing, vortex/solar/pulse, spike/trip mine, and/or witherhoard. You control the environment, you control whether or not the duel is ranged. Pressure matters a lot more in this meta.
I'm no top player, but I have a healthy KD. I'd say dueling matters if you get stuck in a tight spot. If you're building around the chokes and controlling high traffic areas, you've got a good game on your hands.
If you try to duel everyone, it could be a steam roll, or disaster, but you have a diversified team. Whether matchmade or your clan/friends. I'd reccomend team shoot and/or control the bottleneck for the team shooters and possible duelers.
Range matters in a duel. Yes. Range doesn't matter when you have someone. Or an entire group where you want them.
This gun, for the build plays and such, slaps in crucible.
I love pugilist demo brigands law in pvp.
Run it with witherhoard and osmiomancy and whisper of hunger.
I always have my stasis abilities up. If I freeze a group, witherhoard. If someone gets through my goo or I need energy, sidearm.
Imagine if "The Title" could roll with all this next spring.
"The Title" with pugilist and demo 🥺
This sidearm is top tier!
Threat and Volt is great. Both enhanced makes one perpetually amped up!
This is my crafted roll as well and it shreds. Especially with arc amplified, you don't even miss Feeding Frenzy!
If you are an Arcstrider Hunter using Flow State, you could probably choose something else instead of Feeding Frenzy, since you get +55 Reload Speed with 0.87 Duration Multiplier while Amplified, which is equal to Feeding Frenzy X3.
As for PVP, Punching Out is significantly better. You can get one with Hammer Forged, Ricochet Rounds, Rangefinder, and Kill Clip with Range MW and it has Suros Synergy, very fun roll.
I’m on controller so I went with enhanced threat detector since you’re almost always proccing the perk with it.
@@SavvyMon4 Yup, that is my exact plan haha. Also works as a nice heads up that enemies are within the optimal range for PVP.
@@campolo313 exactly!
I've been rocking Pugilist + Demo all season as arc titan and it's seemed crazy to me that no one else is running this combo. Like, sure, Voltshot *is* amazing, but with storm grenade spam jolting targets I don't really need it... I just need more storm grenades!
The problem is you seem to have infinite abilities with near 100% uptime already.
Your abilities already demolish most things.
The only thing that suffers from ability regen is void hunter.
using ths gun without voltshot? that is the only reason to use this gun. the arc titan build can literally use any weapon and the storm nades will still be infinite
4:15 I love how you hit a single hive thrall with the "don't you lecture me with your 30 glimmer haircut"
There's a lot of sweet combos this side arm can do. Pugulist with Swashbuckler for immence melee builds, Pugulist and Joltshot for the ion traces builds. this is near A-Teir weapon
Threat detector and voltshot are magical on it when paired with quick charge, a perpetual motion unrelenting riptide, the spark of resistance, spark of ions, blinding nades, and spark of brilliance. Rooty tooty punchy shooty, love doing it on Hunter with disorienting blow. Whatever lives can't see shit
Thanks for the review. I was hoping you’d done the hard work of testing out killingwind + adagio on this. I’ll have to craft one and see for myself.
Great stuff CG
This little guy made me fall back in love with sidearms. I love this thing.
I've been loving the Voltshot / Perpetual Motion roll that I got (accurized, arrowhead brake) and oddly, this combined with my crafted Syncopation53 (Enhanced Rangefinder, Enhanced Steady Hands) has somehow allowed me to increase my effectiveness in Control (as an Arc Hunter). Usually I couldn't muster a 1.0KD (I was always that guy at the bottom with a .6, sorry PVP'ers).
It's probably me just spending some time to sit with a build and really test it out, but I was finding that in some of the smaller maps, Brigands was really shining for me and worked well for my miserable play style. Close quarters against a submachine gun I did already. Obviously the shotties are always gonna take me out. But overall, it's been pretty exciting cuz for the first time in the nearly 3 years I've been playing Destiny, I finally reset my Crucible rank. :D
FYI, I think bountiful wells does not stack, but allows other mods like Elemental Ordnance to stack.
