What do you guys think of my list? Do you agree with my rankings, or do you think someone else deserves #1? Join my Discord server: discord.gg/fnjV3nV Follow me on Twitch: www.twitch.tv/andrewchicken
@@sahilsarware9853 He is good, but depending on who your team is, he can be lacking. Me personally I have had matches of 200k healing with a good team, but on average it's like 50-90k as you will be in the right spot, but your team won't. That is even at Master League, so wondering where all these amazing teammates are lol.
When Damba came out in the late 2016, it was love at first sight. The snake stun was insanely OP with deft hands 3, I think I was one of the first player using him by that way. Definitely my favorite healer, need some skill to use him properly, cool design and never boring to use
Hi, what are the best cards for Io? I usually use maximum moonwalk (40% increased healing quantity) and the one that says " for every second not using her heal it gets 5% extra regeneration.
@@nicolacantella282 Lvl. 5 "Protectors" / "Moonlight Garden" fill up moonlight better obviously compared to the 5% passive. when maxed it's 10% recovery of moonlight per bow hit (every 0.6 seconds if you're really that accurate of an archer) or 10% every second of being near Luna. personally i prefer this compared to the passive you're using. but the gimmick with Luna refills is you also probably need Spirit Arrows, which helps you reposition Luna often to stay near you constantly for the quicker moonlight recovery in your downtime of not healing. I personally use lvl 3 spirit arrows when i'm using this build. using Moonwalk is good for either probably, but personally i think you shouldn't max it out. i'd rather max out "Restored faith" lvl 5 to sustain myself while healing. and then if I was using Protectors obviously the remaining 1 costs are to make Luna cooldown better + health.
I feel as a corvus main yes he dosent have much sustain but the thing is if you go stunning visage u dont need the mark lifesteal card u need the card the reduces the cd of projection by 2.5 sec when u heal someone with abyssal reconstruction
One more thing with Mal’damba is that his slither cancels all negative effects, that included some ultimates like Maeve’s. Then again that can be said for multiple other healers too.
The problem is that grokh can't heal flank or mobile dmgs (lian, cassie roll...) and is hardcountered by bulldozer (on a blast it's even worst) while ying can heal everybody and bulldozer don't even nerf her as she have reset cards when illusions die... but yep she's harder
She doesn’t really have much utility, only heals. Sure you can use her illus as bodyblocks but those aren’t as reliable as a speed boost with a totem let’s say. To counter her, all you need to do is buy caut. She’s a heal bot but with a less healing output than seris
FINALLY, someone explains Vine tech. Have NEVER seen it explained well in a video and when I explain it to people they think I'm just doing some high-level Grover stuff but it's way simpler than it sounds. When you get the slingshot just right, on large maps on timber mill, it just feels soo good using momentum like that.
Good Vid, though i would say i see furia very rarely and when i do they are always playing DPS not healing builds. Jenos is on the up with his new luminary build you just need to cycle your heals. Glad you mentioned Corvus as well. i think Seris just beats Damba IMO just for the ease of use.. Seris is just so easy to play.
yeah she is easy but stun damba it's so good. Damba with extra damage on the stun can do a lot of healing and has some of the most versatility of any champion. Damba it's not easy to use but most tanks agrre that stun damba it's one of the most annoying things in the game. I've played Jenos and Damba and men they're the most annoying combo.
As a Furia main I am dissapointed by people only using her as a dps. I think when people use her as a healer they use her as a simple healer like seris, but if you actually use all ur skill u will do more damage than most of ur team AND have the most healing done that game
I dont disagree about any of the comments made on my post, I enjoy playing damba a lot more than seris and he brings a lot more utility to the game with his fear and stun. I don't main any particular class but I enjoy supports. To me if your playing at diamond level then yeah damba wins, below diamond seris wins hands down.
Agreed. I'm a Damba main and I found myself in a lobby where Damba was banned. I picked Io after only playing her for a Trials Challenge some time ago. She felt like Damba on easy mode. It's an easy transition b/c there are some similarities.
@@lajatootreacts I think it’s more due to how versatile Grohk is outside of healing, they both have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to healing, but you can’t deny Grohk can put out decent damage and sustain better with his ghost walk vs a mere leap backwards with Io. Also his Ult is actually usable outside of some niche situations.
@@israelip Pip can be good too he just requires more skill than others, though the same can be said for Mal’Damba and he’s much more rewarding to learn.
