✨unboxing the MIVE STYLE FOLDER in 2024✨ best korean FLIP PHONE?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 133

  • @dayr_d
    @dayr_d Месяц назад +45

    I love this phone so much, I'd like to know if it has multiple languages, I asked on reddit but they told me they only have Korean and English :(

  • @fluorescent5120
    @fluorescent5120 Месяц назад +19

    4:08 gave me a heart attack since Im watching this late at night and no one was near me lol. Great video btw, was waiting for this review video of MIVE flip phone

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад +1

      Omg sorry 😂😂😂 excited to post a more in depth video soon!

  • @iansqueaks
    @iansqueaks Месяц назад +9

    Been waiting for this review!!! Great vid :)

  • @ZhuzhyWooshy
    @ZhuzhyWooshy Месяц назад +6

    Can't wait for the full review. I've been thinking about buying this to use as my daily phone.

  • @Idga_f.
    @Idga_f. Месяц назад +3

    Finally !! Thanks for uploading this

  • @CasualPoser
    @CasualPoser Месяц назад +4

    1:00 The seller is so nice for that😮

  • @marieisivy
    @marieisivy Месяц назад +6

    So funny I just found S Folder Phone's page last week in my quest to find this phone here in PH. This video of yours got me excited to finally get mine!

  • @sammy3577
    @sammy3577 Месяц назад +1

    I’ve been waiting for a review of this one! Woo!

  • @AStaff-gh4vo
    @AStaff-gh4vo Месяц назад +1

    I ordered mine! I can't wait for it to arrive ❤ i already got my Fairphone 4 smartphone, but the flip will be like for when i need to focus on study time ❤
    I also ordered a rose pink hard shell case to go with it

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад

      Wuhoooo! So excited for you! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

  • @avanessagonzalez7088
    @avanessagonzalez7088 25 дней назад +3

    I have been seeing your videos for a long time but i still can't decide what phone is the best, in your opinion what's the best flip phones to use nowadays? ❤

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  25 дней назад

      If you want ease of use and access to more apps, I’d say get the mive style folder or the freetel retro mode 2. If you want something simpler but still have some level of access to apps, any Japanese flip phone that has at least android 8 should be good!

  • @CasualPoser
    @CasualPoser Месяц назад +2

    I think this is probably the one I'm gonna get😍

  • @bylaw444
    @bylaw444 7 дней назад

    My boyfriend said he’s gonna buy me this for Xmas 🥰🤩

  • @orangepear909
    @orangepear909 Месяц назад

    AUGH IM GETTING CONVINCED TO BUY IT saving up time ✌️ thank you for the video !! been waiting so long for this

  • @mommyxia6110
    @mommyxia6110 Месяц назад

    Will buy from the same shop too soon! Yay ❤

  • @JackeJoness
    @JackeJoness Месяц назад

    Just ordered this phone! Anticipating it’s arrival, I think ima do a review on it!

  • @introvertedalien6091
    @introvertedalien6091 Месяц назад +3

    Where did u buy?

  • @hargundeepsingh3640
    @hargundeepsingh3640 День назад

    Can you enquire about it's release in other countries as well?

  • @gemchristian9042
    @gemchristian9042 Месяц назад

    It looks really good.

  • @rina7497
    @rina7497 Месяц назад

    waiting for mine to arrive hopefully next month 🥹🥹🥹 tho mine is secondhand but im planning to cover mine with stickers anyway and i also have the lg smart folder so for 6k php im not gonna complain but aaaaah im so excited

  • @wyttew
    @wyttew Месяц назад +3

    hey can you link the page where you got it from? i tried to look for it but didnt find it ;(

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад


  • @berrypgz1
    @berrypgz1 Месяц назад

    I like green and you have a very nice voice ^^

  • @bob-h7y9f
    @bob-h7y9f 10 дней назад +1

    Does it use 3g network??

  • @koomidimples
    @koomidimples Месяц назад

    omg i'm almost sure we bought from the same seller bc i have the same exact freebie set! >< waiting for a more in depth review bc i cant seem to change much using nova launcher and i am lost TTT

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад

      Actually posted a more in depth review. Regarding nova launcher, after downloading it, you can click the home button or end call button and it should come up

    • @koomidimples
      @koomidimples Месяц назад

      @chewyro_chewyro thank you sm! i actually saw your new video and saw what i did wrong lol thanks again!

  • @Niervs
    @Niervs 28 дней назад

    Hallo chewyro!! Thank you for the unboxing and review! I was wondering if you could send/receive photos when texting other people?

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  28 дней назад +2

      Ooof since I dont have anyone to text, I haven’t tried that. You mean mms, right?

    • @Niervs
      @Niervs 28 дней назад

      @ yes, I meant mms. I’m just curious cuz I sometimes need to send pictures via text to my friends and fam

  • @katarina2586
    @katarina2586 23 дня назад

    Nice video! ♡
    But how do I know which case to buy? This is the first time I am looking up these kinds of phones and yea..
    I am not sure how to chose that- and that phone charm. Can I buy them anywhere?