That’s what I thought. He confused me when he said “double bountiful wells.” I went back and watched him go thru the armor mods and it didn’t look like he had 2 bountifuls equipped, just 1.
If this had kill clip instead of adagio it would be my go to PvP sidearm. Fools remedy gets hip fire kill clip but it doesnt get enhanced perks, and enhanced hip fire is a game changer. I really like hip fire grip on sidearms because it makes their hip falloff just as good as their ads falloff so you never have to aim with them. And you might think fools remedy has much better base stats, but sights are much worse than barrels for stat increases and it comes out to be equal in the end.
I think Enhanced Hipfire w/ Enhanced RF(or Enhanced Swashbuckler) is a dark horse roll, it's almost TLW lite but without ADS issues. Its range leaves something to be desired, but at 28 body, 36 head, it kills in 5 to the head, 1 to the body at 10 resil within range, but against rushing players it can shred them if you have even a single damage buff like radiant, pair it with a sniper, bow or scout rifle and you're golden. Sidearms in general lend themselves much better to a zoning, flanker style of play, so if don't have a good sense of when to push, I wouldn't recommend Brigands Law (Drang is a more forgiving sidearm for that). If you are centered around zoning and exploiting people out of position, then this could be your new best friend,
I got a lucky drop of FF/Voltshot, and running it on Hunter with Liar's Handshake/Combination Blow to keep Right Hook rolling, plus the Charged Magazine mod. Storm Grenades and Ionic Trace procs keep Amped on me pretty consistently, too. Absolutely beastly in the seasonal content/matchmade content, I barely even swap to my other weapons. Super fun stuff.
Crafted mine with Enhanced Pugilist, Enhanced Voltshot for my void hunter build. Smoke bombs and dodges for invis for days. Favorite rapids side this season.
Personally I have been having a BLAST with this thing in PVP using Getaway Artist to get Amped and I just bum rush people really fast with it and and the Arc Soul
Brigand's Law is great for PvE. But I am good with my god roll of Punching Out. HFR + HC + RF+ KC. Range MW. Put on a Backup Mag and it's good to roll. 16.5 m drop off but easily best TTK Sidearm I have with ease of use for Crucible
What roll??
@@tabl10s I put it in the comment already. Hammer Forged + High Cal + Rangefinder + Kill Clip. With a range Masterwork
I have been loving titan ability build so I really think I’m gonna craft another roll with pugilist and demo. My first roll I went with perp motion rangefinder for pvp and it’s definitely not bad but this sidearm shines in pve and I hope we continue to get weapons like this with double ability perks or damage perks. They did a good job with the perks on the guns both on seasonal weapons but kings fall as well
I made 2 as well. Seeing this I need to make a 3rd. If you're someone like me who totally abstains from pvp, you're missing out on some much needed catalysts like witherhoard. I've avoided starfire builds because of it. Now I have a sympathetic arsenal pugilist brigands law, reloads my witherhoard for me, and lovely snaps are up quick.
I'm always looking for ways around reloads, I have a few stasis builds with high ammo slow load weapons and use melee for reloads.
I've got a Rangefinder + Kill Clip Punching Out that I even use in Trials sometimes that I love.
Using this gun while being able to be steadily Amped allowed me to switch out Feeding Frenzy with Hip-Fire grip to swell results. The sight is fine at all but I feel like I am shooting above the barrel sometimes while ADSing
Killing Wind > Feeding Frenzy for me personally. Get more range/handling, and still get a bump to reload speed
(Fart noise)
I’ve been using it in pvp. The one I crafted is enhanced threat detector and enhanced rangefinder. I love it!
I don't see how you can choose feeding frenzy over threat detector when you yourself say it doesn't go over 15m in use. Threat detector works within 15m and gives you feeding frenzy plus way more.
Good point..
I feel like feeding frenzy isn’t even necessary because the reload speed increase from getting amplified from the jolts is enough for me
the "Demo Pug" at the end made me think of a doggo with an eyepatch and a grenade launcher.
I put Pugilist and Swashbuckler on mine, I also rock the necrotic grips. so far, I'm having fun with it.
I’m still planing on trying out the rangefinder roll in crucible. Before this season started, I started using a punching out with rangefinder and found I had a fair amount of luck with it, but to be able to craft one and push that range a little further is something I’ll at least try. If I don’t like it, I’ll re-craft it.