Io can keep the entire team alive while also basically ignoring damage until caut 2. Problem with io vs grohk is build diversity and ultimate. To be a main support io has to play as a heal bot with life link and moonlight cards while grohk can play a DPS and still main heal. Io's ult is hot garbage on any map without a ledge and will get caught on the tiniest pebble and fail if you aren't careful. not even mentioning its long cast time and that yaggorath is completely immune to it.
I personally think IO and Ying should be on that list they are amazing healers and better that some of those healers on that list they give both dmg and heals and can be very annoying with the right cards.
amazing video as damba main i think hes the best(imo) support. even tho id say its better to stun then use ultimate but that doesnt really matter either way enemy (without res) will be stunned+feared for atleast 4-5 seconds which is more than enough time to kill squishies
A character I have been experimenting with is Rei and I think she is really good. In my experience a good Rei can easily deal with a flank that thinks picking off the support would be easy. The sheer amount she can cut peoples damage with and not to mention her restraint talent makes her really good at the team burst tricky enemies down by making it so they cant heal. Her ult is a great "OH SHIT" button to heal heavily damaged tanks. All in all I think she is a very solid support.
Ye, there are many times I thought I was gonna die then “oh my bounce heal”, “golly gee my envelops ready” “TiMe tO sAvE tHe dAy”. Her dmg is also pretty good for a supp, I just don’t like how her heals feel inconsistent
Glad to see my main, the tree, on the list. Dude is amazing and I always have a blast when using him (don't have 160 levels on him for nothing) Edit: I feel like ripened gourd is slept on
Stunning Visage being slept on... As someone who has definitely found their main, I can tell you right now, a reliable stun burst combo is 100% preventative healing. Or denying healing to enemies. Or picking off pesky flanks and damage dealers.
Great list; just wish I was better at playing damba. I need to work at him more cause good damba's I have on my team tend to do well in support with him, and that ult is crazy...especially if it fears you off the map. Lol
Andrew I truly do feel you may want to check out or even try out the new healing Jenos (yes I am aware of your thoughts of how boring he his) however, I can definitely say with 100% confidence that the new Jenos certainly deserves an honorable mention, and example of this is I played a ranked match about a week ago My team consisted of a 2 tanks,flank and a damage with Jenos as the main solo healer Enemy team also had the same comp, our damage being a Tyra (didn’t pick burn monster btw) and the enemy having an over lvl 300 Lian and we ALL know how bursty she is Their tanks were Barik and Atlas Ours was a Khan and me as Ash They had as a healer your number 2 spot Seris Now you may be surprised or probably confused by the following stats but however The match did go to be a 4/3 with my team coming out with the win on Frozen Guard With the seris having 180k healing not bad of course right? Our Jenos? He has 220k heals as I am looking at my screenshot right now of that match because I was DEFINITELY caught off guard by the fact that a JENOS beat a Seris in heals The dps was equal on both teams with most characters having over 100k damage at the end of the match Anyways I just wanted to bring this information to light because A LOT of people are undermining and underestimating a good Jenos who knows how to heal and has the right cards, I am really hoping you take a look at this comment and perhaps try it out for yourself And if you do wish to see my end of match stats I would gladly join your discord and post it there if it means putting out the name of a Jenos actually being viable right now Anyways great vid as always Andrew, excited for Saati, that’s all I had to say😁
Jenos has always pulled high healing numbers. Reason why people dont like him is bcz of lack of burst heals. I dont deny that a good jenos can pull some work, but its nothing surprising or new honestly.
I think one reason most people don't like jenos is because, even with his new luminary, he is incapable of saving someone who is taking a lot of damage and at low health like seris can. The main reason (I assume) most people are so against jenos is that the majority of players kinda suck. Most people won't cleanse themselves of caut to receive healing, most people have ass positioning, etc. So most people can't take advantage of what jenos can do for them, rather they dive and practically kill themselves and get pissy when you couldn't miraculously keep them alive through that 1v3. In conclusion, Jenos bad cuz low ELO mfs
Jenos is good but in a 1v1 with a burst dmg, you would rather have an Io pocket than a Jenos. Also, not the best sustain. Alltho every healer is the best healer with a skilled player.