  • @micaelcampillay2281
    @micaelcampillay2281 Месяц назад

    omg tanks i love it

  • @allday.pizzaparty
    @allday.pizzaparty Месяц назад

    Great video. I'm so excited for mine!! But no case though:(

  • @y4z1r4yz
    @y4z1r4yz Месяц назад

    i think, the best Korean flip would be Samsung Folder 2. it’s rlly good!!

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад +1

      I had it and it was painfully slow and old now. Still pretty tho!

  • @lucyaanggraini8669
    @lucyaanggraini8669 Месяц назад +1

    Wow! That looks good, I have a question, does the cellphone have an SD card slot?

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад


    • @zikako
      @zikako 18 дней назад +1

      @@chewyro_chewyro does it have a sim card slot as well??

  • @ee-co4264
    @ee-co4264 Месяц назад +3

    I’m so sad this doesn’t work in the US

    • @kuroi350
      @kuroi350 Месяц назад +1

      How come? I wanted to use it in Europe but I’m worried it won’t work here either

    • @jagwar08
      @jagwar08 Месяц назад

      even its unlock phone??

    • @ee-co4264
      @ee-co4264 Месяц назад

      @@jagwar08 yes someone posted about it recently, but always double check

    • @locorammy
      @locorammy 20 дней назад

      It does you just have to check the bands your carrier has

  • @1bribw247
    @1bribw247 Месяц назад +2

    Would you recommend this or the smasung galaxy folder 2? What are the main differences between the two because just about to buy one

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад +3

      this has android 12 so you get better app support, whereas samsung folder only has android 6 (some 7) and it's outdated plus slow. still useable tho!

    • @1bribw247
      @1bribw247 Месяц назад

      @@chewyro_chewyro Thanks! Gonna go with the mive. Thanks for this video and the comment

  • @tzaress8341
    @tzaress8341 28 дней назад

    I also wanna know where did you find plss give the aap link

  • @koubei305
    @koubei305 Месяц назад +1

    Hello! Where do you buy the phone and the case? Can you share the link?

  • @sarahkanna2989
    @sarahkanna2989 День назад

    How is the build quality of this phone? Considering this one and aroot a1 but I heard thr aroot is very plasticy not sure about this one

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  День назад

      This one is also plastic, but it feels durable and sturdy. Doesn’t feel cheap in your hands. Kinda like any regular dumb phone you had in the past

  • @charlottekateme4192
    @charlottekateme4192 Месяц назад +2

    Hi Chonnie!! I'd like to know where you bought your phone from?😆🥺

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад +3

      I love chonnie! But I’m not chonnie lol
      Got this from a facebook group in the Philippines

    • @charlottekateme4192
      @charlottekateme4192 Месяц назад +1

      @@chewyro_chewyro I'm so sorry....I thought this was Chonnie's account. Please forgive me 😭. Thank you! 😊

    • @mysterygurlzz227
      @mysterygurlzz227 Месяц назад

      ​@chewyro_chewyro hello what group is this id like to keep a look out for this too huhu

    • @ddunst1
      @ddunst1 Месяц назад

      want to know what group you got this from I want one huhu

  • @DexterHR
    @DexterHR Месяц назад +2

    It actually seems to work pretty smooth considering it has only 2gb of ram. I wander how’s battery life?

    • @kumo4
      @kumo4 Месяц назад

      Wander means walking around for no reason. You must have meant wonder.

    • @DexterHR
      @DexterHR Месяц назад +4

      @@kumo4 I did. English is not my native language so occasional mistakes are possible. 😁

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад +4

      Battery life is about 1-2 days for me. I use yt, messenger, apple music, and some discord/reddit here and there

  • @rrrahmdni
    @rrrahmdni Месяц назад +1

    Does it have a front facing camera?

  • @eommagom
    @eommagom 28 дней назад

    where to buy?

  • @stradn
    @stradn Месяц назад

    Audio too low, but other than that, great!

  • @zyzyy_g
    @zyzyy_g Месяц назад

    great video!!! ❤️ just curious how much is the price range for mive flip? thank youuu💚💚💚

  • @shobhadevi7351
    @shobhadevi7351 11 дней назад

    Does anybody know how to order it in india?

  • @katsunaksu
    @katsunaksu Месяц назад

    i just got this phone but i cant figure out how to type on the keypad, it only lets me type numbers on it not letters :(

    • @katsunaksu
      @katsunaksu Месяц назад

      nevermind I figured it out!! Is there a way to take a screenshot though?

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад

      You have to click the * key to toggle :)

  • @annepasallan4322
    @annepasallan4322 22 дня назад

    i got this 3weeks ago, but cant make and receive calls, only text, globe subscriber here, does calling work for you?

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  22 дня назад

      Sorry, not sure what the issue is :( haven’t tried globe. I’m using smart and everything works for me

  • @The_Average_Daydreamer
    @The_Average_Daydreamer 12 дней назад

    Do you know how to change the language to english?I got one and its just in korean,I'm a little confused(◎﹏◎)

  • @m3raaaaaaaaa
    @m3raaaaaaaaa Месяц назад +1

    how to turn it on ?