Now I’m just imagining a bow with volt shot
Trinity Ghoul would like to know your location
Its called the trinity ghoul
I personally went with Threat Detector and Voltshot. Feeding Frenzy requires kills, doesn't give stability and you'll most likely be close to your targets as the range and kick limits your ability to score long range kills. I don't like Perpetual Motion. It's not that I don't move around a lot. It's that I am forced to do so for it to be worth it.
So I actually run this with killing wind and voltshot in pvp with 98 stability. It's a monster paired with liars handshake and skips. I have so many ways to jolt people, just a fun build
The zaouli’s bane or however you spell the kings fall raid hand cannon can drops demo + pugilist
It recoils weird when you ads. If you look at the ceiling and switch between ads and hipfire, the ads is more jumpy.
Fun fact: No Reprieve and Blood Fued can roll pugilist/welspring. Pair NR with No Backup Plans, and you get your melee back in about 3 kills
Love this gun. I think it's better than Tarnished but I can see how the scout would be much better in end game.
apples and oranges
RNG was good to me right off the rip,with scoring voltshot brigand first up followed by voltshot mettle scout,was nasty before I crafted enhanced version with volt /FF, and had 3 more red borders drop towards demo roll, already running Titan main with innermost loving it
Pugilist, Demo, Calaban's hand hunter, knifes and nades for everyone
I have max 3/5 on Deepsight Frames! Most are at 1 or 2, banging my head haha.
Gunna go all in on Expedition & Ketchcrash next week. Crafted my Wastelander & BXR now so I gotta try getting the Slug, Scout & Sidearm 100% I've got a couple very nice static rolls & it's pretty easy to see the potential!
I want that Pugelist x Demo Roll that's bonkers!! I didn't know that it was possible, as soon as I saw Pugelist I wanted a weapon with that pairing & it actually exists!
I really disagree I love it in pvp its taken me flawless but I'm a side arm player as well
my first drop was hammer forged, accurized, threat detector and volt shot and i love it.
i have a random rolled feeding frenzy voltshot with almost 6k kills on it. its quickly become one of my favorite workhorses regardless of damage type
Thanks for gettin nerdy with it buddy
Drang had something similar with enhanced wellspring and incandescent where killing scorched enemies with it would give ability energy on solar subclasses
It also has it's origin perk that increases grenade and melee recharge on kills with your super full, on top of sunspots from titan. You can ability spam really easily.
haha i can hear the excitement in your voice..ive been using enhanced feeding and volt for awhile and i love it
Dude the sidearm is excellent but the scout is even better because of course you can shoot at far distance and you can have Demo on top of the same clearing add efficacy of the sidearm with voltshot
I've got a punching out with rangefinder and high impact reserves. I'm trying to get a new one with a origin perk. I might farm it. It's absolutely a slayer
Yo I'm a titan main but it's worth putting out there that voltshot works with the perk on crown of tempest. This means you can run solar or void and get like 500% (I don't remember the exact number it's actually above that) cooldown when you get 3 a chain with volt on all abilities and your super.
On god? I have to try this later
Does it really? I hope it does, but Crown of Tempest says it improves regen speed of arc abilities specifically.
Voltshot on this thing is just ridiculous. Seriously feels like an exotic.
The Voltshot build is THE PvP build. You do not know how many teams I have wiped by using invis hunter flanks on the enemy backline, reload and wipe the rest of the team. It's nutso.
Legendary Energy slot version of Traveler's Chosen but without the Class Ability portion.
Got the one from the season pass with threat/volt shot, love it for pve but might actually craft a pm/adagio one for pvp
I went smallbore/accurized/threat detector/voltshot so that I could use it in pve but also not have super low range if I wanted to use it in pvp.
I’ve been loving a volt shot stability MW in crucible
You should be able to craft multiple perks on a gun . Hell you can get multiple options on crucible weapons after rank reset
This along with Ammit are my favorite guns of the season.