*I remember back in the day when I was a noob and played with Mal'Damba like I was carrying my team and not only once but match after match, I thought I was just playing ok at that time, but damb this champion is op.*
Grohk - Very versatile. Can dmg while healing and can also tank. But its hard to heal flanks with Grohk. They had to enter your totem to get heals. Its also not easy to flank grohk Io - Very good heals. I think she's way too underrated. Try pocketing a flank with Io and that flank will destroy the entire enemy team. Io is also not very easy to flank. You can use Luna for shield or backup. Rei - I love Rei. Burst heal to the team and also does more than healing Seris - You can't go wrong with Seris. BUT, you either heal or do dmg. Seris is my go to in ranked but honestly, she is the most boring healer in the game. Mal Damba - Also a very reliable support and fun to play. can heal both tanks and flanks just not as good as Grohk or Io Ying - Also very fun to play. So many ways to heal especially with Life exchange. Her other talents are also fun. Best ult too. I hate her escape ability tho. Sometimes, I get into danger zones Corvus - My go to healer on big maps where the flankers tend to overextend. Nice range but not too much healing. Amazing mobility! Grover - I love Grover cripple so much. also the burst heal in the team! You can also heal both tanks and flanks good with Grover I think every healer is good depending on skill. I'd say Furia or Pip is probably the worst but still manageable. Jenos is fine but also not the best
furia and the heal beams... ye many players hate on you if you pick this talent, even tho it gets the job well done as long as you send the beams where everyone goes anyways. - dont send the beam in the exact middle of point. its best for when you know your team mates and where they will try to position and when to push. alternatively, guide them to good places by putting beam there. - make sure to have this card in loadout that increases beam radius. - beam control is also good to close passages for flanks if you hear them, so you can get out of sticky situations in time.
it may be kinda trash but i LOVE the grohk talent that allow him to heal when shootinh ur allies. Just use the ammo cards and the faster reload item and boom, nobody in your team will die, is fun and kinda strong
Should have mentioned how Damba's slither can remove status effects like reveal/Maeve blind. Getting the CD on elim card practically means you'll always have it if you get 1-2 elims.
All our fellows Jeno's mains crying by now. One of the best cc in game combined with multiple target buff and one shot ultimate to wipe out the enemy team ( best felling when I got a quadra kill with only one button).
i think rei is better than corvus at pocketing, shes a pocket healer and her ultimate legit makes her target invincible along with herself and when thats over the target gets extra healing which helps with sustain during fights
Outside of the tutorial, Mal'Damba was the first champion i ever played in Paladins when i started waaaay back in the open beta. I think like 2016-17? *sigh* I miss multiple old versions of Damba. He has been nerfed/changed in various small ways, sometimes so small i can't put my finger on them. I know they did something to his stuns, or just stun is general, that gives a cooldown on when the next stun can be applied. I miss being the biggest prick in the game and just stunlocking some poor soul. OOH and the recently removed stare talent that got removed, i think it was called Wekeno's Curse. I miss the flexability it gave. Got time to heal? Do that. Need a bit more pressure on the point or help dealing with a flank or the like? You could do that too. But i guess it was removed because it was "not incouraging supporting you team" and i guess the reload talent is more focused on something that is a bit more unique to Damba than a laser beam.
I have seen some impressive Ghrok supports drop some big heal numbies. But overall I’d argue Ying is more consistent and deserves numero 5. Everything else is spot on
I fight as Tiberius against Grover once. A while both throws weapons to each others for while and after that i just started called him "axe wielding Lunatic"
@@thatrandombananaunderyourb7337 Grohk got nerfed and his heals aren't even close to being a good support anymore and Furia's heals are mediocre at best. She can't reliably heal her whole team. She is a second support pick for sure, but not good enough overall.
as a player that plays only supports i can say that every healr can be in the first place , depends on your logout and skills , if it isn't true how can i make 300k healing with everyone
Because you're playing against players who aren't the highest skill level. The strength of supports is which is the Most effective when the best players are playing them against other top players.
I don't get how people call Seris "by far the easiest support/easiest character in the game" when Grover is literally right there. I won't go into an argument on which character is easier to play but both are on the same level to me and in a sense both characters allow the player to just let the game play itself for them with less input than most other characters.
Corvus!? Rofl. I was sure Damba would be the number 1. Oh. Honorable mention. I take it back. :D My guess was also Seris, Damba, Grover, though I'd have thought Seris is number one. It's a fun fact btw. that the two top healer Damba and Seris have the lowest winrates of all supports. Oh, and I forgot. Do NOT play solar beam. The talent got nerfed so hard it's absolutely useless now.