  • @stopmotionadventures4812
    @stopmotionadventures4812 Месяц назад

    where did you get the clear case? 🙏😔

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад +1

      got it from the phone seller > s folder phone on facebook

  • @leileilove
    @leileilove Месяц назад

    Where did the first keychain comes from ?

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад

      The pink flower one was a freebie from the seller. :)
      If you were referring to a different one, then I got it here: ph.shp.ee/gS4Fuxk

  • @DCT7
    @DCT7 27 дней назад

    Does the phone have Bluetooth and is it capable of google maps and Spotify?

  • @TahrimRahman
    @TahrimRahman Месяц назад +1

    Can you please give me the exact model name? Will be helpful.. :3
    And also Which seller did you buy from.. :)

    • @VirusHanzoQuinn
      @VirusHanzoQuinn Месяц назад +1

      Looks like the Alt Mive Style Folder Model AT-M120. That one is 2Gb or so. Might have higher memory options maybe.

    • @VirusHanzoQuinn
      @VirusHanzoQuinn Месяц назад +1

      Seems eBay, AliExpress, or certain website resellers have it there. Has a white and black version from the specifications.

    • @TahrimRahman
      @TahrimRahman Месяц назад

      @@VirusHanzoQuinn Thanks..

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад

      alt mive style folder :)

  • @treeriders
    @treeriders Месяц назад +2

    Any plans to get the Freetel Mode 1 Retro 2?

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад +1

      looking for a good deal on it, actually! 😅

  • @AjagunnaMojadesola
    @AjagunnaMojadesola Месяц назад

    I‘m struggling 😭
    How do you get the phone charm in the phone?

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад +1

      Tweezers! Sometimes I use a sim pin thingy to push and pull the charm thread lol

    • @AjagunnaMojadesola
      @AjagunnaMojadesola Месяц назад

      @chewyro_chewyro Thank you 🤭

  • @MisfitsCode
    @MisfitsCode Месяц назад +1

    hey! cool! i have some questions, android auto for example works? and maps? is android or android go?

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад

      Haven’t tried actually! It is android go. Will update you if ever

  • @CorpsR.
    @CorpsR. Месяц назад

    what is better fy opinion? this mive or the samsung folder 2 wanted to buy it here in korea :>>

  • @VictorianBlue
    @VictorianBlue Месяц назад

    What flip phone out of all the flip phones you own would you recommend?

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад

      Depends on what you’re looking for honestly! If you can live with no banking or transportation apps, the Japanese flip phones are great! I recommend the kyocera 902kc or kyf42c.
      If you want a flip phone that’s smarter and can easily install apps, there’s the samsung folder 2, mive style folder, freetel retro, and cat s22

  • @cincin5078
    @cincin5078 20 дней назад

    where can you buy this?

    • @zikako
      @zikako 18 дней назад +1


  • @shamelle9945
    @shamelle9945 8 часов назад

    i assume zoom works there? hahaha i wanna buy that but i have online classes in zoom

  • @lilgoku461
    @lilgoku461 Месяц назад

    What phone is this? It's so cute!!

  • @kyrabankz
    @kyrabankz Месяц назад

    Nag wowork po youtube music or spotify kahit naka sarado?

  • @grapikim
    @grapikim Месяц назад

    Ang daming freebies

  • @anai4858
    @anai4858 Месяц назад +2

    i wonder if whatsapp works in that phone 👀

  • @ника-к9с
    @ника-к9с Месяц назад

    Does anyone know how to order it to Russia?

    • @tala-os9gy
      @tala-os9gy Месяц назад

      можно заказать через сдек форфард с корейского сайта купанг, но нужна иностранная карта

  • @bridgethealey7188
    @bridgethealey7188 13 дней назад

    Can you make phone calls on whatsapp on this phone?

  • @nxtAlxne
    @nxtAlxne Месяц назад

    Urrgh it keeps getting sold out!!

  • @transience4635
    @transience4635 Месяц назад

    Looks pretty good! How much did you pay for that phone?

  • @serinuu-xoxo
    @serinuu-xoxo Месяц назад

    Helloo!! I've been surfing review video but which fliphone would you recommend for using Pinterest, reading (ao3/tumblr/manhwa), spotify (Bluetooth? Though wired is okay ^0^), youtube and other sorts of usual day to day necessities without it lagging and if possible one that uses a hotspot? :3 I've been alternating to qin f22 but i really love the aesthetic of flip phones so mive got me thinking... T^T

    • @chewyro_chewyro
      @chewyro_chewyro  Месяц назад +1

      If you really need youtube and other apps, get something with at least android 8 and has google services support. The mive has all those! :)

    • @serinuu-xoxo
      @serinuu-xoxo Месяц назад

      @chewyro_chewyro thank you for providing a response alongside with tips ^0^! Do you have any marketplace that you recommend I buy from? :33