Ahhh, thank you Monica. Even if Conrad had survived the massive heart attack, he wouldn't be here today.....however, I've read where he had future roles that he wanted to play like Freud and composer Franz Listz (sp?). So he could have done a wee bit more work on stage, etc. A great loss, but we all have our memories. Ohhh...those EYES!!!
Such a great talent.
Happy Birthday, C! Gone, but never forgotten. I wish he lived in our era. I love the wink at the end!
I'm madly in love with this actor
Ahhh, thank you Monica. Even if Conrad had survived the massive heart attack, he wouldn't be here today.....however, I've read where he had future roles that he wanted to play like Freud and composer Franz Listz (sp?). So he could have done a wee bit more work on stage, etc. A great loss, but we all have our memories. Ohhh...those EYES!!!
He was so perfect!
Lovely compilation. Thanks Monica.
😢Absolutely beautiful...50 years on this earth just isn't fair, but it must've been a fantastic ride!
Love it! Happy 122 birthday Conrad!
Beautiful. Thank you !
Thank you very much, it is beautiful
what's the performance at the :37 and :55 marks? not familiar with those yet. He's so brilliant
they don't have faces like that any more.
2023 - 130 ieme anniversaire de Conrad VEIDT ...