@@kalebwilliams4767 trust me if you’ve went up against a good Seris she’s going to make you buy at least one item just to counter her. Tired of her constant shadow travel? Illuminate. Tired of her Rend Soul stunning you? Resilience. Tired of her Soul Collector making her even more unkillable and deal good damage? Cauterize and Haven. She can be one of the most impactful Champions with her ult alone, it’s a great stepping stool for the likes of Jenos and Skye ults especially if she can stun them with rend soul.
What do you guys think of my list? Do you agree with my rankings, or do you think someone else deserves #1?
Join my Discord server: discord.gg/fnjV3nV
Follow me on Twitch: www.twitch.tv/andrewchicken
You misspelled "TOP" in the title lol
Yes moji
Isn't Seris healing ability the best for support class but the heals are easily countered by caut? ._. how's she 2?
if you remember me so thx you for the video 😁
Why are people asking where's grover when he's literally in the third spot
Those comments were a minute after this video was posted. They didn’t even bother to watch the video.
andrew is wrong grover is best healer in paladins
@@sahilsarware9853 no he isnt
@@sahilsarware9853 He is good, but depending on who your team is, he can be lacking. Me personally I have had matches of 200k healing with a good team, but on average it's like 50-90k as you will be in the right spot, but your team won't. That is even at Master League, so wondering where all these amazing teammates are lol.
When Damba came out in the late 2016, it was love at first sight. The snake stun was insanely OP with deft hands 3, I think I was one of the first player using him by that way. Definitely my favorite healer, need some skill to use him properly, cool design and never boring to use
That were his golden times before they nerfed his HP by 600 or so.
@@elmercy4968 from 2650 to 2200 fuck them
Every video this man makes i feel like i am watching a school presentation and i am here for it
io is really good as well (i am an io main, she does very good healing with the right cards)
I'd agree with that (I also main io)
Hi, what are the best cards for Io? I usually use maximum moonwalk (40% increased healing quantity) and the one that says " for every second not using her heal it gets 5% extra regeneration.
100% agree
@@nicolacantella282 Lvl. 5 "Protectors" / "Moonlight Garden" fill up moonlight better obviously compared to the 5% passive. when maxed it's 10% recovery of moonlight per bow hit (every 0.6 seconds if you're really that accurate of an archer) or 10% every second of being near Luna. personally i prefer this compared to the passive you're using.
but the gimmick with Luna refills is you also probably need Spirit Arrows, which helps you reposition Luna often to stay near you constantly for the quicker moonlight recovery in your downtime of not healing. I personally use lvl 3 spirit arrows when i'm using this build.
using Moonwalk is good for either probably, but personally i think you shouldn't max it out. i'd rather max out "Restored faith" lvl 5 to sustain myself while healing. and then if I was using Protectors obviously the remaining 1 costs are to make Luna cooldown better + health.
Io is garbage
I feel as a corvus main yes he dosent have much sustain but the thing is if you go stunning visage u dont need the mark lifesteal card u need the card the reduces the cd of projection by 2.5 sec when u heal someone with abyssal reconstruction
I'm a corvus main and I carry so hard with him. He is an absolute Savage
Corvus' gimmick is that he isn't a gimmick. He just works.
One more thing with Mal’damba is that his slither cancels all negative effects, that included some ultimates like Maeve’s. Then again that can be said for multiple other healers too.
Seris, Furia ult, Grohk, maybe IO ult and I have no idea if Rei can do it
@@snappiesnap773 rei can’t, but she has a lot of sustain, you can 1v1 a drogoz even
Rei isn't cc immune in ult? I find that hard to believe but I'm not sure.
@@burni988 she isn’t, I’ve seen a rei ult right before a Zhin used spite on her. Wild. She only gains dmg immunity for 2s
@@breademperoar9613 oh ok fair enough.
I'm surprised ying didn't get number 5 at least. I think most people would pick ying over grohk for main healer if those were the only options
The problem is that grokh can't heal flank or mobile dmgs (lian, cassie roll...) and is hardcountered by bulldozer (on a blast it's even worst) while ying can heal everybody and bulldozer don't even nerf her as she have reset cards when illusions die... but yep she's harder
Ying doesn't have any utility besides healing so that's why she's not top 5
She doesn’t really have much utility, only heals. Sure you can use her illus as bodyblocks but those aren’t as reliable as a speed boost with a totem let’s say. To counter her, all you need to do is buy caut. She’s a heal bot but with a less healing output than seris
Grohk can't even solo heal rn. No idea why he's even on the list.