Still, Punching Out would like a word in terms of Legendary Sidearms
I’m probably gonna craft Tarnished Mettle first with Demo/Voltshot. I’ll save Pug/Demo for Zaouli’s Bane. That’s the gun I plan to craft two of, for Explosive Payload/Incandescent and Pug/Demo
I just got the pug/demo random roll last night on this piece I was shooketh
Pug, swash. as warlock with Ahamkaras claw. Use as a follow up to lightening surge
CoolGuy, when you crafted the Wastelander, did you craft your pure speed roll as well as a max range roll?
You can get pugilist and demo on the kings fall handcannon too
Zaouli's Bane can roll Pugilist + Demo as well :) one of the few rolls of that hand cannon I've had drop for me after all my KF runs.
Personally for PvP, I’ve really been loving Killing wind and Adagio.
Punching Out can drop rangefinder killclip, a roll I'm still looking for. In the meantime I have a moving target killclip roll
These frames don’t react well to range boosting perks. Something like accurized rounds doesn’t even give you .5 meters. You should be putting on appended mag to push the magazine from 15 to 18. Then small bore pushes you up a tier in stability while only losing .11 meters from hammer forged. At that point you can go with a handling masterwork to make the gun more snappy. That puts you at an even 15 meters. An even tier 7 stability and tier 6 handling.
Surprisingly really enjoy Perpetual Motion + Adagio, want to craft KW + Adagio.
I love using swashbuckler/pugilist in pvp with my arc hunter combination blow so good. Although on paper its not the best I slay out with it. Def one of my favorite sidearms and I'm a big sidearm fan.
I rock surprise attack mod with it, and it smokes ! I love side arms again!!
Punching out rolls rangefinder kill clip
Travelers chosen can get this result with no rng and crafting involved, maybe not that extreme but its still quicker. Just putting that out there for those who dont wanna grind it.
It is one of my favorite weapons in the game. So much fun.
Sympathetic arsenal is one that has alot of potential if you use it creatively it may not beat out the other perk contenders but I'm keeping my eye out for this perk In the future
Also I've been having a blast with it in 6v6s I match it up with a shottty and it was great for clean ups but that's just me
I went with enhanced voltshot/enhanced feeding frenzy cus it fits my arc 3.0 hunter playstyle. But Pugilist would be good on a class that actually needs strength.
I got that exact roll to drop early in the season, so I'll craft it with something different than feeding frenzy. Not sure what I'll pick though
Mine doesn't get the gold border in my inventory. But I crafted the same exact roll(s) you have... strange
Definitely gonna craft a voltshot roll to combo with the flavor of my liars handshake build. Good video man 👍
Any roll that has Volt with it will instantly make it good 👌
I wish they would buff the range of all lightweight frame sidearms. The range on them in general sucks
Zaouli's Bane can also get pugilist and demo!
It’s like trespasser but way better somehow. I went with perpetual voltshot
I don't like The Title SMG from Guardian Games, but if they update the perk pool to include pugilist and demo, you'll have a gun that gives ability energy to your melee, grenade, AND class ability
And even then that smg would still be mid
this is an energy traveler's chosen now
What masterwork did you have on the pugilist demo roll? I was gonna guess range or reload
i think you're missing out if you're not using right hook. easy to proc with hunter knives.
I'm with you cool guy I craft 2 weapons that I like as well. I was wondering though. Since some weapons can roll with random perks and we cannot get our materials back once we craft an item, if bungie would allow the weapon's we craft to have selectable perks based on what we purchased to unlock the perk this way we don't have to grind and waste more material/vault space. How do you fell about this matter?
Personally love the weapon. Don't have a redbox print yet, but mine has voltshot killing wind. Love using it
Hey CoolGuy, what mod are you using to benefit from the elemental wells you’re making with Elemental Ordinance, Melee Wellmaker, and Bountiful Wells? Couldn’t tell
Mini travelers chosen w/ that pugilist/demo
sidearms dont need range.. do chambered and steady rounds or tac mag with stability mw. killing wind and adagio is pretty good in pvp
I went for this thing way before tarnished mettle. It's amazing.
I would’ve as well, but I solo a lot of the harder content bc my friends don’t play the game anymore, so I needed to focus on tarnished first. Both have been a lot of fun so far.