Honestly, I would love to see AC do a top 5 most underrated talents video
I just want to say I was the barik in that grohk portion and it was the strangest game of paladins I've ever played. Gg
FINALLY, someone explains Vine tech. Have NEVER seen it explained well in a video and when I explain it to people they think I'm just doing some high-level Grover stuff but it's way simpler than it sounds. When you get the slingshot just right, on large maps on timber mill, it just feels soo good using momentum like that.
For me Ying is numer 1 for healing, I'm very suprised that she didnt came on this list
Honestly feels like all supports in a really balanced stage right now
Good Vid, though i would say i see furia very rarely and when i do they are always playing DPS not healing builds. Jenos is on the up with his new luminary build you just need to cycle your heals. Glad you mentioned Corvus as well. i think Seris just beats Damba IMO just for the ease of use.. Seris is just so easy to play.
New luminary is insane
yeah she is easy but stun damba it's so good. Damba with extra damage on the stun can do a lot of healing and has some of the most versatility of any champion. Damba it's not easy to use but most tanks agrre that stun damba it's one of the most annoying things in the game. I've played Jenos and Damba and men they're the most annoying combo.
As a Furia main I am dissapointed by people only using her as a dps. I think when people use her as a healer they use her as a simple healer like seris, but if you actually use all ur skill u will do more damage than most of ur team AND have the most healing done that game
Seris is easier to use than Damba but Damba has a lot more utility than Seris
I dont disagree about any of the comments made on my post, I enjoy playing damba a lot more than seris and he brings a lot more utility to the game with his fear and stun. I don't main any particular class but I enjoy supports. To me if your playing at diamond level then yeah damba wins, below diamond seris wins hands down.
i would say ying deserves in this list too .with amazing healing and damage at the same time
Io with a good lifelink build is quite strong right now.
Agreed. I'm a Damba main and I found myself in a lobby where Damba was banned. I picked Io after only playing her for a Trials Challenge some time ago. She felt like Damba on easy mode. It's an easy transition b/c there are some similarities.
Io life link is bad in rank, its good only on casu
@@raxumqc4075 I haven't had issues with her in the d2 realm.
@@MoonlightXYZ damn... people are very bad..
@@raxumqc4075 if only we can all be as good as u lol.
i think io actually deserves a spot. she's underrated. probably put her on spot 5 (:
I think she is way better then Grohk, he literally can only heal tanks, ruins any game tbh
yeah, io is great, ying is great. Corvus is considered the best by some too. Just dont go pip and it's fine.
@@lajatootreacts I think it’s more due to how versatile Grohk is outside of healing, they both have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to healing, but you can’t deny Grohk can put out decent damage and sustain better with his ghost walk vs a mere leap backwards with Io. Also his Ult is actually usable outside of some niche situations.
@@israelip Pip can be good too he just requires more skill than others, though the same can be said for Mal’Damba and he’s much more rewarding to learn.
Io can keep the entire team alive while also basically ignoring damage until caut 2.
Problem with io vs grohk is build diversity and ultimate. To be a main support io has to play as a heal bot with life link and moonlight cards while grohk can play a DPS and still main heal. Io's ult is hot garbage on any map without a ledge and will get caught on the tiniest pebble and fail if you aren't careful. not even mentioning its long cast time and that yaggorath is completely immune to it.
I personally think IO and Ying should be on that list they are amazing healers and better that some of those healers on that list they give both dmg and heals and can be very annoying with the right cards.
Great tpo list!
I see myself as a flank anyways
i read this in pips voice lmao
I typically see myself as something Almost Human
oh no i just played paladins and I thought Pip was good compared to Seris...
maybe my team is just too stupid to group up lmao
*Vex30 entered the chat*
I remember when I was playing whith Yago and a Grohk carried the game for us healing everyone when I was taking all the damage, best support
amazing video as damba main i think hes the best(imo) support. even tho id say its better to stun then use ultimate but that doesnt really matter either way enemy (without res) will be stunned+feared for atleast 4-5 seconds which is more than enough time to kill squishies
I just realized, every single number one spot has been on the thumbnail thus far
A character I have been experimenting with is Rei and I think she is really good. In my experience a good Rei can easily deal with a flank that thinks picking off the support would be easy. The sheer amount she can cut peoples damage with and not to mention her restraint talent makes her really good at the team burst tricky enemies down by making it so they cant heal. Her ult is a great "OH SHIT" button to heal heavily damaged tanks. All in all I think she is a very solid support.
Ye, there are many times I thought I was gonna die then “oh my bounce heal”, “golly gee my envelops ready” “TiMe tO sAvE tHe dAy”. Her dmg is also pretty good for a supp, I just don’t like how her heals feel inconsistent
@@breademperoar9613 you gotta get chromes n stand infront of the tank with that one card n constantly hit shots
Aye im in this video! The vora from the furia section!!
Glad to see my main, the tree, on the list. Dude is amazing and I always have a blast when using him (don't have 160 levels on him for nothing)
Edit: I feel like ripened gourd is slept on
Stunning Visage being slept on... As someone who has definitely found their main, I can tell you right now, a reliable stun burst combo is 100% preventative healing. Or denying healing to enemies. Or picking off pesky flanks and damage dealers.
Great list; just wish I was better at playing damba. I need to work at him more cause good damba's I have on my team tend to do well in support with him, and that ult is crazy...especially if it fears you off the map. Lol
Andrew I truly do feel you may want to check out or even try out the new healing Jenos (yes I am aware of your thoughts of how boring he his) however, I can definitely say with 100% confidence that the new Jenos certainly deserves an honorable mention, and example of this is I played a ranked match about a week ago
My team consisted of a 2 tanks,flank and a damage with Jenos as the main solo healer
Enemy team also had the same comp, our damage being a Tyra (didn’t pick burn monster btw) and the enemy having an over lvl 300 Lian and we ALL know how bursty she is
Their tanks were Barik and Atlas
Ours was a Khan and me as Ash
They had as a healer your number 2 spot Seris
Now you may be surprised or probably confused by the following stats but however
The match did go to be a 4/3 with my team coming out with the win on Frozen Guard
With the seris having 180k healing not bad of course right?
Our Jenos?
He has 220k heals as I am looking at my screenshot right now of that match because I was DEFINITELY caught off guard by the fact that a JENOS beat a Seris in heals
The dps was equal on both teams with most characters having over 100k damage at the end of the match
Anyways I just wanted to bring this information to light because A LOT of people are undermining and underestimating a good Jenos who knows how to heal and has the right cards, I am really hoping you take a look at this comment and perhaps try it out for yourself
And if you do wish to see my end of match stats I would gladly join your discord and post it there if it means putting out the name of a Jenos actually being viable right now
Anyways great vid as always Andrew, excited for Saati, that’s all I had to say😁
Jenos has always pulled high healing numbers. Reason why people dont like him is bcz of lack of burst heals. I dont deny that a good jenos can pull some work, but its nothing surprising or new honestly.
I think one reason most people don't like jenos is because, even with his new luminary, he is incapable of saving someone who is taking a lot of damage and at low health like seris can. The main reason (I assume) most people are so against jenos is that the majority of players kinda suck. Most people won't cleanse themselves of caut to receive healing, most people have ass positioning, etc. So most people can't take advantage of what jenos can do for them, rather they dive and practically kill themselves and get pissy when you couldn't miraculously keep them alive through that 1v3. In conclusion, Jenos bad cuz low ELO mfs
Jenos is good but in a 1v1 with a burst dmg, you would rather have an Io pocket than a Jenos. Also, not the best sustain.
Alltho every healer is the best healer with a skilled player.
Jenos heals are mainly cosmetic, can't save teammates in danger, and has very little impact on a game. I think luminary should be buffed again.
@@lancepeanutbar1579 your opinions are bad, change this pfp
*I remember back in the day when I was a noob and played with Mal'Damba like I was carrying my team and not only once but match after match, I thought I was just playing ok at that time, but damb this champion is op.*
Where does Pip sit on the list? I'd think he'd at least land honorable mentions with his kit
Damn that Khan was going OFF
Grohk - Very versatile. Can dmg while healing and can also tank. But its hard to heal flanks with Grohk. They had to enter your totem to get heals. Its also not easy to flank grohk
Io - Very good heals. I think she's way too underrated. Try pocketing a flank with Io and that flank will destroy the entire enemy team. Io is also not very easy to flank. You can use Luna for shield or backup.
Rei - I love Rei. Burst heal to the team and also does more than healing
Seris - You can't go wrong with Seris. BUT, you either heal or do dmg. Seris is my go to in ranked but honestly, she is the most boring healer in the game.
Mal Damba - Also a very reliable support and fun to play. can heal both tanks and flanks just not as good as Grohk or Io
Ying - Also very fun to play. So many ways to heal especially with Life exchange. Her other talents are also fun. Best ult too. I hate her escape ability tho. Sometimes, I get into danger zones
Corvus - My go to healer on big maps where the flankers tend to overextend. Nice range but not too much healing. Amazing mobility!
Grover - I love Grover cripple so much. also the burst heal in the team! You can also heal both tanks and flanks good with Grover
I think every healer is good depending on skill. I'd say Furia or Pip is probably the worst but still manageable. Jenos is fine but also not the best
6:20 And reload everyones weapons :D
I didnt know that, thanks ^^
Amazing guide!
I’d say take grohk out and put ying at 5 and have grohk at 7 with Corvus at hm
furia and the heal beams... ye many players hate on you if you pick this talent, even tho it gets the job well done as long as you send the beams where everyone goes anyways.
- dont send the beam in the exact middle of point. its best for when you know your team mates and where they will try to position and when to push. alternatively, guide them to good places by putting beam there.
- make sure to have this card in loadout that increases beam radius.
- beam control is also good to close passages for flanks if you hear them, so you can get out of sticky situations in time.
it may be kinda trash but i LOVE the grohk talent that allow him to heal when shootinh ur allies. Just use the ammo cards and the faster reload item and boom, nobody in your team will die, is fun and kinda strong
Proud to be a Damba main
min 9:56 rei is crying "I do heal more than him in my ult" ):
Was thinking the same, but she is a new champion so I understand tge mistake hahah
Rei doesn't really heal more because her ult is single target while Grover can heal everyone to full with his ult
@@Yomush he sayed "nothing can" but there is rei
"I'm still an awesome support."
Great video!
Should have mentioned how Damba's slither can remove status effects like reveal/Maeve blind. Getting the CD on elim card practically means you'll always have it if you get 1-2 elims.
All our fellows Jeno's mains crying by now. One of the best cc in game combined with multiple target buff and one shot ultimate to wipe out the enemy team ( best felling when I got a quadra kill with only one button).
Can’t wait for the top 5 tanks
Here's my top 5:
1. Pip
2. Pip
3. Pip
4. Pip
5. Damba
As a totally non bias person I agree
Corvus can beat him
Let's be honest, We've all played a game where a Seris Ultimate earned you a last minute win.
i think rei is better than corvus at pocketing, shes a pocket healer and her ultimate legit makes her target invincible along with herself and when thats over the target gets extra healing which helps with sustain during fights
My man pip didn’t make it on ):
how can i make the pyre strike ability stop and heal my teamates with the on furia
I feel pip should have earned a spot
Outside of the tutorial, Mal'Damba was the first champion i ever played in Paladins when i started waaaay back in the open beta. I think like 2016-17?
I miss multiple old versions of Damba.
He has been nerfed/changed in various small ways, sometimes so small i can't put my finger on them.
I know they did something to his stuns, or just stun is general, that gives a cooldown on when the next stun can be applied. I miss being the biggest prick in the game and just stunlocking some poor soul.
OOH and the recently removed stare talent that got removed, i think it was called Wekeno's Curse. I miss the flexability it gave.
Got time to heal? Do that.
Need a bit more pressure on the point or help dealing with a flank or the like? You could do that too.
But i guess it was removed because it was "not incouraging supporting you team" and i guess the reload talent is more focused on something that is a bit more unique to Damba than a laser beam.
100% agree , specially with Damba ✌ Keep up the good work
How ying is not there?
I have seen some impressive Ghrok supports drop some big heal numbies. But overall I’d argue Ying is more consistent and deserves numero 5. Everything else is spot on
You are correct. Ying > Grohk.
Having 500k heal doesn't mean you're a good healer
Expected Jenos to make it in top 5
does this also includes Rei?
i cant wait to see the tpo 5 best support champions
Notification had me questioning stuff
I fight as Tiberius against Grover once. A while both throws weapons to each others for while and after that i just started called him "axe wielding Lunatic"
What about Rei? She is really fun to play but my healing output is quite low compared to other supports. Is she worth playing in ranked?
Cant believe io isnt on this list
Is rei good? im confuse i have to buy rei or furia
Top 5, Supports more Hardcore in Paladins.
5 - io
4 - Grohk "domine Spirit"
3 - Ying
2 - Mal`Damba
1 - Pip
Hello from Russia! I very love your channel, and want to take аpologies to every player ho was bulling by russians we are so toxic)
Everyone knows that the best support is Sky-
Oh I'm sorry, it's too soon :(
her nerfs 🗿
@@Aesthxticz- yea
It’s Torv
@@breademperoar9613 exactly
damage grok is insane, ive seen the dude solo a damage, a flank then a tank. i swear they could take away all his healing and he could still be used
Grover is there lets gooooooooooooo
This says a lot about support characters yet I'm one
Did my boy Pip dirty
i agree that corvus sustain is low but well its the same with furia and his ultimate is quite usefull to get enemies out of the point
Grohk definitely isn't good anymore and Furia is mediocre at best. Ying deserved the spot so much more.
Grohk and furia are amazing ying is good too but she isn’t as good as those two
@@thatrandombananaunderyourb7337 Grohk got nerfed and his heals aren't even close to being a good support anymore and Furia's heals are mediocre at best. She can't reliably heal her whole team. She is a second support pick for sure, but not good enough overall.
Shut up
But I see what u mean sadly
@@Helen-mo3vx This was 3 months ago my dude, ur late to the party :v
Def a community list when seris is in 2nd considering caut makes her top 5 at best
How is it now?
Grock is dead Ying is best :D
as a player that plays only supports i can say that every healr can be in the first place , depends on your logout and skills , if it isn't true how can i make 300k healing with everyone
Because you're playing against players who aren't the highest skill level.
The strength of supports is which is the
Most effective when the best players are playing them against other top players.
The hell is ying?
Ying is life
whats a TPO support? :D
Tpo 5 supports
He mispelled TOP lmao
best dps seris build and healer seris build?
There's support class? I feel like they're just a fusion of damage and flank who just have self heal ability
Me: *chooses defense*
4 Randoms with attackers:
Im here to end this man whole carrer
Jenos underrated
Where is moji
* Cries in Pip *
But can they challenge makoa?
I don't get how people call Seris "by far the easiest support/easiest character in the game" when Grover is literally right there. I won't go into an argument on which character is easier to play but both are on the same level to me and in a sense both characters allow the player to just let the game play itself for them with less input than most other characters.
Where is jenos...it is so powerful when we use it in a right way
I don’t feel like arris deserves no. 2 she just doesn’t have a high enough skill ceiling
8:05 ha, I see what you did there
Maybe next season io
No IO in this list!???
is this still viable?
Grohk God Change my Mind
Frontline somwhen this year?
Next week. I've been releasing these top 5 videos every week on Friday ever since I started with the damage one.
@@AndrewChicken GREAT.
Corvus!? Rofl. I was sure Damba would be the number 1. Oh. Honorable mention. I take it back. :D My guess was also Seris, Damba, Grover, though I'd have thought Seris is number one. It's a fun fact btw. that the two top healer Damba and Seris have the lowest winrates of all supports. Oh, and I forgot. Do NOT play solar beam. The talent got nerfed so hard it's absolutely useless now.
You post so early
Seris is good as a healer , not support.
On late game , any mortal reach Seris is literally useless
Not if she use her other talents like stun or soul collector
shes a 0 impact character. she doesnt provide condidtions for her team to win games
@@kalebwilliams4767 trust me if you’ve went up against a good Seris she’s going to make you buy at least one item just to counter her. Tired of her constant shadow travel? Illuminate. Tired of her Rend Soul stunning you? Resilience. Tired of her Soul Collector making her even more unkillable and deal good damage? Cauterize and Haven. She can be one of the most impactful Champions with her ult alone, it’s a great stepping stool for the likes of Jenos and Skye ults especially if she can stun them with rend soul.
@@Nico07312 I play in masters
@@SolamenteRicard0 ergo i said mortal reach seris
Where is Io she's a good healer too
Yea that bc u playing casual
As a grover main, the best way to support the team is to kill the enemies
tell me you dont play ranked without actually telling me you dont play ranked
literally every top 5 this man makes
he doesnt play ranked